star trek: renaissance written by harri tusastar trek: renaissance "aftermath" written by...

STAR TREK: RENAISSANCE "Aftermath" Written by Harri Tusa This teleplay is originally from "Star Trek" and related names are registered trademarks of Paramount Pictures, Inc. This original work of fiction is written solely for non-profit purposes. Copyright 2001 by Harri Tusa All rights reserved

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Page 1: STAR TREK: RENAISSANCE Written by Harri TusaSTAR TREK: RENAISSANCE "Aftermath" Written by Harri Tusa This teleplay is originally from ... can get enough juice out of the auxiliary



Written by

Harri Tusa

This teleplay is originally

"Star Trek" and related names are registeredtrademarks of Paramount Pictures, Inc.This original work of fiction iswritten solely for non-profit purposes.Copyright 2001 by Harri TusaAll rights reserved

Page 2: STAR TREK: RENAISSANCE Written by Harri TusaSTAR TREK: RENAISSANCE "Aftermath" Written by Harri Tusa This teleplay is originally from ... can get enough juice out of the auxiliary

RENAISSANCE: "Aftermath" - TEASER 1.





A scrolling text appears:

On Stardate 50975, a ruthless galactic power Known as the Dominion declared war to the United Federation of Planets. The resulting conflict Cost the lives of billions, and engulfed the entire Alpha Quadrant in flames...

SOUNDS of distant EXPLOSIONS, growing stronger...



A Federation ship EXPLODES into our view, cut to pieces bya squadron of DOMINION WARSHIPS. Energy beams sear throughthe darkness as the two forces clash together violently.No mercy is asked or given.

At the center of the storm is a beaten up SPACE STATION,Starfleet in design...


Fire, smoke and phaser fire. Total pandemonium. A MOTHERin a ragged uniform ushers her TEN-YEAR-OLD SON throughthe flaming corridors. Several officers try to hold thepassageway against an unseen assailant. We can tell theyare losing, badly.


The last stronghold. Rifles turn immediately towards thewoman and the boy, but don't fire. There is definitedesperation in her voice:

MOTHERThey broke through our seconddefense line. I don't think we canhold on much longer. Get the Nimshion-line and tell them we need animmediate beam out!

A young ENSIGN, worn and frightened, is at thecommunications panel.

ENSIGNI can't, sir. The Jem'Hadar arejamming all our communications.

MOTHERSwitch to upper EM band. We needto get a signal through!

Page 3: STAR TREK: RENAISSANCE Written by Harri TusaSTAR TREK: RENAISSANCE "Aftermath" Written by Harri Tusa This teleplay is originally from ... can get enough juice out of the auxiliary

RENAISSANCE: "Aftermath" - TEASER 2.


The woman turns to her son. Obviously, the boy is scared,unable to comprehend the situation around him.

MOTHERNeil, go sit behind the bulkhead.It'll be safer there.


MOTHERDon't argue!

There's urgency in her eyes. He won't contest that andgoes. Her mother turns back to the comm officer.

ENSIGNSir, I think I got it!

A highly distorted voice breaks the nerving silence:

CAPTAIN DALE'S COM VOICEThis is Captain Dale of the USSNimshi... is... this?

MOTHERThis is Lieutenant Alice Cross.Sir, we need an immediateevacuation. The Jem'Hadar are--

CAPTAIN DALE'S COM VOICE... is a negative... taking heavydamage. You have to--

Suddenly, the line goes dead.

MOTHERNimshi? Captain Dale?

The Ensign shakes his head, disappointed.

ENSIGNWe lost contact, sir.

Lieutenant Cross turns pale. The Ensign gives her a pleadinglook.

ENSIGN (CONT'D)What are we going to do?

Her mind races furiously. Young Neil looks at his mother,fear creeping slowly into him and curls tighter into thedark corner.

Lieutenant Cross turns to the Ensign, letting out a resolvedbreath.

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RENAISSANCE: "Aftermath" - TEASER 3.

MOTHERPass the phase flux inhibitor.

He looks puzzled. She pops a panel OPEN.

MOTHER (CONT'D)If the Nimshi can't get to us, wecan still try to get out of here.I'll try to rig the station'stransporter array to beam us downto the surface. Help me out withthis.

The boy finally gets up and goes to his mother.


She ignores him, busy rewiring the circuitry. And keep herhands from trembling.

MOTHERPatch in the power through thesecondary EPS conduit. I think wecan get enough juice out of theauxiliary life support for a fivesecond energy burst.

ENSIGNWill it be enough?

MOTHERIt has to be. Remember to remodulatethe annular confinement beam to awide spectrum output. That fivesecond jolt won't do us any goodunless we can get through theDominion interference.

The boy is at her. The sound of distant gunfire growsstronger by the beat.


Still, no response to him.

ENSIGNIt's no good, sir. The main emitteris fried.

MOTHERDamn! All right, prepare to feedthe matter stream directly throughthe comm array. I think the subspacerelay antenna can handle the extraload. Use the secondary--

Young Neil nudges her hand, finally getting her mother'sattention:

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RENAISSANCE: "Aftermath" - TEASER 4.

YOUNG NEILMom. Where's dad? And Julie?

She looks at him, eye level. There is no easy way for herto convey the news.

MOTHERThey... they're not coming, Neil.

The ugly truth slowly dawns to him. As he starts to breakinto tears, her mother takes him into her loving embrace,feeling the loss as well.

Suddenly, the door EXPLODES into million pieces of SHRAPNEL.An energy bolt THUNDERS through the smoke, striking one ofthe officers squarely into the chest, taking him down.

The Ensign goes for his rifle, only to be CUT DOWN byanother SCORCHING BEAM from the weapons of invadingJEM'HADAR SOLDIERS bursting into the room.

Lieutenant Cross grips her son tightly, trying to protecthim from the harm heading their way. Young Neil turns tolook at the menacing soldier - proportions distorted, amythic creature from deepest nightmares as seen throughthe eyes of a frightened child.

The weapon rises. His eyes widen --


Same eyes, same face. A quarter of a century older. CAPTAINNEIL CROSS looks at the mirror, studying every line andevery scar in that seasoned visage, letting out a deepbreath. A man with trouble etched on his brow.

A title appears:


He turns away into


Very Spartan accommodations for temporary use, nodecorations or excess furniture. Standard issue Starfleetbags tossed casually on the floor.

Slumbering to the bed, Cross sits down. He stares theuniform that has been carelessly tossed on the chair, takeslook at the collar pips. All four of them.

He buries his face in his hands, a man strung to the limit.Unable to stay in the agonizing position he's in, andunwilling to leave. A man caught in the limbo of the lifehe doesn't want.

The doorbell CHIMES.

Cross lets it chirp once more before answering:

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RENAISSANCE: "Aftermath" - TEASER 5.

CROSSCome in.

ADMIRAL HENRY PORTMAN walks in. A "man of the sea" who hasaged with dignity. Wearing proudly the uniform, he standsas tough but gentle, as stern but relaxed.

PORTMANYou turned off your commbadge,Captain.

CROSSSorry. I just wanted to be alonefor a while, that's all.

PORTMANWell, I can understand that. It isa big day for you.


I wouldn't be so sure about that.

PORTMANIf I were you, I'd ecstatic on thechance of a first command. Iremember my first assignment as aacting commanding officer of theUSS--

Cross forces up a smile.

CROSS(with a mockimitation)

"The USS Wellington. One of thoseolder Akira-class ships. A finebuilt lady with a distinguishedtrack record. A piece of art withheart roaring like a pack of wildbeasts and grace to make a choirof angels weep. Ahh... they don'tbuild ships like that anymore."

Portman returns the expression.

PORTMANI've told that one before?

CROSSOnce or twice.

PORTMANStories like that can never betold too many times. Come on, getdressed. Your dame won't waitforever.

After a brief moment of hesitation, Cross takes the uniform.

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RENAISSANCE: "Aftermath" - TEASER 6.


Portman and Cross stroll the corridor with a majestic view.

PORTMANWe worked on the design for fiveyears. I can personally assureyou, the Phoenix-class is state ofthe art. Packed with everythingStarfleet has to offer. You'll bein good hands.

CROSSI'm sure it's fine.

Portman can sense Cross' apparent lack of interest.

PORTMANBut it's not the ship you're worriedabout, is it?

CROSSNo... yes, partially. I've beenbegan questioning whether or notthis is what I want from my life.Being responsible for hundreds oflives on a daily-basis, makingsplit-second decisions that mightaffect the well-being of the entireFederation. I don't think I can dothis anymore.

(sighing)I just don't know...

PORTMANYou still have the dreams?

CROSSEvery night.

PORTMANYou've talked to a counselor aboutit?

CROSSCountless times. All they can dois to prescribe medication andpillow talk. What I went through,no drug or psychobabble can cure,Henry.

PORTMANNeil, you're drowning yourself inself-misery. I personally put agood word out for you, Neil. Withall the reports we've been receivingfrom Betazed, the Trill Sector,the Klingons, we really need anofficer like you.

Half joking:

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RENAISSANCE: "Aftermath" - TEASER 7.

CROSSThings are that bad?

Portman pulls him aside and leans closer to keeps his voiceno louder than a whisper.

PORTMAN(dead serious)


Cross looks at him questioning.

PORTMAN (CONT'D)To tell you the truth, the KlingonEmpire is in a deteriorating state,and the treaties we signed a coupleyears back are seriously draggingus down with them. Plus, with allthe relief aid we promised intothe former Cardassian Union, ourresources are scattered thin,cutting down our ship production...And the raiders and pirate groupshave noticed that too. The listgoes on.

(beat)All these boiling problems wereone of the primary reasons theship was commissioned by Starfleetin the first place.

CROSSYou're really not kidding?

PORTMANWe have known each other for sixyears and I have watched you riseup through the ranks. Though youmight not be aware of the factyourself, I know what you arecapable of. Take this one for yourown sake, Neil.

Latched into the giant spacedock orbiting Earth is theHIGH-TECH FEDERATION STARSHIP. A sleek and slender specimenof Starfleet design, combining teeth as well as elegance.

Cross reads the markings on the hull...

CROSSThe USS Enterprise, huh?

On the flattering shot of the ship, we...



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RENAISSANCE: "Aftermath" - ACT ONE 8.




Clamped on the spacedock, the USS Enterprise. Numerousshuttlepods and cargo drones buzz around the vessel. Wecircle slowly around it as the Captain starts his log:

CROSS (V.O.)Begin Captain's log, USS Enterprise,NCC-1701-G. Stardate 78014.1. Iaccept this command with mixedemotions. Measuring up to theachievements of past Enterprisecaptains is a challenge indeed.Kirk, Garret, Picard, Winter. Allof their names have been permanentlyetched into the history. Theirdeeds and achievements and journeysunforgettable. Even Captain Harrimaneventually proved himself...


A scene of utter chaos. Wiring and cables lie on the floor,wall panels hang gutted open, revealing a tritanium skeletonwith several mismatched tools stabbed into it.

CAPTAIN CROSS walks over the coil of wire and looks around.

CROSS (V.O.)I'm not so sure about myself. Forthe record, I asked for a deskjob.

Busy working with one of the torn-apart racks is LIEUTENANTERIK GREY, the ship's Chief Engineer. A model of Starfleetregulations with crew cut hair and polished shoes. Youcould swear you've seen him in some recruitment poster.

Being completely absorbed by the task at hand, he doesn'tnotice the Captain.


Ensign Boyle, I thought I told youto recalibrate the secondary matterstream regulator five minutes ago.This ship doesn't run on her own,you know.

The dazed woman, ENSIGN BOYLE just stares at the Captainin terror. Hopelessly lost trying to make a good firstimpression.


Cross nods to the Ensign who hurries to her duties.

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RENAISSANCE: "Aftermath" - ACT ONE 9.


CROSS(to Grey)

You must be Erik Grey.

Grey continues the work, ignoring.

GREYLieutenant Erik Grey.

CROSSRight. Lieutenant. So, how is she?

GREYA mess. Nothing works as theyshould. Faulty equipment,incompetent crew, half of thisstuff can't measure up withStarfleet regulations. It's a totalnightmare.

CROSSReally? I've been told the crewshould be one of the very best andthe ship being the finest the fleethas the offer. How do you--

Grey cuts him off sharply.

GREYYeah, yeah. I'm sure it looks greaton paper. Look, I don't have timefor this idle chit-chat, so buzzoff to bother someone else. Rightnow, you're in my, and my team'sway, and we got our hands fulleven without someone coming hereto stick his fingers in our work.As you can see the engineering isa total mess and we're expectingthe Captain to come to make apersonal inspection any minutenow.

CROSSI know. I am the Captain.

Grey freezes. His expression living horror, he finallyturns around. Looking awed at the Captain, he tries tostand up straight, failing miserably.

Cross enjoys the grinding silence for a moment beforeextending his hand.

CROSS (CONT'D)Captain Neil Cross.

Grey finally regains himself and stands in full attention.

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RENAISSANCE: "Aftermath" - ACT ONE 10.

GREYI- I'm sorry, sir. I didn't meanany disrespect. It's just that, Imean...

Cross waves him to be quiet.

CROSSIt's all right, Lieutenant. I justhope that's not the way you alwaysgreet your superior officer.

GREYYes, sir. I mean, it's not, sir.

CROSSNow, how's the ship? Could youelaborate on the "it's a mess"?

GREYTo tell you the truth, sir, thisship isn't finished at all. A lotexperimental technology andmanufacturing methods were usedwhen they put this thing together,most of them not even properlytested. Romulan, Klingon and evensalvaged Dominion tech was usedwithout much of a thought put intothe question whether or not theycan work properly together. TheQuantum Slipstream Drive, theexperimental hull plating, the newreactor, all of them sound greatin theory, but practical use isanother thing entirely.

CROSSHow long till we can get underway?

GREYFive, six hours at least.

CROSSI'm sure you can do it in two,Lieutenant.

GREYNo, sir, I can't. I don't exaggeratemy estimates. Five hours is thebest I can do at thesecircumstances.

CROSSHow come? I thought it's sort of atradition among Starfleet engineers.

GREYIt's not in the book, sir.

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RENAISSANCE: "Aftermath" - ACT ONE 11.

Cross makes an intrigued mental note about that and decidesnot to push it.

CROSSVery well. Five hours it is,Lieutenant.

GREYYes, sir.


The cutting edge in design, the nerve center of the newEnterprise. Gleaming 25th Century decor, curving surfacesand high-tech control panels. Cross looks around, inhalesthe peculiar atmosphere of a brand new ship.

Over the tactical console is LIEUTENANT J.G. GRIL DOJAR, aCardassian in Starfleet uniform. A somewhat disparate match.He looks like a young and able officer with everything toprove.

He immediately notes the Captain and stands in rigidattention.


Captain on the bridge!

All the officers and crewmembers stand up and face Cross,with a posture of formal respect for their Captain and forthe memorable event taking place. Cross enjoys the momentfor a while, then:

CROSSMan your stations, people.

Everyone resume their duties except Dojar. Cross eyes himwith certain reservation. Dojar notices.

CROSS (CONT'D)You're...

DOJARA Cardassian, sir? Yes, I am.

CROSSI was going to say 'my tacticalofficer', but yes, you are aCardassian. I was expecting aBolian.

DOJARThey accepted my transfer at thelast minute, sir. Lieutenant JuniorGrade Gril Dojar, reporting forduty, sir.

CROSSWhy you insisted on transferringto this particular ship?

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RENAISSANCE: "Aftermath" - ACT ONE 12.

DOJARIt's the Enterprise, sir. Finestin the fleet.

CROSSWe'll see about that. Take yourstation, Lieutenant.

DOJARYes, sir. Oh... Commander Talorais waiting for you in the readyroom.

Cross only nods and proceeds towards the ready room.

DOJAR (CONT'D)(adding hastily)

I won't let you down, sir.


We'll see about that too,Lieutenant.


Waiting patiently is COMMANDER TALORA, a full-bloodedRomulan. A calm center of a storm with keen eyes and sharpmind.

