staff prayer items 2013-01-e


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COCM Staff prayer items


Page 1: Staff prayer items 2013-01-E

Henry  and  Ling  Lu  (General  Director,  Headquarter  Office;  Milton  Keynes  UK)Thanksgiving1. Praise  the  Lord  for  good  teamwork  and  mutual  encouragement  from  our  staff,  volunteer  workers  and  STM  members  during  the  two  back-­‐

to-­‐back  Year  End  Mandarin  camps.  We  thank  the  Lord  especially  for  the  group  of  young  leaders  in  charge  of  the  children’s  program  at  the  Christmas  Family  camp.  Kids  young  and  old  all  had  a  great  Ime  at  the  camp.

Prayer  requests2. Please  pray  for  Henry’s  preaching  and  overseas  travel  this  month:  6/1  South-­‐end-­‐on-­‐sea  CCC;  11-­‐12/1Guildford  CCC  Vision  sharing;  13/1  MK  

CCC;  24-­‐31/1  to  Davis,  California  to  speak  at  Davis  CCC’s  mission  conference  as  well  as  visiIng  supporters  in  the  area.3. Ling  is  thankful  for  everything  she  has  learned  as  the  editor  of  Living  Water  Magazine  over  the  past  year.  God  is  faithful  and  always  sends  

people  to  help  her  in  Ime  of  need.  Pray  that  we  will  conInue  to  trust  the  Lord  to  provide  and  sustain  our  literature  ministry.4. Our  daughter  Annabel  will  have  two  AS  exams  on  the  9th  and  10th  of  January.  Please  pray  for  her  to  have  good  health,  discipline  and  

persistence  to  face  the  exam  pressure.    She  is  also  looking  for  opportuniIes  to  gain  good  work  experience  and  get  to  find  out  more  about  her  future  direcIon.  Please  conInue  to  pray  that  God  will  show  her  the  way  to  go  and  we  will  know  how  to  encourage  and  support  her.

Rebecca  Mao  (Director  of  Member  Care;  Milton  Keynes  UK)Thanksgiving1. For  God's  provision  in  all  areas.    2. For  God's  enable  in  all  ministry.3. For  good  fellowship  with  co-­‐workers  and  friends.Prayer  Request4. For  the  planning  of  ministry  in  Finland.5. For  preaching  and  ministries  at  local  churches.6. For  the  planning  of  ministries  in  the  centre.    

Gordon  and  Maggie  Lam  (Student  Ministry;  Milton  Keynes  UK)Thanksgiving1. Have  good  Ime  with  family  and  friends  in  Hong  Kong.2. Christmas  events  and  BapIsm  courses  were  completed,  some  non-­‐believers  accepted  Christ  as  their  Saviours  and  2  people  were  bapIsed.  5  

people  have  completed  discipleship-­‐training  courses.Prayer  Request3. 9-­‐14  /1  Gordon  serving  in  Southern  France  –  lead  bible  study  and  preach  on  Sunday  service4. 18-­‐20/1  We  will  lead  two  workshops  in  Lancaster  University  Fellowship  (Worship  &  ChrisIans  BGR)5. 24-­‐27/1  Serving  in  Northern  England  –  lead  bible  study  and  preach  on  Sunday  service.6. May  God  lead  us  in  planning  the  theme,  program  format  and  content  of  2013  Gospel  Team  events.7. Pray  for  our  health  and  our  family  members’  health,  and  that  they  can  come  to  know  Christ.    

Connie  Yu  (Student  Ministry;  Milton  Keynes  UK)Thanksgiving1. Give  thanks  for  good  Ime  with  students  in  Leicester  -­‐  geing  to  know  more  of  them  and  give  thanks  for  developing  a  good  rapport  with  

students.    Prayer  Request2. Please  pray  for  me  to  have  a  quiet  and  akenIve  heart  towards  God,  to  be  sensiIve  towards  His  heart,  know  the  needs  of  the  people  and  

know  how  to  help  them.    3. Please  pray  for  the  following  up  work  with  students  from  year-­‐end  camp,  may  they  have  willing  hearts  to  know  more  about  God.  4. Please  conInue  to  pray  for  my  parents  in  China,  that  they  would  have  a  hunger  for  God.    

