stanhope primary school  · web view2017. 6. 16. · stanhope primary school no. 3937. midland...

STANHOPE PRIMARY SCHOOL NO. 3937 Midland Highway, Stanhope, Vic. 3623 Ph. 5857 2514 Fax 5857 2772 INFORMATION BOOKLET This booklet has been produced to provide parents with information about the school, which it is hoped will prove useful and help with the efficient running of the school. ‘Inspiring Lifelong Learning’

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Page 1: STANHOPE PRIMARY SCHOOL  · Web view2017. 6. 16. · STANHOPE PRIMARY SCHOOL NO. 3937. Midland Highway, Stanhope, Vic. 3623. Ph. 5857 2514. Fax 5857 2772. INFORMATION BOOKLET


Midland Highway,Stanhope, Vic. 3623

Ph. 5857 2514Fax 5857 2772


This booklet has been produced to provide parents with information about the school, which it is hoped will prove useful and help with the efficient running of

the school.

‘Inspiring Lifelong Learning’

Page 2: STANHOPE PRIMARY SCHOOL  · Web view2017. 6. 16. · STANHOPE PRIMARY SCHOOL NO. 3937. Midland Highway, Stanhope, Vic. 3623. Ph. 5857 2514. Fax 5857 2772. INFORMATION BOOKLET

Staff as at June 2017

Ms Christine Owen

Mrs Sharon Sheedy

Mrs Megan Depasquale

Mrs Narelle Foley

Mrs Mica Rosenberg

Mr Jason Keegan

Principal Classroom teacher F-2 Class

Classroom teacher (P/T)

Classroom teacher (P/T)

Business Manager (P/T)


Values of the SchoolAt Stanhope Primary School we uphold the four values of Learning, Success, Respect and Citizenship. We hold Lifelong Learning as our key

tenet as expressed in our motto, ‘Inspiring Lifelong Learning’.Child Safe Standards.All staff, volunteers and School Council members of Stanhope Primary School are required to observe child safe principles and expectations for appropriate behaviour towards and in the company of children, as noted below.

All personnel of Stanhope Primary School are responsible for supporting the safety, participation, wellbeing and empowerment of children by:

adhering to Stanhope Primary School child safe policy at all times / upholding Stanhope Primary School statement of commitment to child safety at all time

taking all reasonable steps to protect children from abuse

treating everyone with respect

listening and responding to the views and concerns of children, particularly if they are telling you that they or another child has been abused and/or are worried about their safety or the safety of another

promoting the cultural safety, participation and empowerment of Aboriginal children (for example, by never questioning an Aboriginal child’s self-identification)

promoting the cultural safety, participation and empowerment of children with culturally and/or linguistically diverse backgrounds (for example, by having a zero tolerance of discrimination)

promoting the safety, participation and empowerment of children with a disability (for example, during personal care activities)

ensuring as far as practicable that adults are not left alone with a child

‘Inspiring Lifelong Learning’

Page 3: STANHOPE PRIMARY SCHOOL  · Web view2017. 6. 16. · STANHOPE PRIMARY SCHOOL NO. 3937. Midland Highway, Stanhope, Vic. 3623. Ph. 5857 2514. Fax 5857 2772. INFORMATION BOOKLET

reporting any allegations of child abuse to Stanhope Primary School Child Safety Officer , the school Principal, and ensure any allegation to reported to the police or child protection

reporting any child safety concerns to Stanhope Primary School Child Safety Officer the school Principal

if an allegation of child abuse is made, ensure as quickly as possible that the child(ren) are safe

encouraging children to ‘have a say’ and participate in all relevant organisational activities where possible, especially on issues that are important to them.

Staff and volunteers must not:

develop any ‘special’ relationships with children that could be seen as favouritism (for example, the offering of gifts or special treatment for specific children)

exhibit behaviours with children which may be construed as unnecessarily physical (for example inappropriate sitting on laps. Sitting on laps could be appropriate sometime, for example while reading a storybook to a small child in an open plan area)

put children at risk of abuse (for example, by locking doors)

do things of a personal nature that a child can do for themselves, such as toileting or changing clothes

engage in open discussions of a mature or adult nature in the presence of children (for example, personal social activities)

use inappropriate language in the presence of children

express personal views on cultures, race or sexuality in the presence of children

discriminate against any child, including because of culture, race, ethnicity or disability

have contact with a child or their family outside of our organisation without our child safety officer’s knowledge and/or consent (for example, no babysitting). Accidental contact, such as seeing people in the street, is appropriate)

have any online contact with a child or their family (unless necessary, for example providing families with e-newsletters)

ignore or disregard any suspected or disclosed child abuse.

