st. stephen parish - · st. stephen parish ... san francisco...

St. Stephen Parish | 451 Eucalyptus Dr., San Francisco CA 94132 | Church 415 681-2444 | 401 Eucalyptus Dr., San Francisco 94132 | School 415 664-8331 Weekday Mass: 8:00 a.m. Reconciliation: Saturday 3:30 p.m. or by appt. Sunday Mass: 8:00, 9:30, 11:30 a.m. & 6:45 p.m.

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Page 1: St. Stephen Parish - · St. Stephen Parish ... San Francisco CA 94132 | Church 415 681-2444 ... 8:00 a.m. † Gloria V. Infante (By: Tony & Katy

St. Stephen Parish | 451 Eucalyptus Dr., San Francisco CA 94132 | Church 415 681-2444 | 401 Eucalyptus Dr., San Francisco 94132 | School 415 664-8331 Weekday Mass: 8:00 a.m. Reconciliation: Saturday 3:30 p.m. or by appt.

Sunday Mass: 8:00, 9:30, 11:30 a.m. & 6:45 p.m.

Page 2: St. Stephen Parish - · St. Stephen Parish ... San Francisco CA 94132 | Church 415 681-2444 ... 8:00 a.m. † Gloria V. Infante (By: Tony & Katy

May 7, 2017

Third Sunday of Easter Acts 2:14,22-28; 1 Peter 1:17-21; Luke

24:13-35 Take a look around the church and see the other people with whom you are worshiping – we as Je-sus’ followers come in a variety of ages and experi-ences, races and languages. If you look below the surface, you might find even greater differences – such as various depths of understanding of Jesus, and varying abilities to see Jesus in their daily lives. Today’s readings give us a variety of ways to understand Jesus – the resurrected Lord. In our readings today, we hear of what could be seen as competing im-

ages of Jesus: both the long-awaited Messiah, ready to take the throne of David, and as the unblem-ished lamb who shed his blood for our sake. In Acts, Peter says that Jesus was delivered up by the set plan and foreknowledge of God to suffer crucifixion and a horrible death to win our salvation – then to rise from the dead to restore our life, and ascend into heaven where he now sits at the right hand of the Father.

Turning to the Gospel, we see a compassionate and loving Jesus, walking with two of his de-spondent disciples as they describe their state of mind and the events of the past days. Jesus accepts them where they are, and helps them to understand that he is the fulfillment of the prophets in the He-brew Scriptures. Then Jesus fully revealed himself through the breaking of the bread.

Jesus’ great love for the two disciples shines forth in his patience and understanding. Jesus brings them around in the way that they need to be taught – with a lengthy explanation of Scripture and a reminder of his actions during the Last Supper. Most importantly, Jesus shows a willingness to walk with the disciples, to let them tell their own story, and to teach them at their level, in the way that they will best understand.

Let us take some time today to ponder Christ’s passion, death and resurrection by which we are saved and redeemed, and given the promise and hope of eternal life. Let’s focus on appreciat-ing more fully God’s gift of salvation, and try to live more fully in the power of the Resurrection so we can give a more faithful witness to the Gospel. Let’s also do our best to imitate the actions of Jesus in today’s Gospel by being willing to walk along with people we encounter in our daily lives – especially making an effort to listen to their stories with patience and gentleness. We just might be able to help them better understand what Jesus means in their lives.

At the same time, let us walk with open hearts and minds, knowing that for us, the people we encounter might be Jesus, walking with us to give us hope and to lead us on our way.

I thank you for joining us in prayer today and I pray that your Easter journey continue to be a faith-filled journey for yourself and those with whom you encounter.

