st. viator college newspaper, 1931-03-13

mb:e 111- atnriau Volume XLVIII Friday, March 13, 1931. No. 12 ILLINOIS S TATE CATHOLIC CAGE M EET O PENS CAMPUS GROUPS WELCOME VISITORS Aid in Acting as Hosts Most of the res ident students have been ut ilizi ng all their spare time during the past two or three weeks in brushing up un their Emily Post's I ,nd their clothes , in ord er that they might be better able to give the \ isiting high school teams the very I I.est of tre3t.ment during the tourna- ment. All of the HA" students have erased the frowns from their fore- heads and have cultivated captivat- ing ant pleasing smiles, while some of them have been reported to have pu ll ed out their nurnerouS grey hairs so th at the visitors will see only th eir care-free and light-hearted manner . A competent student manager has been assigned to each of the sixteen contesting teams and will care for his assigned team until Monday morning. The letter men have beE::TI asked to her and to act as ticket tak ers , while the many other stud- ents will be engaged in odd jobs about the campus to make this year's meet the greatest success possible. At an !)leeting held yesterday, the presi dents of the various classes and st udent organizations i ssued a joint statement in welcomi ng the members and backers of the visit ing tea ms. Th is statement read as follows : VERY REV . .T. W. R. MAGUIRE, C. S. V., President To the Member s of the Catholic High School Basketball Teams of Illinois : You are a thousand times welcome to St. Viator College. While you are here competing in the Illinois State Catholic High School Basketball Tournament, we want you to feel thoroug-hly at home. Th e Facu l ty and Student Body of St. Viator College feel honored in having you as a guest during these days . We hope that the Tourn a ment will produce keen competition, fine sportsman s hip and a spirit of friendly rivalry which wm unite mOre closely the Catholic High Schools of Illinois. Play hard and courageously for the honor of your school. Ta ke defeat with a sm ile an d victory modestly. May you long remember these few days at St. Viator College as a time of profit and h appiness. God bless you all. J. W. R. MAGUIRE, C. S. V., President. "We, as authorized student repres - entatives, do hereby welcome all visitors who have come to the Col- l ege for t he 1931 Downstate Cath- olic High School Basketball Tourna - ment. If we can do anything further to make the meet a success, it is our desire that we be called upon to as· sisto We wish to make it known th at t h is offer is open to all players and spectators. We sincerely trust yo ur brief stay at St. Viator wi ll be ============= ==== ============== \Cream of Basketeers Come to St. Viator for Tournament Ann ual M ee ti ng of Pi ck of Illinois Ca th olic Bas ket Ball is A ga in Held in th e St. Vi at or Gym . Mee t to Op en Toni g ht and Co nt inu e Until Sunday Nig ht . F RESHMEN WILL E DIT NEXT I SSUE Annu al Edition of Year- lings to be Pub lish ed On Ma l""ch Thi r tieth This Year Ancient Ir ish Cu stom. most enjoyable and th at the mem- Swi.mming Meet at I fur Play Are ory of it will remain with you for a Th' M hAY long time to come. Signed : Francis Viator IS ont s et Incomplete Carroll, President of the Co ll ege I The custom of publishing a Fresh - man I ssue in the spring of the year is of long stan ding at St. Viator. The issues gives the youngsters who have won their pl ace on the staff an OppOl tunity to show what they can do on their own responsibil ity and often unCovers hidden journalistic ta lent among the other members of the class. The issue is always eager- ly awaited as an indicator of tht qualit y of the new class, and it is the nrnbition of every Freshman ed itor to better the editions of the Cl ub; Kenneth Cl othier, President Th e annual aquatic me et of the I Although the play, "Marco Mil of the Sen io r class; Herbert Shea, Little Nineteen athletic Conference lions" has been on hand for almost President of the Junior class; VVU- will be held in the Viator pool again two months, plans for its production Ham Gibbons, President of the this year. The meet is to be the are as yet incomplete a nd undecided. Sophomore class; Patrick Farrell, twenty-first of the month and a It is understood that a t entat ive cast upper-classman staff . Pres ident of the Freshman class; majority of the schools in the Con- has been selected, but has not as Joseph Hoog, President of the Holy ference are expected to attend. Last ' yet secil red the app roval of the pro- Society; Gill Middleton, Presi- year's meet, held also at the Coi 'i ege per authorities. d ent of the St. John Berchman's pool, was won · by Knox, wit h Illinois It had not been intended to pro- Society; and Will iam Sullivan, Presi· 'Vesley an a close second. The four- duce the play until after Easter, but dent of the Senior class of the HigJi man team of Viator took fourth because of the vast amount of p re- St. Mary, W oods t ock Re pl aces Sterling place. I paration inv olv,=d in its production, Call fOl· can didates for the team it will be necessary for the players Although omitted in the origina1 Jack Ryan to Awa rd wa s po sted early l as t week and wet JO wnoLUU UB op drawmgs" the . basket ball team from School." with a meagre response. Al Furlong tensive work in the next two months St. Mal y S }l1gh, Woodstock WIll be TrophIes to WlnnerS and Dan O'Connor are the only vet- to secure the success of the affair. aga in entered in the annual State I eran s left from la st year's team, Prof. Murray Hi ckey Ley, who is Catholic High School Tournament. The trophies to the winners of but John Mehren, Frosh prospect, is directing the production, is faced Woodstock had been omltted because this year's Illinois State Catholic reported to be showing considcl'ahle with an unus ual problem in view of of their failure to answer the orig- . Tournament will be presented by form in practice. The team will be the fact that he has li ttle in the way inal call to the s .el ected, but John Ryan, '27, al umnus of St. Via- without the services of a coach this of precedent to guide him. Although was able to satIsfacton ly explain tor College.. Jack is well known to year. "l\1arco Millions" is a Eugene O'Neil l their. When St. Mary's of sport -lovers and radio fans as the product, it has been staged but twice. Sterhng WIred they would be "Teabeny Man." His daily sports With a ll this pure snow envelop- Once by the New York Theatre unable to attend thIS year, the Wood- hour over radio station KYW, Chi- ing our campus· it s ort of dampens Guild, and once by the Chi cago Guild. stock crew was reinstated in their cago, is one of the most popular of the spring spirit that was seeping place. the day's broadcasts and he is na- out of certain individuals, and also ----- The change was highly popuTar tionally known for his work at the creates havoc with a young man's Although the play, "Marco lVlil- with local fans for whom Woodstock "mike." ,batting average . I Tourney teams! ha s long been a favorite.

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The Viatorian, Vol. XLVIII, No. 12


Page 1: St. Viator College Newspaper, 1931-03-13

mb:e 111-atnriau ====================~~ Volume XLVIII

---~- ~---============================= Friday, March 13, 1931. No. 12


WELCOME VISITORS Aid in Acting as Hosts

Most of the res ident students have

been util izing all their spare time

during the past two or three weeks

in brushing up un their Emily Post's I ,nd their clothes, in order that they

might be better able to give the

\ isiting high school teams the very I I.est of tre3t.ment during the tourna­

ment. All of the HA" students have

erased the frowns from their fore­

heads and have cultivated captivat­

ing ant pleasing smiles, while some

of them have been reported to have

pu ll ed out their nurnerouS grey hairs so that the visitors will see only their care-free and light -hearted manner.

A competent student manager has been assigned to each of the sixteen contesting teams and will care for his assigned team until Monday morning. The letter men have beE::TI asked to l.isher and to act as ticket takers, while the many other stud­ents will be engaged in odd jobs about the campus to make this year's meet the greatest success possible.

