stakeholder preferences about policy objectives and...

journal homepage: Available online at Stakeholder preferences about policy objectives and measures of pharmaceutical pricing and reimbursement $, $$ Sabine Vogler n , Nina Zimmermann, Katharina Habimana WHO Collaborating Centre for Pharmaceutical Pricing and Reimbursement Policies, Health Economics Department, Gesundheit Österreich GmbH (GÖG, Austrian Public Health Institute), Stubenring 6, A 1010 Vienna, Austria Available online 2 April 2016 KEYWORDS Medicines; Multi-criteria decision analysis; Stakeholder; Pharmaceutical pol- icy; Pricing; Reimbursement Abstract Objective: Policy objectives, such as cost-containment and reward for innovation, can be conicting, and different stakeholders are likely to prioritise policy measures with regard to their objectives differently. The study elicits preferences of different stakeholders in European countries about policy objectives and pharmaceutical pricing and reimbursement measures in accordance with their preferred objectives. Methods: Representatives of eight stakeholder groups (patients, consumers, competent authorities for pharmaceutical pricing and reimbursement, public payers, research-oriented industry, generic medicines industry, pharmacists, doctors) from the 28 EU Member States were invited to express their preferences about seven policy objectives and 16 measures in a web- based questionnaire. The replies were analysed through a Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA), using an outranking method based on the ELECTRE III algorithm. Results: Based on 81 valid responses showed that nearly all stakeholders attributed highest priority to equitable access to medicines. Overall, stakeholders considered pharmaco-economic evaluation as the most appropriate policy measure to achieve policy objectives in accordance with their preferences. Value-based pricing and a transparent reimbursement process were ranked second and third. Across all groups, low preference was given to external price referencing (EPR) and co-payments, whereas stakeholders had differences in assessment on tendering, generic substitution and differential pricing. Conclusions: The overall negative assessment of the commonly used EPR policy suggests a possible need for change in current pricing practice. However, positions about alternative 2211-8837/& 2016 Fellowship of Postgraduate Medicine. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Financial or other support to the manuscript: The article is based on ndings of a study funded by the Public Health Programme of the European Union. Sponsor of the study was the Executive Agency for Health and Consumers (EAHC; today called Consumers, Health and Food Executive Agency/CHAFEA) acting on the mandate of the European Commission. ☆☆ No specic funding was provided for writing the article. n Corresponding author. Tel.: + 43 1 51561/147; fax: + 43 1 513 84 72. E-mail address: [email protected] (S. Vogler). URLS:, (S. Vogler). Health Policy and Technology (2016) 5, 213225

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Available online at

journal homepage:

Health Policy and Technology (2016) 5, 213–225 2016 F

☆Financial or otheEuropean Union. SpoExecutive Agency/C

☆☆No specific fundnCorresponding auE-mail address: sURLS: http://ww

Stakeholder preferences about policyobjectives and measures of pharmaceuticalpricing and reimbursement$,$$

Sabine Voglern, Nina Zimmermann, Katharina Habimana

WHO Collaborating Centre for Pharmaceutical Pricing and Reimbursement Policies, Health EconomicsDepartment, Gesundheit Österreich GmbH (GÖG, Austrian Public Health Institute), Stubenring 6, A 1010Vienna, Austria

Available online 2 April 2016

KEYWORDSMedicines;Multi-criteria decisionanalysis;Stakeholder;Pharmaceutical pol-icy;Pricing;Reimbursement

0.1016/j.hlpt.2016ellowship of Postg

r support to the mnsor of the studyHAFEA) acting oning was providedthor. Tel.: +43 1 [email protected], http:/

AbstractObjective: Policy objectives, such as cost-containment and reward for innovation, can beconflicting, and different stakeholders are likely to prioritise policy measures with regard totheir objectives differently. The study elicits preferences of different stakeholders in Europeancountries about policy objectives and pharmaceutical pricing and reimbursement measures inaccordance with their preferred objectives.Methods: Representatives of eight stakeholder groups (patients, consumers, competentauthorities for pharmaceutical pricing and reimbursement, public payers, research-orientedindustry, generic medicines industry, pharmacists, doctors) from the 28 EU Member States wereinvited to express their preferences about seven policy objectives and 16 measures in a web-based questionnaire. The replies were analysed through a Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis(MCDA), using an outranking method based on the ELECTRE III algorithm.Results: Based on 81 valid responses showed that nearly all stakeholders attributed highestpriority to equitable access to medicines. Overall, stakeholders considered pharmaco-economicevaluation as the most appropriate policy measure to achieve policy objectives in accordancewith their preferences. Value-based pricing and a transparent reimbursement process wereranked second and third. Across all groups, low preference was given to external pricereferencing (EPR) and co-payments, whereas stakeholders had differences in assessment ontendering, generic substitution and differential pricing.Conclusions: The overall negative assessment of the commonly used EPR policy suggests apossible need for change in current pricing practice. However, positions about alternative

.03.009raduate Medicine. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

anuscript: The article is based on findings of a study funded by the Public Health Programme of thewas the Executive Agency for Health and Consumers (EAHC; today called Consumers, Health and Foodthe mandate of the European Commission.for writing the article.1561/147; fax: +43 1 513 84 (S. Vogler)./ (S. Vogler).

