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St Thomas’ BURWOOD December 2017 1 December news The wise still seek Him

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St Thomas’ BURWOOD December 2017


December news

The wise still seek Him

St Thomas’ BURWOOD December 2017

Contents Acknowledgment of Country 3

Reconciliation Prayer 3

Sermon Series, Preaching Roster and Readings 4 Sermon Series: Advent 4

Preaching Roster & Readings 4

From John - Lead Minister 5 Big Shoes to Fill 5

A Letter from the Clementines 6

Our Church Community 7 Who We Are 7

Pastoral Care 8 Pastoral Care Guidelines for English Congregation 8

St Tom’s Website 10

Giving 10

Coming Up @ St Tom’s 11 Christmas Services 11

Carols in the Courtyard 12

Community News 13 Confirmation Service in 2018 13

Music @ St Toms 13

Working Bee 14

Tear Useful Gifts 15

Essentials Magazine 15

Advent Events 16

Summer Holidays - Programs Taking a Break 16

St Tom’s English Club 17

Our Services 18 Weekly Prayer Meeting 18

Mid Week Communion 18

Staff 19

Wardens 19


St Thomas’ BURWOOD December 2017

Acknowledgment of Country In the spirit of reconciliation, St Thomas’ Burwood acknowledges the Wurundjeri people of the Kulin Nations as the original custodians of the land now known as City of Whitehorse. We pay our respects to the Indigenous Elders past and present.

Reconciliation Prayer Lord God, bring us together as one, reconciled with you and reconciled with each other. You made us in your likeness, you gave us your Son, Jesus Christ. He has given us forgiveness from sin. Lord God, bring us together as one, different in culture, but given new life in Jesus Christ, together as your body, your Church, your people. Lord God, bring us together as one, reconciled, healed, forgiven, sharing you with others as you have called us to do. In Jesus Christ, let us be together as one. Amen


Reconciliation Prayer from A Prayer Book for Australia

Background photograph of sewn possum skin of Wurundgeri origin-By Lentisco

St Thomas’ BURWOOD December 2017

Sermon Series, Preaching Roster and Readings

SERMON SERIES: ADVENT During December we are in the period known as Advent. We celebrate the coming of Christ into the world and we look forward to his coming again when all shall be made new and our tears will be wiped away forever!



Series Date 1st Bible Reading

2nd Bible Reading

Psalm (for 8:30)

Preacher 8:30 / 10:30

Preacher Ch

10:30 /2pm

St Thomas’ Day Advent

3 Dec Ezekiel 34:1-16

Col 1:15-17 Ps 23 John Carrick

Yarra Gospel Choir

10 Dec Isaiah 40:1-11 Mk 1:1-8 Ps 85:1-2, 8-13

John Carrick Kian Gee Lim

17 Dec Isaiah 61:1-4, 8-11

Ps 126 Ruth Newmarch

Kian Gee Lim

Carols in the Courtyard

17 Dec

8:30 English Service

24 Dec

10:30 Cantonese

24 Dec

Kids’ Xmas Eve 24 Dec

Xmas Eve Holy Communion

24 Dec 2 Samuel 7:1-11, 16

Lk 1:26-38 Ps 89:1-4, 19-27

John Carrick 11pm

Xmas Morning 25 Dec Is 9:2-7 Lk 2:1-14 - John Carrick Kian Gee Lim

NYE 31 Dec Isaiah 61:10-62:3

Lk 2:22-40 Ps 148 Will Smith Joey

O come, Thou Day-SpringCome and cheer

Our spirits by Thine advent hereDisperse the gloomy clouds of night

And death's dark shadows put to flight

St Thomas’ BURWOOD December 2017

From John - Lead Minister

BIG SHOES TO FILL As we come to the end of 2017 a number of pastoral care roles have either finished or are coming to an end. I speak of course of Annette Ward, Jan Shattock and Ida Mak. They have all significantly contributed Christ's care to St Tom's. How are we going to fill those shoes?!

