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Page 1: STARTER... · Web view- Portrayal [pɔ:'treiəl] (n) : a description, depiction = sự mô tả - Nomination [,nɔmi'nei∫n] (n) : the action of nominating someone or the state of


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Page 2: STARTER... · Web view- Portrayal [pɔ:'treiəl] (n) : a description, depiction = sự mô tả - Nomination [,nɔmi'nei∫n] (n) : the action of nominating someone or the state of

H.I.A.S.T STARTER TOEIC – Vocabulary and Grammar Handouts

CHAPTER 1- Refrigerate [ri’fridʒəreit] (v) : to make sth such as food or liquid cold in a

refrigerator in order to preserve it or keep it fresh = làm lạnh, ướp lạnh

Refrigerator [ri’fridʒəreitə] (n) = fridge

- Overdose [‘ouvədous] (n) : too much of a drug taken at one time = dùng thuốc quá liều

to take an overdose (v) = overdose (v)

- Emergency [i’mə:dʒensi] (n) : an unexpected and dangerous situation that must be dealt with immediately = sự khẩn cấp

Emergency room (n) : a part of a hospital that immediately helps people who have been hurt in an accident or who are extremely ill = phòng cấp cứu

- Consult [kən’sʌlt] (v) : to ask sb for some information or advice = hỏi ý kiến, tham khảo

- Medication [,medi’kei∫n] (n) : medicine or drugs given to people who are ill to take medication (v)

- Accelerate [ək’seləreit] (v) : to go faster, to make sth go faster or happen more quickly = thúc đẩy

Acceleration (n)

- Commerce [‘kɔmə:s] (n) : the buying and selling of goods and services = buôn bán, thương nghiệp, thương mại

- Succession [sək’se∫n] (n) : happening one after the other without anything different happening in between = sự nối tiếp, dãy, chuỗi

- Sustainable [səs’teinəbl] (adj) : able to continue without causing damage to the environment = có thể tiếp tục mà không gây hại đến môi trường

- Produce [‘prɔdju:s] (n) : food or other things that have been grown or produced on a farm to be sold = nông sản, sản phẩm nông nghiệp được trồng để bán

[prə’dju:s] (v) : grow sth Product [‘prɔdəkt] (n) : sth that is grown or made in a factory,

usually in order to be sold

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H.I.A.S.T STARTER TOEIC – Vocabulary and Grammar Handouts

Productivity [,prɔdʌk’tivəti] (n) : the rate at which goods are produced, and the amount produced = khả năng sản xuất, năng suất

CHAPTER 2- Wheelchair [‘wi:lt∫eə(r)] (n) : a chair on wheels which people who are unable to walk use for moving around

Xe lăn.- Indicator [‘indikeitə] (n) : something that can be regarded as a sign of

something else = dấu hiệu

- Eyesight [‘aisait] (n) : your ability to see = thị lực

- Injured [‘indʒəd] (adj) : physically or mentally hurt = bị tổn thương, bị thương

- Wrist [rist] (n) : the narrow part at the end of your arm where it joins your hand = cổ tay

- Telescope [‘teliskoup] (n) : a piece of scientific equipment shaped like a tube with special lenses inside, used for making distant objects such as stars and planets look larger and closer = kính thiên văn

- Medicine cabinet ‘medsn ‘kæbinət : tủ thuốc (gia đình)- Dentist [‘dentist] (n) : nha sĩ- Barber [bɑ:bər] (n) : thợ cắt tóc- Bandage [‘bændidʒ] (n) : a long piece of soft cloth which is tied round a

wound or an injury=(cuộn) băng (vết thương)

- Appointment [ə‘pɔɪntmənt] (n) : cuộc hẹn Make an appointment with someone hẹn với ai- To … first thing : làm (điều gì) trước tiên, điều làm trước tiên là To call first thing tomorrow : ngày mai điều làm trước tiên là gọi điện thoại

- Chart [t∫ɑ:t] (n) : biểu đồ, sơ đồ- Quality [‘kwɒləti] (n) : phẩm chất- Ankle [æŋkl] (n) : cổ chân- Twist [twist] (n) : trẹo, vẹo, xoắn- Painful [‘peinfl] (adj) : đau đớn - Relieve [rɪ’li:v] (v) : make less painful / ease the pain giảm đau pain-relieving tablets thuốc giảm đau- Heal [hi:l] (v) : to make or become well again, especially

after a cut or other injury/ hàn gắn, lành- Organ [‘ɔ:gən] (n) : one of the parts inside your body that have a

particular function = bộ phận, cơ quan

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Page 4: STARTER... · Web view- Portrayal [pɔ:'treiəl] (n) : a description, depiction = sự mô tả - Nomination [,nɔmi'nei∫n] (n) : the action of nominating someone or the state of

H.I.A.S.T STARTER TOEIC – Vocabulary and Grammar Handouts

- Bump into [bʌmp] (v) : to hit sb/ sth by accident when you are moving / run into sb / happen to meet = đâm sầm vào, tình cờ gặp

- Swollen [‘swoulən] (adj) : bigger than usual because of illness or injury = sưng phồng, căng ra do bị thương

swell – swelled – swelled/ swollen (v)

- Wrap [ræp] (v) : tie sth such as cloth around a part of a body = quấn chặt

- Reject [ri’dʒekt] (v) : to refuse or accept sb/ st = bác bỏ, loại bỏ- Leather [‘leðə(r)] (n) : (bằng) da thuộc

- Broke [brouk] (adj) : having no money = cạn túi, cháy túi- Quiz [kwiz] (n) : a short informal test; a game or competition quizzes (pl.) in which you answer questions / trò chơi đố

vui, bài kiểm tra ngắn- Take advantage of : tận dụng, tranh thủ (thời gian) Make the most of

Get the most out ofMake use of

- Clinic [‘klinik] (n) : a small hospital where you go to receive special medical treatment = bệnh viện tư, phòng khám tư

- Pressure ['pre∫ə(r)] (n) : the force that is produced when you press on or against sth = áp suất, áp lực

Blood pressure (n) : the force with which the blood travels round the body = huyết áp

- Cholesterol [kə’lestərɒl] (n) : a chemical substance found in fat, blood or other cells in your body, which can cause heart disease = chất béo gây xơ cứng động mạch

- Charge [t∫ɑ:dʒ] (n) : the price that you must pay for sth = tiền phải trả

to charge (v) : to ask sb to pay money = thu phí

- Stretch [stret∫] (v) : to push out your arms, legs, etc. as far as possible = căng ra, duỗi ra

- Workout [‘wə:k’aut] (n) : a period of physical exercise = thời kỳ tập luyện thể thao

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Page 5: STARTER... · Web view- Portrayal [pɔ:'treiəl] (n) : a description, depiction = sự mô tả - Nomination [,nɔmi'nei∫n] (n) : the action of nominating someone or the state of

H.I.A.S.T STARTER TOEIC – Vocabulary and Grammar Handouts

- Cramp [kræmp] (n) : a sudden pain that you get in a muscle, that makes it difficult to move = vọp bẻ, chuột rút

- Muscle [mʌsl] (n) : cơ bắp

- Stimulate [‘stimjuleit] (v) : to make sb feel interested and excited about sth = khuyến khích, kích thích

- Flexibility [fleksəˈbɪləti] (n) : linh hoạt, dẽo

- Strenuous [‘strenjuəs] (adj) : using a lot of effort or energy = căng thẳng, vất vả

- Donor [‘dounə] (n) : a person, group that gives sth, especially money, to help an organization or country = người cho, người hiến

Donate [dou’neit] (v) : to give sth, especially money, to a person or an organization in order to help them = tặng, biếu

- Registration [,redʒi’strei∫n] (n) : the act of recording names and details on an official list = sự đăng ký

Register [‘redʒistə] (v)

- Be aware of [ə‘weə(r)] : know, hiểu biết

- Germ [dʒə:m] (n) : a very small living thing that causes disease = vi trùng

- Bacterium [bæk’tiəriəm] (n) : very small living things, some of which cause illness or disease = vi khuẩn

Bacteria [bæk’tiəriə] (n., pl.)

- Hygiene [‘haidʒi:n] (n) : keeping yourself and things around you clean in order to prevent disease = vệ sinh

- Enforce [in’fɔ:s] (v) : to make people obey a rule or law = làm cho có hiệu lực

- Insurance [in’∫uərəns] (n) : an arrangement with a company in which you pay them money, especially regularly, and they pay the costs if sth bad happens, for example if you become ill or your car is damaged = bảo hiểm

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H.I.A.S.T STARTER TOEIC – Vocabulary and Grammar Handouts

- Existent [ig’zistənt] (adj) : existing now = tồn tại, sẵn có# Non-existent (adj)

- Cereal [ˈsɪəriəl] (n) : ngũ cốc- Pyramid [ˈpɪrəmɪd] (n) : hình chóp, (hình) kim tự tháp- Portion [‘pɔ:∫n] (n) : a part or share of sth = phần chia- Nutritional [nju:’tri∫nl] (adj) : relating to the substances in food that help

you to stay healthy = dinh dưỡng Nutritious [nju:’tri∫əs] (adj) : very good for you = có chất dĩnh dưỡng, bổ

dưỡng- Wise [wais] (adj) : clever, khôn ngoan, khôn khéo wisely (adv)- Agenda [ə’dʒendə] (n) : a list of matters to be discussed at a meeting

Danh sách những việc cần bàn trong buổi họp- Contractor [kən’træktə] (n) : a person or company that has a contract to

do work or provide goods or services for another company = nhà thầu, người thầu

- Resuface [ˌriːˈsɜːfɪs] (n) : put new surface on a road/ tráng mặt đường- Punish [ˈpʌnɪʃ] (v) : cause to suffer, (trừng) phạt- Offend [ə'fend] (v) : commit a crime, phạm tội offender : người phạm tội- Break (v) breakage ['breikidʒ] (n) : something that has been broken: cái gì, vật

gì bị làm bễ


- Temporary ['temprəri] (adj) : lasting or intended to last or be used only for a short time = tạm thời, nhất thời, lâm thời

- Principal (n) : Hiệu trưởng(n) : tiền vốn (nguyên thuỷ)(adj) : main: chính yếu

- Punctual [‘pʌŋktju:əl] (adj) : on time / đúng giờ

- Observe [əb’zɜ:v] (v) : watch, view / xem, quan sát

- Policy ['pɔləsi] (n) : a plan of action agreed or chosen by a political party, a business, etc. = chính sách, cách xư sự, cách giải quyết (vấn đề...) đường lối hành động

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H.I.A.S.T STARTER TOEIC – Vocabulary and Grammar Handouts

- Pay off (phrasal verb) : If something you have done pays off, it is successful: thành công

- Considerable [kən'sidərəbl] (adj) : great in amount, size, importance, etc. = đáng kể, to tát, lớn lao

= Significant (adj)

- Flattery ['flætəri] (n) : praise that is not sincere, especially in order to obtain sth from sb = sự tâng bốc, sự xu nịnh, sự bợ đỡ

e.g.: You’re too intelligent to fall for his flattery

- Disgust [dis'gʌst] (n) : strong feeling of dislike or disapproval for sb/ sth that you feel is unacceptable, or for sth that looks, smells, etc. unpleasant = sự ghê tởm, sự phẫn nộ

Disgust (at / with sth) or disgust (for sb)

CHAPTER 2- Hold [həʊld] (v) : - grasp, grab / cầm, nắm, giữ

Held, Held - organize / tổ chức

- Geology [dʒi'ɔlədʒi] (n) : [U] the scientific study of the earth, including the origin and history of the rocks and soil of which the earth is made = khoa địa chất, địa chất học

- Mineral ['minərəl] (n) : a substance that is naturally present in the earth and is not formed from animal or vegetable matter, for example gold and salt = khoáng vật, khoáng sản

- Algebra ['ældʒibrə] (n) : a type of mathematics in which letters and symbols are used to represent quantities = đại số học

- Creativity [ˌkriːeɪˈtɪvəti] (n) : creativeness, inventiveness / sự sáng tạo

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H.I.A.S.T STARTER TOEIC – Vocabulary and Grammar Handouts

- Experiment [iks'periment] (n) : a scientific test that is done in order to study what happens and to gain new knowledge = cuộc thí nghiệm, cuộc thư nghiệm

e.g.: to do/ perform/ conduct an experiment Experiment on sb/ sth or experiment with sth

- Grade [greid] (n) : score, mark / điểm

- Disturb [dis'tə:b] (v) : 1. to interrupt sb when they are trying to work, sleep, etc.:.

2. to move sth or change its position

3. to make sb worry = làm mất yên tĩnh, làm náo động; quấy rầy, làm bối rối, làm lo âu; làm xáo lộn

e.g.: Don’t disturb the papers on my desk.e.g.: It disturbed her to realize that she was alone

- Dent [dent] (n) : a hollow place in a hard surface, usually caused by sth hitting it = hình rập nổi, vết

e.g.: A large dent in the car door lom (do bị rập mạnh) to dent (v) : to damage sb’s confidence, reputation, etc.:e.g.: It seemed that nothing could dent his confidence

- Spotlight ['spɔtlait] (n) : 1. [C] (also informal spot) a light with a single, very bright beam that can be directed at a particular place or person = đen chiếu điểm; đen rọi; đen pha

e.g.: The room was lit by spotlights.2. [U] the area of light that is made by a spotlight = khu vực đen chiếu điểm; đen rọi; đen pha

e.g.: She stood alone on stage in the spotlight.3. [U] attention from newspapers, television and the public = sự nổi bật trong công chúng, sự chú ý cao độ

e.g.: Unemployment is once again in the spotlight.

- Consecutive [kən'sekjutiv] (adj) : [usually before n] following one after another in a series, without interruption = liên tục, liên tiếp

e.g.: She was absent for nine consecutive days.

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H.I.A.S.T STARTER TOEIC – Vocabulary and Grammar Handouts

- Coincience [kou,insi'dens] (n) : an occasion when two or more similar things happen at the same time, especially in a way that is unlikely and surprising / sự trùng hợp

Coincidental [kou,insi'dentl] (adj)Coincidentally (adv.)

- Accidental [,æksi'dentl] (adj) : happening by chance; not planned = tình cờ, ngẫu nhiên; bất ngờ

Accidentally (adv.)

- Immediate [i'mi:djət] (adj) : happening or done without delay = lập tức, tức thì = Instant (adj)

e.g.: to take immediate action

- Present ['preznt] (adj) : existing or happening now = current / hiện nay, hiện tại, hiện thời

- Transferable [træns'fə:rəbl] (adj) : that can be moved from one place, person or use to another = có thể dời chuyển, có thể di chuyển

e.g.: We aim to provide our students with transferable skills = That can be used in different jobs Transferability (n)

- Cheat [t∫i:t] (v) : cheat (at sth) to act in a dishonest way in order to gain an advantage, especially in a game, a competition, an exam, etc. = gian lận

- Suspension [sə'spen∫n] (n) : [U, C] the act of officially removing sb from their job, school, team, etc. for a period of time, usually as a punishment = sự đình chi; sự đuổi

- Admit (to sth / doing sth) (v) : to say that you have done sth wrong or Admit + to infinitive illegal = Confess to = thừa nhận Admit + (that) clause

E.g.: She admitted having stolen the car.

- Tolerate (+ V-ing) ['tɒləreit] (v) : bear, stand, endure, put up with, chịu đựng

- Considerate [kən'sidərit] (adj) : always thinking of other people’s wishes and feelings; careful not to hurt or upset others = thận trọng, chu đáo, ý tứ = Thoughtful

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H.I.A.S.T STARTER TOEIC – Vocabulary and Grammar Handouts

- Reject [ri'dʒekt] (v) : to refuse to accept or consider sth = không chấp thuận, loại bỏ, bác bỏ

e.g.: to reject an argument / a claim / a decision / an offer / a suggestion

- Character ['kæriktə] (n) : [C, usually sing.] all the qualities and features that make a person, groups of people, and places different from others = tính nết; tính cách; cá tính

e.g.: to have a strong/ weak character

- Aspect ['æspekt] (n) : [C] a particular part or feature of a situation, an idea, a problem, etc.; a way in which it may be considered = khía cạnh; mặt

- Recommendation[,rekəmen'dei∫n] (n) : [C] (to sb) (for / on / about sth) an official

suggestion about the best thing to do = sự giới thiệu; sự tiến cư

- Coach [kout∫] (n) : a person who trains a person or team in sport = huấn luyện viên

- Priest [pri:st] (n) : linh mục, cha xứ- Submit [səb'mit] sth (to sb/ sth) : to give a document, proposal, etc. to sb in

authority so that they can study or consider it = nộp

to submit an application / a claim / a complaint

- Orientation [,ɔ:rien'tei∫n] (n) : training or information that you are given before starting a new job, course, etc. = sự định hướng

e.g: an orientation course- Reverse [ri'və:s] (v) : to change sth completely so that it is the

opposite of what it was before = đảo ngược, lộn ngược

e.g.: to reverse a procedure / process / trend

- Dismiss [dis'mis] (v) : release, send away = giải tán

- Potential [pə'ten∫l] (adj) : [before noun] that can develop into sth or be developed in the future = tiềm năng; tiềm tàng

- Release [ri'li:s] (v) : to make sth available to the public = phát hành, công bố

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e.g.: to release a movie / book / CD or new products released onto the market

- Diploma [di'ploumə] (n) : 1. (Br.E.) a course of study2. document showing that you have completed a course of study or part of your education = giấy chứng chi cấp khi hoàn thành một khoá học..; bằng cấp; văn bằng

- Enroll [in'roul] (v) : to arrange for yourself or for sb else to officially join a course, school, etc. = ghi danh

- Geology [dʒi'ɔlədʒi] (n) : [U] the scientific study of the earth, including the origin and history of the rocks and soil of which the earth is made = khoa địa chất, địa chất học


- Expect [iks'pekt] (v) : to wait for = mong đợi. Expectation [,ekspek'tei∫n] (n)

- Hurt [hə:t] (v) : to cause mental pain to = làm tổn thương

- Smoke Detector [smouk di'tektə] (n) : an electronic fire alarm that is activated by the presence of smoke = máy báo khói

- Install [in'stɔ:l] (v) : to place in position or connect for service or use = lắp đặt, cài đặt

Installation [,instə'lei∫n] (n)

- Poison ['pɔizn] (v) : Đầu độc(n) : Thuốc độc, chất độc

Poisonous ['pɔizənəs] (adj)

- Fumes [fju:mz] (pl.n.) : strong, unpleasant and sometimes dangerous gas or smoke / khói, hơi độc

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- Opponent [ə'pounənt] (n) : a person who is on an opposing side in a game, contest, controversy, or the like; adversary = địch thủ, đối thủ.

CHAPTER 2- Resign [,ri:'zain] (v) : to give up an office or position = từ chức

- Take turns / take it in turn(s) (UK) : When a number of people take turns, they do the same thing one after the other:Luân phiên

We take turns to answer the phone. Chúng tôi luân phiên nhau trả lời điện thoại. Whose turn is it to wash the dishes? Đến phiên ai rưa chén vậy?

- React [ri:'ækt] (v) : to act in response to an agent or influence = Phản ứng, phản xạ

Reaction [ri:'æk∫n] (n)

- Duchess ['dʌt∫is] (n) : Nữ công tước

- Crocodile ['krɔkədail] (n) : Cá sấu- Documentary [,dɔkju'mentəri] (n) : Phim tài liệu

- Amazing [ə'meiziŋ] (adj) : extremely surprising / kinh ngạc

- Creature [ˈkriːtʃə(r)] (n) : organism, a living thing / (một loài) sinh vật- Soap opera (= soap) (n) : a series of television or radio programmes

about the lives and problems of a particular group of characters. The series continues over a long period and is broadcast (several times) every week. Chương trình TV nhiều tập

- Channel [ˈtʃænl] (n) : a television station / kênh TV

- Can you do me a favor? Anh làm ơn giúp giùm tôi nhé? (dùng khách sáo)

- Ripe [raip] (adj) : Chín, ăn được

- Twin [twin] (n) : Anh (chị, em) sinh đôi (adj) : sinh đôi.