At an !)leeting held yesterday, the presidents of the various classes and student organizations issued a joint statement in welcoming the members a nd backers of the visiting teams. This statement read as follows :

VERY REV . .T. W. R. MAGUIRE, C. S. V., President

To the Members of the Catholic High School Basketball Teams of Illinois : You are a thousand times welcome to St. Viator College. While you

are here competing in the Illinois State Catholic High School Basketball Tournament, we want you to feel thoroug-hly at home. The Faculty and Student Body of St. Viator College feel honored in having you as a guest during these days .

We hope that the Tournament will produce keen competition, fine sportsmanship and a spirit of friendly rivalry which wm unite mOre closely the Catholic High Schools of Illinois. Play hard and courageously for the honor of your school. Take defeat with a sm ile and victory modestly.

May you long remember these few days at St. Viator College as a time of profit and happiness. God bless you all.

J. W. R. MAGUIRE, C. S. V., President.

"We, as authorized student repres­entatives, do hereby welcome all visitors who have come to the Col­lege for t he 1931 Downstate Cath­olic High School Basketball Tourna­ment. If we can do anything further to make the meet a success, it is our desire that we be called upon to as· sisto We wish to make it known t hat t h is offer is open to all players a nd spectators. We sincerely trust your brief stay at St. Viator will be ===============================

\Cream of Basketeers Come to St. Viator for Tournament

Annual Meeting of Pick of Illinois Catholic Basket Ball is A gain H eld in the St. Via tor Gym.

Meet to Open Tonight and Continue Until Sunday Night.


Annual Edition of Year­lings to be Published On Ma l""ch Thirtieth

This Year

Ancient Irish Custom.

most enjoyable and t hat t he mem- Swi.mming Meet at I P~ans fur Play Are ory of it w ill remain with you for a Th' M hAY long time to come. Signed : Francis Viator IS ont s et Incomplete Carroll , President of the College I

The custom of publishing a Fresh­man Issue in the spring of the year is of long standing at St. Viator. The issues gives the youngsters who have won their place on the staff an OppOl tunity to show what they can do on their own responsibility and often unCovers hidden journalistic ta lent among the other members of the class. The issue is always eager­ly awaited as an indicator of tht quality of the new class, and it is the nrnbition of every Freshman editor to better the editions of the

Club; Kenneth Clothier, President The annual aquatic meet of the I Although the play, "Marco Mil of the Sen ior class; Herbert Shea, Little Nineteen athletic Conference lions" has been on hand for almost President of the Junior class; VVU- will be held in the Viator pool again two months, plans for its production Ham Gibbons, President of the this year. The meet is to be the are as yet incomplete and undecided. Sophomore class; Patrick Farrell, twenty-first of the month and a It is understood that a tentative cast upper-classman staff. President of the Freshman class; majority of the schools in the Con- has been selected, but has not as Joseph Hoog, President of the Holy ference are expected to attend. Last ' yet secil red the approval of the pro­ Society; Gill Middleton, Presi- year's meet, held also at the Coi 'i ege per authorities. dent of the St. John Berchman's pool, was won · by Knox, with Illinois It had not been intended to pro­Society; and William Sull ivan, Presi· 'Vesleyan a close second. The four- duce the play until after Easter, but dent of t he Senior class of the HigJi man team of Viator took fourth because of the vast amount of pre-

St. Mary, W oodstock Replaces Sterling

place . I paration involv,=d in its production, Call fOl· can didates for the team it will be necessary for the players Although omitted in the origina1

Jack Ryan to Award was posted early las t week and wet -u~ JO wnoLUU OSUOUllll~ UB op o~' drawmgs" the . basket ball team from


• • with a meagre response. Al Furlong tensive work in the next two months St. Mal y S }l1gh, Woodstock WIll be TrophIes to WlnnerS and Dan O'Connor are the only vet- to secure the success of the affair. again entered in the annual State

I erans left from last year's team, Prof. Murray Hickey Ley, who is Catholic Hig h School Tournament.

The trophies to the winners of but John Mehren, Frosh prospect, is directing the production, is faced Woodstock had been omltted because this year's Il linois State Catholic reported to be showing considcl'ahle with an unusual problem in view of of their failure to answer the orig-

. Tournament will be presented by form in practice. The team will be the fact that he has li ttle in the way inal call to the ~eams s.el ected , but John Ryan, '27, alumnus of St. Via- without t he services of a coach this of precedent to guide him. Although was able to satIsfacton ly explain tor College.. Jack is well known to year. "l\1arco Millions" is a Eugene O'Neil l their. negle~t. When St. Mary's of sport-lovers and radio fans as the product, it has been staged but twice. Sterhng WIred th~t they would be "Teabeny Man." His daily sports With a ll this pure snow envelop- Once by the New York Theatre unable to attend thIS year, the Wood-hour over radio station KYW, Chi- ing our campus· it sort of dampens Guild, and once by the Chicago Guild. stock crew was reinstated in their cago, is one of the most popular of the spring spirit that was seeping place. the day's broadcasts and he is na- out of certain individuals, and also ----- The change was highly popuTar tionally known for his work at the creates havoc with a young man's Although the play, "Marco lVlil- with local fans for whom Woodstock "mike." ,batting average. I Tourney teams! has long been a favorite.

Page 2: St. Viator College Newspaper, 1931-03-13

Page :2

THE VIA TORIAN Published hi-weekly throughout the scholastic year by the students of

St. Viator College.

Editor-in-Chief .. l\fanaging E ditor .. Feature Writer Feature Write r Feature Writer Feature Writer .. Campus Briefs Editorials I\.th letics ... Star Reporter Freshman Assistants :


Alum ni and Third Corr idor .. .. Double Dribbles .... Athletics Senior League ... Managin g Edito r ..... Feature Writer .. Feature Writer

Circulation Manager ..... .

..... Ralph Hoover . Kenneth Bushm:tn

. .... Gill Middlet on Frances Mary Clancy ............... J oseph Log2n

... Robert Tucker . .. P at r ick M. Cleary

....... Car l Lampe ..... Kenneth Clot h ier

..Francis Larkin

.... .. ... ..... .. J ames Dugan .... .. .. ..... Wi lbur Callahan

. ........ Frank Wirken ........... John Boyle

. ......... Edward Coakley ......... John Mehren I R~b~~OhS~r~~::~

Subscription Rate : $2.00 per annum . Address a ll correspond ence ref erring either to adverti sing or subscr iption t o

The Via torian, Bourbonn ais) Il l.

Entered ns second class ma t te r at the Post Office of Bourbonnais , Illinois, under the Act of Maroh 3rd, 1879.

Welcome, High Schools!

It is a gain t he pleasure of St. Via tor College to welcome the Catholic Hig h Schools of Illinois t o Bour bonnais fo r the a nnual Sta te Tournament. Despite a ll the work and extr a t rouble that is occas ioned by t he Tourna ment, t he high calibre of the basket­ball played and t he sportsmanship of the contesting teams com­bine to make the event more enjoyable every year .


Rt. Rev. B. J. Sheil, D. D., Donor I

of Grand Prize for Tournament

The Grand Prize for the minois t he i n~ erests of his Alm a Mater ; his State Catholic Tournam ent is t he presentation of t he Grand Prize f or

"BishOp Sh eil Tr oph y/' presented by t he Tournament is a n a dded proof of such devo tion . In t he name of

the Rt. Rev. Bernard J. Sheil , D. D., the College to which he is an ever Auxiliary Bishop of Chicago. Bi shop loyal SOn. a nd in the name of the Sheil is a g r aduate of t he Class of Catholic athletes of Ill inois, whose 1906. While a student of St. Via tor inspirotion and ideal he has become. College he was a star athlete; since The Viatoria.n t ha nks Bishop Sheil h is g raduation he has always been 1 once more for his appropria te and devoted t o the welfare of youth, to valuable gift to t he Tournament.