We have implemented a number of initiatives gradually this year which will help spread the load of providing pastoral care one-to-another. 1. Follow up. Each month a report is produced that helps alert us to check in on parishioners and organise a follow-up. 2. Pastoral Care Guidelines for English Congregations This document was produced earlier this year - in fact, work started on this in 2016. The Guideline can be accessed on our Policies page on elvanto. An abstract will be included in this Newsletter. The guideline is aimed at establishing a system for providing care and also for spreading the load of care around. We are all obligated to care for one another. Currently, this document applies to our English speaking congregations. We hope to draft a similar guideline for our Chinese speaking congregations. 3. Pastoral Visitation Day We have allocated a day per month where pastoral staff go and meet with parishioners. In order to free up time for this, we have cancelled our regular weekly meeting on a particular day each month. Ruth wisely noted that this initiative helps us as a pastoral team to be proactive rather than only reactive to pastoral issues.

In 2018, we will be looking at implement these guidel ines more widely and developing them.

Please pray that St Tom's continues to grow in our capacity to show genuine care for one-another. Philippians 1:3 John


St Thomas’ BURWOOD December 2017

A Letter from the Clementines

Dear John and St Toms,

We, the Clementine clan have settled in well in Lakes Entrance and have found a very welcoming and nurturing community within the Lakes Entrance Baptist church community as well as the Bairnsdale Baptist Community. Leia is working most days in Orbost Hospital and re-connecting with old friendships. I have been working as a subcontractor labour hire for a building company and also as a plumber for a friend when he needs help. The boys have settled in well in our new environment, Samson loves venturing out on our bike rides (father & son), Emmett loves his play school days. Arthur is growing rapidly as you can imagine.

I enjoy the special times I get to be a stay at home dad with my boys and cherish this time in their lives. It is a challenge as they have so much energy and whilst they love playing together each has their own very distinct interests. As I am writing this Arthur is asleep and his older brothers are playing lego together in our cute (realestate lingo for small) living space.

One of the young mums from church brought around some home baked cookies this morning to help out and I feel we have landed so perfectly where God has planted us, and I am praying prayers of great thanks for his direction given nothing of this was of our initiative.


St Thomas’ BURWOOD December 2017

Our Church Community WHO WE ARE We're a vibrant and diverse community that shares in each others lives. We're a community of faith, unified in the hope we have found in Jesus and we welcome anyone, regardless of whether they share our faith or not, into our community life.

We believe that our greatest joys and our deepest hopes are realised through faith in one unique person - Jesus Christ. Many of us have found that, in coming to faith in him, our lives have been transformed. We have experienced a spiritual 'rags to riches' transformation.

Nonetheless, the experience is not a one-off event, it is ongoing. Our life together is a commitment to the ongoing reality of our discipleship to Jesus. We recognise we have been united by our faith in Christ and need each other. Through every challenge we face in life we find that it is necessary to continue to deepen our faith in Jesus. In doing so we discover a hope that transcends what would have overcome us. It is this hope we delight to share.

The story of St Thomas' is about the coming together of a number of communities. In a nutshell, our heritage goes back to two different churches: St Theodore's Wattle Park and St Michael's Bennettswood. St Theodore's was a growing community and needed more space in order to accommodate its growth and expand on its vision. St Michael's had two communities: an English speaking congregation, made up of long time residents of the area, and a Cantonese speaking congregation who had originally come from a church that gathered in Chinatown. 

In 2007, St Michael's and St Theodore's decided to merge and become one parish with a new name: St Thomas' Burwood.


St Thomas’ BURWOOD December 2017


St Thomas’ is seeking to be a Church that is growing in love displayed in acts of care and compassion; and to be a people that show gratitude for receiving such care. As Christians we seek to display God’s love to all people. For the entire law is fulfilled in keeping this one command: “Love your neighbour as yourself.” In particular we are indebted to show love to one-another within the church. Gal.5:14 NIV Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers. Gal.6:10 NIV Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another, for whoever loves others has fulfilled the law. Rom. 13:8 NIV This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins. Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. 1 John 4:10-11 NIV

