state of the church 2011


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State of the Church 2011 Here we are at the beginning of the 2 nd decade of the 7 th Millennium and the 21 st Century. Ready or not, we are about to launch into a whole new dimension in Church History! What a time to be alive & in the Kingdom of God! . Summit Vision 2011. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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State of the Church 2011• Here we are at the beginning of the 2nd decade

of the 7th Millennium and the 21st Century.• Ready or not, we are about to launch into a

whole new dimension in Church History!• What a time to be alive & in the Kingdom of


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Summit Vision 2011• Prophets and apostles would have loved to be

alive today to witness what you and I are about to see in the years ahead.

Matthew 13:17 - For I tell you the truth, many prophets and righteous men longed to see what you see but did not see it, and to hear what you hear but did not hear it.

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Summit Vision 2011• That is a good description of our time. • We are seeing the greatest advancements in

the Gospel in history. • More signs, wonders & miracles than before.• In the middle of all this, God has raised up

Summit Church to be a city on a hill shining brightly the Light of Jesus Christ to the world.

• For such a time as this, we as a body have been birthed into the Kingdom of God.

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Summit Vision 2011• This morning I want look back at what we

have done this year. • Then look ahead at where we as a church are

going. • We are going somewhere, and I pray you will

go with us! • But, first let’s revisit the Summit Vision.

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Summit Vision 2011• I have always had this urge inside of me to

climb mountains to see the other side. • Maybe that is why I love traveling to minister

in new places around the world. • Ever since I was a child growing up in

Charleston I have had a love for mountains.• But, I especially like being at the top where

you can see what is on the other side.

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Summit Vision 2011• When you are on top or at the summit, you

can see further and more clearly than you can from any other point.

• It is the view from the summit or Summit Vision.

• Having a clear vision is extremely important. • It is like standing at the top of the highest

mountain on a clear day.

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Summit Vision 2011• What does the Bible say about having a vision?• Proverbs 29:18 – Where there is no vision, the

people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he. (KJV)

• Proverbs 29:18 – Where there is no revelation, the people cast off restraint; but blessed is he who keeps the law. (NIV)

• Proverbs 29:18 – When people do not accept divine guidance, they run wild. But whoever obeys the law is happy. (NLT)

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Summit Vision 2011• Without a vision or a direction, the people are

scattered. • They go in all directions and everyone does their own

thing. • There is no unifying force to keep everyone focused

in the right direction. • The time of the Judges—Everyone does what is right

in their own eyes. • Everyone has their own opinion of what should be

done, but no one knows how to put it all together.

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Summit Vision 2011• A Vision Keeps Us –1. Focused2. United3. Moving4. In the Right Direction

– A Map5. Provides a Standard to judge ourselves.

– How are we doing?

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Summit Vision 2011• Name = Vision – The name, Summit,

encompasses our vision for this church.

• We want to bring people from the deep valleys of life to the mountain top where they can meet Jesus—where they can have their own summit experience—then repeat the process!

• Win – Equip – Release

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Summit Vision 2011• There are many verses that speak of going to

the Mountain of the Lord or to The Summit to meet the Lord.

• Let’s review a couple of them: • Genesis 22:14 – “Abraham named the place

Yahweh-Jireh (which means ‘the Lord will provide’). To this day, people still use that name as a proverb: ‘On the mountain of the Lord it will be provided.’"

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Summit Vision 2011• Jehovah-Jireh – God revealed this aspect of His

personality on the Mountain Top. • Our prayer is that at Summit Church (on the

Mountain of the Lord), people will meet Jehovah-Jireh, the Lord who sees the need and meets it.

• We want this church to be a place where the abundant blessings of God flow to lift people from the valleys to the greatest heights.

• Like the verse says, At the Summit the Lord will provide!

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Summit Vision 2010Isaiah 2:2-3 – 2 In the last days, the mountain of the Lord's house will be the highest of all [the summit]—the most important place on earth. It will be raised above the other hills, and people from all over the world will stream there to worship.

• These verses reveal 6 Components of the Summit Vision.

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Summit Vision 2010. . . people from all over the world . . . 1. Outreach to the Lost here and around the

world! (Global Scope)

. . . will stream there to worship. 2. Worship – we believe this will also be a place

of worship to the Lord with songs, instruments, dance and other Biblical expressions of worship.

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Summit Vision 2011

Isaiah 2:3 – People from many nations will come and say, "Come, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of Jacob's God. There He will teach us His ways, and we will walk in His paths." For the Lord's teaching will go out from Zion; His word will go out from Jerusalem.

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Summit Vision 2011There He will teach us His ways . . .

3. Teaching Center – a place where people are taught how to live for the Lord—victoriously!

. . . we will walk in His paths.4. Integrity/Right Living – this will be a place

where people will do the right thing.

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Summit Vision 2011For the Lord's teaching will go out from Zion; His word will go out from Jerusalem.

5. Sending Center – We envision this being a church where people go out from here to other places in West Virginia, this region, our nation and to the ends of the earth to plant satellite churches.

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Summit Vision 2011For the Lord's teaching will go out from Zion; His word will go out from Jerusalem.

6. Media Center – This will be a place where we will use all forms of the media for outreach and to take the teachings to the nations.

