stable and flexible ibgp

Stable and Flexible iBGP Ashley Flavel School of Mathematical Sciences, University of Adelaide, SA, Australia ashley.fl[email protected] Matthew Roughan School of Mathematical Sciences, University of Adelaide, SA, Australia [email protected] ABSTRACT Routing oscillation is highly detrimental. It can decrease perfor- mance and lead to a high level of update churn placing unneces- sary workload on router the problem is distributed between many providers. However, iBGP — the routing protocol used to dis- tribute routes inside a single Autonomous System — has also been shown to oscillate. Despite the fact that iBGP is configured by a single provider according to apparently straight forward rules, more than eight years of research has not solved the problem of iBGP oscillation. Various solutions have been proposed but they all lack critical features: either they are complicated to implement, restrict routing flexibility, or lack guarantees of stability. In this paper we propose a very simple adaptation to the BGP decision process. Despite its simplicity and negligible cost we prove alge- braically that it prevents iBGP oscillation. We extend the idea to provide routing flexibility, such as respecting the MED attribute, without sacrificing network stability. Categories and Subject Descriptors C.2.2 [Computer Communications Networks]: Network Proto- cols—routing protocols, protocol verification; G.2.2 [Discrete Math- ematics]: Graph Theory—network problems General Terms Algorithms, Design Keywords Routing, BGP, Stability, Metarouting 1. INTRODUCTION Routing oscillation is a problem. It can severely degrade net- work performance, and introduce many unnecessary routing up- dates. Some of these may propagate through the global Internet leading to redundant workload for routers worldwide. It is now well known that the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) — the routing pro- tocol that spreads routing information across the Internet — admits the possibility of oscillation [1–5]. Certain configurations never converge to a stable routing solution. Preventing oscillation in the Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise, to republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or a fee. SIGCOMM’09, August 17–21, 2009, Barcelona, Spain. Copyright 2009 ACM 978-1-60558-594-9/09/08 ...$10.00. global Internet is a hard problem. It would require the co-operation of many network providers, not to mention the algorithmic diffi- culties that would be encountered. On the other hand, large-scale oscillations have not been confirmed, and so we do not even know if this is a real problem in the Internet. But route oscillations within a single Autonomous System (AS) have been observed [6, 7, 16]. Inside a single AS there seems to be no excuse to allow oscilla- tion; a single network operator has complete control of the network. Moreover, iBGP (the variant of BGP used to propagate externally learned routes inside an AS) is deceptively simple, and on the sur- face it appears trivial to prevent internal oscillations. However, it is far from trivial, and a significant research effort has been devoted to prevention of oscillation [2, 3, 8–13]. However, all of these ap- proaches have limitations. It is much more appealing to modify iBGP such that oscillation is intrinsically prevented. In this paper we present two modifications to iBGP, and we prove algebraically that these prevent oscillation. The first is very eas- ily implementable: we simply recommend that a “minimum iBGP hop count” step be placed in the iBGP decision process. The in- formation required for the new step is already propagated between routers, so no protocol changes are needed, and no additional state information is required at the routers. The only required change to iBGP is a minor addition to the logic used to select best routes. The change need not even be implemented network-wide, but only need be installed on route-reflectors. This change, by itself, can be used to prevent network oscilla- tion, but can violate the semantics of the Multi-Exit-Discriminator (MED). Our second proposed modification to iBGP is to allow propagation of more than one route from each router. This type of proposal has been made before [3]. Our contribution is to show how multiple routes can be propagated and how Sobrinho’s [10] algebraic techniques can be extended to prove stability of the re- sulting routing. The advantage of the mathematical approach is that we can determine the extra routes required to be propagated for a given level of routing flexibility while guaranteeing routing stability. The problems in iBGP arise (typically) as the result of the tech- niques used to make it more scalable. It is the responsibility of the Internal Border Gateway Protocol (iBGP) to ensure all routers within an administrative body or AS receive the required informa- tion to route traffic to external destinations. A hierarchy of route- reflectors is one approach used to reduce the overhead associated with iBGP, but route-reflectors hide information and the result is that they can’t always choose the overall best route, but only a route from those available locally. A series of such decisions can change the information that is hidden, in turn changing other decisions, leading to oscillation. Well known cases include MED oscillation and pure topological oscillation resulting from differences between 183

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Page 1: Stable and Flexible iBGP

Stable and Flexible iBGP

Ashley FlavelSchool of Mathematical Sciences,

University of Adelaide, SA, [email protected]

Matthew RoughanSchool of Mathematical Sciences,

University of Adelaide, SA, [email protected]


Routing oscillation is highly detrimental. It can decrease perfor-mance and lead to a high level of update churn placing unneces-sary workload on router the problem is distributed between manyproviders. However, iBGP — the routing protocol used to dis-tribute routes inside a single Autonomous System — has also beenshown to oscillate. Despite the fact that iBGP is configured bya single provider according to apparently straight forward rules,more than eight years of research has not solved the problem ofiBGP oscillation. Various solutions have been proposed but theyall lack critical features: either they are complicated to implement,restrict routing flexibility, or lack guarantees of stability. In thispaper we propose a very simple adaptation to the BGP decisionprocess. Despite its simplicity and negligible cost we prove alge-braically that it prevents iBGP oscillation. We extend the idea toprovide routing flexibility, such as respecting the MED attribute,without sacrificing network stability.

Categories and Subject Descriptors

C.2.2 [Computer Communications Networks]: Network Proto-cols—routing protocols, protocol verification; G.2.2 [Discrete Math-

ematics]: Graph Theory—network problems

General Terms

Algorithms, Design


Routing, BGP, Stability, Metarouting

1. INTRODUCTIONRouting oscillation is a problem. It can severely degrade net-

work performance, and introduce many unnecessary routing up-dates. Some of these may propagate through the global Internetleading to redundant workload for routers worldwide. It is now wellknown that the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) — the routing pro-tocol that spreads routing information across the Internet — admitsthe possibility of oscillation [1–5]. Certain configurations neverconverge to a stable routing solution. Preventing oscillation in the

Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work forpersonal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies arenot made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copiesbear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise, torepublish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specificpermission and/or a fee.SIGCOMM’09, August 17–21, 2009, Barcelona, Spain.Copyright 2009 ACM 978-1-60558-594-9/09/08 ...$10.00.

global Internet is a hard problem. It would require the co-operationof many network providers, not to mention the algorithmic diffi-culties that would be encountered. On the other hand, large-scaleoscillations have not been confirmed, and so we do not even knowif this is a real problem in the Internet. But route oscillations withina single Autonomous System (AS) have been observed [6, 7, 16].

Inside a single AS there seems to be no excuse to allow oscilla-tion; a single network operator has complete control of the network.Moreover, iBGP (the variant of BGP used to propagate externallylearned routes inside an AS) is deceptively simple, and on the sur-face it appears trivial to prevent internal oscillations. However, it isfar from trivial, and a significant research effort has been devotedto prevention of oscillation [2, 3, 8–13]. However, all of these ap-proaches have limitations. It is much more appealing to modifyiBGP such that oscillation is intrinsically prevented.

