stanislav grof in moscowimpossible happens. adventures in non-ordinary realities”, accompanied by...

Stanislav Grof in Moscow Moscow, 2009 Thursday, September 3, 2009

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Page 1: Stanislav Grof in MoscowIMPOSSIBLE HAPPENS. Adventures in non-ordinary realities”, accompanied by a unique slide-show. On October 6, Stan Grof has presented a lecture Transpersonal

Stanislav Grof in Moscow

Moscow, 2009

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Page 2: Stanislav Grof in MoscowIMPOSSIBLE HAPPENS. Adventures in non-ordinary realities”, accompanied by a unique slide-show. On October 6, Stan Grof has presented a lecture Transpersonal

Stanislav Grof in Moscow

Association of Transpersonal Psychology and Psychotherapy

Foundation of TV, Electronic Media and Internet-technologies development by E.Sagalaev

International Academy of Psychological science



— «Certainly, the most famous among of all living psychologists» Ken Wilber about Stanislav Grof

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Page 3: Stanislav Grof in MoscowIMPOSSIBLE HAPPENS. Adventures in non-ordinary realities”, accompanied by a unique slide-show. On October 6, Stan Grof has presented a lecture Transpersonal

Information about previous visit by Stanislav Grof to Moscow in October 2007

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Page 4: Stanislav Grof in MoscowIMPOSSIBLE HAPPENS. Adventures in non-ordinary realities”, accompanied by a unique slide-show. On October 6, Stan Grof has presented a lecture Transpersonal

Stanislav Grof visit to Moscow in 2007

In 2007 Stanislav Grof has visited Russia with a two-day seminar in Concert Hall MIR on 7-8 October 2007

Sponsors of the trip were his friends – famous businessman Alexey Kuptsov (financial sponsor) and patriarch of Russian TV Eduard Sagalaev (info sponsor).

Within the framework of the visit to Moscow Grof has held a two-day seminar on the books “The Ultimate Journey: Consciousness and the Mystery of Death ” and “WHEN THE IMPOSSIBLE HAPPENS. Adventures in non-ordinary realities”, accompanied by a unique slide-show.

On October 6, Stan Grof has presented a lecture Transpersonal in Art in GAZ Gallery. The following distinguished composers, musicians, TV presenters, actors, directors, producers, contemporary artists, politicians have attended the event: Eduard Sagalaev, Oleg Kulik, Natalia Andreichenko, Andrey Bartenev and many other VIPs.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Page 5: Stanislav Grof in MoscowIMPOSSIBLE HAPPENS. Adventures in non-ordinary realities”, accompanied by a unique slide-show. On October 6, Stan Grof has presented a lecture Transpersonal

Stan will be visiting Moscow between November 2 and 10, 2009, responding to the invitation of Dr. Vladimir Maykov, President of the Russian Transpersonal Association. He will give several lectures and a two-day seminar; in addition, he will be interviewed for various magazines and TV channels and meet with representatives of Russian cultural life.

Two-days seminar:

7 and 8 November, 2009.

Central House of Scientists Russian Academy of Science, Prechistinka str., 16

November 7, 9.00am – 3.00pmNovember 8, 10.00am- 6.00pm

Stanislav Grof in Moscow

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Page 6: Stanislav Grof in MoscowIMPOSSIBLE HAPPENS. Adventures in non-ordinary realities”, accompanied by a unique slide-show. On October 6, Stan Grof has presented a lecture Transpersonal

Stanislav Grof in MoscowOn November 7 and 8, 2009 a highly expected meeting with Stanislav Grof - the greatest psychologist of our time, thinker-visualist, founder of transpersonal psychology - will be held in Moscow Central House of Scientists Russian Academy of Science. The seminar will be called the Consciousness Revolution: Dawning of a New Paradigm.

This visit of Stan Grof is very special.

