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Star Image Diego Nuccio

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Post on 11-Feb-2017




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Star ImageDiego Nuccio

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What is a Pop Star/Performer? A pop performer is someone who is known for

only their music, whereas a pop star is someone who is known for more than their music.

They could be famous for films or tv shows they have been starred in, events/campaigns they took part in, etc. If a performer did these things, they too would become a pop star.

Some examples of pop stars are Justin Timberlake, Lady Gaga, Jay-Z and Jennifer Lopez.

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Richard Dyer’s Theory

Richard Dyer’s Theory describes how Pop Stars are not real people; they are images of real people and are constructed through the effective use of magazines, films, music videos, advertising, etc.

A good example would be Selena Gomez, who has made an image for herself without the use of her music

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How to become a pop star?To become a pop star, besides making music, there are many method's, such as: Being starred in a famous

film or TV show (e.g. Justin Timberlake in Runner Runner)

Being mentioned or shown in a famous magazine (e.g. Justin Bieber on the Billboard Magazine cover)

Having to promote a product or brand on adverts (e.g. Katy Perry with Pop chips)

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How to become a pop star? According to Richard Dyer’s Theory, to

become a pop star, there would need to be clever management, which played a big role for Selena Gomez as she frequently appeared in the news, particularly because of how she became the girlfriend of the famous singer Justin Bieber, which made audiences much more aware of her as the story appeared on magazine covers and television.

Another factor would be how she appeared on the Disney Channel program Wizards Of Waverly Place, before her professional singing career, which led to her music to be more popular as she already created a good image for herself acting. This also applies to how she has appeared in several films such as Neighbours 2, Hotel Transylvania(1 and 2) and Getaway.

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Stars as Constructions Richard Dyer states that pop stars

are artificial images and constructions, regardless if they are being shown as “real people” with real emotions. Selena Gomez for example has appeared in various children-targeted and comedy shows and films, thus she created a childish and comical construction for the audience, which ultimately is a unique selling point.

However, just because her image is like this, doesn’t mean she acts childish in real life. Now, she doesn’t participate in as much children-targeted events, wears fashionable clothes and make-up, etc. In doing so will enable her image to be more mature and grown-up, which could let her music target an older audience.

Before: Teen/Childish Image

Now: Mature Image

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Industry and Audience Richard Dyer has stated that “Stars are

commodities produced and consumed on the strength of their meanings”, which means that pop stars are manufactured to serve a purpose, mainly to make money. Industries would create their stars, while thinking about the audience, and make what they think the audience would want, in order to carry out their purpose.

Selena Gomez’ unique image would make audiences buy her albums and singles, which would then construct a fan base. Selena uses social networking such as Twitter and Instagram, which would allow her to communicate with her fans, thus sustaining this fan base and also attract new fans. This would ultimately allow the Industry have more money.

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Ideology and Culture When a pop star has their own ideology and

culture, it means that they have their own beliefs, cultural values and attitudes, which could cause audiences to find the star more interesting, thus helping to create the star’s image.

Selena has worn several fashionable clothes and has even modelled for Adidas clothes for women, which could start up a trends due to her fashion sense and could result in her fans copying her fashion style.

Selena has mentioned on her twitter some statements regarding her religion and her catholic beliefs as well as talking about helping and donating to the UNICEF charity. By doing this, Selena encourages her fans to support her beliefs and culture, which could ultimately increase her fan base as some people could relate to her Ideologies and cultural values.

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Character and Personality All pop stars start out as REAL humans, however stars

are then manufactured, creating an image or a construction.

Dyer states that stars are representations of what people are supposed to look like. Based on Dyer’s theory, women are supposed to be thin and beautiful and Selena Gomez reinforces as she is portrayed as a thin and beautiful person in films, advertisements, magazines and her own music videos, which then encourages her fan base to have the same image as they see Selena as a role model.

On the other hand, although Selena has this star image, she is not just a construct and has her own personal views and attitudes, as mentioned in the previous slide.

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How I will use Dyer’s theory to make my own star image?

As Dyer has mentioned in his theory, one of the main factors that impact the development of a pop star is clever management, which is what I have to keep in mind when making my own pop star for my music video. I could do this by making my artist have a unique selling point, such as having a unique fashion sense, hair style or dance, which would make my artist stand out and ultimately become a pop star. Using the unique selling point will construct an image for my audience, which could then enable my audience to see my artist as a role model and copy my artist/start a trend.

To make audiences much more aware of my artist, I would need them to attend popular events such as premiers, concerts and big parties as well as their image being shown in magazines or on television(News, advertisements, films and/or TV shows).

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Why it’s important to get the star image right? It is very important for me to get my star image

right because if I don’t, my artist will stay as a performer, which could limit their fan base, popularity and the amount of albums and singles they could sell, thus losing out on big money income and not fulfilling their purpose. Having the right star image could attract specific audiences that would buy any product that my artist produces, such as albums, singles and merchandise, which would allow the artist to fulfil their purpose; to make money.