- Personality [pɜ:səˈnæləti] (n) : quality / nhân cách phẩm chất

- Home owner (n) : a person who owns a home = chủ nhà

- Force [fɔ:s] (v) : bắt buộc, ép buộc.

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- Apologize [ə'pɔlədʒaiz] (v) : Xin lỗi Apologize to sb for sth/ doing sth : Xin lỗi ai về cái gì Apology [ə'pɔlədʒi] (n) lời xin lỗi

- Regret [ri'gret] (v) : to think of with a sense of loss = lấy làm tiếc

- Belated [bi'leitid] (adj) : Coming later than expected / Đến muộn, a belated apology / Lời xin lỗi muộn màng chậm trễ.

- Exhibition [,eksi'bi∫n] (n) : Cuộc triển lãm.

- Chapter ['t∫æptə] (n) : a separate part of a book = chương

- Object [əbˈdʒekt] (v) : express or feel disapproval, dislike / oppose (+ V-ing) = phản đối, bác bỏ

Object TO / Be opposed TO / Protest against Objection [əb'dʒek∫n] (n)- Complain [kəm'plein] (v) : express dissatisfaction = khiếu nại, than

phiền Complaint [kəm'pleint] (n)

- Overwork ['ouvəwə:k] (v) : to work too hard, too much, or too long = làm việc quá sức

- Spare [speə] (adj) : free for other use = dư, thừa

- Hook [huk] (n) : cái móc

- Mess [mes] (n) : untidiness / sự bừa bộn, lộn xộn, luộm thuộm Messy [ˈmes] (adj) : bừa bộn, lộn xộn, luộm thuộm

- Tidy up (phr.v.) : to make something in order = dọn dẹp ngăn nắp.

- Be aware of [ə'weə] (adj) : having knowledge = ý thức được.

- Protect (from/against) [prəˈtekt] (v) : to keep someone or something safe from injury, damage or loss / defend / bảo vệ

- Theft [θeft] (n) : the act of stealing, burglary = Sự ăn trộm

- Vital ['vaitl] (adj) : necessary to life = quan trọng

- Property ['prɔpəti] (n) : goods, land which a person owns = tài sản, bất động sản.

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- Fluorescent pen [fluə'resnt] (n) : Highlighter / Bút dạ quang

- Invisible [in'vizəbl] (adj) : not perceptible by the eye = không thể nhìn thấy được

- Naked eyes ['neikid] (n) : Mắt trần, mắt thường.

- Identify [ai'dentifai] (v) : to recognize = nhận ra

- Home Furnishings (n) : Đồ đạc, đồ dùng trong nhà.

- Annual ['ænjuəl] (adj) : yearly = hàng năm

- Merchandise ['mə:t∫əndaiz] (n) : goods, esp. manufactured goods; commodities = hàng hóa

to merchandise (v) : Buôn bán.

- Wise [waiz] (adj) : having the power of judging what is true or right = khôn ngoan.

- Cushion [ˈkʊʃn] (n) : a soft bag of cloth, leather, or rubber, filled with feathers, air, foam rubber, etc., on which to sit, kneel, or lie = cái nệm nhỏ (trên sofa)

Cushion cover (n) : Tấm ra bọc nệm

- On hand : in one's possession; at one's disposal/ sẵn có

- Co-ordination [kəʊˌɔːdɪˈneɪʃn] (n) : Sự điều phối Color co-ordination : sự phối màu

- Theme [θi:m] (n) : a subject or topic = chủ đề.

- Bargain ['bɑ:gin] (n) : - agreement to buy something at lower price than its true value = sự mặc cả

to bargain (v) thương lượng, trả giá - something on sale at a lower price than its

true value = món hời Bargain price : Giá rẻ

- Approximately [əprɒksmətl] (adv.) : near; close together = xấp xi

- Luxury [ˈlʌkʃəri] (n) : great comfort (provided by expensive, beautiful things) sự sang trọng

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- Feature ['fi:t∫ə] (n) : sth offered as a special attraction = đặc trưng, nổi bật.

- Whirlpool ['wə:lpu:l] (n) : water in swift, circular motion = xoáy nước.

- Fully-fitted kitchen (n) : Nhà bếp dược lắp đặt đầy đủ các thiết bị

- Gas oven ['ʌvn] (n) : an oven fueled by gas = lò, bếp ga

- Burner ['bə:nə] (n) : Cưa lò Five-burner gas range : Bếp ga có 5 cưa lò

- Tile [tal] (n) : Gạch, ngói Floor tile Gạch lót sàn Roof tile Ngói- Marble tile floors ['mɑ:bl] (n) : Sàn nhà ốp đá hoa cương

- Fireplace ['faiəpleis] (n) : a space in the wall of a room for a fire to burn in, or the decorated part which surrounds this space = lò sưởi

- To be located in (on, at) : to place at a certain location = tọa lạc

- Real estate (n) : property, esp. in land = bất động sản, nhà đất.

- Homemaker ['houm,meikə] (n) : a person who manages the household of his or her own family / housewife = người nội trợ

- Vacuum cleaner ['vækjuəm'kli:nə] (n) : an electrical appliance for cleaning carpets, floors, etc., by sucking dust and dirt = máy hút bụi

- Efficient [i'fi∫ənt] (adj) : performing in the best possible manner with the least waste of time and effort = hiệu quả.

- Cordless ['kɔ:dləs] (adj) : Không dây

- Insulate ['insjuleit] (v) : cách điện, cách nhiệt Insulation [,insju'lei∫n] (n) : Sự cách điện, cách nhiệt Insulator ['insjuleitə] (n) : Chất cách điện, cách nhiệt

- Electrical appliance (n) : Đồ điện

- Expose [iks'pouz] (v) : phơi ra, bày ra Exposure [iks'pouʒə] (n)

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- Moisture ['mɔist∫ə] (n) : Hơi ẩm, độ ẩm.

- Hesitate ['heziteit] (v) : to be reluctant or wait to act because of fear, indecision = do dự

Hesitation [,hezi'tei∫n] (n)

- Line [lain] (v) : Đánh dấu, kẻ dòng, xếp hàng…

- Put 6 or so extra in the bottom : Đặt thêm khoảng 6 cái ở bên dưới - Have sth at one’s fingertips : Có sẳn

e.g.: You will have another at your fingertips to replace it.= Bạn sẽ có sẳn 1 cái khác để thay thế

- Cabinet shelves ['kæbinit] (n) : Các kệ tủ

- Strain one’s back to do sth : Gắng sức làm cái gì.

- Glow-in-the-dark light switch : Công tắc đen phản quang

- Sticking traction strips : Những tấm chà chân (miếng, mãnh…) có độ dính hoặc nhám thường dùng lót mặt nền nhà trơn.

- Retailer [ri:'teilə] (n) : Người, cưa hàng bán lẻ

- Intend [in'tend] (v) : plan, mean / Dự định Intention [in'ten∫n] (n)

- Aspect ['æspekt] (n) : one part of a situation, problem, subject, etc= part, side, feature, khía cạnh

- Reacher (n) : a kind of long stick = cây, que, móc…

- Inquiry [in'kwaiəri] (n) : question, investigation / Cuộc điều tra.

- Resolve [ri'zɔlv] (v) : solve, end a problem / giải quyết 1 vấn đề

- Home/ Household appliances : Đồ gia dụng

- Multiply (by) ['mʌltiplai] (v) : (toán) Nhân

- Work out ['wə:k'aut] (phr. v.) : 1. calculate; to do a calculation to get an answer to a mathematical question: tính toán2. understand, find the answer to sth.

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- Load [loud] (n) : the weight supported by a structure or part = tải trọng

Wait till you have enough clothes for a full load = Hãy đợi cho đến khi gom đủ trọng lượng áo quần rồi giặt

- Average ['ævəridʒ] (adj) : Trung bình- Microwave oven ['maikrəweiv 'ʌvn] (n) : Lò vi sóng, lò vi ba

- A medical supplied company : Công ty cung cấp thiết bị y tế.

- A utilities company : Công ty dịch vụ công ích

- Laundry ['lɔ:ndri] (n) : Hiệu giặt, quần áo giặt ủi.

- I’m afraid of mixing them up : Tôi sợ nhầm lẫn

- Separate ['seprət] (adj) : being or standing apart = riêng biệt

- Decorate ['dekəreit] (v) : Trang trí Decoration [,dekə'rei∫n] (n) Interior decoration : Trang trí nội thất

- Purchase ['pə:t∫əs] (v) : Buy


CHAPTER 1- Realistic [riə'listik] (adj) : having or showing a sensible and practical

idea of what can be done, achieved = pragmatic, sensible, down-to-earth, thực tế

- Quota ['kwoutə] (n) : a limited number or amount of people or things that is officially allowed = chi tiêu, hạn ngạch

- Vary ['veəri] (v) : to change or cause something to change in amount or level, especially from one occasion to another / thay đổi, biến đổi

- Variant ['veəriənt] (n) : something which is slightly different from other similar things = biến thể

- Variation [,veəri'ei∫n] (n) : change = sự thay đổi, sự khác nhau

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Variety [və'raiəti] (n) : the characteristic of frequently changing and being different = sự đa dạng

- Register ['redʒistə] (v) : to record a name = ghi danh

- Gross [grous] (n) : total, whole = tổng số e.g.: Gross weight/ profit

- Mass[mæs] (n) : having an effect on or involving a large number of people, group of people = hàng loạt, đám đông

Mass unemployment ['ʌnim'plɔimənt] sự thất nghiệp hàng loạt

- Prosperity [prɔ'sperəti] (n) : wealth; the state of being successful = sự thịnh vượng

- Depression [di'preʃn] (n) : a period in which there is very little business activity and not many jobs, tình trạng suy thoái

- Wholesale ['houlseil] (adj) : (only before noun) of or for the selling of (adv) goods in large amounts at low prices to

shops and businesses = bán si Wholesaling (n) : việc bán si

Wholesaler (n) : người/nhà bán siCHAPTER 2- Costume ['kɒstju:m] (n) : clothes worn for a particular job or activity =

Trang phục mặc cho nghề hay trong hoạt động đặc biệt (đi bơi, diễn tuồng…)

- Stage [stedʒ] (n) : sân khấu On stage trên sân khấu, đang diễn.

- Audience ['ɔ:diəns] (n) : the group of people gathered in one place to a small audience watch or listen to a play, film, a particular

television or radio programme, or reading a particular book: khán thính giả

- Popcorn ['pɔpkɔ:n] (n) : seeds of maize that have been heated so that they burst open and form light whitish balls = bắp nổ, bắp rang bơ

- Be ON : be shown / (được) trình chiếu Is there anything good on TV tonight?

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- Aisle [ail] (n) : a passage between rows of seats in a church, theatre, railway carriage = lối đi giữa hai dãy ghế

- Make a mess [meik ə mes] (phr. v.) : a difficult or confused state or situation; a state of disorder = làm rối tung

- Set – set – set [set] (v) : If a story, film, etc. is set in a particular time or place, the action in it happens in that time or place = dựng, lấy bối cảnh

- Twist [twist] (n) : a change information so that it gives the message you want it to give, especially in a way that is dishonest: = sự xuyên tạc

- Accident–prone ['æksidənt proun] (adj) : describing someone who often has accidents, usually because they are very awkward or clumsy = dễ gặp rủi ro, tai nạn (vì vụng về)

- Upset (v) : annoy / làm, gây bực mình

- Foolish [ˈfuːlɪʃ] (adj) : unwise, stupid, silly, idiotic / ngốc nghếch

- Inability [inəˈblti] (n) : lack of ability to do sth / incapabilitykhông có khả năng làm việc gì

- Mysterious [mˈstəriəs] (a) : mystifying, unexplained / bí ẩn

- Light-hearted (adj) : happy, not serious / vui vẻ

- Diversion [daiˈvə:∫n] (n) : 1. an entertaining activity, esp one that turns the attention from work, study = trò tiêu khiển, trò giải trí2. change (direction, purpose) chuyển hướng, chuyển mục đích

- Scary ['skeəri] (adj) : frightening, causing fear = gây sợ hãi

- Bet (ON) [bet] (v) : đánh cược, chắc chắn / be sure I bet you won't believe the surprise ending! Tôi chắc rằng anh sẽ không tưởng tượng nổi phần kết đầy ngạc nhiên đâu!

- Format ['fɔ:mæt] (v) : to prepare a computer disk for use with a particular type of computer = định dạng

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Format (n) : the way in which information is arranged and stored on a computer; a pattern, plan or arrangement = (sự) sắp xếp, định dạng

- Unattended [ˌʌnəˈtendɪd] (adj) : not being watched or taken care of: không trông chừng, không để mắt đến.

- Come out of retirement[ri'taiəmənt] : to decide to retire = quyết định về hưu

- Enemy ['enimi] (n) : a person who strongly dislikes or wants to injure or attack sb / sth = kẻ thù, kẻ địch

- Opponent [ə'pounənt] (n) : a person who is against another person in a game, a fight = đối thủ / enemy, rival

- Script [skript] (n) : the words of a film, play, broadcast or speech / writing, handwriting, screenplay = kịch bản

- Nudity ['nju:diti] (n) : the state of being naked = sự khỏa thân

- Portrayal [pɔ:'treiəl] (n) : a description, depiction = sự mô tả

- Nomination [,nɔmi'nei∫n] (n) : the action of nominating someone or the state of being nominated = sự đề cư

- Monitor ['mɔnitə] (v) : to watch and check sth over a period of time = theo doi

- Distraction [dis'træk∫n] (n) : thing that helps sb to forget their worries and problems / hobby, pastime = sự giải trí

- Compile [kəm'pail] (v) : to collect information and arrange it in a book, list, report = biên soạn

- Genre [ʒɑ:nrə] (n) : a particular style or type, esp. of works of art or literature = thể loại

- Leading actor ['li:diη 'æktə] (n) : an actor taking the chief part in play = nam diễn viên chính

- Release [ri'li:s] (v) : 1.make free, give freedom / thả, cho xuất viện 2.make public = đem ra bán, phát hành

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- Come up with [kʌm ʌp wið] (phr. v.) : suggest or think of an idea or plan = nghĩ ra

- Thriller ['θrilə] (n) : a novel, play or film with an exciting plot = phim có nội dung ly kỳ, phim trinh thám

- Handicapped [ˈhændikæpt] (a) : not able to use part of your body or your mind / bị tật nguyền

- C/O = care of [keə əv] : used in addresses when the person you are writing to is staying at someone else's home: nhờ chuyển

- Feline ['fi:lain] (n) : belonging or relating to the cat family = động vật thuộc họ meo

- Sell out [sel aut] (phr.v.) : to be all sold = bán hết sạch We couldn't get seats - the concert was sold out.



- Vacation [vəˈkeɪʃn] (n) : holiday, kỳ nghi (v) : Take a vacation, go on a vacation / đi nghi mát

- Essential [ɪˈsenʃl (adj) : very necessary, vital, crucial, critical / rất quan trọng, rất cần thiết

- Security sɪˈkjʊərəti (n) : protection of a person, building, organization or country against threats such as crime or attacks by foreign countries / an ninh, bảo an

- Due [dju:] (adj) : expected to happen, arrive, etc. at a particular time: đến hạn, đến kỳ

What time is the next bus due? Đến mấy giờ thì đến/có chuyến xe buýt kế tiếp? The next meeting is due to be held in three months' time.

Kỳ họp tới sẽ được tổ chức trong kỳ hạn 3 tháng. on due dates đến (ngày) hạn định

- Charge [tʃɑːdʒ] (n) : fee, payment, tiền phí

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- Fine [fain] (n) : an amount of money that has to be paid as a punishment for not obeying a rule or law: tiền phạt vi cảnh (khi phạm luật)

- Tuition (fee) [tju:'i∫n] (n) : the money paid for being taught / học phí

- Fare [feə] (n) : the price you pay to travel somewhere by bus, train, plane = tiền vé

- Expertise [,ekspə'ti:z] (n) : a high level of knowledge or skill / sự tinh thông- Policy [ˈpɒləsi] (n) : guiding principle, strategy, rule / chính sách Our basic policy is that the customer is always right. Chính sách chủ yếu của chúng ta là khách hàng luôn luôn đúng (k/h là thượng đế)

- Certificate [sə'tifikət] (n) : an official document which states that the information on it is true, or the qualification that you receive when you are successful in an examchứng chi, văn bằng

a birth/marriage/death certificate giấy khai sinh / hôn thú / khai tư She has a Certificate in Drama Education Cô ta mới nhận chứng chi về Giáo dục kịch nghệ.

- Warranty [ˈwɒrənti] (n) : a written promise from a company to repair or replace a product that develops a fault within a fixed period of time, or to do a piece of work again if it is not satisfactory / (giấy) bảo hành

When does the warranty for your printer expire?

Guarantee [ˌɡærənˈtiː] (n) : sự, việc bảo hành(v) : bảo hành

The video recorder comes with/has a two-year guarantee. The fridge is guaranteed for three years.

- License (US) [ˈlaɪsns] (n) : an official document which gives you Licence (UK) permission to own, do or use something,

usually after you have paid money and/or taken a test: giấy phép (sư dụng, hành nghề)

- Approve [əˈpruːv] (v) : accept, permit, officially agree to sth / chấp

thuận, phê duyệt approval [əˈpruːvl] (n) : sự chấp thuận, phê duyệt

- Compensation [ˌkɒmpenˈseɪʃn] (n) : money that is paid to someone in exchange for something that has been lost or damaged or for some inconvenience: tiền bồi thường

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- Breach [bri:t∫] (n) : violation = vi phạm [điều khoản, hợp đồng](v) :

- Bleach [bli:t∫] (n) : a strong chemical used for cleaning things or removing colour from things / thuốc tẩy

(v) : remove the colour; blanch; wiping out sth / tẩy

CHAPTER 2- Backpack ['bækpæk] (n) : a large bag carried on the back = balô

Rucksack; knapsack.

- (sports) stadium [ˈsteɪdiəm] (n) : sân vận động, arena, pitch

- Firefighter [ˈfaɪəfaɪtə(r)] (n) : a person whose job is to stop fires from burning;Fireman (US) lính cứu hoả

- File [fail] (v) : organize; put , classify documents, information, etc. into files / sắp xếp hồ sơ

- Hire [ˈhaɪə(r)] (v) : - rent; to pay to use something for a short period: thuê mướn (cái gì)

- employ someone or pay them to do a particular job: thuê ai làm việc gì

- Get a raise : được tăng/lên lương.

- Congratulate sb ON sth [kənˈɡrætʃuleɪt] : praise sb; chúc mừng ai (đã) đạt được điều gì I was just congratulating Ceri on winning/on having won her race.

