stargates - inner child magazine the... · stargates dr. peter c. rogers, d.d., ph.d., a stargate...

Stargates Dr. Peter C. Rogers, D.D., Ph.D., A Stargate is a portal device within the Universe that allows practical, rapid travel between two distant locations. Not distant as in length but distant in time. These Stargates are often used to create shortcuts through space and time. In The Ancient Secret Of The Flower Of Life: Volume 1, Drunvalo Melchizedek says there are certain sacred places in the geometries of our reality here on Earth where it’s easier to become aware of the various dimensions and overtones—sacred sites, which are nodal points connected to the Earth and the heavens. He goes on to say, there are also specific places in space that are tied to the geometries of space which are referred to as “Stargates” or openings to other dimensional levels where it’s easier to get through. The overall premise of a Stargate is drawn heavily from theoretical astrophysics particularly that of black holes and wormholes which happens to be a staple of science fiction. Although I maintain there’s more truth in science fiction than we’re led to believe. As long as Man can imagine a thing, then at some point in time, that conception becomes real through the creative principle of thought. So imagine then how highly advanced the future aspects of ourselves would be 1 million or 10 million years from now. Time travel would be nothing more than child’s-play for us. With the recent release of the movie “Interstellar,” this information is very appropriate. Before you get the notion that I’m referring to some fictional theme from the television series “Stargate Atlantis,” you should think again. I want to give you a bit of history as well as educate you on how dimensionality is also a factor of time and therefore relevant to this topic. It is imperative that we understand how time works. Time is often referred to as the “fourth dimension” but not necessarily a spatial dimension but rather a temporal dimension to measure physical change. The equations used in physics to represent reality do not treat time in the same ways that we commonly perceive it. Time is not linear as we suppose it to be. This means time does not happen in a linear fashion where there’s a past, present and future but rather all time is essentially happening simultaneously or at the same time. We have been misled into believing time starts and stops at certain points and that it travels along a line with one point being the beginning and the latter part being the end. The beginning signifies a starting point or past; now signifies where we are on this time-line which is represented as the present ; and the end signifies the future. Anything outside this thought process seems fictional because we don’t truly understand the nature of space-time. Essentially, everything is happening simultaneously. This means there is no past, present or future only awareness. Logically we think there has to be a past because we remember experiencing it. Or the future has to be happening at some later date because we have yet to experience it. In truth, time is an unbroken chain of events all occurring collectively but we only experience what we focus our attention on. This means our awareness determines where we find ourselves on the time continuum. If we focus our attention on the third dimension which is only a small degree of development and evolution according to where we are in our planetary advancement, then all further degrees or dimensions would be considered higher up or further along on the evolutionary plane. Since we know all things evolve with time, or should I say with progression, then the higher dimensions such as the fourth, fifth, sixth and so on, are merely consciousness evolved to different degrees. And

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Page 1: Stargates - Inner Child Magazine The... · Stargates Dr. Peter C. Rogers, D.D., Ph.D., A Stargate is a portal device within the Universe that allows practical, rapid travel between

Stargates Dr. Peter C. Rogers, D.D., Ph.D.,

A Stargate is a portal device within the Universe that allows practical, rapid travel between two distant locations. Not distant as in length but distant in time. These Stargates are often used to create shortcuts through space and time. In The Ancient Secret Of The Flower Of Life: Volume 1, Drunvalo Melchizedek says there are certain sacred places in the geometries of our reality here on Earth where it’s easier to become aware of the various dimensions and overtones—sacred sites, which are nodal points connected to the Earth and the heavens. He goes on to say, there are also specific places in space that are tied to the geometries of space which are referred to as “Stargates” or openings to other dimensional levels where it’s easier to get through. The overall premise of a Stargate is drawn heavily from theoretical astrophysics particularly that of black holes and wormholes which happens to be a staple of science fiction. Although I maintain there’s more truth in science fiction than we’re led to believe. As long as Man can imagine a thing, then at some point in time, that conception becomes real through the creative principle of thought. So imagine then how highly advanced the future aspects of ourselves would be 1 million or 10 million years from now. Time travel would be nothing more than child’s-play for us. With the recent release of the movie “Interstellar,” this information is very appropriate. Before you get the notion that I’m referring to some fictional theme from the television series “Stargate Atlantis,” you should think again. I want to give you a bit of history as well as educate you on how dimensionality is also a factor of time and therefore relevant to this topic. It is imperative that we understand how time works. Time is often referred to as the “fourth dimension” but not necessarily a spatial dimension but rather a temporal dimension to measure physical change. The equations used in physics to represent reality do not treat time in the same ways that we commonly perceive it. Time is not linear as we suppose it to be. This means time does not happen in a linear fashion where there’s a past, present and future but rather all time is essentially happening simultaneously or at the same time. We have been misled into believing time starts and stops at certain points and that it travels along a line with one point being the beginning and the latter part being the end. The beginning signifies a starting point or past; now signifies where we are on this time-line which is represented as the present; and the end signifies the future. Anything outside this thought process seems fictional because we don’t truly understand the nature of space-time. Essentially, everything is happening simultaneously. This means there is no past, present or future only awareness. Logically we think there has to be a past because we remember experiencing it. Or the future has to be happening at some later date because we have yet to experience it. In truth, time is an unbroken chain of events all occurring collectively but we only experience what we focus our attention on. This means our awareness determines where we find ourselves on the time continuum. If we focus our attention on the third dimension which is only a small degree of development and evolution according to where we are in our planetary advancement, then all further degrees or dimensions would be considered higher up or further along on the evolutionary plane. Since we know all things evolve with time, or should I say with progression, then the higher dimensions such as the fourth, fifth, sixth and so on, are merely consciousness evolved to different degrees. And