By observing these standards you acknowledge your responsibility to immediately report any breach of this code to Stanhope Primary School Child Safety Officer, the school Principal

School CouncilOur School Council consists of eight members. Six of these are parents elected for a two year term. Elections are held each year to select members of Council. Two staff members are nominated by the staff.

The Principal is an ex-officio member, representing the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development. School Council elections are

‘Inspiring Lifelong Learning’

Page 4: STANHOPE PRIMARY SCHOOL  · Web view2017. 6. 16. · STANHOPE PRIMARY SCHOOL NO. 3937. Midland Highway, Stanhope, Vic. 3623. Ph. 5857 2514. Fax 5857 2772. INFORMATION BOOKLET

held during March of each year. The School Council is recognised as the local governing body by the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development.

Our Council meets regularly at the school. We work within our School Strategic Plan, which is an agreement with the government about what the school will provide over the next four years.

The Executive is as follows:

Mary Hipwell - PresidentChristine Owen - Treasurer

School Calendar dates 20172017Term 1: 30 January (school teachers start) to 31 March *Term 2: 18 April (Tuesday) to 30 JuneTerm 3: 17 July to 22 SeptemberTerm 4: 9 October to 22 December* The first day of Term 1 is a student-free day in all government schools to allow for appropriate planning to take place for the arrival of students.Prep students attend four days per week for the first four weeks of the year. During these first four weeks, Prep students do not attend school on Wednesdays.

School Hours9:00am – 3.15pmMorning Recess: 11:00am - 11.30pmLunch: 1:30pm - 2:15pm Dismissal 3.15 pm

Business ManagerThe hours of the Business Manager are 8:00am until 4:00pm, on Tuesdays and Thursdays(TBC). However, there is a secure posting box available for the depositing of any monies and forms and messages can be left on the answering machine, mobile phone or via the school email.

Student InformationAt the beginning of the year, each child will receive an emergency contact form, which is to be filled in and returned to the school. The information provided on this form will enable us to carry out emergency treatment that may be required. Stanhope Primary School encourages maximum student attendance. Research shows that good attendance helps improve:

- Student academic outcomes- Social development & adjustment- Development of dependability

‘Inspiring Lifelong Learning’

Page 5: STANHOPE PRIMARY SCHOOL  · Web view2017. 6. 16. · STANHOPE PRIMARY SCHOOL NO. 3937. Midland Highway, Stanhope, Vic. 3623. Ph. 5857 2514. Fax 5857 2772. INFORMATION BOOKLET

Many parental involvement activities are planned through the year, where parents come and share with their children, or gain skills to help at home.

School Entry ImmunisationAll parents must produce an Immunisation Certificate when they enrol their child.

School Day CommencementChildren should be present at least ten minutes before school commencement. However, parents are not to send their children to school before 8:30am. This is most necessary to note, as staff are not available for supervision due to preparation requirements and meetings. On the last day of each term, the school will dismiss at 2:15pm.

School UniformThe full range of our uniform items can be purchased at Mister Embroidery in Kyabram, apart from school hats which are available from the school.

The wearing of uniform is compulsory. All garments must be named. Names on items should be prominent. Hats must be worn from September 1st until the end of April for all outdoor activities. No hat, no play. Students without a hat will remain in the undercover area until they have a school hat available.

Girls Summer Uniform:Maroon check dress White socksBlack shoes or sandalsMaroon windcheater or maroon jacketBlack/Maroon unisex shorts with maroon polo shirtMaroon school hat

Boys Summer Uniform:Maroon or black shortsWhite socksBlack shoes or sandalsMaroon polo shirtMaroon windcheater or maroon jacketMaroon slouch hat

Boys and Girls Winter Uniform:Maroon polo shirt, short or long sleevesMaroon or black tracksuit pantsMaroon windcheater or jacketBlack or white socksMaroon skivvyMaroon beanie

‘Inspiring Lifelong Learning’

Page 6: STANHOPE PRIMARY SCHOOL  · Web view2017. 6. 16. · STANHOPE PRIMARY SCHOOL NO. 3937. Midland Highway, Stanhope, Vic. 3623. Ph. 5857 2514. Fax 5857 2772. INFORMATION BOOKLET

JewelleryJewellery is not part of school uniform. For pierced ears small stud earrings are acceptable, as they are unlikely to get caught in clothing etc. during sport or other activities.