---II Warren Nolan, who has ha d t he

ALUMNI NOTES Eastern publicity for Charlie Chap­lin 's "City Lights" is r eported to be !......_____________ suffering frol11 a brain abscess. He

Joe Har r ing ton of the class of was stricken on t he point of sailing '27 sends us a very readable and for England. thoroug hly interesti ng sheet edited . -----by hi mself a nd dedicated to t he re- Campus Briefs union . of th e class of t hat yea.r. He I IS h vm g In Long I sland now-4120 I Since all votes fo r the Campus 77th Street, Jackson Park, Long Gigolo :lr e not summed up, I can't I sla nd, New York-to be exact. and, I give you the final result of the out­as he says, "It's ~ helluva long ad- I come as yet. However , t he Don dress, but a hell uva nice place if you I Quixote of our college, HOC" O'Don­ever lived in Kankakee." I nel, is in the lead by a good majority.

Altho:.:ogh "Oc" is very popula r as a

Fridar. March 13, 1931.

Compliments of



United Cigar Store Cor. Court a nd Schuyler

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Smokers' Articles

Fountain & Luncheon Service

Grocer ies Confec t iOnery

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346 E. Court Street

Telephone 137

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CANDY We Supply St. Viator College


Dis tributor


Arseneau's Uniform BREAD


G. ARSENEAU BAKERY Bourbonna is, Ill.

The officials of t he College and t he Tournament have com­bined to do t heir best to see t o t he com for t of the visiting t ea ms and fans . The s tudent body, also, is anxious tha t you enjoy yo ur stay. If there is anything about the campus t hat you do not unders ta nd, a nything t hat a student might be able to do for you, ask him-he will be gla d to do his best for you. It is the heartiest wish of the College t ha t your s tay her e, although it must be brief, be as pleasant and enjoyable as it is in our power to make it.

F rom the sheet we gather tha t "Wolf," he will have to use a lit tle Phil McGrath is now a doc tor in I more pressure in stopping the ad­Peoria. To be more exact, he is vances of other would-be Gigolos with St. Mary's Hospital and p re- such as "AI" Furlong. " Jim" F lynn, ,--------------, paring t o try it on his own . "Joe" Mm'phy and "Don" Ander son, ,-------------­

who are neck and neck for second

J im Connor s is in New York also, place. " ROSWITE" AN D " ROSE"

BRAND H AMS AND BACON and Les Roch is teaching in Texas.

Our own inimitable " Ham," now J d ki C that he is back in circula.tion again, our an Pac . ng o. Good Luck!

And then i here was Jack Crangle, t he former University of Il linois f ootba ll star and former coach of St. Viator. Joe tells this story on

really ought to be a " Ding Dong 814-836 W. 20th Street

Lay Aside Five Bucks! Daddy" for sure, now t hat he is able Chicago, Illinois to shake those mean legs of his again. I Telephone Canal 3848

The College Club is a student organization, dedicat ed to t he him : , ________ . ______ . "Jack Cl'angle came to New York -

s l udent welfare. Whenever t her e is a question on the campus, with his Missouri Tigers . First t rip Burke Monahan announces that he 1,--------------, I he Colleg e Club sponsors t he studen t' s cause. It is to t he Club J ack took away thirty-nine grand. is working overtime in t he office. He that the s tudent first looks as t he protector of his r ig hts. "Get He was stunned ; he asked, 'Do you claims that the students are t he up a petition," " call a meeting of t he College Club," ar e the first t hink we can get back here for an- cause of it . I don't understand how i

other whack at the golden fleece?' that could be. Do you? I t houg hts of every man when in· doubt . And justly so, for the

He came and grabbed off thir ty-seven

Dine a nd Dance AT

Foxy's A1ways Inn Club is a s tuden t organization for the student. J ust as surely, major crowns-on each occasion From all external appeara nces the therefore, should the student recognize h is du ties toward t he New York Unive~sity won by de- debating teams for t he season loo~ Club when it is in difficu lties. Now is t he time for a ll good men cis ive scores. Says Jack, 'They can I very promising. With a n able coach I·

to come to the aid of the College Club. Lay aside fi ve bucks! keep on winning-even twice in a and such clever material , Viator UN DER NEW MANA,GE MENT season if it can be arranged.'" should be proud of her team. I ... 1-------------

Some bright young fellow said I "Marty" Toohill is quite a n orator. ,---------------------------------,1. _____________ -. "that the Campus Briefs dealt with The way he swayed the a udience at NOTRE DAME CONVENT the Fort \\"ayne contingent only. ,the last meeting of the College Club Accredited t o TIl iIrois Univers ity ,,' ell, as far as that goes) the only was pitiful. outstanding incidents that happen I A Select Boarding School for Girls and Young Ladies. here on the campus are created and ('Unk" Woods is quite a clever This institution is conduded by the Sisters of Notre Dame, and offers executed by the Noble Nine! comedian and premier artist of l every opportunity to young: ladies for a thorough Christian a nd secular

__ ('make up." He takes delight in education. Prices reasonable. For Catalogue, address

"Joe" Hoog and "Phil" Mackey's he really does with much finesse. I SISTER SUPERIOR, Notre Dame Convent room is always scented by the aroma I acting the part of the " F ool," which BOUR BONN AIS, ILLINOIS of that popular fruit, the onion. I Ask Eddie! LI ------ --------- ---------- ---...!

Lambert Hardware Kankakee, Ill.


Sporting Goods

Page 3: St. Viator College Newspaper, 1931-03-13

Friday, March 13, 1931.


Irish Win Fourteen and Lose Three for One

Of Best Records In History



Page 3

determined that the blur of that first loss to the Viatorians should be wiped out by a convincing victory -regarding the first game as more or less of a lIuke. St. Viator turned o"t for the game in force, the stuu­ents hiring a bus to go to the affair. The game was one of the best of the year, and both teams fought

l,hard. The lead changed hands with every passing minute, neither side

, ~eing able to gain any appreciable advantage. With two minutes to go

Meeting the cream of Middle- ",nd the score at 27-25 in DePaul's Western basketball teams, the Green favor, Romary dropped in a long one Wave of St. Viator succeeded in to tie the count. DePaul gained a swamping nine of them to pile up a I point on a free throw, but the Irish

I record of fourteen victories to three · made a basket to a.gain take the Jead. flosses. The Irish undertook what and sunk a free throw just as the i t"rned out to be a veritable suicide whistle sounded to win 30-28. The . schedule. There were no Hpush- game marked the twelfth consecu-overs" on the whole list, and the tive victory of the season for the un-team was forced to maintain itself defeated St. Viator five and was thE" at . full speed ahead, meeting top- high-water mark of the year. notcher after top-notcher on succes- Millikin Upsets Dope. sive evenings and forced to meet While the sport writers were fresh teams at almost every turn. speculating on how much longer St.