- Congratulations! ( Khi chúc mừng ai, ta chi cần nói ngắn gọn như vậy là đủ)

- Average [ˈævərɪdʒ] (adj) : standard, normal, middling, trung bình, bình thường

- Swing shift job [swiη ∫ift dʒɔb] : job from around 5:00 pm till 1:00 am côngviệc ca đêm (từ 5 giờ chiều đến 1 giờ sáng)

- Graveyard shift job : These shifts last all night, from 11:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. (từ 11 giờ tối đến 7 giờ sáng)

- Flexitime ['fleksi ,taim] (n) : a system of working in which people work a set number of hours within a fixed period of time, but can vary the time they start or finish work = giờ làm việc linh động

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- Tax return [tæks ri'tə:n] (n) : a form that a self-employed person must fill in to give information about how much they have earned in a year = bảng kê khai lợi tức để đánh thuế

- Venus ['vi:nəs] (n) : the planet second in order from the sun, next to the Earth = sao Kim

- Mercury ['mə:kjuri] (n) : the planet nearest to the sun = sao thủy

- Art gallery [ɑ:t 'gæləri] (n) : a room or building for showing works of art = phòng triển lãm tranh

- Turn up [tə:n ʌp] (v) : to arrive; to make one’s appearance = xuất hiện

- Benefit ['benefit] (n) : advantage, profit = lợi ích, phúc lợi

- Annoyed [ə'nɔid] (adj) : angry, upset, irritated, aggravated = bực mình, bị phiền nhiễu

- Issue ['isju:] (v) : to make sth known formally = công bố

- Anticipate [æn'tisipeit] (v) : to see what is going to happen = thấy trước, biết trước

- Attend [əˈtend] (v) : Take part in; participate in; tham dự

- Commence [kə'mens] (v) : to begin, to start = xuất phát, bắt đầu

- Cooperation [kəʊˌɒpəˈreɪʃn] (n) : working together with someone; hợp tác

- Coupon ['ku:pɔn] (n) : a piece of paper which can be used to obtain something without paying for it or at a reduced price = tem phiếu, vé

- Do away with [du: ə'wei wið] (phr. v.) : to stop doing/using sth; get rid of sth = loại bỏ, hủy bỏ

- Stick to [stick tu:] (phr. v.) : continue trying hard to do sth difficult Cố gắng làm theo, kiên trì

- Discriminate against[dis'krimineit ə'geinst] (phr. v.) : to treat one person or group worse than others

= phân biệt đối xư

- Supervisor [ˈsuːpəvaɪzə(r)] (n) : a person whose job is to supervise someone or Something / người giám sát, quản lý

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- Punctuality [ˌpʌŋktʃuˈæləti] (n) : promptness, timekeeping, being on time / being punctual: sự đúng giờ

- Punctuation [,pʌηkt∫u'ei∫n] (n) : the marks used in writing that divide sentences and phrases; the system of using these marks = (hệ thống) dấu chấm câu

- Trait [treit] (n) : feature, characteristic: nét, đặc điểm

- Keep up with [ki:p ʌp wið] (phr. v.) : to move or progress at the same rate as sb/ sth stay level = theo kịp, bắt kịp

- (Get) involved in sth (phr. v.) : taking part in or being part of sth = dính líu vào cái gì

- Gossip [ˈɡɒsɪp] (n) : rumour, hearsay, chitchat, scandal, talkChuyện tầm phào, chuyện ngồi lê đôi mach

(v) : talk about other people’s private livesNói chuyện phiếm, nói chuyện tầm phào

- Stick someone’s nose (into sth)[stick 'sʌmwʌns nouz] (n) : to try to discover things which are not really

related to you: dí mũi vào (chuyện gì)

- Perk [pə:k] (n) : money or goods received as a right from one’s employer = bổng lộc

- Memo holder [’memə 'houldə] (n) : đồ kẹp thư từ, ghi chú - Category ['kætigəri] (n) : a class or group of people or things regarded

as having certain features, etc. in common = loại, hạng

- Ashtray [ˈæʃtreɪ] (n) : a small dish or container in which people can leave cigarette ash and cigarette ends: gạc tàn thuốc

- Sorrow ['sɔrou] (n) : a feeling of sadness or distress caused = sự buồn rầu, sự buồn phiền

- Assume [ə'sju:m] (v) : to accept sth as true before there is proof = thừa nhận, cho rằng

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- Exceed [ik'si:d] (v) : to be greater in number or size than sth, esp. than a quantity or number; to go beyond what is allowed or necessary = vượt quá mức

- Statement ['steitmənt] (n) : a thing that is stated = lời tuyên bố


CHAPTER 1- Superior to [suːˈpɪəriə(r)] (adj) : better, higher, tốt hơn, cao hơn (địa vị) ≠ inferior [ɪnˈfɪəriə(r)]

- Travel insurance : bảo hiểm du lịch- Discontinue [ˌdɪskənˈtɪnjuː] (v) : stop, cease, dừng, không tiếp tục, không hoạt

động nữa Discontinued [ˌdɪskənˈtɪnjuːd] (adj) :

- Hang gliding [ˈhæŋ ˌɡlaɪdɪŋ] (n) : môn thể thao diều lượn

CHAPTER 2- Get off (phr. v) : xuống (xe, tàu, ...)

# Get on (phr. v) : lên, treo lên (xe, tàu, ...)

- To be stuck in : not able to move or continue doing sth = bị mắc, kẹt

- Telescope ['teliskoup] (n) : kính viễn vọng, kính thiên văn

- Balcony ['bælkəni] (n) : platform with a wall built onto the outside On the balcony wall of a building = ban công

- Luggage ['lʌgidʒ] (n) : bags, cases, etc. that you carry your clothes and things in when you are traveling = baggage = hành lý

- Check in (phr. v.) : register, sign in, or show tickets = đăng ký ở khách sạn, đăng ký đi máy bay

Check-in (n) : nơi làm thủ tục đăng ký ở khách sạn, sân bay

≠ Check out (phr. v.) : leave, sign out, = làm thủ tục rời khỏi khách sạn, thanh toán tiền (ở siêu thị)

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Checkout : the place in a shop, especially a large food shop, where you pay for your goods: nơi thanh toán tiền ở cưa hàng lớn hay siêu thị.

- Sunny ['sʌni] (adj) : bright with sunlight = nắng, có nhiều ánh nắng

- Vacation [və'kei∫n] (n) : Short holiday On vacation (in, at) : có một kỳ nghi ở/tại (một nơi nào đó); đi nghi

- Seaside ['si:'said] (n) : coast, land or place by the sea = bờ biển Seaside resort ['si:'said ri:'zɔ:t] (n) : nơi nghi mát ở bờ biển

- Prefer [pri'fə:(r)] (v) : thích hơn to prefer sth to sth : thích cái gì hơn cái gì

- Museum [mju:'ziəm] (n) : nhà bảo tàng

- Flight [flait] (n) : a journey in an aircraft; chuyến bay; đường bay

- Awful ['ɔ:ful] (adj) : đáng kinh sợ; uy nghi, oai nghiêm

- Wake up (phr. v.) : thức giấc, tinh dậy

- Kind [kaind] (adj) : friendly or thoughtful to others = tư tế, ân cần, có lòng tốt

- Sleepy ['sli:pi] (adj) : tired and wanting to sleep: buồn ngủ, ngái ngủ to fall asleep : snoozing, sleeping, ngủ thiếp đi to be asleep : ngủ, đang ngủ

- Go surfing : lướt sóng Surfboard [ˈsɜːfbɔːd] (n) ván để chơi lướt sóng

- Jetlag ['dʒetlæg] (n) : tiredness felt after a long flight by plane = sự mệt mỏi sau một chuyến bay dài

- Plenty ['plenti] (n) : a large quantity = sự dồi dào, sự có nhiều to have plenty of money : có nhiều tiền

- Try [trai] out for sth (phr. v.) : tiến hành kiểm tra; thư giọng

- Surf-boat ['sə:f'bout] (n) : thuyền lướt sóng (loại thuyền nhẹ)

- Drive along : đi xe, lái xe, cho xe chạy

- Bay [bei] (n) : (địa lý,địa chất) vịnh

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- Guess [ges] (v) : predict, speculate = phỏng đoán, ước chừng

- Host [həʊst] (n) : a person who introduces guests and performers, especially on television or radio: người giới thiệu và phỏng vấn khách mời; người chủ nhà.

- Introduction [,intrə'dʌk∫n] (n) : 1. the act of bringing a product, service, system, etc. into use for the first time

2. the act of making one person formally known to another

e.g.: Shall I do the introductions? : sự giới thiệu, lời giới thiệu

- Take a long look at sth : xem xét cái gì thật ky lưỡng

- Have a look at : nhìn đến, ngó đến

- Interview ['intəvju:] (n) : a formal meeting at which sb is asked questions to see if they are suitable for a particular job = sự gặp mặt; cuộc nói chuyện riêng

Interview (v) : phỏng vấn

- A cruise ship [kru:z ∫ip] (n) : tàu du lich ,tuần tra

- Segment [ˈseɡmənt] (n) : part, division, section; phần, bộ phận

- Trust [trʌst] (v) : believe, tin, tin cậy, tin tưởngTrust (n) : belief, sự tin tưởng, niềm tin

- Fabulous (adj) : wonderful, marvelous, tuyệt diệu

- Fantastic [fæn'tæstik] (adj) : unbelievable, incredible, kỳ lạ, ngoài sức tưởng tượng

- Episode [,episoud] (n) : chapter, part, đoạn, hồi, act (trong truyện...)

- Adventure [əd'vent∫ə] (n) : sự phiêu lưu, sự mạo hiểm Adventurous [əd'vent∫ərəs] (adj) : full of danger and excitement = thích phiêu lưu,

thích mạo hiểm- Novice [ˈnɒvɪs] (n) : beginner, trainee, người mới (vào nghề)

- Reporter [ri'pɔ:tə] (n) : phóng viên

- Type [taip] (n) : kiểu; loại

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- Advice [əd'vais] (n) : an opinion or a suggestion about what sb should do in a particular situation = lời khuyên, lời chi bảo

- Avoid [ə'vɔid] (v) : to prevent sth bad from happening = tránh, tránh xa, ngăn ngừa

- Sunburn ['sʌnbə:n] (n) : reddening and blistering of the skin caused by being in the sun too much = sự rám nắng, sự sạm nắng, màu sạm nắng (của da)

- Painful ['peinfl] (adj) : đau đớn, đau khổ

- Lead [li:d] (v) : to be in control of sth; to be the leader of sth = lãnh đạo, hướng dẫn, dẫn dắt

- Sunscreen/ Suncream : kem chống nắng

- Burn [bə:n] (v) : cháy, bỏng

- Expert ['ekspə:t] (n) : a person with special knowledge, skill or training in sth = nhà chuyên môn; chuyên gia

to expert at/ in/ on sth/ doing sth : thành thạo; tinh thông; lão luyện

- Recommend [,rekə'mend] (v) : suggest, introduce = đề nghị; giới thiệu

- Effectiveness [i'fektivnis] (n) : producing the result that is wanted or intended; producing a successful result = sự có hiệu lực

- Protection [prə'tek∫n] (n) : the act of protecting sb/ sth; the state of being protected = sự bảo vệ, sự bảo hộ

- Factor ['fæktə] (n) : one of several things that cause or influence sth = nhân tố

- Fair skin (n) : da trắng

- Blonde [blɔnd] (adj) : having golden or paled-coloured hair = vàng hoe

- A pay increase : sự tăng lương

- Series ['siəri:z] (n) : a range of similar products produced by one company = loạt, dãy, chuỗi, đợt

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- Figure out ['figə(r) aut] : 1. to calculate an amount or the cost of sth2. to find the answer to sth; to solve

- Restroom ['rest'rum] (n) : public toilet = nhà vệ sinh công cộng- Boarding pass ['bɔ:diη pɑ:s] (n) : a card that a passenger must have to be

allowed to enter an aircraft or a ship = thẻ lên tàu, thẻ lên máy bay

- Lounge [laʊndʒ] (n) : 1 (UK) the room in a house or apartment that is used for relaxing, and entertaining guests, but not usually for eating: phòng giải trí

2 a room in a hotel, airport, theatre, etc. where people can relax or wait: phòng nghi, phòng chờ ở khách sạn, sân bay, rạp hát

- Lost and Found : phòng (khu vực) khai báo mất hoặc tìm đồ vật thất lạc.

- Arise, arose, arisen [əˈraɪz, əˈrəʊz, əˈrɪzn] (v) : happen, xãy ra

- Make/ Hold reservations [ˌrezəˈveɪʃn] : reserve, book in advance đặt chỗ trước, giữ chỗ trước

- Rental car (n) : xe thuê, mướn

- Unlimited mileage [ʌnˈlɪmɪtɪd ˈmaɪlɪdʒ] (n) : không giới hạn khoảng cách (xe chạy)

- Representative [ˌreprɪˈzentətɪv] (n) : someone who speaks or does something officially for another person or group of people / người đại diện

- Escape from sth [is'keip] (v) : trốn thoát, ra khỏi

- Set out : bắt đầu lên đường

- Smoggy (adj) : sương khói

- Schedule ['∫edju:l] (v) : sắp xếp (việc gì cho.. ) Schedule (n) : 1. a list of planned activities or things to be

done showing the times or dates when they are intended to happen or be done: danh sách việc cần làm.

: 2. US (UK timetable) a list of the times when events are planned to happen, especially the

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times when buses, trains and planes leave and arrive / thời gian biểu; lịch tàu, xe, máy bay.

- Obituary [ə'bit∫ʊəri:] (n) : a report, especially in a newspaper, which gives the news of someone's death and details about their life = cáo phó

- Beloved [bi'lʌvd] (adj) : dearly loved, loved very much, yêu quý

- Suffer from/ with/ for sth (v) : to experience physical or mental pain:đau; đau khổ

- Portrait ['pɔ:treit] (n) : chân dung

- Amateur [ˈæmətə(r)] (n/adj) : a person who takes part in an activity for pleasure, not as a job: tài tư, không chuyên nghiệp, not professional

- Exhibit [ɪɡˈzɪbɪt] (v) : to show something publicly triển lãm

- Nurse's aide (US) (n) : Auxiliary nurse (UK) Nursing aid (Australian English)

Someone whose job is helping nurses to take care of people / hộ lý

- Sculptor ['skʌlptə] (n) : nhà điêu khắc; thợ chạm Sculptress nhà nữ điêu khắc Sculpture ['skʌlpt∫ə] (n) : nghệ thuật điêu khắc, nghệ thuật chạm trổ Sculp [skʌlp] (v) điêu khắc

- Discount ['diskaunt] (n) : an amount of money that is taken off the usual cost of sth = bán hạ giá; bán giảm giá

- Sauna ['sɔ:nə] (n) : a room that is specially heated to high temperatures, esp. by steam from burning wood = nhà tắm hơi, phòng tắm hơi

- Aromatherapy [əˌrəʊməˈθerəpi] (n) : the treatment of anxiety or minor medical conditions by rubbing pleasant-smelling natural oils into the skin or breathing in their smell: cách chữa bằng xoa bóp dầu thơm, hương liệu pháp

- Reindeer ['reindiə] (n) : con tuần lộc

- Wrestling ['resliη] (n) : (thể dục, thể thao) môn đấu vật, (nghĩa bóng) sự vật lộn với

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- Sleigh [slei] (n) : sledge, sled = xe trượt tuyết (do ngựa, chó, hươu kéo)

- Snow-capped ['snou'kæpt] (adj) : có đinh bị phủ tuyết (ngọn núi…)

- Sneeze [sni:z] (v) : hắt hơi

- Admission [əd'mi∫n] (n) : admittance, permission, ticket, the amount of money that you pay to go into a building or an event = tiền vào cưa

- Allergic [ə'lə:dʒik] (adj) : dị ứng; do dị ứng gây ra

- Reaction [ri:'æk∫n] (n) : sự phản tác dụng, sự phản ứng lại

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- Pronounce [prəˈnaʊns] (v) : to say a word or a letter in a particular way: Pronunciation [prəˌnʌnsiˈeɪʃn] (n) phát âm

- Announce [əˈnaʊns] (v) : proclaim, make known, publicize, thông báo

Announcement (n) notice, bulletin, official statement

- Speeding [ˈspiːdɪŋ] (n) : driving faster than is allowed in a particular area: (chạy xe) vượt quá tốc độ

- Estimate [ˈestɪmeɪt] (v) : to guess the cost, size, value, etc. of something ước tính

- Evaluate [ɪˈvæljueɪt] (v) : to judge or calculate the quality, importance, amount or value of something / đánh giá

- Preserve [prɪˈzɜːv] (v) : keep, conserve, bảo tồn

CHAPTER 2- Plant [plɑ:nt] (v) : the movements of growing plants = trồng, gieo

- Clay [klei] (n) : a soft earth, which is plastic, or may be molded with the hands, consisting of hydrous silicate of aluminium = đất sét

- Statue ['stætju:] (n) : the likeness of a living being sculptured or modeled in some solid substance, as marble, bronze, or wax; an image; as a statue of Hercules, or of a lion = tượng (người, vật... bằng gỗ, đá..)

- Drawing ['drɔ:iη] (n) : the act or the art of representing any object by means of lines and shades; especially, such a representation when in one color, or in tints used not to represent the colors of natural objects = bức vẽ, bản vẽ, hoạ tiết

- Exhibit [ig'zibit] (n) : vật trưng bày; vật triển lãm a priceless exhibit : vật trưng bày vô giá

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- Circus ['sə:kəs] (n) : a circular inclosure for the exhibition of feats of horsemanship, acrobatic displays, etc. Also, the company of performers, with their equipage = rạp xiếc, gánh xiếc, chỗ nhiều đường gặp nhau

- Mummy ['mʌmi] (n) : a dead body embalmed and dried after the manner of the ancient Egyptians = xác người hoặc xác động vật đã được ướp để chôn

- Egyptian [i'dʒip∫n] (adj) : (thuộc) Ai-cập

- Competition [ˌkɒmpəˈtɪʃn] (n) : contest, cuộc thi, cuộc tranh tài

- Decorate [ˈdekəreɪt] (v) : make attractive, beautify, trang trí

- Impersonal [ɪmˈpɜːsənl] (adj) : unfriendly, cold, uncongenial, distant, lạnh lùng không thân thiện, xa cách

- Landscape ['lændskeip] (n) : scenery, phong cảnh

- Abstract [ˈæbstrækt] (adj) : theoretical, conceptual, trừu tượng, (thuộc về) ý tưởng ≠ concrete, real

- Sketch [sket∫] (n) : a simple, quickly-made drawing which does not have many details: bức vẽ phác, bức phác hoạ

(v) : make a sketch of sth./ vẽ phát hoạSketchbook / sketchpad (n) : tập giấy để vẽ

- Suppose [sə'pouz] (v) : to believe; think = cho là; tin rằng; nghĩ rằng

- Campus ['kæmpəs] (n) : the principal grounds of a college or school, between the buildings or within the main enclosure = (US) khu sân bãi (của các trường trung học, đại học)

- Sharpen ['∫ɑ:pən] (v) : make sharp(er) = mài, vót cho nhọn, làm cho sắc, làm cho nhọn, làm cho nhạy

to sharpen a pencil : vót bút chì, chuốt viết chì

- Point [pɔint] (n) : đầu nhọn hoặc tù của cái gì; đầu; mũi

- Oppose [ə'pouz] (v) : to resist or antagonize by physical means, or by arguments = chống đối, phản đối

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- Owe [ou] (v) : to possess; to have, as the rightful owner; to own = nợ

- Volcanic [vɔl'kænik] (adj) : (thuộc) núi lưa; như núi lưa Volcanic rocks : đá núi lưa

- Giant [ˈdʒaɪənt] (adj) : extremely large, gigantic, huge, khổng lồ

- Carve [ka:v] (v) : cut into wood or stone; chạm khắc

- Evil ['i:vl] (adj) : immoral, cruel xấu về mặt đạo đức; xấu xaEvil (n) : something very bad and harmful, điều tồi tệEvil spirits (n) : ma, quỷ, tà ma

Keep away evil spirits xua đuổi ma quỷ

- Ancestor ['ænsistə] (n) : a person in your family who lived a long time ago; a progenitor; a forefather = ông bà, tổ tiên

- Assume [ə'sju:m] (v) : cho rằng; thừa nhận

- Tibet [ti'bet] (n) : Tây Tạng

- Buddhist ['budist] (n) : tín đồ đạo Phật

- Mandala ['mændələs] (n) : circular design; hình tròn tượng trưng cho vũ trụ trong một số tôn giáo ở phương đông

- Circular ['sə:kjulə] (adj) : in the form of, or bounded by, a circle; round = (hình) tròn, vòng, vòng quanh

- Grain [grein] (n) : the seeds of wheat, rice, etc. = hạt lương thực: lúa mì, gạo, etc.