She is standing in stern attention, not saying a word.Cross walks in and nods her to sit down. He takes a PADDand reads aloud with a very official tone of voice:

CROSSSubcommander Talora of the RomulanStar Empire. Graduated third inher class from the Military Academy.Served in the Romulan Navy withexemplary record during numerousfrontline assignments. Multiplecommendations during the DominionWar, even received a medal fromthe Proconsul himself. Impressive.

(pause)And now, you're here. Among theFederation.

She looks at the Captain, eye-to-eye.

TALORAYou have doubts whether or not Ican perform my duties?

CROSSNo, they say you are up to the joband I believe it. It was more ofan observation really.


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RENAISSANCE: "Aftermath" - ACT ONE 13.

CROSS (CONT'D)I'm sure you are aware of the factthat twenty years ago, they wouldn'thave allowed a Romulan to strollfreely aboard one of our ships.Much less to serve as a firstofficer.

TALORAI am the first such case.

CROSSStill, things change.

TALORANot as much as you might think.This is practically a warship.

CROSSNeed I remind you that our missionis peacekeeping, not waging war?

TALORASemantics, Captain. Twenty yearsago, a member of the Romulan Navywould have felt out of place aboardone your vessels. Not anymore.

CROSSYou are rather straightforward,Subcommander.

TALORAI've found that humans prefer tobe less... tactful when workingamong themselves. You want me toact out of place... sir?

CROSSNo, being less tactful is part ofyour job as my second-in-command,to bring out options I might havemissed. But that doesn't mean youshould ignore the chain of command.

She nods.

TALORAYes, sir. I will remember that.

Cross stands up and they exchange a firm handshake.

CROSSWell, consider yourself officiallypart of the crew, Commander Talora.

TALORAThat I wanted to ask you about,sir. About my rank.

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RENAISSANCE: "Aftermath" - ACT ONE 14.

CROSSStarfleet Command prefers you tobe part of the formal chain ofcommand to better fit with therest of us, so it's not an actualpromotion. It should be equivalentof your Subcommander.

She once again only nods.

TALORAAnything else?

Cross pauses for a while, then:

CROSSThere is one other thing I wantedto ask you. Don't take itpersonally, it's just somethingthat I'm curious about.

(beat)If I was about to jump off a cliffand ordered my crew to jump withme, would you follow?

If she was taken back by the unorthodox question, shedoesn't let it show on the surface. Talora considers itfor a beat, then:

TALORACaptain... If you ever order sucha thing, I will push you overmyself.

Cross is clearly intrigued by the answer. Talora shows apassing sign of self-contentment.

TALORA (CONT'D)What are your orders, Captain?

CROSSPrep the ship and the crew fordeparture. We'll leave at eighteen-hundred hours.


CROSS(somewhat reluctantly)

Oh... and I'd like you to be theone formally receiving our ChiefMedical Officer.

TALORAAny particular reason?

CROSSNo, it's just that I'd prefer totalk to her later when all the


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RENAISSANCE: "Aftermath" - ACT ONE 15.

CROSS (CONT'D)commotion with all these launchpreparations has quieted down.

Talora nods and LEAVES.


Grey and Dojar, working on the finishing touches on thenew warp core.

DOJARSo, Lieutenant Grey was it?

GREYGrey, yes. And I'd prefer if youwould call me as "sir", or"Lieutenant" while we are on duty.Protocol.

Dojar is first a bit surprised by the by-the-book formalityGrey requests, but then nods dutifully. He has gone throughthis treatment before.

DOJARLieutenant Grey it is. What do youthink of the new Captain... sir?

GREYI have no opinion on him, but I'msure he's got one on me. I made acomplete ass of myself earlier. Itwouldn't be a big surprise if heputs that on my record.

DOJARNow you're being paranoid.

Grey glares at him.

DOJAR (CONT'D)(adding quickly)


GREYCome on, you of all people shouldunderstand. Haven't you had enoughpeople giving you a sour lookbecause of who you are? You're aCardassian.

DOJARThank you for reminding me, sir.But you are right, the Captain hassomething against me, I can feelit.

GREYYou haven't heard the rumors?

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RENAISSANCE: "Aftermath" - ACT ONE 16.


GREYWell, supposedly the Captain wentthrough a lot when he was younger.I was told he got captured by theDominion and dragged into theconcentration camp. Guess he neverfully recovered from that.

DOJARAnd now, he's my superior officer.

GREYWell, I myself have nothing againstyour people, but I can't blame himeither. The Cardassians did somepretty horrible things during thewar.

DOJARThat was over two decades ago. Mypeople are a third-world powernow. We don't have enough resourcesto feed our children anymore andour military is nothing more thana disorganized border patrol. Onemight think we've suffered enoughfor what we did. Won't they everforget?

GREYNo. And I doubt they'll forgiveeither.


Talora walks in. A TRANSPORTER CHIEF is at the operator'sconsole.

TRANSPORTER CHIEFLieutenant Commander Elris is readyto come aboard, ma'am.


With a SHIMMERING LIGHT, a figure emerges on the transporterpad. A Bajoran female, LT. COMMANDER ELRIS LEA, the ship'sdoctor. A character with inner fire but without cleardirection. Born from a religious culture, yet she is awoman low on faith. The traditional Bajoran earring ismissing.

And she looks more than dismayed.

TALORA (CONT'D)Welcome aboard the Enterprise,Commander.

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RENAISSANCE: "Aftermath" - ACT ONE 17.

ELRISYou're Talora, right? Where's theCaptain? I thought he at least hadthe dignity to come welcome me onboard personally.

TALORAHe is busy right now, but sendshis greetings.

ELRISI'm sure. Can you believe thatarrogance. He sends for me acrosshalf the quadrant and doesn't evenbother to come and say "hello".That insolent bastard. This isn'ta very good start, you know.

TALORAJudging by your rather"affectionate" way of speech, Itake that you already know theCaptain.

ELRISYou could say that. I'm his wife.

On Talora's intrigued expression, we...



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RENAISSANCE: "Aftermath" - ACT TWO 18.




The Enterprise in deep space, moving forward without anyparticular hurry.

CROSS (V.O.)Captain's log, supplemental. Weare finally underway. Though Mr.Grey can't give assurance that allthe ship's functions will work atoptimum capacity, he is confidentthat we can start testing severalmore experimental implementations...

(beat)If we don't push our luck.


Cross at the Captain's chair, others at their respectfulposts.

CROSSEngineering, what's our status?


Grey at the engineering panel.

GREYAll readings are nominal. I ran alevel three diagnostic on all thepropulsion systems, twice. We shouldbe fine, sir.


Cross adjusts his position.

CROSSGood. Keep your fingers crosseddown there. It's time to see ifshe can dance the tune.

(to Conn)Conn, set course one-one-threemark fourteen.

CONN OFFICERCourse laid in.

CROSSBring the Quantum Slipstream Driveon-line.

CONN OFFICERStanding by.

Cross turns to Talora.

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RENAISSANCE: "Aftermath" - ACT TWO 19.

CROSSIf you would do the honors,Commander.

Talora looks at the viewscreen, intently.




Enterprise swoops around and with a CRACKLING FORCE, thespace around her bends and eventually is torn open. Theship disappears into the fissure.


The bridge trembles gently as the Enterprise smoothly ridesthe celestial creek.

Talora checks her panel.

TALORAAll sections report nominal.

CROSSSo far so good. Engineering?


Grey allows himself a confident smile.

GREYAll the readings are in the green,sir. I'm detecting a moderate hullionization, but nothing unexpected.Although I don't think we shouldstress the engines.


GREYWell, the prototype suffered acascade reaction in the QuantumSlipstream matrix after pressingthe engines over the twelve hourlimit.


Cross shows a tint of worry.

CROSSWhat happened to it?

GREY'S COM VOICELike the bird she received hername from, sir. Went up in flames.

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RENAISSANCE: "Aftermath" - ACT TWO 20.

Cross and Talora exchange looks.

CROSSAffirmative. Conn, bring her tofull stop. I think we've provenour point.

CONN OFFICERAye, sir. Full stop.


The Enterprise bolts from the quantum fissure back intonormal space.


CROSSGiven our odds, I say that wentwell. What's our current position?

TALORAAt the edge of the Klingon border.

CROSSRight where we should be. Conn,prepare to--

A BEEPING from Dojar's console interrupts.

DOJARSir, we're receiving a distresssignal.

CROSSComing from where?

DOJARInside Klingon space. Audio only.

Garbled and barely audible, a panicking KLINGON VOICE shoutsthrough the airways:

KLINGON VOICEThis is freighter J'Troq, to anyvessel that can hear this! Pleasehelp! We are unarmed and cannot--

The message is cut off.

TALORAKlingons pleading for help. There'sa first time for everything.

Cross glances at her but doesn't say anything.

DOJARI now have the vessel within visualrange.

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RENAISSANCE: "Aftermath" - ACT TWO 21.

CROSSOn screen.

A badly damaged KLINGON FREIGHTER appears on the viewscreen.Relentlessly pounded by a small one-man ATTACK SHIP.

CROSS (CONT'D)Hail the attacking vessel.

A self-centered face of JENNIFER QUINLAN comes into theview. A woman in her mid-thirties, her attire rugged andpractical. She gives the impression of a person who's seena lot during her life, but still retained the healthy doseof arrogance and dry sense of humor. And now she lookslike she knows more than she's sharing.

CROSS (CONT'D)This is Captain Cross of theFederation starship Enterprise.Break off your attack.

QUINLANDon't give me any lectures, Captain,and stay away. This isn't yourfight.

CROSSYou are making it mine if youcontinue... Captain.

QUINLANWrong. Check your sensor readings.The ship I'm "salvaging" belongsto a Klingon faction currently inhostile terms with the High Council,and therefore also non-friendly tothe Federation. You have no businesshere.

Talora checks the readout and leans closer to Cross.

TALORAShe's right. The J'Troq is one ofthe ships declared as renegades byChancellor Martok. The Federationhas signed a treaty, Captain. We'reforbidden to render any assistance,especially when they're insideKlingon territory.

Cross bites lip, Quinlan notices.

QUINLANYou can't do anything about this.You know it and I know it. Sothere's no point having thisconversation. Good day and goodbye.

The image is sharply cut off. Cross almost rips the armrestsfrom his chair. Then calms down and comes to a decision:

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CROSSConn, set an intercept course.


CROSSI'm not going to let those Klingonsget killed or left stranded outhere just because we signed a pieceof paper years ago. You want toobject, that's fine, but wait untilwe've saved that freighter. With,or without your approval, we'regoing in. You have a problem withthat, Commander?

Talora takes a BEAT, then:

TALORARed alert! All hands to battlestations!

(leaning closer toCross)

Let us just hope we're not walkingtoo close to that edge now.

Cross smiles to the reference.


The Enterprise soars towards the transport in distress.Immediately, the small attack ship breaks off, not wantingto test the odds.

By employing a TRACTOR BEAM, the Enterprise is trying tocatch the elusive vessel. The beam only dissipatesharmlessly into the shields.


Dojar looks puzzled:

DOJARThe enemy vessel is remodulatingits shield frequencies on randomintervals. I can't get a lock.

The bridge rocks slightly.

TALORAShe's bombarding us with inversetachyon bursts. Trying to blindour sensors.

CROSSShe's good, I give her that. Butenough is enough. Fire phasers!

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As the Enterprise chases the tiny vessel - firing phasersas she goes, the pursuit leads inside a NEBULA.


Talora follows the movement of the ship through her panel.


She's in a whole lot of hurry.

CROSSBut to where?

TALORALong range sensors are almostuseless in here, so I can't tell.But she seems to know where she'sgoing.

CROSSI don't like this. I don't likethis at all. Tactical, anyparticular reason why we haven'tpunched through the shields ofthat ship yet?

DOJARThe vessel is employing some kindof regenerative shieldingtechnology.

CROSS"Some kind"? We are in a criticalsituation and you are telling me,Lieutenant, that you are not fullyaware of all the tactical facts?

Dojar takes a breath, tries to keep his hands trembling asCross is clearly on his case.

DOJARNo, sir. I am trying to tell thatthe ship is projecting a--

Quinlan's ship unexpectedly TURNS AROUND and begin pouringphaser fire at the Enterprise. The bridge TREMBLESviolently, shaking people almost off their chairs.

DOJAR (CONT'D)Shields at seventy percent!

CROSSWhat the hell was that? Ship thatsmall can't possibly have firepowerof that magnitude.

DOJARShe's firing again!

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Another lash of energy, but it doesn't hit the Enterprise,but close aside it - IGNITING a pack of volatile gas,shoving the big vessel like a toy boat.


The crew holds on as the ship shakes.

DOJARShields at fifty percent.

TALORAMetreon gas. She's using the pocketsas makeshift bombs.

CROSSRight into her trap...

(beat)All right. All right! She wants toplay soft, we'll play soft. Shewants to play hard... we'll playhard.

(beat)Quantum torpedoes!

DOJARReady, sir.



A volley of QUANTUM TORPEDOES collide squarely intoQuinlan's ship, TEARING it apart in a furious EXPLOSION.


As the screen shows the ship turning into an expandingcloud of vapor:

DOJARI'm picking up an escape pod. Onelifesign.

CROSSAs much as I'd like to leave herdrifting in here and leave a notefor the Klingons, I guess we can'tdo that.

DOJARSir, I'm picking up a large object,just within sensor range. The escapepod is heading towards it.


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DOJARA station. Looks like Klingon indesign.

CROSSRight next to the Federation border.

(surly)Bridge to transporter room one,beam the survivor from the escapepod directly into the brig beforeit can reach the station.

(to Talora)I think it's time to have a littlechat with our troublemaker.Commander, you have the bridge.

TALORAYes, sir.

Cross walks into the turbolift. Before the doors close:

CROSSOh, and maintain minimum powerconsumption to avoid detection. Idoubt the Klingons will be veryhappy if they find us roaming aroundin their backyard.


Cross steps out of the turbolift and almost bumps intoDOCTOR ELRIS.



He looks at her, searching for the right words.


ELRISThat's Doctor Elris or LieutenantCommander Elris to you, Cross. Youlost the privilege to call me Leaa long time ago.

She is making somewhat of a scene. Passing by officers andcrewmen can't help but a stare as they go. Cross pulls heraside.

CROSSDo we have to go over this in frontof everybody?

ELRISHow dare you!? I had a career onBajor, a research, a future!


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ELRIS (CONT'D)Starfleet Medical was eveninterested publishing some of mywork. I had a real life! Now, youjust waltz in and request me to betransferred here. You, who I haven'teven seen for the past four years.

CROSSMe? You're the one who just decidedto walk out of my life one morning.No letters, no messages, no nothing!

ELRISI couldn't continue to live thelife we had then, Neil, and I can'tcontinue to do that now.

She holds up a PADD and shoves it to Cross.

ELRIS (CONT'D)Here's my official request to betransferred off this ship.

CROSSI can't accept this.

ELRISEither that or my resignation,Captain. One way or another, I'mout!


Elris marches off, leaving Cross behind. One of the youngerENSIGNS has watched the drama played out. Cross lashes outa vicious glance at her:

CROSSAny particular reason for you tobe standing there, Ensign?

ENSIGNN-No, sir.

The Ensign is scared off and Cross sighs deeply.


Imprisoned behind a force field, Quinlan is sitting in hersmall prison cell. She glances up to see Cross walking in.Not a bit happy about it.

QUINLAN(dripping withsarcasm)

Well, isn't it my dashing adversary.For all the stuck up StarfleetCaptains I've encountered, I hadto run into the one whose diplomatic


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QUINLAN (CONT'D)doctrine includes phasers and photontorpedoes. Didn't you read theThird Khitomer Charter or did youjust misunderstand it?

CROSSI plead to ignorance. Care to tellme your name?

QUINLANNo harm in that I guess. I assumeyou're already frantically goingthrough your well catalogueddatabases.

She touches the force field which lets out a sizzlingFLICKER.

QUINLAN (CONT'D)Jennifer Quinlan. I'd shake yourhand, but...

CROSSPretty interesting maneuvers youpulled off back there, Miss Quinlan.Regenerative force fields, inversetachyon bursts, metreonexplosives...

QUINLAN...Phaser beams, sensor inhibitors,boxes of chocolate and bad attitude.You didn't come here to praise myachievements, did you?