The Saints opehed the season with FIVE ALUMNI AND PREP CONFERENCE DONORS OF AWARDS ,Viator could stand the strain the twelve straight victories over opposi- Irish began to prepare for their' next tion that was the best the country The Grand Prize, liThe Bishop's I winn~rs imrnediatel~ upon its. pre's- for the player most valuable to his trip to the south. St. Viator had had to show. While sport writers Trophy 11 awarded to the winner of I entatlon, Father Fltzgerald IS ap- team, is presented by the Very Rev. ceased to be just another game on wondered what held them up, the '. . I other alumnus of St. Viator College, T. E. Shea; Chancellor of the Peoria the schedule for the opposing teams,

the tournament, IS a large, beautIful- and one of the gl·eatest athletes ever d· ftghtin' band of Irishmen went out tc lOcese. had ,ceased, in fact to be THE game, topple favorite after faVorite until iy engraved loving cup, the gift Oil turned out at the Bourbonnais insti- The Central States Prep Confer- but had become THE SCHEDULE. their upsets became the rule and St. the Rt. Rev. Bernard J. Shell, D. D .. tutoin. He is now pastor at Wyo- ence Cup is presented to the team Every team in the Little Nineteen Viator ruled as the favorite team of '06, Auxiliary Bishop of Chicago and ming, Illinois. exhibiting the highest calibre of was prepared to call t he season a the Mid-West. Their downfall came former Viator athlete. This trophy The Second Prize is tbe gift .of sportsmanship in and out of actual success if they could only stop the when they attempted to meet four becomes the permanent property of Thomas Leroy Wa.t'ner, also an alum- play. Irish rush for the briefest moment. of the strongest teams in the Little the team winning the tournament for nus and former athlete. He is as- In addition to the abc;>ve pri~es. The Viatorians, therefore, faced the Nineteen within eight days-an as- sociated with the -Warner Brothers the members of each team will be task of meeting teams which had signment which came hard upon the three successive years. Construction Company, builders of given a medalette, presented by St. been "keyed" up for this one contest. heels of a difficult trip to Chicago I the College gymnasium. Viator College, to be worn as a The strain was beginning to tell on to subdue DeKalb and DePaul. The The first prize is the Reverend , James McGarrathy is the donor watch charm, indicating that the the Irish five, and when they met the Irish found the strain of meeting James M. Fitzgerald Trophy. This of the Third Prize. wearer was. a participant in the 1931 Big Blue for the second time this fre~h teams on successive evenings award becomes the property of the The Most Valuable Player Cup, Illinois State Catholic Tournament. year on Millikin's home floor. they too great and dropped games to ·were defeated ·by the rather convinc-Millikin, Normal, and Bradley while ing margin of 34-18. St. Viator was winning from Illinois Wesleyan manifestly off her game, while it is

First DePaul Game. Tournament Schedule 'doubtful if any team i'; the country The first foe of the season was could have beaten Millikin on that

IDePaul University of Chicago. The pa,rticular evening. Blue Demons had already met and 7:30 P. M. Friday ........................ ....... Corpus Christi (Galesburg) vs. St. Joseph (Cairo) Then Came Normal.

' defea ted two teams and expected to The Irish were forced to meet the 'take the Irish in stride. St. Viator 8 :30 "P. M. Friday ............................. .... St. Thomas (Rockford) vs. St. Mary's (Woodstock) Red Birds of State Normal on the

Iproved to be a considerable harder 9 :30 P. M. Friday.. .. .. .. .... Spalding (Peoria) vs. Fox Valley (Aurora) following evening. After a consid-nut to crack than the Chicagoans had 'erable argument over the officials, it

' expected, and when Ralph Karr's 9:00 A. M. Saturday.... .. .......... Acquin (Freeport) vs. St. Teresa (Decatur) was finally decided to play. The

free throw broke up a 12-12 tie. they 10 :00 A. M. Saturday.... . ....... Trinity (Bloomington) vs. St. Mary (Champaign) Irish, worn out by the contest of the gave up and the Irish won by the ..evening before and unable to stand

. margin of that gift shot, 13-12. 11 :00 A. M. Saturday.... . .... St. Joseph (Rock Island) vs. St. Patrick (Kankakee) on the unaccustomed slippery sur-Shurtleff Next. face of the Normal dance lIoor,

Shurtleff, runner-up in last year's 2 :00 P. M. Saturday.. .. .. ........ Routt. (Jacksonville) vs. St. Mary (Moline) fought the Red Birds every inch of

'.ace, threw a big scare into the Via- 3 :00 P. M. Saturday.... .. .......... St. Bede (Peru) vs. Visitation (Kewanee) the way only to lose a 24-15 decision ' tor ranks by grabbing an early lead and drop from the Little Nineteen 'and threatening to hold it long lead. enough to win. The Irish came to, -===:::::::"-===--~~--=-==:=:==::--.--- Second Wesleyan Game. however, in the last half, and sub- ship and brought a team that amply was three minutes old, and the basketball which traditionally char- With slight hopes of a title before

'dued the Pioneers by the bare margin justified their hopes. Captam Ken officials never caught up with it. acterizes the annual meetings of the them, the much-chastened Irish visit-of two baskets, 28-24. Clothier of the Irish five subdued the Both squads were anxious and fight- two teams. and play was hard, fas" ed Bloomington for their second

Bradley Gets Overtime. mighty Smitty, chief fear of the ing to win, and the gym was . one and clea.n. game with Illinois Wesleyan. The The first "big" game of the year Viatorians, and St. Viator went on to mighty bedlam throughout. St. Viator Irish Take to Road. ·Irish student body turned out en

came with the visit of the Hilltopper win by a 19-11 count. finally emerged victorious by a count After hanging up a record of ten masse for the affair, and the Titan five of Bradley. The gentlemen from Take First Trip. of 15-11. straight wins, of which eight had gym was fill ed about equally with Peoria had been undertaking an am- The Irish fans had looked upon Wheaton Does Better. been on the home lIoor, the Saints supporters of the two teams. St. bitious schedule against Illinois, their road trips as being the chief Wheaton came to Bourbonnais for again took to the road, this time to Viator came to life for a brief hour Iowa, Chicago. Purdue, Rice. and source of danger to their champion- its return game with the Irish and meet DeKalb and DePaul. For the of play and again looked like the other quintets of such calibre, and ship aspirations. St. Viator, always proved that it could play consider- month past, the Chicago papers had outfit that had struck terror into had made a most impressive showing. a hard team to defeat on the home able better basketball away from been filled with the predictions of the midst of opposing fives in the The Hilltoppers took a commanding floor, had never ha{l a very en'viable home than in its own territory. AI- the chagrined Demons that the Irish early part of the season. The Viator lead early in the game. and, with five reputation as a traveling five. As a though the Irish started out to smash were due for a mighty fall when defense proved superior to the Titan minutes to go, held a 16-8 advant- consequence, the fir st away from I the visitors and held a 25-5 lead at they invaded the Grafty City. St. ' offense and the Irish emerged vic­age. The ancient Irish fighting spirit pome game of the Irish was regal'ded the half, Wheaton came back against Viator concentrated, therefore, more torious by a 30-32 count. again made itself felt, and the with more than passing interc:::; t by the subs and outscored the young- upon the DePaul encounter than up- End Season at Home. Saints, refusing to give up, tied the sport followers throughout the whole sters in the final period to lose 37-20. on the DeKalb affair. and thereby al- The Irish ended their season with

' count at 16 all just as the gun went section . The Saints soon put every- And Then Came WESLEYAN most lost a ball game. The Teachers a return game with Elmhurst in the off. The Viatorians then went on to one's fears to rest by smashing Illinois \¥esleyan turned out in who were encountel'ed first, showed Viator gym. The Pirates were no win in impressive style in the over- Wheaton College 45-18 and going on force to come to Viator for the next unexpected strength, and the game match for the Saints. and the mighty time, 22-17. to defeat Elmhurst on the following I game of the season. The Titans was forced into an overtime. With Green Wave completely submerged

DeKalb Five is Good. evening, 31-17. The Wheaton game brought a forty-piece band and the sCOre tied at 28 all as the two their craft to the tune of 34-10. The Teachers quintet from North- was notable in that it was the first scores of rooters. The Wesleyan squads entered the extra period, Elmhurst scored but two goals from

' ern Illinois Normal fell victim to the time throughout the entire season to I game is always an event on St. Via- DeKalb dropped in a long one to the field in the entire game, both of Irish in the next fray. DeKalb open- this time that St. Viator had scored I tor's calendar, and the gym was take the lead. 30-28. Romary smack- which were made in the first half. ed fast. but was unable to hold its the first point or lead at the half. packed to the rafters. Both sides ed in a long one a few moments The victory was the fourteenth of lead, and the Saints took the lead to Normal Falls. lVere hopeful of victory with Viator later to tie it up, and followed with the season for the I rish and left win in one of the most hectic final f Returning to the Bourbonnais floor, being conceded a slight edge. The a short under-the-basket shot that them with a final Conference rating five minutes of play throughout the the Iri sh next engaged State Normal Irish opened the game by taking a won the game and marked the of twelve victories and three losses. entire season. The final count ",vas for the Little Nineteen lead. Neither quick lead which was never relin- eleventh straight win. 26-23 in favor of St. Viator. I team had heen defeated. and both quished. Clothier stopped Meehan DePaul · Confident.