A grain of sth : a very small piece of sth = một chút

- Lump [lʌmp] (n) : a small mass of matter of irregular shape; an irregular or shapeless mass; as, a lump of coal; a lump of iron ore = cục, tảng, miếng

- Tube [tju:b] (n) : ống (tự nhiên hoặc nhân tạo) Steel tube : ống thép

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- Reveal [ri'vi:l] (adj) : to make knownor show something that was previously secret; to disclose; = bộc lộ, tiết lộ ra (điều bí mật)

- Temporary [ˈtemprəri] (adj) : not lasting or needed for very long / tạm thời

- Graffito [grə'fi:tou] (n) : grafitô (hình vẽ, chữ viết trên tường ...) Graffiti [grə'fi:ti] (n., pl.)

- Spray [sprei] (n) : cành nhỏ (của cây mộc có cả lá và hoa) to spray (v) : bơm, phun, xịt, xì (thuốc trừ sâu...)

- Allied [ˈælaɪd] (adj) : [before noun] related, connected, associatedLiên kết, kết hợp, Đồng minh

The Allies (n) (trong Thế chiến thứ hai) phe Đồng minh (My, Anh, Liên Xô, Pháp)≠ The Axis phe Trục (Đức, Ý, Nhật)

- Artillery [ɑ:'tiləri] (n) : (quân sự) khẩu đại pháoArtillery shell (n) : đạn pháo

- Enemy ['enəmi] (n) : one hostile to another = kẻ thù, kẻ địch, địch thủ; quân địch

- Urban ['ə:bən] (adj) : Of or in a city or town = (thuộc) thành phố; ở thành phố ≠ rural

- Weaken ['wi:kən] (v) : to make weak; to lessen the strength = làm cho yếu đi, làm cho yếu hơn

- Mild ['maild] (adj) : gentle; pleasant = dịu, hiền (tính tình)

- Tip [tip] (n) : the end; the point of anything; a pointed or the tip of the finger / finger tips : somewhat sharply rounded end = đầu, đinh,


- Solution [sə'lu:∫n] (n) : sự hoà tan

- Rococo [rə'koukou] (adj) : (thuộc) phong cách rôcôcô (phong cách trang trí về đồ đạc.. rất cầu kỳ, phổ biến ở châu Âu trong thế kỷ 18), loe loẹt, nặng về hình thức, (từ cổ,nghĩa cổ) lỗi thời

A rococo style of art : một phong cách nghệ thuật lỗi thời

- Cubist ['kju:bist] (n) : hoạ sĩ lập thểCubism ['kju:bisəm] (n) : trường phái lập thể

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- Fainted [feintid] (adj) : uể oải, lả (vì đói), xiu In a dead faint : bất tinh nhân sự, chết ngất

- Pastel [ˈpæstl] [pæs'tel] (n) : (thực vật học) cây tùng lam, màu tùng lam, màu nhạt nhẹ, (nghệ thuật) phấn màu, bức tranh vẽ bằng phấn màu

- Acrylic [ə'krilik] (adj) : (hoá) acrylic, axit acrilic

- Clip [klip] (n) : cái ghim, cái cặp, cái kẹp to clip (v) : cắt, cắt rời ra, xén, hớt (lông cừu, ngựa)

: rút ngắn bài nói, bấm, xé đầu (vé, phiếu... để loại đi), bỏ bớt chữ, đọc không ro

- Aromatic [,ærou'mætik] (adj) : thơm Aromatic spices : hương liệu Aromatic compound : (hoá học) hợp chất thơm

- Indoors [in'dɔ:z] (adv.) : ở trong nhà to stay indoors : ở nhà không đi đâu

# Outdoors [,aut'dɔ:z] (adv.) : ở ngoài trời, ở ngoài nhàe.g.: It's cold outdoors : Bên ngoài trời lạnhe.g.: In hot countries, one can sleep outdoors= Ơ các xứ nóng, người ta có thể ngủ ngoài trời The great outdoors : = in the countryside, far away from towns /

miền quê, xa thành phố

- Woodworking ['wudwə:kiη] (n) : nghề mộc; nghề làm các đồ gỗ, ky xảo làm các đồ gỗ

- Blind [blaind] (adj) : đui mù to be blind in (of) one’s eye : chột mắt, (nghĩa bóng) không nhìn thấy, không

thấy đượce.g.: She was blind to her son's faults : mù quáng, không nhìn ra= Bà ta không nhìn thấy khuyết điểm của con trai mình

- Geometry [dʒi'ɔmitri] (n) : (Toán) hình học

- Spatial ['spei∫l] (adj) : (thuộc) không gian; nói về không gian, có trong không gian, khoảng trống

= Spacial ['spei∫əl] (adj)

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e.g.: The spatial qualities of the new concert hall= Những phẩm chất về không gian của phòng hoà nhạc

- Abstract ['æbstrækt] (adj) : trừu tượng, lý thuyết, không thực tế

- Visual ['vi∫uəl] (adj) : (thuộc) thị giác; (thuộc) sự nhìn, dùng cho mắt nhìn

- Impair [im'peə] (v) : to spoil or weaken sth so that it is less effective = làm suy yếu, làm sút kém

Impaired (adj) : bị suy yếu impaired vision thị lực yếu


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CHAPTER 1- Require [rɪˈkwaɪə(r)] (v) : need, order, ask, yêu cầu

requirement (n) :

- No longer = not any longer = No more = not any more (adv) : không (còn)… nữa

- Stock [stɒk] (n) : the total amount of goods or the amount of a

particular type of goods available in a shop / hàng hoá có sẵn.

Be in / out of stock : Đang có / hết hàng

- Brand [brænd] (n) : make, type of product, brand name; nhãn hiệu (của hàng hoá)

What make/brand is your camera? – It’s a Canon.

- Deserve [di'zə:v] (v) : to earn sth, either good or bad, because of sth that you have done; be worthy of = đáng, xứng đáng

- Regret rɪˈgret] (v) : be/feel sorry; be apologetic; hối tiếc

(n) : sự hối tiếc, tiếc nuối Regretful (adj) : expressing regret

- Digress [dai'gres] (v) : to move away from the main subject you are writing or talking about and to write or talk about something else = lạc chủ đề

Digress from sth Digression [dai'gre∫n] (n)

- Resign [,ri:'zain] (v) : to officially announce that you have decided to leave your job or an organization = từ chức

- Distract [dis'trækt] (v) : to take so's attention away from sth by making them look at or listen to sth else = làm sao lãng, làm đãng trí


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- Record [rɪˈkɔːd] (v) : to keep information for the future, by writing it down or storing it on a computer / ghi chép ra giấy hoặc đĩa

[ˈrekɔːd] (n) : đĩa nhạc (lớn hơn nhưng chứa được ít bài nhạc hơn CD=compact disc, đĩa nén)

- Cassette tape (n) : băng cát-sét

- Brand new (adj) : completely new, especially not yet usedMới tinh khôi, mới cứng

- Jazz [dʒæz] (n) : loại nhạc Jazz (thường chơi theo cảm hứng)

- Tune [tju:n] (n) : a series of musical notes, especially one which is pleasant and easy to remember; a melody = giai điệu

1 in tune singing or playing the right notes: (hát) đúng giọng/điệu

2 out of tune singing or playing the wrong notes: (hát) sai/lạc giọng/điệu I'm afraid the piano is out of tune.

- Embarrassed [im'bærəst] (adj) : feeling nervous, uncomfortable and worrying = lúng túng, mắc cỡ, “quê”

- Countdown ['kauntdaun] (n) : the act of saying numbers backwards from 10 to zero = đếm ngược

- Hit [hit] (n) : a thing or person that is very popular or successful; success / thành công

The Beatles had a string of number-one hits in the 1960s.

- In a row : one after another without a break; consecutively / liên tiếp, tiếp nối

- Give a big hand for Pablo : welcome with clapping ((cho) tràng pháo tay chào/đón mừng)

- Drum [drʌm] (n) : (nhạc cụ) trống

(v) : Đánh trống Drummer (n) : người đánh/chơi trống, tay trống

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- Encourage [ɪnˈkʌrɪdʒ] (v) : to make someone more likely to do something: khích lệ, khuyến khích

- Disturb [dɪˈstɜːb] (v) : interrupt, worry; upset, bother /

xen vào, làm phiền Disturbance (n)

- Differ ['difə] (v) : to be different from sth in some way = khác, không giống

- Differentiate [,difə'ren∫ieit] (v) : tell apart; make a distiction = phân biệt= Distinguish [dis'tiηgwi∫] (v) Different ['difrənt] (adj) Difference ['difrəns] (n)

- Pull over (phr.v) : move to the side of the road and stop: ≠ pull out lái/tấp xe vào lề đường và dừng lại

- Demo ['demou] (adj) : an example of a product especially a computer program or piece of recorded music = bản thu âm thư

- Obviously ['ɒbviəsli] (adv.) : evidently; clearly; noticeably = ro ràng, hiển nhiên

- Talent ['tælənt] (n) : a natural ability to do sth well = tài năng Talented ['tæləntid] (adj)

- Qualify ['kwɔlifai] (v) : to pass an examination or finish a course of study that you need in order to do sth = có đủ khả năng, tiêu chuẩn

- Renown [rɪˈnaʊn] (n) : fame, celebrity, the state of being famous / sự nổi tiếng

Renowned (adj) : famous, well-known, recognized

- Establish [is'tæbli∫] (v) : to start or create an organization; found = thành lập

- Dedicate [dedi'keit] (v) : devote, completely give time or energy to sthCống hiến, tận tâm

Dedication [,dedi'kei∫n] (n) : devotion = sự cống hiến Dedicated ['dedikeitid] (adj) : tận tụy, tận tâm

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- Eventually [i'vent∫uəli] (adv.) : finally, in the end = cuối cùng là

- Individual [,indi'vidjuəl] (adj) : considered separately from other people or things in the same group = cá nhân, cá thể

- Recover [ri:'kʌvə] (v) : to become well again after you have been ill = bình phục, hồi phục

Recovery [ri'kʌvəri] (n)

- Soothing [suːðɪŋ] (adj) : gentle, relaxing, comforting, melodious = nhẹ nhàng, êm dịu, du dương

Soothing music : gentle music

- Identical [ai'dentikəl] (adj) : exactly the same, very similar = giống hệt

- Procedure [prə'si:dʒə] (n) : the usual or correct way for doing sth = thủ tục

- Surgery [ˈsɜːdʒəri] (n) : medical operation; cuộc phẫu thuật, mỗ

Surgeon [ˈsɜːdʒən] (n) : a doctor who is specially trained to perform medical operations / bác sy phẫu thuật

- Suffer ['sʌfə] (v) : to experience physical or mental pain = trải qua, chịu đựng

- Auditorium [,ɔ:di'tɔ:riəm] (n) : the part of a theatre where people sit when watching a play, concert = thính phòng, hội trường

- Deadline ['dedlain] (n) : time limit; a time or date before which sth must be done or finished = thời hạn cuối cùng

- Scroll [skroul] (v) : to move text up and down on a computer screen = cuộn lên xuống [trong máy tính]

-Purchase [ˈpɜːtʃəs] (v) : buy / mua

(n) : - sth you buy: món hàng- the act of buying sth = sự, mua

- Wire (up) [waiə] (v) : to connect a piece of electrical equipment with wires so that it will work = cắm dây, bắt dây

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- Conduct [kən'dʌkt] (v) : to carry out a particular activity or process, especially in order to get information or prove facts = thực hiện

Conduct ['kɔndʌkt] (n)

- Graph [græf] (n) : chart, diagram; biểu đồ, đồ thị

- Participant [pɑ:'tisipənt] (n) : a person who takes part in an activity or an event = người tham gia

- Fund [fʌnd] (v) : to provide money for an activity, organization, event = tài trợ

= Sponsor ['spɔnsə] (v)

Funded organization (n) : tổ chức được tài trợ

- Promote [prə'mout] (v) : to encourage the popularity, sale, development or existence of sth = quảng bá, quảng cáo

- Musicianship [mju:'zi∫n∫ip] (n) : a person's skill in playing a musical instrument or singing = tài hát hoặc chơi một nhạc cụ; tài năng trong âm nhạc

- Outstanding [aut'stændiη] (adj) : extremely good; excellent = nổi bật, đáng chú ý

- Acquaintance [ə'kweintəns] (n) : so you know, but who is not a close friend = người quen

- Trustworthy [ˈtrʌstwɜːði] (adj) : able to be trusted; dependable = đáng tin cậy

- Function ['fʌηk∫n] (n) : special duty of a thing = chức năng

- Scratch [skræt∫] (n) : a mark or cut on the surface of sth = vết xước, vết cắt

- Paintwork [peintwə:k] (n) : the covering/coat of paint on a surface: lớp sơn



- Society [sə'saiəti] (n) : a large group of people who live together in an organized way, making decisions about how to do things and sharing the work that needs to be done = xã hội

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Social ['sou∫əl] (adj) : relating to society and living together in an organized way: liên quan, thuộc về xã hội

Socially (adv)

Sociable ['sou∫əbl] (adj) : enjoying being with other people; friendly = dễ gần gũi, hoà đồng

- Terror ['terə] (n) : very great fear = sự kinh hoàng; sự khiếp sợ Terrify ['terifai] (v) : frighten, horrify, scare = làm cho khiếp sợ, làm

kinh hãi Terrible ['terəbl] (adj) : very unpleasant; causing great shock or injury

awful, very bad = khủng khiếp; kinh hoàng Terribly ['terəbli] (adv.) : awfully, very badly, offensively

- Remind [ri'maind] (v) : to help sb to remember sth, especially sth important that he/ she has to do = nhắc nhở

- Participate [pɑ:'tisipeit] (v) : to take part or become involved in sth = tham gia hoặc bị lôi cuốn vào (một hoạt động)

- Excuse sb (from sth) (v) : to free sb from a duty, responsibility, etc. = allow (not) to do sth; miễn cho, tha cho

- Cooperation [kou,ɔpə'rei∫n] (n) : working together with sb else to achieve sth = sự hợp tác, sự cộng tác, sự chung sức

- Violate ['vaiəleit] (v) : Breach; to break a rule, an agreement, etc. = vi phạm, xâm phạm

- Specify ['spesifai] (v) : to say or name sth clearly or in detail = chi ro, ghi ro, định ro

- Abolish [ə'bɔli∫] (v) : eliminate, do away with, end a law or system officially = bãi bỏ, huỷ bỏ

- Terminate ['tə:mineit] (v) : to end or to make sth end = kết thúc, chấm dứt

- Cash [kæ∫] (n) : money in the form of coins or notes and not cheques, plastic cards, etc. = tiền, tiền mặt

to cash (v) : to exchange a cheque, traveller’s cheque, etc. for coins and notes = trả tiền mặt, lĩnh tiền mặt

- Annul [ə'nʌl] (v) : to officially announce that something such as a law, agreement, or marriage no longer exists = bỏ, bãi bỏ, huỷ bỏ

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- Refund [ri:'fʌnd] (v) : to give back = trả lại, hoàn tiền lại (khi mua hàng, không hài lòng về món hàng đã mua)

to refund a deposit : trả lại số tiền đặt cọc

- Reimburse [,ri:im’bə:s] (v) : to pay back to so = hoàn lại, trả lại, bồi hoàn (số tiền đã tiêu..)

e.g: I was reimbursed in full : tôi đã được trả lại tiền đầy đủ

- Repay [ri:'pei] (v) : to pay back money that you owe to sb = trả lại, (tiền vay, thiếu nợ), hoàn lại, báo đáp, đền đáp

- Transfer ['trænsfə:] (v) : to officially arrange for sth to belong to, or be controlled by, sb else = chuyển, nhượng, nhường lại, chuyển giao quyền sở hữu (tài sản...)

CHAPTER 2- Rock climbing [rɔk 'klaimiη] (n) : the sport of climbing rocks and mountains with

ropes, etc. = môn leo vách đá

- Weight lifting ['weit'liftiη] (n) : the soprt of lifting heavy weight = môn cư tạ

- Ice-skate ['ais'skeit] (n) : a boot with a thin sharp metal part on the bottom that is used for moving on ice = giày trượt băng

- Put on [put ɔn] (phr. v.) : to cover part of the body with sth (clothes, shoes) / wear = mặc, đội

- Take off [teik ɔ:f] (phr. v.) : to remove sth, especially clothes = bỏ (mũ), cởi (quần áo)

- Sock [sɔk] (n) : a piece of clothing that you wear on your foot and lower leg = vớ ngắn

- Baseball [ˈbeɪsbɔːl (n) : (thể thao) môn bóng chày

- Stadium ['steidiəm] (n) : Arena; a large structure, usually with no roof, where people can sit and watch sport = sân vận động, đường đua

- Injure ['indʒə] (v) : to harm or hurt yourself or sb else physically, especially in an accident = làm tổn thương, làm hại

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- Regularly ˈreɡjələli] (adv) : habitually, often, frequently, thường xuyên

- Stay in such great shape : giữ vóc dáng đẹp

- Jog ['dʒɔg] (v) : to run slowly, especially as a form of exercise = chạy bộ để luyện tập thân thể

to go jogging

- Instructor [in'strʌktə] (n) : a person whose job is to teach a practical skill or sport = người dạy; huấn luyện viên (= coach, trainer),trợ giáo (đại học)

- Take up : start doing an activity, or a job; bắt đầu làm gì

- Recommend [,rekə'mend] (v) : suggest; introduce = giới thiệu; tiến cư (người, vật...)

- Discount ['diskaunt] (n) : reduction; a lower price than usual; money off = phần tiền được giảm trong giá của cái gì; tiền bớt; tiền trừ

- Referee [,refə'ri:] (n) : a person who is in charge of a game and who makes certain that the rules are followed = trọng tài

(v) : làm trọng tài

- Commit [kə'mit] (v) : to do sth bad or illegal = vi phạm

- Foul [faul] (n) : an action that is against the rules = điều xấu sự đụng, sự chạm, sự va sự vướng mắc vào nhau, trái luật; ăn gian; chơi xấu (bóng đá...)

- Penalty ['penlti] (n) : 1. a punishment, or the usual punishment, for doing something that is against a law hình phạt

2. a punishment for one team and an advantage for the other team because a rule has been broken = cú phạt đền (bóng đá)

- Punishment ['pʌni∫mənt] (n) : the action or way of punishing sb = sự trừng phạt, sự trừng trị

- Gentle ['dʒentl] (adj) : kind, calm, tender, mild = hiền lành, dịu dàng, hoà nhã

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- Coach [kout∫] (n) : trainer = huấn luyện viên

- Stand [stænd] (n) : a table or an object that holds or supports sth, often so that people can buy it or look at it = giá, bệ, khung

- Get involved in [in'vɔlvd] : closely connected with sth; taking an active part in sth = để hết tâm trí vào, bị thu hút vào (công việc gì...)