Introduction People who are members or acquaintances of St Thomas’ periodically face circumstances under which they will benefit physically and/or emotionally from pastoral care support. There’s a range of pastoral care services that St Thomas’ can provide. The type and level of pastoral care service provided, and who provides it, can vary significantly, depending on the particular circumstance. This document outlines the guidelines that St Thomas’ has adopted - as a reference for both providers and recipients of pastoral care. For recipients it outlines the type and extent of care that members and acquaintances may expect to receive under specific personal circumstances, and for providers it gives guidance to the services that should typically be given to promote equality of response to different people. This allows fairness in response to various cases and aims to ensure that the limited resources of St Thomas’ are not unduly exhausted. Given our current size and resources, we believe this framework to be achievable; not overburdening those providing Pastoral Care and helping our members. We ask recipients to: 1. understand what care is available, 2. have realistic expectations in regard to the care that can be provided. Care in addition to that stated within this framework may be given, depending upon the resources available at the time.


The following is an abstract for St Thomas’ Pastoral Care Guideline. The Document can be found on our Policies page in elvanto.

St Thomas’ BURWOOD December 2017

Providers of Pastoral Care Services The Home Group (Small Group) is ideally the primary provider of pastoral care services to people who attend the group or are well known to group members. The primary provider to others will be a member of St Thomas’ working in conjunction with a Pastoral Care staff member (Overseer). For a person in need of pastoral care the initial point of contact at St Thomas’ is: 1. For a person associated with a home group - the Home Group leader 2. For a person who is not associated with any home group – a Pastoral Care Overseer. The 'how' and 'when' respective Pastoral Care services are provided will be subject to agreement between the responsible parties: chiefly the Pastoral Care Overseers, Pastoral Care lay team (Function Leaders and Doers) and home group leaders. The 'how' and 'when' are subject to ongoing review in consideration of members’ needs and available resources. Pastoral Care Operations The operation of Pastoral Care activities at St Thomas’ generally flows through three distinct phases, as depicted in the following diagram.


1 Triage (i) Pastoral Care Overseers John Carrick Annette Ward Jan Shattock Will Smith Ruth Newmarch Trami Truong (ii) Small Group Leaders Andy Mulherin & Hannah & Will Smith Brenton & Amanda Ward Fiona Dowling John Altmann Joe Pang & Ivy Fung Lawrence Gebert

2 Function Leaders (Team Leaders) Prayer – Annette Ward

Small Groups – John Altmann Meals – Lyndie Gebert Parents with Young Children - Maddie Newmarch Young Adult IntegrationHannah Smith Handyman Services Neale Rees Transport – Annette Ward / Jan Shattock Visiting – no specific leader

3 Doers (Teams)Generally, members of St Thomas’

St Thomas’ BURWOOD December 2017

The Pastoral Care Overseers in the Triage phase are essentially the staff of St Thomas. The Function Leaders are the team leaders, or coordinators, for respective pastoral care services. The Doers are members of St Thomas’ who have agreed to participate on a roster basis to provide the pastoral care service when required. The teams of Doers are setup by the respective Function Leaders who then monitor the welfare and activities of the Doers.

For more information see the Guideline on elvanto or ask a staff member for a print out.

St Tom’s Website Our website has had a make over! Sermons are now uploaded to our website. Check it out at

Giving If you are a visitor today, our service is a gift to you. For those who are regular members we encourage giving electronically:

Name BSB Account No. Monthly Requied

General Account St Thomas Burwood

063-112 1039 7091 $ 31,000

Building Fund St. Thomas ADF Building Fund

703-122 5005 091 $ 6,145


St Thomas’ BURWOOD December 2017

Coming Up @ St Tom’s


17 Dec, 5:30 pm Carols in the Courtyard: A Messy Church Event

24 Dec, 10:30am Cantonese Christmas Eve


24 Dec, 6pm Kid’s Christmas Eve:

The story of Jesus’ birth, told afresh with carols

24 Dec, 11pm Holy Communion Service

25 Dec, 9am Combined English Service

25 Dec, 10:30am Combined Chinese Service


(Please note: there is NO 10:30 English Service on Sunday 24th December. 8:30 English and 10:30 Cantonese Services will run as usual.)


St Thomas’ BURWOOD December 2017


The St. Tom's annual Carols in the Courtyard will be held on Sunday 17th December. This event is a highlight on the St. Tom's Christmas calendar. Children's activities commence at 5:30PM and Carols start at 6:30PM. BYO Picnic. Feel free to invite friends and family for an early Christmas catch-up!

