stages - digipack

To start off I downloaded a dig pack template so that the digipack is made to the correct sizes and dimension.

Upload: misterp93

Post on 19-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Stages - Digipack

• To start off I downloaded a dig pack template so that the digipack is made to the correct sizes and dimension.

Page 2: Stages - Digipack

• For the inside left I used the circle gradient tool on SumoPaint and used a variety of reds and yellows so that the CD placed here will stand out.

Page 3: Stages - Digipack

• For the inside centre and inside left I applied the swirl effect to link with the album advert ancillary I made, I chose blue yellow and orange as I thought together the colours looked very effective to give an 80’s feel.

Page 4: Stages - Digipack

• To place upon the swirls I added a number of photos from our photo shoot and screen shots from our final product, I added a 3D bevel effect and a frame for them stand out against the background.

Page 5: Stages - Digipack

• I then placed all the various backgrounds onto the digipack template in photoshop so it would be to the correct scale.

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• I then added all the photos and screenshots I edited to the Inside entre and Left positioning them around the swirl to make them stand out against the darker colours of the background.

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• To the front and back I added the same font I had used in the previous ancillary text (album magazine advert). I increased the brightness of the front photo. I then added record company information, track listing and a barcode to the back cover to give it a professional look.

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• I then arranged all the photos and text in photoshop in order for the aesthetics to look as high quality and professional as possible.