st. viateur's college journal, 1883-05-11

" j. j 'j ST. VlATEtiRS . COLLEGE ': ··· ' ., ' JOIJRNAL. LECi'lO CEltTA PlH)DES'l\ YARV .. DELECTA'l'. . . ;. VOL.L GROVE 1 ILL FRlDAY )d ay 1! 1883 No. G. MAKE HAY WillLE TilE SUN i::; t he thief of time.'; It is . the spiril, which steals · into our :<ilent nntsil)g;-; n.nd tre :lcher- in o• .tr tlti :> c:l)l h,c c1nnc. well t< ... IU· lr ro :'f, en joy yu · tr sd.f t <J-·h y, pcr h :1 p::;, 1t like 9 Jl[I Or- tnnity will nev er · · prCfCll-t it.l<e lf ng!lin. ,Jt .is t.h'e . . t roycr of nH · t huse go;>I which , we·. ii -> ve. t so rtn<l the c ttl!> <! uf so.-.m my empty i•t th e templ e of F :-ww. If we e . r e fnll_y tirnc i s, we will ver,V ,w ·J. 'l ,ca.: nc to, tii •J cv :w !Lt s iun, ti nt it < li vi<ie) \l'ia t< J t!tr,le b inn\ tlity lnt o:tc ,(i vis i<J't n \l n. dy,_ th::!. ' ti' t •t we c. m dl ou.r- <J·, vn : V{ c e. "m : 11J . in t<l tlll: h 'i1l •l c J1 sc < :f'(lt" '<If lu!;,t re nnr , :c,:.dl t1 l.C of .t iJ C p<st, we kn •J !V t1· 1t to- < l w '1.1.t to- lll ·n·r·J v ·rill . _.; , rt h; nnr ua ·o Tc hHs c:< uf hy ev ur.bc · Tiln lJ i:< like :\. m ·irTh ty rivc i' fl nw.i- :1" j;hc;i;l! )' in ;s nlic. 0 0 . • , '-'· . ' lor 11. •r t rli .-<t··vJcc, th en witf{t,h< \.illlJ K)l;uus it .y o !' ·: \· m ·HUJ t ·•.i 11 •l . o vc:: th i.!. noti <' i Ht. in ii) liU (ji\ the rn ·:''·' l i: ; lqw. On Lhc su :u ty Ji vrti o :l ri .,•et· . -<:ti,ls .t hc b• J- to r" li le by :\ l<inc ;;:: lil<ii'; Jn J .> tfi lU.Y he . :t n< l 'tide '; W \! re he to n cglc.ct .hi s< l:t ty, eve n n. h0 1Y g re·tt lv, ould be ll•• w tlH' r<:>. -<nlt ._ ::- J<:v \!ry i rUy ·' P<?n t h riug<> him nc•rc rtnd m::-rer tlttt f:t t. :<L p rt>-e ipi ce, !JC.\' <m<l wh ic lt is cl e- J ' II C tio ,t. Th e t('sti n; ony of' :1 1! ion I' nu rl n:;rs to prove · t in t if we to :le<• o;n pl i;;! 1 thi:J g, we t :1kc'' . hy th e t\n.·elnc:,. If we e>OIJ!' i, kr the gre1.t tee< Jill )J .li;; lil n e: tt-<. ol' lll l. ll th e J' CIIIOte of •l·.IN:t t• J ti t' ; V C:< the qnc:;t. iou : to wh at must we at triintt.e thi :> grc:1t n. cl- v: ln cc me nt in nll t he of · :. nd rel 'in umcn t? . ". the :mswer will bl\ "r. eve r p 11t tin g oJf nn ti ll tn-rnt! rruw wlnt cn. n Joe c!Qnc to- <hy" Men wlto;; e b ee n wh ether in po li ti('8 or indn st ri::l :1rt.-, lnve u se d well Lhc pre1<ent wh en th e !'u tu re e:LLne it found t hem prqnrcd. m :m In' e ver bec ome tru ly g r e ·!t in '1. •h.r; he nny l.l"·c been su : ld e1 d .)' r"is- c< l !'rom to opul c ll ce, !Jy e ii'C: IItnst'l. nees, whi ch th e of fo r t un e mn. _y h"'·c thro·w n in w:1y, but th ere b no l!l e rit in thi .' , nu Lru e g rentness. th e m n.n of edne:.tLi on h ow he h.'ls ncquirccl such thorough ku uwlecl gc of Lhe he will tell hy , - --------- -- - -- e ve ry mom-cr 1t (Jf hi s Lime rtlw 'Y" I:J c ... ring in mi •· ,, l that ' ·one t- o-•hy is wrntlt t1 vo to-mm-row,.; ." Th e w: 1. rrior, who by .-.eiz ing the oppornnity b "" r"iH·d hirn. -<e l l' to th e pilm,ele of m ili t.: , ry Ii-nce, will bid yo u, if yott wi;-; h to e m11htc h:s pro ''ltl :J ke h: y w! dl e th u st ta .The gre :• t nH • JII 'J {' <I l;ing \rill ;r eply to t he inrplir_y, how h"' 'C you a m :•t<, e(l' this ·lv r t.n1 tc ? · ·b_v _ ,v:tkhing the rwLrlwtll nml e lnn g('8 uf Lr:,<k, IH)vc r n eil ee Li.n g to t:<.k e · uf en ·ry <J[ ' i'"r1u- nity :1s s 11oit as it pr;· sc ntud i L::<elC" N :t.polUI IIlOIV_ c:l':<li hi. -; vi c t<H ' ic.;' t o hi s eo n: mmtn :,Lc pn '- <.( cncc ia dc Le ct. in g every error ui'J1i 8 enl\l ll ,Y n ud inllll t! - Lo ndv nnt-" ge. U:'d n ot We llin g1- <>tl the op p• n·t unity l(H' . hi ll eh :' rge tl w lnd d eud ., L ,<l Grom.: hy he. wo uld nev er h.1ve l.1 een Lite "lwru uf · \V :ll.c r !L' "'" :111d ;\ :t [J •.IieOII wi g ht h:.v e IJcc·n nn< , l- hl'l' Ak·x:.J : tle r. . I!urJ,< ·, Ch.r; Webste r [l !ld :dlt-be gre :. L gh nt.' in t he ww·ld h:•ve g:oi 11 cd inn no rL:1 Il;• me i1y w :d\ in g SIJCCe l! i11 Lh c right Lime. ' lf Lh c neglects Lo pl ow hi ;; gro und nnd so w it witlt se<; 1l in th e wlt :: t will i.Je the ,wil l n ut 1·e· dize l o:;s for a time, he Ill " .)' t.hc .s ummer ill e :t:o;e :'IJ HI pl e,s ure, !.Jut when ge: 1i .d <h,r :; _l nvc p< o::; cd , nnd "chill nuv eud.; cr 's :;urly tn :t ke tiel ds lot :c:, t bnrc" IJe will p:: inlull y und ct·,; t .: uFl how he decei V\! tl him se lf. Unt tluw it io t oo ht c to r et ri eve hi s the. gloum of wint er r e;: Ls . oa . UJ'ery t hin g, alld ull :1V I> Illl e<> of ll opc nre n .g:-du ::;t him. tlo it is Wit,h ll <' ; j;' WC WllS tC th ose pre ciOUS h utu-,.; of y out h in nne! n cglceti ng to sow tl1e miwl with ol' ind1 ts lry :mel virtu e, IPt- p- ISS unimproved th ose go ld en opportunities whir:h ;;: ln ll never r etu rn , we will lind iu riper ye · 1rs, t.h e vi ct im:; of po ve rty uml oll ,tme. Unt diff ere nt is th e wiat .eo f a well spe nt lifr ; no cl:n ·k clun <ls ob sc ur e th e s nn, all is serene a nd ilo men re:diz c t.l.!: :t r :•n : ly c: \lm eve: 1i 11g of o'er c. tnop ie rl by vie t() r y, an:! sho!le on by :1 phci:l twil igh t;_, do es it hcr .:ld Lh:t t sweet r epose, wllich is o nl y kn ow n to !Jim , wbo In s :1nd see n hi s Ia hors ·' .Man is th e n.rc hit ec:t. uf his vW<l f\>rt une" an cl a.s tntl y ca n we s·•y t 1 t tt ti me th e nnteri al with w:1i c: lt he uuil.l:;. Wh en

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St. Viator College, Vol. 1, No. 6


Page 1: St. Viateur's College Journal, 1883-05-11


j 'j

ST. VlATEtiRS . COLLEGE ':··· ' ., '


. ; .

VOL.L BO~RBOlmAIS GROVE1 ILL FRlDAY )day 1! 1883 No. G.

MAKE HAY WillLE TilE SUN Sl-ll~GS. ' ·Pru~rnstinn.tion i::; t he thief of time.'; It is .the ~v ii

spiril, which steals · into our :<ilent nntsil)g;-; n.nd tre:lcher­ou.~ly wlli,.;l}Cf~ in o•.tr e:tr~: t lti :> c:l)l h,c c1nnc. :1 .~ well t< ...