CROSSI think you know why I'm here.

QUINLANIf you're trying to rough up aconfession out of me, you're notdoing a very good job. I've beenin this situation before.

CROSSThat's what we can both agree on.I believe you have your hands intothe whole mess right up to yourelbows.

QUINLANCome on, Captain. I'm just a loneentrepreneur who smelled anopportunity.

CROSSAn entrepreneur who is also lookinga lifetime in prison.


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CROSS (CONT'D)(a poignant pause)

But... we could come to an agreementthat would get you a shortenedsentence. Say, only a few years.

She laughs.

QUINLANGive me a break. You wantinformation about the movements ofdifferent Klingon factions, gotalk to Starfleet Intelligence orChancellor Martok. Anyone else butme.

CROSSNow you're being funny.

QUINLANThe arrest wasn't even legit. Youbroke the Third Khitomer Treaty.You've got absolutely nothing onme.

CROSSTell that to the Klingons. I'msure they'll be most interested inhearing about politics and borderviolations when they find out aboutyour honorable deeds.

For a passing moment, they just look at each other, studyingeach other. But Cross is putting up a perfect game face.

She folds.

QUINLANAll right, all right. But I wantyour word - if you even hold sucha thing in value - that you'll getme off the hook, if I tell youwhat you want.

CROSSDepends on the information.

Quinlan doesn't like the situation at all, but startstalking nevertheless.

QUINLANI've been monitoring this sectorfor a quite some time. It's a prettyisolated area of space, filledwith lucrative "salvage" material,you know. Tracking ship movements,monitoring transmissions. Formonths, no solid opportunity.Absolutely nothing... untilyesterday.

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CROSSThe outpost?

QUINLANThe outpost. A surveillance stationburied deep into the confines ofthe nebula. Not all the Klingonsplay fair and honorably, you know.

CROSSThey were spying on the Federation.

QUINLANWho cares who they were spying on?Raiders like me, other The point is, all the lightswere out. No power, no defensesystems. No nothing.

(grins)A ripe apple for me to pick.

CROSSYour would-be private littlehideout...

QUINLANI figured I could get away with afew days of downtime before someonecame looking for answers.

CROSSI was wrong, the Klingons won'tput you in jail. They'll rip yourheart out.

QUINLANHey! You want the good stuff ornot?

CROSSKeep going.

QUINLANI only made a casual check on theplace. The station was in a quitebad shape. I had to get somesupplies before being able to turnit into a base for my purposes. Iwas about to get what I neededwhen you barged in.

CROSSYou are not impressing me, Quinlan.

QUINLANWait just a damn minute! I'm tellingthis for your benefit, so payattention. The station wasn't struckby a plasma storm or some weirdsubspace distortion, it wasattacked.

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CROSSBy whom?

QUINLANI don't know, but whoever it was,had firepower to knock out afortified Klingon installation ina matter of seconds without themeven having a chance to call forhelp. And I'm certain that it won'tbe far off. It's still out there...and you're next.

On Cross' troubled expression, we...



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Enterprise approaches and orbits the darkened SPACE STATION.


Three SHIMMERING FIGURES materialize in the center of thecommand area, at the heart of the Klingon installation.TALORA, GREY and DOJAR - geared up in Starfleet space suits.

They look around to see a view of death. Blown up panelsand scorched monitors. DEAD KLINGONS who have taken theirlast breaths at their stations.

TALORASpread out and be careful. Whoeverdid this might be still around.

DOJARThe electromagnetic interferenceis disrupting our sensors. I don'tthink we'll be able to get accuratereadings over ten meters.

TALORAMore the reason to remain cautious.

Grey scans the room with his TRICORDER.

GREYI'm not picking any signs of afight, sir. This damage seems tobe caused by some kind of excessivepower surge. All the EPS conduitsare burnt out. Probably the samething that's playing tricks withour tricorders.

Dojar sweeps around with a PHASER RIFLE, covering the exitsand checking the corpses for signs of life. Finding none.

DOJAR(re: Klingons)

What happened to them?

GREYI'm no doctor, but since thereisn't any visible injury or trauma,I'd say they died of oxygendeprivation or hypothermia.

TALORAIn other words, the life supportfailed and they... just died?

GREYYes, ma'am.

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TALORAGet into engineering and try toestablish power, Lieutenant. Dojar,accompany him. I will try to accessthe main database and Commander'slog from up here. Report immediatelyif anything out of the ordinaryhappens. Understood?

DOJAR / GREY(in unison)

Yes, ma'am.

TALORAAnd stop calling me "ma'am"."Commander" is more than sufficient.

Dojar and Grey exchange looks and HEAD OUT.


Cross and Quinlan stroll the corridor.

QUINLANI guess I should be grateful foryou letting me out.

CROSSYou're not out because of mycompassion but because we can useyour expertise.

QUINLANAnd what makes you think I'm willingto help you at all?

CROSSI'm giving you an opportunity here.If the force that struck them isstill out there and hostile, wemight be facing an imminent death.The Klingons, the Federation, allof us. And right now, we're theonly ones who can do anything aboutit.

They step into


With Cross and Quinlan.


She looks at him, jaundiced.

QUINLANYou're making dangerous assumptions,Captain.


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QUINLAN (CONT'D)There was a time when the firstthing to come in mind in situationslike these wasn't to sound thecall to arms.

CROSSTimes change. The following hourscan mean the survival, or thedestruction of this ship. And youalong with it.

(beat)Now, you can sit in your cellgrudging, as we - like it or not -are going to get to the bottom ofthis. Or you can affect the outcomewith your input. It's your choice.What do you say?

QUINLANI really, really hate you.


From the turbolift, Cross and Quinlan emerge.

CROSSTake the tactical.

As Quinlan walks over at the tactical console as if itwere her every day routine, other bridge officers seem alittle puzzled, disconcerted.

Quinlan punches in a few commands, Cross immediately reacts:

CROSS (CONT'D)But... I wouldn't do that if Iwere you.


Do what?

CROSSAccess our command subroutines andtry to reroute all the shipcontrols. I am watching.

QUINLANIf you're so vigilant of what I'mdoing, why don't you do thisyourself?

CROSSAs tempting the proposition is, Ineed to coordinate the overallsituation from here. Besides, youstrike me as a person who frownsupon conventional thinking. Youmight pick up something rest of usmiss completely.

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QUINLANI'm ecstatic by the confidence youbestow on me.

Cross breaks out a smile.

TALORA'S COM VOICETalora to Enterprise, come in.

CROSSGo ahead, Commander.


Talora has rigged her tricorder into the station's datanetwork and has indeed succeeded on getting some systemsback in working order.

TALORAI've managed to access the station'smain computer. Lieutenants Greyand Dojar are still sweeping thelower levels for survivors andworking on getting the stationback in operational status.

CROSS' COM VOICEWhat have you got?

TALORAMost of the data is heavilyfragmented, but I was able toretrieve a large portion of theirexternal sensor recordings beforethe power failure. Uploading now.


Cross and Quinlan at the science station, intrigued by thefuzzy sensor image shown on the screen. A sight of an alienSTARSHIP, a big one.

CROSSNow, this is interesting.


QUINLANYeah, definitely a positive sightingof the Bucket.

TALORA'S COM VOICEWho is this? Identify yourself.

QUINLANYour unwilling accomplice, CaptainJennifer Quinlan.

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Talora is rather puzzled, to say at least.

TALORACaptain Quinlan? Sir, you don'tmean she--

CROSS' COM VOICEIt's all right, Commander. MissQuinlan is our... temporaryconsultant on the current situation.Heed her words but swallow themwith a grain of salt.

Talora isn't any less confused.



Cross shakes his head, somewhat amused.

CROSSI'll explain later.

(beat)'The Bucket' is the affectionatename for a starship belonging toan unknown faction. The same ship,or at least one identical to ithas been spotted for the past twodecades near Federation's keyinstallations. Utopia Planitia,Deep Space Nine, you name it.

(beat)No definite sensor data has beenacquired and the ship always escapedbefore any communications could beestablished.

(beat)Think of it as Federation's ownFlying Dutchman.

QUINLANOnly thing that's certain is thatthe ship is very powerful and ispart of some highly secretive force.Starfleet Intelligence was spooked,of course.

CROSSThey're worried that all this cloakand dagger is just the tip of abigger iceberg.


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CROSSThe aliens have resorted only toinformation gathering, withouttaking any hostile actions againstours or anyone else's property.

(beat)Until now.


Talora unplugs the tricorder from the mainframe.

TALORAWell, whoever is behind thedestruction here, is long gone. Idoubt we'll get any more informationout of this place.

(taps her commbadge)Lieutenant Grey, come in.


Part of the whole engineering section has been blown offleaving a scarred hole into space. Grey and Dojar move thepieces of scrap metal, trying to find something, anythingworth investigating.

GREYGrey here.

TALORA'S COM VOICEStatus report, Lieutenant.

GREYThe power core is beyond repair.Half of the engineering section ispractically obliterated. There'snothing I can do about it.

TALORA'S COM VOICEAffirmative. Prepare to beam backaboard the ship. We're leaving.

GREYAye, Commander.

Dojar's tricorder BEEPS wildly.

DOJARWait. I think I've found something.


He points, under a pile of disjointed fragments of thebulkhead. They start to pull out the pieces of metal anddiscover--

A KLINGON, in a torn armor, clutching a low-hummingDISRUPTOR, jacked into a cannibalized wall panel. He isencased in a faintly glittering FORCE FIELD.

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Grey and Dojar come together to the only conclusion. They'vefound a survivor. Hold on him for a BEAT, then --


ELRIS and several NURSES are fighting to keep the severelyinjured Klingon alive. He is going flatline.

ELRISGive me thirty milliliters oftricordazine!

One of the aides hands her the hypospray and with a distinctHISS, the drug is injected. Elris carefully studies thepatient readout, worried.

ELRIS (CONT'D)Damn, it's no good. Give me anotherten.

NURSEDoctor, we've given already fivepast safe dose. Another shot and--

ELRISAnd his brains might pop, I know!But unless we get his neuralfunctions up and running, he'llturn into a vegetable, permanently.Now, I've seen enough people diein front of me. I refuse to losethis one!

(beat, then sternly)My call. Ten milliliters.

The nurse hands her the hypospray. Elris injects andagonizing moments pass...

ELRIS (CONT'D)Come on... come on...

Then a BLIP in the monitor, and eventually a steady pattern.

NURSEWe've got a signal!

Elris sighs relieved.

ELRISGive him fourteen milliliters oftri-ox to keep the blood oxygenationlevels in the green.

(beat)Great work, people.

Cross walks in with Talora. Elris' good mood immediatelyturns sour. It shows for a moment, but then she quicklyregains her rigid composure.


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TALORAWhat's the patient's status?

ELRISWell, he was apparently exposed toa vacuum and suffered a severecase of asphyxiation, butfortunately his emergency forcefield was enough to keep him alive.We've managed to stabilize hiscondition. He should be all right.

CROSSWake him.

ELRISNeil, he just barely survived froma severe neurological shock. If westress him, who knows what mighthappen. This man needs rest.

CROSSI don't have time to argue. He'sin possession of vital informationregarding the security of theFederation. We need him.

ELRISNeeds of the many, huh?

Their eyes lock. A contest of wills.

CROSSThis isn't about him, is it? It'sabout me. And you.

ELRISThat's ridiculous. This has nothingto do with us. My only concern isthe patient, who you are currentlycompletely disregarding. Like allthe people that step into yourlife.

CROSSOh, come on! That was cheap. You--

Talora steps in between:

TALORAHold on just a moment. Both ofyou!

(to Cross)Sir, with all due respect. We don'thave time for this.

Cross calms down, sighing out the bad air.

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CROSSOf course. You're right, Commander.

TALORA(to Elris)

And you, Doctor. I believe yoursuperior officer gave you a directorder. Am I correct?

Elris is full of disdain.

ELRISI can see where this is going.

(to Talora)And which side you are on.

She takes the hypospray and INJECTS the unconscious man.

ELRIS (CONT'D)Your responsibility.

The Klingon's eyes flutter and slowly open. He looks around,disoriented.

KLINGONAm I in Sto Vo Kor?

CROSSNot yet, I'm afraid. Can you tellus your name and posting?

KLINGON (KALEG)Kaleg, Son of Tru'ag... CoularStation... engineering department.Where am I?

CROSSYou're aboard the starshipEnterprise. We need to ask you afew questions. Think you are ableto answer?

Kaleg nods.

TALORAWho attacked you?

KALEGI don't know... It was an unknownship. A big one. The Commanderwanted us to reroute all auxiliarypower to the defensive systems. Idon't know what happened... Astrange flash of light... We startedlosing power on all decks. It was...

He groans, fatigued. Elris is about to intervene but Crosssternly motions her to stay back.

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CROSSMost of your sensor records weredestroyed. Can you remember anythingelse? Where the ship was heading?

KALEGThe fourth planet. It had somethingto do with the fourth planet ofthe system.

ELRISI think that's enough.

Cross agrees and nods to Talora. They both head out, into


Cross and Talora take their stations.

CROSSYellow alert.

The YELLOW LIGHTS begin to blink as the ship's status risesto elevated readiness.

TALORALieutenant, are there any starsystems nearby?

DOJARYes, sir. One with type-G star,approximately half a light yearfrom here.

CROSSInside the nebula?

DOJARYes, sir.

TALORAAnything unusual?

Dojar goes through the sensors, but eventually shakes hishead.

DOJARI'm sorry, Commander. The sensorsdon't pick up anything.

CROSSNothing? Concentrate your sweepson the fourth planet.

Dojar does, but...

DOJARStill nothing, sir.

Quinlan is between choices, itching to say something butforces herself to remain quiet.

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CROSSThat's odd. Think they've leftalready?

TALORACould be. On the other hand, theymight be employing some kind ofcloaking mechanism.

CROSSWe'll proceed with caution. Helm,take us closer.


Everyone on the bridge seem to be oblivious to somethingQuinlan has picked up. She finally nudges at Dojar andpulls him aside, keeping her voice down.

QUINLANHey, Lieutenant Dojar wasn't it?


QUINLANYou might want to scan the planet'spolar region with a high frequencyanti-proton pulse.

Dojar looks a bit puzzled... and reserved. Quinlan sees itbest to explain:

QUINLAN (CONT'D)The magnetic emissions there gatherhighly polarized particles fromnebula gasses, causing interferencepowerful enough to hide a wholefleet of ships from casual scans.Advanced species or not, it's atrick most convenient for thisenvironment. I've pulled it offnumerous times myself.

DOJARWhy are you telling me this?

QUINLANWell, I could bring this up straightto the Captain, but I doubt itwould look good on your record.

Dojar has to admit she is right. He nods at her discretion,appreciating the gesture and returns to the tacticalconsole.

DOJARCaptain, I think there's apossibility that the ship may be


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DOJAR (CONT'D)using the planet's polar region asa camouflage to shield its presencefrom our sensors.


DOJARWe can probably use a high-frequencyanti-proton pulse to enhancescanning resolution to punch throughthe interference.

Cross contemplates on the option, and then:


Quinlan shows Dojar the thumbs up. He initiates the pulse.

DOJARHer... my hypothesis was correct,sir. I'm receiving information.

(upbeat)It's a ship! Unknown configuration.

CROSSOn screen.

A GREEN PLANET comes into view. Something can been in thepolar area.

CROSS (CONT'D)Magnify.

The menacing posture of the GIGANTIC ALIEN SHIP fills theentire screen. It calmly hovers at the planetary orbit.Its mere presence makes everyone on the bridge a bitworried.

TALORATactical report.

DOJARImmense power output. Multipleweapon systems comparable to orexceeding our own. Lengthapproximately... thirty kilometers.

A piece of information that brings things on a whole newperspective. On the crew's troubled faces, we...



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The Enterprise, from an ANGLE that gives her a slightlymore cautious, prepared and even dangerous look.


Sitting around the table are CROSS, TALORA, GREY, DOJARand even QUINLAN. But no Elris.

