standards of literature

Three Standards of Literature Literature is aesthetically satisfying. We consider literature as a form of art. Like any other forms of art, it must be appealing to the senses. “Aesthetic” in art’s perspective, is the outward appearance of a form of art. In the case of Literature, we look upon the form, how it was presented, in what manner it is written, etc. Those things must satisfy or rather appeals the reader. It must be creative enough and truly a work of quality. Literature is intellectually stimulating. A literary work must provoke thoughts or ideas. It made us think. It is capable of enriching our mental life by making us aware of the fundamental truths about the life, the world and the human nature. It supplements us the knowledge of the things that surrounds us and making us conscious of our world or the world of others. It is capable of enlightening the mind of the reader. Literature is spiritually uplifting. A literary work must also possess moral values. It must be capable of elevating the spirit of the reader by bringing out the moral values which make him/her a better person. A literary work for I believe, has always a message that it wants to convey to its reader that in return the reader interprets and able to reflect on the message. It must inspire the reader in a good way. For me as a reader, a literary work is effective when the message of it is clearly realize by the reader and the reader is able to apply those things in his/her life.

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Post on 08-Mar-2015




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Page 1: Standards of Literature

Three Standards of Literature

Literature is aesthetically satisfying. We consider literature as a form of art. Like any other forms of art, it must be appealing to the senses. “Aesthetic” in art’s perspective, is the outward appearance of a form of art. In the case of Literature, we look upon the form, how it was presented, in what manner it is written, etc. Those things must satisfy or rather appeals the reader. It must be creative enough and truly a work of quality.

Literature is intellectually stimulating. A literary work must provoke thoughts or ideas. It made us think. It is capable of enriching our mental life by making us aware of the fundamental truths about the life, the world and the human nature. It supplements us the knowledge of the things that surrounds us and making us conscious of our world or the world of others. It is capable of enlightening the mind of the reader.

Literature is spiritually uplifting. A literary work must also possess moral values. It must be capable of elevating the spirit of the reader by bringing out the moral values which make him/her a better person. A literary work for I believe, has always a message that it wants to convey to its reader that in return the reader interprets and able to reflect on the message. It must inspire the reader in a good way. For me as a reader, a literary work is effective when the message of it is clearly realize by the reader and the reader is able to apply those things in his/her life.