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pricing options differ considerably across stakeholders. It is recommended to further explorethe motivation of the stakeholders for their assessments in a qualitative research project.& 2016 Fellowship of Postgraduate Medicine. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


At national level, policy-makers face several challenges whentrying to design the most appropriate mix of pharmaceuticalpolicy measures. These include an ageing population, mana-ging the introduction of new, premium-priced medicines, theneed to prescribe more rationally, ensuring equitable accessto medicines, the balance between granting timely patientaccess to medicines and the need for sound pharmaco-economic evaluations as basis for informed decisions. Arational selection of medicines to be reimbursed, based oncost-effectiveness criteria, added value and need, is requiredin order to ensure sustainable funding despite tight budgetsin times of a global financial crisis [1–6].

Personalised, or targeted, medicines in which a medicineand its companion diagnostic, frequently a medical device,are applied [7,8], are, another challenge for policy-makerssince medical devices are typically not addressed by pricingand reimbursement policies [9,10]. Furthermore, theincrease in pharmaceutical innovation, particularly inhigh-income countries [11], is likely to be over-estimated,partially due to different methodological assumptions [12].A World Health Organization (WHO) report highlightedseveral pharmaceutical gaps for which innovation wouldbe needed [13].

In the light of these challenges, policy-makers are requiredto balance their policies to account for different, partiallyconflicting policy objectives. In the European Union, thepolicy objectives of ‘(1) timely and equitable access topharmaceuticals for patients all in the European Union(EU), (2) control of pharmaceutical expenditure for MemberStates, and (3) reward for valuable innovation within acompetitive and dynamic market that also encouragesResearch & Development’ were defined as core values whichneed to be balanced when Member States implement phar-maceutical pricing and reimbursement policies [14].

Policy-makers can use a range of policy options thataddress different aims, different stakeholders and differentproducts (e.g. orphan medicinal products, generics). Acommon pricing policy in European countries is externalprice referencing (EPR), which is defined as ‘the practice ofusing the price(s) of a medicine in one or several countriesin order to derive a benchmark or reference price for thepurposes of setting or negotiating the price’ [15]. As of early2015, 25 of the 28 EU Member States (all except Denmark,Sweden und UK) and the European Free Trade Association(EFTA) countries Iceland, Norway and Switzerland apply EPRfor a range of medicines in the out-patient sector (typicallyon-patent medicines) and/or as supplementary decisioncriteria in the pricing and reimbursement process [16–18].In contrast, value-based pricing (VBP) is rarely used as anintegrative pricing and reimbursement policy: it has beenapplied as a key pricing method in Sweden for more than a

decade but in no other European country [19]. England hadplanned to introduce it in 2014 [20] but eventually refrainedfrom doing so. At the same time, VBP elements, such aspharmaco-economics and Health Technology Assessments(HTA), are increasingly being used in a supplementary wayin European countries though EPR remains the major pricingpolicy there [21]. To grant access to new, often high-costmedicines with limited evidence, new arrangements such asmanaged-entry agreements (MEA) have been made inseveral European countries [22]. Other policies are appliedfor generics and biosimilars. A few countries (e.g. Denmark,Germany, Netherlands) introduced tendering and tendering-like models for generics, such as the preferential pricingpolicy in the Netherlands in which reimbursement is exclu-sively granted to the winning bidder of an active ingredient[23,24]. Tendering in the out-patient sector may also beapplied to further medicines beyond generics, as this is thecase in smaller countries (e.g. Cyprus) [25]. Pricing andreimbursement practices are supplemented by demand-sidemeasures, to enhance a more rational use of medicines or toincrease generics uptake. In the European Union, except forAustria, all Member States introduced either generic sub-stitution or INN prescribing, and some countries have bothpolicies in place [17,26].

The pharmaceutical industry has been calling for theimplementation of differential pricing (DP). This policy, alsoknown as ‘tiered pricing’, ‘equity pricing’ and ‘Ramseypricing’, is ‘the strategy of selling the same product todifferent customers at different prices – in the case of(reimbursable) medicines, prices would vary among thecountries according to their ability to pay’ [15]. DP is notapplied within the EU market yet, also for legal limitations.Its experience has been limited to specific groups ofmedicines (particularly vaccines, contraceptives and anti-retrovirals) in low-income countries for which procurementis provided by international funds and organisations [27,28].

Stakeholder preferences on pharmaceutical policy mea-sures are solely known in an anecdotic, incomplete way,when, for instance, a stakeholder group advocates in favouror against specific policies. However, their preferences havenever been analysed systematically.