In this paper we present two modifications to iBGP, and we provealgebraically that these prevent oscillation. The first is very eas-ily implementable: we simply recommend that a “minimum iBGPhop count” step be placed in the iBGP decision process. The in-formation required for the new step is already propagated betweenrouters, so no protocol changes are needed, and no additional stateinformation is required at the routers. The only required change toiBGP is a minor addition to the logic used to select best routes. Thechange need not even be implemented network-wide, but only needbe installed on route-reflectors.

This change, by itself, can be used to prevent network oscilla-tion, but can violate the semantics of the Multi-Exit-Discriminator(MED). Our second proposed modification to iBGP is to allowpropagation of more than one route from each router. This typeof proposal has been made before [3]. Our contribution is to showhow multiple routes can be propagated and how Sobrinho’s [10]algebraic techniques can be extended to prove stability of the re-sulting routing. The advantage of the mathematical approach isthat we can determine the extra routes required to be propagatedfor a given level of routing flexibility while guaranteeing routingstability.

The problems in iBGP arise (typically) as the result of the tech-niques used to make it more scalable. It is the responsibility ofthe Internal Border Gateway Protocol (iBGP) to ensure all routerswithin an administrative body or AS receive the required informa-tion to route traffic to external destinations. A hierarchy of route-reflectors is one approach used to reduce the overhead associatedwith iBGP, but route-reflectors hide information and the result isthat they can’t always choose the overall best route, but only a routefrom those available locally. A series of such decisions can changethe information that is hidden, in turn changing other decisions,leading to oscillation. Well known cases include MED oscillationand pure topological oscillation resulting from differences between


Page 2: Stable and Flexible iBGP

the logical iBGP topology and the physical Interior Gateway Pro-tocol (IGP) topology [2, 13].

There are several current approaches to stabilization:

1. Design the network such that the hidden information has noeffect [2, 10–12].

2. Test a configuration for stability before implementation [13].

3. Centralize router decisions [8, 9] to ensure all information isavailable for route selection.

4. Allow iBGP to propagate additional routes so that informa-tion is no longer hidden [3].

Each of the above has its limitations. Networks are rarely builtfrom scratch. They evolve and grow over time, and the difficulty ofadapting iBGP design-based methods to a changing network can beseen easily if we consider that link failures can break the carefullyset up conditions of [10].

The design-based approaches also limit flexibility, either by spec-ifying required locations for route-reflectors [11], or adding condi-tions on the network configuration. For instance [10] proves that ifIGP weights are chosen to enforce a technical condition, then sta-bility is guaranteed. That proof is particularly relevant here becausewe seek to use the same algebraic methods. However, we shouldnote that relying on IGP distances is troublesome. IGP weightsare not primarily intended to stabilize BGP. Restricting their valuescould interfere with other goals, e.g., those of traffic engineering.In addition, we show that it is impossible to choose weights thatsatisfy this condition even for some very simple networks.

In Section 3 we provide further examples of the challenges facedby design-based approaches. The natural alternative to design is totest network configurations before implementation [13]. This typeof approach is desirable, but we can only test against anticipatedproblems such as failures. Unanticipated problems may change thenetwork in ways that could still result in oscillation. It would bebetter to have an routing protocol that is inherently stable.

The third approach, centralizing router decisions [8, 9], avoidsoscillation. However, questions remain about the scalability of thisapproach which also introduces a single critical point of failure, andmay cause additional delays in a fail-over scenario. Our approach,retains the distributed nature of routing and does not suffer fromthese issues surrounding centralization. Further, in Section 6 wedemonstrate how the separation of route propagation from routeselection can allow complex policies to be implemented withoutsacrificing network stability.

The fourth approach — allowing BGP to propagate additionalinformation [3] — is perhaps the best long-term solution, and weshall consider this in more detail in what follows. However, it re-quires changes to the iBGP protocol, and so we first consider alight-weight remedy.

Our first proposal is to change the route decision process byadding a simple “minimal iBGP hop count” step. The hop countis already implicit in the cluster-list attribute that iBGP uses toprevent looping announcements, so no new information need bepropagated, or stored at the routers. Only the decision process atrouters need be changed, and even that need only change at route-reflectors. However, despite its simplicity, we prove that this stepcan guarantee iBGP stability, even in multi-level route-reflector hi-erarchies and other iBGP topologies such as confederations. Thenew step does not require any changes to IGP weights, or imposeother design requirements on networks, so it maintains the flexibil-ity of current routing, while guaranteeing stability.

The additional decision step could result in some deviations frompure hot-potato routing, but the route-reflector hierarchy alreadycauses such deviations. The fact that some packets may travel ad-ditional distance has rarely been seen as a concern1. However, toguarantee stability in all cases, this decision step must precede theMED [5] step. The result may violate MED semantics, potentiallyleading to an AS violating contractual agreements.

Although we may wish MEDs weren’t used in practice (MEDshave non-transitive properties that make iBGP susceptible to oscil-lation [3–5]), their ability to implement complex contractual agree-ments prevents us making such an assumption. What’s more, MEDoscillation was the first form of routing oscillation observed “in thewild”, and Wu et al. [16] found that in a large tier-1 ISP, MED oscil-lations alone accounted for 18.3% of updates from non-convergentprefixes. So we propose a second solution to the iBGP stabil-ity problem, which respects MEDs, while guaranteeing stability.As a side benefit, our second approach actually improves a route-reflector hierarchy’s ability to conform to the semantics of receivedMEDs, where that is needed.

The approach requires propagation of additional routes. We provethat, if we choose those routes carefully, they can be used to pre-vent oscillation (previous work has shown that it can prevent MEDoscillation but not the more general topological oscillations iBGPadmits). While propagating additional routes is ideal, it does entailmodifications to BGP2, and an increase in the state information thatmust be retained at each router. As such, it is not as easy to imple-ment as introducing our first suggestion. It is important, therefore,to have an understanding of the minimal information that is neededto prevent oscillation before we change the protocol, and our proofscontribute to the understanding of this question. Moreover, weshow that by separation of route-propagation from route-selection,we can allow multiple flexible routing strategies to co-exist withguaranteed stability.

2. BACKGROUNDRouting in the Internet is undertaken on two scales: within an

administrative domain or Autonomous System (AS) and betweenASes. Separate routing protocols are used by an AS to spread in-formation about internal and external destinations. The routing pro-tocol in use within an AS is termed an Interior Gateway Protocol(IGP) and is the choice of the individual AS. The current de-factostandard routing protocol used for external destinations is the Bor-der Gateway Protocol (BGP) [17]. However, there are two flavorsof BGP. One is used to spread information externally (eBGP), andthe other — the Internal Border Gateway Protocol (iBGP) — isresponsible for spreading information about external destinationsinside the AS. The distinction between the roles of the IGP andiBGP may seem subtle, but is critically important here.

A BGP speaking router operates by taking the information aboutexisting routes from its BGP neighbors, the IGP and other sources.The router then makes a decision about which of these provides the“best” route to each destination. These best routes are placed ina table, and then (subject to export policies) passed to the router’sBGP neighbors. The process iterates until a stable routing solutionis found. When “best” equates to shortest paths, the algorithm isguaranteed to converge. However, BGP’s decision process involvespolicies that can be far from shortest-paths. We outline the majorsteps of the BGP decision process in Figure 1.