Father Tony

Page 3: St. Stephen Parish - · St. Stephen Parish ... San Francisco CA 94132 | Church 415 681-2444 ... 8:00 a.m. † Gloria V. Infante (By: Tony & Katy

Our Liturgical Week

Monday, May 8 8:00 a.m. Special Intention (By: Doreen Aguirre)ˑ Tuesday, May 9 8:00 a.m † David L. Cook Sr. (By: Jim Cook)ˑ

Wednesday, May 10 8:00 a.m. † Anne O’Shea (By: Patricia Frank)ˑ

Thursday, May 11 8:00 a.m. † Antonio Austria (By: Rossita Austria)ˑ

Friday, May 12 8:00 a.m. † Ngan Van Huynh (By: Lerma) Saturday, May 13 8:00 a.m. † Gloria V. Infante (By: Tony & Katy Jison) 3:30 p.m. Reconciliation 4:30 p.m. † Nenita Gadiano (By: Thelma Ramos) Sunday, May 14 8:00 a.m. † Barbara Frost (By: Liam Frost) 9:30 a.m. † Celestine Milch (By: Marilu Illenberger ) 11:30 a.m. † Michael Gragnani (By: Gragnani Family) 6:45 p.m. † Emma Hock (By: Fr. Tony)

Bold Indicates Mass Intentions

Please remember: Vivian Erickson

Who recently died in the peace of Christ. Our sick and homebound are in continual need of our prayers, please remember them


P lease pray for the sick and homebound of our

community and for all those written in our book of the sick. May they know the healing touch of Jesus.

Larry Barbiere, Edileide Jose Barbosa, Ed Cummings, Carol Dominguez, Emma Lew,

Eden Finn, Al Gragnani, Maria Matthews, Juan Pablo Grover-Paez, Nenita Sangalang,

Anna Macalino Thompson, Jovita & Richard Thompson, and Patricia Sullivan.

Second Collection Next Weekend

A second collection will be taken May 13 and 14 for

Building Loan Payment

St Stephen Events Calendar

Monday 12:00 p.m. 50+ Club/Hall 3:30 p.m. Faith Formation/Church &Offices

Tuesday 12:00 p.m. School Lunch/Hall 7:00 p.m. Women’s Guild Bd./EC 7:00 p.m. Parish Council Mtg./Rectory Wednesday 12:00 p.m. School Lunch/Hall 7:30 p.m. SVDP Mtg./Conf. Room Thursday 12:00 p.m. School Lunch/Hall 7:30 p.m. Young Adult Bible Study/Conf. Rm. Friday 7:30 a.m. School Event/Hall 7:00 p.m. G.A. Closed Meeting/EC Saturday 9:00 a.m. Book Club 1:00 p.m. Outside Event/Hall Sunday 7:00 p.m. Adult Vollyball/Gym

(Contact our office for more information)

Fourth Sunday of Easter May 7, 2017 He himself bore our sins in his body upon the cross, so that, free from sin, we might live for righteousness.

— 1 Peter 2:24a


First Reading — All peoples called by God will receive the gift of the Spirit if they repent and are baptized (Acts 2:14a, 36-41).

Psalm — The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want (Psalm 23).

Second Reading — Once we were like straying sheep; but now we have been returned to the shep-herd, our guardian (1 Peter 2:20b-25).

Gospel — The shepherd leads the sheep out into pastures of abundant life (John 10:1-10).

Page 4: St. Stephen Parish - · St. Stephen Parish ... San Francisco CA 94132 | Church 415 681-2444 ... 8:00 a.m. † Gloria V. Infante (By: Tony & Katy

SOME GOOD SHEPHERD “HUMOR” Modern shepherds: Four pastors, taking a short break from their heavy schedules, were on a park

bench, chatting and enjoying an early spring day. “You know, since all of us are such good friends,” said one, “this might be a good time to discuss personal problems.” They all agreed. “Well, I would like to share with you the fact that I drink to excess,” said one. There was a gasp from the other three. Then another spoke up. “Since you were so honest, I’d like to say that my big problem is gambling. It’s terrible, I know, but I can’t quit. I’ve even been tempted to take money from the tithing contribution.” Another gasp was heard, and the third clergyman spoke up. “I’m really troubled, brothers, because I’m growing fond of a woman in my church — a married woman.” More gasps. But the fourth remained silent. After a few minutes the others coaxed him to open up. “The fact is,” he said, “I just don’t know how to tell you about my problem.” “It’s all right, brother. Your secret is safe with us,” said the others. “Well, it’s this way,” he said. “You see, I’m an incurable gossip monger. I wonder how I would not share these personal problems with my wife.”


