st. teresa of avila catholic community...2020/05/03  · he will shelter you with his pinions, and...

St. Teresa School 567 S. Richmond Ave. Carson City, NV Office (775) 882-2079 Fax (775) 882-6135 Website: Peggy Burger, Principal Bonnie Silsby, Assistant Principal Child Development Center Cindy Supko, Director (775) 283-0261 Parish Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00am – 5:00pm Mass Times: Saturday: 4:00pm Sunday: 7:45am, 9:30am, 11:15am 1:00pm (Bilingual) 5:00pm (Youth) Monday: 7:00am— Scripture Communion Service Weekday Masses: 7:00am—Tues., Thurs. & Fri. and Wed.—12:15pm Reconciliation: Saturday: 2:30pm – 3:30pm Or by appointment Blessings: Please contact the Parish Office to make arrangements for blessings of home, cars, etc. Fr. Thomas Babu Pastor Fr. Eduardo Gutierrez Parochial Vicar St. Teresa of Avila Catholic Community 3000 N. Lompa Lane Carson City, NV 89706 775-882-1968 Fax 775-883-7063 email: [email protected] website:

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Page 1: St. Teresa of Avila Catholic Community...2020/05/03  · He will shelter you with his pinions, and under his wings you may take refuge, his faithfulness is a protecting shield. Dear

St. Teresa School 567 S. Richmond Ave. Carson City, NV

Office (775) 882-2079 Fax (775) 882-6135 Website:

Peggy Burger, Principal Bonnie Silsby, Assistant Principal

Child Development Center

Cindy Supko, Director (775) 283-0261

Parish Office Hours:

Monday - Friday 9:00am – 5:00pm

Mass Times:

Saturday: 4:00pm

Sunday: 7:45am,

9:30am, 11:15am

1:00pm (Bilingual)

5:00pm (Youth)

Monday: 7:00am—Scripture Communion Service Weekday Masses: 7:00am—Tues., Thurs. & Fri. and Wed.—12:15pm

Reconciliation: Saturday: 2:30pm – 3:30pm

Or by appointment


Please contact the Parish Office to make arrangements for blessings of home, cars, etc.

Fr. Thomas Babu Pastor

Fr. Eduardo Gutierrez Parochial Vicar

St. Teresa of Avila Catholic Community

3000 N. Lompa Lane Carson City, NV 89706 775-882-1968 Fax 775-883-7063 email: [email protected] website:

Page 2: St. Teresa of Avila Catholic Community...2020/05/03  · He will shelter you with his pinions, and under his wings you may take refuge, his faithfulness is a protecting shield. Dear

Priests’ Page Page 1

Parish Mission Statement

We, the Catholic Community of St. Teresa of Avila, are a people who journey together in prayer and service, nourished and unified at the Word and Eucharist, and under the direction of the Holy Spirit. We are called to love one another and to share our gifts of time, talent, and resources to welcome and to bring our faith to all people!

Psalm 91: Verse 2, 3 & 4 Say to the LORD, “My refuge and fortress, my God in whom I trust.”

He will rescue you from the fowler’s snare, from the destroying plague, He will shelter you with his pinions, and under his wings you may take refuge, his faithfulness is a protecting shield.

Dear Parishioners of St. Teresa of Avila, Remember we are in the Easter season and we are accompanied by Jesus in this journey towards healing and seeing Light ahead of these dark times.

The president and our governor have both provided guidelines regarding the gradual process to resume the activities from which we’ve refrained in the effort to slow the spread of the coronavirus. President Trump presented the “Opening Up America Again” federal guidelines and Gov. Sisolak presented his plan that will follow the process outlined in those guidelines. This is a three phase process of opening up the country. But before a state commences with Phase One, certain criteria need to be met, among them a steady and discernible decline in the number of Covid 19 cases over a period of 14 days. There can be no fixed date; while models project when cases will possibly peak, there’s no certainty until actual, sustainable data indicate the state’s on a decline.