IU·lrr o :'f, enjoy yu ·trsd.f t <J- ·h y , pcrh :1 p::;, 1t like 9 Jl[IOr­tnnity will never · ·prCfCll-t it.l<elf ng!lin. ,Jt .is t.h'e . . <1 c,. ~ t roycr of nH · t huse go;>• I rc~ul·uti.ou;; which , we·. ii -> ve. t tlc<:~ n so of~c 1 i, rtn<l the c ttl!><! uf so.-.m my empty ;, [eh~~ i•t the temple of F :-ww. If we e . r e fnll_y c;J~8j < i et· . wlt~ t tirnc is, we will ver,V ,w ·J.'l ,ca.: nc to ,tii •J cv :w!Ltsiun, tint t!tou ~:t it i~ <li vi<ie)\l'ia t<J t!tr,le • listh ~ t- l)\0/io · i,;~ - ~l te rc b inn\ tlity lnt o :tc ,(i vis i<J't n \l n.dy,_ th::!. ii >~::< Cilt, 'ti't •t we c. m c·dl ou.r- <J·,vn: V{ c e."m :11J t · p·~ac~ntc- .in t<l tlll: h 'i1l •l c J1 sc<:f'(lt" '<If tlt<~ lu!;,tre nnr ,:c,:.dl t1 l.C : : ~ c!: i (ll ;" of .t iJ C p<st, we kn•J !V t1 · 1t to- <l ~.Y w'1.1.t to- lll· n·r· J:·v ·ri ll . h-r ia~ · _.; ,rth; nnr c ·ua ·o Tc hHsc:< uf yc'<t'~t hy ev ur.bc ·~ ·~trb vc: i . ·Tiln lJ

i:< like :\. m ·i rTh ty rivc i' fl nw.i-:1" j;hc;i ;l! )' :1 i o· n~' in t lt ~ ;s nlic. 0 0 . • , '-'· . '

Jl - ~· ,· , lo r 11. ~h •r t rli .-<t··vJcc, :~n · l t hen witf{t,h<\.illlJ K)l;uusit.y o !' ·: \· m·HUJ t ·•.i 11 torrc~ t t •l . :.:-d t . ~-' o vc:: th i.!. pru·'~ti"lle noti <'i i~ l ·Ht. in ii) liU (ji\ th e rn ·:''·' li: ; lqw. On Lh c su :uty Jivrti o :l

of t .hi~ ri .,•et· .-<:ti,ls .thc b•J- t o r"li le pli <~· l by :\ l<inc ;;:: lil<ii'; Jn J.> tfilU.Y mn~t he ><tr,I J .~ ·,( l e ~ . ..f .i ia -~t ' t, l u~ w:~. ves :t n <l 'tide';

W\! re he to ncglc.ct .his< l:t ty, i~n· even n. TiHJi iH~ nt, h 0 1Y

g re·tt lv, ould be hi~ lo~,, ll•• w ~a.rl t lH' r<:>.-<nlt._::-J<:v \!ry mo~tw11t i rUy ·'P<?n t h riug<> him nc•r c i· rtnd

m::-rer tlttt f:t t.:<L p rt>-e ipice, !JC.\' <m<l wh ic lt is cert:~in· cl e­~ i J'II Ctio,t. The t('sti n ;ony of' :1 1! ~1rtl ion I' nu rl n:;rs tend~

to prove· t in t if we wi~h. t o :le<•o;n pl i;;!1 :~: ny thi:Jg, we m11~ t t :1kc''. hy the t\n.·elnc:,. If we e>OIJ!' i,kr the gre1.t tee<Jill );; lil n e: tt-<. ol' lll l. ll i't'<J il~ the J' CIIIOte · !\.ge~ o f

1\ l t bi - ~ • ti t.r , •l·.IN:t t• J ti t' ; jJl'(!~eilt titn•~ , ~ 11.! a~ : ;:: U lli' ~ C l VC:<

the qnc:;t. iou : to w hat must we attriintt.e t hi :> grc:1t­v :lncc ment in nll t he ~r ts of ia · l11 ~'t\y ·:. nd rel'inumcnt?

. " . the :mswer will bl\ "r.ever p11t ting oJf nnti ll tn-rnt!rruw wlnt cn.n Joe c!Qnc t o - <hy" Men wlto;;e e>~t-cc r ln~ bee n s tt •.:cc~~fu l whether in li t~:r:-t n rc, po li t i('8 or indnstri ::l :1rt.-, lnve used well Lhc pre1<ent ~ n d whe n the !'u tu re e:LLne it found t he m prqnrcd. :~o m:m In' e ver become tru ly g re ·!t in '1. •h.r; he nny l.l"·c been su:ld e1 d .)' r" is­c <l !'rom p<~v crty to opulcllce, !Jy eii'C: IItnst'l.n ees, whic h

th e eh" ngr~ of fo r t un e mn._y h" ' ·c thro·wn in hi ~ w:1y,

but there b no l!l erit in t hi.', nu Lru e g rentn ess. A~k the m n.n of edne:.tLion how he h.'ls ncquirccl such thorough kuuwleclgc of Lhe science-~ , he wil l t ell ~· on , hy 1 t ~ ing ,

-----------· -- - --

e very mom-cr1t (Jf hi s Lime rtlw 'Y" I:Jc ... ring in mi •·,, l tha t ' ·one t-o-•hy is wrntlt t 1vo to-mm-row,.;."

The w:1.rrior, who by .-.eiz ing the oppornnity b"" r" iH·d hirn.-<el l' to the high~t pilm,ele of m ili t.:,ry Ii-nce, will bid you , if yott wi;-;h to e m11htc h:s pro we~~, ' 'ltl :Jke h : y w!dle thu st ta shine~." .The gre:• t nH •JII 'J {' <I l;ing \rill

;reply to the inrplir_y, ho w h" ' 'C y o u am:•t<,e(l' this ~:,•n·: ·. t ·lv r t.n1 tc ? ··b_v _,v:tkhing the rwLrlwtll nml elnng('8 uf Lr:,<k,

IH)vcr neilee to t :<.ke :1dv:t ~tt:1ge ·uf e n ·ry <J[ 'i'"r1u­

nity :1s s11oit as it pr;·scntud iL::<elC" N :t.polUIIIlOIV_c:l':<li hi.-; vic t<H' ic.;' to his eo n:mmtn:,Lc p n '­

<.( c ncc ia dc every error ui'J1i8 enl\l ll ,Y nud inllll t!­

di :~ te ly . turning · it. Lo ndv nnt-"ge. U:'d not W e lling1-<>tl

~cize · _l the opp• n·tunity l(H' . nnkin;~ hill i':bmvn~ e h:' rg e

'~~": ten tlw l:'rn .-<~ i ,r n~ lnd deud ., L,<l Grom.:hy he. wo uld

ne v er h.1ve l.1ee n Lite "lwru uf ·\V :ll.c r !L'"'" :111d ;\ :t [J •.IieOII wig ht h:.v e IJcc·n nn<, l-hl'l' Ak·x:.J :tle r. . I!urJ,<·, Clntlv ~ IIJ , Ch.r; Webster [l !ld :dlt-be g re :. L gh nt.' in t he p;_ ~liti'c.::d: ww·ld h:•ve g:oi 11 cd inn norL:1 Il;• me i1y w :d\ ing t l) ~ ri~l)t SIJCCel! i11 Lhc r ight Lime. '

lf Lhc f ~rmc r neglects Lo plow hi;; gro und nnd so w it

witlt se<;1l in the ~priug, wlt :: t will i.Je the l'c~ ult-. II~

,wil l nut 1·e·dize hi~ lo:;s for a time, he Ill " .)' p:~ :<s t.hc l<~ng .summer cl:<y~ ill e :t:o;e :'IJ HI ple,s ure, !.Jut when t h<~~C

ge: 1i .d <h,r :;_lnvc p <o::;cd , nnd "chill nuv e u d.;cr 's :;urly i.J l :~sts tn :tke tields ;~ nrl lot:c:,t bnrc" IJe will p:: inlully und ct·,; t.: uFl how he h :: ~ decei V\!tl himself. Unt tlu w i t io

t oo htc to r etri eve his lo.'< ~P~; the. g lou m of winter r e;: Ls

. oa. UJ'e ry thing , alld ull :1V I>Illl e<> of llo pc nre clo~;;e d

n.g:-du::;t him. tlo i t is Wit,h ll<' ; j;' WC WllStC th ose prec iOUS hutu-,.; of y outh in idl c Dc~s nne! plc,~ ure, ncglceti ng to sow t l1e miwl with se;- <1 ~ ol' ind1 ts lry :mel virtue, IPt­

ti:~g p -ISS unimproved t hose golden opportunities whir:h

;;: ln ll never retu rn , we will lind ouroe lv c~ iu riper

ye ·1rs, t.he vic t im:; of po ve rty uml oll ,tme.