CROSSI just spoke with Admiral Portman.Starfleet's mobilizing a task forceto intercept the vessel. But... itwon't be here for another twenty-four hours, minimum. Plus, withall the red tape from the KlingonHigh Council, Starfleet probablycan't get ships in here for anothertwo days.

TALORATwo days. By that time, the enemymight have fortified its positionand caused irrevocable damage. Notto mention gained a seriousstrategic advantage consideringthe prospect of longer term warfare.

CROSSMy thoughts exactly. So, we needto find a way to stop, or at leaststall the enemy until the helparrives.

Quinlan has hard time believing what she is hearing:

QUINLANEnemy? You know practically nothingabout this ship! Nothing, and you'vealready catalogued it as an enemy?

TALORAThis nebula is strategicallybeneficial position to stage aninvasion.

CROSSAnd their behavior hasn't beenexactly friendly. The fact thatthey knocked out a Klingonsurveillance post doesn't reallytalk for their willingness for apeaceful dialogue.


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CROSS (CONT'D)Starfleet believes this alienfaction could prove to be a seriousthreat to the Federation security.Especially now when we're stillshaky on resources. And I happento agree completely.

QUINLANWhat happened to the time whenphysical force was considered onlyas the last resort?

TALORANeed I remind you that such..."pacifistic" approach led into acostly war with the Dominion twenty-eight years ago?

QUINLANI can't believe this.

CROSSThis isn't a debate, Quinlan.Starfleet's stand on this matteris clear. Now, we have to showunshakable resolve, that we candefuse this inflammable situationwith a precise preemptive action.

(beat)Now, what's our status?

DOJARWe have a full complement of quantumtorpedoes, minus of course thespread we fired at Captain Quinlan'sship. All phaser banks and shieldgenerators are working at optimumcapacity. We are at full tacticalreadiness, Captain, if and whenthe need arises.

GREYI'll run a level three diagnosticson all critical systems as soon aspossible to ensure that they remainthat way.

CROSSGood. What about the threat vesselitself? Anything we can use to ouradvantage?

DOJARAll our scans proved to beinconclusive. A full spectrum activescan might prove more information,though.

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CROSSNo, the magnetic interference worksboth ways. I'd rather keep ourpresence hidden as long as possible,both from the ship and the Klingons.Anything else?

DOJARNot really, sir. The ship is justsitting there, conducting surfacescans at random intervals.Methodical ones.

CROSSWhat's so interesting down therethe alien ship is willing to riska war to get it?

Talora takes a PADD and reads:

TALORAFrom the Klingon data archives.Coular Four. M-class. Populationapproximately ninety million,preindustrial society.

(beat)Falls under the Prime Directive.


Unless you're willing to run overthat principle as well...

Cross throws her a dismayed glance.

CROSSEven while Coular is within Klingonterritory, we will adhere to thePrime Directive when dealing witha primitive species. We will takethese people in account accordingly,Quinlan.

(pause)If that's all, dismissed.

Everyone start to get up and leave, except Talora whoapproaches Cross.

TALORACaptain, a word with you? Inprivate.

He nods and they wait till the others have left the room.

TALORA (CONT'D)I know it takes time for me toadjust into how things are runaboard a Federation starship, butI feel that it's my duty to informmy commanding officer if thingsdon't work as they should.

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CROSSLike what?

TALORAI couldn't help but to notice thatLieutenant Commander Elris wasabsent from the meeting.

CROSSWe have a bit of falling out goingon. She didn't want to attend andI didn't push the issue. No bigdeal.

TALORAShe is part of the senior staffand should attend when importantdecisions regarding the ship'smission are made.

CROSSLook, it's a personal matter. I'lldeal with it on my own time. Endof discussion.

TALORAAnd that's not all, sir.


Let me guess. Quinlan?

TALORAYes. Quinlan.

Cross saw it coming.

TALORA (CONT'D)She has a disrupting effect on thechain of command, Captain. At onemoment she is attacking us,committing criminal acts againstthe Federation and next thing weknow she sits with us at the staffmeetings. She, who isn't a Starfleetofficer, or even a member of thecrew, and yet is allowed toparticipate in the decision making.

CROSSShe has the experience and theskill I know we need in the presentsituation. Call it intuition.

TALORAThat's no excuse, sir. TheEnterprise is a very prestigiousship. It takes a lot of effort andhard work to be get a position inhere.


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TALORA (CONT'D)I myself went through extensivetesting and months of trainingbefore Starfleet approved my requestto be posted aboard this particularstarship. Same goes with all thejunior officers trying to struggletheir way up through the ranks.

(beat)But now, a social reject likeQuinlan steps in and is immediatelypromoted over the others. What doyou think that'll do to the crewmorale?

CROSSShe wasn't promoted.

TALORAMakes no difference.

CROSSYou feel your position beingthreatened?

TALORAQuite frankly, yes.

CROSSAnd you want to take this up toStarfleet Command?

TALORADo I need to?

He thinks it over.

CROSSMy decision stands, Commander.

She snaps into attention and with a bit overtly by-the-protocol tone of voice, more like a grinding metal:

TALORAYes, sir.

Talora is about to storm out when Cross adds:

CROSSBut only for now.


Elris has trouble concentrating over the frustration sheis going through. We can pretty much guess what's the sourceof her resentment.

Talora walks in.

TALORADoctor Elris.

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ELRISCommander. What brings you here?

TALORAI thought I'd stop by for myrequired medical check-up.

ELRISYou don't need one. The one youwent through at Starbase 375 isstill recent enough.

TALORANever hurts to be too cautious,right?

Elris gives her a suspicious look.

ELRISHave a seat.

Talora sits on the medical bed and Elris picks up a scannerand runs it over her head. Talora hesitates for a momentbefore cutting straight to the business:

TALORASo, what do you think about theCaptain?

ELRISI try not to.

TALORAI personally don't know how tohandle him. He has a very...peculiar way of commanding theship and the crew. It is quitefrustrating.

ELRISBelieve me, he has that effect onpeople.

TALORAHis decisions seem irrational.

ELRISHe is irrational. I don't know howI managed to live with him...

(with a small doseof melancholy)

To love him for all those years.

TALORAIt takes time to adjust to thelife on this ship.

ELRISI don't want to adjust. I justwant to be left alone.

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TALORAYou know, on Romulus, the sign ofleaving a consort and denouncingone's faith is a sign of extremeweakness.

Elris reacts, surprised.

ELRISHow did you...?

TALORAI read your and the Captain'spersonnel files and all the relatedreports.

ELRISThey don't say anything about ourpersonal life.

TALORAI read between the lines, Doctor.And I also noticed you are missingthe traditional Bajoran earring.Care to tell more?

Elris staggers on words.

ELRISI'd rather not. It's... ratherpersonal. If you don't mind.


I understand. There are things ineach of us we want to keep forourselves.

(beat)I just want to try to understandthis crew better, to be able tofunction as part of it moreefficiently.

ELRISYou'll manage. If there's someonewho can keep Neil in check, I'dpresume it will be someone likeyou.

(beat)Well, we're done here. You're inpeak condition, Commander. Asexpected.

TALORAThank you, doctor. This conversationhas been extremely illuminating.

ELRISAnytime. If you--

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A violent RUMBLE and the lights FLICKER for a moment. Then,a CRIMSON ENERGY BURST shoots through the door and embracesthe wall panels, shutting them off one by one. It quicklyleaps from panel to panel and then, as unexpectedly as itcame, the phenomenon bolts off.

Talora and Elris immediately follow.


The energy manifestation races through the corridor. Quinlanalmost bumps into the two.

QUINLANWhat the hell was that?

TALORAYou tell me.

QUINLANMe? I didn't have anything to dowith that! I just got out from theturbolift as that thing jumpedright out from the bulkhead.

ELRISIt's wreaking havoc all over theship. Where is it heading?

TALORATo engineering.

QUINLANCan't we stop it?

Talora taps the commbadge.

TALORACommander Talora to the bridge.

Only ear-piercing SHRIEK. Talora quickly taps hercommunicator off.

QUINLANSo much for that idea.

TALORAEngineering can deal with thesituation themselves. I'm headingto the bridge to help coordinatedefensive operations.

ELRISWhat about us?

TALORAReturn to sickbay. If thisphenomenon goes unrestrained wewill have a lot of casualties comingin.

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QUINLANI'm coming with you to the bridge.

TALORANo, you are still considered apotential threat. You'll be confinedto the surveillance of Doctor Elrisfor the time being.

QUINLANYou're kidding.

Talora glares at her.

ELRISShe's not. Come on, I'm currentlyshort on medical staff due to shiftrotation and I could probably usesome help if we're having wounded.

Quinlan accedes and follows Elris. As soon as they'rethrough the doorway, the nearby wall panel EXPLODES in athundering ROAR, sending fragments of metal all over thecorridor.

Talora recovers from the floor and wipes the blood off herforehead. She assesses the situation, then starts runningto the opposite direction.


Pulsating lights and SPARKING panels. The entire bridgestrains under the pressure it's put into.

DOJARReports of power fluctuation, allover the ship!

CROSSI need to find out what's causingit, now!

The turbolift door OPENS and Talora stumbles in.

DOJARI don't know sir. Our energyreserves are simply being drained.

CROSSA weapon? A natural phenomena?What? These things don't justsuddenly happen!

TALORAIt wasn't sudden, Captain. Samething happened before, at theoutpost. We're going down.

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As the panels on the bridge start to go dark, one by one,we...



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The USS ENTERPRISE - which is just floating dead in spacewith all the lights out in the midst of crimson haze - isgradually shadowed by the MASSIVE ALIEN VESSEL.


Completely dark except for the beams projected from hand-held FLASHLIGHTS distributed for the crew.

CROSS taps the commbadge, but nothing happens.

CROSSComms are out. The main computermust be down.

TALORA tries the nearest control panel. No luck thereeither.

DOJAR punches in a few commands to the turbolift door panel.Same thing.

DOJARLooks like everything is affected.

CROSSHow long until life support fails?

TALORAAt Coular, it happened in minutes.The Enterprise was designed withmore sophisticated redundancy inmind, so I'd say we have about anhour. Maximum.

CROSSThen we'll have to put that hourinto good use. Lieutenant?

DOJARYes, sir.

CROSSYou're with me. We'll get to theJeffries Tubes and try to reachengineering, weapons storage andany other parts of the ship whichmight provide us means to get usout of the harm's way.

Cross pulls the wall panel open revealing a tunnel thatdisappears into the darkness.

CROSS (CONT'D)In the meantime, Commander, you'llhave the bridge.

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He sweeps the light through the passageway and startscrawling.


Same as on the bridge, pitch black with no workingelectronics. ELRIS flips on a flashlight, sweeps the room.We hear a MUFFLED GASP. She turns to see--

QUINLAN, lying on the floor. She looks like a mess.

ELRISYou all right?

Quinlan coughs, wincing in pain. Her shirt is soaked inblood.

QUINLANIs that a trick question or amultiple choice?

Elris takes a tricorder and passes it over her.

ELRISAt least your sense of humor isintact. Looks like a metal fragmenthas punctured your abdominal cavity.Some lacerations, deep bruises andheavy bleeding. One of smallerarteries might have been severed.

With an effort, Quinlan forces a smile on her face.

QUINLANGuess I need to call a doctor.Know anyone competent?

ELRISNot at the moment, no. Fortunatelyyou don't have any internal bleedingnor were any of the vital organsdamaged.

QUINLANNot if you don't count a bruisedego as one.

She GROANS. Elris presses the bleeding wound and reachesfor the nearby EMERGENCY MEDICAL KIT. She takes a fewinstruments and starts to perform a crude surgicaloperation.

ELRISHold still. Squirming around won'thelp.

Quinlan's breathing has turned more labored, with a suddensense of helplessness creeping into her.

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QUINLANThis hasn't happened to me before,you know.

ELRISWell, there's first time foreverything. Must be frighteningfor you to leave your life tosomeone else's hands.

Elris removes a small, bloody PIECE OF METAL from the woundat Quinlan's side.

QUINLANI've never thought about that fromthis perspective.

Finally, Elris closes the wound and injects her with ahypospray.

ELRISHow do you feel?



Elris smiles, compassionately.

ELRISWe'll keep that as our littlesecret.


I appreciate it, thank you.(pause)

How's the wound?

ELRISI think you'll live.

As Quinlan tries her stomach, we can see the wound isperfectly closed, a faint scar remains. Quinlan isimpressed.

ELRIS (CONT'D)Just don't go running and hoppingaround for a few days.

QUINLANYou know, there's a lot of marketfor an able doctor in the frontier.I could use someone like you.

ELRISGood thing I have a lot to lookforward to when I leave myresignation. Come on, let's see ifyour feet hold up.

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Quinlan and Elris step out from the confines of the sickbay.

QUINLANYou're actually thinking aboutleaving Starfleet?


After this mission. You weren'tserious about that proposal?

QUINLANTo tell you the truth, you'd beexcess baggage. Long time ago Imade a promise to myself that I'dalways work alone.

(beat)But I'll tell you one thing. LeavingStarfleet might be one of the bestthings that happen in your life.If you just look at the way thingsare now. What a jaded colossus theFederation has become. Thebureaucracy, the loss of ideals,everything.

ELRISYeah, I guess...

QUINLANBut you're not really thinkingabout getting out because ofStarfleet in itself, right?

ELRISIt shows, huh?

Quinlan has to admit.

QUINLANSo why then?

Cross and Dojar walk to them. Elris throws a glance at theCaptain and then turns to Quinlan.

ELRIS(under her breath)

Take a guess.

CROSSEvery system on the bridge is dead.Total power failure.

QUINLANWhatever happened, it seems tohave taken the entire ship.

Quinlan bites lip. Cross notices the patch of blood on hershirt around the burnt tear.

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CROSSYou all right?

She throws a glance at Elris.

QUINLANI'll live. Let's just focus at thetask at hand.

CROSSNone of the components separatefrom the main EPS grid seem to beaffected. Tricorders, flashlights,hand phasers, they're all stilloperating.

QUINLANSome kind of energy dampeningweapon?

CROSSSeems like it, but the configurationis nothing we've seen before. Andwe need to locate the source if weintend to punch through it. Thinkyou'd be able to detect it?

QUINLANIf I had the equipment, probably.

CROSSThe shuttlecraft have an independentpower grid, so they still shouldbe up and running. Try one of them.

Quinlan nods.

DOJARI can do it, sir.

Cross looks at him. Dojar is uncertain whether the Captainis only being professional or just simply a bigot.



CROSSNo. I need you to get to the weaponsbay and reset the warhead targetingcircuits.

DOJAR(little disappointed)

That is a routine procedure, sir.

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CROSSThen you'll know how to do it,right? I'll try to reach engineeringand see if we can activate thefusion reactors.

(beat)Once Quinlan has narrowed down thesource, we'll disrupt it with awell-placed spread of torpedos.And in the same instant, kick ineverything we can from the engines,and hopefully manage to get out ofits reach in time. Questions?

Nobody says anything. Especially Elris who seems to havebeen left out of the entire conversation.

CROSS (CONT'D)Good. Time is short so let's getmoving; you have your orders.Regroup here in half an hour.Dismissed.

They disperse to fulfill their tasks, leaving Elris standingalone in the dark corridor. She lets out a discouragedsigh.

ELRISFine. I'll just sit here then anddo nothing.


Quinlan sits in the cockpit of one of the shuttles sittingaround in the hangar. She begins punching in commands andimmediately the screens flare to life.

QUINLANRight. Let's get down to business...


A cramped maintenance area with TORPEDO CASINGS racked upon the wall. Frustrated, Dojar opens the nearest one andstarts rewiring the cables inside.

DOJARHe hates me. I know it.


As Cross walks in, the ENGINEERING CREW jumps to attention.Grey foremost.


CROSSAt ease, Lieutenant.

He relaxes, but only a bit.

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CROSS (CONT'D)What's the latest?

GREYSame thing hit us that disabledthe outpost, that's for sure.

CROSSAny good news?

GREYIt didn't burn out our entire powergrid.

CROSSSo we should be in clear waterswhen we get rid of whatever iscausing this, right?

GREYYes, sir. That would be myassessment.

CROSSExcellent. Guess that leaves onlyone question.

GREYWhat's that, sir?