Josh  Shek  (Second  GeneraHon  Ministry;  Milton  Keynes  &  Bristol  UK)Thanksgiving1. All  3  Children's  programmes  for  this  year's  Family  Camp  went  very  well.  I  thank  God  for  the  many  leaders  and  assistants  who  all  sacrificially  

contributed  to  bless  the  children  over  the  conference.2. During  the  conference  I  led  the  Teen's  group  of  the  Children's  programme.  It  was  a  great  to  meet  and  talk  to  the  15  teens  that  joined  the  

camp.  The  result  of  the  programme  and  the  new  friendships  the  group  has  now  formed  is  more  than  I  had  hoped  for.  Praise  God.3. All  technical  projects  to  upgrade  the  Mission  Centre's  faciliIes  were  completed  on  Ime  and  successfully.  Thank  God  for  his  provision  and  for  

the  opportunity  to  minster  even  in  the  small  things.Prayer  Request4. Please  pray  for  the  follow  up  work  with  the  Teen's  group  from  the  Christmas  Family  Camp.  Many  of  the  teens  present  do  not  have  youth  

groups  or  accessible  pastoral  care  but  the  camp  has  provided  a  planorm  for  more  pastoral  relaIonships  to  form.  Please  pray  for  wisdom  to  know  how  to  engage  this  properly.

5. In  January  I  will  return  to  Bristol  to  conInue  supporIng  the  Youth  Group  there.  The  workload  will  be  growing  as  one  of  the  leaders  is  moving  back  to  his  home  country.  Please  pray  for  strength  to  manage  the  work  and  guidance  to  know  how  best  to  serve  the  youths  there.

Staff Prayer Items(January / 2013)

Page 2: Staff prayer items 2013-01-E

Paul  Du  (IT/Maintenance;  Milton  Keynes  UK)Thanksgiving1. Praise  the  Lord  for  giving  us  a  wonderful  Ime  at  the  two  year-­‐end  camps.  It  was  Iring  but  meaningful.  I  gained  renewed  strength.  Prayer  Request2. Please  pray  for  plans  in  the  New  Year,  that  Paul  would  seek  to  understand  God’s  purpose  and  plan  more.  3. Pray  for  my  trip  back  home  from  3/2  to  6/3  to  celebrate  Chinese  New  Year.  Pray  for  safe  journey  and  good  relaIonships  with  family  and  

friends.4. Pray  for  opportuniIes  to  share  the  gospel  with  others.  May  God  grant  insight,  paIence  and  a  loving  heart  to  see  their  needs  and  bring  them  

to  Christ.5. Cranfield  fellowship  will  start  a  new  term.  May  God  watch  over  the  fellowship  and  bring  students  to  our  meeIngs  with  open  hearts  to  seek  

the  truth.  

Dennis  Yau  and  Jessica  Guo  (Associate;  Bookroom;  Milton  Keynes  UK)Thanksgiving1. Thank  God  for  a  fruinul  Christmas  and  New  Year,  especially  Jessica's  mum  accepted  Christ  on  Christmas  day  in  family  camp.  Thank  God  for  

such  a  wonderful  Christmas  gio  for  our  family.  2. Shannon  Yau,  daughter  of  Dennis  and  Jessica  was  born  on  5th  Jan.  2013.  Both  mother  and  daughter  are  both  doing  very  well.  We  give  

thanks  to  the  Lord  for  the  smooth  delivery.  Prayer  request3. Please  pray  that  Jessica  will  recover  quickly  and  baby  Shannon  will  adjust  well  in  the  coming  days.4. Dennis  is  a  bit  sick  aoer  the  camp,  pray  that  he  will  get  well  soon.  5. Pray  that  Jessica's  mum  conInues  to  read  bible  and  understand  God  more.  6. Pray  for  Dennis's  preaching  in  Luton  church  in  January.

Min  Yin  (CommunicaHon;  Milton  Keynes  UK)Thanksgiving1. Thank  God  for  keeping  me  well  during  two  gospel  camps  at  the  end  of  2012.  I  was  also  grateful  for  the  opportunity  to  join  in  the  team  of  

Children’s  programmes.  It  was  a  very  rewarding  experience  for  me.2. Thank  God  for  our  small  group  during  the  student  camp.  All  of  us  had  a  wonderful  Ime  together.3. Thank  God  for  road  safety  though  my  car  had  some  problems.Prayer  request4. Pray  that  I  will  conInue  to  keep  in  touch  with  the  students  in  my  group,  especially  two  boys  who  are  not  ChrisIans  yet.  May  God  open  their  

hearts  to  receive  His  love  in  His  Ime.5. I  met  a  young  student  who  is  very  hunger  for  God’s  truth  in  Canterbury.  Please  pray  for  him  that  God  will  open  a  door  for  him  while  he’s  

searching.6. Pray  for  a  Bible  study  group  at  my  church  for  a  group  of  university  students.  Pray  that  the  Lord  will  grant  us  searching  hearts  to  learn  God’s  

Word.7. I  will  go  back  home  on  21  January  and  stay  with  my  parents  unIl  16  February.  Please  pray  that  they  will  come  to  know  God.8. Please  pray  for  me  as  I’m  going  to  start  serving  with  Canterbury  CCF  in  this  coming  March.