The first three steps of the BGP decision process are AS-wide

1Though there is still the concern that violations of this policy mayresult in a forwarding-loop [2], but such problems can be cured byvarious other techniques [15].2The BGP add-path capability is proposed in [14].


Page 3: Stable and Flexible iBGP

1. Highest Local Preference2. Shortest AS Path Length3. Lowest Origin Type4. Lowest MED (Multi-Exit Discriminator)5. Closest Egress (Lowest IGP Distance)6. Tie Breaking (Lowest-Router-ID)

Figure 1: Summarized BGP Decision Process [17], omitting

vendor dependent steps.

decision steps. That is, all routers in an AS will pick a route withequally attractive routes through these steps [18]. The fourth stepinvolves the Multi-Exit Discriminator (MED) attribute, which al-lows a neighboring AS to have greater control over inbound traf-fic traversing their multiple interconnection links (see Section 3.1for more details). Step 5 of the BGP decision process is a router-dependent decision step. An individual router will select a routethat minimizes the IGP distance to the egress link. This is com-monly referred to as the “hot-potato” step.

In its simplest form, iBGP does not pass routes more than onehop. Routers only propagate routes learned from external sourceswithin iBGP, and so iBGP sessions are required between all pairs ofrouters inside an AS to ensure all routers learn the possible routes.

This requiresN(N−1)

2iBGP sessions, and so does not scale well

for large networks. Route-reflection [19] limits the required num-ber of iBGP sessions by introducing a hierarchy. However, route-reflection also reduces route visibility, which can cause oscillation(see Sections 3.1 and 3.2).

The two types of routers in the route-reflector hierarchy are shownin Figure 2. Route-reflectors are shown by pentagonal nodes andtheir clients by circles. The lines show iBGP sessions. The clientsadvertise their routes from external peers to their parent. Route-reflectors ‘reflect’ routes across other iBGP sessions, depending ontheir source, according to the following rules:

Source Reflect to:

client all iBGP neighborsnon-client only to clients

A valid route-reflection signaling path — the path of iBGP linksalong which a route can legitimately be propagated — is no longer asingle hop. To describe a valid signaling path we use the notation of[2] (see Figure 2). An arc from a client to a route-reflector is labeledup. An arc from a route-reflector to a client is labeled down. Anarc between route-reflectors is labeled over. A valid signaling pathS can be split into sub paths S = PQR where P contains zero ormore edges pi ∈ up, R contains zero or more edges ri ∈ down andQ is either empty or consists of a single arc q ∈ over.

An alternative to route-reflection’s hierarchical approach to solv-ing the scalability issues within iBGP is the divide-and-conquerapproach of confederations [20]. Our approaches outlined in thispaper are equally applicable to confederations. We focus primarilyon route-reflection as it is commonly believed to be the most widelydeployed solution.

The causes of oscillation often lie in the fact that the iBGP sig-naling network is not equivalent to the underlying network topol-ogy. Links (say between route-reflectors) can cross multiple phys-ical links. The iBGP topology which propagates the routing infor-mation is divorced from the IGP topology, but both are still entan-gled in the process of determining routes. Coupled with this is thefact that each router only reveals its best route, so the diversity ofroutes learned in a route-reflector hierarchy is reduced. The resultcan be oscillation, which we discuss in more detail in the followingsection.

Figure 2: iBGP route-reflection arc types


3.1 MED OscillationASes often interconnect in multiple locations. The MED at-

tribute allows an AS announcing a route to define a preference overits interconnection links. The MED attribute is set locally by an ASannouncing the route, so comparisons between ASes are meaning-less. For example, one AS may announce routes with MED values100 and 110 indicating a preference for the first route. However,another AS may indicate a similar preference with MED values1000 and 1100. Hence it is only meaningful to compare MEDswith those received from the same AS.

A neighboring AS can indicate a preference for a route with-out setting MEDs directly, e.g., using a predetermined community

attribute that is matched by the receiving AS for the purpose of set-ting the MED attribute to a locally comparable value. For examplethe receiving AS could define a community to signify a “backuproute”. Whenever an AS’s neighbor attaches this community to aroute, the AS sets the MED value to 110 instead of 100, so thatbackup routes among neighboring ASes have comparable MEDvalues. However, this type of approach does not cover all usesfor MEDs. The community attribute must be pre-defined, whilethe MED attribute is dynamic. A common implementation of theMED attribute is to set it to the (dynamically determined) IGP costof a route to allow for “cold-potato” routing. IGP distances are ad-ministratively configured, so two neighboring ASes may have quitedifferent “distances” defined, even for links that have the same ge-ographical distance. Again, the resulting MEDs will not be compa-rable between neighbors.

Performing comparisons amongst a subset of routes, in combi-nation with the route-reflector hierarchy’s information hiding, maylead to a non-transitive ordering of routes. That is, a route A may bepreferred over a route B and B over C, but C may is still preferredover A. This lack of transitivity can cause oscillation [3–5].

In Figure 3 we show an example configuration suffering fromthis form of oscillation. Let us start with each route-reflector learn-ing routes from its clients. Router 0 cannot compare MEDs be-tween routes learned from routers 2 and 3, and so will choose theroute learned from 3 because of its lower IGP distance. Router 1will choose the only route it currently knows, that learned from 4.

The route-reflectors will then inform each other of their choice.When router 0 is presented with a choice between all three egressroutes, it will discard the route learned from 3 because of its higherMED value. Then it will compare the IGP distances of the othertwo routes, and select the closest, namely the route learned fromrouter 2.

When router 1 learns of this egress point from router 0, it willcompare the IGP distances of its client and router 2, and then choose


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Figure 3: MED oscillation with route-reflection. Route-

reflectors are shown by pentagons and clients by circles. Links

show both iBGP sessions, and IGP links with distances noted

(though this is the only example where the two correspond).

The large arrows show where we learn of external routes, with

the color indicating the source AS. The MED values (where rel-

evant) are shown inside the arrow.

the closest, namely router 2. However, once it has chosen this route,it will no longer advertise its direct client to router 0, so router 0 willrevert to choosing between its own clients, and we already know thedecision, namely the route through router 3. This changes the infor-mation available at router 1, which once again changes its decision,leading to a persistent cycle of oscillation.

The problem arises because of the non-transitivity of router 0’sroute preferences, i.e., 4 is preferred to 3, 3 is preferred to 2, and2 is preferred to 4; combined with information hiding that preventscomplete information from being visible.

The potential problem of MED oscillation leads many ASes ei-ther to ignore MEDs or use the option always-compare-med,which leads to global MED comparisons. The latter option preventsMED-related instability, but the cost is that we make meaninglessMED comparisons between routes learned from different ASes.

In Section 5 we show that the MED attribute can be comparedon a per-AS basis if we introduce an additional BGP decision stepprior to the comparison of the MED attribute. Further, in Section6, we relax the restriction of propagating one route per destinationand demonstrate we can satisfy the semantics of the MED attributebetter than route-reflection and also guarantee network stability.