Against this backdrop, this study aims to survey prefer-ences of relevant stakeholders in European countries onpolicy objectives and pharmaceutical pricing and reimbur-sement measures in accordance with their preferred objec-tives and to analyse them with regard to similarities anddifferences across groups.


The study was performed in the framework of a PublicHealth Programme project funded by the European Commis-

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sion. Some methodological aspects were predefined in theproject's terms of reference, including the requirement toperform the stakeholder consultation through an onlinesurvey, to use a multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA)and specifications related to some (but not all) of thedefined stakeholder groups.

Selection of policy measures

In spring 2013, we performed a systematic literature reviewthat aimed at identifying relevant measures in the out-patient sector as well as policy objectives (see below)through bibliometric analyses. We conducted a search ofseveral databases (MedLine, Embase, Econlit, Organisationfor Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Pub-lications, Cochrane Effective Practice and Organisation ofCare Group, WHO, National Health Services EconomicEvaluation Database) to retrieve publications (in all EUlanguages) on pharmaceutical policies in all EU MemberStates (including Croatia) and EFTA countries publishedbetween 1995 and February 2013. Additionally, we searchedgrey literature via GoogleScholar, did a hand search ofselected bibliographies and performed a PharmaceuticalPricing and Reimbursement Information (PPRI) networkquery [29]. The literature review (cf. Figure 1 for theselection process) identified 23 policy measures. Applyingselection criteria as displayed in Table 1, a list of 16 policymeasures in the out-patient sector for stakeholder assess-ment was compiled (see results section, for definitions ofthe measures cf. A1 in Supplementary materials).

Figure 1 Selection process of studies and publications in theliterature review.

Selection of policy objectives

We selected policy objectives that had been defined asmajor objectives by the High Level Pharmaceutical Forum[14] and were indicated in further (policy) documents bythe European Commission, the WHO and OECD. Further-more, the literature review helped identify policy objec-tives since publications were also analysed as to whether anobjective of the described policies was mentioned, andwhich one. As a result, seven policy objectives were chosenfor assessment (see results section, for definitions of theobjectives cf. A1).

Selection of countries

In line with the scope of the EU study, we addressed all 28EU Member States. In the analysis, we classified country-specific answers to geographic regions as well as to higher-and lower-income countries.

Selection of stakeholders

We elicited preferences from the following eight groups ofstakeholders, that either actively decide on and/or areimpacted by pharmaceutical policy measures: patients (i.e.people with diseases), consumers (i.e. citizens, tax payers),competent authorities for pharmaceutical pricing and reim-bursement, public payers, the research-oriented pharmaceu-tical industry, the generic medicines industry, pharmacistsand doctors.

We sought responses from official representatives ofassociations, not individual members of a stakeholdergroup. The associations at EU level were also invited toanswer the questionnaire. All contacted associationsreacted positively to our request as of August 2013 in whichwe pre-announced the survey and asked for contacts in theirnational associations. Concerning competent authorities,we used existing contacts of members of the PPRI and theCompetent Authorities for Pharmaceutical Pricing and Reim-bursement (CAPR) networks.

Survey tool and analysis methodology

We performed the stakeholder consultation via an onlinesurvey tool based on the software tool QuestBacks. For theMCDA, we chose an outranking approach using the ELECTREIII algorithm that we considered as most suitable for thepurpose of the study, since ELECTRE III allows for theinclusion of the concept of weak preference (in additionto strong preference and indifference). The choice of thisoutranking approach influenced the design of the question-naire: stakeholders were invited to attribute priority (on ascale from 50–high to 0–no priority) to the seven objectivesand to assess whether the 16 measures were able tocontribute to each of these policy objectives (again on ascale from 50 to 0). Furthermore, they were asked toindicate three thresholds about their preferences: (1) whichvalue they consider as the minimum difference in order to

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Table 1 Selection of policy measures.

Policy measures Frequency inthe literaturereview

In place in Europeancountries (EU MemberStates, EEA countries)


Scope of pro-duct groups


Implementation atnational level


Overall system Reimbursementprocess

xx Standard Yes Several 41 Yes ✓

� HTA (as asupportive tool)

xx Used for specific medi-cines (e.g. high-costmedicines)

Yes Focus on newmedicines

1 Yes

� Pharmaco-economicevaluation

xx Used for specific medi-cines (e.g. high-costmedicines)

Yes Focus on newmedicines

1 Yes ✓

Reimbursement review xx Done in a few countries(systematically or ad-hoc)

No Several, focuson newmedicines

41 Yes ✓

� Delisting x A common measure,particularly in recentyears

Yes Several 41 Yes

Profit control x A few countries Yes Several 1 Yes

Pure reimbursementtools

Reimbursement list xxx All countries Yes Several 41 Yes� Positive list xxx Majority of countries Yes Several 41 Yes ✓� Negative list xx Few countries Yes Several 41 YesReimbursement rates xxx All but 5 EU Member