Tzyy-­‐Terng  Su  and  Yu-­‐Mei  Wu  (Mission  Centre  Ministry  CoordinaHon  Manager;  Graphic  Designer;  Milton  Keynes  UK)Thanksgiving1. Thank  God  that  the  volunteers  were  working  hard  for  the  preparaIon  of  the  camps  and  the  clean-­‐up  aoerwards.  They  were  also  doing  

maintenance  work,  drama  and  administraIve  support  during  the  camps.  We  thank  God  for  His  provision.    Prayer  requests2. TFiL  had  our  leaders’  retreat  on  4-­‐5  January.  Pray  that  God  will  conInue  to  guide  us  so  that  more  people  will  be  built  up  to  shine  for  the  

Lord.3. We  will  go  back  to  Taiwan  in  mid  January.  Please  pray  for  our  Ime  with  family  and  our  sharing  with  home  churches.  Please  also  pray  for  the  

arrangement  of  operaIon  schedule  for  Tzyy-­‐Terng’s  hernia.4. Please  pray  for  Yu-­‐Mei’s  design  work  COCM  Link’s  annual  report  issue.

Anthony  Lau  (AdministraHon;  Milton  Keynes  &  Cambridge  UK)Thanksgiving1. Thank  God  that  we  had  a  busy  yet  peaceful  Christmas.Prayer  request2. SEEC  is  moving  quite  slowly.  MeeIng  on  19  Jan.3. Have  had  an  allergy  for  about  2  months  now.    The  source  of  the  allergy  cannot  be  isolated  yet.    Keep  on  taking  pills  to  suppress  rash.

Staff Prayer Items(January / 2013)

Page 3: Staff prayer items 2013-01-E

Oiling  Lam  (Student  Ministry;  Colchester  UK)Thanksgiving1. Thank  God  for  the  past  year.2. Thank  God  that  my  Mum  was  bapIzed  on  Christmas  Day.Prayer  request3. Please  pray  for  three  students  who  just  made  their  commitments.  May  God  strengthen  them  spiritually.4. A  student  named  Zhang  is  willing  to  know  more  about  Jesus  and  may  the  Lord  work  in  his  life  and  grant  us  wisdom  to  help  him.5. Please  pray  for  the  schedule  of  this  month  and  may  God  give  me  strength  to  do  his  work.6. I  will  go  back  to  Hong  Kong  for  furlough  in  February  and  March.  Please  pray  for  God’s  guidance.

Chu-­‐Yin  Ho  (Student  Ministry;  Dundee  UK)Prayer  request1. Thank  God  3  students  joined  the  year-­‐end  camp  with  me  and  one  is  not  a  believer.  However,  we  are  thankful  that  this  student  has  become  

more  open  to  God  and  God  is  working  in  her  heart.  Though  she  has  not  yet  received  Jesus  but  she  said  she  would  akend  the  fellowship  on  Friday  and  join  the  evangelisIc  Bible  study  during  the  fellowship.  Pray  that  God  will  keep  her  seeking  heart  and  that  she  will  be  ready  to  receive  Jesus  in  due  Ime.  

2. Those  who  joined  the  yearend  camp  this  Ime  have  expressed  that  they  enjoyed  the  camp  and  will  want  to  join  the  Easter  camp  too.  We  thank  God  for  the  good  work  He  has  began  and  I  am  sure  that  God  will  bring  this  work  to  compleIon.

Monica  Li  (Student  Ministry;  Lancaster  UK)Thanksgiving1. Praise  the  Lord  for  being  able  to  invite  students  round  to  my  home  in  the  December  holidays.  15  of  them  came  on  Christmas  Day  to  

celebrate  the  birth  of  our  Saviour.Prayer  request2. I  will  be  starIng  a  follow  up  group  for  new  believers  in  January.    Please  pray  that  God  will  help  them  to  grow  in  the  faith.3. A  colleague  couple  will  come  to  Lancaster  on  the  weekend  of  18  and  19  January.  They  will  share  in  the  Fellowship  and  also  conduct  a  

worship  workshop.  May  God  use  them  to  build  up  our  students.4. A  female  Masters  graduate  will  be  geing  bapIzed  at  the  Lancaster  BapIst  Church  on  20  January  and  return  to  China  in  February.  Please  

pray  that  God  will  greatly  bless  her  on  the  day  and  that  she  will  be  steadfast  in  following  Him.5. Please  pray  for  me  as  I  share  in  the  Fellowship  on  25  January  and  speak  at  the  Preston  Chinese  Church  on  27th.  May  God  lead  me  to  speak  

His  Word.