CROSSYou know how to jumpstart astarship?

Grey's lost expression is priceless.


Where Quinlan waits, bored. A display of backgroundradiation. She switches through several frequencies, triesnumerous filtering methods. And basically looks a needlefrom a cosmic haystack. Her initial enthusiasm long gone.She rubs her aching side.

QUINLANWhy did I ever get out of the bedthis morning? He hates me...


As Dojar rigs the quantum torpedo, and curses to himself:

DOJAR...I know it. If I were a human,or a Vulcan. He would treat meequally.

(beat)Everyone would.

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Cross has made a long, wispy connections with cable andnumerous tricorders, and phaser power cells. Like a twistedversion of 25th century Christmas lights.

GREY(full of disbelief)

Captain, are you really intendingto connect that into the mainimpulse drive?

CROSSMy grandfather used to love old20th century automobiles. You know,the ones with an internal combustionengine, wheels and everything?


CROSSWell, one day, after hours ofbegging and begging, he agreed totake me out for a little drive inthe courtyard. While otherwisevery well-kept and maintained, thecar's centuries-old power cell hadcorroded to the point of uselessnessand had lost its juice a long timeago.

(beat)So, we wired a power cell from ahand phaser into the circuitry, togive the car the proper ignitionto get the motor up and running.

GREYDid it work?

Cross chuckles.

CROSSHell no. The power cell meltedhalf of the engine straight throughto the pavement.

Grey gives the Captain a highly disbelieving look.

CROSS (CONT'D)But the principle remains valid.Once the source of the interferencehas been nullified, we use allthese power cells to give the laserfusion initiators a jolt. Andhopefully get a quick burst out ofthe impulse drive, just enough toget us out from the harm's way.

GREYThis is highly unorthodox, sir.

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CROSSIt's not "in the book" if that'swhat you mean, Grey. None of thebest tricks are. My grandfathertaught me them all...

(getting a bit sappy)That was before the war. Beforeeverything...

Cross finishes the last connection, gathers himself up.

CROSS (CONT'D)Now stand back, this may producesome unwanted side effects.


Quinlan taps the console in a tedious rhythm, switchingwavelengths of the incoming radiation and humming at thesame time:

QUINLANThis little neutrino went to themarket... And this little neutrinowent home. And this littleneutrino...

Abruptly the console BLEEPS, Quinlan wakes up from herslumber, immediately interested.

QUINLAN (CONT'D)Now this little neutrino was messingwith the little ship. Hello therelittle one.

Her fingers dance on the console as she narrows the searchdown, definitely on to something. Finally, a clear imageof an ENERGY BEAM projected from the alien ship to theEnterprise surfaces.

Finding what she was looking for, Quinlan gets up andHURRIES OUT.


Quinlan returns to the corridor where Cross is alreadywaiting.

QUINLANGot it. At three point fifty-fivegigahertz on the upper EM band.

CROSSAnd coordinates?

QUINLANI can give you the target areawithin fifteen square millimeters.

Dojar hurries to them.

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DOJARAll set. I rigged the launchcircuitry of the warheads into theship's plasma injection control.Once the impulse drive is activated,a volley of quantum torpedos shouldlaunch automatically.


Lieutenant Grey should be punchingin the fusion reactors within fiveminutes. Head to the bridge andhandle rest of the situation fromthere.

QUINLANAnd where are you going?

CROSSDown to the surface.

Dojar jumps the gun.


CROSSStand fast, Lieutenant. Whateverthe aliens want is down on theplanet. With a ship of thatmagnitude, the best thing theEnterprise can do is to wait forreinforcements. But until then,someone has to go down there andfind out what the aliens are upto. And considering my experienceand the constrained time limit,the only viable candidate is me.

QUINLANI could go.

CROSSTo be blunt, Quinlan: I don't trustyou that much yet. Besides, you'llbe needed on the bridge.

DOJARI have to voice my objections,sir.

CROSSI'll note that into my log. When Iget back.

DOJARCaptain, under Starfleet GeneralOrder Fifteen, no commanding officershall beam into a hazardous arewithout an armed escort. Sir.

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Cross groans, looks at Dojar, then to Quinlan.

CROSSYou want to be equally inventive?

She grins broadly.

QUINLANDon't look at me. I'm the renegadeoutlaw, remember? You're theCaptain, you should know theselittle things.

Cross shakes his head, then concedes to Dojar's point:

CROSSAll right, Lieutenant, if youinsist. Gear up and meet me atDeck Thirteen escape pods in threeminutes.

QUINLANEscape pods?

CROSSWe don't have the power to usetransporters and that ship willdisable a shuttlecraft like a breezesnuffs a candle. Besides, escapepods are designed for roughlandings.

QUINLANIt'll be a one way trip.

CROSSDon't get your hopes up. Just getto the bridge and tell them to getthe hell out of here and wait forthe cavalry.

Quinlan nods, now with a new kind of respect for him.

QUINLANGood luck.

He nods back, acknowledging her support.

CROSS(to Dojar)

Let's move it, Lieutenant!

Dojar snaps into attention:

DOJARYes, sir!


Quinlan crawls out of the Jeffries Tube and catches herbreath.

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She nurses her throbbing side and clutches the nearbycontrol panel. Talora gives a questioning glance.

QUINLANWe've got two minutes.

TALORAWhere's Captain Cross?

QUINLANDown on the planet's surface in afew moments.

TALORAWhat? Why didn't you try to stophim?

QUINLANIt's not my ship, and thereforenot my problem. I don't have timeto go to details right now!

Quinlan goes to the tactical console and with very littlecourtesy, pushes the manning officer asides and begins toattach her tricorder into the panel.

TALORAExplain your actions.

She draws a phaser.


QUINLANLook, lady! Within a few moments avolley of torpedoes will be launchedtowards the alien ship with theintent to disrupt the dampeningbeam, and if I don't enter theproper coordinates our attempt toescape will end in pretty fireworks.Now, I suggest you give an orderto, and I quote: "get us the hellout of here", when the time comes.

Talora swallows her dismay.

QUINLAN (CONT'D)(adding sharply)


The conn officer awaits an order. Talora nods.

QUINLAN (CONT'D)All right. Here we go.


The Enterprise's impulse drive FLARES, and at the sameinstant the ship spews out a salvo of QUANTUM TORPEDOES

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which EXPLODE harmlessly into the flickering deflectorshield encasing the gigantic vessel.

But section by section, the power is restored on theEnterprise, and seizing the moment the ship SPEEDS AWAYlike a small fly escaping from an invisible web spun by agigantic spider. Hiding safely behind the shadow of theplanet.


With a distinct HUMMING, the energy pours back into theship's power grid and the lights turn back on.

GREY'S COM VOICEEngineering to bridge.

TALORAGo ahead, Lieutenant.

GREY'S COM VOICE(with an upbeattone)

All systems are operating. Powerlevels are returning to nominal.

TALORAAcknowledged, Lieutenant. Taloraout.

She looks at Quinlan.

TALORA (CONT'D)Now, Quinlan, can you modify ourshields to nullify the effects ofthe dampening field?

QUINLANYeah, but...


QUINLANWhy would...

TALORAJust do it, or I will have someoneto remove you from the bridge anddo it for you!

Quinlan rolls her eyes and punches in a few commands.

QUINLANShield harmonics calibrated. Andif I may ask, what are you exactlyare planning to do?

She gives no answer, only takes the command chair. Givesresolved look at the alien ship on the main screen.

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TALORARed alert. All hands to battlestations.

Quinlan looks horrified.

QUINLANYou're not serious.

TALORAI am. Full impulse!


The Enterprise turns to face the threatening starship.Standing small but defiant in front of the frighteningbehemoth.

From the side of the hull, an ESCAPE POD bolts off andSOARS towards the planet. As the gigantic lush green spheregrows larger compared to the tiny pod, we...



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Lit only by flickering CANDLES. Primitive by 25th Centurystandards but glowing with warmth and simple aesthetics.No humming power conduits or bright electronic lights, theambiance is peaceful and serene.

CROSS is lying on the mattress, slowly opens his eyes.Feels his head which has grown a vicious BRUISE, thoughcarefully bandaged now. The touch alone forces him to letout an involuntary GROAN. He slowly sits up, gathering hissurroundings.

He notices his COMMBADGE, carefully laid on to the nearbytable, among several candles and carefully textured stones.Cross picks it up, tries it -- But nothing.

CROSSShould have guessed.

FEMALE VOICE (O.S.)Ruura mieth?

Reacting to the sudden noise, Cross looks up and sees anALIEN WOMAN. Young, probably in her early twenties by humanstandards. Tattooed face and piercing blue eyes. She looksat him, intrigued, but keeps her distance.

CROSSYou're the one who helped me?

The woman just stares at him, puzzled.

CROSS (CONT'D)Where am I? How did I got here?

Again, only a quizzical stare. He's not getting anywherewith the line of questioning.

CROSS (CONT'D)You don't understand a word I'msaying, do you?

(again feeling hishead, to himself)

The crash must have knocked out myUniversal Translator.

(beat)All right, let's just stick to thebasics.

Courteously, Cross extends his hand. The woman draws away.

CROSS (CONT'D)It's all right, I'm not going tohurt you.

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But she stays away, instead doing a quick move with herhands, running them across her face in a fluid motion.Cross thinks for a moment for the possible meanings, thencrudely mimics the move.

CROSS (CONT'D)Well... hello to you too.

The woman's eyes lighten up. But more like in awe than injoy. Cross isn't sure how to interpret that.


The Enterprise strafes over the ship's surface, FIRINGphasers and torpedoes, full load, pulling no punches. Thealien vessel strikes back and PUNCHES THROUGH Enterprise'sshields and SHREDS AWAY a big chunk from the outer hull.


Smoke and fire, the ship is buckling.

QUINLANThere went the shields!

TALORAWeapon status?

QUINLANThree phaser banks stilloperational, two torpedo launchers.Less than half on the torpedoreserves.

TALORAKeep firing. Helm, calculate areturn trajectory. Come around foranother pass.

QUINLANYou're playing chicken with a brickwall, Commander!

TALORAExcuse me?

QUINLANWe've wasted most of our weaponson that ship and yet we haven'teven dented the outer hull!

ELRIS' COM VOICEDoctor Elris to the bridge. Howlong do you anticipate this willcontinue? We're receiving woundedfrom all decks and with the recentpower shortage, we're not in thebest of situations to cope withthis right now.

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TALORAAcknowledged, Doctor.

QUINLANFace the facts. We are outgunned.

TALORAOur orders were to halt the enemy'sadvance and that's what we're goingto do.

QUINLANNo! Our orders were to get out ofhere and wait for the fleet!

TALORAI cannot confirm those orders.

QUINLANNeither can I, but that's the truth.What good we can do here anyway?We'll only get our noses bloody.It's over!

TALORAAnd we just leave the Captain downon the surface?

A silence, then with a more subdued voice:

QUINLANIf that's what it takes to saveeveryone else, then yes.

Another EXPLOSION, more violent this time. Quinlan lockseyes with her, dead serious.

QUINLAN (CONT'D)Time to decide, Commander.

A moment between choices, then, gritting her teeth:

TALORAHelm, set an escape course.

Quinlan sighs, relieved.

QUINLANThank you. You just saved all ourlives.

TALORAYes, and sacrificed the Captain's.


Enthusiastic, the alien woman escorts Cross out of thecabin. We see the scope of the landscape for the firsttime. The cottage is at the base of an impressive range ofmountains that reach high into the clouds sparkled incrimson.

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She takes him through a narrow path to a valley. Crossstops on his tracks as he sees where it leads. A VILLAGEin the horizon. The woman is puzzled.

ALIEN WOMAN(motioning)

Kona nieth! Kona nieth!

CROSSNo. No "kona nieth".

But she insists, taking his arm. Cross breaks free, ratherviolently.

CROSS (CONT'D)I said no!

The woman recoils, cowering back. Cross reaches for her,gentler. She again takes a few steps away from him.

ALIEN WOMANKeea iga nieth. Levey.

(beat, weaker)Levey...

CROSSI'm sorry, I didn't mean to...

ALIEN WOMANInnurega mieth rea nurega nieth.Levey, boketh iga nieth. Keea...

CROSSPlease, I don't understand a wordyou're saying.

(pause)Come on, we can't go to the village.Please, try to understand. We can't.

She doesn't understand what he's saying but understandsthe motions.


The ground zero of total disaster. GREY paces over thewrecked bulkheads and torn-off power cables. Takes anISOLINEAR CHIP from the floor, only thing intact in theroom. As he inspects it closer, it cracks in two. Greysighs and tosses the broken item among the rest.

The door OPENS - only halfway. Elris creeps through thecramped opening.

ELRISLooks about the same down here.


And I just got the everythingworking, ma'am.

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ELRISPlease, I'm not comfortable withranks and salutes.

GREYYou are Starfleet, ma'am. I havecertain obligations to upholdprotocol.

ELRISWell, we all have our flaws.Internal comms are down again. TheCommander wants to know when we'reback up and running.

GREYLook around. We're in the deep endof the pool now, Doctor. The shipneeds extensive dock time beforewe can get anywhere.

ELRISI don't think we're going to havethat luxury anytime soon.

GREYMakes you wonder, doesn't it?Starfleet sends out its best andall we could do was get us almostkilled.

ELRISYou always carry that attitude?

GREYCall me a realist, but Starfleetmay have taken more it can handle.For all we know, the Captain mightalready be dead.

ELRISOne thing I know about Neil, isthat he's good when it comes totaking care of himself.


Cross sits on the bed, tweaking his communicator. All hehas is a splinter of wood that he uses to rewire thedelicate circuitry. From the look of his face we can sayit's not going very well.

CROSSCome on, come on...

The splinter SNAPS.


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The alien woman walks to him. Sits besides him, lookingintently at the strange object in Cross' hand.

CROSS (CONT'D)This? I'm just trying to get someextra boost from this thing andmaybe get in touch with some peopleI work with. If I can remove theflow regulator from the...

(beat)What's the use? I might be talkingto a wall and get equal response.

She takes the commbadge, puts it aside on the table andstares him. And then points him.


Then points herself.


CROSSWhat? What are you trying to say?

She repeats, first pointing him and then herself. Morestrongly this time.

ALIEN WOMANMieth... nieth.

Cross imitates, rather clumsily.

CROSSMieth... nieth. Man and woman?

He draws a crude picture of man and woman into the groundand points them.

CROSS (CONT'D)Mieth and nieth?

She shakes her head, sweeps the picture away and againpoints him.


(taps him)Mieth!

Cross thinks. Then realizes.

CROSS(points himself)

Mieth... mieth? Me?

Again a frustrated shake of head.

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ALIEN WOMAN(points herself)


He's getting the hang of it.

CROSS(pointing her)

Mieth... you?(and again himself)

Nieth... me?

She smiles. Cross decides to take it a step further andmotions himself.

CROSS (CONT'D)Cross nieth.

Then motions her, expecting. Finally she understands.

ALIEN WOMANNeika nieth.

It is his turn to smile.

CROSSWell, what do you know. Nice tomeet you Neika.


Talora is sitting behind the desk. Quinlan steps in,notices.

QUINLANI see you've already made yourselfcomfortable.

TALORASit down, Quinlan.

She does, but eyes her warily. For a moment, there is onlysilence.


Am I in trouble?

TALORAI've had just about enough of yourattitude, Quinlan. Your necessityaboard this ship is very much inquestion. Whether or not you spendthe rest of this mission in thebrig, is decided in the next fewmoments. I suggest you take thisseriously.

QUINLANCross wanted me up here and in themiddle of things.

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TALORACaptain Cross is not in commandnow. I am.

QUINLANHe wanted me to give outside opinionso that's what I'm going to do.You don't like it, fine. I don'tcare.

TALORAWatch your words!

QUINLANOr you do what? Throw me in thebrig? Throw away the key? Shut meup? Well you do that! I'm sureCrewman Vanek and Ensign Reed canreally appreciate that.

She gets up.

TALORAWhat are you talking about?

QUINLANI'm talking about the two membersof the crew who got killed in yourhotheaded endeavor, just to name afew. Cortez, DeVries, Goldwyn, thelist goes on. Of course, you'dalready know these names if you'dgive a damn.