StatesYes Several 41 Yes ✓

Co-payment xxx All countries, differentdesign and extent

Yes Several 41 Yes ✓


x New measure, somecountries

No Focus on newmedicines

41 Yes ✓

Pricing policy linkedto reimbursedmedicines

Reference pricesystems

xxx 21 of 28 EU MemberStates

Yes Focus on medi-cines withcompetitors

41 Yes ✓

Value-based pricing x Very few countries No Focus on newmedicines

41 Yes ✓

Discounts/rebates/price negotiations/clawback

x Commonly applied, dif-ferent design

No Several 41 Yes ✓

Auction-like systems x A few countries Yes 41 Yes




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Focus on medi-cines withcompetitors

Tendering xx Few countries (out-patient sector)

Yes Several 41 Yes ✓

Differential pricing x Not applied Yes Several 41 Yes ✓

External pricereferencing

xxx 24 of 28 EU MemberStates

Yes Several 41 Yes ✓

Prescribers Pharmaceuticalbudgets

x A few countries Yes Several 41 Yes ✓

INN prescribing xx Several countries Yes Focus on medi-cines withcompetitors

41 Yes ✓

Prescription guidelines x Majority of countries No Several 41 YesPrescription monitoring x Majority of countries Yes Several 1 Yes

Pharmacists Generic substitution xx Majority of countries Yes Focus on medi-cines withcompetitors

41 Yes ✓

EEA=European Economic Area, EU=European UnionNotes: Frequency in literature: x= low frequency (in less than 4% of the identified publications), xx=medium frequency (in 4–9% of the identified publications), xxx=high frequency (inmore than 10% of the identified publications)









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assess two alternative policies as different (indifferencethreshold); (2) which value they consider as the minimumdifference in order to interpret one of two alternativepolicies as a preference (preference threshold); and(3) the maximum value by which an alternative is allowedto be worse than another alternative and can still beregarded as the better overall alternative when the overallscore is the better one (veto threshold). We analysed theresponses through the MCDA and achieved a ranking of themeasures, overall and per subgroup. The MCDA methodologyallows linking measures to prioritised policy objectives: theranking of measures thus reflects a preferred mix of policieswhich stakeholders believe will be able to achieve theirpolicy objectives best. The questionnaire contained defini-tions for the policy objectives and measures (in writing andvia an audio tool), and a fact sheet for each EU MemberState about the current status and design of implementationof the measures.

Performing the survey and analyses

In August/September 2013, we piloted the survey withrepresentatives of all stakeholder groups. The roll-out ofthe revised questionnaire (cf. A2 in the Supplementarymaterial) took place on 26 September 2013, when we sentpersonalised links to 266 institutions in the 28 EU MemberStates. The deadline was extended twice, with personalisedreminders sent to non-respondents. On 12 November 2013,we closed the online survey. Data validation started as soonas the first data were entered in the online tool. InNovember/December 2013 data were analysed, and severalsensitivity analyses were run (e.g. concerning the impact ofthe thresholds on the results) that confirmed the validityand robustness of the selected methodology.

Figure 2 Preferences of policy ob


Response rate

Out of the 266 contacted institutions, we received 85completed questionnaires (thereof 9 of the pilot). Fourquestionnaires were excluded due to data quality problems.The 81 questionnaires included in the analysis (responserate of around 30%) primarily came from the research-oriented industry (23%) and competent authorities (22%).Pharmacists, generic medicines industry and public payershad response shares of 15%, 14% and 11% respectively.Consumers (7%) and patients (6%) were less represented.The results from doctors are excluded in the stakeholder-specific analysis due to their low response rate (1%), butthey are included in the overall and country-specific analy-sis. A3 provides an overview of responses per stakeholderand country.

Stakeholder assessment of policy objectives

Overall, stakeholders gave highest priority to the objectiveof equitable access to medicines (46 on a scale from 0/nopriority to 50/high priority), followed by long-term sustain-ability (43) and timely access to medicines (42). Leastpriority was given to reward for innovation and increasedcompetition (both 32). Figures 2 and 3 show the assessmentof the policy objectives by stakeholders and by countrygroups respectively.

Stakeholder assessment of policy measures

Overall, stakeholders considered pharmaco-economic eva-luation as the most appropriate measure (rank 1) to achievetheir policy objectives. VBP and a transparent reimburse-

jectives per stakeholder group.

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Figure 3 Preferences of policy objectives per country group.

Table 2 Ranking of preferences of policy measures, overall and per stakeholder group.

