standard measurement

Standard Measuremen t

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Post on 22-Feb-2016




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Standard Measurement. Do these words sound familiar?. Inch. Foot. Yard. Mile. Tell your neighbor everything you know about each of these. How big do you think an inch is? . Show me with your fingers. Search the room for 3 things you think are an inch long. . - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Standard Measurement

Standard Measurement

Page 2: Standard Measurement

Do these words sound familiar?

Inch FootYard

MileTell your neighbor everything you know about each of these.

Page 3: Standard Measurement

How big do you think an inch is?

Show me with your fingers.

Search the room for 3 things you think are an inch long.

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Now it’s time to find out how well you can

estimate how big an inch is?

Measure the items you chose with a ruler.

How close were you?

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Which is longer, an inch or a centimeter?

An Inch!! Way to go!About how much longer?A little more than

twice as long.

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What about a foot? How big do you think it is?

Show me with your hands.Search the room for 3 things you think are a foot long.

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Lets find out how you did.

Measure the items you chose with a ruler.

How close were you?

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About how many cm are there in a foot?

About 30!! Great!

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Do you think your luck will continue?

Show me with your arms, how long you think a yard is.

What in the room do you estimate to be a yard?

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Let’s find out.

We’ll measure it together.

How did we do?

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Which is longer, a meter or a yard?

A meter!! Way to go!About how much longer?About 9 cm or 3


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Now let’s find out how much you know about

converting inches, feet, and yards.

Page 13: Standard Measurement

Look at your ruler. How long is the ruler?

1 Foot – Right!How many inches are in a foot?

12 – WooHoo!

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Look at your ruler and the yard stick.

How many feet are in the yard stick?

3 Feet – Right!

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How can you remember these conversions?

Draw a picture, write a story, poem or song to help you remember.

12 inches = 1 foot3 feet = 1 yard

Page 16: Standard Measurement

Now lets practice converting inches, feet, and yards.

You can use a bar model to help you.

Page 17: Standard Measurement

1 Yard

1 foot

1 yd = 3 ft

Page 18: Standard Measurement

How Many feet are in 11 yards and 2 feet?

We multiply the 11 yards by 3 ft to get the number of feet in 11 yards, and then add on the 2 feet.

11 yd 2 ft =

= 11 X 3 ft 2 ft

= 33 ft 33 ft + 2 ft = 35 ft

35 ft

11 yd

3 ft

So we multiply 11 yards by 3 feet in each of those yards

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Now you try some!

You can use a bar model to help you.

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3 yd 2 ft is ____ longer than 3 yards

3 yd 2 ft = _____ feet

A rope is 15 yd 2 ft long. What is its length in feet?

Page 21: Standard Measurement

3 yd 2 ft is ____ longer than 3 yards

3 yd 2 ft = _____ feet

A rope is 15 yd 2 ft long. What is its length in feet?