Quinlan bolts off. Talora jumps up.

TALORAI didn't give you a permission tobe dismissed.

QUINLANI don't follow orders. I'm notpart of this crew.

(beat)And I hope I'll never be.

She HEADS OUT. Talora slumps back on the chair, sighingdeeply.


With Cross and Neika. Still doing the language lessons.Cross is holding a wooden cup in his hands.

CROSSThis cup... this "galim" is full.Full. How do you say full?

Cross points out what he means. She is getting the hang ofit.

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Cross tries to imitate, but fails. Neika shakes her head.

NEIKA (CONT'D)Iga. A-ja.

CROSSAja. I think I got it. So, if "iga"means no, then how do you say yes?


CROSSYes. The opposite of "iga".

She doesn't get it. He points his thumb down.

CROSS (CONT'D)All right. This is "iga."

Then shows thumbs up. She gets the hang of it.


CROSSIga and iniga. That's good.

NEIKAGood. We talk.

CROSSYes, we talk. But this conversationisn't getting us anywhere. I needinformation.

NEIKAIn... for... mation?

CROSSYes, information. Best if I'd justshow you.

Into the ground, Cross draws a crude outline of the alienship. Soon as it is finished, Neika's eyes flare up. Againwith pure joy.

NEIKAInnurega mieth!

CROSSI am what?

She waves her hands widely.


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CROSSI don't understand. What are tryingto say?

Neika hurries to the center of the room and removes thecarpet, revealing a TRAP DOOR. Hastily she opens it andtaking a lantern, climbs in. Cross follows.


A carved cavern underneath the cabin. From the decorationsplaced carefully and paintings on the walls we can tellthis place has a very special meaning for Neika and hispeople. A holy place. Neika removes the canvas from thecenterpiece of the room. It is a --

STONE SLAB. Exquisitely carved, depicting a pivotal momentin the history of her people. A contact between twocultures, gods and mortals. And on the center is thechariots the gods ride, a ship - identical to the ALIENSHIP in orbit.

NEIKA(points the "gods")

Innurega.(then to Cross)

Innurega Cross.

Off Cross' rather surprised expression, we...



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The Enterprise, still in a very bad shape.


Present the usual staff: TALORA, GREY, ELRIS and evenQUINLAN. Talora at the head of the table.

TALORASo, where do we stand?

GREYWarp drive is off-line, same thingwith Quantum Slipstream. Ouroffensive capability is less thanfifty percent. Most of our shieldgenerators have burned useless aswell. I doubt we'll be able togenerate a grid big enough toprotect the entire ship. And theablative armor matrix is literallyfalling apart.

ELRISThe final casualty report came in.Twenty-five injured which three ofthem critical.

(beat)Nine dead. Taken our currentcondition, I say we got off lucky.

QUINLANWe should fall back behind theplanet's moon to monitor the alienactivity and wait forreinforcements. This isn't ourfight anymore.

ELRISAs we saw, our weapons proved tobe virtually useless against theenemy. Unless we think of somethingclever, we'll have no other choice.

TALORALieutenant Grey. Do we have anyheavier weaponry in our ship'sinventory? Transphasic torpedoes?Tri-cobalt warheads?

GREYNo. This ship was equipped for amaiden voyage, not for a full-scalewar.

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QUINLANSo that's it then.

GREYThere is something that may work.Being very unconventional, I'm notsure how it may turn out.


GREYWell, since our warp coils arepretty much useless, we have noneed for all the fuel we haveonboard, right?

TALORAWhat are you suggesting?

GREYThat we inject all the fuel we caninto the warp core and eject it atclose proximity of the enemy ship.The new quantum induction core hasa tremendous power output, it willproduce a massive blast, but...

ELRISBut what?

GREYBut... one stray energy dischargeand we go with them. Warp coresare not exactly designed to beused as weapons.

QUINLANThat's insane. Commander...

TALORAYou were allowed into this meetingwith certain reservations, Quinlan.One of such reservations is howyou represent yourself.


She motions her to quiet.

TALORANevertheless I will not disregardyour suggestions completely andwill consider all the options.

Quinlan doesn't believe a word but Talora simply ignoresher apparent dismay.

TALORA (CONT'D)Dismissed.

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Small room with no interior decorations. No furniture exceptfor a bunk and a replicator on the wall. But its occupantwouldn't want it any other way.

As she is leaving. Stuffing a Starfleet duffel bag full ofclothes, Quinlan is frustrated. The distinct door CHIRP isheard.


The swooshes OPEN and Elris steps in.

ELRISAm I interrupting anything?

QUINLANNo. I was just about to leave. Forgood.

Elris smiles, sits on the bed.

ELRISFunny, I thought I was going tosay that.

QUINLANI'm not staying to this nuthousefor any second necessary. I'llsteal a shuttle if I have to.

Elris nods at the bag.

ELRISI see that's not the only thingyou're planning to take.

Quinlan stops for a moment, smirks, then continues.

QUINLANWell, you did blow up my ship, soI figured I could take somecompensation. Don't expect me topay back.

Elris' face turns serious.

ELRISWhy are you going?

QUINLANWhy am I going? Hah! Why aren'tyou? I'm not staying with CommanderAhab for any second longer than Ihave to. Klingons or no Klingons,I'm better off myself. She's goingto get you all killed.

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ELRISShe's just inexperienced. RomulanNavy is vastly different fromStarfleet. But she came highlyrecommended. The Romulans reallywanted to her push forward, tobring our two cultures together.

QUINLANWell, they should have put her afew times more on the holodeckbefore letting her to toy withreal people.

ELRISShe'll adjust to the crew,eventually. And the crew will adjustto her.

QUINLANIf there's any crew left.

ELRISThen why don't you tell her that?

QUINLANLike I haven't tried.

ELRISYes, Quinlan the rogue has tried.But not Quinlan the Starfleetofficer.

That stops Quinlan on her tracks. She finally matches eyeswith Elris.

QUINLANYou read about that?

ELRISOnly partially. I know you were anofficer aboard the Nightingale.What were you? A Commander? ACaptain?

QUINLANLieutenant Commander. But I don'twant to talk about that. What ispast is past.

ELRISThen let's talk about the present.While the Captain is out of theship, you're the most experiencedofficer on this ship right nowwhen it comes to Starfleet matters.

QUINLANRight. What about you? Those arethe insignias of a LieutenantCommander you're wearing as well.

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Elris runs her hands over the rank pips, sighing.

ELRISThese? These are just for the show.I'm a researcher, a bookworm. Ihaven't been on the field for years.It's not my thing.

QUINLANWhy is that?

She puts up a compassionate, but a slightly cryptic smileon her face:

ELRISWhat is past, is past, officerQuinlan.

Elris gets up and goes to leave. Then at the door, turnsaround:

ELRIS (CONT'D)But we must look into our futurenow. You want to get somethingdone? Talk to the Commander, talkto someone. Anyone. Just don'tturn your back and walk away.

The door opens. Quinlan stops her:

QUINLANYou are wrong, Doctor.

ELRISHow so?

QUINLANThat field work isn't your thing.You did all right today. Kaleg,the son of Tru'ag will thank youfor that.

Elris smiles, then LEAVES. Quinlan is left alone to ponderher situation.


Cross and Neika walk a small forest path. Neil inhales therich air.

CROSSIt sure is beautiful out here. Sovastly different from stale starshipair, and dull grey corridors.

NEIKABeau... ti.. ful?

CROSSYes. Precious. Valuable.


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CROSS (CONT'D)Things which are important, thatadd to our lives.

(pause)Things we love.

NEIKACross kono iga "beauty"?

Cross' mood is turning somber.

CROSSYes. I had a beauty once. A longtime ago. But I lost her...


CROSSNo. Not dead, but gone. Close, butstill distant.

NEIKANieth iga understand.

CROSSNeither do I. But somehow, overthe years, it just happened.

(pause)I let it happen.

Cross stops to think it over, his spirit now drowned intomelancholy. Caused by things he hasn't thought about for along time. Neika walks to him, touches him compassionately.

NEIKACross inaja.

CROSSYeah... Cross inaja.

Then, after the moment of quietness, a sudden ELECTRICFLICKER breaks the silence. From the depths of the forest,a FIGURE APPEARS! Camouflaged in Starfleet stealth gear,pointing a PHASER RIFLE at the two, mostly at her. It'sDOJAR. Neika immediately backs away. Cross recognizes him.

CROSS (CONT'D)Whoa! Back off, Lieutenant. She'sa friend!

Dojar takes a moment before lowering the rifle. Then turnsto the Captain.

DOJARI tried to contact you, sir, butyour communicator is off-line.

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CROSSI shut it off for a while so Icould make some modifications. Ihaven't had much luck with it sofar. How did you find me?

Dojar holds up a TRICORDER.

DOJARYou're the only human on the planet,sir. It wasn't very difficult topinpoint your lifesigns. What abouther?

CROSSShe's a local. I've had limitedsuccess communicating with her,she means no harm. My UniversalTranslator is down but getting itback on now shouldn't prove to bea problem. What about you? Whathappened after we crashed?

DOJARLuckily, the pod came down to alake, so it softened the landingand camouflaged it for outsideviewers. You weren't seriouslyinjured but unconscious. I managedto retrieve you and most of theequipment before the pod sank.Unfortunately, the crash was sureto attract attention, so I had toleave you behind or both of uswould have got caught. I'm sorry,sir.

CROSSDon't apologize, Lieutenant. Iprobably would have done the samething. Any luck contacting theEnterprise.

DOJARNo, sir. Either she is out of rangeor... something has happened.

CROSSPessimism gets people killed,Lieutenant. Have some confidenceon the ship and her crew. Come on,let's get back to the cabin.

Dojar nods. Cross looks at the very frightened Nieka.

CROSS (CONT'D)It's all right. He is a friend. Afriend.

She finally succumbs to trust him.

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CROSS (CONT'D)Come on. Let's get go.

And they start walking.


Everyone at their posts.


QUINLANAll decks report standing by.Everyone ready.

(under the breath)Except me.

TALORADivert all power to the shields.


TALORABridge to engineering.

GREY (V.O.)Grey here.

TALORAFinal check on the releaseinterlocks.


Grey at the engineering console.

GREYAll systems are go. I ran thediagnostics on failsafes twice. Ifthis plan is going to work, it'sin higher hands now.

TALORA'S COM VOICEI am surprised to hear that fromyou, Lieutenant.

GREYWell, this is proving to be quitea learning experience for me,Commander.


Talora adjusts her seating.

TALORAAffirmative. Then we're clear toproceed. On my mark. 5... 4...3... 2... 1... Initiate!

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Taking heavy fire, the Enterprise swoops over the alienship. From the bottom of the ship, a HATCH OPENS and thedamaged vessel launches its WARP CORE.

Hurrying away from the ground zero, the Enterprise firesat it goes. The warp core plummets straight into themonstrous alien vessel and EXPLODES, producing a MASSIVESHOCKWAVE that engulfs the Federation ship.


Cross, Neika and Dojar look up into the dusk sky, seeingthe bright flash.

DOJARSir, do you think...?

CROSSHope not. I really hope that wasn'tmy ship.


Enterprise drifts like a piece of wood on a wave. Singedand ravaged, the ship looks only a few notches above beingbeyond repair.

But the alien ship isn't in much better condition. A wholethird of the mighty vessel has been shredded away withinternal sections grotesquely torn into open. Scars fromthe explosion slowly cooling down from the glowing redhot.


Slowly people regain their positions.



QUINLANNo ship is designed for this kindof abuse. Twenty-one decks of stateof the art science facilities,cultural databases and logs aboutyears of peaceful exploration. Andwhat do we do? We resort oncatapulting the warp core at firstcontact.

TALORAAny casualties?

Quinlan looks around and sees the CONN OFFICER lying onthe floor, not moving. She checks his lifesigns. The mangasps for air.

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QUINLAN(to Talora)

Looks bad. Multiple cuts andlacerations, breathing erratic.

(to the Conn Officer)What's your name?


QUINLANYou're going to be all right, Guer.

Talora taps her commbadge.

TALORABridge to Doctor Elris.


QUINLANWell, at least the comm system isworking.

TALORAMedical emergency on the bridge,Doctor.

ELRIS' COM VOICEI'm on my way.

QUINLANHow are things down there?

ELRIS' COM VOICE(somberly)

Could be better. Much better. Elrisout.

Quinlan throws a resentful glance at Talora who is keepingher calm through this dire situation. Quinlan shakes herhead and turns back nurturing the unconscious officer.

GREY'S COM VOICEBridge, come in.

TALORALieutenant Grey?


Grey is practically in the dark with only a flashlightlighting the room. No more sounds of a humming warp core.

GREYWe're dead in the water, Commander.The last of the armor matrixabsorbed most of the shock, andthat's what probably saved us, but


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GREY (CONT'D)otherwise nothing works. Propulsion,weapons, external comms, primarylife support and most of oursensors, all down. We're lookingat three weeks at spacedock,minimum.




Elris administers help on the wounded officer.

ELRISI think he's going to make it.

QUINLANGlad to hear that.

TALORAWhat about the enemy vessel?

Quinlan goes to the tactical console, taps a few commands.

QUINLANHeavy damage to the hull. Lookslike we blew a big chunk out ofit. Irregular power readings.


QUINLANCan't tell. They still seem to--

The whole bridge RUMBLES violently, yanking everyone around.

QUINLAN (CONT'D)A tractor beam!

TALORAImpossible. After the damage weinflicted?

QUINLANThey're pulling us in.

As the emergency of the situation begins to draw to itsheight, Elris looks at the woman in charge.

ELRISYour orders, Commander?

Talora thinks it for a BEAT, then, with calm and composedvoice:

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TALORALieutenant Grey, report to thebridge.

GREY'S COM VOICESir, I think I'd be able tocoordinate the repair efforts fromhere. We--

TALORANo need, Lieutenant. Being currentlythird in the chain of command,your presence is required here.

QUINLANYou're not seriously thinking whatI'm thinking?

She apparently is:

TALORAComputer, initiate auto-destructsequence.

Quinlan looks at her in shock and we...



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DOJAR runs a tricorder over the Captain's head. The machineemits a glittering beam to his frontal lobe. CROSS twitchesin discomfort.

CROSSI can feel my brains turning intoplomek soup.

DOJARThis amount of theta radiationshould be harmless, sir.

CROSSAnd what do you know? My wife's adoctor. I know these things.

DOJARI didn't mean any disrespect,Captain.

Cross puts up a broad smile.

CROSSI know, I'm just kidding. You didgood back there, Lieutenant. Savedyour commanding officer fromdrowning and preserved the PrimeDirective. That's something weCaptains of the Enterprise seem tohave trouble achieving.

DOJARThank you, sir.

CROSSI might have been a bit harsh onyou at the beginning but I thinkyou'll make a hell of a tacticalofficer, Dojar.

DOJARDon't worry about that, Captain.We all have our past to bear.

(beat)There, that should do it.

Dojar snaps the tricorder close. Cross turns to NEIKA whohas been quiet through this entire conversation.

CROSSCan you understand what I'm saying?

She gazes Cross, rapt. Impressed by his fluency in thealien language.

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NEIKAHow did you learn our languagethat fast? Unless...

(smiling)It's another miracle... That mustmean you--

CROSSIt's a long story, Neika. Rightnow, we have more pressing mattersto attend to. And we need yourhelp.

NEIKAAnything for you Cross. After all,you are a god.

Dojar is a bit surprised. He throws a look at Cross whostarts to feel a bit uncomfortable.

CROSSYeah, well that's what we need totalk about as well.

Neika just stares at him, uncertain how to react to that.


TALORA is at one of the consoles in the back. She puts herhand on the panel and a light SWEEPS over it, scanning.

TALORAAuthorization Talora Zero-Six-Delta-Alpha.

COMPUTER VOICEIdentity confirmed.

ELRIS and GREY look a bit hesitant, unwilling and uncertainto contest the Commander. QUINLAN finally decides to takecharge.

QUINLANAll right, all right. I didn'twant to have any part of this, butthis whole mess has just gone toofar!

(to Talora)You. Ready Room.