Page 2: Stargates - Inner Child Magazine The... · Stargates Dr. Peter C. Rogers, D.D., Ph.D., A Stargate is a portal device within the Universe that allows practical, rapid travel between

since we too are consciousness, then it’s safe to say that these higher dimensions are actually human consciousness further along in it’s development. So the fourth dimension for instance, is nothing more than existence at a different point on the space-time continuum. Therefore, if we were somehow able to “bend time,” as Einstein stated, then we would be able to experience not only our future selves but other forms of beings which are further along on this space time-continuum. Our technology has increased exponentially over the past 100 years. As a matter of fact, according to a recent study, our technology has advanced more in the past ten years than it has over the past thousand years. That being the case, time-travel via Stargates is nothing more than using modern technology as a means of interstellar travel. Again, we’re talking about technology from our “future,” that only appears unreal but in reality is very real. Imagine if we were to travel back in our own time and provide some of our technology of today to a civilization of a thousand years ago. To them Television, the Internet, Cellular Phones, Automobiles, Airplanes and Space Shuttles would seem farfetched but to us it’s nothing more than modern technology. The same holds true for us today compared to our future counter-parts. What I’m speaking of is not science fiction. Much of what we think of as fiction is really just our ignorance to what is real. It only seems strange to us because we haven’t entertained the possibility of such a thing. All it takes is for science to introduce a concept and suddenly that which we thought to be impossible suddenly becomes reality. It’s just a matter of our intellect catching up with technology. Today it is believed that there are actual Stargates buried in the sands of Iraq which was originally Mesopotamia the home of the ancient Sumerians who held strong extraterrestrial beliefs relating to interstellar travel. The supposed location of this Stargate was in Uruk a city that also possessed airstrips for the landing of Alien space craft. This doesn’t seem too farfetched considering the work of author and historian Zecharia Sitchin who has been studying ancient Sumerian text for many years. According to Sitchin’s studies, a superior race of beings once inhabited this planet some 300,000 years ago which led to the genetic enhancements of Homo sapiens thus advancing humanity by millions of years. These beings were the Annunaki or the “Watchers” from the sky which later led to the creation of the biblical Nefilim which were the offspring of the “sons of God” and the “daughters of men.”(Gen: 6:2) These gods so-to-speak, are believed to have placed a Stargate on our planet for instantaneous transportation of humans to communicate peacefully with other worlds. They believed our intentions were pure so they left us with this device. Accordingly, these beings were utilizing space-travel, advanced forms of invitro-fertillization, genetic splicing and other forms of sophisticated technology eons ago. Therefore, the possibility of Stargates is a definite possibility today. There have been several claims made suggesting that the U.S. Government is aware of these Iraqi Stargates and have been in pursuit of them for several years now. Dan Burisch, an area 51 (S4) worker, claims that a Stargate in Iraq actually does exist, and confirms the accusations that the Iraq war was a cover for the “fight for the Stargate.” Some suggest the 911 attacks on the World Trade Towers were orchestrated by the U.S. Government and the Bush administration for the prime purpose of acquiring these Stargates. Our involvement with Iraq has nothing to do with the oil as we proclaim or the ousting of Saddam Hussein for if this were the case, why are we still there? It is a well-known fact that the U.S. Government has conducted various projects involving advanced technology such as time travel, Stargates, Teleportation and Invisibility, all of which have been classified as “Top Secret.” Our government knows for a fact that much of this technology does exist and they know for certain that whoever wins the arms race and masters this technology first; will ultimately rule the world. Renowned physicists Dr. Michio Kaku attests to this by saying, “The civilization that masters this theory will ultimately become lord of the Universe.”

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Page 3: Stargates - Inner Child Magazine The... · Stargates Dr. Peter C. Rogers, D.D., Ph.D., A Stargate is a portal device within the Universe that allows practical, rapid travel between
Page 4: Stargates - Inner Child Magazine The... · Stargates Dr. Peter C. Rogers, D.D., Ph.D., A Stargate is a portal device within the Universe that allows practical, rapid travel between

Dr. Peter C. Rogers, D.D., Ph.D., is a Light-Worker, a Life Coach, Motivational Speaker, Minister of Metaphysics and Spiritual Counselor.

He is the author of Ultimate Truth : Book I, Universal Truth: Thinking Outside the Box : Book II and the up and coming One Hundred Disciplines to Higher Consciousness : A Conclusive Synopsis on Spiritual Principles.

Dr. Rogers is a skilled lecturer and teacher of the Master Key System. He teaches an extensive class and has appeared on several shows to present this ancient system of manifestation formulated by Charles F. Haanel over 100 years ago. In 2010, Dr. Rogers founded a spiritual counseling practice called TRUTH Dynamics to help assist people in their quest for self realization.

Currently, he serves as the president of a Non-Profit organization called P.E.L.S.A which he and his wife formed in 2006 to assist people in overcoming addiction.

Dr. Rogers has been a student of Spirituality and Metaphysics for the past 20 years and in 2009, he received a Doctorate of Divinity in Spiritual Counseling as well as a Doctorate of Philosophy in Metaphysics from The University of Metaphysical Sciences. He currently resides in Long Beach, California where he continues to devote his time and energy writing, lecturing and mentoring others on their spiritual journey towards higher consciousness.

~ * ~ Peter C. Rogers, D.D., Ph.D

Author/Motivational Speaker/Life Coach

TRUTH Dynamics


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Dr. Rogers Web Site


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