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Summit Vision 2011• What have we accomplished in 2010? 1. Missions Giving – Over 10% of Income2. Locally, we have ministered to numerous

families throughout the area.3. Grown numerically from approx. 15-20 on

Sun. AM to 85-90 people in 23 months.– Sunday PM & Wednesday Nights– George Barna: Church Attendance in decline

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Summit Vision 20114. We have 7 people on staff!5. We added the Jeremy Beck as our Children’s

Pastor this year.6. Pastor Lisa started Bible Blast on Wednesday

nights.7. Finished painting Camp Summit by Brad Basil8. Vertical Youth to Guatemala on a Mission Trip9. Impact 365 Youth Weekend

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Summit Vision 201110.Pastor Jeremiah has developed our media,

website and worship team to new levels.11.Our Worship team has grown significantly

with new instruments and vocals led by Becky Phillips.

12.Started Base Camp, our foundations/new members’ class.

13.Started re:Connect marriage small group under Randy & Renee’s direction.

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Summit Vision 201114.The great Candlelight Service15.The excellent Children’s Program under Lisa

and Jan Phillips’ direction (gifts rising to the surface)

16.You allowed me to go on 2 trips overseas this year—Guatemala & Nicaragua.

17.Hosted VBI’s Worship Team and a Night of Worship

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18.Hosted missionaries and guest speakers:– Greg & Kim Ford—Sudan– Kevin & Karen Hardin—China – Steve Wheeler – Thailand– Romon & Melinda Gore – Bolivia– Christ Temple Worship Team– Terry & Terri Young – Vietnam– Woody Woodson– Pastors John & Terry Brady– Mike Manuel

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Summit Vision 2011• You can feel the excitement and buzz in the

air. • If you were here on the Wednesday night of

the Candlelight Service, you could feel the “Excited Buzz” that was in the air at the conclusion of the service.

• Where are we as a church headed in 2011? • My prayer is to put more legs to the different

segments of the Summit Vision.

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Summit Vision 2011• Work toward a new facility on our 7 acres of

land. • We are taking steps now to prepare for this. • Our children and youth areas are going to

soon be too small.• Priority # 1 – Looking for school portable to

place behind the church which can be sold when we build the new building.

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Summit Vision 2011• Planning to build in phases

– Phase 1 – Build a multipurpose facility– Phase 2 – Revamp this building for the youth– Phase 3 – Build a sanctuary

• Priority # 2 – Further develop our worship with technical aids, ie., lighting, sound equipment, microphones and etc.

• Our present system is antiquated and cannot handle what we are trying to do.

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Summit Vision 2011• Projected Growth – Looking at the growth

rates over the last 23 months, we could have 125-150 in attendance by the end of this year.

• The reason growth is good is that it means you are reaching new people.

• To say that you want to stay small is to say you don’t care about reaching others.

• Develop the Prayer Ministry with Linda Davis as our Prayer Coordinator.

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Summit Vision 2011• Vertical Youth – to see them grow and be a

vital part of this church.• Camp Summit – to see them become a life

changing children’s program. • Our vision is for the children & youth to be

life-changing & not glorified babysitting.• Children & Youth are vital part of the church.

(grow up & tithe)

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Summit Vision 2011

• Increase our evangelism and outreaches into our community (creative).

• Increase our missions giving.• Increase in advertising by using all forms of

media-print, radio, TV, internet and etc.

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Summit Vision 2011• I desire that everyone who calls Summit

Church their home church will take ownership of the vision as their own.

• These are just some of the areas we are developing and where we are headed.

• It is by no means an exhaustive list.• Let me give you a list of specifics needs that

we have as a church, so you can begin to pray for them during the next 21 days of fasting.

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• Breakthrough/Breakout in every area!• Healing• Finances – 100% Tithers• Anointing in Services• New Building (direction, timing, & finances)• Needs for Existing Building• Church Supported Missionaries• Vertical Youth• Camp Summit• Nursery/Toddlers• Summer Missions Trip

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Church Leadership• Pastors Hal & Lisa Boehm• Pastors Jeremiah & Becky Wentz• Pastors Randy & Renee’ Ellis• Pastor Jeremy Beck (Jamie Sexton/Marriage)• Worship Team• Church Leaders

– Jim & Elaine Douglas– Ron & Jan Phillips– Tim & Brenda Hornick

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• Portable Classroom – $25,000• Music/Sound Equipment

1 - Used Set of Roland V-Drums – $2,000.001 – Mixer – $4,840.00 (Priority)3 – In Ear Monitor Sets – $3,382.50 (Priority)5 – Personal Bodypacks – $2,495.005 – Earphone Sets – $489.501 – Drum Monitor Speaker – $660.001 – Stereo Power Amp – $511.50Various Cables and adapters (estimated) – $200.00UPS Shipping – $100.00Total – $14,678.50

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• Vertical Youth Needs – $3,000.00– Computer– Room Update– Wii System & etc.– Projector & Screen– Ping Pong Table– Foosball Table

• Front of Church Update – $2,500.00• Church Sign on Road – $2,000.00

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Summit Vision 2011• Conclusion – My goal is that the view from the

Summit Vision will be clear and well-defined. • This is a time for all of us to renew our

commitment to the Lord and to the vision that He has linked each of us to.

• This is your vision as well as ours. • We are a team, and we will need to work

together to accomplish this vision!

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Summit Vision 2011• Nehemiah’s Wall – Nehemiah did not rebuild

it himself. • He provided—vision, direction, instruction, &

encouragement • But, the people were organized to build small

sections of the wall until it was all rebuilt.• Each did their part and the project was

completed in record time.

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Summit Vision 2011

• We are building Nehemiah’s wall here. • I am Nehemiah, but I cannot do this by myself.• We all have to work together to see Summit

Vision completed in the way God sees it. • After all, it is His vision, and He is the One

Who gave it.

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Summit Vision 2011We want to bring people from the deep valleys of life to the mountain top where they can meet Jesus—where they can have their own summit experience—then repeat the process!

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