3.2 iBGP Topology OscillationRoute oscillation can occur even when an AS chooses to ignore

MEDs or compare the MED attribute across all ASes. It is causedby the interaction between the route-reflector iBGP topology andthe IGP [2, 13]. Route-reflection determines how routes propagate,while the best route is chosen based on the IGP distance to theegress router. Consequently, route-reflectors’ decisions can form acircular reliance which may oscillate [13].

Griffin and Wilfong [2] first demonstrated that this form of oscil-lation can occur. We present a simple example of such oscillation inFigure 4. The figure displays the vital IGP distances on lines con-necting routers. All other distances are either irrelevant or can beconsidered large enough to not influence the BGP decision process.Notice that each route-reflector is closer to another route-reflector’sclient router. Consequently, when a route-reflector learns a routefrom another route-reflector’s client, it will discard its own client’sroute. This process results in a circular reliance of router decisionsand persistent oscillation ensues [2, 13].

This example led Griffin and Wilfong to prove that stability wouldbe ensured if all route-reflectors select a client-learned route [2].Sobrinho [10] algebraically proves the same condition and explic-itly states it can be satisfied if the IGP distance from route-reflectorsto their own clients is shorter than the distances to any other border

Figure 4: iBGP topology oscillation. Vital IGP distances are

shown on lines connecting routers. Solid lines are iBGP sessions

while dotted lines are used only to show the IGP distance be-

tween routers. The large arrows indicate where external routes

(equivalent up to step 4 of the decision process) are learned.

Figure 5: The physical IGP topology is shown by dashed lines,

while the iBGP topology is shown by solid lines. No distances

can be configured such that a+ c < a+d and b+d < b+ c, so the

network cannot be configured so that clients are closer to their

parents than to other route-reflectors.

router. However, as shown in Figure 5, configuring IGP distancesin a way such that all distances to client routers are closer than non-clients is sometimes impossible. Further, relying on IGP distancescan be troublesome as they are dynamic and can change due to linkfailures or additions, or when we perform traffic engineering [21].

Also, Griffin and Wilfong’s condition is sufficient, but not nec-essary, so it restricts design choices unnecessarily. Likewise theother design-based approaches [11, 12] dictate features of the net-work, such as which routers must be route-reflectors. Althoughsuch approaches are resilient to some failure scenarios, there is noguarantee the underlying network properties will remain identicalas the network grows. Re-structuring the entire iBGP topology ev-ery time we add a link or router to the network is infeasible. Suchapproaches may also result in iBGP topologies that may have niceproperties, but which are not logical from an operator’s perspective— an important network property [22].

In addition to the standard results on oscillation that appear above,we have found that in multi-level hierarchies, configuring IGP dis-tances such that downstream routers are closer than any others can-

not prevent oscillation. Such hierarchies are used to improve scal-ability, and we know of at least two networks that have used thisapproach (operators are typically reluctant to reveal in internal de-tails of their network design, so there may be many more multi-level hierarchies in operation). Figure 6 shows an example 3-levelhierarchy of route-reflectors. Rather than indicate all of the IGPdistances, we indicate the ordering of these distances via the listbesides each route-reflector: for instance router 3 prefers (in order)the routes exiting the network from routers 6, 7 and 8. All pref-


Page 5: Stable and Flexible iBGP

Figure 6: Three-level iBGP topology oscillation. The prefer-

ences of each router are shown next to each node.

Figure 7: Three-level iBGP topology exhibiting oscillation be-

tween levels.

erences are configured such that a downstream egress is preferred.Now, all routers in the second level of the hierarchy will learn oftheir most preferred route and hence will select it. For instance,router 3 will select the route learned from 6. Now consider theroutes available to the top-level route-reflectors. Notice that route-reflectors 0, 1 and 2 learn two routes. However, no route learned

from a client router is the most preferred route. Consequently, thesufficient condition of Griffin and Wilfong that all routers select aclient-learned route is not satisfied. The top-level route-reflectorswill oscillate in a similar manner to the example in Figure 4 despitethe IGP distances being configured to prefer downstream egressesover all others.

We have found that oscillation is not restricted to routers withinthe same level of the route-reflector hierarchy. It can also occurbetween routers in different levels of the route-reflector hierarchy.In the example shown in Figure 7 oscillation is caused by a middlelevel route-reflector selecting a route learned from a parent routerover a client-learned route. For example, router 3 can learn of theroute originated at router 8 from the signaling path 8−5−2−0−3,and it will prefer this path because the IGP distance to 8 is smallerthan the distance to 6. The oscillatory cycle affects the decisions ofall six route-reflectors.

There are several existing methods to prevent iBGP topologybased route oscillation. The first approach is to design our net-

work in such a way that oscillation will not occur [2, 10–12]. Wehave already discussed the difficulties with this approach. Like-wise, we have pointed out the difficulties of checking configura-tions before implementation [13], and of centralized router deci-sions schemes [8, 9, 23].

There are also proposals to increase the information propagatedby route-reflectors. Bonaventure [24] propose that route-reflectorsdetermine their clients’ best route and propagate it to them. Thismay help route-diversity [25], however, it does not solve the un-derlying issue of protocol correctness and guaranteed convergence.Basu et al. [3] show MED oscillation can be prevented if routerspropagate multiple routes. However, their approach is unable toprevent iBGP topology oscillation. In Section 6 we propose a simi-lar concept, but we prove that our approach can satisfy all the goalsof the MED attribute and also prevent oscillation, even in multi-level hierarchies.

All the examples presented in this section highlight that iBGPis not correct in the sense that it can oscillate. In the followingsections, we use a routing algebra to describe iBGP and developseveral approaches to prevent all forms of iBGP oscillation in all

iBGP topologies — not just route-reflection. Our first approachcan be implemented without altering the current information prop-agated between routers.

4. ROUTING ALGEBRASSobrinho’s pioneering work defining routing algebras [10] can

be used for purposes such as proving properties of existing routingprotocols [10,13,26] and as a language to define new protocols withprovable properties [26, 27]. In this section we outline the basicbuilding blocks of a routing algebra using a simple distance-vectorrouting protocol as an example. We then use the same techniquesto describe the route-reflection iBGP topology.

A routing algebra consists of an ordered sextet

(L,Σ, f ,W,�,⊕).

It comprises:

• a set of labels L;

• a set of signatures Σ;

• a set of weights W;

• a function f that maps signatures into weights;

• a total order � on W; and

• a binary operation ⊕ that maps pairs of a label and a signatureinto a signature, i.e., ⊕ : L × Σ→ Σ.

The set of labels L contains all feasible edge labels for a topol-ogy. In a distance-vector routing protocol (with positive integer dis-tances), labels are simply the configured distances associated withphysical links, e.g., they might be the set of natural numbers,

L =N.

The set of signatures Σ describes all feasible routes. Σ also im-plicitly contains the special signature φ that represents a prohibitedor invalid route. In a distance-vector routing protocol, signaturesrepresent the distance to the destination, i.e.,

Σ =N.

A node often has multiple signatures (or routes) it can select. Itsselection is based on what it determines is the ‘best’. Often the


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Figure 8: Example route-reflector topology with directed edges

labeled with edge types and head node identifiers.

route signatures contain multiple attributes, and a node’s selectionis based on a predefined criteria. We use the function f to convertsignatures to a set of weights W that are comparable using the op-erator �. The preference of weights must be transitive. That is, if ais preferred to b and b is preferred to c, then a must be preferred toc. In the case of a distance-vector routing protocol, the function fsimply returns the distance of the signature, and these are comparednumerically with the minimal distance route preferred.