While there’s still uncertainty, the federal guidelines do provide us with important information so that we could start planning for the day when Phase One commences and houses of worship—our churches—can open and resume gatherings for liturgy with “strict physical distancing.” Given the necessary precautions, resumption of liturgies will not be a simple affair but will require a great deal of planning. I have been informed by the Bishop of an initial plan for this process and I will be discussing it with the Priest Council on Wednesday, April 29. Since the bulletin was prepared on Tuesday, April 28, I will be sharing it with you next week so that we can begin preparations.

While for us Phase One could commence in the middle of May or the beginning of June, it is never too early to prepare. We need to assess the capacity for our Parish and mission for seating with strict physical distancing, namely, six feet apart front, back and sides. We have information on last year’s October count for each Mass, so this can be a guide. There will be other needs, such as cleaning supplies, as surfaces such as pews, seats, door knobs/handles, etc., need to be disinfected after each Mass and those who do so need gloves and facial masks. We’ll be coordinating an inventory of needed supplies such as cleaning products, masks, gloves, hand sanitizer dispensers, and tape to section off seats for the purpose of physical distancing. Many of these supplies are in demand and difficult to obtain, so we need to find them and purchase them as soon as possible. There will be a significant need for staffing for disinfecting surfaces of pews, seats, door handles/knobs, table tops, etc., after each liturgical celebration since the virus can exist on surfaces such as metal and wood for days. This will be labor intensive and needs to happen before and after every liturgical gathering and I have to rely on our Staff and some dedicated volunteers to accomplish this job. It is also a financial responsibility for us with less income that is coming in but at the same time grateful for those who have generously cared for our Parish. Please do help me in this endeavor financially or as a volunteer .Please email us if you can be a volunteer at [email protected]

We will pass through these difficult times as we take consideration to ourselves and others. Please visit for latest updates and Mass uploads.

Many things are cancelled or postponed but Faith, Hope and Charity are to be pursued at this time of distress. Even during these struggling and difficult times there were many of you who send your envelopes and supported our Parish so that we could keep the lights on and keep our dedicated and faithful staff. I gratefully acknowledge your kindness and humbly ask to remember our Parish in your thoughts and prayers.

I am hopefully and joyfully waiting for the day that my beloved Parishioners are around the Eucharistic table as we prayerfully proclaim “Christ has died, Christ is Risen, Christ will come again”.

We live in the hope that the risen Lord gives us. Take care and God bless. Fr. Tom Babu, Pastor

Page 3: St. Teresa of Avila Catholic Community...2020/05/03  · He will shelter you with his pinions, and under his wings you may take refuge, his faithfulness is a protecting shield. Dear

Ministry in Action Page 2

Music & Liturgy By: Steve Azzopardi

Up to about three weeks ago, I was doing fine. Then, for some reason, my right wrist started to swell and become inflamed with arthritis. It has been over ten years since my last occurrence of this condition. Needless to say, it has affected almost every aspect of my life, even as I try to write this. But God willing, this too shall pass. As we all have tried to do, I have done my best to keep this time very positive; keeping a sense of humor yet being very cautious in keeping our social distancing. At home I try

and pray, read scripture and keep up with the liturgical seasons, checking out various websites from the Vatican, our Diocese and other liturgical resources. With the support of our parish staff, I have been working from home, and when it is feasible and safe to do so, I come to the office and put together our liturgies for video taping, with prepared prayers and music. I try to stay in communication with both Father Eduardo and Fr. Tom, and definitely communicate with other staff members via phone, email, or text messages. However, there is a sense of strangeness to it all: there is an empty church; truly a feeling of loss, without our parishioners in the pews. Mass was not meant to be celebrated alone (with only those few of us who are needed to put together these video Masses). We miss the community; we miss the full celebration which joins us together in full, active and conscious participation. God willing, we will come together again soon.

Regarding the Finance area, I've been picking up, sor ng, and distribu ng the mail. Thank you to all that have sent in contribu ons as I've been able to make a deposit into our bank every week. I especially enjoy the good wishes and notes. The coins from the rice bowls that have been turned in, mostly from the School, have been sorted, counted, and deposited. We have increased our on-line giving parishioners by 23%. Thank you to all that have opted to con nue to contribute in this way.