Big Blue Falls. schools had high hopes of produciug effectively, and. although Munday DePaul had gone her way after Millikin, occuping first place in a title winner. The game was mark- and Johnny Callans gave the Green the first game of the year and hung

the Little Nineteen alongside St. I ed by considerable roughness and ball considerable trouble, succeeded in up an impressive record of victories Viator, Was the next visitor. The officiating. The contest got out of winning 23-18. The game was mark- against some of the strongest teams Big Blue bad visions of a champion- i the hands of the referees before it ed hy a ll the brilliance and good I in the country. The Demom were

Since I have been threatened by the entire group of misYQgni sts, I can't very well write anything about them this issue. However, I can truthfully say that their percentage is still .00o..

Page 4: St. Viator College Newspaper, 1931-03-13


Twenty-Seven Years

In nineteen hundred four a country youth sought employment at an urban factory, owned a nd operateJ by one of the nation's leading manu­iacturing and retailing organiza­tions. He was en gaged by one of the production plants, one of tre modern edifices erected by ali-con­suming gr eed and haunted by the I ghosts of men who were robbed, cheated, finally, of life; their sha­dowy faces still wear the masks of sorrow and bewilderment .and, es­

In your charity kindly pray (or I the departed found ers of SL Vi.· tor College Endo,", ment Fund.

Re\'. ~lichael Quirk Re\'. Geo. P. Muh·aney. C. S. Y. Rt. Re\". 3lsgr. D. L. McDonald R ev. Martin Brennan Rey. Will ia m Murtaugh Rey. John S uerth Rey. J. F. Kirsch Rev. Pet er P. O' Dw yer i\lr. F ra ncis J . Lynch Mrs. Mary Lynch Mr. Jer ry Murphy ~Ir. Patrick Clea ry i'l r . William Hickey

Friday, March 13. 1931.


Everything in Sporting Goods

J(ankal<ee' Largest Stock


IN. 14. ialarrnttr iiarbpr § QOP The breeze sess ion had progressed to an extremely advanced peeially, an air of incomprehenoi.m

stage. Being Lent, of course the subjct matter pertained to the of the cruelty of this concern which iniquilies of the co llege man. After a mutual examination of drove them until heart and soul were

. d drained of all feeling, of all emotion, if the government of the nation con­conscience, a group compiling of virtue was begun. "Well," sal and wh ich f orced t heir forms into ti nues such injustice to be perpet.

Farrell, "I've never been in jail." the iifelessness of automations. This lated upon its members· t he pe0ple

All ha nds shif t ed their positions to cast expectant glances youth was untutored . One thing only are mor~lly bound to seek a govern· at our beloved Manager of Athletics. "It wasn't my fault," was he had learned. but he was most ment that wilT preserve, not merdy

cognizant of that, nam ely , to g'lve observe, human rights and hum an· the reply, "I didn 't want to go." his utmost to hi s God and to ~.b ity's welfare. Einbeck's Studio. * * * * * * country. These two th ings he did.

For twenty-seven years, while he The trouble wth most singers is t hat t hey don' t practice reared his f am il y, hi s children saw

what t hey screech. him only for a n hour or two each * * * * * * evening when the machine which had

According to Judge Schaur, a man has a right to kiss h is wife, but if he gets too rough she may "call a policeman."

gutted him opened its mouth to emit other si milar victims. That wa3 a ll. He drove him self by sheer will· power to perform tasks which other men shra.nk from starting. His mind and his heart and his soul and his body w ere enslaved for t en hours, at the least, every day. He labored for his family.

Cops have s uch gentle ways.

* * * • * * Our Weekly Pome.

'Twas in a rest a urant they met­Rom eo and Juliet. He had no money to pay the debt, So Rome·owed for wha t Julie et.

* * * * * *

The Great War, you know, crashed forth in nineteen hundred f ourteen. T he Uni ted States entered in nine· ·teen hundred eighteen. Since her financiers were more heavily inter­

We found a button in our salad the other day. it fell off while the salad was dressing.

We suppose ested in the Allies than in the former\ The war ceased because Entente, America sided with t he the Entent was economically ex-


* * * * * • "You hit your husband with a chair?

you do it?" "Because I couldn't lift the table."

* * * * * *

Pray tell me, why ha~:~:. peace. Industry, in the

United States. flourished. The youth was now become a middle-aged man. His factory was working well and he was satisfied. But the immigra-

Our idea of a gentleman farmer is one who has his scare· t ion laws of our beloved country CTOWS put on evening dress a t dusk. fa iled to restrict t he war·drift of

Em'ope and, most amazingly, extend­ed open arms to the former enemy nations. These newcomers sold their labor cheaply, for there wasn't any money on the Continent and they, apparently, consider ed themselves fortunate to secure a good, stand­ardized currency, no matte r how small their remuneration. I n nine­t een hundred twenty-nine the cvm­petition bega to be more apparent in the factory where our friend was employed. Foreigners began to drift i,nto departm ents.

* * * * * * We've crossed our logic with debating and reached the fo l-

lowing financia l dilemma :-

We a re going to borrow ten dollars but only take five. Then the creditor will owe us five , and we will owe him five. Therefore we are quits.

* * * * * * "Just put it on my Bill," sobbed t he young widow as she

t.ook t he wreath to t he cemetery.

* * * * * * "What happened to your face?" "Just had a little argument with a fellow abo ut driving in

t ra ffic." "Why didn't you call a cop?" He was a cop."

* * * * ..

In ninete~n hundred thirty. we be­hold this man discharged without 'warning, witfiout a pension, without a bonus due to him. and refu.:;ed any explanation. I would not attempt to question the legality of the firm 's action, but, morally, I fail to find any jus tification for it. Is it just

And we wonder if it is t he divorce rate which gives this 'for a corporate monstrosity to burn nation it's title of "Land of t he Free." God's light out of a ma n's soul, to

ruin him physically, and to make of * * * * * * his brain a mere connection of com-

Or if t he increasing marriage rate makes it the "Home of partments for filing and indexing the Brave." and, then, when the red corpuscles

* * * * * * of blood are drained from his veins, . to cast him aside like a piece of rust-

A certain club had r eplaced its familiar black-coated servi- "d tin? I believe that it is n "t! tors with young, and sometimes pretty, waitresses. One of t he Such action calls for a r evision of old die-hard members who had strongly opposed the idea drop- the economic order that makes it ped in one day for lunch. possible. Moreover, I declare that.

"How's the duck today?" he growled, to the girl who came t o serve him.

sir"?" "Oh, I'm all right," said the waitress perkily, "How are you,

* * * * * * "Papa, I saved ten cents today. I ran all the way to school

behind a street car." "Vell, vy didn't you run behind a taxicab and save a dollar?"

Fashion Believes in G. G. G. Weaves



Superintendent Logan of the I "Maintenance of Way" Department a nnounces t hat he will need about a dozen students to clear all lanes and by-roads for the studets' welfare ~nd socia l activities.

Our photographs are inexpen. sive, yet treasured for t heir worth as living portraits.

153 North Schuyler Ave.

Phone 407 Kankakee, Ill. Our editor, Mr. Hoover, is to be congratt lated! He received notice I that his "Viatoria n" is attracting ,- -----------,---. much attention throughout the East, I This is a plume in his hat. (Did you ever f,ee him wear one?)