Yuen  Yee  Ting  (Church  PlanHng;  Perth  UK)Thanksgiving1. Thank  God  that  one  lady  accepted  Christ  recently.  Praise  the  Lord.2. Thank  God  that  a  mum  and  a  son  went  to  the  Chinese  Church  because  they  saw  the  good  example  of  a  ChrisIan.Prayer  request3. Pray  for  those  faced  difficulIes  to  have  faith  and  strength  in  Jesus.

Simon  and  Lydia  Tam  (Church  PlanHng;  Colchester  UK)Prayer  request1. Simon  will  serve  in  Romania  on  10-­‐21  January.  May  God  give  him  strength  and  use  his  service.2. Please  pray  for  more  people  coming  to  serve  as  children’s  Sunday  school  teachers  and  interpreter  of  Sunday  sermons.  Pray  that  God  will  


Kam  Hung  and  Mi  Ting  Ho  (Interim  Dirctor  of  Admin,  Church  PlanHng;  Hull  UK)Thanksgiving1. Christmas  passed  away  quickly.    Brothers  and  sisters  were  very  eager  to  spread  the  gospel  of  Christmas.    So  there  are  quite  a  number  of  

new  comers  to  our  special  celebraIons.    Pray  that  they  would  conInue  to  seek  God.2. Thank  God  for  leading  brothers  and  sisters  in  Hull  Chinese  ChrisIan  Church  to  love  one  another.    Many  experience  the  reality  of  Church  as  

their  family.  Pray  that  God  conInue  to  lead  brothers  and  sisters  to  grow  in  Christ,  to  serve  in  the  church  and  lead  people  to  Christ.Prayer  request3. Pray  for  the  brothers  and  sisters  who  will  be  bapIsed  in  Lincoln  on  13th  of  January.4. Pray  that  we  could  have  good  health  and  spiritual  strength  to  serve  God,  to  discern  His  will.    5. Pray  that  Gloria  will  adjust  to  her  new  job  and  new  life  in  London.    Also  pray  that  we  can  adjust  to  the  life  on  our  own  now.

Staff Prayer Items(January / 2013)

Page 4: Staff prayer items 2013-01-E

Tin  Chung  and  Carol  Wong  (Church  PlanHng;  Exeter  UK)Thanksgiving1. Thank  God  for  watching  over  us  in  these  years.2. Thank  God  for  good  health  and  strength  to  serve  him  in  various  difficult  situaIons.3. Thank  God  for  family  reunion  in  December.4. Thank  God  for  giving  us  good  weather  on  25th  so  that  brothers  and  sisters  could  walk  to  church  to  akend  the  Christmas  service.Prayer  request5. Pray  for  6  students  who  came  to  our  Christmas  service.  It  was  the  first  Ime  for  them  to  hear  the  story  about  Jesus  and  pray  that  they  will  be  

akracted  by  God’s  love.6. Pray  for  Young  People’s  fellowship  and  may  some  of  them  come  to  know  this  true  God  among  many  other  religions.7. Pray  for  two  Bible  Study  groups  and  the  brothers  and  sisters  there  will  learn  more  about  God’s  words.8. Please  pray  for  our  visitaIon  during  Christmas  and  New  Year  holidays.9. Pray  for  Adam  and  Enoch’s  health  and  study  (Enoch  is  taking  university  entrance  exam  in  January).10.Please  pray  for  our  financial  needs.

Tiger  and  Joy  Liaw  (Student  Ministry/Church  PlanHng;  London  UK)Thanksgiving1. We  joined  the  SalvaIon  Army  Christmas  carol  service  along  with  two  other  congregaIons  for  the  first  Ime,  praising  God  in  English,  Hebrew,  

Mandarin  and  Romania.    And  had  very  Merry  Christmas  celebraIons  with  students  at  two  universiIes.    Prayer  requests  2. For  Joy  to  have  a  smooth  delivery  in  Jan,  for  Tiger  to  have  strength  to  take  care  of  family  &  ministry.3. For  Church’s  direcIon  in  the  New  Year.4. Several  students  are  considering  to  be  bapIzed  in  Easter,  pray  for  their  spiritual  growth  and  discipleship  lessons.