CSA pledges and contribu ons con nue to come in and we are at 85% of our goal. The financial statements for February and March have been completed and finalized. All our bills are currently being able to be paid! With the assistance of the Diocese, we have submi ed an applica on for the Payroll Protec on Program for the parish and the school. If obtained, this relief will help us pay our bills as well as our payroll without the need to use any of our savings reserves. Please keep this in your prayers. Thank you for your con nued communica ons with our office. Nancy Haffey, Business Manager

The St. Vincent de Paul Society at St. Teresa of Avila continues to respond to requests from Carson City residents for emotional, financial and spiritual assistance during the Stay Home for Nevada campaign. We have suspended making home visits and all other in-person meetings for the safety of all parties concerned. Due to the Governor's moratorium on evictions and foreclosures, we are referring all of these inquiries to the NV Rural Housing Authority and Carson City Human Services Department. All requests for utility bill financial assistance are being referred to FISH and the NV Rural Housing Authority. We will provide short-term emergency housing (1-4 nights) in local motels, and we are

responding to various other requests for financial assistance. THANK YOU for your ongoing support of our ministry and charitable works. Our local Vincentians pray for our area's homeless and poverty-stricken. We encourage everyone to review the Covid-19 Resource Guide at This guide is continually updated with new and improved information. Be kind, patient and prayerful during this difficult period. Please remember to Pay It Forward with selfless acts of charity to God's children! God's Blessings and His Peace, Ed Choklek, President St. Vincent dePaul Society

CSA report through 04/24/20 GOAL $ 165,306.00

Item 2020 2019 Difference

Number of Gifts Received to Date 326 490 (164) Total Amount Pledged to Date $141,535.00 $ 184,542.60 $ (43,007.60) Total Cash Received to Date $86,250.00 $ 173,107.60 $ (86,857.60)

Page 4: St. Teresa of Avila Catholic Community...2020/05/03  · He will shelter you with his pinions, and under his wings you may take refuge, his faithfulness is a protecting shield. Dear

Parish Information Page 3

Want to Know What’s Going On In

The Parish? 1– Our Website: Events, information, the bulletin, pictures & more. 2—myparishapp (for smart phones): Go to your play store or app store and download myparishapp. Install. Look for St. Teresa of Avila in Carson City and you’re all set! 3—Facebook: Our official page is 4—YouTube: Go to YouTube and put in St Teresa of Avila Catholic Community

Religious Education Department 1st to 5th Grades

What to do when a virus steps in and all of your plans undergo immediate construction?

Father Tom has asked us to let you know what we have been up to during these days of isolation and we have been busy! As the R.E. director; this is my first year taking the lead but it is also a pandemic. How do I do the best job for you, the parish, and our catechists? It is important for me to stay connected with all of our catechists so that they can stay connected with you and your children. So I have been reaching out to them weekly, sometimes more than once a week, to make sure that they feel equipped to meet your needs as you all step into brand new roles as the religion teachers of your children. Yet, above all we have wanted to make sure that you felt supported as your lives shifted in dramatic ways. Many of you are also working from home and your children have their regular school work – so our main role has been to help you find simple ways to strengthen your connection with God, your faith, and each other…not so much by reading your textbooks or doing homework, but by building your faith practices of prayer with your children, seeing God around you in new ways, and practicing kindness. Because this is so new to most of you, I wanted to make sure that you had the resources you needed to best shape your faith experiences at home, so I have researched many resources for you: prayers, activities, links to articles, news, resources and documents. If there is anything more specific that you need, please email me and I will explore more for you. There is also a learning curve for me, I am participating weekly in ZOOM meetings with Monique Jacobs, the Director of Faith Formation for the Diocese, so that we can discuss best practices, problem-solving with new ideas, and just pray with each other, which is easy to forget, but oh so important in this challenging time. Some of our catechists also have special health needs, and are doing their best to stay healthy and safe, so I check in with them weekly as well, to make sure that they have what they need and don’t feel overwhelmed. We don’t have any ability to decide yet when your children may receive their sacraments but Fr. Tom is in close contact with Bishop Calvo and the diocesan offices to make sure that as soon as we can, we will reach out to you with that information. All of our efforts are made out of care for you and your families. I am praying for you during these days; for your safety and good health. Many of you have asked me to pray for your intentions – I have a long list that I bring to God every day. I miss you! We will be back together again when we will walk with each other through that uncertainty of opening up the parish. Don’t worry, you are not forgotten. Blessings, Brenda Mendoza