Money and ValuablesChildren should only bring money to school for a specific purpose. The child must care for other valuables brought to school; the school accepts no responsibility for items that are lost or damaged.

Lost PropertyParents are requested to name their child’s clothing. Un-named items will be placed on the lost property pegs. At the end of each term, unclaimed items will be sent to the op shop. Students are responsible for their own belongings. Teachers and other staff will not be asked to search for lost property.

Classroom Materials and Requisites The school is able to purchase materials at significant cost saving prices, and will ensure that the appropriate quality materials are purchased for each year level. The materials will be ordered in bulk, and a fee for requisites charged for each student.

School Discipline Our student management is based upon the principles of the School-wide Positive Behaviour System and includes use of Restorative Practice and the implementation of our school values of Learning, Success, Respect and Citizenship. PBS focuses on promoting positive values and behaviours across the school community. The Restorative Practice process enables victims and wrong doers to actively participate in a process that enables justice, fairness and making things right. Restorative Practice is all about building relationships to establish a school environment that is truly safe and supportive

Student VoiceStudents across the school have a range of opportunities to develop leadership skills. Our School Leaders are responsible for conducting the annual Remembrance Day service for the community at our school, in conjunction with our local RSL Sub Branch. House Captains, JSC members

‘Inspiring Lifelong Learning’

Page 7: STANHOPE PRIMARY SCHOOL  · Web view2017. 6. 16. · STANHOPE PRIMARY SCHOOL NO. 3937. Midland Highway, Stanhope, Vic. 3623. Ph. 5857 2514. Fax 5857 2772. INFORMATION BOOKLET

and Environmental Monitors are also some of the other areas where student voice is evident.

Reports and Parent Teacher InterviewsStudent reports include assessment across the Victorian Curriculum areas and provide information about the child’s progress via our online portal throughout the year. Parent teacher/student conferences are held at various times throughout the year as an opportunity to discuss student progress and achievement. Parents are encouraged to communicate with their child’s teacher if they have questions or concerns, at any time during the school year.

Lunch Arrangements

Children eat their play lunch and lunch under supervision of a staff member. Stanhope Primary School is a nut free school. There are members of the school community who have severe reactions to any substance containing even small traces of peanuts. For the safety and well being of everyone at school we ask that families please adhere to not sending any food with peanuts in it.

Children can bring food to be heated in the pie warmer (which our Parent’s Club purchased for the students). All lunches are to be wrapped in foil or in a paper bag and clearly named. Students are not permitted to share or swap food.

Wet Day / Hot Day ProceduresOn days of wet weather, children will remain indoors during recess and lunch breaks. Children find a quiet activity and are supervised by the duty teacher. In extremely hot weather, children may remain indoors during recess and lunch breaks, at the duty teacher’s discretion and under supervision. Stanhope Primary School is a “SunSmart” school and a copy of the “Sun Smart” policy is available. The wearing of hats is compulsory as of 1st September each year until the end of April.

Swimming ProgramStanhope Primary School aims to promote the importance of water safety and swimming skills amongst its students. The program aims to develop a strong and safety aware swimmer who has a healthy respect for the aquatic environment. A swimming program is held each year using qualified instructors. The venue and timing is determined according to availability.

Excursions and CampsExcursions and camps are seen as an important component of school life. Excursions may be for specific year or age levels or for the whole school.

‘Inspiring Lifelong Learning’

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Permission & information notes are sent home on these occasions. Camps will be offered to students in grades 5-6 where and when available. This is dependent upon a number of factors including staffing, cost and overall viability. School Council ratifies all camps. Prep -2’s have an alternative incursion or event, such as a Late Night Movie Night during the year.

School NurseThe Child and Family Health Program offer all Victorian children a health assessment in their first year at school. The program is delivered by School Nurses. It gives parents/guardians, teachers and nurses an opportunity to work together for the well being and educational progress of children.

In order to carry out a health assessment, the nurses need to know information that only parents or guardians have about their child. Prior to the School Nurse’s visit, parents will receive a School Entrant Health Questionnaire, which will assist them to provide this information. Parents are encouraged to consult the School Nurse at the time of her visit to their school, to discuss any concerns they may have. All information is confidential.

The health assessment is not intended to replace your normal source of health care. School Nurses are also available to see children from other grades, if there is cause for concern among parents or teachers. For further information please contact the school Principal or child’s teacher.At Grade 5/6 the School Nurse provides an introduction to puberty program

Head LiceOccasionally children will be found to have head lice. Parents are asked to complete a form giving permission for their child to be checked for headlice by trained personnel.