Lawrence  and  Clara  Sin  (Student  Ministry;  Birmingham  UK)Prayer  requests1. Teach  TEE  (theological  educaIon  by  extension)  in  Ireland  (next  course  in  January).  There  are  two  more  church  groups  in  the  UK  joining  TEE  

classes.  Pray  that  Lawrence  will  have  wisdom  to  allocate  Ime  so  that  each  student  will  benefit  from  his  teaching.2. Organise  and  promote  Midlands  Easter  Conference  2013.3. Will  be  on  furlough  in  Hong  Kong  between  June  and  August  2013,  pray  that  we  can  preach  and  share  our  vision  in  different  churches  and  

fellowships  so  that  they  would  have  greater  support  to  us.      4. ConInue  EE3  (evangelism  explosion  3)  personal  evangelism  training  in  Bristol.

Chi  Ming  and  Wing  Chun  Tang  (ExecuHve  Director  -­‐  HK  Office,  Europe  Field;  HK)  Thanksgiving1. Thank  God  that  everything’s  going  well  with  pace  maker  of  Wing  Chun’s  Mum  2. Some  new  friends  joined  our  Christmas  party  on  21  December.  Pray  that  we  will  have  opportunity  to  share  gospel  with  them  when  we  visit  

them  in  the  future.3. Ying  Wai  (son)  has  found  a  suitable  place  to  stay  in  The  Hague.Prayer  requests  4. Chi  Ming  and  Wing  Chun  will  go  back  to  Hong  Kong  on  22  January  and  come  back  to  Holland  together  on  15  February.5. Please  pray  for  the  follow  up  work  and  discipleship  training  of  new  believers.

Faye  Lee  (Missionary  Partner;  Milton  Keynes  and  Manchester,  UK)Prayer  requests  1. The  informaIon  collecIon  is  finished  for  e-­‐commence  system  of  Bookroom  and  our  IT  volunteer  Jianfeng  is  going  to  take  care  of  rest  of  the  

workload.  Please  pray  for  him  so  that  he  will  have  wisdom  and  strength  to  keep  up  with  the  progress  as  he’s  doing  this  at  night.2. Please  pray  for  my  service  in  Liverpool  on  20  January.  I’m  going  to  preach  in  both  the  Mandarin  and  Cantonese  congregaIons.  I’m  also  going  

to  teach  Sunday  school  and  do  worship  training.  It  will  start  from  10  am  and  finish  at  6pm.  Please  pray  for  strength  to  serve  and  to  get  used  to  the  interpretaIon  while  I  preach  to  the  Cantonese  congregaIon.

3. Daughter  Ruth  is  taking  a  gap  year  in  Germany  and  is  coming  back  home  for  a  while.  She  will  start  to  look  for  jobs  as  well  as  to  learn  German  on  herself.  She  also  wants  to  apply  for  university  entrance  in  Germany.  May  God  guide  her  future  path.

Staff Prayer Items(January / 2013)

Page 5: Staff prayer items 2013-01-E

Tim  Li  (Volunteer  Ministry  worker;  Glasgow,  UK)Thanksgiving1. Thank  God  that  I  witnessed  His  wondrous  deeds  while  I  was  serving  as  a  group  leader  in  the  student  camp.  Two  seekers  accepted  Jesus  

during  the  camp  and  we  all  formed  a  good  relaIonship.2. Thank  God  that  I  learned  to  manage  my  Ime  well  and  be  a  faithful  servant  of  Him.Prayer  requests  3. Please  pray  for  those  seekers  who  are  going  to  take  exams  aoer  holidays.  Pray  that  God  will  help  them  to  manage  their  Ime  so  that  they  

will  also  have  Ime  to  akend  Bible  study  groups.4. I  will  be  part  of  the  discipleship  training  team  in  my  church.  Pray  that  God  will  help  me  to  be  built  up  so  that  together  with  other  brothers  

and  sisters  we  will  be  beker  rooted  in  God’s  word.5. Aoer  the  student  camp,  the  young  people  from  my  group  created  an  online  group.  Pray  that  God  will  help  me  to  spend  Ime  with  these  new  

believers.  Many  people  in  my  group  are  currently  facing  problems  in  their  relaIonships.  May  God  help  them  to  wait  and  seek  His  guidance.

May  Tsang  (Hong  Kong  Office;  Hong  Kong)Thanksgiving1. May  has  been  serving  with  COCM  for  11  years  and  thank  God  for  this  opportunity  to  serve  Him.2. May’s  son  will  turn  4  years  old  on  15  January.  Pray  that  God  will  lead  him  to  know  Jesus  when  he  is  young.Prayer  requests  3. May’s  Dad  was  admiked  into  hospital  because  of  swollen  feet.  May  God  heal  him  and  give  him  hope.4. Pray  that  May’s  husband  will  have  peace  while  he  is  working.  

Staff Prayer Items(January / 2013)