STEWARDSHIP OF RESOURCES March 21,22—April 18,19, 2020

Offertory——-——————————— $37,165.00 Second School Collection——————–- 2,910.00 St. Vincent De Paul—————————— 1,738.00 Pastor’s Charity Fund————–—–——— 700.00 Ash Wednesday/Eastern Europe ————— 10.00 Catholic Relief Services Collection———–—960.00 Easter————————————————5,641.00 Good Friday/Holy Land—————————- 555.00 Home Missions————————————— 95.00 Operation Rice Bowl—————————— 602.00 Holy Thursday—SVDP————-—————- 65.00 Sacraments/Sacramentals———————— 445.00 Online Giving: $20,670.00 In gratitude for the gifts we have received, our parish family and friends made a joyful return to the Lord of $46,161.00 and to special outreach of $4,725.00. We have approximately 2000 registered families. Our weekly expenses are over $22,000.


In appreciation of all the Carson Tahoe Hospital health care workers, St. Teresa of Avila Catholic Community is donating lunch to all our heroes. In conjunction with Villa Basque Cafe, we will be delivering lunch to the hospital workers on May 5th. We are able to afford this big thank you due to our parishioner's support of the Pastor's Charity Fund over the last year. Thank you health care heroes and thank you St. Teresa parishioners.

Page 5: St. Teresa of Avila Catholic Community...2020/05/03  · He will shelter you with his pinions, and under his wings you may take refuge, his faithfulness is a protecting shield. Dear

St. Teresa of Avila, Carson City, NV. Page 4

RCIA participated in our First Scrutiny on Saturday, March 14th at the 4:00 PM Mass. This was the last time we met together physically. At the beginning of the following week, all large group gatherings were stopped and we were asked to shelter in if we were not an essential worker. Churches were closed for all gatherings as well as Mass. This was hard for all of us in the RCIA because Lent is a time for our final preparations for our Elect and Candidates as they journey toward receiving the Sacraments of Initiation at the Easter Vigil. In order to support the Elect, Candidates and Sponsors, we began to meet weekly on Zoom to Break Open the Word as well as to review different topics in a deeper way and to talk about our relationship with Jesus. We have had

a great response of our people in meeting with us weekly and we all look forward to seeing each other in this virtual way. We have also been in communication through email and text. I have sent them different links for spiritual guidance during this difficult time. We were all disappointed when the date of the Easter Vigil came and went without being able to receive the sacraments. We did discuss this and know that when we are able to get together again, they will receive their sacraments. We will continue to meet through Zoom and emails until we are once again able to come together at the Church. I have been in contact with other RCIA directors in our diocese as well as with Monique Jacobs, Director of Faith Formation for the Diocese of Reno. We have shared ideas and they have been a great support during this unprecedented time. I have also taken this time to learn more about the RCIA process by participating in several webinars and classes provided online. I ask you to continue to pray for our Elect, Candidates, Sponsors as well as our St. Teresa’s RCIA Team as we continue to journey together toward their total initiation into the Catholic Faith. Tina Akerley, RCIA Director

From the Desk of Grace Kengle. Easter Blessings to all. I would like to thank all the parents and teens that responded to our emails and calls. We deeply appreciate your involvement in our Religious Education program. Next, I would like to thank our Catechists who tirelessly follow up with their students and parents for wellness checks and making sure that the students continue to learn even in this stay-at-home situation.