5:30pm Sunday 17 December @ St Thomas’

For more info contact Brenton: [email protected]


St Thomas’ BURWOOD December 2017

Community News

Congratulations to Tzeh Yi (Joey) on completing his Bachelor of Ministry!

CONFIRMATION SERVICE IN 2018 Archbishop Philip will be visiting St Tom’s on May 27th 2018. If there are any young people interested in publicly affirming their faith through confirmation, please speak with Ruth Newmarch or email [email protected]

MUSIC @ ST TOMS We are looking for new musicians and singers from the 10:30 English Service, as well as expressions of interest to be involved with the sound desk and Pro-presenter. If you’re interested, please contact Jamin Kenner for more information on: 0401736776, or by email: [email protected].

ANGLICARE Anglicare is gearing up for Christmas 2017 and they need your help! If you’d like to donate any toys or non-perishable Christmas food (no baked beans please!), please put them in the basket in the lounge. Thank you.


St Thomas’ BURWOOD December 2017


Saturday February 3rd - 8:30am to 4pm

All Hands on Deck! Working Bee to freshen up the Church.

The tasks will include: • steam cleaning all of the carpets • kitchen tidy and clean • toilet clean (walls, doors etc that the regular cleaner does not do) • clean and tidy the cleaners cupboard • windows cleaned both inside and out • courtyard clean - remove cobwebs, clean bbq, etc • clean children's tables and chairs • garden tidy up • clean and tidy the front of the church • and anything else I can think of between now and then!!

Please sign up for the steam cleaning of the carpets. There will be three cleaning machines available all day, so please select a time that suits you best. Sign up sheet via elvanto or at the Worship 1 welcome desk.


St Thomas’ BURWOOD December 2017



The Summer Edition of Essentials Magazine is out now. Find your copy on the shelves in the front entrance. Read about General Synod, Baptism and the Lord's Supper from the Reformation to now, and a review of Kevin Giles' latest book!


St Thomas’ BURWOOD December 2017


Combined Church’s Community Christmas Carols Service + Supper A great occasion, organised by local clergy with the Ashburton Choir leading the singing. All are invited to attend.

7pm, Sun 3rd Dec @ Ashburton Uniting Church

Follow The Star A beautiful display well worth the viewing. See church noticeboard for open times throughout December.

4th-23rd Dec @ Burwood Uniting Church

Advent Ecumenical Studies 6:30pm for Soup and Fellowship, 7pm for study (runs for 3 weeks)

From 5th Dec @ Hartwell Church of Christ

SUMMER HOLIDAYS - PROGRAMS TAKING A BREAK • Mid-Week Communion will re-commence in February • No Eucalypts in December or January • No Mike’s Mates over the holiday period • ESL classes return on the 10th February


St Thomas’ BURWOOD December 2017



St Thomas’ BURWOOD December 2017

Our Services

Traditional Holy Communion Service Prayer Book Liturgy (APBA) and Hymns

Contemporary Worship Service and Kids’ Club

Cantonese Worship Service and Kids’ Club

Mandarin Worship Service


1pm Mondays in Meeting Room 1, all welcome.


Mid-Week Holy Communion Service 1st Wednesday of the month @ 11am, St Thomas


St Thomas’ BURWOOD December 2017



John Carrick Lead Minister [email protected] 0412 438 021

Ruth Newmarch Associate Minister / Generations Pastor

[email protected] 0425 776 313

Kian Gee Lim Chinese Minster [email protected] 0433 096 798

Will Smith Youth Minister [email protected] 0410 866 395

Trami Truong St Tom’s Hope Community Outreach

[email protected] [email protected]

0411 688 802

Ellen Kenner Administration [email protected] 9808 3250

Tzeh Yi (Joey) Chan Administration [email protected]

Jan Shattock Pastoral Care [email protected] 9878 9154

Ruth Kernebone [email protected] 0408 345 136

Sue Wheeler [email protected] 0414 259 154

Joe Pang [email protected] 0403 418 600