* * * * * * * * * * * * * A pastor was teaching the 23rd Psalm in the Sunday school. He told the children about sheep, that they

weren't smart and needed lots of guidance, and that a shepherd's job was to stay close to the sheep, protect them from wild animals and keep them from wandering off. He pointed to the little children in the room and said that they were the sheep and needed lots of guidance. Then the pastor put his hands out to the side, palms up in a dramatic gesture, and with raised eyebrows said to the children, "If you are the sheep, then who is the shepherd?" He was pretty sure that all the kids would point out to him as the shepherd. A silence of a few sec-onds followed. Then a young girl said, "Jesus! Jesus is the shepherd." The young pastor, obviously caught by surprise, said to the little girl, "Well then, who am I?" The girl frowned thoughtfully and then said with a shrug, "I guess you must be a sheep dog."


We congratulate the following parishioners who made their First Communion is weekend. May the Lord bless you on this very special day, as well as on your continued faith journey.

Michael Alves Jessiah Aquino Mateo Aquino Madison Avila

Addison Bianchi Cullen Bird

Keira Cabuntala Quinn Cayabyab Michael Cinco

Siomha Concannon Paloma Danfoura Mikaeli Escobedo

Sebastian Esperanzate Katherine George

Neve Harlan Annabelle Hazard Brendan La Cabe

Thomas Landers Arianna Martinez

Anthony McCarthy Michael McCarthy

Nina McGarry Harry Nysather Nolan Ocampo Alva O’Driscoll

Kieran O’Shaughnessy Ella Palarca

Madeleine Pasquini Isabelle Regacho

Jacob Santos Anna Stecher

Theresa Stecher Colby Thomas Sy

Joseph Tuvo

Page 5: St. Stephen Parish - · St. Stephen Parish ... San Francisco CA 94132 | Church 415 681-2444 ... 8:00 a.m. † Gloria V. Infante (By: Tony & Katy

2017 ANNUAL APPEAL “In Progress - thru Apr. 25, 2017”

A reminder, that our Annual Appeal tax this year is $93,428.00. We ask that you pray over your donation and give according to your means. The total received to date is $37,449, leaving a balance of $55,979. We thank the following households for their participation in this year’s appeal. (Fr. Tony)

Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Abad

Ms. Phyllis Abad Mr. & Mrs. Dale L. Allen, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Alves

Mrs. Josephine Ambrose Mrs. Dorothy Arata

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Au Mr. and Mrs. John Azevedo

Ms. Maria Baja Mrs. Maria Barzoloski

Mr. and Mrs. Moises Bau sta, Jr Ms. Constance E. Benas

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Benedict Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Birsinger

Dr. Richard L. Blake Mr. Clemence Blondo

Mr. and Mrs. James Brady Mrs. Maria E. Brooks

Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Bruneman Mr. and Mrs. John Bruno

Mrs. Nancy Buckley Mr. & Mrs. Serafin Caba c

Mr. and Mrs. Carlos R. Cajilig, Jr. Ms. Jocelyn Caoile

Dan Caracciolo Mrs. Be y Carley

Mrs. Gayle Carpen er Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Carrillo

Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Casserly, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cassinelli

Miss Adelaida R. Caunan Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Cayabyab Mr. and Mrs. Graziano Cerchiai

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Champagne Mr. Kelvin Chan

Minnie and Howard Chen Mr. Nelson Chen & Mrs. Elizabeth M Yata

Vicki Chiang Barbara and William Chiang Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cleary

Ms. Patricia Cloonan Mr. James F. Cook Mr. Joseph D’Aura

Mr. and Mrs. Bartley Davey Mr. and Mrs. Robert Defea

Mr. and Mrs. Arsenio Del Rosario Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Delucchi

Mr. and Mrs. Domenico Di Grande Ms. Irene Dobbins

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Duffy Mr. and Mrs. John J. Duggan Mr. and Mrs. David Dulany Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dunn

Ms. Noreen Eaton Ms. Marie a Escalona

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Fambrini Mr. Fernandes

Mr. and Mrs. Gerard Fernandez Mr. and Mrs. Primo Fernandez

Lydia and Mike Flocchini Dr. and Mrs. Albert Frietzsche

Ms. Be y Ganduglia Mr. and Mrs. Darius S. Garcia

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Garcia-Kennedy Mr. and Mrs. Gavin D. Garzee