(to others)You... You just hold still. Don'tdo anything.


Quinlan practically drags Talora into the ready room, bothbristling with anger.

TALORAYou are really driving my patienceto the limits, Quinlan.

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QUINLANWhat the hell are you doing?

TALORAI am following orders.

QUINLANThat's a load of crap! Why don'tyou take a look around? You'veknown these people - this crew -for only a day, yet you ask themto throw their lives away for you!

TALORAThey are a trained Starfleet crew.They know what is expected fromthem. They will follow my orders.

QUINLANYes, they will, but they're notjust a crew. They're individuals!

TALORANeeds of the state must go beyondthe needs of its individuals!

Then it's suddenly dead silent.

QUINLANI was wrong about you. You're nota Romulan. You're a Vulcan.

Talora is total ice and fire at the same time. The insultstruck a nerve.

TALORAThat's enough.

QUINLANCold logic, nothing more. Brutalcalculations. Guess four hundredcrewmen is a pretty good trade forthe billions at stake.

TALORAAnd what do you know aboutsacrifices?

QUINLANI know enough.

TALORAYes, I'm sure you do.

Talora takes a PADD, reads from it:

TALORA (CONT'D)Lieutenant Commander Jennifer EliseQuinlan. First officer, USSNightingale.


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TALORA (CONT'D)Stardate 71399.2, a normal surveymission to the Argolis cluster.

Quinlan turns pale. Talora lifts her eyes, looks at her.She has her baited.

TALORA (CONT'D)Yes, "Commander", we looked throughyour file. Care to tell whathappened there?

QUINLANIt seems you already know.

TALORAYes, and from what I read, I alsoknow you have no right to judge mycommand decisions.

Quinlan's defiance has been stripped away by a swift blowstraight to the gut.

QUINLANThat was different.

TALORAI see no difference. Lives werelost for the greater good then andwill be lost now, for the samereason. Unfortunate, but acceptablelosses. Starfleet Command maycondemn my decision later but atleast I'm guaranteeing there willbe a Starfleet Command left.

(beat)My order stands. We scuttle theEnterprise.

Quinlan is at an impasse. She sees there is no changingher mind. She turns to go.

QUINLANFine. You sacrifice yourself, thisship, and the crew. But I will notgo down with you. Not without afight.

And she LEAVES.


Cross and Dojar follow Neika as she leads them through anarrow but heavily used forest passage. The rhythmic beatof FALLING RAIN echoes through the foliage.

NEIKAThe shrine isn't far away.

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DOJARCould that be what the aliens arelooking for?

Cross glances at his tricorder.

CROSSWell, it is in the right direction.I'm also detecting rich kelbonitedeposits in the mountains.Whatever's in there is prettyheavily shielded against sensors.

Dojar adjusts the phaser rifle in his hands. Tightens thegrip.

DOJARWe better keep our eyes open. Ifthere's any unexpected trouble oran ambush, it's hard to detect inthis weather.

Cross nods. Neika slows down, walks at Neil's side.

NEIKAI'm glad you've come to us Cross.There are many sick in our village.Many of them won't live throughthe winter season. People you canhelp.

He feared it would come to this. Cross decides to take thestraightest route, and let the truth out.

CROSSNo, Neika. I can't.

NEIKABut you're a god.

CROSSWe may wield the powers of gods,but that doesn't make us gods. I'ma mortal, a "nurega", just likeyou. I often wonder if I can helpeven my own people.

Neika stares him, disbelieved.

NEIKAThat can't be true.

CROSSGods aren't allowed to makemistakes, Neika. Neither are peoplein my position, but I still makethem. I've done them before -countless times - and I will mostlikely do them again. The greatgod you're looking is just a meremortal.

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She gasps.

CROSS (CONT'D)I'm sorry if you're disappointed,Neika. We shouldn't even be here.

She looks at Cross, reading him. Then, on the contrary ofhis expectations, Neika's world stays in balance. There iscertain comfort in her compassionate eyes. She takes hishand.

NEIKANo... I'm not disappointed, Cross.You may be a mortal man, but I cansee from your eyes you bear a burdenof a god on your shoulders.

Neika looks up, letting the rain wash over her face.

NEIKA (CONT'D)You know, there's a story amongour people. You know why the godscreated the rain?

CROSSNo, I don't.

NEIKASo they could hide their tearswhen they saw the fallibility oftheir creations.

CROSSI have no more tears left for myhandiwork.

NEIKAIt's natural to fail, Cross. Weget hurt throughout our life, butwe learn. Without pain, we couldn'tappreciate the moments of joy.

CROSSI think I've caused enough painduring my life.

NEIKAYou think of her?


And all the other wrong turns I'vetaken. Lea, my mother, my career,my choices.

NEIKADo you know what's the most simpleequation in life?

He doesn't, obviously.

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NEIKA (CONT'D)Many wrongs don't equal one right.

CROSSIf that's the case, then what goodis one right after so many wrongs?

NEIKA(with a smile)

A start.


No crew around. The warning lights on the wall pulsatedimly red, throwing almost diabolic shadows on the walls.

Quinlan is moving with a purpose. She hurries to theequipment locker and grabs a PHASER RIFLE, slings it. Takesanother and goes for the control panel. Opens it up andstarts wiring the weapon into the hardware.

Behind her, the door OPENS.

ELRISThought I could find you here.

Quinlan evaluates her, between reactions. Trust or nottrust. She plays safe, puts her hand on the rifle.

QUINLANDon't try to stop me, Doctor.

ELRISYou remind me of Neil, Quinlan.Both of you are stubborn, and neveraround when things to turn bad.

QUINLANI'm touched by the parallel but Iwon't be staying around for thissuicide.

COMPUTER VOICESelf-destruct in T-minus thirtyminutes.

QUINLANThirty minutes? That's plenty. Didthe ice queen melt a bit and allowsome time for the crew to say theirprayers?

ELRISThat too. It's also about the timeit takes for the aliens to reel usin and get through our hull. "Totalannihilation" were her exact words.But the clock is ticking, you'dbetter hurry.

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Quinlan's eyes narrow. She has a hard time interpretingthe Doctor.

QUINLANIf you're trying to pull off somekind of bluff, you've lost me.

ELRISIn thirty minutes four hundredpeople will die. Before I know whoI'll allow to break the orders -an act which might very well leadto a survival of a serious threat -I have to know the person inquestion.

QUINLANI have no time for this.

She adjusts the final wire. Nothing happens. She curses.Elris takes a step forward, her posture determined,demanding.

ELRISWhat happened on the Nightingale?!

Their eyes meet. Elris' stare urges for an answer. Quinlanexhales deeply.

ELRIS (CONT'D)Tell me.

She keeps trying the wires but allows her to hear her story.

QUINLANWe were studying a black hole inthe Argolis cluster. There was anavigational glitch and we strayedtoo close. Our warp drive wasinoperable and the gravitationalpull was too great to escape atimpulse speed. We had a few momentsto figure out what to do before itwas too late. I knew the Captainwouldn't condone the course ofaction I was about to take... so Ididn't tell him.

ELRISWhat did you do?

QUINLANI ordered everyone to evacuate tothe saucer section and left only askeleton crew to the stardrive,the bare minimum to pull the gambleoff. The ship was separated andthe stardrive section maneuveredinto the position, and then I gavethem the order. To...

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A lump has been gathered in her throat as she speaks. Hervoice staggering, full of emotion.

QUINLAN (CONT'D)To detonate the antimatter storagepods.

Elris gasps.

ELRISBy the Prophets...

QUINLANThe force of the explosion wasenough to weaken the gravity fieldand allowed us to break free.

(beat)Two hundred and fifty two peoplelived to tell the tale, their livespaid in blood by the people leftbehind. The people I sent intotheir deaths.

(pause)I got court-martialed when we gotback with the charges to breakingthe chain of command, conductunbecoming of a Starfleet officerand the loss of life I had caused.I couldn't handle the pressurethat was about to follow andtherefore resigned willingly.

(beat)Now do you understand? I've learnedto live with my decision but Idon't want to be responsible forthe lives or deaths of anyone exceptmy own ever again.

Still she fails to get the transporter working. Elris movesto her.

QUINLAN (CONT'D)You want to stun me, kill me ordrag me into the brig, fine. Dowhat you have to do. I'll do thesame.

But Elris takes the wire from her hand and connects it.With a sparkling HUM, the transporter system sizzles tolife.

ELRISLiving with Neil has taught me athing or two.

Quinlan stares at Elris, quizzed by her help.


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ELRISWhether or not you find some miraclethat saves this ship, you don'tneed the guilt of not trying.

Quinlan gives her an appreciating nod. She hurries to thepad.

ELRIS (CONT'D)You have less than twenty-fiveminutes to do the impossible,Jennifer Quinlan. Good luck toyou.

Quinlan takes a deep breath, readies her phaser. And withthe blue shimmer, DEMATERIALIZES.


The steep wall at the base of the mountain. Carved intothe rock are intricate RUNES AND SYMBOLS.

CROSSSame kind of writing I saw in thestone tablet.

DOJARWhat does it say?

NEIKA"To honor the gods that descendedfrom the heavens to be among us.In their fiery chariots theyarrived, to protect us, to preserveus, to lead us. Waiting to rise atthe day of illumination."

CROSSSounds about right. Let's go.


Cross and Dojar sweep the thick darkness with flashlights.Neika hurries at point, knowing the way by heart.

NEIKAIt's just around the corner.

As they turn the corner, the come to a--

CLIFFSIDE. With a spiral descend into an abyss, as wide asit is deep.

DOJARI guess we found it, Captain.

Dojar shines the light down. In the bottom lies - almostas if sleeping - a dark outline of a cocoon-like figure.

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Another ALIEN STARSHIP. As the pieces in the puzzle startto click into place for Cross and Dojar, we...



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QUINLAN makes good time, runs through the corridors. Checksthe tricorder. Jazzes herself up:

QUINLANDampening field still up andrunning. Twenty minutes to go.Stay sharp, Quinlan.

Movement. Not wasting time, Quinlan heads around the corneraway from the view. A group of STRANGE ALIEN BEINGS,completely non-humanoid, moving gracefully like fish in asea through the corridor with the help of their numerousappendages. They stroll past her, talking in language theUniversal Translator doesn't understand. She waits forthem to go.

Then tackles with the nearby wall panel. Taps a fewcontrols. Only gets a disgruntled BEEP.

QUINLAN (CONT'D)Come on, work with me...


CROSS and DOJAR walk the spiraling stairwell down to thestarship. NEIKA reluctantly follows, preferring to staybehind for obvious reasons. Dojar flips the tricorder on.

DOJARHull configuration and materialsmatch with the ship we encountered.Judging by the condition, I'd sayit came down fast and hard.

CROSSA crash land?


It's been here a while. At least ahundred years, probably more.

CROSSGuess they don't leave their ownbehind easily. Try to find anopening.

DOJARAfter what the big one did to theoutpost and to our ship, wouldn'tit be better to just leave it alone,sir?

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CROSSWe still can't reach the Enterprisewhich means they're probably alreadywith the Starfleet task force,heading here to clash with thealien ship in orbit. Federationthinks this is an act of war whilethey're only wanting their shipback.

DOJARThey could have just asked.

CROSSThat is a very narrow perspective,Lieutenant. Who says they have theability to talk to us, or thatthey can even understand what we'retrying to do and say? Which ouractions seem hostile and whichfriendly?

DOJARYou don't say...?

CROSSThe outpost sensor readings keptbothering me. I couldn't figureout what it was... until now.

(pause)I think we struck first, Lieutenant.

Dojar is taken back by the Cross' revelation. But takes itin calmly.

DOJARIt is a possibility.

CROSSIt's a very probable possibility.The outpost Commander makes onewrong move at first contact, weadd needless paranoia with ourfear stricken speculation and nextthing we know we're all sitting ona powder keg, itching to start awar.

(pause)We've got to find a way to get intouch with Starfleet or the aliens,and end this before all hell breaksloose.

Dojar nods, agreeing. They search for a door, an opening,a way to get in. Cross flashes light to a half-buriedentrance. A closed door crushed beneath the ship. Dojarlooks for the controls, finds them, tries them. Nothing.

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DOJARThe controls are dead and I doubtthe door would move anyway. Shouldwe try the phasers?

CROSSIt's made of some kind of hyperdensealloy. I don't think our phaserswould do much good.

DOJARSo, how do we get it open?

Cross thinks it through, Neika steps forward.

NEIKAThere's an opening at the back ofthe sanctuary, but if you enter,you'll disturb the Q'tami.

DOJARWho are the Q'tami? The aliens?

NEIKAThe Sleeping Ones. The gods whowill wake at the day ofillumination.


Shadowing the near-wrecked Enterprise is the alien ship,holding the Starfleet ship in a short energy leash.


Sitting behind the desk is TALORA looking deadpan.

TALORAAm I facing a mutiny?

Across the room stands ELRIS, with an equally serious face.

ELRISDoes it matter anymore? In lessthan fifteen minutes we're nothingmore than names in a Starfleetcasualty list. There will be fourhundred families that are going toget news most them will neverrecover from. Yes, the crew isafraid, if that's what you'reasking.

TALORAThat's not what I asked.

ELRISWe should at least evacuate.

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TALORAThat's a risk neither we, orStarfleet can afford. This shipand this crew possesses vitaltactical and strategic informationabout the Federation. Our ship'sintegrity has not yet been breachedand the security teams are on fullalert. We can maintain informationcontrol until point zero if westay in one place. If we use theescape pods, we're open targetsfor the enemy to capture.

ELRISThat's a rather cold point of view.

Her words hit some marks, echoing Quinlan's earlierstatements.

TALORAYou and I both know what happenedwhen the Borg captured one vitalStarfleet officer prior to theWolf 359. Eleven thousand liveswere lost that day because of asingle person. If four hundredlives can save billions, it is anacceptable loss. Total curfew isthe only way to maintain security...

(beat)Which brings us to the reason you'rehere.


TALORAYou aided in her escape.

ELRISShe knows nothing of our securitycodes or current military secrets.If she can bring end to thismadness, so be it. If she's right...

TALORAIf she's right? The Federationstill has the Dominion War freshin the memory. With the economicaland political instability theStarfleet still is after the war,we can not afford to be wrong.


Quinlan still at the control panel. Her tricorder workingat overdrive. Torturous seconds pass, until finally thesmall machine gives an upbeat CHIRP.

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QUINLANFinally. Now, where's the powerdistribution...

Her tricorder produces a rough schematic of the ship'spower grid, sketchy at best but enough for her purposes.Getting the information she needs, she heads off. Now witha clear destination.


Cross and Dojar explore the wreckage. Its interior decoris identical with the ship above. Everything is tilted anddusty, strained and damaged.

DOJARWhoever built this didn't considerpeople with two hands and tenfingers in mind.

CROSSThere's still minimum power. Lookfor the EPS grid or somethingequivalent of it. If the powersource is still undamaged, we canprobably get it on-line.

DOJARIf we can figure how to even beginto decipher this language and thesecontrols. This is the most bizarreship I've ever seen. My tricorderis still trying to get the powerflow chart out of the system. Thiscould take minutes, or even hours.

CROSSKeep trying. I'll look around inthe meantime.

With an effort, Cross finds the controls for one of theinner doors. With a push of a button...


The door SWOOSHES open. Quinlan cautiously steps in. ThePOWER CORE, emanating a rhythmic thumping, is nothing seenaboard a Starfleet ship. It's a strange hybrid of bothorganic and metallic, raising high above the floor anddescending far below the catwalks, into a myriad abyss. Atruly alien contraption.

She quietly counts her blessings as there isn't anyonearound. Though there doesn't seem to be any controls touse in the chamber either. Quinlan moves closer, looksaround and takes her phaser rifle. Points it at the powercore.

QUINLANRight. Time to get this show onthe road.

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She taps a button in the tricorder and we see a briefFRECKLE of energy around her that quickly disappears.Inhaling her lungs full of air, she yells:


Few moments pass before an ALIEN BEING enters. Armed witha STRANGE DEVICE which can only be interpreted as a weapon,his lengthy appendages circling over her, moving closer.