Within a network, routers propagate their chosen route to neigh-boring routers. In a routing algebra, this process is undertaken bythe ⊕ operator. The ⊕ operator takes a signature (or route), to-gether with an edge label, and returns a signature. In the case of adistance-vector protocol, a node’s selected signature is the distanceto the destination. This signature, together with an edge label rep-resenting the distance associated with a single link are combined tocreate a new signature representing the new distance to the desti-nation, i.e., the sum of the existing signature distance and the edgedistance. That is for σ ∈ Σ and l ∈ L, σ ⊕ l = σ + l.

Sobrinho [10] showed that the important algebraic property isstrict monotonicity. Strict monotonicity ensures the preference ofa route strictly decreases when it is propagated. That is for allσ ∈ Σ − {φ}, and for all λ ∈ L, f (σ) ≺ f (λ ⊕ σ) where the ≺ oper-ator indicates a strict preference of the former over the latter. If analgebra is strictly monotonic, then the protocol is correct and con-vergence is guaranteed. In the case of our simple distance-vectorprotocol, all distances are positive integers and hence strict mono-tonicity clearly holds.

4.1 Route-Reflection AlgebraSobrinho describes a two-level route-reflector hierarchy as an al-

gebra to show that IGP distances can be configured to prevent itfrom oscillating [10]. However, hierarchies of at least three lev-els are used, and as we demonstrated in Section 3, preventing os-cillation in a multi-level hierarchy is more difficult with IGP dis-tances. This is especially true when IGP distances are dynamic. Wewould like to have oscillation prevented under any scenario. Con-sequently, we now describe the multi-level route-reflector iBGPtopology as an algebra (excluding MEDs for the moment).

The edge labels in a route-reflection algebra are pairs consistingof the edge type (either down, up or over) and the identifier of thenode at the head of the directed edge. For example, in Figure 8, theup edge from node 6 to node 2 is labeled (u, 2) while the over edgefrom node 0 to node 1 is (o, 1). The set of all edge labels is definedas the lexical cross product of all edge types and node identifiers.

That is,

L = {d,u, o} × Z+

↑ ↑

edge head nodetype identifier

The set of signatures contains route attributes that are either usedto determine a route’s preference or to determine how it is propa-gated. We denote route signatures by a tuple containing the typeof edge on which the route was learned, the identifier of the nodethat receives a route and the identifier of the node that originatedthe route (the egress node). In the example illustrated in Figure 8,the signature of a route originating at node 5 and available at node2 would be (u, 2, 5). We define an additional edge type external

(e), to represent a route learned from an external source (such asanother AS). The set of all signatures is hence defined as the fol-lowing cross product:

Σ = {d,u, o, e} × Z+ × Z


↑ ↑ ↑

edge current egresstype node node

where we also add the special signature φ to Σ to represent an in-valid or prohibited route.

A valid signaling path consists of zero or more up edges fol-lowed by zero or one over edges followed by zero or more down

edges. The binary operator ⊕ incorporates these rules:

Signature, Σ⊕ (e, k, k) (d, i, k) (o, i, k) (u, i, k)

Link labels, L(d, j) (d, j, k) (d, j, k) (d, j, k) (d, j, k)(o, j) (o, j, k) φ φ (o, j, k)

(u, j) (u, j, k) φ φ (u, j, k)

Referring to our example in Figure 8, a route learned via an externalsource at node 5 (with signature (e, 5, 5)) when propagated along anup edge to node 2 has the signature (u, 2, 5) (i.e. (u, 2) ⊕ (e, 5, 5) =(u, 2, 5)). Also, a route learned from a down edge cannot be prop-agated via an over edge. Hence (o, 2) ⊕ (d, 3, 5) = φ.

The function f converts signatures into easily comparable weights.The iBGP route decision process selects routes based on the closestIGP distance to the egress node, and if equal distances, on the low-est identifier of the egress node. Hence, the function f is definedby

f (σ) =


(dist(i, k), k), if σ = (∗, i, k),(∞,∞), if σ = φ.

where dist(i, k) is the IGP distance from node i to node k.We compare weights lexicographically just as in the iBGP deci-

sion process. That is, we first prefer a route with the lowest IGPdistance, and if equal, prefer the route with the lowest identifier ofthe egress node.

For iBGP to be strictly monotonic, after each iBGP hop, thepreference of all signatures must decrease. The weights of signa-tures representing an external route will increase their IGP distancewhen propagated (and hence decrease their preference). The fol-lowing non-trivial preferences must also be true for the algebra tobe strictly monotonic:

f (d, i, k) < f (d, j, k),

f (o, i, k) < f (d, j, k),

f (u, i, k) < f (d, j, k),

f (u, i, k) < f (o, j, k),

f (u, i, k) < f (u, j, k).


Page 7: Stable and Flexible iBGP

Route IDs are arbitrary, so the above conditions require that at eachiBGP hop the IGP distance must get progressively larger for strictmonotonicity to hold. We have already shown the difficulties inensuring that such a condition holds.

Instead we suggest changing the decision process to force thealgebra to be strictly monotonic. One possible approach to this isto apply results from the eBGP context [26, 28] into iBGP. Griffinand Sobrinho [26] proved that preferring customer-learned routesover peer-learned routes over provider-learned routes in the eBGPcontext prevents oscillation between ASes. A similar preferencein iBGP is also possible where routes learned from a client arepreferred over routes learned from another route-reflector which,in-turn, are preferred over routes learned from a parent. An ad-ditional step in the BGP decision process could be implementedto ensure this condition is satisfied instead of relying on dynamicIGP distances. However, if we are required to alter the BGP de-cision process, why not prevent oscillation in all iBGP topologiessimultaneously rather than simply route-reflection? We now definean alternative approach to ensuring strict monotonicity in route-reflection, before demonstrating it has general application to anyiBGP topology.

4.2 Prefer Routes with Minimal iBGP HopsWe can ensure strict monotonicity in the iBGP algebra by pre-

ferring routes with minimal iBGP hops. We introduce a new pa-rameter to the route signature — the number of iBGP hops to therouter that originated the route into iBGP. The link labels remainunchanged, but the set of signatures becomes

Σ = Z+ × {d, o,u, e} × Z

+ × Z+

↑ ↑ ↑ ↑

iBGP edge current egresshops type node node

When a route is propagated, the number of iBGP hops is incre-mented. The ⊕ operator can be written

⊕ (0, e, k, k) (n, d, i, k) (n, o, i, k) (n, u, i, k)(d, j) (1, d, j, k) (n + 1, d, j, k) (n + 1, d, j, k) (n + 1, d, j, k)(o, j) (1, o, j, k) φ φ (n + 1, o, j, k)(u, j) (1, u, j, k) φ φ (n + 1, u, j, k)

and the function f is modified such that routes with the minimaliBGP hops are preferred, i.e.,

f (σ) =


(n, dist(i, k), k), if σ = (n, ∗, i, k),(∞,∞,∞), if σ = φ,

and once again weight comparisons occur in lexical order.The proof that the new algebra is strictly monotonic follows di-

rectly from the demonstration in [26] that the lexical product, de-noted by ⊗, of sub-algebras is strictly monotonic if they are com-bined as follows

A = ⊗





︷ ︸︸ ︷

A2A3...An︸ ︷︷ ︸



That is, if we compose our new algebra A as a lexical product ofa set of algebras Ai where A1 is strictly monotonic, then A willalso be strictly monotonic. In our case, the iBGP hop distance sub-algebra is obviously strictly monotonic, and hence so is the com-plete iBGP algebra including this step.