- Session ['se∫n] (n) : a period of time or meeting arranged for a particular activity = buổi (đợt) tập trung cho một hoạt động gì

Training session Đợt tập luyện, đợt huấn luyện

- Assistance [ə'sistəns] (n) : help or support = sự giúp đỡ

- Immediately [i'mi:djətli] (adv.) : at once; without delay = ngay lập tức, tức thì

- Catch up on sth (v) : to spend time doing sth that you have not been able to do for some time = dành thời gian để làm gì đó để bù lại

- Scarcely ['skeəsli] (adv.) : only just, almost not = hầu như không

- Hunt [hʌnt] (v) : chase, pursue : săn, rượt bắt(n) : sự đi săn cuộc lùng sục, cuộc tìm kiếm

- Maintain [mein'tein] (v) : to make sth continue at the same level, standard, etc. = giữ cho cái gì khỏi gián đoạn; duy trì

- In a row : one after another; without a break = liên tiếp

- Try-out ['trai'aut] (n) : a test to see how useful or effective something or someone is = sự thư; sự kiểm tra tính chất, sự kiểm tra tính hiệu quả của một người hoặc một vật

- Keep it up : to continue doing sth = tiếp tục, duy trì

- Competitive [kəm'petitiv] (adj) : able to be as successful as or more successful than others = cạnh tranh, đua tranh

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Competition [,kɔmpi'ti∫n] (n) : contest ; an organized event in which people try to win sth = sự đua tranh giữa nhiều người; sự cạnh tranh, cuộc thi, cuộc tranh tài

Competitor [kəm'petitə] (n) : a person or organization that is competing against others = người cạnh tranh; đấu thủ, đối thủ / contestant

- Burn-out [bə:n] (n) : extreme tiredness usually caused by working too much = sự kiệt sức (do làm việc nhiều)

Burnt out (adj) : kiệt sức, fatigued, exhausted

- Strategic [strə:’tidʒik] (adj) : helping you to achieve a plan; giving you an advantage = ( thuộc) chiến lược; đem lại lợi thế cho một mục đích nào đó

Strategically (adv)

- Score [skɔ:] (v) : win, get points, goals, etc. in a game, competition, exam, etc. = ghi bàn

- Goal keeper ['goulki:pə] (n) : in football, hockey, etc.) the player who stands in front of the goal and tries to stop the other team from scoring = thủ môn

- Striker ['straikə] (n) : a player whose job is to score goals = tiền đạo

- Pace [pes] (n) : speed, step; nhịp độ, tốc độ, tiến độKeep up the pace : Theo kịp nhịp độ (trận đấu…)

- Captain ['kæptin] (n) : a person who is the leader of a group or team = đội trưởng, thủ quân

- Rumor ['ru:mə] (n) : a piece of news or information that many people are talking about, but that is possibly not true = tin đồn, lời đồn

- Distract [dis'trækt] (v) : to take sb’s attention away from sth = làm sao lãng

- Alter ['ɔ:ltə] (v) : to slightly change sth; to make sth different in some way, but without changing it completely; to become different = thay đổi, biến đổi

- Co-ed ['kou'ed] : including students of both sexes = gồm cả nam Co-education : lẫn nữCo-educational school : trường nam nữ học chung

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- Check out [t∫ek aut] (phr. v.) : Examine; to find out more information about sb/ sth, especially to find out if sth is true or notKiểm tra ky

- Native ['neitiv] (n) : a person who was born in a particular place = người địa phương, bản xứ

- Beat [bi:t] (v) : to defeat sb; to be better than sth = đánh bại, thắng, vượt hơn

- Remarkable [ri'mɑ:kəbl] (adj.) : unusual or special and therefore surprising and Remarkably (adv) worth mentioning; extraordinary = đáng chú ý,

khác thường, xuất sắc; đặc biệt, ngoại lệ

- Champion ['t∫æmpjən] (n) : to support or fight for a particular group or idea = người vô địch, nhà quán quân

- Neighborhood ['neibəhud] (n) : the area of a town that surrounds someone's home, or the people who live in this area = hàng xóm; vùng lân cận

- Boot [bu:t] (n) : a type of shoe that covers your foot completely and sometimes part of your leg = giày ống

- Mud [mʌd] (n) : soft, wet earth = bùn

- Option ['ɔp∫n] (n) : alternative, choice; sth that you can choose to do; the freedom to choose = sự chọn lựa, quyền lựa chọn

- Overall ['ouvərɔ:l] (adv.) : generally; on the whole; taken as a whole = nhìn tòan bộ, nói chung

- Favor ['feivə] (v) : to support sb/ sth; to prefer, thích hơn- Awesome ['ɔ:səm] (adj) : - impressive and sometimes frightening =

đáng kinh sợ; làm khiếp sợ; làm kinh hoàng,- very good; excellent = tuyệt

- Urban ['ə:bən] (adj) : connected with a town or city = (thuộc) thành phố; ở thành phố ≠ rural

- Skateboarding ['skeit,bɔ:diη] (n) : a sport of riding a skateboard, a flat narrow board with two small wheels under each end: môn trượt ván

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- Stuff ['stʌf] (n) : used to refer to sth without using its name = thứ; món; đồ đạc

- Vote [vout] (n) : a formal choice in an election or at a meeting, which you show by holding up your hand or writing on a piece of paper = sự bầu cư; lá phiếu

- Unfit [ʌn'fit] (adj) : out of shape; unhealthy; not in good physical health, especially because you do not get enough exercise = không khỏe mạnh

- Appeal to sth [ə'pi:l] (v) : to interest or attract sb = hấp dẫn; lôi cuốn

- Propose [prə'pouz] (v) : to formally suggest sth = đề nghị, đề xuất Proposal [prə'pouzl] (n) : formal suggestion = sự đề nghị, sự đề xuất

- Curriculum [kə'rikjuləm] (n) : the group of subjects studied in a school, college, etc = chương trình giảng dạy.



- Dough [dəʊ] (n) : flour mixed with water and often yeast, fat or sugar so that it is ready for baking: bột (đã nhào) để làm bánh

- Flour [ˈflaʊə(r)] (n) : powder made from grain, especially wheat, used for making bread, cakes, pasta, pastry, etc. Bột (thường là bột mỳ)

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- Yeast [jiːst] (n) : a type of fungus used in making beer and wine Men (để làm rượu, bánh)

- Activate ˈæktɪveɪt(v) :cause sth to start, kích hoạt, làm cho hoạt động, làm cho phản ứng (hoá học) xãy ra.

- Rise raɪz] (v) : move upwards, get bigger, nổi, to ra

- Set sth aside : để/dẹp (cái gì) qua một bên (không chú ý đến);ủ bột làm bánh.

- Be worth (the wait) / Be useful (to wait) : Đáng công (chờ đợi)

- Temporal [ˈtempərəl] (adj) : relating to time, chronological: (thuộc) thời gian.relating to practical matters or material things, rather than spiritual ones/(thuộc) trần tục, thế tục.

- Temporary ˈtemprəri] (adj) : not lasting or needed for very long: tạm thời

- Contemporary kənˈtemprəri (adj) : - existing now / đương thời; - of same period / cùng thời

- Considerate [kənˈsɪdərət] (adj) : kind and helpful, thoughtful, ân cần, chu đáo- Considerable [kənˈsɪdərəbl (adj) large or of noticeable importance, much / nhiều,

đáng kể đếnCHAPTER 2- Wage [weɪdʒ] (v) : fight a war / tiến hành một cuộc chiến tranh

- Plate [pleɪt] (n) : dish, (cái) dĩa

- Spoon [spuːn] (n) : cái muỗng- Fork [fɔːk] (n) : cái nĩa

- Result [ri:'zʌlt] (n) : the effect or outcome of sth = kết quả

- Evidence ['evidəns] (n) : Proof; information that gives a strong reason for believing sth or proves sth = bằng chứng

- Effort ['efət] (n) : Attempt; the use of much physical or mental energy to do sth = sự cố gắng/ nổ lực

- Conference [′kɒnf(ə)rəns] (n) : a large meeting, often lasting a few days = hội nghị

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- Employer [ɪm′plɔɪə] (n) : a person, company, or organization that pays so to work for them as a member of their staff = nhà tuyển dụng / boss

Employee [emplɔɪˈi] (n) : so who is paid regularly to work for a person or an organization = nhân viên

- Prohibit [prəʊˈhɪbɪt] (v) : to officially stop sth from being done, especially by making it illegal = cấm

- Finish [′fɪnɪʃ] (v) : to do the last part of sth so that it is complete = làm xong

e.g.: I’ve nearly finished my work. Finish (n) : the end of sth = đích (đến)e.g.: There were several close finishes during the competition. Finished (adj) : sth that is finished has been completed = xong

việce.g.: I’m not finished with you. to finish doing sthe.g.: She finished studying about ten.

- Vegetarian [vedʒə′teəriən] (n) : so who chooses not to eat meat or fish = người ăn chay

Vegetarian (adj) : relating to or intended for vegetarians = cho người ăn chay

e.g.: a vegetarian diet/cookbook/ restaurant

- Afford [ə′fɔː(r)d] (v) : to have enough money (time, space, etc.) for a particular purpose = có khả năng chi trả

e.g.: We need a bigger house, but we just can’t afford the rent. to afford to do sthe.g.: The company simply cannot afford to pay overtime.

- Nutritionist [njuˈtrɪʃənɪst] (n) : an expert on the subject of nutrition:Chuyên gia dinh dưỡng

- Recommend [rekə′mend] (v) : to advise so that they should do sth = khuyêne.g.: I recommend that you buy a more powerful computer. to recommend doing sthe.g.: We recommend booking early, as this is a popular event.

- Risk [rsk] (n) : the possibility of something bad happening/ rủi ro at risk: in danger gặp nguy hiểm

(v) : liều, mạo hiểm làm việc gì

- Sugary ˈʃʊɡəri] (a) : containing sugar, có (chất) đường; ngọt Sugary snacks (n) : thức ăn nhanh ngọt (bánh, kẹo)

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- Rot [rɒt] (v) : decompose, decay: mục ruỗng, hư thối

- Fatty foods : những loại thức ăn có nhiều dầu mỡ, béo

- Ingredient [ɪn′gri:diənt] (n) : element, component, part; one of the things from which sth is made = thành phần

- Recipe [′respi] (n) : a set of instructions for cooking or preparing a e.g.: a recipe for apple pie particular food, formula, method = công thức

nấu ăn

- The Globe [ɡləʊb] (n) : the world, thế giớiGlobal (adj) global warming : việc trái đất nóng lên

- Set Free : release, turn loose, let out, thả, phóng thích

- Discrepancy [dɪsˈkrepənsi] (n) : [C,U] difference between things that should be the same = sự trái ngược

e.g.: a discrepancy between estimated and actual spending There were some discrepancies in the statement he gave to police

- Appreciate [ə′pri:ʃieɪt] (v) : to recognize or understand that something is valuable, important or as described = đánh giá cao, coi trọng, cảm kích

Appreciation [ə pri:ʃi′eɪʃ(ə)n] (n) : the feeling you have when you are grateful to so = sự đánh giá cao, cảm kích

e.g.: This is just a small token of our appreciation

- Garlic [′gɑː(r)lɪk] (n) : [U] a round white vegetable with small sections called cloves which you add to food for a strong pleasant flavor. The whole garlic is called a bulb = tỏi

Garlicky [gɑː(r)lɪki] (adj) : smelling or tasting of garlic = có mùi vị tỏie.g.: garlicky breath / food

- Parmesan cheese[′pɑːmɪzæn tʃi:z] (n) : a hard Italian cheese with a strong flavour,

often used on pasta = pho-mai cứng của Ý

- Spaghetti [spə′geti] (n) : [U] a type of pasta in the form of long thin pieces like string = mì sợi

- Go off (Phr.v) : leave

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- Live off/on (Phr.v) : (of a person) eat, or seem to eat, only (a particular type of food) chi ăn một loại thức ăn

- Instant noodles [instn ′nu:d(ə)lz] (n) : a type of pasta in the form of long thin pieces that cook quickly = mì ăn liền

- Sophomore [′sɒfəmɔː] (n) : a student in the second year of a US college or high school = sinh viên năm thứ hai

- Fortify (v) : to add a substance to food or drink to make it stronger or healthier = tăng cường

e.g.: All of our cereals are fortified with extra vitamins and minerals.

- Appetite [′æpətaɪt] (n) : the natural feeling of wanting to eat = sự ngon miệng

e.g.: a child with a healthy appetite The symptoms include fever and loss of appetite All that fresh air and exercise has given me an appetite Appetizer [′æpətaɪzə(r)] (n) : a food that you eat before the main part of a

meal = món khai vị / startere.g.: Small savory biscuits provide a simple appetizer

Appetizing [′æpətaɪzɪŋ] (adj) : stimulating an appetite, esp. for food = kích thích sự ngon miệng, tasty, delicious

e.g.: appetizing food smells or looks very good

- Reject [rɪˈdʒekt (v) : refuse, discard, bác bỏ- Allot [ə′lɒt] (v) : give, allocate, assign, distribute

= phân chia, chia phầne.g.: We did the work within the time they’d allotted us. Allotment [ə′lɒtmənt] (n) : 1. sự phân chia, phân phối / distribution

2. a small piece of land in a town that you can rent and use for growing vegetables = mảnh đất trồng rau

- First come, first served : Ai tới trước thì được / Nhanh tay thì còn - Eventually [ɪˈventʃuəli] (adv) : finally, ultimately, cuối cùng

- Mayonnaise [′meɪəneɪz] (n) : a thick white sauce made from egg yolks and oil, eaten especially with salads and cold food = xốt ma-i-on-ne

- Deliver [dɪˈlɪvə(r)] (v) : to take sth, especially goods or letters, to a place = giao hàng

e.g.: The package was delivered this morning.

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Delivery [dɪˈlɪv(ə)ri] (n) : [C, U] the process of bringing goods or letters to a place = sự giao hàng

e.g.: Please allow ten days for delivery They haven’t made regular deliveries for a week.

- Run (v) : manage, to be in control of / quản lý, điều hành

- Complain [kəm′pleɪn] (v) : to say that you are not satisfied with sth = than phiền

e.g.: ‘It’s far too hot,’ she complained. Complaint [kəm′pleɪnt] (n) : a written or spoken statement in which sb says

they are not satisfied with sth = sự than phiềne.g.: I intend to make a complaint

- Vending machine [′vendɪŋ məʃi:n] (n) : a machine that you can buy things from, for example cigarettes, sweets, or drinks = máy bán hàng

- Merchant [′mɜː(r)tʃ(ə)nt] (n) : a person or business that buys and sells goods, especially one that trades with other countries = thương gia

e.g.: a coal merchant / a wine merchant / an import-export merchant

- Corridor [′kɒrɪdɔː(r)] (n) : a long passage inside a building with doors on each side = hành lang

- Transact [trænˈzækt] (v) : do and complete a business activity: giao dịch Transaction (n) : sự, cuộc giao dịch

- Toffee ˈtɒfi] (n) : a hard, chewy, often brown sweet that is made from sugar boiled with butter: kẹo bơ cứng

- Crunch [krʌntʃ] (v) : nghiền, nhai lạo xạo(n) : tiếng lạo xạo khi nhai thức ăn giòn

Crunchy (adj) : (thức ăn) giòn - Muffin ˈmʌfɪn (n) : a small sweet cake that often has fruit inside it

Bánh muffin


- Baguette [bæˈɡet] (n) : French stick; a long thin white loaf of bread, of a type which originally came from France: bánh mì kiểu Pháp

- Raspberry ˈrɑːzbəri] (n) : (cây) quả mâm xôi

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- Flavor ˈfleɪvə(r)] (n) : hương vị

- Limitless ˈlɪmɪtləs] (adj) : unlimited, infinite, không giới hạn

- Taste test (n) : cuộc thi nếm thức ăn

- Blindfold ˈblaɪndfəʊld] (n) : a strip of cloth which covers someone's eyes and stops them from seeing: dãi băng bịt mắt

(v) : Bịt mắt

- Rinse out [rɪns] (v) : to use water to clean/ dùng nước để xả (quần áo), hay súc miệng

- Infant [ˈɪnfənt] (n) : baby, very young child, trẻ nhỏ


CHAPTER 1- Preoccupied [priˈɒkjupaɪd] (adj) : thinking or worrying about something too much;

Worried, anxious, bận tâm, lo lắng

- Survey [ˈsɜːveɪ] (n) : an examination of opinions, behaviour, etc., made by asking people questions: cuộc khảo sát, điều tra

(v) : to ask people questions in order to find out about their opinions or behaviour: khảo sát, điều tra

- Handset (n) : - receiver, ống nghe điện thoại - mobile phone, cellphone, cellular phone,

điện thoại di động

- Urgent [ˈɜːdʒənt] (adj) : needing attention very soon, especially before anything else, because important / rất cần, gấp

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CHAPTER 2- Gauge [geidʒ] (n) : a device that measures the amount or quantity

of sth = máy đo

- Tank [tæηk] (n) : a large container for holding liquid or gas = thùng, két, bể….

- Square-shaped ['skweə'∫eipt] (adj) : shaped like a square = có hình vuông

- Blanket ['blæηkit] (n) : a flat cover made of wool or warm material, usually used on a bed = cái mền (chăn)

- Astronaut ['æstrənɔ:t] (n) : spaceman = phi hành gia

- Take off [teik ɔ:f] (v) : to leave the ground and start flying = cất cánh# Land [lænd] (v) : arrive after a journey = hạ cánh

- Microscope ['maikrəskoup] (n) : a scientific instrument which makes very small objects look bigger so that more detail can be seen = kính hiển vi

- Calculator ['kælkjuleitə] (n) : a small electronic device that is used for doing calculations = máy tính

- Puffer fish ['pʌfə fi∫] (n) : cá nóc

- Planet ['plænit] (n) : a large, round object in space that moves around a star = hành tinh

- Earth [ə:θ] (n) : the planet on which we live = Trái Đất

- Chemical ['kemikl] (n) : a substance that is used in a chemical process or made by a chemical process = hóa chất

- Telescope ['teliskoup] (n) : a long instrument shaped like a tube. It has lenses inside it that make distant things seem larger and nearer when you look through it = kính viễn vọng

- Journal ['dʒə:nl] (n) : a magazine, especially one that deals with a specialized subject = báo, tạp chí chuyên đề

- Physics ['fiziks] (n) : the science of matter and energy and their interactions = vật lý học

Physicist ['fiziksst] (n) : nhà vật lý học≠ Physician [fɪˈzɪʃn] (n) : medical doctor / bác sy (đa khoa)

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- Damage ['dæmidʒ] (v) : break something, spoil it physically, or stop it from working properly = làm tổn thương

Cause/ do serious damage (v) : gây tổn thương nghiêm trọng

- Goggles ['gɔglz] (n) : a pair of glasses that fit closely to the face to protect the eyes from wind, dust, water, etc. = kính bảo hộ

- Biology [bai'ɔlədʒi] (n) : the scientific study of the natural processes of living things = sinh vật học

- Worm [wə:m] (n) : a small animal with a long thin body, no bones and no legs = con sâu, con trùng, giun

- Dissect [dɪˈsekt] [daɪˈsekt] (v) : to cut open something, especially a dead body or a plant, and study its structure: Mổ xẻ

- Experiment [ɪkˈsperɪmənt] (n) : a test done in order to learn something or to

discover whether something works or is true: cuộc thí nghiệm

Experiment (v) : làm thí nghiệm

- Frankly ['fræηkli] (adv.) : honestly = một cách thành thật

Frankly = to be honest / to tell the truth = thành thật mà nói…./ thật lòng mà nói….