Unt different is the· o f a well spent lifr ; no cl:n·k clun <ls o bsc ure the snn, all is se rene a nd pl c=-~ :l llt.

~c! : l ol! t ilo m en re:dizc t.l.!: : t vi~ i un : r :•n :ly doc~ the

c:\lm eve:1i11g of c x i.~te ll0c' o'erc.tnop ie rl by vie t()ry, an:! sho!le on by :1 phci:l t wil igh t;_, r : ~ rc ly does it hcr.:ld Lh:tt sweet r epose, wllich is only kn ow n to !Jim , wbo In s hh<~rc r l :1nd see n his Ia hors bl cs~ed. ·'.Man is th e

n.rchitec:t. uf hi s vW<l f\>rtune" ancl a.s tntly ca n we s·•y

t 1t tt t i me i~ th e nnteria l with w:1i c: lt he uuil.l:;. When

Page 2: St. Viateur's College Journal, 1883-05-11


w e ex: ~.·mlao the li v e1 of gt·cl.t m·m, we do not in m1.ny c <~cs, see them endowed 'vith t ·tlents so superior to our own, on the contt~wy, in point of na tnrnl abilities; they were often our inferiors. The success of these men, their knowledge, WCl.lth, Or fame, can not be attl'ibutctl to that capricious dame c:1.lled fortune, but to thoir own incli vidual effo rts. The value of time, and especially the present is a subject which h:ts called fo rth the most brilliant effusions of poetry , in our lang uage, and it hfls not been wholly neglected by the more phlegmfttic prose writers. Southwell's " Danget-s of Delay," and Yotu1g 's "~ight Thoughts," m 1.gnificently teach ns the value of time, and the ncces. si ~y of using time "while time is lent thee."

L·:t us stnrly those lessons of great men, seldom e·1v 1,;·l1 will F'vrttlne smile on us, anu wllen she d ocs, l eL u~ au t IW6lll:d evt.u·tiug her.

1'. c.


1t is cw;tom·Lr.'t lor some to cousider the oce1.n "~ n mere wild, w:ttery waste wi thont nny pleasing or tonchi1;g scenes, and entirely wanting in th=lt influence over the human feelings which nature every -where . else -possesses. This o pinion, however, is wrong and dedcl elHy opposite to t~1at which experience te:tche3. There is an ind escrib~tble snblimity connectml with the se 1, whi ch is no1vhcre surp:tssecl, :tnd which reminds us oontinn:t.lly ofthose two gre'1t t ruths --the " notbing­ne3s or man, and the wonderful power, and wisdom of tile Cre:1tor."

I remember t h:1t, in my first voynge across the Atlanti c, although awed ancl terrified by ~vme or her appalling sig hts, I w:ts never theless deligbted with the ple:tsing thoughts ancl serious reflections to whieh they gave ri se.

Tl1e scenes and inc.idcnts of this voynge, nlthongh m:1de more then twenty years ago, arc still fresh in my memory, pnrtly, I suppose from their novelty, and partly IJecanse I was then in the bloom of yonth; mv:~ke and sens ible to everything that a il'cctecl the en r or gmti fi cd the fancy.

l\ly health at th:~t ti me was greatly iinpa irecl , and I saw that the easy and most e ff'ectnal means of recruit. ing it, would be to leave A merion, and seek a milder ancl more he:d t hful abode either among the sunny gToves of It:~ ly , or in the st ill w:.muer dimatc of A lg iers. With this olJjeot in vi ew, I left the denr old city of New York , for Tire, t in Frnncr.

There I intended to stop a fe w days, an<l t hen con­tinuo my j<)lll'n ey 1Jy sea to Itnly. Jt was late in t he summer, porh:1ps nbout the middle of Aug ust. The vessel which I took was brge nncl benutif'u l, h:J.Ving

on high the na tional colors, while lo'!_V down floated other fhgs and nnmerons pendauts, a !Vof which waved and fluttered to and fro os if rej_9f'chlg in the ocean breeze. She carried in nil over a tbonsn ncl so uls, some of whom were sad and some joy f'ul; some turning with tearful eyes to the Janel which was fnst disappeH r­ing and some looking forward :!fitll joyous hearts, to thnt ot.hcr shore, where perhaps dear lricnds or fond rehtions were wniLing nnd watching in happy expec­ta tion.

F or me tbe dep1.rtnre w.1.s indeed 1ninful. Tbe ln st sight of bnd pressed heavily on my heart; I thought of home, aml of the dear ones there, wbo were perhn ps at thflt very moment thi!lking, nnd talking of me. I thought bow long it would be before I ·would retnrn, and then the painful idea stmck me, that, perhnps when [ would retnm, there would be no one to receive me ; th:1t the pln ce would be changed, ond I would see strange fl10es and forms at the door. T enrs stole from my eyes bnt.I checked them, thinking it unm:mly to Le thus weeping before so many people.

From tlwt moment I strove :1gninst those mehnchol.Y recollect.ions, nnd l:'oon bPcnme mor!( contented, 11 nd wns nl.J!e to eujoy wlmtcver ple~&ure or tlm usement the voynge nffurded •

I never rcm ~ in erl very much below in the fXtb i n,

preferring nlwny s to be on tl1 e dc<·k, wlwrc J of1«'1l ~n t

for honrs, musing over the wonders of the deep. The mig hty T\2)''er displnyed in the ~urging hill(JwF, t.h e vn ~t expnn~e to which the eye conhl see no limi t.~, nncl continn:d nndni:lti on of the wnves whi<·h will be there till hurl, nncl sea sh'lll be no more; the~c were su IJjects fi>r whol e. flay s meditntion, nnrl ones n~ gr:md , nne! full v( interest :1;;: nature cnn possibly furni sh.

Ju the morning I loved t o watch the snn gcntl.r ri~ ing np ns from the clistnnt ·w:n ·es, nnd cc~st. ing its bright be.1 ms ncross the silent ocenn; Lnt the set.ting wns by fhr the more beautiful. Sinking slowly to the hori zon, its Inst rays streamec1 from af:1r over the thonsnnd l>illows, decked their crests with n crimwn l111 c, ftnd formed golden paths which I nlmost longed to tread, thinking they led away to t ha t pencefnl worl<l " ' Vhe1:e the wi'ck ecl cease from t.ron bling, and I he weary nrc nt re~t." 'Vhen the ~nn hAd gone down. thnt heav enly home sometimes seemed v isible in the lnrge pil es of beautifnlly p::linted clonrls, which often :•t evening, nppefl recl in the west like nn 1liry p:'lrafli ~<',

:mfl " to which the gentle, un rlnhting billows rolled t.hcir sil ·,rery volumes ns if to die nwny on those hnppy shores."

Dn.y a ft- er clay we eo ntinu ecl our jon rn ey, nn e! yet

the same unbroken prospcc.t prese nted itself from eyery side.

Page 3: St. Viateur's College Journal, 1883-05-11
Page 4: St. Viateur's College Journal, 1883-05-11

··-=---=--=--=-=--=-= -==-=--=--=======-=-=-=-=-=-=--=--=-=-=-==-===-----Uoor;,;·e Sa nford wh . se CH' r p leasant ~m ile was a sonrcc of

h ·]•pinL'ciS 1.<> ns last yu;~ r, is nuw , njojing him :,clf l,y t,Lki ng

<Jet.: .. t<i<>n id t•·i j>S witlJ hi s fa ther. \ Vl11.m not th us eug ag e(l he i,; to li\: f.mnd ;~t hi.' hom e in il l arsil id ltown , l <>W><.

A . C. i~1uri.e 'i:H ·.vl 1o fur tl 'bu paso two yuan; h~,, IJCen f• ll o wing

l1is cedl'>o~ : ust i l; a] :>Lw li ~-s in thu !:;umi nary at Baltimore, was

l'C(;C nt l ;· acl vi.-;uc1 i>y hi il phy s ic; i1m I o t<1 kc a fe w mon ths rcl!l'uatiou . Jl<' is uuw s<.~juurn i ng-wi th re: ,~tions· a n· l f ri en<ls in this locality

a nd w.ll p rc·>tmt ly take a j m1m ey th ro L1gh tlw feu· west , where

he IH>j><.:> t he 1.nonnta i11 11ir wi ll:pnx l1teo uenefici l.l l res ul ts in itis

fa 1·or.

lte v. G. A. U. i'.InrtL"l , for sm--em l ye~rs our Prol'e,;sor of music

fltl•1 P::t.nting7 ilncl for sotnc tjruc p1:tsteug ag:ed in pi:l::..toral llulieti

in (;hie;~ go, was re?ent ly a ppointed p,,_~tl• r uf S t. A nne in I h i ~

unmty. F r. M artel has a ll the characteri:;tit;s ul It ki nd and

a miable l'tl&tor : he is numben~rl a mong tho IJcncfactor .,; ofuur

in ,;tit ut iull unrl we m o,;t ~ inee rc l y ·wish hint all pos-il,Je S lLccc~.\

tllld lw.;;p incsij in h i,; new fi~ 1 Ll of spiri t ua l labor.