Although head lice are not a serious health problem, they cause some irritation to the children who are affected and they cause considerable frustration to parents and carers. There is also some stigma attached to having head lice, which, although unfounded, causes children some anxiety.

These checks will occur at intervals each term. Please report any instances of head lice to the school

Under the Health (Infectious Diseases) Regulations 2001, children can be excluded from school if found to have live lice or eggs. Parents are asked to treat their child appropriately following the information on “Management and Treatment of Head Lice” which is supplied by the school if an infestation occurs.

AbsencesExcessive absences hinder a child’s progress. However, home is the place for a sick child. In the case of sickness and other absences, it is necessary for the school to receive a written explanation

‘Inspiring Lifelong Learning’

Page 9: STANHOPE PRIMARY SCHOOL  · Web view2017. 6. 16. · STANHOPE PRIMARY SCHOOL NO. 3937. Midland Highway, Stanhope, Vic. 3623. Ph. 5857 2514. Fax 5857 2772. INFORMATION BOOKLET

Return of NotesFrom time to time your child will bring home a notice that requires a permission note to be sent to the school. Please ensure that those permission notes are returned by the required time. This will assist us at school to meet deadlines that are set for various activities. Children who do not return permission notes for excursions will not be permitted to go on the excursion. Please return all notes to the secure posting box in the general office.

Yard DutyA member of staff is rostered on to yard supervision before school begins at 8:45am, during all recess and lunch breaks. A member of staff also supervises the loading of the school bus after school. Students should not arrive at school before 8.30am.

Leaving the School GroundChildren are not permitted to leave the school grounds during school hours, without the written permission of their parents. Children who go home for lunch should be back at school by 2:15pm. Please note, that the School Crossing on the highway is un-staffed during the lunch hour. We also ask that parents leave the Car Park straight after picking up children, and please be aware that parents are responsible for their children in the Car Park.

School CrossingOur School Crossing is supervised before and after school, not during lunch hour. Parents should reinforce the instruction given to the children at school on the safe use of School Crossings. While the crossing is supervised, no children should cross without permission from the supervisor.

Car ParkParents who collect their children by car after school are requested to exercise extreme care. The car park has been designed to allow some parking and an area where cars can pull in, collect the children and drive off. Cars are not to be parked in such a way that they interfere with the flow of vehicles using the car park. Parents need to act responsibly in the care of their school age and especially pre-school age children, in the car park.

Bike RidersChildren who ride bikes to school and need to cross the highway, must walk their bikes across at the School Crossing. Having crossed the highway, bikes

‘Inspiring Lifelong Learning’

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are to be wheeled to the bike shed area. Children must not ride on the footpath or in the school grounds. All bike riders must wear safety helmets.

School BusWe have a roll for bus travellers, which are marked off every afternoon as the children get on the bus. If for any reason your child comes to school and will not be going home on the bus, a phone call or written note must be sent to the school. Bus travellers who are riding home must see the bus supervisor (a teacher). The school bus service is provided by the Department of Education, to transport children who live at least 4.8km from the school. Children are not permitted to travel on the bus on a casual basis. All queries concerning the school bus should be directed to the Principal.

NewsletterA newsletter is produced each Thursday and distributed via the eldest or only child in the family as well as via email where requested. As well as school news, this newsletter often contains items of community news. The newsletter is the most important means of communication between the school and the parents. Please ensure that your child gets into the habit of delivering it to you. An email copy can be sent on request. The newsletter can also be accessed via our school website and Facebook page.

School Website & Social MediaThe school has a dedicated website, a Facebook page and a Twitter handle. These can be viewed at ; and @StanhopePSVIC Permission is sought from parents prior to any uploading of student images.

PhotographsSchool photos are taken each year by professional photographers. Family, grade and individual photos are offered to each child. Students and families will be notified when school photographers are visiting the school.

Student Support Services Students who require additional support within the school context will be referred on to professional experts for a range of assessments, and include:Speech TherapySocial WelfarePsychological Assessment

Stanhope & District Kindergarten

‘Inspiring Lifelong Learning’

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Stanhope & District Kindergarten is closely affiliated with Stanhope Primary School. This enables the kindergarten students to be well equipped for school through the smooth transition process. Information and planning is shared between the school and the Kindergarten, as appropriate, particularly via the Transition Learning and Development Statement. This provides the primary school with essential transition information about the new prep student.

Upkeep of the School GroundsThe School Council has responsibilities for maintenance of the school grounds. Mr Bill & Mrs Anita Hageman are employed to tend the school grounds and gardens.

‘Inspiring Lifelong Learning’