Policy measures Overall Research-orientedindustry


Patients Con-sumers





1 1 4 6 5 2 2 1

Value-based pricing 2 2 5 11 1 7 3 8Reimbursement process 3 2 6 10 6 1 3 3Managed-entry

agreements4 2 6 5 6 6 10 6

Reimbursement review 5 5 7 9 4 7 5 6Positive list 5 7 2 9 7 4 4 9Reimbursement rates 5 3 3 6 6 8 8 4Generic substitution 5 8 1 1 3 5 1 2Reference price system 6 9 9 2 8 3 6 4Pharmaceutical budgets 6 6 11 9 11 7 7 7Differential pricing 7 4 6 4 9 11 12 11INN prescribing 7 10 8 3 7 4 3 5Co-payment 8 6 10 8 10 9 9 8Discounts/rebates/price

negotiations/clawback8 7 12 4 11 10 11 13

Tendering 9 9 12 12 2 4 6 12External Price

Referencing10 10 12 7 11 11 11 10

med.=medicinesNotes: The selected Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis approach (ELECTRE III) allows ranking policy measures on equal positions.

219Stakeholder preferences about policy objectives and measures of pharmaceutical pricing and reimbursement

ment process based on clear rules were ranked second andthird, followed by MEA. Discounts/rebates/price negotia-tions/clawback (rank 8), tendering (rank 9), and EPR (rank10) were ranked last. All stakeholders agree in giving lowpreference to EPR and co-payments. There is some con-sensus in preferences related to pharmaco-economic eva-luations (generally high acceptance) and policies arounddiscounts and similar financial (price reducing) arrange-ments (low preference by most stakeholder groups). Acrossstakeholders, there are differences in the assessment of

tendering (lowest priority of all measures attributed by thegeneric medicines industry, patients and pharmacists,whereas it is considered as an appropriate policy by con-sumers and authorities), generic substitution (ranked firstby the generic medicines industry, patients and publicpayers, whereas ranked rather low by the research-oriented industry), and DP (ranked last or second last byauthorities, payers and pharmacists, but ranked fourth bythe research-oriented industry and patients). Table 2 pre-sents the results of the assessment of measures in total and

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per stakeholder group, and Table 3 presents the assessmentby country groups. Figure 4 shows preferences of aggre-gated stakeholder groups.


To our best knowledge, this study was the first that surveyedstakeholder preferences related to policy objectives andmeasures in the field of pharmaceutical pricing andreimbursement.

Policy objectives

The concept of solidarity in European welfare systemsappears to be reflected by the overall high preferencefor equitable access to medicines, with no major differ-ences among stakeholder and country groups. Respondentsapparently agree that long-term sustainability of thesystem is required to ensure access to medicines: so this

Table 3 Ranking of preferences of policy measures, overall an

Policy measures Overall EasternEuropeancountries




1 3 2 1

Value-based pricing 2 1 2 3Reimbursement process 3 4 2 2Managed-entry

agreements4 2 4 6

Reimbursement review 5 7 5 4Positive list 5 5 3 5Reimbursement rates 5 4 6 3Generic substitution 5 6 1 6Reference price system 6 8 6 9Pharmaceutical

budgets6 5 8 9

Differential pricing 7 5 10 1INN prescribing 7 10 11 8Co-payment 8 8 10 7Discounts/rebates/

price negotiations/clawback

8 11 8 1

Tendering 9 9 7 1External Price

Referencing10 12 9 1

Notes: The selected Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis approach (ELEC‘Eastern European countries’ (11 countries, 27 included questionnairLithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovak Republic, Slovenia; ‘Nordic cFinland, Sweden; ‘Mediterranean countries’ (6 countries, 17 include‘Western and Central European countries’ (8 countries, 14 includeLuxemburg, Netherlands, UK; ‘higher income countries’ (14 countriesabove the median of the 28 EU Member States, based on EurostatDenmark, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Ncountries, 37 included questionnaires)=countries with GDP/capita iEurostat figures as of November 21, 2013, i.e. Bulgaria, Croatia, CzePoland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Slovak Republic; No answersorganisations at EU level are not individually but were included in t

objective ranks second in the overall prioritisation.Related to the assessment of long-term sustainability,there are no great differences between country groupsand only minor differences among stakeholders, withrespondents from the generic medicines industry stronglysupporting this objective, and the research-oriented indus-try doing this to a comparably lower degree. The genericmedicines industry's focus on long-term sustainability canbe seen in line with the medicines they produce, sincegenerics (and biosimilars) are typically considered as a wayto financially help sustain health care systems [26,30–32].Cost-containment and reward for innovation were objec-tives that were, not surprisingly, prioritised differently bythe research-oriented industry than by payers and autho-rities. Also consumers expressed low preference for cost-containment. Respondents of lower-income countries,particularly from the Eastern European region, are lessopposed to cost-containment which might be attributableto existing financial constraints, particularly in times of anon-going crisis [4,6,33].

d per country group.