The direct result is that any part of the decision process followingthe iBGP hop step does not effect the monotonicity properties of thealgebra, and so link types, IGP distances and node identifiers can be

removed from the algebra without affecting the stability properties.Hence we can significantly simplify, and generalize our iBGP alge-bra to simplify the process of proving properties of more complexsystems (say involving MEDs).

4.3 General iBGP AlgebraOur above description of iBGP is somewhat cumbersome due to

the presence of route attributes that play little role. We now strip allsuch attributes, leaving an algebra that has the desired property ofstrict monotonicity and as described above can be combined withany other decision step. Our new algebra is not dependent on prop-erties of the route-reflector topology and consequently is also appli-cable to other iBGP topologies such as confederations, full-mesh,or other customized iBGP topologies. The algebra essentially re-duces to a simple distance-vector routing protocol described by thefollowing algebra.

The label of an edge is irrelevant in this algebra. Consequently,we use a generic label l to describe all edges. That is,

L = {l}.

A route has a signature based solely on the number of iBGP hopsto reach the egress node. That is,

Σ = Z+.

The binary operator ⊕ simply increments the hop count

l ⊕ n = n + 1.

The weight of a route is also the number of iBGP hops to the egressnode so function f returns the hop count

f (σ) =


n, if σ = n,∞, if σ = φ.

Clearly, this algebra is strictly monotonic. As mentioned ear-lier, when lexicographically combined (at the start) with any otherrouting algebras the resulting algebra will be strictly monotonic.Hence, sub-algebras such as the IGP distance step can be usedwithout affecting the algebra’s strict monotonicity (provided theyare used after the strictly monotonic step), and we can see imme-diately that if MEDs are included in our routing algebra after theiBGP hop step, then the resulting algebra will be still be stable. Soto simply ensure stability, the iBGP hop step should precede theMED step in the BGP decision process.

5. PRACTICAL CONSIDERATIONSWe have proposed an alteration to the BGP decision process that

includes an extra decision step that prefers routes with the minimaliBGP hops. The cluster-list attribute in iBGP contains the identi-fiers of the clusters the route has traversed (similar to the AS-pathattribute in eBGP). It is primarily used to avoid loops but it implic-itly contains the number of iBGP hops, and we can use this in ournew decision step. Hence, our alteration to the decision processdoes not require any change to the message format or informationpropagated between routers. Consequently, our new decision pro-cess can be incrementally deployed by router software upgradeswithout introducing incompatibility between routers with the exist-ing BGP decision process.

What’s more, oscillation can only occur between route-reflectors[13], so the upgrades are only necessary on route-reflectors.

The key implementation question is where to place the new stepin the decision process (shown in Figure 1). The new step mustbe placed above the first decision that could cause oscillation, sothere is no need (or desire) to place it above step 3 (lowest origin


Page 8: Stable and Flexible iBGP

(a) Despite the route at c being the pre-ferred egress for the dark shaded AS, amajority of routers select the route via e.The same route selections would be madeunder the current BGP decision processand our modified decision process.

(b) Under the current decision process, allrouters select egress via the primary routethrough c.

(c) Under our modified decision process,three routers select egress via less pre-ferred router e.

Figure 9: The MED value is within the arrow indicating the input route. The shading of the input route indicates the neighboring

AS. The relevant IGP distances are shown on links a− c and a− d. Route-reflector b is defined to be closer to e than any other egress.

The arrows on BGP sessions indicate the signaling path of the chosen route at each node. We use dashed lines partition the network

into routers that make the same route selection.


type) as steps 1-3 cannot cause oscillation. If we place it after step4 (MEDs) but before step 5 (IGP distance), then we cannot pre-vent MED oscillation, but this may be satisfactory where MEDsare compared network wide (say through the use of community at-tributes). However, the obvious place to put the new decision stepis between steps 3 and 4.

The additional step may have consequences for routing deci-sions, apart from enforcing stability, and we consider these below,but it is important to note that if this decision step were built intorouters, it could be included as an option so that each network oper-ator could decide whether to turn it on or not, or whether it shouldprecede the MED decision.

5.1 Internal OptimalityWe have so far concentrated on what is gained by preferring a

route with the minimal iBGP hops. Here we consider what might belost. We call a chosen route internally optimal if a router would se-lect the same route (ignoring MEDs) if it learnt all possible routes,and externally optimal if it would make the same decision includingMEDs. The first 3 steps of route selection are compared networkwide, so do not change here. Hence, when our new decision pro-cess chooses an “internally suboptimal” route it means the routehas a longer IGP distance to the egress point. However, note thatstandard route-reflector hierarchies can also cause internally sub-optimal route selections by hiding some routes.

There are good reasons for a protocol to choose closest egresspoints. Minimizing such distances avoids transitting data an un-necessarily extra distance, and ensures consistent routing, therebyavoiding forwarding deflections [2], though this can also be pre-vented using a protocol such as MPLS [15] to tunnel traffic fromingress router to egress router.

Our approach prefers routes based on the iBGP hops prior to theIGP distance. Consequently, routers may select a route that is notthe closest. However, when Griffin and Wilfong’s condition [2] issatisfied the shortest IGP distance route will be one iBGP hop awayand so when our decision step is not needed to ensure stability, it

does not make route selection worse. Selecting a longer route onoccasion is a small price to pay for guaranteed stability, particularlywhen route-reflectors already result in suboptimal decisions.

5.2 External OptimalityThe MED attribute is used to indicate a neighboring AS’s prefer-

ence for its multiple links. So a route that is internally optimal, butexternally suboptimal implies that we have ignored the semanticsof the defined MEDs. Once again our new decision step (whenplaced above step 4) can result in such routes, but so also canstandard route-reflector hierarchies. For instance, see Figure 9(a),which shows that the presence of the route from the white AS at dcauses a significant fraction of routers to select the route throughe to the dark shaded AS, despite the lower MED for the route atc. In that case, our additional decision step doesn’t change any de-cisions. However, Figure 9(b) and (c) illustrate a case where ourprocess changes the default decision made by the route-reflectorhierarchy. Preferring routes with the minimal iBGP hops prior tothe MED step causes three routers (see Figure 9(c)) to select theless preferred route through router c.

A legitimate concern is that ignoring MED semantics could vio-late current contractual obligations that require the MED attributeto be respected. Instead of simply considering how the MED at-tribute can be respected, we now consider why an AS may wantthe MED attribute to be respected and how we can implement theirrequirements under our preference for the route with the minimaliBGP hops. Two reasons for using MEDs are

1. Some links are intended as backup links;

2. Some links may be associated with a higher internal cost,perhaps because of congestion internal to the AS.

In the first case, the link should always be considered a backuplink. In this case, the same objective can be realized by setting thecommunity attribute as described in Section 3.1. In fact, this ap-proach is more effective than using the MED attribute as it ensuresthe backup link won’t be used in cases such as shown in Figure 9(a).