QUINLAN (CONT'D)One wrong move and I'll blow thispower node to the kingdom come!

The alien doesn't back off, but stops.

QUINLAN (CONT'D)Now, I don't know if you understandme, but you better understand this.This phaser is at maximum setting,and I'm prepared to use it if youdon't back the hell off!

ALIEN BEINGNo need to be vulgar, human. Wedidn't want things to come to this.

QUINLANSo you do understand what I'msaying.

ALIEN BEINGYou method of communication isprimitive, simplistic. And easilydecoded.

QUINLANWhy did you attack?

ALIEN BEINGWe didn't attack you. You attackedus. We defended.

QUINLANYou attacked the outpost and theEnterprise.

ALIEN BEINGThe power dissipater weapon onlydisabled your vessel temporarily.Your struggle only made thingsworse, we did not want to establishcontact. You are primitive. Hostile.We have a law of non-interference,similar to your Prime Directive.It wasn't the time yet.

(beat)Unfortunately, we didn't anticipateyour relentlessness.

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QUINLANThat relentlessness may prove tobe more costly than you anticipatedas well.

Quinlan shoves the tricorder to the alien, a DIGITAL COUNTERslowly ticks the seconds down. Five minutes left.

QUINLAN (CONT'D)In five minutes, both ships willbe destroyed. Yours, and ours.

The alien's "eyes" narrow.

ALIEN BEINGThat must not happen. You destroyour ship and the Hegemony willretaliate without mercy. Totalextermination.

QUINLANYou invaded Federation space.

ALIEN BEINGBorders are of no consequence. Weonly wanted our ship back. That isour mission. Abort your plan ofdestruction.

QUINLANI cannot convince our people to dothat unless you back off and leavefirst!

ALIEN BEINGNot without our ship. It containsthings you're not allowed to have.

QUINLANWe can't help you find your damnship. Can't you see? Stubbornnesskills us both!

ALIEN BEINGIf we die, your species will die.We want the ship.

QUINLANI can't give you the ship! It'snot in my power!


Cross is at a large hall resembling a cargo bay. Filledwith rows of CONTAINERS, large enough to fit a human. Oran alien.

CROSSLieutenant, you'd better come overhere.

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Dojar arrives. Looks around the room, enthralled.

DOJARThis is amazing. The ship had livecargo?

Cross sweeps the dust from one of the containers. He notesthe still humming tank, containing one of the aliens. Aliveand well, albeit in some kind of hibernation.

CROSSApparently it still has. TheSleeping Ones. The Q'tami.

Dojar walks closer. He studies the container, looking forcontrols.

CROSS (CONT'D)You know what you're doing,Lieutenant?

DOJARThese look a lot like the Vortacloning tanks I saw during thewar.

CROSSDuring the war? I was ten duringthe war. You couldn't have seen...

DOJARMy father was a Gul in theCardassian military. He used totake me around the base, to beamong the Vorta and the Jem'Hadar,to show me that there was nothingto be feared of our allies.

(beat)He honestly believed the Dominionwould lead the Cardassia to a newglory.

CROSSWhat happened to him?

DOJARHe was executed by the Jem'Hadar.

CROSSThings often don't go as we'd likethem to go, do they? Bad guys don'twear black hats and heroes don'talways ride into the sunset withthe girl in real life.

(beat)Come on, let's see if we can openone of these.

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Quinlan with the alien, neither side willing to back off.She stares at the tricorder. Under a minute left. She bowsher head, preparing to accept what's coming.

QUINLANListen to me, if we don't breakaway from this mortal coil, inless than a minute, things go frombad to apocalyptic. A war benefitsneither of us.

ALIEN BEINGWe will not abide to the rules ofthe inferior.


Talora, at the desktop panel. She stares at the screen. Itis her final report for Starfleet Command.


Dojar finds what he's looking for.

DOJARI think I got it. You want me towake him up?

CROSSYes. Maybe we can finally get someanswers.

Dojar complies and the container lets out a FAINT HISSINGSOUND as some pressurized gas is released. With a mechanizedpop, the lid OPENS and whizzes aside. The ALIEN insideslowly opens his eyes. Resembling the ones on the ship inorbit.

And gets up. Dojar backs off, reaches for his phaser, butavoids doing any rash moves.

CROSS (CONT'D)Can you understand me?

ALIEN BEINGYou are a human?

Cross raises an eyebrow. The alien turns to Dojar.

ALIEN BEING (CONT'D)And you are a Cardassian.

CROSSCorrect on both counts. I'm CaptainNeil Cross of the Federationstarship Enterprise.

ALIEN BEINGI am not allowed to talk to you.

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CROSSYou'll have to. There might be awar soon between your and my people.We need your help to avoid it.

The being hesitates. Seconds tick away.


ALIEN BEINGYou will return me to my people?

CROSSYou have my word on that.

Cross looks him sincerely. Cautiously, the alien takes theoffer.

ALIEN BEINGI will help.

DOJARFirst we need to get thecommunications system working. Canyou show us where it is and how tooperate it?

ALIEN BEINGThere is no communications system.

CROSSThen how can we contact our people.Or your people?

He doesn't answer, only closes his eyes. And concentrates.


The last seconds slip away, one by one. The end seemsinevitable, when suddenly:

ALIEN BEINGWe have our ship. We will depart.

Quinlan's eyes FLASH OPEN.

QUINLANWhat did you say?

ALIEN BEINGThe ship has called us. We retrieveit and leave.

Her heart racing, Quinlan looks at the tricorder. Tenseconds left and counting.


Talora rubs her temples, failure and self-disappointmentblooming from her face.

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Looks at the closing lines in her report. A downbeat accountof events that occurred. She tries to believe she is doingthe right thing, but the result tastes of ashes.

As she is about to send it, Quinlan's urgent voice comesup:

QUINLANThey'll give up, Commander! Abortthe destruct sequence! The alienswill leave! Abort, abort, abort!

As Talora rushes out...



The Enterprise in orbit, damaged but intact. The Q'tamiship further away, but no longer threatening the Federationship.


Cross, Dojar and Neika emerge from the shrine cavern. Crosstakes in the night breeze. His commbadge CHIRPS.

TALORA'S COM VOICEEnterprise to Captain Cross, comein.

CROSSCross here.

TALORA'S COM VOICEIt's good to hear your voice,Captain.


I take that you've been gentle onmy ship, Commander

TALORA'S COM VOICEWe... we'll discuss that once youarrive, sir. Stand by for transport.

Neika steps forward.

NEIKASo this is the time when the godsreturn to the heavens?


There's a need for me, for us,more than I realized. I have togo. I hope you realize that...

Neika gently presses her finger on his lips.

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NEIKAI understand. I will take theknowledge of your visit to my graveand will explain things to my peoplewith prophecies and good omens.

CROSSYou are an extraordinary woman,Neika. Your people are fortunateto have you guiding their spirituallife.

NEIKAI didn't meet the gods, but I meta man destined to do miracles.Your people are fortunate to haveyou as well. This is indeed hasbeen the day of illumination.


For both of us.


Go get your world and life straight,Neil Cross. And may the gods lightyour way.

Cross smiles to the complete.

CROSSThank you, Neika. For everything.

(taps commbadge)Cross to Enterprise. Two to beamup.

As Cross and Dojar dematerialize, Neika raises her hand,to bid a farewell. She brings up a smile. Hold on thatmoment for a while, and then...



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The Enterprise being towed to a SPACEDOCK by a pair ofcargo haulers.


CROSS strolls the corridor with QUINLAN and GREY, inspectingthe damage.

QUINLANYou loan the keys for a day and wealready wreck the car.

GREYI'm sure everything is in thereport, sir.


Yes, I did read the report,Lieutenant. Thank you.

GREYWhere did we go wrong, sir?

CROSSWell, out here, it's not playingby the book that's difficult,Lieutenant. Trying to find out bywhose book we're playing by, that'stough. Guess we picked the wrongone today.

(hands Grey a PADD)Here's the work schedule.

Grey glances at it, then looks at Cross.

GREYIt's rather... constricting, sir.

CROSSThen guess it's time for you startworking on those miracles youengineers always talk about. And Imean right away. Dismissed,Lieutenant.

Grey is left behind to digest that. Quinlan grins.

QUINLANI'm betting that poor thing willbe spending all night up, gettingthe job done.

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CROSSWe're not in any particular hurrybut I'm sure you agree we'll needto accept a certain pace of workhere. It's a rough galaxy out there.


CROSSI want you be part of the team.What do you say?

She stops.

QUINLANRejoin Starfleet? No, no, no. Notby a long shot.

CROSSI'm not talking about rejoiningStarfleet. I want you aboard assort of permanent, ancillarytactical advisor on interplanetaryissues.

QUINLANThat's got to be the most uselesspost on this ship next to thecounselor.


We don't have a counselor on thisship either. Would you prefer that?

QUINLANWhy? Why me?

CROSSBeats going to the prison. Right?

QUINLANThat's your sales pitch?

CROSSYou saved the ship. Brought commonsense to everyone when things wereabout to get out of hand. And commonsense seems to be a commodity wekeep running out of here. I needyou to keep everyone of us on theground. Plus, your knowledge onmore... eccentric side of galacticaffairs would be important for us.

QUINLANBy that you mean I know every bottomof a rock in the Quadrant and liketo slum around with scoundrels?

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Cross steps into the turbolift.

QUINLANWhat makes you think I'll acceptthe job? I don't want it.

CROSSNeither did I.

The doors SWOOSH close in front of her. Quinlan can't helpbut to smile.


Cross behind the desk, talking to PORTMAN who stands acrossthe room.

PORTMANIt was an unfortunate chain ofevents you went through, Neil.Starfleet Command puts it down tothe records as a tragic, mutualmisunderstanding.

CROSSA mutual misunderstanding?

(scornful)Of course.

PORTMANHowever, I have authorized - by aspecial request of this so-calledQ'tami Hegemony - an assignment ofa special scientific and culturalenvoy to the Enterprise, to preventus from repeating the history.

CROSSA Q'tami ambassador?

PORTMANYes. I think a cross-culturalcontact would only do good, forboth of our species.

(beat)Taken that you agree.


I'll arrange the details as soonas possible, but I thought theQ'tami were rather reluctant toopen a dialogue with us.

PORTMANThat seemed to change after theinitial contact.


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PORTMAN (CONT'D)I believe their exact words were:"the tragedy has already happened,we might as well take most of it."

(beat)He is scheduled to arrive shortly.

CROSSThank you, Henry.

PORTMANIs there anything else you mightneed, Neil?

Cross notices Portman's budding reluctance.

CROSS(with a smile)

Hard to give up on this, isn't it?


I have two children, Neil and alongthem it's safe to say that thisproject is one of my favorites.

CROSSDon't worry. I have a feeling we'llbe fine. We'll take care good careof her.

A confident nod from him. The doorbell CHIMES.


Talora walks in.


(nods to Portman)Admiral.

PORTMANI will find my way out. And...good luck, Captain.

Portman walks out, leaving Cross and Talora talkingprivately.

CROSSTalora, excellent, I wanted totalk to you. I was about to...

TALORAYes, sir. About the events on thelast mission.

CROSSYes, I was going to--

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TALORAI accept full responsibility andtherefore have come to leave myresignation.

Cross just looks at her for a few beats and then exhalesdeeply, rubbing his throbbing temples.

CROSSIs this ship sinking, Commander?

TALORASir? I'm not sure what...

CROSSI asked you a question, Commander.Is this ship sinking?

Talora is lost for a moment. But returns with a quicklyregained composure:

TALORANo, sir.

CROSSThen why the hell everyone isbailing out? First Doctor Elris,then Quinlan and now you. Is itthis ship or just me? This isunacceptable, Commander. I won'tapprove this.

TALORACaptain, my disregard for Starfleetprotocol nearly cost the lives ofeveryone on board this ship andalmost started an interstellarwar!

CROSSWe all made that mistake. Wereblinded of the peaceful option inthe midst of a paranoid fear of aninvasion. But hopefully, we knowbetter now. I don't care if you'llmake mistakes, it comes with thepackage, but I also don't want afirst officer who refuses to learnfrom them - like you think you'redoing right now. I don't buy that,Talora. You're an intelligentofficer, you shouldn't jump toconclusions.

TALORABut Romulan code of conduct dictatesme to...

CROSSTo cop out, so to speak?


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CROSS (CONT'D)You're no longer in the RomulanNavy, you're a Starfleet officernow. Start acting like one.

TALORAWhat about the crew?

CROSSThey'll understand, eventually.But you have a job to do. I won'tlie to you and say it will be easy,but for what we went through andwhat we just avoided, I think we'reneeded now more than ever. Andthat includes you as well. This isa time I cannot afford to lose anygood officers. You do understandthat, don't you?

Talora takes in his words, considers them for a moment,and then:

TALORAYes, sir. And thank you, sir.

CROSSFor what? All I gave you was agood kick in the rear, Commander.Gratitude deserves something better.Now get out.

TALORAYes, sir.

She leaves. Cross shakes his head in frustration. What ajob. He taps the desk for a while, and gets up. With apurpose.


Elris patches up the final patient of the day, gives anapproving nod to the nurses. Another job well done, anotherlife saved. She sits down in her SMALL OFFICE, exhaustedfrom the day's work. Notes a FLOWER on the table, with aFOLDED NOTE and a PADD attached to it.

CROSS (V.O.)Captain's log, Stardate 78020.5.We survived our trial by fire. Atragedy that almost engulfed usall. But in the end, reasonprevailed, and now we can beginagain and learn from the past. Toreach for knowledge, tounderstand... and to heal...

Elris unfolds the note and something SLIPS OUT. She readsthe text:

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We may not be able to forget, but maybe we can forgive? I am sorry. For everything.

-- Neil

She looks at the PADD, her resignation she shoved to Crossearlier. Then she takes the small item that slipped out.

It's a traditional BAJORAN EARRING.

Without her noticing, from further away at the doorway,Cross looks at her, looking confident. Happy that maybefinally he is starting to get his world straight. And justmaybe things start to get better from now on end.


Where Quinlan unpacks her clothes into the drawers.

CROSS (V.O.)We hopefully give purpose to thosefeel lost and hope for those whohave misplaced it... And a homefor those who have none...


Cross nods at the transporter chief. The ALIEN FIGUREAPPEARS with the shimmering effect. He is the same onethat helped Cross and others on the surface.

Y'LAN, as we will come to call him, nods politely. Well-crafted words of courtesy and greetings of diplomacy areexchanged, words we cannot hear.

CROSS (V.O.)And we have welcomed strangers toour midst with open arms. Hopingthat we will not bear any ill-willamong our two cultures, so vastlydifferent we may be. It is a longroad, for both sides, but it is abeginning, and beginning iseverything.


Neika chisels the stone tablet, engraving something.

CROSS (V.O.)There is a verse in the Biblesaying: "Behold, the people isone, and they have all one language;and this they begin to do: and nownothing will be restrained fromthem, which they have imagined todo."

(beat)We once praised that language ofidealism, that language of


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CROSS (V.O.) (CONT'D)understanding. Now, we speak, butdo not talk. We hear, but do notlisten. Perhaps we lost it duringthe times of uncertainty or thebrutal years of warfare againstthe Dominion...

It is a caricature of Cross, shining a divine light - placedamong the other gods in the sky.


Cross casually casts the uniform down on the chair like hehas done so many times before. But when he is about toturn to bed, he turns and again takes the uniform - andthis time...

Folds it carefully.

CROSS (V.O.)The war that came and went butleft us carrying our individualand collective burdens for quarterof a century, and we may continueplay the aftermath for years tocome. But for the better or worse,I am confident we are a crew, apeople, that can withstand thehardships the new century casts onus, for we are, above all,mortals...

Cross lies down and closes his eyes with a look in hisface he thought of having lost a long time ago. The smileof simple contentment...


The same spacedock, as before.

CROSS (V.O.)...And as such, our time is tooshort to waste on bickering andgrieving over a time gone by. Wewill carry on, and continue tolook forward. As tomorrow... well,tomorrow is another day.

The Enterprise remains docked, waiting to get into new,uncharted territories, to new adventures and to theuncertain tomorrow. We, after a longing BEAT...