Western andCentral Europeancountries



1 1 1

4 2 22 1 23 2 3

5 3 47 4 46 5 32 2 59 7 610 7 5

0 14 9 78 6 811 8 6

1 13 9 10

2 12 10 92 14 11 11

TRE III) allows ranking policy measures on equal, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia,ountries’ (3 countries, 11 included questionnaires)=Denmark,d questionnaires)=Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Malta, Portugal, Spain;d questionnaires)=Austria, Belgium, Germany, France, Ireland,, 42 included questionnaires)=countries with GDP/capita in Eurofigures as of November 21, 2013, i.e. Austria, Belgium, Cyprus,etherlands, Spain, Sweden, UK; ‘lower income countries’ (14n Euro above the median of the 28 EU Member States, based onch Republic, Estonia, Greece, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta,from Luxembourg and France. Results from 2 questionnaires ofhe overall analysis.

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Figure 4 Comparison of the rankings of policy measures between aggregated stakeholder groups. Upper panel: pharmaceuticalindustry and authorities & payers Middle panel: pharmaceutical industry and consumers & patients. Lower panel: authorities &payers and consumers & patients. Notes: industry=research-oriented and generic medicines industry, authorities & payers=com-petent authorities for pharmaceutical pricing and reimbursement and public payers. The selected Multi-Criteria Decision Analysisapproach (ELECTRE III) allows ranking policy measures on equal positions.

221Stakeholder preferences about policy objectives and measures of pharmaceutical pricing and reimbursement

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Policy measures

The low preference for EPR across all stakeholder andcountry groups was surprising given the wide-spread use ofthis policy in European countries, as was the rather highpreference for VBP. However, discussions about the futurepricing policies have been on-going among policy-makers ofEuropean countries for some time (e.g. the CAPR networkmaintained by the European Commission, with policyreports [22,24,34] done by the EMINet consortium support-ing this network, and the PPRI network [29]). This indicatesan interest in alternative pricing policies and, possibly, aneed for change. Policy discussions and literature highlightlimitations and negative effects of currently existing pricingschemes: EPR tends to incentivize marketing authorisationholders to launch medicines first in countries with high pricelevels to achieve high prices in further referencing countrieswhereas market entry in low-priced countries is likely to bedelayed in order not to lower the international benchmark[4,19,33–37]. The OECD described EPR as a policy that is‘readily gameable by the pharmaceutical industry and – byreducing firms’ willingness to price to market – contributesto access and affordability problems’ [33]. Delays in avail-ability and medicine shortages that have increasingly beenobserved in European countries are partially also attributedto pricing policies such as EPR [38]. EPR is often consideredas a cost-containment tool, particularly by industry spokes-persons that oppose this policy and has, as shown in oursurvey, also have low priority for cost-containment. Studiesindicated the policy's potential to drive prices down ifdesigned appropriately [39–41]. The methodologicalapproach is, however, an issue because EPR is not thesimple technical tool as it is often called [37]. Gettingaccess to comparable price data and interpreting themappropriately is a challenge; recent networking and coop-eration initiatives, including the European medicine pricedatabase Euripid, have helped to build the capacity ofauthorities and payers [19,29]. But EPR’ s capacity tocontain costs is limited since referencing is done to theofficially published ‘list prices’ in other countries, which arenot the actual discounted prices [16,19,33,34]. In practice,in nearly all European countries public payers negotiate, atleast for a range of medicines, discounts, rebates and otherprice reductions with the pharmaceutical industry [42].Since discounted prices are confidential, authorities arerequired to refer to the higher list prices and thus riskoverpaying. In the long run, the potency of EPR might begenerally questioned – in particular given the expectedconvergence of medicine prices following the cross-referencing among European countries. However, studiescould not confirm a convergence in recent times sinceupward and downward developments of medicine priceswere observed in Germany and Greece, respectively[37,43].

One explanation as to why EPR continues to be widelyused in spite of these limitations could be the lack ofalternatives, or the non-agreement on alternatives. In thesurvey, the research-oriented industry and patientsexpressed their preference for DP which is being discussed

as a possible alternative to EPR. All other stakeholders rankDP low, often second last before EPR. This assessment mightbe influenced by the current legal framework in the EUwhich does not allow DP [19,37], and therefore respondentsdo not consider this policy as a feasible alternative.Additionally, we assume that several respondents were notfamiliar with the concept, and this might have contributedto their low preference for DP. The pharmaceutical industry,however, has experience with DP due to their use of thispractice in the context of low- and middle-income coun-tries. Patients, also favourable of this policy, might considerDP as an instrument to get more timely and equitable accessto medicines, which were their most highly prioritisedpolicy objectives. Respondents from lower-income countries(particularly Eastern European countries) express higherpreference for DP than from higher-income countries; thiswould support the argument that DP is a policy favouringless affluent countries. But, again, it depends on the designof the policy: a major issue in the context is whetherdiscounted prices under DP could be disclosed, or if theycontinue to be confidential. Confidential discounts are saidto be an instrument for lower-income countries to achievinglower prices (thus allowing a kind of DP in Europe) [13], butthere is no evidence as to whether price discriminationdoes, in fact, benefit these countries.