Thi s bad weather brought about some interesting indoor games, such as "Flinch' 'a.nd indoor track meet s .

Amedee T . Betourne


CUT RATE DRUGS 119 Court St., Kankakee', Ill. All obnoxious persons on the seC- I

ond corridor are going to be tor­tured by a slow fire unless they cut \------------a ll this s illy "play·boy" acting. Re· I·---------------.\ member this. guilty ones, that the I Buy Your Guaranteed Seniors must graduate and that cer· Used Cars Here tain m en must have their sleep. Take

heed, or drastic measurements will ' ROMY HAMMES be enforced. 1





INC. Authorized



F irs t Door North of Luna Theatre

HOTEL KANKAKEE Sidney Herbst, P res. and General Manager

DINING ROOM .:. MAGNIFICENT BALL ROOM I A hearty welcome awaits the students

and friends of St. Viator College



Help R aise The

Million Dollar Endowment by outright gift, insurance, bequest or annuity. You can get 6 % on your money and leave the'

capital for the Endowment.

'Vrite for par ticulars to

St. Viator College Extension Club Incorporated

2025 LaSalle Bldg. Telephone Randolph 9336

J . P. O'Mahoney, Treasurer

Chicago, IlL

Provincial House 3618 N. Kildare 3673

~OUMi!fERS -------->.. I Hotel Bldg. Kankakee, Ill.' I I


Kedvale A ve. * * * * * •


Page 5: St. Viator College Newspaper, 1931-03-13

Friday, March 13, 1931.


Bill Gibbons, Captain of Senior League Winners

Tells His Secrets to Reporter

Immediately following the Christ-

Swan Song


[VIATOR TRIMS I ELMHURST FIVE lTrish Wallop the P irates

34-10 in Listless En­counter to Run Total of Wins to Fourteen

Before the smallest crowd of the yea.r, the Green Wave of St. Viator overwhelmed the Pirate ship of Elm­hurst for the fourteenth victory of the year by the Irish five. Viator was so easily superior to the visiting quintet that the game became bore­some as it progressed.

St. Viator took the lead from the opening gun and never relinquished I it. Although the Saints were miss­

When the fina l gun sounded on the ing them right and left, they man­Elmhurst-Viator game, the career of aged to hold a 12-6 advantage at the one of Viator's greatest basketball half. players had come to an end. Captai:1 I S'econd Half DulL Ken Clothier ha.s been a member of The famed Viator offensive began four Viator cage teams and three to function at the opening of the football squads. second half and the Saints ran up

mas recess, Viator's annual short pants parade began its 1931 renewal under the persona.] tutelage of Fran­cis Carroll, '31. Vince Mooney's "Huskers" and Joe Hoog's ((Hungry Five" joined in mutual battle to lift the lid and start the ball to rolling. This game ended in a 3-3 tie at the end of the regulation time. In the overtime, the starved team garnered a free toss that decided the gnme. This game characterized the brand of basketball played in the league throughout the year. It was closely contested, rivalry was keen, rough and tumble play, together with flashes of good baskethall. All the Clothier came to St. Viator from fourteen points on the visitors be­games. with a few exceptions, were Trinity High in Bloomington fonr fore they could score. The home close. The teams were evenly matc!l- years ago a.nd won his letter in bask- crowd cheered the E lmhurst free ed and those bringing up in the rear etball in his Freshman year. He throws almost as lustily as the Via­were a constant worry to the leaders made his letter at halfback in foot- tor baskets and derived considerable at all times. ball in the following Fall. and was a amusement from the errors of both

Interest Runs High. member of the 1929 team as well. sides. Two contests were played daily, His greatest success was on the Al Furlong was replaced a few

one at noon and one at rug·ht. Each hardwood court, however, and he minutes before the end of the game game found a representative number soon became known as one of t he and the sta.nds cheered long and loud of spectators in the stands. Each most outstanding defensive players for the old Viator star who had team bad its following among the in the Little Nineteen . He was the ended his career on the hardwood students. Interest, as a w4ole, was nucleus about which the great Via- court. Captain Ken Clothier follow­high on the part of the student body tor defenses of the past three years ed the big center in a few minutes a nd the games furnished entertair.- have been built, and it was due and received an ovation that serious-ment throughout the dull winter. largely to his ability that St. Viator Iy threatened to shake the gym down.

Upsets Were Frequent. gained the reputation of possessing Freshmen Get Chance. Many of the favorites to win were the greatest of middle-western de- The closing minutes of the game

upset by dark horses a.nd their cham- fenses. He was the mainstay of this were devoted to giving the Freshmen pionship hopes were blasted. Super- year's tearn, all offenses starting candidates a chance to show their lor teams went down before the :n- with him and the defense being built wares. Murgatroyd, Schwartz, Wes­spired drive and determination of around him. He always drew the tray, and Hayes were the yearlings t heir lesser opponents. This only "big shot" of the opposing team to who ended the contest under the added to the interest in play and as guard, and the way in which Meehan, very able chaperonage of one P uff the season progressed the games be- Smith, Goff, and a few other not- Romary of some local gan to take on more color. The abIes were held d"WTI testifies amply The victory was the fourteenth of final spurt toward the champion5hip to his ability. the season for the Irish and the found stragglers rising up and dowr- Ren has been a member of the twelfth in Little Nineteen play. ing team:s ·' that held hopes for v1r- Viator ian staff for three yeara and tory. Bob Delaney and, his crew of is President of the Senior class. HFreshman Nightmares" awoke from their slumber in time to hand the myself. One more word in conclusion. leaders a score that they have not, I have received numerous offers 'from as yet, fully recovered from.

Dark Hor se Triumphant. If we owned a hat we would take

it off to Bill Gibbons and his "Delin-

other captains in the league, desir­ing that my team play theirs in a post-season contest. I rejected all these offers with thanks. It would


liThe Bells of Saint Mary's", sum­moning the students to Mass, are very racking to the nerves of a stud­ent of St. Mary's College, California. The bells start ringing at six o'clock, followed by a monitor who com­mences to make his appearance about six fifteen, to be followed


Another cage career was ended by the Elmhurst game when Al Furlong, veteran center, played his last game in college competition. Al is a for­mer St. Philip's star and has been a large factor in the success of St. Viator in three sports. football, basketball, and swimming.

Page 5


What a season this turned out to be! Last year, Bradley lost three and still took the title. This year, three losses entifles St. Viator to fourth place, following Normal, North Central and Monmouth. North Central won eleven and lost one and sti ll lost the title because State Nor­mal had won twelve and lost one.

I Monmouth's lone defeat was suffered ,at the hands of Illinois Wesleyan. l And North Central lost to Millikin

I\on the Decatur floor-a factor which ,we believe should 1argely discou=lt

I the game. The Naperville crew, however, neglected to kill enough giants to enable them to any great consideration against Nonnal's claim.

,St. Viator attempted to kill too many giants. And we'll bet that even the great Jack of Beanstalk fame had his off evenings.

State Normal went ahead to follow up their Little Nineteen t itle by winning the Normal school tourna­ment held at Carbondale. This was certainly some season for the Normal Pedagogues.

And here come the All-Stars. The Millikin team went into executive session and decided that the follow­ing were the best five men they met all season: -Meehan, Wesleyan-forward Wasilewski, Eureka-forward Furlong. St. Viator-center Clothier, St. Viator (C.)-guard Galitz, Bradley-guard

Romary and Karl' gained honorable mention on the Big Blue team.