This trip set the stage for the 17th International Transpersonal Conference, which will take place in June 23-27, 2010 in Moscow

This Conference will sum up the results of 40 years development of transpersonal psychology.

Within the framework of S.Grof’s visit to Moscow there will be organized a multi-genre cultural event – the best works and performances of Russian talented friends of Stan Grof will present their masterpieces: installations, photo-exhibition, video-art and others.

First visit of S.Grof to Moscow, 1961

Vaclav Havel presents a prestigious award in science from the Fund of Havels to S.Grof for the outstanding input into the science development, Prague,

October 5, 2007

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Page 7: Stanislav Grof in MoscowIMPOSSIBLE HAPPENS. Adventures in non-ordinary realities”, accompanied by a unique slide-show. On October 6, Stan Grof has presented a lecture Transpersonal

Stanislav Grof in Moscow During last 30 years, world elite has been inspired by the discoveries of Grof, applying it to the art, business and psychology.

Visionary presentations of Grof, generously demonstrating his insights, will be accompanied by slide-shows, illustrating the most mysterious enigmas of consciousness and vital issues of surviving in modern world.

November 9, 10, 11 – a three-day seminar on holotropic breathwork during which Grof himself will do theoretical introduction!

Stanislav Grof – is a founder of the field of transpersonal psychology and a pioneering researcher into the use of non-ordinary states of consciousness for purposes of analyzing, healing, and obtaining growth and insight into the human psyche. Grof received the VISION 97 award granted by the Foundation of Dagmar and Vaclav Havel in Prague on October 5, 2007.

The organizer of the last three visit of Grof to Russia as well as this trip is Vladimir Maykov, President of the Russian Transpersonal Association and senior research associate of the Institute of Philosophy Russian Academy of Science – a friend and a disciple of Grof, editor for his books.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Page 8: Stanislav Grof in MoscowIMPOSSIBLE HAPPENS. Adventures in non-ordinary realities”, accompanied by a unique slide-show. On October 6, Stan Grof has presented a lecture Transpersonal

What is a transpersonal psychology?Transpersonal psychology has appeared as a self-determind field of research at the end of 60th in USA. The founders of this dimension were well-known psychologists, psychotherapists and thinkers: A. Maslow, Anthony Sutich, S.Grof, M.Murphy, S.Krippner

It recognizes our personal uniqueness as well as a transpersonal dimension, something which is beyond our individual egos, and yet still is a part of us. Based on observations and practices from many cultures, the transpersonal perspective is informed by modern psychology, the humanities and human sciences, as well as contemporary spiritual disciplines and the wisdom traditions.

Transpersonal Psychology addresses a wide range of subjects including: Psychology and psychotherapy Meditation, spiritual paths and practices Change and personal transformation Consciousness research Addiction and recovery Psychedelic and altered states of consciousness research Death, dying and near death experience (NDE) Self-realization and higher values The mind-body connection Mythology and Shamanism Exceptional Human Experience (EHE)

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Page 9: Stanislav Grof in MoscowIMPOSSIBLE HAPPENS. Adventures in non-ordinary realities”, accompanied by a unique slide-show. On October 6, Stan Grof has presented a lecture Transpersonal

Holotropic breathworkNovember 9, 2009 Stanislav Grof will do theoretical introduction to the experiential tree-day seminar, which take part right after the two-day theoretical seminar.

Holotropic Breathwork (from the Greek "holos"=whole and "trepein"=moving in the direction of something) is a powerful approach to self-exploration and healing that integrates insights from modern consciousness research, anthropology, various depth psychologies, transpersonal psychology, Eastern spiritual practices, and mystical traditions of the world. This method was created by Stanislav and Christina Grof.

The process itself uses very simple means: it combines accelerated breathing with evocative music in a special set and setting. With the eyes closed and lying on a mat, each person uses their own breath and the music in the room to enter a non-ordinary state of consciousness. This state activates the natural inner healing process of the individual's psyche, bringing him or her a particular set of internal experiences. With the inner healing intelligence guiding the process, the quality and content brought forth is unique to each person and for that particular time and place. While recurring themes are common, no two sessions are ever alike.