Am ong those who ill1 ve rc·c<mt ly sent us cxvn·&> i<ms oC eoo ­

g ratula t ion, 1<'. X . Oa larne;m '711 att.n.1et:; our ,,t tu ni'i on . \Ve once

CXl>u<: tcd t h.l' F rank W<>t1ld l>eC<)II\C ~ l ite rary p t.;roonag e and

d c,·ote hi :nself exdtL>ivuly to novel wriL u;;; lmt his ro :n:mti c

nol iLms mu~t h;tve vanished , since he is .ut p r esen t iu one uf t he

ra il l'Oi111 ol ti c;e,; of L i 111a , Oh :u·.

~~--~-~=- =·==


T he [,'T:WC' h as just been scaled ov·er onr! cifthc grcalc~t me n

o l' tli iH ~;cmtm.~. L s. Veui ll ut , the fcm·ltss clHnnpion of the

righ t~ or the Uh urch , " -' Jli red nn t he tJ th. of Apr il at t c age of

~\J y~ar.-<, aft~;r li •IVing recei veJ tli c last Sacramentf! . ~urronnded

l;y I! is two dau~ ilte rs a nd t ile s taff of •' L'Gni verd. ' ' ·w ith in t l1e

1a-;t fe w year~ til ~ i llustr iou-; hall gi ven u p all kind <>f m en­

tal Ltbor un accou nt of complete c xli acu;tilln .

T he celebra ted J ournal is t was uorn a t Iloy t•es of poor parents

tmrl r ece ived but a com mon se;ilool ed m:a.tion He n; l atu~ i n

''Jl<Jme ct Lo r<' tte" on wha t unf,Jrtunate circ umstances be mack hi ~ firs t co mm u nion. F r:w ec was j ust e mergi ng fro m the ab yss of HE1·olntion . His P arents did not know God . Hi s Te;leher m 1s an inJiclel and a Llruuka rcl. U wa,; after bc: ng preparutl by

snell ignom nt a nd impious hanrls that ilo a pproacl l~d the Holy

t:~ I Jie , deprived fo r eve r of the heave nl y j oy a ml the pl easa n t

m nY eni ro of th e h<l pp i e~t cb y of lif•;. • :i\Iay the sacri lege," h e says,

' ' ~s t on otl1er hca<lo !' '

A t a n ea rly >~ge, he g ave unmistakable marks of ],i s t a len t a ti

a \\ ri te r. J 1 e ]:ad al reud v lent IJio pen to cl i1lcrcnt p npers, w!Jc u

h8 waB i n vite<] by one oi his f riends to visi t Consb nti nople. H e

W:i ~ not g oi ng to t he capi tal of i\Iahomct, ''he was going to Home, tl) Ba pti ,;n1. .,

I n fac t l1 e eam.• ht~ e k from I he etcm ttl City another m an, a

Ch rist ia n . Th e vei l fe ll : rotn hi s t;ycs. F ui t h g ave to hi s u ud er­

stunrling t he only sati sfi1ctor y solu tion of the mysteries of life. The

Chmch a ppeared to h im as till' la ~t ram par t of soci ety thrcateneLl by Hcvoluti on , and he s <~orc th at he wou ld live an. I die in her service, a promise which he fa ithfully kep t nnto the las t.

H e founded " L ' Univers ' ' ancl with it Ca tholic journalism. L acordaire in the pulpit of Notre D ame , :i\1ontale mbert in th e

t ri bune ofthe Parliamen t an d Ls . V eu illo t in tbe editori al chair o !' " L'Uni,·crs'' were three powers and t!Je g rea test Llc!cnders o · :

religiol1.; l iberty wh ich Fnmcr• in Iter !a le ~l r ugg l c aga ;ust. in lid cJ,:y g m·c lo t he Chmcll of (;1,1-icL

For over twen ty li ve year~ this d evorecl elH llil ian fought the

good coml ,ul. l k ad vocated the l ib('J' ty vf -- teuciLn•g" which wa.,;

Lhen placed iu the hand s nf an irru ligionr> U,>v emmen t. H JJ afterward joined } [ g&'. Ga Lune in hi1-::. &tru~gle again~t pagu n. a u tl1()r:; w ilt>;() exe lLL~ i vc u e i n ,;~:hoob tuntl8, aH p m ved by

ll is.tory , lo diocllristian i:ce natious. Every one l'"lll< m b~rs Bl : :1 how e lo<JlH.:rit)y he 11tfcnclet1 t l• e tlog ma of Pupal Infulli uilit y <; ppo&d I>_Y t il l! a<l •·pts of GaUieu ni o; m antl L :l.>emlionL A ny

11 U" cb Of"WJl1CL1 I •y t' ,c cn<'mies of Society an.J l tel ig rvn were sum

to iJ0 chekcLli>y' t hi~ i ntrepid rt, the lcte of Clwi:>t ianity.

T he cmwning g lory of l1is lile will l>e h> h .1ve achiovL.>t1 t ho;

mo ve ment towanl ~ Honw , ~ta rtcd by D (' l\'lu i ~t rt.; and De .!Ana l• l lJnt whiclt they could not GRrry ont ou >tecuuut of the intrig u· :s

ofthe ti m e , am! V ;. Ye,1illot m ig-ht we ll say, Nun0 diui itli." . G al licani•m is clearl.

His.JmTrn t~l was su ppressecl t w ico;. T he first ti me whc1J l1 e

p ulJ!i;;he,] t he P ap al cxco m mtmiea tion p.ronQnneed nga inst the

opoi le rsot t he P onti fi cHl E:>ta tes. H e k ne w tha t, i t would he the

last clay of hi s P ape r ; he prcf(:recl \l(latli to silence. T his Cll C) ­

clical wns the wi iH1iug sheet of "L'U nivers," bnt wlmi n g lorio us

sh ronrl ! he tTi u mphai} i ly exclaim s .

It was S11ppre"f,~<l a Be<:ond ti m e . after the F nmco-Pmss ia n

u:nr, when he stool by th~ Gcnna n Bi.-ho p• H!-(aioot II vietorious

1l ipl omat nmn iml ful uf the catholic b lood shed dnrin b

t h s l a~t. campaig n . The g allan t pen of the grL"at write r was

crnshe<ll,y the brutal sword of B ism>:rk. f.lnt i t wa~ only fo r a

lime. " L'U ni vers" li ve" Htill unr[ it sha ll n·gi s.lcr, uno d ay,

wh,ieh is not fdr 1lis ta ut tho arri val of the Iron 1\.lun at Cun­


I n the -ec1i~ial ch Air of '' L 'Gnil'e r.,," L 8. Venill ot f<'lt at

honw : like the crns:11ler ol' ol<l u nder h it< co;~t. o t· artu><, Jearfrrl ot' no enemy; he g nve d <'arl ly l>low.o to ~my rmc who rb red t<J

ri efy hiUJ. Tht· erl itors of T he " Hcvne rlw r[ell\: :11ow1e,.," of t he

"( Slec le7 )1 of th f ~ '1 F' igaro" shall tlC\'er [()rge t the cnH ~1 l<1l·dling l,~

infli ctc<l tlwm : til e strok rs of h i~ pen were tfl t lwse li tera rr '} ttac ks wh:~t :~ rc t he stamp of the r er1 hot i ron on the ;.lJO u]d (·rs

of' th e gall !'y-sl., ve . fl flW m any we re si le ncet1 'by a s:ng-le tr11 ~ t of liis b itt(•r irony. It i , ;,ai1l tha t, h:Hl he Ji,-c<l clnr:ng Voltuire's

tirne. Ir e woul d IHJ YC d wk ecl the i n \'('rnal sm•eril1t; u r thi s- vi!e

insultor of rhe Go .! :\tv• and forcc<1 il i !Jl h> beg for me rcy . L s. Vcn illot :;t.anrh ti l's t a mong t.he fr ench ]•rose wr : t e r~ of

the n ine teenth ~;entLi ry. H e combine3 a ll "~enn.:o>" nnil tiJ t hu

hig hest clef_'Tee of per fec tion . You will l"lnrl ill h im the ,·ehement c

of the polemist , th e deepness of the th inker , t he s tern .iL1dgmcnt of the h istorian , I he a ttractiveness of the noveliHt, the in s pira­

ti on of the pol' t. H ;s st.r 1c alli es t l:e corrc·e ln• ·ss un cl I he g r am leur

of tl1e cbssics to t he fn :shuet;t; unll action li fe of the r oHHI-Ilt:c


H ow nnmerous and hca ut:ifLil are the m as te r 1>ieces whi r. h

ori; i natecl fro m his prol iJic pen ! There is m ore p oetry in tl 1c " l'e l eri n;~ ge tlc su:ss, " Ca et Lu ,• · T he "P ar[ lllll cle n~nH · ,' '