- Pretty ['priti] (adv.) : quite, rather = khá, vừa phải

- Disgusting [dis'gʌstiη] (adj) : extremely unpleasant = ghê tởm, kinh tởm

- Right [rait] (n) : an abstract idea of that which is due to a person or governmental body by law or tradition or nature = quyền

- Observatory [əb'zɜ:vətri] (n) : a building with a large telescope from which scientists study things such as the planets by watching them = đài thiên văn, đài quan sát

Observe [ə'bzə:v] (v) : watch carefully = quan sát, theo doi

- Astronomy [əs'trɔnəmi] (n) : the scientific study of the stars, planets, and other natural objects in space = thiên văn học

Astronomer [əs'trɔnəmə] (n) : a scientist who studies the stars, planets, and other natural objects in space = nhà thiên văn học

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- Giant ['dʒaiənt] (adj) : enormous; huge, gigantic = khổng lồ

- Accustom [ə'kʌstəm] (v) : get used to; become familiar with: làm quen với

- Earthquake ['ə:θkweik] (n) : a shaking of the ground caused by movement of the Earth's crust = động đất

- Precisely [pri'saisli] (adv.) : accurately and exactly = một cách chính xác

- Fantastic [fæn'tæstik] (adj) : wonderful, great = tuyệt vời

- Satisfy ['sætisfai] (v) : please, make happy or satisfied = làm hài lòng

- Burst into tears [bə:st 'intə tiə] (v) : cry = bật khóc

- Sob [sɔb] (v) : weep, shed tears; cry in a noisy way, breathing in short breaths = nức nở

- Pour [pɔ:] (v) : cause to flow, empty = đổ ra (nước…)- Community service

[kə'mju:niti 'sə:vis] : work that people do to help other people without payment = phục vụ cộng đồng

- Space probe ['speɪs prəʊb] (n) : tàu thăm dò vũ trụ (không người lái)

- Vanish ['væni∫] (v) : disappear, evaporate, fade away = biến mất

- Access ['ækses] (v) : enter; obtain or retrieve from a storage device = truy cập

- Log out [lɔg aut] (v) : finish using the system by typing a particular command = thoát (mạng…)

- Actively ['æktivli] (adv.) : in an active manner; energetically, enthusiastically = tích cực, hăng hái

- Promote [prəˈməʊt] (v) : help or encourage sth to happen, increase, or spread = đẩy mạnh, thúc đẩy

- Encourage [in'kʌridʒ] (v) : give so confidence = khích lệ, động viên

- Volunteer [,vɔlən'tiə] (n) : so who does work without being paid for it, because they want to do it = tình nguyện viên

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- Medication [,medi'kei∫n] (n) : a medicine, or a set of medicines or drugs used to improve a particular condition or illness = thuốc; (một) liều thuốc

- Psychology [sai'kɔlədʒi] (n) : the scientific study of the human mind and the reasons for people's behaviour = tâm lý học

- Participant [pɑ:'tisipənt] (n) : a person who takes part in an activity = người tham gia

- Fee [fi:] (n) : payment, charge = tiền thù lao, phí tổn

- Capability [,keipə'biliti] (n) : the quality of being capable; capacity = khả năng, năng lực

- Semester [si'mestə] (n) : one of the divisions of an academic year = học kỳ

- Earthworm ˈɜːθwɜːm] (n) : giun đất

- Registration [,redʒi'strei∫n] (n) : the act of enrolling = sự, việc đăng ký

- Annually ['ænjuəli] (adv.) : yearly = hàng năm

- Medical ethics ['medikl 'eθiks] (n) : the study of moral values and judgments as applied to medicine = đạo đức y khoa

- Humorous ['hju:mərəs] (adj) : amusing, funny = hài hước, hóm hinh

- Treat [tri:t] (v) : to behave towards someone or deal with something in a particular way = đối xư, đối đãi với ai…

- Universe [ˈjuːnɪvɜːs] (n) : [S] everything that exists, especially all physical matter, including all the stars, planets, galaxies, etc. in space / Vũ trụ

- Solar system (n) : Thái Dương hệ, hệ Mặt Trời

- Galaxy ˈɡæləksi] (n) : one of the independent groups of stars in the universe / thiên hà

The Milky Way (n) : the pale strip across the sky which you can see at night, and which is part of the galaxy (= star system) that includes the Earth/ (Dãy) Ngân Hà

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- Revolve [ri'vɔlv] (v) : move around sth in a circle = quay quanh

- Test tube (n) : Ống nghiệm



- Simultaneous [siml'teiniəs] (adj) : existing, happening, or done, at the same time = đồng thời, cùng lúc

- Sequential [si'kwen∫əl] (adj) : succeeding or following in order = liên tục, tiếp nối

- Concession [kən'se∫n] (n) : the act of conceding or yielding = sự nhượng bộ

- Expert ['ekspə:t] (adj) : having facility of operation or performance from practice = thành thạo; tinh thông; lão luyện

- Vital ['vaitl] (adj) : belonging or relating to life = thuộc sự sống; cần cho sự sống / essential, critical, crucial

- Likewise ['laikwaiz] (adv.) : similarly, in the same way, the same = như thế, tương tự như vậy

- Otherwise ['ʌđəwaiz] (adv.) : or else, if not = nếu ngược lại (khác đi) thì…

- Contrary ['kɔntrəri] (adj) : opposite, dissimilar = trái lại, điều đối lập(n) : the opposite:

E.g.: I was worried that it might be too difficult for me but I found the contrary

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Tôi e là thật khó để tìm ra điều ngược lại.

On the contrary : ngược lại / trái lại thì…

- Briefly ['bri:fli] (adv.) : in brief, concisely = ngắn gọn, vắn tắt

- Substantially [səb'stæn∫əli] (adv.) : significantly, generally, much, large in size, value or importance = nhiều, lớn, tổng quát

- Potentially [pə'ten∫li] (adv.) : possibly, probably = có khả năng là

- Comparatively [kəm'pærətivli] (adv.) : relatively = tương đối

CHAPTER 2- Sweater ['swetə] (n) : a woolen jacket ; jumper = áo len dài tay

- Plate [pleit] (n) : đĩa (đựng thức ăn)

- Knitting ['nitiη] (n) : = việc đan len

- Pottery ['pɔtəri] (n) : 1. the activity or skill of making clay objects by hand: nghề làm đồ gốm

2. objects that are made out of clay by hand:= đồ gốm, thủ công

- Recreation [ˌrekriˈeɪʃn] (n) : (a way of) enjoying yourself: thú tiêu khiển

- Allowance əˈlaʊəns] (n) : money that you are given regularly, especially to pay for a particular thing; pocket money: tiền tiêu vặt

- Impressive [ɪmˈpresɪv] (adj) : striking; gây/có ấn tượng

- Patron ['peitrən] (n) : supporter = người bảo trợ, người đỡ đầu

- Injection [in'dʒek∫n] (n) : a liquid put into someone’s body using a needle and a syringe = sự tiêm, chất tiêm, thuốc tiêm, mũi tiêm

- Vaccine ['væksi:n] (n) : vắcxin

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- Respect [rɪˈspekt] (v) : to feel or show admiration for someone or something : tôn trọng, kính trọng

(n) : sự (lòng) kính trọng, tôn trọng

- Privacy ˈprɪvəsi] (n) : someone's right to keep their personal matters and relationships secret: quyền, sự riêng tư.

The new law is designed to protect people's privacy. Luật mới được lập ra để bảo vệ quyền riêng tư của người dân.

- Insist on (v) : persist in / khăng khăng đòi, cố nài

- Unexpectedly (adv) : without warning / không báo trước

- Deadline ['dedlain] (n) : time limit: hạn cuối cùng (nộp bài, trả tiền…)

- Dine [dain] (v) : to eat the principal regular meal of the day = ăn bữa chính trong ngày

- Unforgivable [ʌnfə'givəbl] (adj) : không thể tha thứ được

- Incident ['insidənt] (n) : event which is either unpleasant or unusual: việc xãy ra bất ngờ

- Tolerate ['tɔləreit] (adj) : stand, bear, endure = chịu đựng

- Sponsor ['spɔnsə] (n) : supporter; nhà tài trợ

- Voucher ['vaut∫ə] (n) : a piece of paper that can be used to pay for particular goods or services or that allows you to pay less than the usual price for them: phiếu giảm giá

- Facility [fə'siliti] (n) : điều kiện thuận lợi, tiện ích

- Possession [pə'ze∫n] (n) : ownership = sự sở hữu

- Premises ['premisz] (n) : land and building; khu nhà

- Extinguish [iks'tiηgwi∫] (v) : to put out a light or fire = dập tắt

- Hardback ['hɑ:dbæk] (n) : a book with cardboard or cloth or leather covers = sách đóng bìa cứng

≠ paper back sách đóng bìa thường (mềm)

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- Renovate ['renəveit] (v) : modernize, repair, restore = nâng cấp, cải tiến, đổi mới lại, tân trang

- Admission [əd'mi∫n] (n) : permission to enter a place: được phép vào

- Entitle [in'taitl] (v) : to give someone the right to do or have something: uỷ quyền, trao quyền

- Sneak [sni:k] (v) : Move secretly: trốn đi, lén đi;steal = xoáy, ăn cắp, lấy trộm

- Sneak preview: an opportunity to see (a part of) something new before the rest of the public see it: cơ hội xem trước cái gì mới trước khi mọi người khác thấy.

- Amenity əˈmiːnəti] (n) : something, such as a swimming pool or shopping centre, that is intended to make life more pleasant or comfortable for the people in a town, hotel or other placeNhững tiện nghi của cuộc sống

- Wheelchair ['wi:lt∫eə] (n) : xe lăn

- Accessible [æk'sesəbl] (adj) : able to access or approach = có thể tới được, sư dụng được

- Senior ['si:niə] (adj) : more advanced than another in age = lâu năm hơn, thâm niên hơn ≠ junior

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- Café ˈkæfeɪ] (informal caff) (n) : a restaurant where only small meals and drinks that usually do not contain alcohol are served: quán ăn (bán thức ăn nhẹ và thức uống không cồn)

- Film (v) : record moving pictures with a camera to make a film: quay phim

- Seed [siːd] (n) : hạt (giống) của cây

- Fence [fens] (n) : a structure which divides two areas of land, similar to a wall but made of wood or wire and supported with posts: hàng rào

- Nest [nest] (n) : tổ chim

- Minister [ˈmɪnɪstə(r)] (n) : a member of the government in Britain and many other countries who is in charge of a particular department or has an important position in it: Bộ trưởng

- Knee [niː] (n) : đầu gối

- Therapy [ˈθerəpi (n) : a treatment which helps someone feel better, grow stronger, etc., especially after an illness = phương pháp điều trị, liệu pháp

Therapist [ˈθerəpɪst] (n) : nhà trị liệu; bác sy chuyên khoa về một phép chữa bệnh nào đó

- Incredible [ɪnˈkredəbl] (adj) : impossible, or very difficult, to believe = khó tinUnbelievable

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- Purchase [ˈpɜːtʃəs] (n) : sth you buy; the act of buying something: món đồ mua / việc mua đồ

e.g.: New restrictions have been placed on the purchase of guns.

- Hiking [ˈhaɪkɪŋ] (n) : walking; going for a long walk / (thể thao) đi bộ

- Mayor [ˈmeɪdʒə(r)] (n) : Thị trưởng

- Shut down (v) : close, đóng cưa (công ty, nhà máy), dẹp (tiệm)Stop operating

Shutdown (n) : closure; việc đóng cưa (công ty, nhà máy) - For good : permanently; forever; thường xuyên, mãi mãi

- Bell-bottom pants = bell-bottoms : trousers that are very wide below the kneeQuần ống loe

- Stain [steɪn] (n) : mark = vết ố Stained [steɪnd] (adj)e.g.: a blood-stained blanket

- Laundry [ˈlɔːndri] (n) : 1. [U] the dirty clothes and sheets which need to be, are being or have been washed: quần áo dơ cần phải giặt2. a business which washes clothes, sheets, etc. for customers = giặt ủi

A bar of laundry soap: cục xà bông giặt đồ

- Tight [taɪt] (adj) : chật, không vừa ≠ loose

- Muffler ˈmʌflə(r)] (n) : silencer; a part of a vehicle that reduces noise from the engine: bộ phận giảm thanh (tiếng ồn)

- Grab [ɡræb] (v) : take hold of; grasp: nắm, bắt, chộp lấy grab a taxi : bắt / đón taxi

- We'll be having a sale on shirts for men at 20 percent off the original price. Chúng tôi giảm giá áo sơ-mi nam 20% so với giá gốc

- All wool and silk ties are 20 percent off as well

- Dramatic [drəˈmætɪk] (adj) : theatrical, striking, impressive: đầy kịch tính, gây ấn tượng

- Cleanse [klenz] (v) : make something completely clean, làm cho thật sạch, tẩy, rưa

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- Digestive tract [daɪˈdʒestɪv træk] (n) : đường tiêu hóa

- Youthful [ˈjuːθfl] (adj) : having the qualities that are typical of young people = trẻ tuổi, trẻ trung

e.g.: At the time I admired his youthful enthusiasm.

- Concentrate on [ˈkɒnsntreɪt] (v) : to direct your mental powers or your efforts towards a particular activity, subject or problem; Focus on= tập trung

Concentration [ˌkɒnsnˈtreɪʃn] (n)

- Chew [tʃuː] (v) : nhai Chewing gum (n)

- Addiction [əˈdɪkʃn] (n) : sự, bệnh nghiện to be addicted to [əˈdɪktɪd] (adj) : nghiện, ghiền Addict [ˈædɪkt] (n) : a person who cannot stop doing or using sth,

especially sth harmful: người nghiện, con nghiện e.g.: a gambling addict

- Maintain [meɪnˈteɪn] (v) : to keep a road, machine, building, etc. in good condition: bảo dưỡng, bảo trì

- Maintenance ˈmeɪntənəns (n) : công việc bảo dưỡng, bảo trì

- Knob [nɒb] (n) : a round handle, or a small round device for controlling a machine or electrical equipment = núm vặn

- Balloon [bəˈluːn] (n) : bong bóng

- Expire [ɪkˈspaɪə(r)] (v) : come to an end or stops being in use = hết hạne.g.: Our television license expires next month. Expiry (n) : sự hết hạne.g.: The expiry of a lease/ visa

- Spoon [spuːn] (n) : cái muỗng Spoonful [ˈspuːnfʊl] (adj) : an amount held in a particular spoon: (định

lượng) 1 muỗng đầye.g.: a spoonful of mustard = 1 muỗng mù tạc đầy

- Motivate [ˈməʊtɪveɪt] (v) : to make someone want to do something well; encourage, stimulate = thúc đẩy, tạo động lực

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Motivation [ˌməʊtɪˈveɪʃn] (n) : enthusiasm for doing something = sự thúc đẩyEncouragement, stimulation

- Accompany [əˈkʌmpəni] (v) : escort; convoy; go (together) with someone or to be provided or exist at the same time as sth; (đi) kem với

e.g.: The course books are accompanied by four cassettes.- Estate [ɪˈsteɪt] (n) : a large area of land in the country which is

owned by a family or an organization = đất đai Estate agency (n) Estate agent (n)

- Assure [əˈʃʊə(r)] (v) : to tell someone confidently that sth is true, especially so that they do not worry = trấn an

e.g.: She assured him (that) the car would be ready the next day.

- Prompt [prɒmpt] (adj) : quick; without delay Promptly (adv.)

- Sock [sɒk] (n) : sth covers your bare foot and lower part of the leg = vớ

- Rent [rent] (v) : to pay or receive a fixed amount of money for the use of a room = (cho) thuê nhà

Rent (n) : a fixed amount of money that you pay regularly for the use of a room = tiền thuê nhà

- Reaction [riˈækʃn] (n) : response; reply; behavior, a feeling or an action that is a direct result of sth else = sự phản ứng

React [riˈækt] (v)

- Annoy [əˈnɔɪ] (v) : to make so angry = làm phiềne.g.: Tim really annoyed me in the meeting this morning. Annoyed [əˈnɔɪd] (adj)e.g.: I was so annoyed with him for turning up late. Annoyance [əˈnɔɪəns] (n)

- Machinery [məˈʃiːnəri] (n) : a group of large machines or the parts of a machine which make it work = máy móc

e.g.: His hand was injured when he got it caught in the machinery.

- Trunk [trʌŋk] (n) : a large strong case that is used for storing clothes = cái rương

- Tire [ˈtaɪə(r)] (n) : tyre = lốp xe

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- Announce [əˈnaʊns] (v) : to state or make known, especially publicly Announcement [əˈnaʊnsmənt] (n)e.g.: The President made an unexpected announcement this morning.

- Insurance [ɪnˈʃʊərəns] (n) : an agreement in which you pay a company money and they pay your costs if you have an accident, injury = bảo hiểm

- Agency [ˈeɪdʒənsi] (n) : đại lý; chi nhánh / a government organization = cơ sở/ hãng thông tấn

- Dial [ˈdaɪəl] (v) : quay số

- Skateboard [ˈskeɪtbɔːd] (n) : a flat narrow board with two small wheels under each end, which a person stands on and moves forward by pushing one foot on the ground = ván trượt

- Quit [kwɪt] (v) : to stop doing sth or leave a job or a placee.g.: Would you quit your job if you inherited lots of money?

- Strategy [ˈstrætədʒi] (n) : chiến lượce.g.: Their marketing strategy for the product involves obtaining as much free publicity as possible.

Strategic [strəˈtiːdʒɪk] (adj)

- Court [kɔːt] (n) : an area marked out on the ground which is used for playing sports such as tennis and basketball = sân chơi thể thao như tennis…

- Tournament [ˈtʊənəmənt] (n) : a competition for teams or individual players in which a series of games is played = cuộc thi

- Inform [ɪnˈfɔːm] (v) : to tell so about particular facts = thông báo Information [ˌɪnfəˈmeɪʃn] (n) Informant [ɪnˈfɔːmənt] (n)

- Value [ˈvæljuː] (n) : the importance or worth of sth for so = giá trị Valuable [ˈvæljuəbl] (adj) : precious; priceless; có giá trị Valueless [ˈvæljuːləs] (adj) : worthless; of no value / không có giá trịe.g.: His comments were so general as to be nearly valueless.

# Invaluable [ɪnˈvæljuəbl] (adj) : extremely useful = vô giáe.g.: The new job will provide you with invaluable experience.

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- Valuables ˈvæljuəblz] (plural noun) : small objects, especially jewellery, which might be sold for a lot of money, đồ quý giá, nữ trang

- Cargo [ˈkɑːɡəʊ] (n) : the goods carried by a ship, aircraft = hàng hóa

- Departure [dɪˈpɑːtʃə(r)] (n) : when a person or vehicle, etc. leaves somewhere = khởi hành

e.g.: There are several departures (= buses, trains, ships or aircraft leaving) for Paris every day.

- Honor [ˈɒnə(r)] (n) : a quality that combines respect, pride and honesty = danh dự

e.g.: We fought for the honor of our country.

- Engaged [ɪnˈɡeɪdʒd] (adj) : having formally agreed to marry Engagement [ɪnˈɡeɪdʒmənt] (n) : sự đính hône.g.: They announced their engagement at the party on Saturday.

- Benefit [ˈbenɪfɪt] (n) : advantage; profit = lợi ích Beneficial [ˌbenɪˈfɪʃl] (adj) : có lợie.g.: A stay in the country will be beneficial to his health

- Circumstance [ˈsɜːkəmstəns] (n) : condition; situation = tình huống

- Under any circumstance (idm.) : trong bất kì tình huống nào e.g.: Under no circumstances should you (= You must not) approach the man.

- Miniature [ˈmɪnətʃə(r)] (adj) : describes sth which is a very small copy of an object = bản sao thu nhỏ của vật gì

e.g.: I bought some miniature furniture for my niece's dolls' house.