Additional elements of the process include focused energy release work and mandala drawing. Holotropic Breathwork is usually done in groups, although individual sessions are also possible. Within the groups, people work in pairs and alternate in the roles of experiencer and "sitter". The sitter's role is simply to be available to assist the breather, not to interfere or interrupt the process. The same is true for trained facilitators, who are available as helpers if necessary.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Page 10: Stanislav Grof in MoscowIMPOSSIBLE HAPPENS. Adventures in non-ordinary realities”, accompanied by a unique slide-show. On October 6, Stan Grof has presented a lecture Transpersonal

Stanislav GrofBiography

Stanislav Grof, M.D., Ph.D., is a psychiatrist with over fifty years experience of research into non-ordinary states of consciousness and one of the founders and chief theoreticians of transpersonal psychology. .He was born in Prague in July 1, 1931.

He is the founder of the International Transpersonal Association (ITA) and its past and current president. In this role, he has organized large international conferences in the United States, the former Czechoslovakia, India, Australia, and Brazil.

At present, he lives in Mill Valley, California, conducting training seminars for professionals in Holotropic Breathwork and transpersonal psychology and writing books. He is also Professor of Psychology at the California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS) in San Francisco.

In the year of his 75th anniversary Grof has received the VISION 97 Honorary Award granted by the Foundation of Dagmar and Vaclav Havel in Prague on October 5, 2007

He has published over 140 articles in professional journals, as well as the following books, which have been translated into 21 languages, including German, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, Swedish, Danish, Russian, Czech, Polish, Bulgarian, Hungarian, Romanian, Latvian, Estonian, Greek, Turkish, Japanese, Korean, and Chinese

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Page 11: Stanislav Grof in MoscowIMPOSSIBLE HAPPENS. Adventures in non-ordinary realities”, accompanied by a unique slide-show. On October 6, Stan Grof has presented a lecture Transpersonal

List of books by Stanislav GrofThe Human Encounter with Death. (with Joan Halifax). M., ACT, 2003

Beyond the Brain: Birth, Death, and Transcendence in Psychotherapy. M., ACT, 2003

The Adventure of Self-Discovery. M., ACT, 2004

Spiritual Emergency: When Personal Transformation Becomes a Crisis. (ed. with Christina Grof ). M., ACT, 2003

The Stormy Search for the Self: A Guide to Personal Growth Through Transformational Crises. (with Christina Grof). M., ACT, 2003

The Holotropic Mind: The Three Levels of Consciousness and How They Shape Our Lives. (with Hal Zina Bennett). M., ACT, 2003

The Cosmic Game: Explorations of the Frontiers of Human Consciousness. M., ACT, 2003

The Transpersonal Vision: The Healing Potential of Non-Ordinary States of Consciousness. M., ACT, 2000

The Consciousness Revolution: A Transatlantic Dialogue (Ervin Laszlo and Peter Russell). M., ACT, 2004

Psychology of the Future: Lessons from Modern Consciousness Research. M., ACT, 2001

Call of the Jaguar. M., ACT, 2001

The Ultimate Journey: Consciousness and the Mystery of Death. М., АСТ, 2007

WHEN THE IMPOSSIBLE HAPPENS. Adventures in non-ordinary realities. М., АСТ, 2007

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Page 12: Stanislav Grof in MoscowIMPOSSIBLE HAPPENS. Adventures in non-ordinary realities”, accompanied by a unique slide-show. On October 6, Stan Grof has presented a lecture Transpersonal

The Consciousness Revolution:Dawning of a New ParadigmIn this slide-illustrated two-day seminar, we will review the revolutionary discoveries of modern consciousness research and transpersonal psychology that have radically changed the understanding of the human psyche and of human nature. The areas that we will explore in this seminar fall into the following categories:

Transpersonal Psychology: We will review the history, theoretical and empirical foundations, and practical implications of this new revolutionary perspective in psychology, integrating the ancient wisdom of the mystical traditions and the Eastern spiritual philosophies with recent advances of modern science.