Page 9: Stable and Flexible iBGP

In the second case, the goal is to use MEDs for traffic engineer-ing. That is, MEDs are used to control the ingress links for sometraffic entering the AS, so that we can better balance internal loadson the network. An extreme case of this type of traffic engineeringis cold-potato routing where we aim for traffic to enter our net-work as close as possible to its destination. Here the MED attributemay be more dynamic, for instance it may be selected to be theinternal IGP distances (of the AS advertising the route). However,such MEDs may not even be respected on a full-mesh iBGP topol-ogy [5], so in the current network these MEDs can only be seen asindications of preference, not requirements. It is unreasonable toenforce them in preference to stability.

Despite these issues, it is possible to completely satisfy the ob-jectives of the MED attribute while guaranteeing stability, and weconsider this problem in the next section.

6. MULTIPLE ROUTES FOR MEDWe demonstrated in the above section that we can ensure strict

monotonicity with the cost that we may not respect MEDs that havethe possibility of causing oscillation. However, we were assumingeach router was only able to propagate a single route. Let us nowrelax this assumption and discover what is required to completely

respect MEDs and guarantee iBGP correctness.First let us consider if we have routes to a destination learned

solely from a single AS over multiple links. Our algebraic descrip-tion remains similar to that described in Section 4.2. We describethe algebra with respect to the route-reflector topology, however,it is equally applicable to our general iBGP topology from Section4.3 (with the equivalent general iBGP topology in Appendix A).

The set of edge labels remains

L = {d, o, u} ×Z+.

However, the set of signatures is extended to include the MED at-tribute of the route, together with the number of iBGP hops, edgetype, identifier of the current node and identifier of the originatingnode.

Σ = Z+ × Z

+ × {d, o, u, e} × Z+ × Z


↑︸ ︷︷ ︸

MED as in Section 4.2

The binary operator ⊕ is equivalent to the previous definition ex-cept we also propagate the MED value associated with the route(unchanged), as shown in Table 1, and the function f is defined by

f (σ) =


(MED,n, dist(i, k), k) if σ = (MED,n, ∗, i, k),(∞,∞,∞,∞) if σ = φ.

We compare routes lexicographically with lower numeric val-ues preferred. That is, we first compare a route’s MED attribute,and if equal, compare the number of iBGP hops, followed by theIGP distance and egress node identifier, i.e., we add our new iBGPhop decision step between steps 4 and 5 of the iBGP decision pro-cess, so that MEDs are respected. As we are only considering oneneighboring AS, the MED attribute is always directly comparablemaking the weight a total order. Also, as it is a static value for aroute, the ranking of routes is dependent on the number of iBGPhops and hence the algebra is strictly monotonic and the algebrais guaranteed to converge. Notice, once again, the IGP distancedoes not affect the strict monotonicity of the function, because it iscompared after the number of iBGP hops.

Thus for a single neighboring AS, we have a strictly monotonicalgebra that respects MEDs. The difficulty in ensuring the seman-tics of the MED attribute are fulfilled arises when multiple ASes

Figure 10: Multiple ASes originating routes with MED at-

tribute. Each AS has its own algebra for route propagation.

The actual route selected by each router is irrelevant.

announce the same route to a single destination and the MED at-tribute is compared on a per-AS basis (see Figure 9). The cruxof MED oscillation is that the border router learning a route doesnot know that its route is less attractive than another available route.However, if we relax our restriction on each router propagating onlya single route, we can ensure that the border router is aware of theavailability of a better route.

Our approach is to construct one algebra per neighboring AS andcompose these using a Cartesian product (see Appendix B for de-tails). Strict monotonicity of the individual algebras ensures thatthe Cartesian product is strictly monotonic.

The idea corresponds to propagating one route per neighboringAS. We illustrate this approach in Figure 10. In this example threeneighboring ASes have routes to the same destination. For eachneighboring AS we allow one route to propagate through the iBGPsignaling network, and this propagation is described by an algebra.The MED attribute is compared within each of these sub-algebras,thus avoiding MED oscillation (IGP related oscillation is avoidedby our minimum iBGP distance step). The decision of which routeto select for forwarding is made through a comparison of all avail-able routes learned (from all algebras). This final route is not prop-agated, and so doesn’t affect stability. In this way we decoupleroute-propagation from route-selection.

An obvious problem is the increase in information that need bepropagated and maintained in databases at each router. We canreduce this, however, by noting that not all neighboring ASes willuse MEDs. For example, MEDs are not typically accepted fromprovider or peer ASes, and for ASes with a single interconnection(such as many customer ASes) the MED attribute is irrelevant. Wecan group all such “MEDless” ASes together into one algebra.

Figure 11 shows six ASes (with routes to a particular destina-tion), but only four algebras are required. Hence the state informa-tion at each router is reduced, as is the amount of information prop-agated. Notice in the third algebra only one route is announced, butthis AS still has its own algebra. We have used this example todemonstrate that if an AS has the capability to use MEDs, a sepa-rate algebra is required, even if it is not really used. So it is useful toconsider a policy of respecting the MED attribute to be a premiumrouting service provided only to those neighbors with special busi-ness relationships. Other ASes have their MEDs reset so that theyhave no effect. We could can then charge or otherwise obtain com-pensation for the extra resources being used in allocating a separaterouting algebra to neighbors using MEDs, allowing our neighborsto make a rational (economic) decision about the costs and benefitsof using MEDs.


Page 10: Stable and Flexible iBGP

⊕ (MED, 0, e, k, k) (MED,n, d, i, k) (MED,n, o, i, k) (MED,n,u, i, k)

(d, j) (MED, 1, d, j, k) (MED,n + 1, d, j, k) (MED,n + 1, d, j, k) (MED,n + 1, d, j, k)(o, j) (MED, 1, o, j, k) φ φ (MED,n + 1, o, j, k)(u, j) (MED, 1, u, j, k) φ φ (MED,n + 1,u, j, k)

Table 1: The binary operator ⊕ for the iBGP topology with a single neighboring AS and respecting the MED attribute.

Figure 11: Six neighboring ASes (indicated by colors) originating routes to a destination. Each AS with a business relationship

stipulating MED should be respected has its own algebra for route propagation, but the other three are grouped together in one

algebra. Notice that in the third algebra, only one route is announced. The AS involved (purple) has the ability to announce multiple

routes with the MED attribute. It chooses to not to take advantage of this ability, but still requires its own algebra.

7. DISCUSSIONA benefit of our approach is that we separate route propagation

from route selection. That is, any route learned can be selected, in-cluding one not in the set of routes propagated3, without affectingconvergence. Hence, we can require the route propagation processto be strictly monotonic, but allow the route selection to be rathermore flexible as this decision is not part of the information propa-gated in the protocol and so cannot cause instability.

An additional concept introduced in the previous section, was tolayer multiple small, simple algebras into a larger more complexroute propagation scheme without sacrificing the properties of theindividual algebras. This approach lends itself to applications otherthan satisfying the semantics of the MED attribute, some of whichwe discuss in this section.