Mrs. Elinor Ga o Ms. Avelina A. Gomez

Mr. & Mrs. Ken Gonzalez Mark Go as

Mrs. Linda Grimes Mr. and Mrs. Roberto Guzman Mr. and Mrs. Brendan Hallnan Mr. & Mrs. James P. Hargarten

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hayes Ms. Joanne Hayes-White

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hazard Mr. and Mrs. Jim Heissenbu el

Ms. Nathalia C. Hizon Mrs. Claire Holl

Minerva and Vin Hua Mr. and Mrs. Brian Jarnutowski

Ms. Kathryn Jereza Katy and Tony Jison Ms. Cynthia G. Kelly

Robert Kensic Miss Patricia Kirby

Mrs. Elizabeth Knaus Rev. Tony La Torre Mr. Paul Laveroni

Karen and Tom Leach Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Leehane

Ms. Margareta Lim Mrs. Diane Linehan

Mr. and Mrs. Ma hew Lobre Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Lou

Mr. and Mrs. Warren Lubich Mr. Con Maloney

Mrs. and Mrs. Ralph Mapson Mr. & Mrs. Albert Marinai Mr. and Mrs. James Mar n

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Mazzola Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. McDonough

Mr Daniel McGarry and Mrs Courtney Cassinelli Ms. Joanne McGrail

Mr. and Mrs. Sean McGrillen Evangeline Mendiola Mrs. Charles Meyers

Dr. Charles Miller Mrs. Antoine e Mishirky

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Morello Ms. Ma lda Morey

Mr. and Mrs. Ilitomasi Nacagilevu Teri and Jim O’Callaghan

Mrs. Rose O'Connor Margaret and Paul O’Driscoll Mr. and Mrs. Remigius Ojong Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Parini

Ms. Lisa Perez Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Perlite

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Perlite Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Phair

Mr. and Mrs. James Phillips Mr. and Mrs. Francis E. Prete

Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Quan Mr. and Mrs. Ma hew Quane

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ramos Dr. and Mrs. Mariano Rayos Francesca and Tony Renteria

Mr. and Mrs. John Ritchie Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore Rizzo

Mrs. Eileen Rodman Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rodriguez

Sheila and Rich Rove Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ryan

Ms. Cris na C. Sagala Mr. Guido J. Salomone, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel M. Salvemini Mr. and Mrs. Tony Sanchez-Corea

Ms. Debra A. Schneider Ms. Deborah Lobo

Ms. Vanya Soetanta Ms. Lutzie E. So o

Ms. Louise Stagnaro Mr. and Mrs. Peter Stephans

Mrs. Jane Storseter Mr. Noli Tamase

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence W. Teshara Marisa Tina

Mr. and Mrs. John Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Gary R. Torres

Mrs. Milagros Ubungen Mr. and Mrs. George Vella

Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Villamayor Mr. Gregory J. Von Holt

Mrs. Mary Von Holt Eileen Wagner

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Wong Ms. Virginia M. Wong

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Xavier Mr. and Mrs. Reynaldo Ysip

Page 6: St. Stephen Parish - · St. Stephen Parish ... San Francisco CA 94132 | Church 415 681-2444 ... 8:00 a.m. † Gloria V. Infante (By: Tony & Katy

Our Altar Servers Our special “thanks” to our student Altar Servers who faithfully continue to volunteer their time and talent to our parish. Our Altar Servers for April 17 thru April 23 were:

— Weekday Masses —

Megan Stecher, Alyssa Fambrini, Ben Corvi, Josh Pashby, Alex Flores and Evelyn Ongpin.

— Weekend Masses —

Zachary Ferdon, Anthony Zevallos, Caroline Wong, Dory Miller, Niamh Concannon, Cooper Andersen, Beckett Andersen, Melissa Hua, Evelyn Ongpin, Drew Phillips,

Madison Alves, John Brooks, Christopher Oropeza, Erin Scheg, Bryn Scheg, Olyvia Bankovitch and Tessa Bankovitch.

Thank You!

Want to contribute to a specific need? Please take a look at our wish list!