Among the paradigm-breaking contributions of transpersonal psychology are: understanding of consciousness as a primary attribute of existence; a vastly expanded model of the human psyche including the perinatal and transpersonal domain; new understanding of the architecture of emotional and psychosomatic disorders; discovery of previously unknown therapeutic mechanisms; and recognition of spirituality as a critical dimension of human life.

The new expanded cartography is essential for the understanding of shamanism, ritual life of native cultures, religion, and mysticism. It also offers revolutionary insights into psychoses and alternative approaches to their treatment. From the transpersonal perspective, many disorders, currently diagnosed and treated as mental diseases, appear to be psychospiritual crises (“spiritual emergencies”) which – when properly understood – have a healing, transformative, and evolutionary potential.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Page 13: Stanislav Grof in MoscowIMPOSSIBLE HAPPENS. Adventures in non-ordinary realities”, accompanied by a unique slide-show. On October 6, Stan Grof has presented a lecture Transpersonal

New Paradigm in Science:New Paradigm in Science: In the last five decades, psychedelic therapy and other avenues of consciousness research have revealed a rich array of “anomalous phenomena,” important observations that the current conceptual frameworks have not been able to explain. Similar problems have emerged in a variety of other scientific disciplines – astrophysics, quantum-relativistic physics, biology, and other fields. We will review how the attempts to cope with these problems have generated theories that increasingly converge with transpersonal psychology – Barrow and Tiplerʼs anthropic principle, David Bohmʼs theory of holomovement, Karl Pribramʼs holographic model of the brain, Ilya Prigogine's concept of dissipative structures, Rupert Sheldrakeʼs theory of morphogenetic fields, and particularly Ervin Laszloʼs hypothesis of the PSI- or Akashic field. It is increasingly plausible that transpersonal psychology will become in the future an important part of a new encompassing worldview integrating science with experientially based spirituality of a non-denominational, universal, and all-embracing nature.

Psychological, Philosophical, and Spiritual Aspects of Death: The findings of modern consciousness research have important implications for the understanding of death and dying. We will focus on such topics as near-death experiences (NDE), the process of psychological death and rebirth, psychedelic therapy with terminal cancer patients, karma and reincarnation, ancient mysteries of death and rebirth, aboriginal rites of passage, eschatological mythologies, and the ancient books of the dead (Egyptian, Tibetan, Mayan, Aztec, and the European Ars moriendi).

The Roots of Violence and Greed: Since time immemorial, violence and greed have been among the most important forces driving human history. Due to the technological progress and exponential population growth in the twentieth century, they have become a threat for survival of life on our planet. It has become imperative to gain a deeper understanding of the roots of these forces in the human psyche and to find ways of reducing their impact in the world.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Page 14: Stanislav Grof in MoscowIMPOSSIBLE HAPPENS. Adventures in non-ordinary realities”, accompanied by a unique slide-show. On October 6, Stan Grof has presented a lecture Transpersonal

In this seminar, we will explore the observations from various avenues of consciousness research that offer new insights into insatiable greed and extreme forms of human violence and social pathology, such as wars, bloody revolutions, terrorism, suicide bombing, concentration camps, and genocide. In a series of slides, we will demonstrate the astonishing similarities between the symbolism used in posters and cartoons from the time of wars and the visions accompanying the reliving of birth and the experience of psychospiritual death and rebirth. Transpersonal perspective on the current global crisis offers not only deeper understanding of its deep roots, but also new strategies for its alleviation.