" H is toriettes ctFa ntaisi t:s" than in all t he \\'ork s of L .unart 110

and Victor fl ugu. }lis style is real ly ini nd tah :e, an <l uiJut i s

as toni shing is to see how ensi ly th e cle1i un t po lc nli st soft ens hi s

voi ce. The lion uccom es tl1 e m i ld est lamb. You are transpo· tcrl

all at once fro m th e noi se of t he ba ttl c-fie lrl to th e ea lm of

wi lill t;" lamhcapes ; " ·onb of a uge r arc suc~:cc Lletl by ~oug

Page 5: St. Viateur's College Journal, 1883-05-11


" ·h k h mov~ the hc.:u·t to [(•.:Jr$ " l :omo ct Lordtc" r i'.'al:; iu T lu tr:; cl:iy. l'o!.iLica lly sp eaking Lbey f i? [!OrL t,h i ng~ -liv c l .v lJcauty ,viflt the inllltol·tnl ~ L<.1 lf<· ..... ~kns" <~f . St. Augu~t iu, T he rece nt iuqn-v vtllllCII t:; on the s to r e of l '. t:>:w ck "Corbin H tl '.Aulrecnurt," \Ylt ic li Leon Gauthie r prudaiuts til~ g~ve it ~t nc :tt nnd un iqt te ~ppc~ra.ncc. lll ::S!('rp:c'('C o!' t ll•, f<-cnch Ja,,gu":,'1'\ >;<..'< t<> hal't fl\lc t; 1n-ith'u lJy the c ha.s!c pea uf :t y oung rua:d . It j ,· :1 piiJ th:~t his works C<J n. l:br t h :1s a s oonog r:tph.ic clwm HD\\', \\"e Wutd <l me ~ti ll uuknowu tn the wntlLl <If Engli_,;h lette rs, whJ.,t the l s uggest th:tt th~j''md t he fv urtit G r amm:u cbl!:; i f ob,ceuc•h.'<:t io-n~ of Euge ne Sue, U P-<l l'!:," l ~ :mol, Dum. t~ arc to t h ey w:tnt tt} try tltei r s k ill • .. 1,; found rwcrJ w hc1 -e . B-ttt whnt tria t· b tor wou ld eve r he . able l A new fe :d .lll'C h :1.g Lec n nrld c d to the cnrtos tl.ies

t · c:x rns s the <Jti-giua l l,'(';.>t: t'<·~. <'-f l ,i!; l";' wd'1J] g .. nius~ wh ich ?llr. Gr!be1\ i:; eo llec fur hi:; m u.:;cum ; " 'l' IHJ What <:lwract<!rizcs h i.s \\Titiu::,'ti au .\ m akes t!tcm so at l r~ tc ! i vl', m :m wilh two clt i n~"

j ,, tkli l>c ] )(.~":;(_~:<:~ lli<Jrt ll1mt al_l th<; " t etl;; c:;tl\~,iit; ue" ' '-" .S!<tk<1 C u ;;:tc k . \ n 1" s: 1.''~ \V: t ~ h i n g to n ;,, no t f~r<· ntrr l h:m J '" une of hL~ cr •h cs. <.-hJtx:aul •nau<l . "ho Hl"Y JH:otly le c:1l h:<l N 1 ' 1- · I 1 • ' II 1 1- 1 1 •

' . • . . ' :1l)(J (~() 1 1. \.11\C' l'Y . ( '0, :t il ([ W l < :C ~ ! I f I ll \' J"lilj ]>0 !' ' . tl 1e fatl tt r of ;lt-e n;L:.;·w us re ~.ct 1 0!L ,, ]m:lt t<.wk t· la.c<: at tl l<l be- l I

1 , · l ('I , ll .

1 ·1

· · l . . . . , t w:1s too n <t t t :tL , e 1t ~ .w t l • ·' POl Hx .~ 1 n n co y

J.;dl ll lllg' uftln s<'<!n{{ll'). $Ci~!ll;; l >u t u n<:opn_yk Whl'n cotHt"wed 1 . . . · · t o l1illl . T h<: a:tthur :tf the "Geniu.-s or Clt ri~t j auity'' h ;~ ~ on ly . ~ ll ~ t.lllll h ~ 1g. <ill: :m enormo us !.ish Llw L prove<! Lobe"

l>l'l'f: t lw c:x kn•.r ! <e<ntty r>f t!J,, CliU1'ch . It q-r~-; unft>rt.uu ,_tc, l, c 1

[ ll ~~.c u f c o'1 d-l~ uor l. . _ . . <t i'I ~J:tr;-; tu .s;;_y, " ' h t'Tl c-rm tcrnp lo. ti11g tl10 ru ins ·un:)l!ght l>y the,. br:~1H l h )S · ls J, ecom lllg fl lll l c " n e X. J ~rt 111 f.hro \\-111!; fn nc b J2. ' "uhibm, to h:mo <l<:s tt-oye<i so j ~ 1eti< <I rcl ig Km. i>ll l the <.hgg er. lie i:; mecb t· ~LiiiJ :t t eip to bh e .Zul11 f'O IIl\-

1, . Veui l klt !lot.~ pcnc t1<1Aed inti' tile .. :mc!llary of t l1c te mple , auJ t r y .

<·om<;s; QUt wi f ,u th of au Apo,tk aU{l the cu of a .1\Ii ~s .S :trli e G ih lto n of D •vfg lt t sp e n t :i nn rl:ty nt Ll te J'rol uwt.1,1<Te is nuthingfactitio us in h:s feel ings: his accents colle ,T(l d s i t iwr her bro th·e r, ()r l11 e wost1n.U'ning love tOr ;tl l tl 1at i~ noble H.nd beautiful are ~- ·~

As ,,-c p~·ed ictcd , l\Ic. wo n !;he v ic to l'.\', in l h e reeen t al\\' ny - tn1c Hn<l an~ ree<::hoo<l by eve ry lJCiiever 's l tc~ rt.

r :1ee with Z 12 p h. lf So llie Yisitur will eulllc iu :1nd IJ ll t­L~- VeuiiluUo uk par t in many strugg i ~s in wh ich the g n·at<·s t

n:l i;,rious and svc ia l inte~st \Yc r" Ht :;take . tlN ne have rcpmad tcd b i tll with tl 1c vioknce oi' hi.> ·:tt!'..tcki<. Co u ld we not cxcuru h im

w ho constaurJr stood in the g >1 11 to guard tr uth t~s.~aul lt.'<.1 l>y

c uw.-•.Nls an d :n~o ; to :s ? No won der that hi s touc l.Jt.'Oimc fiet y by the h , llit oi' figl : tiog . But ccrt .. in it is that, i f t he funu of hi s wri t­

in :"B '""s not sometimes •.-hat it s huu ld hnn~ been, hi,; doct rine w:1~ always souno and n.pprovecl by the h ig hes t tri b u n •.• ~n earth .

! t h : L~ hct·n the g lory Df the Ch urd 1 to numlJC.C >!l.ioug her <'J1ildrl'n t l.c g reat:·st gcniu.-;es of u,·cr.r ceutu:·y. Ou r "d'c l>elto icls IJ<:r<.tili suiTOLmdc <l l>y sut:b intc l lcctLLil g i11nts a.~ L s . Ve ui lloi,

J )onoso Corte~, Nc" uwn, Hrownsou who p lcclged he r thcJr t;t[en ts

a nd their ion:, nm1 rccein)d in rctum lig h t and peac e . H is sad i ' J< lecd to ,ce tllc;;c zca lo tLH:hmnpi uus of the tru e faith llis<t jJpCar

one uf lcr another. L et""' wldst p lacing the t: r 0 \''11 of immortals o1·ur their ;,; •·:we, I >cg ,,f tllC <l;viu•; Proljr lcnc'" t.> g rant th e <.;httrcl l,

writ·r rs who will t.<k e these heroes as their mo>le ls. May Ame rica n

ynuths enJ:a.IlH'<l " it l1 t l;c loY<' of tru il1 Hn<l stu<l )' , lJecome hke url mir;; b lc " i·•>:og i' t', H ICU uL!c !o ·na:c t t bc emergency thew o: uur ! iuJCs.


H cncl your own p :tpc r .

The ll t y~ a rc eo untc li.

Comme nce m en t d ay , T h ursch y, J une 2 Lst. ·

.1\ow is t he ti ute to p re p :-t rc fu r cxn minnt io n.

(; rent a.nrl exc iting nrc th ~ g:~.m es o C t he l engtH~.

T he boat C ln u i ~ m:lking e xtens ive pre J.J:-trations.

The l:ltes t r epo r t snys " D oc" G- rim es is us ing A nti-

fi t L. 1\I r. E. Tu rne r cn llcd on h is o ld frien ds here, l:>st

Tuescl:ly, o n h is w~1y to Europe.

It will soo n be time for registered letters a n d m o ney

onler s , so says Can1ero n.