- Differentiate [ˌdɪfəˈrenʃieɪt] (v) : to show or find the difference between things which are compared = biệt hóa

Differentiation [ˌdɪfəˌrenʃiˈeɪʃn] (n)

- Ambition [æmˈbɪʃn] (n) : a strong desire for success = tham vọng Ambitious [æmˈbɪʃəs] (adj)e.g.: an ambitious young lawyer

- Respect [rɪˈspekt] (v) : to feel or show admiration for so = tôn trọng Respective [rɪˈspektɪv] (adj) : riêng từng ngườie.g.: They went to their respective houses. Respectable [rɪˈspektəbl] (adj) : đáng kínhe.g.: a respectable young woman from a good family

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- Lens [lenz] (n) : a curved piece of glass = tròng kính

- Deadline [ˈdedlaɪn] (n) : a time or day by which sth must be done = hạn chót

- Underline [ˌʌndəˈlaɪn] (v) : to draw a line under a word = gạch dưới

- Instruct [ɪnˈstrʌkt] (v) : to teach so how to do sth = hướng dẫn Instruction [ɪnˈstrʌkʃn] (n) : sự hướng dẫn Instructor [ɪnˈstrʌktə(r)] (n) : a teacher of a college or university subject =

người hướng dẫn Instructive [ɪnˈstrʌktɪv] (adj) : giving useful or interesting information

- Appropriate [əˈprəʊpriət] (adj) : suitable or right for a particular situation or occasion = thích hợp, phù hợp

e.g.: Is this film appropriate for small children?# Inappropriate (adj) : không thích hợp

- Adapt [əˈdæpt] (v) : to change sth to suit different conditions or uses

Adaptation [ˌædæpˈteɪʃn] (n) Adaptable [əˈdæptəbl] (adj) : able or willing to change in order to suit

different conditions = thích nghie.g.: The survivors in this life seem to be those who are adaptable to change.

- Variable [ˈveəriəbl] (adj) : likely to change frequently = thay đổie.g.: a variable interest rate

- Incident [ˈɪnsɪdənt] (n) : an event which is either unpleasant or unusual = việc tình cờ / bất ngờ xãy ra

e.g.: A youth was seriously injured in a shooting incident on Saturday night.

- Spoil [spɔɪl] (v) : destroy; ruine.g.: The oil spill has spoilt the whole beautiful coastline.

- Carnival [ˈkɑːnɪvl] (n) : public enjoyment and entertainment involving wearing unusual clothes, dancing, and eating and drinking, usually held in the roads of a city = lễ hội (đường phố) / festival; street party

e.g.: There's a real carnival atmosphere in the streets.- Resident [ˈrezɪdənt] (n) : a person who lives or has their home in a place

- Punctual [ˈpʌŋktʃuəl] (adj) : arriving, doing sth or happening at the expected, correct time; not late / on time / đúng giờ

Punctuality [ˌpʌŋktʃuˈæləti] (n)

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# Unpunctual (adj)

- Voucher [ˈvaʊtʃə(r)] (n) : phiếu giảm giá (khi mua hàng)

- Console [kənˈsəʊl] (v) : to make so who is sad or disappointed feel better by giving them comfort or sympathy = an ủi

e.g.: I tried to console her with a box of chocolates. Consolation [kənˌsɒlɪˈdeɪʃn] (n) : sự an ủi

- Illustrate [ˈɪləstreɪt] (v) : to show the meaning or truth of sth more clearly = minh họa

Illustration [ˌɪləˈstreɪʃn] (n)

- Reschedule [ˌriːˈʃedjuːl] (v) : to agree a new and later date for sth to happen = sắp lại thời gian

- Editorial [ˌedɪˈtɔːriəl] (adj) : relating to editors or editing = (thuộc) ban biên tập

(n) : (= leader / leading article); an article in a newspaper which expresses the editor's opinion on a subject of particular interest at the present time = bài xã luận

- Appreciate [əˈpriːʃieɪt] (v) : to recognize or understand that sth is valuable = đánh giá cao

- Appreciation [əˌpriːʃiˈeɪʃn] (n)

- Extensive [ɪkˈstensɪv] (adj) : covering a large area; having a great range = rộng khắp

e.g.: Her knowledge of music is extensive.

- Warehouse [ˈweəhaʊs] (n) : a large building for storing items before they are sold = nhà kho

- Premises [ˈpremɪsɪz] (n) : the land and buildings owned by so = đất đai, nhà cưa, cơ ngơi

e.g.: The company is relocating to new premises.- Blaze [bleɪz] (n) : to burn brightly and strongly = cháy

- Investigate [ɪnˈvestɪɡeɪt] (v) : to examine (a crime, problem…) = điều tra Investigation [ɪnˌvestɪˈɡeɪʃn] (n) Investigator [ɪnˈvestɪɡeɪtə(r)] (n) : điều tra viên

- Spokesperson [ˈspəʊkspɜːsn] (n) : người phát ngôn

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- Numerous [ˈnjuːmərəs] (adj) : many; severale.g.: We have discussed these plans on numerous occasions.

- Celebrity [səˈlebrəti] (n) : so who is famous = người nổi tiếng

- Mileage [ˈmaɪlɪdʒ] (n) : the distance that a vehicle has travelled or the distance that it can travel using a particular amount of fuel = khoảng cách

- Exhaust [ɪɡˈzɔːst] (v) : to make so extremely tired Exhausted [ɪɡˈzɔːstɪd] (adj) : tired

- Shock [ʃɒk] (n) : a sudden, unexpected and usually unpleasant event or experience

- Brake [breɪk] (n) : a device which makes a vehicle go slower or stop = thắng, phanh

- Fender [ˈfendə(r)] (n) : 1. a low metal frame around an open fireplace which stops the coal or wood from falling out = cái rào, ghi sắt chắn than2. mudguard, wing / chắn bùn; cái cản sốc (phía trước xe hơi)

- Bumper [ˈbʌmpə(r)] (n) : a horizontal bar along the lower front and lower back part of a motor vehicle to help protect it if there is an accident = cái hãm xung

- Ceramics [səˈræmɪks] (n) : the production of objects by shaping pieces of clay which are then hardened by baking = thuật làm đồ gốm

- Creative [kriˈeɪtɪv] (adj) : producing or using original and unusual ideas = sáng tạo

Creativity [ˌkriːeɪˈtɪvəti] (n) : sự sáng tạo / creativeness

- Exquisite [ɪkˈskwɪzɪt] (adj) : very beautifule.g.: Look at this exquisite painting

- Resemble [rɪˈzembl] (v) : to look like or be like so or sthe.g.: You resemble your mother very closely.

- Ladybug [ˈleɪdibʌɡ] (n) : a small red beetle which is round and has black spots = con bọ rùa

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- Breakage [ˈbreɪkɪdʒ] (n) : sth that has been brokene.g.: Any breakages must be paid for.

- Scorpion [ˈskɔːpiən] (n) : a small insect like creature which lives in hot dry areas of the world and has a long body and a curved tail with a poisonous sting = bọ cạp

- Cruise [kruːz] (n) : a journey on a large ship for pleasure = du thuyền

- Airfare [ˈeəfeə(r)] (n) : the price of a journey by aircraft = tiền vé máy bay

- Jet-ski (n) : a small vehicle for one or two people to ride on water which is moved forward by a fast stream of water being pushed out behind it / ca-nô lướt sóng

Jet-skiing [ˈdʒet skiːɪŋ] (n) : môn chơi/việc đi ca-nô lướt sóng

- Scuba-diving [ˈskuːbə daɪvɪŋ] (n) : môn lặn có bình dưỡng khí

- Boutique [buːˈtiːk] (n) : a small shop that sells fashionable clothes, shoes, jewellery… = cưa hàng thời trang

- Blower (n) : ống bễ (thổi lò); máy quạt gió, máy thổi (tuyết)

The Blower (n) : the telephone

- Donate [dəʊˈneɪt] (v) : to give money or goods to help a person or organization = hiến, quyên góp

e.g.: The appeal for people to donate blood was very successful. Donation [dəʊˈneɪʃn] (n)

- Winter fest (n) : winter festival

- Convert [kənˈvɜːt] (v) : (cause sth or so to) change in form = thay đổie.g.: Could we convert the small bedroom into a second bathroom?

- Authorization [ˌɔːθəraɪˈzeɪʃn] (n) : giấy phép- Rink [rɪŋk] (n) : a large flat surface, of ice or other hard

material, for skating = sân băng

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- Upcoming [ˈʌpkʌmɪŋ] (adj) : happening soon = sắp (đến / xãy ra)

- Policy [ˈpɒləsi] (n) : a set of ideas or a plan of what to do in particular situations that has been agreed officially by a group of people, a business organization, a government or a political party = chính sách

- Postage [ˈpəʊstɪdʒ] (n) : the money that you pay for sending letters and parcels through the post = bưu phí

- Deliver [dɪˈlɪvə(r)] (v) : to take goods, letters, parcels etc. to people's houses or places of work

Delivery [dɪˈlɪvəri] (n) : gưi hànge.g.: We get two deliveries of mail (= it is delivered twice) a day.

- Encounter [ɪnˈkaʊntə(r)] (v) : to experience, especially sth unpleasant = gặp phải

e.g.: When did you first encounter these difficulties?

- Advocacy [ˈædvəkəsi] (n) : support; backing / lời biện hộ, bào chữa của luật sư

- Launch [lɔːntʃ] (v) : - begin; start on bắt đầu (1 kế hoạch, sự kiện)- to send something out, such as a new ship into water or a rocket into space = hạ thủy

- Indicate [ˈɪndɪkeɪt] (v) : show = thể hiện Indication [ˌɪndɪˈkeɪʃn] (n)

- Reputation [ˌrepjuˈteɪʃn] (n) : the opinion that people have about so or sth, or how much respect or admiration so or sth receives, based on past behavior or character = tiếng tăm, danh tiếng / standing, status

e.g.: The company has a worldwide reputation for quality.

- Culmination [ˌkʌlmɪˈneɪʃn] (n) : conclusion, finale, peak; điểm cuối, đinh điểm

- Duel [ˈdjuːəl] (v) : đọ sung / đọ sức, tranh tài tay đôi

- Witness [ˈwɪtnəs] (n) : a person who sees an event happening, especially a crime or an accident = nhân chứng

(v) : chứng kiến

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- Rotate [rəʊˈteɪt] (v) : turn in a circle, especially around a fixed point = xoay quanh

- Drum [drʌm] (n) : cái trống

- Spin [spɪn] (v) : turn around and around, especially fast = quay tròn

- Entangle [ɪnˈtæŋɡl] (v) : to cause sth to become caught in sth such as a net or ropes = vướng vào, mắc bẫy

Entangled in/with sth/sb : involved with sth or sb in a way that makes it difficult to escape: vướng vào việc gì

- Stagehand [ˈsteɪdʒhænd] (n) : a person who is employed in a theatre to move the equipment on the stage = người làm công tác dọn dẹp dụng cụ trong nhà hát

- Hospitalize [ˈhɒspɪtəlaɪz] (v) : to take so to hospital and keep them there for treatment = đưa vào bệnh viện

- Conductor [kənˈdʌktə(r)] (n) : người chi huy (dàn nhạc); người xoát vé (bus)

- Revenue [ˈrevənjuː] (n) : the income = thu nhập

- Chain [tʃeɪn] (n) : chuỗi

- Subsidy [ˈsʌbsədi] (n) : financial support = tiền trợ cấp- Desire [dɪˈzaɪə(r)] (n) : a strong feeling that you want sth = lòng ham

muốn- Excel [ɪkˈsel] (v) : be extremely good at sth, stand out / xuất sắc

e.g.: Rebecca always excelled in languages at school.

- Niche [niːʃ] (n) : a job or position which is very suitable for so, especially one that they like = vị trí thích hợp

- Memorandum [ˌmeməˈrændəm] (n) : a short written report prepared specially for a person or group of people which contains information about a particular matter = thư báo

- Stationery [ˈsteɪʃənri] (n) : đồ dùng văn phòng

- Correspondence [ˌkɒrəˈspɒndəns] (n) : quan hệ thư từ

- Merge [mɜːdʒ] (v) : to combine or join together, or to cause things to do this = sát nhập

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Merger [ˈmɜːdʒə(r)] (n) : when two or more companies join together

- Letterhead [ˈletəhed] (n) : phần in đầu giấy viết thư


Choose one word or phrase that best completes the sentences1. The company hires a public relations firm which _____ improve their image.

A. will have B. ought to have C. may have D. could2. The management is meeting to determine who _____ promoted.

A. must B. will be C. could have been D. might have3. She was told she would have seniority and _____ ask for more vacation time

A. could B. could have C. can D. will4. The committee could not agree on what action _____ taken

A. would have been B. ought to have C. should be D. had to5. We _____ follow these steps to use the new photocopier

A. could have B. would C. ought to have D. must6. I would do it if I could, but I can’t, so I _____ even try

A. had not to B. won’t C. ought to D. must have7. Our ancestors _____ remarkable people to have lived with such hardships

A. could have been B. must have been C. should be D. will be8. You should have told me sooner so that I _____ helped you.

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A. could have B. ought to C. can D. must9. Once you eat here, you _____ pleased with the service and the food.

A. had to be B. might have been C. could have been D. will be10. The new software we plan to install _____ make our department more productive.

A. will B. would have C. might have D. had to11. My receptionist _____ set you up with an appointment. Just go down the hall to your right.

A. can B. might C. may D. ought to12. _____ I hang your coat while you’re removing your shoes?

A. shall B. would C. must D. ought13. We _____ finish this assignment by the deadline, but it’s pretty unlikely.

A. can B. might C. will D. would14. You _____ bring your spouse if you wish. However, you’ll have to pay for an extra ticket.

A. may B. might C. ought to D. should15. He _____ take a taxi to the airport, but it makes more sense for me to just drop him off.

A. should B. could C. ought to D. will16. I _____ have called you sooner, but our telephones weren’t working.

A. will B. would C. could D. must17. Is there a chance you _____ lose your job this winter?

A. can B. might C. should D. must18. If you want, we _____ book you on an earlier flight.

A. should B. can C. must D. may19. The office ___ close on the day before the holiday. It all depends how busy we are next week.

A. will B. must C. might D. can20. _____ I take your order now, or are you still deciding? A. may B. must C. would D. will

UNIT 2: TENSESChoose one word or phrase that best completes the sentences1. _____ my bag any where? I can’t find it.

A. Did you see B. Have you seen C. Are you see D. Are you seeing2. Hello, Peter, are you back from the match? _____ it?

A. Do you enjoy B. Did you enjoy C. Have you enjoyed D. Are you enjoying 3. This is the photo of my great grandfather. He _____ married six times.

A. was B. has been C. had been D. is4. _____ Helen my message when you _____ her?

A. Have you given / have seen B. Did you give / sawC. Have you given / saw C. Did you give / have seen

5. Sorry, Could you say that again? - I _____ to you.A. don’t listen B. didn’t listen C. haven’t listen D. am not listen

6. _____ before?A. Do you two meet B. Did you two meet C. Have you two met D. have you two meet

7. _____ anyone interesting at the party?A. Do you meet B. Did you meet C. Have you met D. Have you meet

8. I’m sorry I _____ to you for so long.A. don‘t write B. haven’t written C. am not writing D. was not writing

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9. I _____ very busy lately.A. have been B. was C. am D. was being

10. All last month, I _____ exams, and I _____ anything else but study for ages.A. had / haven’t done B. had / didn’t done C. had / hasn’t done D. have had / haven’t done

11. When you _____ to England this summer, please visit me.A. come B. came C. are coming D. will come

12. _____ you _____ The Titanic yet?A. Do / see B. Did / see C. Have / seen D. Are / seeing

13. She _____ in Uganda for many years.A. lives B. will live C. has been living D. doesn’t live

14. I’d be grateful if you _____ to my neighbors and ask them to turn down their stereo.A. can talk B. could talk C. did talk D. could have talked

15. I am a student and I _____ every night.A. am studying B. have studied C. study D. studied

16. “I’m going to work in HCM City next July.” Thuan said he __ to work in HCM City the next July.A. were going B. is going C. am going D. was going

17. “I work for a big company.” Lan said she _____ for a big company.A. works B. work C. had worked D. worked

18. “I hope I will be successful in HCMC. Thuan hoped he _____ successful in HCMC.A. is B. will be C. would be D. was

19. “I don’t have much time to enjoy myself.” She said she _____ much time to enjoy herself.A. doesn’t have B. don’t have C. didn’t have D. hadn’t

20. “How long have you been learning English?” Thuan asked me how long I ___ learning English.A. have been B. had been C. been D. were

UNIT 3: INFINITIVES AND GERUNDSChoose one word or phrase that best completes the sentences1. On the way home, I stopped _____ some food.

A. to buy B. buying C. buy D. to buying2. I’m looking forward _____ you at the weekend.

A. to see B. seeing C. to seeing D. see3. I’ve met that chairman. I still remember _____ with him in a pub.

A. to drink B. to have drunk C. drinking D. drink4. Don’t talk in class. Please stop _____ noise.

A. to make B. to making C. making D. make5. We forgot _____ the door when we left.

A. locked B. locking C. lock D. to lock6. The new employee promised not _____ late again.

A. to be B. being C. been D. be7. Mr. Smith wanted _____ his coworkers.

A. to meet B. meeting C. met D. meet8. The doctor told him to avoid _____ meat.

A. eating B. eaten C. to eat D. eat9. This room needs _____

A. painted B. to paint C. paint D. painting10. Do you need _____ a short break?

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H.I.A.S.T STARTER TOEIC – Vocabulary and Grammar Handouts

A. having B. to have C. have D. had11. John’s mother made him _____ his room yesterday.

A. to clean B. cleaning C. clean D. cleaned12. Mary is interested _____ new friends.

A. to make B. making C. in make D. in making13. They have _____ lunch until tomorrow.

A. postpone B. to postpone C. postponing D. to be postponed14. He used _____ football so much.

A. love B. to loved C. loving D. to love15. I’m used _____ here.

A. live B. to live C. to living D. to lived16. Sue’s parents let her _____ her own decision.

A. to make B. making C. made D. make17. He denies _____ the cake.

A. eating B. to eat C. to eating D. ate18. I hope _____ the MBA program at Harvard.

A. entered B. enter C. entering D. to enter19. We decided _____ home.

A. went B. to go C. to went D. going20. I can’t help _____ the book.

A. read B. to read C. reading D. to reading

UNIT 4: PARTICIPLES AND PARTICIPLE CLAUSESChoose one word or phrase that best completes the sentences1. We are all tired of his _____ speech.

A. bore B. to bore C. boring D. bored2. The _____ man was identified as her husband.

A. murder B. to murder C. murdering D. murdered3. He couldn’t make himself _____ by his students.

A. understand B. to understand C. understanding D. understood4. Drivers welcomed the _____ gas prices.

A. fall B. to fall C. falling D. fell5. People _____ in large cities do not know the pleasure of life in the country.

A. live B. to live C. living D. lived6. Children _____ up in the country are generally healthy.

A. bring B. to bring C. bringing D. brought7. _____ to leave early, he sat close to the door.

A. Want B. Wanting C. Wanted D. To want8. _____ loudly, all the boys go hoarse.

A. Shout B. Shouting C. Shouted D. To shout9. They will leave tomorrow morning. Weather _____

A. permit B. permitting C. permitted D. to permit10. Utterly _____, the climbers fell asleep at once.

A. exhaust B. exhausting C. exhausted D. to exhaust

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H.I.A.S.T STARTER TOEIC – Vocabulary and Grammar Handouts

11. He is _____ out of employment.A. regrettable B. regrettably C. regretful D. with regret

12. Where can I _____ to Line Three?A. transport B. transfer C. transmit D. transparent

13. Once in a while, I have my shoes _____.A. shine B. shone C. shined D. shinning

14. Some of the criminals were arrested _____ the border.A. cross B. to cross C. crossed D. crossing

15. The CEO was criticized _____ his reckless decisionA. with B. for C. at D. during

16. The photocopier needs _____.A. to fix B. to be fix C. fixing D. to be fixing

17. That movie was very _____.A. interests B. interested C. interesting D. to interest

18. I have no money. I’m _____.A. broke B. broken C. breaking D. break

19. Oops! I _____ a mistake!A. did B. made C. said D. get

20. _____ in a lake is very different from swimming in an ocean.A. to swim B. Swimming C. Swim D. Swims

UNIT 5: NEGATION AND PARALLEL STRUCTUREChoose one word or phrase that best completes the sentences.1. She never _____ mountains during the winter.