The Cosmic Game: In non-ordinary states of consciousness people often encounter experiences that bring profound philosophical and spiritual insights into human nature and the nature of reality. These insights revolve around such fundamental problems of existence as the mystery of the creative principle in the universe (God), the dynamics of the process of creation, the nature and function of the archetypal realm, the dilemma of good and evil, the "taboo against knowing who we are", karma and reincarnation, the role of consciousness in the universe, the relationship between consciousness and matter, and the purpose and meaning of human life. In this seminar, we will compare the understanding of existence emerging from the study of non-ordinary states with various spiritual and esoteric systems (Aldous Huxleyʼs “perennial philosophy”) and with the revolutionary developments in Western science, usually referred to as the new paradigm.

The Cosmic Game:

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Page 15: Stanislav Grof in MoscowIMPOSSIBLE HAPPENS. Adventures in non-ordinary realities”, accompanied by a unique slide-show. On October 6, Stan Grof has presented a lecture Transpersonal

Program of eventsNovember 2, Mon

10.45am – arrival of Stan Grof to Moscow

4:00pm-6:00pm -  Lecture at the Psychological Department of the Moscow State (Lomonosov) University

6.30-8.00pm – Dinner with the sponsors and organizers

November 3, Tue

10:00am-7:30pm– VIP Holotropic Breathwork Seminar

19.30-21.00 – Dinner with the sponsors of seminar

November 4, Wed

VIP seminar At Stas Namin's Theatre of Music and Drama

10:00am-1:00pm -  Part I. Stanislav Grof: "Cosmic Game." 

3:00pm-6:00pm - Part II.  Michael Murphy: "The Future of Human Nature: Possibilities for Extraordinary LIfe"."  

С В.В. Налимовым

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Page 16: Stanislav Grof in MoscowIMPOSSIBLE HAPPENS. Adventures in non-ordinary realities”, accompanied by a unique slide-show. On October 6, Stan Grof has presented a lecture Transpersonal

November 5, Thu

11.00-13.00 – Interviews

13.00-14.00 – Lunch

3:00 pm-5:00pm – Lecture at the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences 19.30-21.00 – Dinner with the sponsors and organizers

November 6, Fri

10:00am-1:00pm – Meeting with the Organizational Committee of the 17th International Transpersonal Conference13.00-15.00 – Lunch with Organization Committee of 17th International Transpersonal Conference 3:00pm-5:00pm - Press conference at Stas Namin's Theater of Music and Drama 17.00-18.30 – Dinner with Stas Namin

6:30pm-11.00pm - Meeting with prominent representatives of Russian art at Stas Namin's Theater of Music and Drama

November 7 and 8, Sat

A two-day seminar entitled The Consciousness Revolution at Central House of Scientists of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

(see: and

Program of events

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Page 17: Stanislav Grof in MoscowIMPOSSIBLE HAPPENS. Adventures in non-ordinary realities”, accompanied by a unique slide-show. On October 6, Stan Grof has presented a lecture Transpersonal

November 9, Sun

10:00am-1:00pm - Theoretical introduction to a Holotropic Breathwork training module (Grof Transpersonal Training - GTT) 

November 10, Mon

09.00am – departure of Stan Grof from Domodedovo

With Kristina and Vladimir Maikov

Program of events

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Page 18: Stanislav Grof in MoscowIMPOSSIBLE HAPPENS. Adventures in non-ordinary realities”, accompanied by a unique slide-show. On October 6, Stan Grof has presented a lecture Transpersonal

Places of meeting with Stanislav Grof in Moscow1. Stas Namin's Theater of Music and Drama

2. Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences

3. Central House of Scientists of the Russian Academy of Sciences

4. Psychological Department of the Moscow State (Lomonosov) University

5. LOFT Center

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Page 19: Stanislav Grof in MoscowIMPOSSIBLE HAPPENS. Adventures in non-ordinary realities”, accompanied by a unique slide-show. On October 6, Stan Grof has presented a lecture Transpersonal