T ug aml D au made a lly ing v is it, to t !.Je c iL_. h~ t ,

s t r i p 1\I t:., we wi ll be gTeat l_)' !J l c:t ~c < l.

V ery He v . P . Uc:ltldoin l'. S. ·v. P res id e n t of t he

coll eg e is eoml iH'.t ing a retren t t\ti ::; week lvr t lte yo ung

l :.~ di ('S o ft.l n:~ C o ngreg:ttion.

The ex tern :1 Lh lete who wns he1te n ~,\' 1\Ie !Cin ne ry in

the run n ing m~tch :lll cl IJ_y Gn ll e t i n t he jumpi ng eo1i Lc~ t

was e lt:1 ll c n .~e • l by J o hn E. to g r in; t he indi v idl \:l,l afte r

Yic wi ng t bc o ppor.f'.n t , p u t o n h is eoat a.n cl q uic

rem·u·ke<l : " 1nt nrc e:t.n't be b c.t t e n."

G iiJbe>ns won tll e pen 11y uet o n t h e g~ me o f b:,tse- b:li l

h s t wee k. Bet~ r :~ ng ed frrJm one u p t o ti ve e e n ts o n t he

g r o nl tfls se v e r:~. l sm :t!l be ts nrc report~d fr o m

nc ig l1 o ring p l:1 ccs.

Om re po r te r s1ys t he m ost ph\.1~ ing fe:~tn re of t he

1\:l:ly p:tr ty , w~s the e leg'L~ ee with wh it: h 1\fr. C. m o v ed

a fte r be ing rl es ign~ ted ns m~y -pol e.

The boy s h n l re~ dy bPg un to pre p:~re for t he

:1 nnu:d ::ioe ie ty l' ic-n it:, which will b e h e ld o n the r iv e r

bnnks :1 uo u t t he fir~t Th1 1 r~d ny i n J une.

On ~e\·ing Br. Bnnnrrl r.1ise n t wcl ve p o tmrl wrig ht

o n e luntrlred t imes, a 1cw fhys s inee, we r cee iY ecl

t h o ug h ts fu r an addi Liowtl eh np te r to '·The m an " ·it h a

st c ·\m nrnt."

O n the ~ 5 th. nl t . V ery 1\,ev . E . Gon ne t S upe ri o r

Gen era l o f t he o rd er , neeo mpaniecl by R e v. Bro the r

S nul in, left P a r is for Am cri en. T hey will r em n in som e

cl ay s in .Jo lie tLc, Ca n a ct a a n d nrr i ve be re abo ut Lhe h s t

o f t lti s m o nth .

T he !Jc rd ic line he t"·ce n h e re nnd Lhe city is n o w in

r c:£ til nr nnmin_g orde r nnrl is p ny ing well. T he lin <'

c:ortn e r;t s w ilh a ll tr~ins on Lh e Centm l, m aking fo ur

Page 6: St. Viateur's College Journal, 1883-05-11


tri ps n <b y, thu s llfronlin g :m cusy :1ml cvnv cllicnt · li W:.u~ of' l r t~ J I ::' il for pil s:;e ngv rs.

l)n '.i'h tt rsd :Jy ln ~t tlw KKKce •·Hetb" t~1 m e }nlu Lh c

e', JI.]lli ~, with h.ig h hope~, :st roug tlutm·minnLiun nnd

e ig ht men. The college nine rece ived them cOr{linl l>·, nnd :1fle r n large eon e~>ursc vf' spcctntors h:1d g nth<· t:ecl , "phy" w : J~ t.::1lkd by the umpire. The game wns in tc ­n·~ting throu g hv11t ; b u t it was , e vident t-i·om the fir~t

th:~t thl' vi ::' il<,r:< won ltl lvsc. :Score, College .'4~, " 1k tb " J:J.

The mvnih or ~I:ty lwing es pet'i:dly <:utmet·l':lted to ll!<· honor vi' the Hle~scd Virgi n , t he. !JiC'ty and d evv\.iv ~>

,,r ll 11 · >l tl!k td .-. during lhi.- ti1l1t' , . :tn · :md .- l'tottld lw

lll lll.'ll: d l.r t· di t>· in;!. ~ti ll. dnri11 g- llw .rd i.!!; itill ." t· .·u ·n·i,;, ·.-•

l l1c rc :1re ll le w wltu du nut ev illl:e t b .Lt prul'uund ndu­r :~ tion nntl ,err rcn,llcetiun, whieh ~ honk! i..ep:trtienbrly <·l>,t•i· v:lld<· in the si url e ut.-· The Ch:1pd p1·esents 11 neat " l'f ll':l l';I IJ c0 ·uud ih~ <levotional excreis\:3 arc ns pl~ :is ing 11nd :os .t"yful ns tl1e virtues <.? f Heaven's Quee n are . lov e!,\· i:;;;l u~: l;l lir-111.

ltuv. F. X . C hut liu:Lnlvr Aurura g .tve 11s tt ple:1S<1.nt­e:d l .I t.•ote nby .


HOLL OF IIO~OH·. FoB l 'nt.rT l•: Y I•>: :-;: , ~KAT.XJ•! ~:o', 0H11 l<~.l( 1 A J -"l'l~~ t: )\'Tf 0~ 1 XX .iJ O J;.,>Ioj. J•: J~­

Y.-\ N- h •: oJ.· 1\l' Ll-:.":i.

1 ~1. ·DJ<< t'lfKF.·-llli" ' ·s Jl. O' l:i<·ll y,. ( '. i\f,, ~ naJJ , A . J\I;d l(,, , H . Cfr;rry -· A. ~tfllivru t , M. <"; a-in , ,f ,. JA; l(Ol W , A. no1Hir0:ul , lC P~·piu ~ . ln 4l. l h :i: nF..f.- 1\li :-:!" f' S A. H1 n ~· k :.; tont•, :M . L. J:ajmn:t , (' , l'<~ H l l'run.

.·; E: H·J,,·,•JI.

JL\' JOJ< Dm·AH'J '~l F.T

J.~t. Jh:t : J~ FT- ~Ji ~f-: r-s ..-'\. _?l l fliiJ:i , I. L:lllH'Ill<t f.: JW1 l\L IJ Py , A . l lu:u·J, , A . ]~u lkrt , A. l' rairle. J\larlou Jlan·un. ·

2ntl . n .F fi) t F:)':-= nli :--H·.o:.: J . 1\l ona ~ t , ;J. J'eriol;ll , 1\r. H ; -tTPi l, E. :-inn!':t<' k ' C. Brault, ,J. La.wretwc.

JOUJrN:AL :-.Ul3SCRIPT10N L IST. K utre J.)ame Academy Hcv. A. L. Bergenm R e v . ,J. Bollman Rev. C. Cote R e v. C. P. F oster Re v . E. G. G1'11tin Hcv . .J. Legri s R ev . M . L et ellier Rev. P. A. 'MeGair R ev . .J. B. :McKune Rev. A. Martel Hev. T. F. O'Gam R ev. P . Paratlis Hev . J . Waldron He v. T. ?:\' . K ehoe

(To /;e. con tin aed,)

fil.'l.O O f,,()()

5.00 f>.O O

5.00 5.00 5.00. 5.00 5.00

10.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00


TIIOIIJ>l~ JJu ;:;· ll e~ . .. .. .... . . .

.. Conw;~y ~' l veb[.

.Gold ;.\lnhn):-;t· ·Urung<· r . . . 1s t . ::) il veT

}';~ J ri t: k Uyrnt ·,; .. . ........ 2n.l. Ui-; tl ng ui sh•·!l. - ) lil'll tH ' I .\'lilll (·n ~ , .hili.p l.c~·mg:• ·, l 'at r·i(·k Ti r• r nr·Y. '\'i\st ~H;h 7 .J oscph 1\.l'll .v, L->a'Lr id \. ~ ' nt i - Wil~; ,. .J ~1:, 1 H.'·" < 't t'i:w k .. T l !Ji111 ~~ () ',\il \ 1 ~ Alc• . .x; HI(kf c-; ,' ;\11!.-(t'l" , 'J'holu;~S M.d \.ill nrrv ,_ l'"lot 'r·Ji ce 1\ ll: ~ud i ll!.!

H"h·har~\ l')atii LI· r·1 Alt· ·.:;u l · l ~~r. :\ L c:( ~av i ek , Gh a.rh ;_, _F;I_\'.