So we take our life in our hands and venture to submit an All-Star of our own to take in the ten teams

Furlong won his letter at tackle on the football team four years ago. After spending two years at that position, he was moved to fullback to take over the position made vacant by the graduation of the mighty Mike Delaney. Al quickly developed into one of the most for­midable line-plungers in the Little Nineteen, and could always be counted on for the extra yard or two we saw in action this season:­necessary for a first down or touch- First Team. down. His dives made him famous Smith, Millikin-forward throughout the length and breadth Romary, St. Viator-forward of the ·extended Conference. He Moore, State Normal--center captained this year's Green Wave on Clothier, St. Viator (C.)-guard the gridiron. Galitz, Bradley~guard

Furlong first made his letter in .Second Team. basketball at center in his Sopho- Meehan, Wesleyan (C.)-forward more year. In his Junio:r ye~r he Goff, State Normal-forward became the regular at the pOBition Furlong, St. Viator-center and has handled it in professional Callins, Wesleyan-guard style. He is one of the best pivot Darling, State Normal-guard men ever developed at Viat.ur. He Honorable Mention. was the key of the offensive and (lne r Fonvards: Mace and Meyer, Brad­of the highest scorers on the team. ley; Munday, Wesleyan; Lakin, His absence will be greatly felt by Dudley, DeRalb. next year's five. Centers: Pace, DeKalb; Bodman,


eators." This team was given lit.tle be unfair for me to ask the boys to or no consideration by scribes in don their shoes for another contest. December when the race began. They The season has been a mental as were merely one of the fourteen well as a physical strain, and I do entries that left the pole at the start. not think it wise to play again." At the finish they were riding the Cleary Individual Scorer. crest of victory. "Pat" Cleary's uncanny ability in

Captain Speaks for Team. finding the center of the hoop won

shortly by more ringing of the ben s. "Ed" O'Neill has been very quiet The effect of this procedure. accord- here of late. It used to be "Aggie" ing to the complainant, has resulted ~maybe it's "Maggie" now. Quien in a large falling-off of attendance sa be ? at the students' Ma·ss. "Students, --- - - --- ------­

Guards: Strombom, Mustapha. De­Kalb; Musso, Millikin; Schwartz­baugh, Normal.

Mr. Gibbons stated to representa- him the honor of high individual tives of t he press that an absent 'point-getter in the league. /lPat" t eammate was a potential factor in .Was the main cop in Chuck Carney's the team's success. 'well-oiled maehine and is largely

Mr. Gibbons says, "One of the responsible for the "Chuckers" grab­most potential factors in the team's bing second place. success was entirely due to the mem- AII-Viatorian Selection. ory of my friend and fon-card, Mr. FIRST TEAM Poos, who departed from our ranks Cleary, Chuckers-forward at the semester. It seemed that O'Neil, Delineators-forward when the boys were in the dumps Monahan, Delinquents~center

and the going was tough, the mere Todd, Ponies-guard mention of his name spurred us on Carney, Chuckers-guard to victory. I might add that we had SECOND TEAM no individual stars. I emphasized Hunt, White Mules~forward team work and I saw t hat the rigor- Mackey, Dreadnoughts--forward ous training I had mapped out for ToohiI1, Delineatol's~center

hearing the continuous ringing of these bells, become most sulky and irritable and out of pure, unadulter­ated anger, refuse to go to Mass." He suggests as a remedy the ap­pointment of certain reliable men to wake the students, thus avoiding a considerable amount of unnecessary

I noise, further asserting that Hif stud­ents are intending to go to Mass they will of their own initiative get up, while those who do not have the same intention can remain at peace and at rest with the world."

-The Collegian, St. Mary's Coll ege, California.

the boys was carried out to a "t." I Oldham Monks~guard "Right You Are-If You Think So" even smoked in the confines of my Carroll,' Vanities-guard is the play with an unusual combin-study and never in the p1'es~nce of ation of comedy and intriguing mys-a member of my tea.m. I went to With the tournament this week- tery to be given by the National the extreme of cutting numerous end, a gala time is expected to be Collegiate Players at Monmouth Col­eight o'clock classes so that the boys had by all. The three available lege. Louigi Pirandello is the "il1-would not see me out at that early electric irons on the con'idor will be tellectual" dramatist. URight You hour and think that I was just re- in use constantly. Even "Kenny" Are" is based on his favorite theme turning from town. All that my Clothier is restless-something at- , of the clash of reality and illusion. tea,m is or hopes to be they owe to tractive for him this week-end, we'll I He attempts to show those who arc their fond friend and captain. namely bet! I pursuing truth that they are simply

a phantom. for truth is only relative. " Every thing and every person is different in each new relationship."

-The Oracle, Monmouth College.


The Shea Brother s have announced another sale beginning the 13th of March and ending the night of the

"The Redbird," a campus humor 17th of March. This sale will include magazine, was edited by the Illinois I everything necessary for a gala Normal band for the purpose of week end and a real Irish St. Pat­raising funds so that it might ac- Tick's day. comp~ny the basketball team to the State Normal Schools tourney at Carbondale. Approximately five hun­dred copies were sold in two days. The composition and printing work was done by members of the printing class.- The Vidette, Normal, Illinois.

Our friend .t'Brud" Cassidy has been hibernating here of late. Maybe it's the snow-and again, maybe it isn't. Anyway, he comes out of his room long enough to mail his scented letters.

Touchball, football minus tackling, . "Fat" Carroll, beloved president of has become an honored sport in the I the College Club. has been working list of intra-murals at Carthage Col-l industriously on a new method of lege. The game includes all the I attack. His latest did not work out characteristics of football with the so well since it was pigeon-holed. exception of the customary coat of I

mail, and diving for the runner's ankles. Men who otherwise would have gone on without notice are be­ing scouted by the coach.-Carthage College.

"Minonk" Gibbons has at last come into his own. He is the light­heavy of this vicinity. IIMinonk" has serious intentions of entering the "Golden Gloves" next year.

Page 6: St. Viator College Newspaper, 1931-03-13



Freshman P rospects Are Good in Last Try-oub

Before Opening: of Season




"Driek" hardly needs any intro- Mr. Millard is another official (.uction to Viator fan~or Inns from whose work is well known by fan~

anywhere, for that matter, for he is of this section . Like Young, he is a 0::0 of the most popular of Middle- graduate of lllinoi, Wesleyan, and \VcHtt'rn offic ia ls. In football and in he is likewise a sports editor-with La~,kctba ll he is equally well-known the Deca t 'J r Review. He wus a anll is no popular in Big Ten circles basketball star in College, a nd is as he L, with the Little Nineteen. ! now a familial' figure in the s triped


Printing. Engraving. Otlicl Supplie:-. Lon,; Ll'nf Form,;. Bindel •. Etc.

26 1 Eas t )I erchant ~ tTee t

Telephone 106 Kankn" ee. III.

RIEL Y & RIEL Y CTL\, . C. RIEL Y DO -ALl) M. RlI~1..


Electrician~ fol' St. \ ' iator College

Telephone 995 36:! East Court s treet

D. J . O 'LOUGHLIN, M. D. Practice Li mited to


Bell Telepholl P 253

CO:c City National Bank Bldg. KA NKAK EE. I LL.

1 hr· finl.! Jlrttdi('" ,1(' if," (,f the Y":lr WH~ h,·lfl hy St. Vlator 'g hudding (nTf'n!l!i(' arti,If.III on la Plt Friday "Vf'n­in~. Th,· hftirmhtiv(' of thc' t'nf'm­ploymf·nl qlH'8li'm wu!\ urhtld hy I{f)b"rt Nolan, .John "1(·hn'n ami Ralph JJ ()()V('T, whilf· t.h,' n('gC!tiv(l WH, npr"!ll'ntNI hy Raymond \Vc'ntht, Franr·i. Larkin .. John H ugh nurn .. PhUJ 1.11 i{ocfjtl(' a nd (;ill Midcllplon 'J'h f' d('hal(' WIl -i non-d('ti~ional. ;>ut

lht. (h·Ji v('ry and nrR'um('nt~ of the ('(mh" tnnt W('f(''d at length hy .Jtlnlf'l'I Allc'n ~ohln, In~lTurlQr in !'ullic' Spf'lIkin~ and n former Viator cit·haler, and Broth,'!, (,hnrle~ Mur­I;hy. 11 Im'mh<'T of IU!4l Yl'ar ' ~ team who,,(' h('alth forhadl' hiA inclusion WII h thi" ycar ' ~ gqllad .. James Dugan of I hi ' nffirl11ntive t('am was unable 10 ('Ol11lwt(' in lhe fin a l trialR bcramw o( IU{'k of preparation dlH.' to his ab­s('n('(' from the College. He i::; ex­Iwel.'fl to take' a prominent. part in lhc' cil'hul l'H of the ~(' hcdule, however .