A. doesn’t climb B. climbing C. not climb D. climbs2. They prefer _____ through the streets at night.

A. walking B. not to walking C. not walking D. not walk3. There are _____ workers picking cotton in the field.

A. not B. no C. not never D. no never4. He wandered _____ far that he forgot his way home.

A. very B. such C. really D. so5. Without effort, you _____ succeed in life.

A. will never B. never will C. won’t never D. never won’t6. Many people were killed when the ship _____ in the harbor.

A. explored B. been explored C. exploded D. been exploded7. _____ a tie, he couldn’t enter the restaurant.

A. Not wearing B. Wearing not C. Don’t wear D. Wear not8. Anna seemed happier _____ Wendy.

A. as B. of C. over D. than9. He seldom _____ ball with his children in the park.

A. plays B. no plays C. doesn’t play D. not plays10. He _____ walk to work; he drives.

A. no B. not C. does no D. does not11. We can’t afford _____ a new car.

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H.I.A.S.T STARTER TOEIC – Vocabulary and Grammar Handouts

A. to buy B. buying C. buy D. do not buy12. _____ of the squirrels are gathering nuts; those two are playing.

A. Never all B. All never C. Not all D. All not13. Her mother _____ to say that I had a heart of gold.

A. have B. used C. was D. was used14. He has never given me a box _____ chocolates.

A. about B. of C. into D. in15. I _____ believe how hard it was to pick apples.

A. could hardly B. couldn’t C. hardly could D. hardly couldn’t16. We had _____ stay out too late.

A. not rather B. rather C. not better D. better not17. He wanted _____ the exam.

A. to not fail B. not to fail C. to fail not D. failing not18. I don’t go to that language school _____

A. no longer B. not longer C. any more D. no more19. She will have _____ free time from now on.

A. lot of B. no C. few D. many20. You _____ meet him now. He is working.

A. couldn’t B. will not C. can’t D. not


Choose one word or phrase that best completes the sentencesA –1. “Do you like this sweater?” Yes, but it’s _____ expensive for me to buy.

A. more B. so C. too D. such2. Since we moved house, I have to get up _____ for school than before.

A. early B. earliest C. more early D. earlier3. What happened at the meeting? There was _____ fuss about nothing really.

A. so many B. as much as C. such a lot of D. very much4. This is _____ composition I’ve ever read! It won’t pass the exam.

A. worse B. the worst C. the worse D. worst5. Christina is a _____ driver than I thought.

A. better B. the best C. very good D. more good6. “You look tired today.” The dog made _____ much noise that I could hardly sleep.

A. too B. such C. so D. such a7. I haven’t got as many CDs _____ you.

A. such B. than C. to D. as8. We had lots of people over to lunch yesterday, but there was _____ food for everybody.

A. enough of B. plenty C. plenty of D. too much9. I think you should be _____ and say exactly what you think.

A. more honest B. most honest C. much honest D. very honest10. We don’t work together any more so I see him _____ than I used to.

A. more frequently B. much frequently C. less frequently D. lesser frequently

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H.I.A.S.T STARTER TOEIC – Vocabulary and Grammar Handouts

B –Arrival in New York

Sam was feeling [11] _____ nervous as he left the airport. This was [12] _____ because the flight

had not been good, but also because he had never been to New York before. He took a taxi into

the city. It was [13] _____ a hot day and he looked in [14] _____ amazement at all the traffic. It

was [15] _____ different from the small town he came from-there was [16] _____ more noise and

[17] _____ more people and all the building were [18] _____ bigger.

He checked into his hotel and went to his room. It was [19] _____ small but it was [20] _____

comfortable. Before unpacking, he lay on the bed and after a while he started to feel [21] _____

better. Suddenly, there was an [22] _____ loud knock at the door. Sam was [23] _____ frightened

and did not want to answer the door. ‘Who’s there?’ he called out, nervously. ‘My name’s

Robertson,’ said a male voice. He sounded [24] _____ embarrassed ‘I sat next to you on the plane

today. I’m afraid I accidentally took one of your bags with me. It’s [25] _____ my fault.’ Still feeling

nervous Sam made his way towards the door.

11. A. partly B. rather C. considerably D. far

12. A. rather B. quite C. partly D. a bit

13. A. quite B. fairly C. complete D. slightly

14. A. far B. rather C. quite D. absolute

15. A. rather B. total C. utter D. lot

16. A. far B. absolutely C. totally D. quite

17. A. absolutely B. a lot C. quite D. utterly

18. A. considerably B. terribly C. utterly D. absolutely

19. A. a bit B. fairly C. partly D. considerably

20. A. slightly B. reasonably C. utterly D. partly

21. A. fairly B. slightly C. partly D. reasonably

22. A. utterly B. extremely C. absolutely D. a lot

23. A. much B. considerably C. a lot D. terribly

24. A. partly B. bit C. slightly D. reasonably

25. A. extremely B. quite C. far D. completely

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H.I.A.S.T STARTER TOEIC – Vocabulary and Grammar Handouts

UNIT 7: AGREEMENTChoose one word or phrase that best completes the sentences1. Many people _____ this city every year.

A. visits B. visit C. is visiting D. was visiting2. This program is _____ harder to get accustomed to than the old one

A. such B. so many C. very D. much3. Learning foreign language _____ important.

A. is B. are C. have D. are having4. The music that they listen to _____ them to relax.

A. help B. are helping C. helps D. helping5. The articles that John has written _____ difficult to understand.

A. has been B. was C. are D. is6. Taking a trip to the mountains _____ more fun than going to the beach.

A. are B. were C. is D. have been7. The water in this swimming pool _____ too cold.

A. are feeling B. feel C. feels D. was feeling8. This math problem _____ solved in ten minutes.

A. will able to be B. be able to is C. is ably D. can be9. Exercising every day _____ good for your health.

A. are B. be C. were D. is10. He _____ that smoking indoors not be allowed under any circumstances.

A. refuses B. insists C. conditions D. regulates11. Going to the movies last night _____ a lot of fun.

A. were B. was C. are D. being12. The clothes in those boxes _____ to my sister.

A. belong B. was belonging C. is belonging D. belongs13. The Joneses must have left at least one week _____ .

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H.I.A.S.T STARTER TOEIC – Vocabulary and Grammar Handouts

A. since B. ago C. advanced D. during14. Some children _____ too many toys.

A. has B. has had C. have D. is having15. Can you finish your homework _____ next Thursday?

A. then B. by C. until D. till16. Nowadays, most _____ have four wheels.

A. cars B. of the cars C. the cars D. among the cars17. There are _____ more books that are benificial to you.

A. so B. many C. such D. much18. When he got home, his wife _____ dinner.

A. fix B. fixes C. fixing D. was fixing19. There was _____ left in the safe.

A. two-hundred dollar bills B. two-hundreds dollar billsC. two-hundred dollars D. two-hundreds dollars

20. _____ at a distance, it looks like a miniature city.A. Seen B. Seeing C. Having seen D. Having been seen

UNIT 8: RELATIVE CLAUSESChoose one word or phrase that best completes the sentences1. The boy to _____ I lent my money is poor.

A. that B. whom C. who D. which2. The land and the people _____ I have met are nice.

A. who B. whom C. that D. which3. Did you ever find out _____ penetrated in your house last month?

A. who B. whom C. that D. which4. The year _____ the first man travelled in space will never be forgotten.

A. which B. that C. when D. where5. I cannot tell you all _____ I heard.

A. which B. that C. as D. because6. I can answer the question _____ you say is very difficult.

A. which B. whom C. who D. whose7. We saw the girl _____ you say is beautiful.

A. which B. whom C. who D. whose8. This is the place _____ the battle took place ten years ago.

A. which B. in where C. where D. from where9. The princess was happy during the years _____ she lived with the fairy.

A. when B. in which C. where D. that10. The town _____ we are living is noisy and crowded.

A. in where B. which C. at which D. where11. The year _____ we came to live here was 1975.

A. when B. which C. that D. in the time12. The teacher _____ house is next to mine died this morning.

A. who B. whom C. which D. whose13. He was loyal to _____ trusted him.

A. whomever B. whom C. whoever D. whose14. The knife _____ we cut bread is very sharp.

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H.I.A.S.T STARTER TOEIC – Vocabulary and Grammar Handouts

A. with that B. which C. with which D. that15. Tonight I’ll do the assignment _____ gave us last week.

A. the teacher B. who the teacherC. whom the teacher D. of the teacher

16. The lady _____ son went on a picnic with us last weekend is a teacher at our school.A. who B. whom C. whose D. that

17. He has just gone to his friend’s house, _____ there is a party today.A. who B. which C. whom D. where

18. Take _____ measures you consider best.A. however B. whenever C. wherever D. whatever

19. _____ difficulties you may encounter, I’m sure you’ll succeed.A. How B. Whatever C. However D. How greater

20. He is the only friend _____ I like.A. who B. that C. whom D. whose

UNIT 9: MODIFICATION AND WORD ORDERChoose one word or phrase that best completes the sentences1. There has been a _____ change with the consumer taste.

A. Consider B. Considering C. Considerable D. Consideration2. The young man has remained _____ about the incident until recently.

A. Silent B. Silence C. Silently D. Silencer3. The landlady raised the rent _____.

A. Unfair B. Unfairly C. Unfairness D. More unfair4. It is _____ that Ms. Smith will be hired as a full-time employee.

A. Like B. Likely C. Likened D. Likelihood5. The lecturer spoke fast _____ to cover the whole chapter in an hour.

A. Too B. Very C. Much D. Enough6. These computer we use at work are _____ faster than the previous ones.

A. Very B. Much C. Enough D. So7. The tour group was waiting _____ in the lobby, when the bus finally arrived.

A. Patent B. Patience C. Patient D. Patiently8. At least the weather was nice, which was _____ to be thankful for.

A. Any B. Some C. Anything D. Something9. The buyers wanted a truck that was both _____ built and inexpensive.

A. Well B. Good C. Badly D. Bad10. The ladder was not high _____ to reach the seventh story.

A. Quiet B. Too C. Enough D. Very11. _____ the chairman gets his exercise by walking to work.

A. Rarely B. Each morning C. Never D. Always12. The captain’s solutions are usually quiet _____.

A. Sensitive B. Sense C. Sensible D. Senses13. _____ president of the United States, but he also was a lawyer for a railroad company.

A. Not only Lincoln was B. Although Lincoln wasC. Lincoln, being D. Not only was Lincoln

14. We still have a _____ obligation.A. Contract B. Contractual C. Contracts D. Contracting

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H.I.A.S.T STARTER TOEIC – Vocabulary and Grammar Handouts

15. The director has _____ been very kind to his staff.A. Ever B. Yet C. Still D. Always

16. An international accounting firm was established in a _____ city last year.A. Near B. Nearby C. Nearly D. Neared

17. The cooling system was _____ big to install in a single day.A. Too B. Very C. So D. Such

18. The earnings report showed that it had not been _____ a great year after all.A. So B. Such C. Some D. What

19. The Resource Allocation Program tracks _____ much time workers spend on different projectsA. So B. How C. When D. Where

20. It’s so nice that your assistant is such a _____ person.A. Friend B. Friendliness C. Friendly D. Friendship

UNIT 10: INDEFINITE PRONOUNSChoose one word or phrase that best completes the sentences1. The customer doesn’t like that one _____

A. either B. too C. neither D. alike2. _____ the man nor the woman is right.

A. Either B. Both C. Each D. Neither3. Would you like _____ orange juice?

A. anything B. some C. few D. little4. There are two contestants: one is from Canada and _____ is from the USA

A. another B. other C. none D. the other5. The store has two lifts, and _____ are out of order

A. one B. both C. few D. any6. _____ has left a bicycle outside

A. Anyone B. Anything C. Someone D. something7. Peter has two brothers, but he doesn’t speak to _____ of them

A. any B. both C. either D. neither8. What color shall we have? I don’t mind. Pick _____ color you like

A. any B. some C. that D. what9. I found that _____ of the hotels in the city center had any rooms left.

A. none B. both C. any D. either10. The doctors reassured Emily that they could find _____ wrong with her.

A. anything B. something C. nothing D. a few11. This door is always left open. _____ could just walk in here.

A. No one B. Anyone C. Nobody D. Nothing12. Is there _____ interesting in that magazine?

A. something B. anything C. thing D. nothing13. _____ ‘s cat is on our roof.

A. Something B. Anything C. Nobody D. Someone14. Has _____ seen today’s newspaper?

A. someone B. somebody C. anyone D. ones15. I only had two suitcases, but _____ one weighed over 20 kilos.

A. every B. each C. other D. the16. She has _____ chance of success in her application for the job.

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H.I.A.S.T STARTER TOEIC – Vocabulary and Grammar Handouts

A. each B. two C. many D. every17. _____ the towns had their electricity cut off.

A. Whole B. Near C. All D. Between18. I’ve got two bicycles. _____ of them are quite old. I’ve given up cycling, so I don’t

A. Some B. Neither C. Both D. Fewride _____ of them any more.19. A. either B. neither C. most D. somewhere_____ of them is in very good condition, I’m afraid.20. A. Neither B. Some C. Either D. Any

UNIT 11: VOICEChoose one word or phrase that best completes the sentences1. Tropical fruits _____ by farmers in the lowland region.

A. are grown B. grown C. are growing D. grow2. Concert tickets _____ at the box office.

A. is selling B. sold C. are sold D. is sold3. Marilyn _____ her car to a friend because she couldn’t drive.

A. were selling B. sold C. was sold D. were sold4. We _____ all the windows last weekend.

A. washed B. were washed C. was washing D. wash5. The new bridge _____ before the end of the month.

A. will be completed B. will complete C. is completed D. complete6. I _____ you a copy of the article tomorrow.

A. send B. was sending C. will send D. will be sent7. Florida _____ by thousands of tourists every winter.

A. visited B. visits C. was visited D. is visited8. The electric light bulb _____ by Thomas Edison.

A. invented B. was invented C. invents D. is invented9. I _____ your keys on the table by the bed last night.

A. saw B. are seen C. was seen D. see10. A decision _____ until the next meeting.

A. will not make B. will not be made C. is made D. will make11. The police are looking for a missing boy. He _____ anywhere.

A. can’t find B. can’t be find C. can’t be found D. can find12. My sweater _____ in England.

A. is made B. made C. makes D. make13. A local company _____ Mary a good job.

A. offers B. has offered C. has been offered D. is offered14. Language skills _____ in every school in the country.

A. teach B. teaches C. is taught D. are taught15. Two horses _____ the farmer’s wagon.

A. is pulled B. pulls C. was pulling D. were pulling16. The World Cup soccer games _____ all over the world.

A. are being televised B. is being televisedC. televises D. televise

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H.I.A.S.T STARTER TOEIC – Vocabulary and Grammar Handouts

17. I didn’t go to dinner with them because I _____A. had eaten B. had not eaten C. had been eaten D. had not been eaten

18. These books _____ to the library by tomorrow.A. has to be returned B. have to be returned C. has to return D. have to return

19. Carol _____ in history.A. interest B. interests C. is interested D. is interesting

20. Excuse me, sir. Can you give me some directions? I _____A. lose B. am lost C. lost D. am losing

UNIT 12: CONJUNCTIONS AND PREPOSITIONSChoose one word or phrase that best completes the sentences1. He insisted _____ taking us to dinner.

A. on B. in C. over D. of2. Do you believe _____ ghosts?

A. no preposition B. in C. on D. at3. Ed depends _____ his family for financial support.

A. on B. in C. of D. at4. Ann looked _____ the mirror and admired her new blouse

A. in B. at C. on D. into5. The new manager’s name is familiar _____ most of us.

A. as B. from C. to D. with6. Those books deal mainly _____ tropical plants.

A. with B. in C. for D. up7. _____ the game last evening, my cousin hurt his ankle.

A. For B. During C. Since D. From8. Water consists _____ oxygen and hydrogen.

A. about B. with C. on D. of9. There is an increasing demand _____ taller buildings in big cities.

A. with B. on C. for D. of10. Is the United States the wealthiest country _____ the world?

A. of B. in C. over D. on11. When _____ Rome do as the Romans do.

A. with B. for C. in D. like12. This must be done _____ any price.

A. for B. at C. in D. with13. Your request _____ a scholarship has been taken into account.

A. for B. in C. under D. into14. He succeeded _____ getting a scholarship.

A. in B. about C. for D. on15. Mark Twain based the story _____ his experience in the West.

A. on B. from C. in D. on16. We just rested _____ a short time.

A. at B. since C. for D. in17. Don’t put _____ until tomorrow what you can do today.

A. away B. off C. aside D. up18. John Harcourt was ashamed _____ his father

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H.I.A.S.T STARTER TOEIC – Vocabulary and Grammar Handouts

A. at B. with C. of D. about19. I prefer coffee _____ tea.

A. than B. to C. from D. for20. If you don’t know the meaning of the word, look it _____ in the dictionary.

A. up B. on C. after D. for


1. D 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. D6. B 7. B 8. A 9. D 10. A11. A 12. A 13. B 14. A 15. B16. B 17. B 18. B 19. C 20. A

Unit 21. B 2. B 3. A 4. B 5. B6. C 7. B 8. B 9. A 10. A11. A 12. C 13. C 14. B 15. C16. D 17. D 18. C 19. C 20. B

Unit 31. A 2. C 3. C 4. C 5. D6. A 7. A 8. A 9. D 10. B11. C 12. D 13. B 14. D 15. C16. D 17. A 18. D 19. B 20. C

Unit 41. C 2. D 3. D 4. C 5. C6. D 7. B 8. B 9. B 10. C11. B 12. B 13. C 14. D 15. B16. C 17. C 18. A 19. B 20. B

Unit 51. D 2. C 3. B 4. D 5. A6. C 7. A 8. D 9. A 10. D11. A 12. C 13. B 14. B 15. A16. D 17. B 18. C 19. B 20. C

Unit 61. C 2. D 3. C 4. B 5. A6. C 7. D 8. C 9. A 10. C11. B 12. C 13. A 14. D 15. A16. A 17. B 18. A 19. B 20. B21. B 22. B 23. D 24. C 25. D

Unit 7

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Page 91: STARTER... · Web view- Portrayal [pɔ:'treiəl] (n) : a description, depiction = sự mô tả - Nomination [,nɔmi'nei∫n] (n) : the action of nominating someone or the state of

H.I.A.S.T STARTER TOEIC – Vocabulary and Grammar Handouts

1. B 2. D 3. A 4. C 5. C6. C 7. C 8. D 9. D 10. B11. B 12. A 13. B 14. C 15. B16. A 17. B 18. D 19. C 20. A

Unit 81. B 2. C 3. A 4. C 5. B6. A 7. C 8. C 9. A 10. D11. A 12. D 13. C 14. C 15. A16. C 17. D 18. D 19. B 20. B

Unit 91. C 2. A 3. B 4. B 5. D6. B 7. D 8. D 9. A 10. C11. B 12. C 13. D 14. B 15. D16. B 17. C 18. B 19. B 20. C

Unit 101. A 2. D 3. B 4. D 5. B6. C 7. C 8. A 9. A 10. C11. B 12. B 13. D 14. C 15. B16. D 17. C 18. C 19. A 20. A

Unit 111. A 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. A6. C 7. D 8. B 9. A 10. B11. C 12. A 13. B 14. D 15. D16. A 17. A 18. B 19. C 20. B

Unit 121. A 2. B 3. A 4. A 5. D6. A 7. B 8. D 9. C 10. B11. C 12. B 13. A 14. A 15. D16. C 17. B 18. C 19. B 20. A

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