(_ tiJ.\t .U 1·: 1 a ; l .\ I , c~~l~ ~ ~:t-f ! ::. ..

llr:,nry J>o·" ly ... . . . . . . . . I;,,),~ \I •· · ~ aL

~:OIIf , HTI · I ' iall• •! , . . . . ... , . .. . 1-.<1. S"''t"V

Tlto m:l,- \lo- IJ" ;'' ' i.J' • .. . .•.. ... '? 11 •L " Ed w:.•~( l \V oo<.l wUrrL ~ ~ ~ ~ " . .. , ~. ilv\ ~ .. ,1


l >b1illJ:? tislu · li ..--C fl':1~·;(:;nrue rrn l:, ,lrtlr:1W' J )t"'lJ.~rd il ts-,. / Bt• tJr·y .\ [ trr-­

phy. Tho1uas (:ihlwn :-~, .Bot..M;··t t 1\otUJ.I'wt'f , ..A! \.I..."{ ·.r~ .Kenl'wH, Ch a,d e.'i HaiL Willtamllm1 .. wi'I L

Guilfoy le Medal for Engii.,h Vumpi.J>•iti<m a w,;nkd to

Patrick Conway. Lesage Metlal f<>r Jt'nme h Cvul' t)(Jt>itiau u"" nrd ctt t<.J

Am.IJ)·ose Gmne,'\Jr. -----····---- - --

Coon CoJ>; lJl C'l' M EDAJ. ·.'\ k:x. M <'C:n·kk L I·: <:J:Jtl :\'ll-: 11 .\r. ;FoH 1>ouTJ·: ;o;l·:s:41 - .l\lieh:~ el 1\fu lle n,

Arc eqtt :illy dis ti ng ,Jishccl in J)u·u l: 'J'JI J·:li 'l' ;

J{ i<·Jt;_j-n l Sadli• ·r. rn t ('on \\'(ly. Phi}jp Lc·~;q_.(l". l-" f m··~ r{f·f • i\f( · ~% ult ff! ·, l':r­trk k StlH i·:: lll .. tol tr l ,\IO!~J i:' ~t · y , ~nwmas 7\Td\hm•ry . A !p lwo . ..; r· ( ~ r;.~ : l p:-•· r\

.To~t ·plJ J ..:~f:Ji r .. A. ~l lln r Dt·:'j: (nlf tlS1 J•:cTwa1·1l ( r~ 111Hlv (1t; w lc-s F'ay. Ed n-; 11 ·rl Jt'ox. J·:~h~lcli~ri fp l ~t i : JII, JTjlt';Wt ' ~ {:l 1. ili L'l.l, ( ~ l tuM ~·' l ~;t.k::• t· .. f:~!l l · 's l)oLJ;l)ll "' ''

Ah· \';(.n<f t·r ( ;r<~ng-t· l ' , .Jo.-w pJ, Da tHfnntntl~ .fns l·l fi l . . 1\. l' l!~.r .. 1 'Jt; nil : ... ...; 1 {~ · : ~ ! 1 ,. l 'atl'i <· k B~ t 1ws. (: k tr P;I!J(, f"a t ri !'lz T h· r1H·y , ' (' il o-ni ;ts j\l (·;r;..(ltl : '·· :d:1··~ J,a.u(·as t c r:. 1' ;11 !11,\.Ji s tad<. A lt- :--:i us Jti n1rcf. {;('nJ·.c:, .. ('~ , rn·; 1 . H•• Jtr:y :'tf ltl'­pl ly. <'11 :-t rlr- :' ! ~; Il l. A lrr·t·d S;ma ~:t d.:: . Onu:t s ~nlitr1 . Ft<·dl Ti t' k J'r;lidt·, .Joh u 1,-\'nl s h , Thon t~ t ,-; \ Va lsli, , ,\Till i:tHI MotTil lt . J(<,hl'rt :\ ( · n li o iY~ <: ·• w:~' · <~-·r:lll Mcr . Fr·an k J' l' l ' i ~ ,J aL

$t S?@b11£UX7~ i($ .oll~~~ ,t. non rhounais Grove,

KA~KAKEE Co., IlL Foundetl A. D. lfQ"i5

1 r aise(\ to Uw r nuk nf Uui vPr siLy A . D. 184-t

Two courst'~ of Htm1y, the Clas~Jc;t l and the ('oJunH· n ·iaL Excellen t luci!it·it's for l t:>arning Mu f'\ ic, Tt·l· ·grapll y, 1'lwnogr:q tl tY

a nd ]Jainting. BOOJ{-_KEgl'lNG acconting to t he 1"Prad -k ;ll J: u~ i11 <.\S :i

Hystr Jtl " a spel' ialt.y. . '

Terms tor Board ancl Tuition. :lWJO.OO 1wr mmum. For furt.h er iuforllut.1.ion ad .. lress.

Rev. i\L .T . 1\InrAil e , C. S. V. Direc·tor. TlH· C'oll rg0 c ;tn h e rP;lf· lt f'd \1 ~· t.h l' -lllitJP is ( ' t·lllr:d . tlt c ( 'iJwinn:d i.

St. Louis C.: cili ~.:~_q;o , or lll ~ l ud ia na, l l! it tob ~·.;: lo \\'a E ai lrualls.

Page 7: St. Viateur's College Journal, 1883-05-11



In all kiud.s of Household Furniture




1/anltrare., Stoi)('S and Tin1.oa:re, IUUN, NAILS AND W.-\.HON 8To··K.

Nu. 1.3 E.Ab'T A\-ENU I!:, KANK.-\.KEE, lLL.

J obbing Done f.Q order.


A HTISTIC 1'A I LOR. · ~uu., oonJbinlng a P£aFE8T FIT wi th Rlr~~:once

of lil;Jk<• • .-;twpeand :-it.)l e, l >c:•lr:tiJilll y o( r atlcrn, Gcuu:luenes~ o( Goods :>nd Durohlmy ln Wear.

' ALT . Rt' N D~ OY S F.WINO M ~'.";IIJNF.~.

liVE 111M A IIAll -24 Cburt f:Jt,, J{ankoki.'P, fll.


l ' IIOTOGRAPIIIC STUDIO, G K Oll NO F~_u, _, ~6 EA><T (~U ltl' >IT .

KANKAKRE, ILJ , Fhi~ l t<·touchcd Photos lt S)>C<" ialtv. Ol<l J'l~tun ·~ ( \ >pi<.-d :111<1 Enlar)!t-d :u><l l inl , lwitln Iu<lia Ink a • •<1 Wal<>r Culnr,<. Photos o( Cltlldrou aud Group• b y 1tc ''" r.>.i•ld proc" " "

a Specialty.



) l y. \r· , ,., l lltHl n }.1\Tf. <' Pnpply nf

'VI Y _.l\t:I l'i' {;, 'r<"..> N, 8'rl: E A 'r<:.>R


SENECA COAL. Offie" and y., rde at Bnurbonn:>is Crossing. Up Tmnt Office opposite th" P o•t-nfficr·. OrdcrH by T Pie phnn•' promptl y ~t tented \,o.

t'u ti~facl ion guaran teed.


A 11 cfl ll s l>y T elephone prompt ly a tl t;!mlctl tu.


~. ~. ~~lthant. ~T _4_rL'l.ONEJ:~ Y

13ooks, News, Music, ilAll!!: -B.U.Js ••nd BAT~, FI~lll l'< G TACKLB.

KA:\KAKEE, ILL. , .0¥~, C'UOQUIIT. BAllY C'.\Rni.<OF.8




COMMI~_SlON MEH.CHA NT· --.1-;3 (:]oil.~~t. Strt'·e1 ..

J{AJIII{AJ{EJ<J, lLL. -- .. . ----

BRA YTO~ & -CHRISTIAN D F.,\ LJ•ns In lttf"u's, \Vomrn ' ~ , . Mt~s,~s' lllHl

Chil<ln·n·s fhw :111<1 ru"dlmn ·Sho~s ; al so all , ;. ,., and grades of Boot." . Spccl:t 1 Inducem ents [o <


Two doors north of Poot Office.

Kankakrc<'., Ill.

-:· KERR BllO'S . IIARLHVAUI<;, STOVE.", Jiw!'.

STEEL, T,INW AflF., N AI LB, ,'{x. ,

Job vcork <h •r>t' in :>t>y J' llrt of th~ County .

Corner Court St. ct. Schuyler Avo. KANKAKEE, ILL.

C •• T. t _.indcn, DEALE!~ lN

Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, :'t>I/1Su.Y ~ll ;m<l P:.AT KD \VAlli ' ,

M t.;SI C Ar, INSTIH.i MENT f' , f' PE C TA C J.E f:, ,(',

NO, 40 'cOUHT STHEET~ 1\:ankakcc, Ir...I~.

Hc pniring ofWntcl : e~, ( ]oc l; ,. ,ml<i J ewe lry Neatly E))(ecuted. ----·-- -·------.,.----·


)1 ,\NTFA C T t: ltF.R S & O b: ALERS

In Lnmht•r, L11th . Rhingl c~. l'nst", WINDOWS, DOORS AND B l11'4' ;,

K A N K A K E i :, l L L .

Opp. Ill. C'l'ntrnl H . H. Dl'pn1

\\"lll• .. n.-\ r""l'"l_, ' " ' "Y , ll<\r.-l h ~r BAND CA T ALO GU E, ,,. ,:.c., • N) \ '"~ .-., : IO Kn!ZTl\1" 1 "~

1 n•\r utur'l• \ -. ~u h..., f'"r .... rwl t.o.. o., .. :1'"''',. '"" c , p· l..ollll!"*­Orum :\1"1"''' ~ ... IT .. "" ''

, n•l rT )'.o..n ,l O, ttl 1.4. Hf'f"\lrll'lt

~~:ak~i::O":r~; ~~~ .. ~~:~',' 1 'i;n~1·~:~\~c:t,.~ .. ~::~ Blot1d ~ltuLc.