Friends and partnersEduard Sagalaev

Stas NaminRoman Petrenko, TNTSvyatoslav Ponomarev

Open World CentreLOFT Centre


OPPLEsalen Institute

Psychological Department of the Moscow State (Lomonosov)

University Fund of UNESCO

People to People Russia

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Page 20: Stanislav Grof in MoscowIMPOSSIBLE HAPPENS. Adventures in non-ordinary realities”, accompanied by a unique slide-show. On October 6, Stan Grof has presented a lecture Transpersonal

Audience Representatives of governmental bodies, business-elite Professionals in education including it’s newest branches Professionals in the field of psychology, psychotherapy Leading representatives of contemporary art Progressive parents (conscious impregnation, school of birth)Representatives of extreme sports Wide audience (20 plus), interested in psychology

Number of guests:

November 7-8:

S.Grof’s 2days seminars: - 1 000 pers

November 9, 10 & 11:

Holotropic breathwork seminar – up to 100 pers Press-lunch – up to 50 pers Business-dinner with partners and sponsors – up to 20 persBusiness-dinner with the heads of Media – up to 30 pers

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Page 21: Stanislav Grof in MoscowIMPOSSIBLE HAPPENS. Adventures in non-ordinary realities”, accompanied by a unique slide-show. On October 6, Stan Grof has presented a lecture Transpersonal

Media about Stanislav Grof— It is very important for Russia to have such an opportunity of direct communication with the foremost reformer

in psychology. His visit right after the prestige award in Czech Republic is a great honor for our country

Eduard Sagalaev – President for National Association of TV and radio broadcasting

— A world-known scientist stays communicative, accessible man of mould and a positive person.

TNT TV channel about Stan Grof

— Stanislav Grof came to Russia in order to receive a gown of an honorable professor of Moscow State University

Russkiy Reporter Magazine about Stan Grof

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Page 22: Stanislav Grof in MoscowIMPOSSIBLE HAPPENS. Adventures in non-ordinary realities”, accompanied by a unique slide-show. On October 6, Stan Grof has presented a lecture Transpersonal

Previous experience of PR supportMany mass-media have placed the information on Stanislav Grof's visit to Moscow in 2007. They published more than 20 interviews and over 100 Internet - resources.Information about his visit appeared on five major TV channels:- 1st channel - Stolitsa- ТНТ- О2ТВ- ТВЦ

The information also appeared in many printed mass media:- “The Russian reporter”- The newspaper "Truth"- “The new newspaper”- Magazine "ИНЕЙТ"- Magazine "Slops“, etc.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Page 23: Stanislav Grof in MoscowIMPOSSIBLE HAPPENS. Adventures in non-ordinary realities”, accompanied by a unique slide-show. On October 6, Stan Grof has presented a lecture Transpersonal

Previous experience of PR support

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Page 24: Stanislav Grof in MoscowIMPOSSIBLE HAPPENS. Adventures in non-ordinary realities”, accompanied by a unique slide-show. On October 6, Stan Grof has presented a lecture Transpersonal

Previous experience of PR support

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Page 25: Stanislav Grof in MoscowIMPOSSIBLE HAPPENS. Adventures in non-ordinary realities”, accompanied by a unique slide-show. On October 6, Stan Grof has presented a lecture Transpersonal

Previous experience of PR support

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Page 26: Stanislav Grof in MoscowIMPOSSIBLE HAPPENS. Adventures in non-ordinary realities”, accompanied by a unique slide-show. On October 6, Stan Grof has presented a lecture Transpersonal

ContactsThe Russian side coordinator

Vladimir Maykov Phone: +7 903 9685712e-mail: [email protected]

Project management


Ignatyeva IrinaPhone: +7 926 2063308e-mail: [email protected]

Solodovnikova OlgaPhone.: +7 906 0825314e-mail: [email protected]

Thursday, September 3, 2009