Our Middle School Sacramental Prep Catechists have given home work to their students. One of them is to memorize their prayers: Act of Contrition, Our Father & Hail Mary and they were asked to pray it with their families. And second is to write a draft of ‘My Letter to Jesus,’ with reflection questions provided. Let me just share that when we read these letters, they just warmed our hearts, and make us realize that most were listening and paying attention. We are presently involved with Confirmation online learning. We would like to thank Ascension Press for letting us use the link for the videos and the workbook for the Chosen Program. I am very grateful to those students who have submitted their reflection papers. I can see that they seriously watched the video, reflected and wrote beautiful reflections. Special thanks to those who submitted and completed their Confirmation Two requirements. Lastly, I would like to thank the parents because I believe there must have been a lot of prodding coming from them. Kuddos to the parents! A lot of blessings were brought forth by this working-from-home situation. Most notably, I was able to reach-out, connect and get-to-know more of our parents and teens. Second, I was able to attend webinars and zoom meetings that helped me to enhance my skill in ministering to the youth, families and the greater community of St Teresa. Third, I was able to share these webinars with our catechists, volunteers and teen leaders. Fourth, I was provided the opportunity to post inspiring articles and healing prayers on St Teresa of Avila’s Youth Facebook account. Fifth, I was able to pray more and have mini-retreats. With this, I have found a deepening of my experience of God’s compassion, healing and hope. And lastly, I was able to surrender a lot of my need to control and trust more in our Loving Father. Let us put our hope in the Holy Spirit and the Resurrection. God is faithful. God is with us!

Senior luncheons are cancelled for May and June. See you in the fall. Stay safe and well!

Baptism classes in May have been cancelled.

Page 6: St. Teresa of Avila Catholic Community...2020/05/03  · He will shelter you with his pinions, and under his wings you may take refuge, his faithfulness is a protecting shield. Dear

Parish Staff Page 5


Sr. Marie McGloin S.A., Pastoral Associate Dcn. Gil Coleman Baptism Class Preparation Dcn. Michael Johnson Prison Ministry Dcn. Dennis Schreiner Centering Prayer Dcn. Craig Lagier Homeless Ministry

Nancy Haffey Finance Manager Ext. 103 Delia Rodriguez Office Manager Ext. 114 Steve Azzopardi Director of Liturgy & Music Ext 101 Jeffrey Warnar Facility Maintenance Ext 117

Religious Education:

Brenda Mendoza DRE: 1-5 grade Ext 113 Grace Kengle CRE: 6th-High School Ext 111 Tina Akerley Pastoral Assistant Ext 112 Delia Rodriguez Pastoral Assistant Ext 114 Grace Kengle, Youth Minister Ext. 111 Monica Howk Youth Activities Director Ext. 111

RCIA — Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults and Children: Tina Akerley Adult Director Ext 112 Brenda Mendoza Children Director Ext 113 Carol Tate Pastoral Assistant & Environment Ext 106


Jesus Christ, you traveled through towns and villages “curing every disease and illness.” At your command, the sick were made well. Come to our aid now, in the midst of the global spread of the coronavirus, that we may experience your healing love. Heal those who are sick with the virus. May they regain their strength and health through quality medical care.

Jesus Christ, healer of all, stay by our side in this time of uncertainty and sorrow. Be with those who have died from the virus. May they be at rest with you in your eternal peace. Be with the families of those who are sick or have died. As they worry and grieve, defend them from illness and despair. May they know your peace. Be with the doctors, nurses, researchers and all medical professionals who seek to heal and help those affected and who put themselves at risk in the process. May they know your protection and peace. Whether we are home or abroad, surrounded by many people suffering from this illness or only a few, Jesus Christ, stay with us as we endure and mourn, persist and prepare. In place of our anxiety, give us your peace. Jesus Christ, heal us.

By offering Married Couples the beautiful experience of a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend, the Catholic Church is affirming and supporting you in your chosen vocation – Marriage. Take advantage of this

great gift to enhance your relationship and enjoy a love-filled weekend away together. The next Marriage Encounter Weekends include: Aug 21-23, 2020 in SACRAMENTO, CA and Oct 2-4, 2020 in RENO, NV. For more information and/or to apply for a Weekend, visit our website at:

A special note of thanks to Jeffrey, our facility maintenance man, for all of the extra work he has done to ensure complete disinfecting throughout the church and offices.