Discounts, rebates and similar financial arrangementsthat tend to be confidential have been given low preferenceacross all stakeholder groups (except patients) and coun-tries. Even the research-oriented industry is not veryfavourable to these arrangements though they tend to offerdiscounts to public payers. Apart from payers, stakeholders,particularly the research-oriented industry, tend to havehigher preference for MEA. The general acceptance for MEAmight be attributable to MEA's ability to grant access to newmedicines of limited evidence on effectiveness [22]. But thefrequent use of (confidential) discounts linked to MEA mighthave contributed to payers’ reluctance to favour thismeasure.

An alternative policy for new medicines is VBP whichreflects the added value of medicines and the willingness-to-pay concept [5,20,21,34]. Overall, stakeholders give highpreferences to this policy, independent from their countrybackground. However, authorities (but not payers), phar-macists and patients rank VBP low in accordance to theirpreferred policy objectives. A possible explanation might bethat VBP needs a lot of investment. The practical applica-tion of VBP requires the knowledge of the money utilityequivalent gain from health care [1]. Countries need tobuild substantial capacity in order to take informed deci-sions [19]; particularly smaller countries might not have theresources to do so though the study of Petrou and Talias2014 [44] has shown the feasibility of VBP for a smallEuropean country (Cyprus) despite its complexity. The lowpreference of authorities for VBP and its actual lowimplementation rate in European countries might be linkedto practical issues on how to implement it, which may alsoexplain why England refrained from implementing VBPrecently. However, even if VBP is implemented as a fullyintegrated pricing and reimbursement policy in only a few

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223Stakeholder preferences about policy objectives and measures of pharmaceutical pricing and reimbursement

countries world-wide, elements of VBP such as pharmaco-economic evaluations and HTA are increasingly being used inEuropean countries [5,21].

Stakeholders assess tendering in the out-patient sectordifferently. Industry, particularly the generic medicinesindustry, pharmacists and patients oppose this policy:industry probably because of the savings in public budgets,at least documented in the short run, and pharmacists andpatients are likely reluctant given the observed medicineshortages following the implementation of this practice[19,23–45]. Authorities and, to a lesser extent, payersappear to be more favourable to tendering. Some respon-dents of these groups were from (smaller) countries withgood practice experience of tendering for medicines in theout-patient sector (e.g. Cyprus, Baltic countries) [4,25].The high administrative burden, the negative reaction ofpatients and other stakeholders and lower savings in thelong run than expected might be possible explanations forauthorities’ and payers’ reluctance to favour this policy.

Generic substitution is highly preferred by most stakeholdergroups (except the research-oriented industry); the genericmedicine industry, patients and public payers rank it first.While industry's and payers’ assessment is likely linked tofinancial implications of that policy (sales and savings [4,30]respectively), the preference expressed by patients, and alsoconsumers, is somewhat contradictory with regard to researchabout patients’ reluctance to use generics. Interestingly,except for one consumer association in Sweden, respondingpatient and consumer representatives tended to be fromcountries with developing generic markets (cf. A3). Their highpreference could be interpreted as a call for enhanced genericpolicies. But some data could be interpreted so that asuccessful implementation of a policy could have resulted inhigher preference: Respondents from the Nordic countries,where generic substitution is seen as a ‘good practice’ [26],rank generic substitution first. We can only speculate as towhy overall, stakeholders including the generic medicinesindustry attribute more preference to generic substitutionthan to INN prescribing. One reason could be that applyinggeneric substitution successfully will make INN prescribingredundant. Another explanation could be that these twopolicies address different stakeholders, and pharmacistsappear to be more open towards generics than doctors[31,32,46].

Patients’ and consumers’ preference for generic substitu-tion suggests that they consider generics as an option forcontributing to savings for public payers: this would allowinvestments into funding new medicines. Their reluctanceto co-payments (shared with all other stakeholder groupsexcept for the research-oriented industry) could be anindication to confirm this assumption. Our results regardingco-payments are similar to the findings related to usercharges in another stakeholder survey on financial sustain-ability of health care systems according to which usercharges were considered among the most politically unfea-sible policy options, with industry being more in favour ofthem compared to other stakeholders [47]. However, thefact that in our survey stakeholders from lower-incomecountries are less reluctant to accept co-payments could beinterpreted that these respondents, who also give compar-ably higher priority to the policy objective of cost-

containment, consider private funding as a necessity toensure sustainability in situations of low economic growth.

Apart from the research-oriented and generic medicineindustries with their clear business models and preferencesfor specific policies, all other stakeholders give high pre-ference to measures addressing new high-cost medicines aswell as generics. This suggests that a mix of differentpolicies, addressing different products, is considered asthe most appropriate approach to achieve the preferredpolicy objectives. This reflects common practice sincecountries have tended to move towards pricing and reim-bursement practices that are adapted to distinct categoriesof medicines [13].