The separation of the control and forwarding plane is desirableas it allows better network management and allows ASes to of-fer value-added services to customers [9, 29–31]. We provide theframework that allows the design of individual solutions that can becombined without adversely affecting protocol correctness, whilekeeping the distributed nature of current routing protocols. Con-trol plane virtualization has been proposed to allow multiple logi-cal networks to run on a single physical infrastructure [32]. Similartechniques could be utilized to separate route propagation schemes.However, our approach also lends itself to forwarding tables con-structed from a communal pool of routes learned across a numberpropagation schemes.

We show an illustration of the separation between route prop-

3The route propagated to routers in neighboring ASes should re-main the route selected to ensure accurate global routing.

agation and route selection in Figure 12. In this example, threealgebras exist and each has its own propagation decision process.This is similar to the network virtualization proposed in the GENIproject [33]. Each algebra can act on the entire or a subset of thetopology and on all or a subset of destinations. The route selec-tion process is orthogonal to the route propagation process, andany number of forwarding tables can be constructed — there doesnot need to be one forwarding table per algebra. Further, the routesselected do not need to match the routes propagated. Consequently,network applications such as differentiated quality-of-service maybe implemented without affecting control-plane convergence.

Data is forwarded by the IGP. Forwarding deflections may oc-cur when routes are selected that are not the shortest IGP path.By separating the decision process from the propagation process,the ingress router receiving data from a source outside the networkselects the egress router based on its knowledge of the networkand the IGP forwards the data to the egress router4. No intermedi-ate routers are required to select the egress router. This approach,separates internal routing from external routing. Further, an ad-ministrator can easily alter internal traffic flows by changing theroute-selection criteria without affecting the control plane. Thismay have applications in reducing the sensitivity of a network tointernal routing dynamics [34–36], and a real-time network opti-mizer such as [37] could be utilized without affecting routing con-vergence.

An added benefit of guaranteeing the routing protocol’s correct-

4This could be undertaken by encapsulating the packet and ad-dressing it to the egress router or with a protocol such asMPLS [15].


Page 11: Stable and Flexible iBGP

Figure 12: Router architecture separating route propagation

from route selection. Each of the three algebras shown has its

own iBGP topology so a router can have different numbers of

iBGP sessions in different topologies. Each algebra selects a

single route to propagate to neighboring routers. Multiple de-

cision processes are possible for differentiating traffic flows.

ness in this way is that it implies a unique routing solution. Conse-quently, for each individual algebra, we could use the route selec-tion criteria to deterministically predict the routes selected by allrouters in the network. This added transparency in the iBGP de-cision process can aid network management through easier debug-ging and the ability to build automated tools predicting the impactof network changes prior to their occurrence [18, 38].

8. CONCLUSIONEnsuring the stability of iBGP is currently left to operators. Some

guidelines for operators exist, as well as alternative proposals to sta-bilize iBGP, but in this paper we present methods for guaranteeingstability of the protocol itself. We use an algebraic description ofrouting protocols to prove convergence.

Our simplest proposal (including a minimum iBGP hop step iniBGP decisions) doesn’t require additional information to be prop-agated between routers and only a minor modification to the BGPdecision process. We have also developed a framework to allow anAS to satisfy customized contractual obligations and traffic engi-neering constraints by implementing highly flexible and predictablerouting strategies without affecting stability. In future work we planto further evaluation this framework, in particular its performance.

AcknowledgmentsThis work was supported in part by ARC grant DP0557066. Theauthors would also like to acknowledge many useful discussionswith Rui Zhang-Shen and Jennifer Rexford.


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Page 12: Stable and Flexible iBGP

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A. CONVERGENCE OF IBGP WITH MEDSIn Section 6 we described the route-reflector iBGP topology and

demonstrated when multiple routes are propagated, convergence isguaranteed. We now describe the general iBGP topology.

The set of generic edge labels are described as

L = {l}.

The set of signatures are generalized to

Σ = Z+ × Z


↑ ↑

MED iBGP hops

The binary mapping function is equivalent to the previous defini-tion except the MED value associated with the route is also propa-gated. This is described below.

⊕ (MED, 0) (MED,n)

l (MED, 1) (MED,n + 1)

Our function f converts the signature to a pair including the MEDattribute and the iBGP hops.

f (MED,n) = (MED,n)

f (φ) = (∞,∞)

Similarly to the description of the route-reflector topology, the alge-bra is strictly monotonic for a single AS. Further, we can combinemultiple strictly monotonic algebras as in Section 6 and guaranteeconvergence in a general iBGP topology.

B. CARTESIAN PRODUCT OF ALGEBRASThe Cartesian product of algebras is different to the lexical prod-

uct considered previously [26, 27]. The lexical product of sub-algebras can be thought of as each algebra applying to a set ofroutes in series, progressively cutting the available routes at eachstep. The Cartesian product applies each sub-algebra’s rules in par-allel, allowing multiple routes to be propagated between nodes.

The Cartesian product on sets is a standard mathematical con-cept, most clearly seen in the extension of the real number lineto n-dimensional Cartesian co-ordinate spaces. We typically de-note the product of two sets by A × B = {(a, b)|a ∈ A and b ∈ B}.Also commonly defined is the Cartesian product of functions, i.e.,[ f × g](a, b) = ( f (a), f (b)).

We construct the Cartesian product of routing algebras by takingCartesian products of each of the components of the algebra. Forinstance, take the algebra A = (L,Σ,⊕, f ,W,�) = A1 × A2 × · · · ×

Am, where each Ai consists of Ai = (Li,Σi,⊕i, fi,Wi,�i). Thenew edge label, signature and weight sets are composed using thestandard Cartesian product for sets, i.e.,

L = L1 × L2 × ... × Lm,

Σ = Σ1 × Σ2 × ... × Σm,

W = W1 ×W2 × ... ×Wm,

though note that we must extend Li so that the label φ represents allthe links that don’t exist in Li, but are present in another sub-algebraL j, i.e., so that we can define topologies for each sub-algebra, butstill operate on the combined algebra. Note also that where weightsin Wi are already vectors, the composed weight set comprises ma-trices.

As with any vector space composed from a Cartesian product,the standard binary operator ⊕ on A is simply the component-wisebinary operator. That is,

(l1, l2, ..., lm) ⊕ (σ1, σ2, ...σm) = (l1 ⊕1 σ1, l2 ⊕2 σ2, ..., lm ⊕m σm).

The function that maps signatures to weights is just the Cartesianproduct of the component functions, i.e.,

f (σ1, σ2, ..., σm) = ( f1(σ1), f2(σ2), ..., fm(σm)).

Finally, the weights are compared by the operator � which applieseach of the subcomparison operators �i component-wise. That is,we would choose the preferred route from each sub-algebra inde-pendently based on its own comparison operator.

An algebra Ai is strictly monotonic if and only if f (σi) ≺ f (λi ⊕

σi) for all σi ∈ Σi − {φ}, and λi ∈ Li. The new algebra A is strictlymonotonic if and only if each Ai is also strictly monotonic, as adirect result of the component-wise operation of ⊕ and ≺.