---- - - ---No. 12 CUll HT ~Tl\EET ,

KA. NKAJU ;E, [I.)

Dcn.l<' r in Fnr <' ign "ml Dnnw~ti c

: FA~!CY aa·.cs , Mt 1 ! ~ ~~{ , : r.l ll"'"'" ' 'W :.. W,_' I


FHUt Avenue Opposite "TIM Eo UU ILDING"

We h&vo lnl <• l_y b.,ugl<t an imm•nl!() lot of

(_Jhnnaber !Set~

tho whole stock of a l\In.uuthc1-~n·e,

40 ctR. on t.he Dolhn.

We CIIU soll yon the most honntlful 81lt

ln UJo dty IU..


which ne ver wns ~nhl l.Jf\luw

~. GO.OO.

If you wish t-o make :"J. pre~cnt · to a l'riOlld, come nnfl l'ec 111<, we will gi,e you the l.Jc~t opp<.~rt11nity you m"J ever be otfcre<l; we h>~ ve n row hundred~ lcf~, nnfl tllc.r go rnpidly.

If you nrc in the city, come 1\Jrd see our hrifc· ~tuck of ] ·•nrl·or 8c18.,

1\i:o6 .... ni1ieen. t l\:lirr~ ••'~~

20x 7'2,

French Gha,~


~];n llr '!)una us, in great vurlc ti ct~;

D 0 <.> li". C A tS E ts;, 0 '. r i c e ] _) e "" lt t'!i ,

C HA.ll.ll:l,

~ ~

U AHI' E T~ .

Lot: NO ES, Sofo.s &.~ &.


~ ... ~

Page 8: St. Viateur's College Journal, 1883-05-11

: · •


.r .. J. S C IT U BE B. T. P U 0 P R I E 1' 0 H 0 . l•' T H R

G ,~1·man, F,rcncu Ani Anmiclil Pharmacy. c;,, r. l, u:;t AYe. & .1:erd1aut >t .

lL \N K_-1" E l<:, T l. J{ <w ps con~hmtly o n h :uHl ·1 f11 ll li ne of ORU U3 . ME!llGii'HS, PAI NTS, OILS, H C, ETC. "\lso :1 1i111' li :wof 'l'oi lct A niel c~ of 1\ll

ki !Hl.' . Fino Cigar~ ai1d 'l'o b~eeo. --- <Jail a t~_, l sec m e. ---

~)reston .~am1sadr. BOl"RBON.NA fS GitOVB, lJ,L.

dun ·r .. d S tort·: u~}n l e r iu Cirot;e t:i es, Drv ~orlll~. H ttrr!W,.n'. Ct il lnrY. G•ns"·'·a: -r• . A l ~o l;t'eps conPt.n n t.l y on h and :tlarge

~ toek tJf Hi•:.\LJY-M.\ l>E CL0 Tl!l .KG,

FA~II LY. ~;IIWI C I N ES, A~d - Whol esale Liquors.

WM. GEliNO. '. ' - .• LOUiS GOUDREAU, J :·,


- ~~~

· S!ov?~ · Iron, Na il s :u1 cl Wagon wood f>tock. l !NII'AI:Ic AX D ')'IX OF A LL KINDS

No. :~ ,Conrt Street, · · J::ea.nliah:ee~ . n1~

. 'i·hosc in ncc<l of choic</ Confectionnric• Cann c<l goo;l~, ~ll kinrl s of F'ruit.o, Fi sl~ An·l OyHtcrs will J o well unJ save money bj' cal ling on

((!&' ®.oxnran East Avenne


JOHN G. K.NECHT, · · ~terdmnt Rlt ,nt%L~n·1 · . REA I)Y-MAD E Ctot,hino· H :tts and Caps. -Gent'R nndcrwe~·. Trunks. Vali se. Fnrui shin•Y Goods.

Wil~on Bro.' Fi 11e Shlrts. NOS. 2 AN D 4 COUltT STREET.

Kankakee, Ill.


~@@(it§) ttnu ~]®®~ A L'trgc S tock of \Vc>mcn's, l\·Ii~ses'

C hildren's M en' s, B;>ys' :w cl Youths' . B ·u ·g cins in C rockery rmd G h s'sware.

25 Court Stree t. Next to First

, I , ' '

ill .ommeirdnl .~l.o 'tc\ -.__;)

Opposite J. C. Depot.


Feac 'Bass to awl fl'om Depots. c. 0. U BELLAH, PIWPIW>TOH

~k~&: ~V::tlt.' l H · ~ fl l l (i J ~-'\ri:Jry CC:ll"('~trll) it: p :ti r e -ll

hy lw~ t 11·orkmen a nd W arra nt e d . EAST AVEIHJE, 1 ilOOR SO\JTit onoUC>H'S 3LOGit Kankakee, - - - • - Illinois.

MOSES lWR IUI ~Dillm. De . .Jer in

READY·MADE CLOTHINC, Hats, <;aps and Cents' Fu rnishing Coeds. Stock n-ew a nd complete,

Prices us..Low as til· · lt>W•~s t.

Call and ex:: t:n i uc my Goollo.

No. 8 CounT ST, K.·IN EAKEE, lLJ ..

P. L . MO NAST. lYL D.

National B ank. · KANKAKEE, - - - ILLINOIS, !§

Physician mal Snrg·eon. llollrlJo'li JH~i::! Gro\·c, HI. All ca lls prompt1.Y attended.

• Tames I -:I . Fello-ws. Cand ies, Ci g ars, Nuts and Fruit.

ICE- CREAM :-t!Hl SODA. 3rd . Dvor uvrtll of P . 0. K Al'KAKI•: F, I LL .

--------------------------F.. D. BERCERON, M.D .

Ass'st.m t su r~ · -ou, 1\ien.:y H osp ita- l '!J l R esident phy<;ici:l11 , Alexinu Hospital

(:Jtle :-IUr) 'fL~ R e s i tlcu cc, Tio urbo: lfl :li s Gro·.'e l ll.

~ututlnuuv _ ~)~Jnhtt . : .. . . Kankakee, Jll.

Dnlggbts ii<.ul H e alers -IN ALl~ KINLJS Oli :·.1-'ANC I' ANLJ TOIT_.I·;·r

A HTTC LE S, Cf:t~_!cest . Bran~s of Cigars, otc. Z::tfJ All :; lw uld g1 -.:e t hem u e:t lL ~jj ..,

@\ 0\11:"{ 'L. . • 'L. C!J~• 2BHl! X'a(J;~


Deale r in choices t Oroeu ri o~. clioic"ot 1Jr:111ds of Flour. Kc,~p8 _o ull :mrl eo u s truil:l y a l:11·gc assortnw nt of F cc rl d l>rocinc·' ·

P leas? c>dl a.'11cl Hee me before ·g() i11g IIIIJ' place e l se. .

~L ~· (~nnvfoxtl & . (~.o ~., WHOLESALE&. RHAIL

!QDf!~ ·@~~~ ~J~ No. ~~ (; Coul't Stt·cct.

KankakGG. Ill.

?oundry, & _Prh'Jters' $upplies. . BJlP.C tmcn B ook and Eztfma-tas nvon

· ,Jplwn-l_.l ,_. , Wr1te for Seeond-hOo'nd li?t of 1 }r esses and M.nchinea . ·~ '14 & 56 Fral:'klin s_t., Cnlcago, IJIR,

C)utfi1 s f(>.f' Cou ,:c u~-: l' ,I.I'KI( f' . R<•nrl for esti 111:11 P~.

C~ YV (.) I.; Jl,--. • BA llBEl{ t-iHOP

Uncl ce r l: mh~ <o h'>< fl :t) - , H~K' Storu . K.'\t\iK~KEE, H.L.' .

F1 rst cl a ss wor k g u arante e d StudcHts ec pedally invited .

The " J OURNAL" n. bi- weekly pn­pcr d evote<] to SCIENCE, L1TEHA­TURE and ART, puhlishet1 b y th e S tndents of St. V IATEUWS ( 'OL­LEGE, BOURl300NAlb GROVE, fLL:

The " J0 URN.;1L" is a (irst cl:lss rncrl ium fur ''A DVERTISLNC:." A ~ pcc i : i] a.ttcn t iOJl P' icl to the pri n t ing (If


~ T erms t he must re:~son:1 bl c. ~?_g The "JOUR NAl/' :shn.ll be mn.ile~l

to any nddrcsti nt the r:~tc of

$1.50 PER ANNUM $0.75 t-ilX MO~Tllt;

T liE S1TDJ•, :'\ 1'::\, E.iitor:,·l'ro]!'rictcrt,