The study has limitations. Despite the comprehensivestrategy to contact, motivate and remind respondents, theresponse rate was rather low compared to the number ofstakeholders invited. Therefore, we could only analyseeither per stakeholder group, or per country group, butthe low coverage did not allow for cross-country stake-holder comparisons. The low response rate can be attrib-uted to two factors. First, the selected MCDA approachrequired stakeholders to indicate thresholds as a prerequi-site for linking measures to preferred policy objectives. Thiswas definitively a challenging task for many respondents,and some stakeholders might have decided not to respondor not completing the survey. Second, we addressed allstakeholder groups that we considered relevant, i.e. allthose affected by pharmaceutical policies. Despite cleardefinitions some groups (particularly consumers, patientsand doctors) had difficulty to understand the policy mea-sures and did not complete the survey. Additionally wecannot exclude possible misinterpretations by respondents.

This study was intended to elicit stakeholder prefer-ences, which are subjective. A survey of the rationalebehind stakeholders’ assessment was not the scope of thisstudy. We acknowledge that the study did not consider theeffectiveness of the measures, so, in principle, stakeholdersmight have prioritised measures that have limitedeffectiveness.


All stakeholders attribute high priority to equitable accessto medicines, and there is comparably high concordanceamong stakeholder and country groups with regard tofurther policy objectives (e.g. long-term sustainability).Stakeholder preferences vary related to some, but not allmeasures. Stakeholders have different preferences on ten-dering, generic substitution and DP. However, all stake-holders express a low preference for EPR and co-paymentsand give value to pharmaco-economic evaluations and, withone exception, to a clear, transparent reimbursementprocess.

Our findings suggest an interest in, and, possibly, a needfor change, particularly related to pricing policies since thecommonly used EPR policy is generally not consideredappropriate to achieve the intended policy objectives. Since

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opinions about alternative pricing options such as DP and, toa lesser extent, also VBP differ across stakeholders, adialogue is needed about future pricing systems that wouldbe able to achieve ‘fair’ prices for all. This is of particularrelevance in the light of new high-cost medicines coming tothe market that challenge public budgets.

The study brought insight into stakeholder preferences.To follow up, it is recommended to continue research inorder to understand the motivation of the stakeholdersbehind their assessments. This could be done throughqualitative research such as focus groups, for instance.Furthermore, since the study related to the out-patientsector but new high-cost medicines are likely to be pre-dominantly used in hospitals, a similar study is suggested forthe in-patient sector. These studies about preferencesshould be linked with research about the effectiveness ofmeasures.

Author Statements


The article is based on findings of a study funded by thePublic Health Programme of the European Union. Part of thefunded study was the production of a technical report.

Competing interests

The sponsor of the study was not involved in the authors’decision to produce and submit the article for publication.No separate funding was provided for the writing of themanuscript.

Ethical approval

Not required.


The study was based on a complex outranking model, andwe are grateful to our colleague Michael Gyimesi whoprovided valuable statistical knowledge and support inselecting the most appropriate MCDA model.

We are indebted to all respondents of the stakeholdersurvey who contributed to this study through their commit-ment to taking the time to share their preferences aboutpharmaceutical policy objectives and measures with us.Without their responses, this study would not have beenpossible. We would also like to thank the European associa-tions (The European Consumer Organisation/BEUC, StandingCommittee of European Doctors/CPME, The European Fed-eration of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations/EFPIA, European Generic Medicines Association/EGA, Eur-opean Patients Forum/EPF, The European Association forBio-industries/EUROPABIO, Medicine Evaluation Committee/MEDEV and Pharmaceutical Group of the European Union/PGEU) who provided bridges to their national associations.

We are grateful to Aris Angelis (London School of Eco-nomics), Rianne Van den Ham (University of Utrecht) andPhilip Wahlster (University of Erlangen, at the time of the

study) who acted as peer-reviewers of the methodologypaper on the Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) andhelped us improve the methodology.

We would also like to express our thanks to Aida Tanios,at the time of the survey an intern at our institution, whosupported us in performing a large sensitivity analysis.

We acknowledge the work of Jaime Espin and AntonioOlry de Labry (Andalusian School of Public Health) andGwenaëlle Le Coroller (SOGETI) who were involved in theliterature review to identify policy measures.

Finally, we are grateful to the European Commission forcommissioning us with this research. In particular, we wouldlike to thank Dirk Van den Steen (DG SANTÉ) at the time ofthe study, Guy Dargent (CHAFEA), Thomas Heynisch (DGGROW), Chloe Spathari (DG GROW) and Evert Schot whoprovided feedback on the methodology and on preliminaryresults.

Appendix A. Supplementary material

Supplementary data associated with this article can befound in the online version at


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