St Stephen Pastor Wish List 1. Fifty New Monthly Donors ($100/month)

2. New Rectory Garage Doors ($7,400)

3. New Church Sound System ($44,000)

4. Replace Church Carpet ($75,000)

5. Re-Paint Church Interior ($100,000) Want to make a difference? Contact Fr. Tony at [email protected].


CLASS OF 1967 -50th GOLDEN REUNION The Class of 1967Caroline Wong, is planning their 50th Golden Reunion! For more infor-mation, please contact Reunion Committee Chairs Marty Cerles or Jeannie Perasso Peters at

CAMP EDMO - SUMMER 2017 Back At St. Stephen's This Summer. Ingenious Fun for PreK- 8th Graders. St. Stephen's Families Save $50 off total


50+ Club Future Adventure Cache Creek Casino

Wednesday, May 10, 2017 $30.00 per person

Bus departs St. Stephen 9:00 a.m. sharp To reserve your seat call Betty Ganduglia at 650 589-0726. (please no calls after 8:00 p.m.)

Manuel (Olet) Abad to be Ordained Permanent Deacon

St. Stephen parishioner Manuel Abab to be ordained a permanent deacon. He will be con-ferred by Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone on Saturday, May 20, 2017 at 10:00 a.m. at the Cathedral of St. Mary of the Assumption. A re-ception will follow.

Catholic Charities CYO Athletic Hall of Fame

Congratulations to parishioner John Duggan who was inducted into the CYO Athletic Hall of Fame at the 10th annual Hall of Fame dinner on March 25th. John has been a staple of of CYO Athletics at St. Stephen and St. Paul parishes for more than 50 years. He has coached here at St. Stephen for 20 years. We thank him for his gerosity, loyalty and enthusiasm.

Visit incarcerated youth at San Francisco Juvenile Justice Center

Attend a two-day training Saturday, June 17 and 24, 2017

8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. St. Brendan’s Parish Hall

29 Rockaway Avenue, SF, CA 94127 Register Today! Call Julio Escobar (415) 244-5594

for more information.

Page 7: St. Stephen Parish - · St. Stephen Parish ... San Francisco CA 94132 | Church 415 681-2444 ... 8:00 a.m. † Gloria V. Infante (By: Tony & Katy


Page 8: St. Stephen Parish - · St. Stephen Parish ... San Francisco CA 94132 | Church 415 681-2444 ... 8:00 a.m. † Gloria V. Infante (By: Tony & Katy


Rev. Tony P. LaTorre Pastor ext.25

[email protected]

Rev. Mr. Rory Desmond

Permanent Deacon

Rhonda Smith Coordinator of Music & Liturgy ext.


Mary Molly Mullaney Faith Formation Coordinator ext.27

Mrs. Sharon McCarthy Allen

School Principal

Jim Cook Parish Manager ext.23

Shay Ingelfinger

Event Center Coordinator ext.33

Jan Almeida Bookkeeper ext.29



• Altar Servers Giovanna Hrvatin

• Altar Society Joan Leehane

• Bridge Group Helen Perlite

• Caritas Nellie Hizon

• Church Hospitality Mary Molly Mullaney

• Communion Ministers Rhonda Smith

• Faith Formation Mary Molly Mullaney

• Fifty Plus Club Helga D’Arcy • Finance Council Laura Birsinger

• Grief Support Clergy

• Lectors Rhonda Smith

• Liturgy Committee Fr. Tony

• Marriage Preparation Clergy

• Men’s Club John Bankovitch

• Music Rhonda Smith • Parish Council Vicky Francisco

• RCIA Mary Molly Mullaney

• St. Stephen Book Club Veronica Wong

• St. Vincent de Paul Julie O’Callaghan

• Ushers Bob Anthony

• Women’s Guild Daniela Franco & Maira Hallinan

Our warmest welcome to all who celebrate with us.

You can sign up or update your information by completing this form & placing it in the collection basket, by mailing it to the Parish Office, by phone at 681-2444 or online at!

Name ______________________________________ Address ___________________________________

City/Zip _____________________ Phone ________________________ Email _____________________

Our parishioners receive the Archdiocese weekly newspaper “Catholic San Francisco.”

I am interested in assisting with the Parish in the following way(s):

• Acolyte/Altar Service • Altar Society • Children’s Liturgy of the Word Choir • Greeter/Usher

• Holy Communion Ministers to the Homebound • Lector/Holy Communion Ministers • Music/Choir