He i~ a graduate of Illinois \Ves ley- shirt of the referee at important , _ _ ___ __________________________ --J

on University a nd is Sports Editor college games and hig h school

New 1\'1 en Arc (;ood .

of the Dloomi ngton Pantagraph . tourna ments .

~~~~~~========~I COLLEGE CLUB IN I Last Year's Winners I

PLEA FOR FUNDSI R~~r~erl:~r~e--/-~~~~y D~fD.R~r~: I - I phy for one year ; Re\'e rend Jam es

TL'ea~urer Marty Toohill M. F itzgerald T rophy; ri g ht to



Milk and Cream Bulgarious Butter Milk


Always Drink Pas teur ized Milk. Door E very Morning Before

Both Phones 45

Our Wagons p~ss \ our You Have Breakfast.


\OVhill' I he debate P 1'OV('(\ that much ll1U ~t 1)(' done in the wcC'k int.crven­ing hC'(Ol'(' t he first meet of the Sl'n~O IJ, it hrought Otlt. t.he fnct; that till' F n'lihmcn mem bers of the Society UI'C' lik('ly to be the l'l1aim;tays of thiA YN\1"'R squad. Both MI'. Nolan und I\,t 1'. Mc lll'cn :-; howcd up parti­cu lllrly well (or t he affirmative, whitl' i\1 r. Rurn ~, the lone Freshman nl'~ativ(', a lso looked wl'll in the ! try-nuL Mr. No lan, in particular,

Tournam ent-SPALDING I NSTI- ________ _ Reminds Students of compete in Nationa l Catholic I

Obligation to Pay TUTE. Peori a.

D Second P lace-Thomas Leroy Annual ues Wa rner Trophy-TRl ITY HIGH,

di~plaYNI an unwmal grasp of thhles

A drive has been inaugurated by !ow l jl'l't, which, coupled with

lhe College Club for the collection I nallll'u l speaking abi li ty, w ill very of t he funds due it from t he student Jllohabl y rank him wilh the foremost of s t. ViaLo r 's dcbuter R. body. The dues, which amount to

S . Sh t five dollars a year , are binding on I ,-cnson IS. or . I

Blooming t on. Third Place-Re ,"crend Louis M.

O'Conn or Trophy-ST. BEDE, Pe ru.

Mos l va luable Pet ers. Spa ldin g.

player- Ma rti n

McBroom's Cafe First Class Restaurant

I Established 1908


Meals, Short Orders, Specials a nd Confections

Private Dining Room for Banqu ets and Parties

Owin g to t he la te sta rt, this year's cv(;ry student of St. Viator Col ege,

~t'aHon will be limited to t.he usual as a ll are members of the ol'ganiza- Mone)' Is La te. I'------------- ---------------- --.J six Conf(lrencc debntes, and, accord- t.IOn. The drive was opened at a -ing to pr(>sl~nt plans, one non-Con- special meeting of the Club held. last . The money is .long overdue, it be-

week at \vhich time both PresIdent mg the custom In years past to col-fl'n' ne(> deba~e. The season \~as I Ca rroll and Treasurer Toohill spoke lect a s soon after Homecoming as ~)I:l'I~C'~1 In s~ nlg!1t by t ht' am.l'mat~ve to the student body concerning t he possible. However, this year , it was .\~nll1~t BI ndle.), al~d ~he neg~tI~e [stat.e of the trea sury and t he diS- ! decided to allow t he money to be will open t011lp:ht agamst I1l mols coll ected in install ments . The fi rst \\'(' sleynn at Bloomington. posnl of t he funds. installment was made due on the

i\l(~l:\rs. Nol3n, Mehren and Hoover i\1oney Is Needed. ! Friday before Thanksgiving vacation. 3)lPl'31'1'd for the affirmative in the It was explained that the money but as no very press ing demand Bradley rlehnte la st night, and collected does not become th: pro- I wa~ made for it, the first dues were I\1l'st:'r~ . LaRocque, Larkin and Mid- pcrty of t he College Club, but IS used never collected. As a consequepce, elk'to n will represent St. Viator to pay t he premiums on the insur-

I the College Club has pursued its

ngHins l \ \teglcyan tonight. The third ilnce taken out by the Club. T.he course for the past three mo nths al-dl'batl' of the season will be held in insurance i ~ payable to the S~. VI3. - most entirely sans funds. It is hoped , the College Club 1'00 lll S on nex t Fl'i- tor ExtenSIon Club and is In lhe by MI'. Toohill and the officers of tile I dny ni~h t when the negative rneets form of policies on mel~l~ers of ~he I Club that the request will meet with l\ tt. idonis' affirl1lati\'t~ here. faculty. Since the ol'lgm~ l dnve , a general good response from th(;

Best of Cage Teams Come to Tournament

wo< s tol'ted by the ExtenSIOn Club student body in order that the Club to increase the endowment of St. may be freed from debt and have a I \'iator College, it ha s been the cus- I surplus in order to carryon its most I tOIll fo\' t he College Club to pay the important functions.

(Continued from first page) oremiums on ten thousand dolJars ! .--_____________ ---;

i::W. s:ao and 9:30. The games to- ~\'orth of insurance. The premiums I\\()rrow will be nt n. 10 und 11 in the due this year had almost been al­

morning-. nt :!. 3 and -I in the ::li't€r­noon. and at 7:30. 8:30 und 9:30 :\~in in the e\'e l~ing. There will be I\l\ l!~lmeS played Sundny morning. Tlll' st'mi-fill:\ls will be at :! and 3 P.:.\1. Sunday ~lftel'nOOI1. The con­~ol:\tioll gum!?, to decide the \yinner <,r thil'\j p l,h'o. will be played at S P. )l. Sundny e\·ening-. followed by th~ titll' g:ll1ll' :It ~) o\'lock. Imm~d;­

:\tdy niter this game the awards will bl' made.

In a \.'ert~lin room. to be R\.){'II\\ ~:!~) . two young antagonistic (.!'\.'nth.~mt'n s('em to ~ cutting each \'tht.~r's thf\..".ats. The reason for this i~ Ih."t known. but it is granted that t.'ai.:h is. je~11ous I.."f tht' other's s()('ial st:mding.

lowed to lapse \ .... hen the error was disco\'ered, and l\1r. Toohill borrowed fl'om the College treasury in order to fullfil the Club's duty. It is now necess:u"y for the Club to raise Uie amount due immediately in order to repo)' the College and reestablish it· seIf on a firm financial basis.

\\' hen in Kankakee You Are Always Welcome at the

Merchants' Cafe Pullma.n Booths. Soda Foun­

lain. ) lajest ic Radio While You Wait.

Phone 954 J. Berelos. )Ig r.

V ~~r~~~'!~sT~~:S F or Less


CLOTHES by Stein Block and ~t ichaels Stern. En ro S hirts.

SHOES by N unn Bush and· ly Fiyes. Interwoyen Hosier y.


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Our Edelweis Trade )lark has become the symbol of fine quality foods ec0-nomically packed. All of our products are packed in the containers most convenient and economical fOT you.