st. seventeenth sunday in ordinary time july thomas becket · 2017-08-03 · wszystkiego...

1321 Burning Bush Lane • Mt. Prospect, IL 60056 • St. T homas B ecket JULY 30, 2017 Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time MASS TIMES Saturday: 4:30pm Sunday: 9:00am & 12:30pm 7:30am & 10:45am Polish Weekdays: 9:00am Mass: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday Friday—7:00pm Mass in Polish PARISH PHONE NUMBER (847) 827-9220 PARISH E-MAIL: [email protected] PARISH STAFF Pastor: Rev. Chris Kulig [email protected] Pastor Emeritus: Rev. John Roller Deacon Couple: Tony and Doreen Jannotta: (847) 690-9970 [email protected] Administrative Assistant: Krystyna Maciorowski [email protected] Parish Secretary / Bulletin Editor: Liz Mika: [email protected] Business Director: Patrick Reynolds: [email protected] Religious Education & Formation: Renata Sosin: (847) 296-9051 [email protected] Music Director: Paula Kowalkowski [email protected] (847) 298-5450 Associate Director of Music: Kraig Zeronik: (847) 298-5450 [email protected] Maintenance: Mariusz Klimek

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1321 Burning Bush Lane • Mt. Prospect, IL 60056 •

St. Thomas Becket

JULY 30, 2017 Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

MASS TIMES Saturday: 4:30pm

Sunday: 9:00am & 12:30pm 7:30am & 10:45am Polish

Weekdays: 9:00am Mass: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday Friday—7:00pm Mass in Polish

PARISH PHONE NUMBER (847) 827-9220

PARISH E-MAIL: [email protected]

PARISH STAFF Pastor: Rev. Chris Kulig

[email protected]

Pastor Emeritus: Rev. John Roller

Deacon Couple: Tony and Doreen Jannotta: (847) 690-9970

[email protected] Administrative Assistant:

Krystyna Maciorowski [email protected]

Parish Secretary / Bulletin Editor: Liz Mika: [email protected]

Business Director: Patrick Reynolds: [email protected]

Religious Education & Formation: Renata Sosin: (847) 296-9051

[email protected] Music Director: Paula Kowalkowski

[email protected] (847) 298-5450

Associate Director of Music: Kraig Zeronik: (847) 298-5450

[email protected] Maintenance: Mariusz Klimek

RE Registration for 2017/2018 School Year Classes are on Wednesdays from 6:15 to 7:30pm at

St. Emily’s school and they are being formed for the

2017-2018 school year now. Please register on-line:

Rejestracja na Religie w roku szkolnym

2017/2018 Nasza parafia współpracuje z parafią Św. Emilli i oferuje klasy religii od pierwszej do ósmej. Zajęcia odbywają się

w parafii Św. Emilii. Uczniowie z naszej parafii otrzymują sakramenty u Św. Tomasza Becketa. Klasy są w środy od 6:15 do 7:30pm i prosimy o rejestrowanie się

już teraz na religiie w 2017/2018:

Renata Sosin odpowiada na pytania: 847-296-9051 lub email [email protected].

2 l Welcome to St. Thomas Becket Catholic Community

COLLEGE BLESSING On the weekend of August 6th during all Masses, will have a special blessing for all students leaving for college or university as well as for all students beginning the new school year. We invite all students and their parents to attend.

W weekend 6-go sierpnia podczas wszystkich Mszy Św., odbędzie się specjalne błogosławieństwo dla uczniów rozpoczynających lub wracających do szkół wyższych jak również dla wszystkich uczniów rozpoczynających nowy rok szkolny. Zapraszamy wszystkich studentów i ich rodziców.



5:30-7:00pm—Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament / Adoracja Najświętszego


5:30-7pm—Confessions Spowiedź Św.

7pm—Mass in Polish Msza Św. w jęz. polskim


(Thursday, August 3)

Wishing you God’s choicest gifts on your special day: LOVE, JOY, PEACE! Have a wonderful birthday!

Wszystkiego najlepszego z okazji urodzin dla Ks. Krzysztofa.

Życzymy dużo zdrowia, szczęścia i Bożego Błogosławieństwa.

Have you thought about a MINISTRY?

If you listen, is God calling you to service? Our parish is always in need of more ministers, such as Ushers, Eucharistic Ministers, Lectors,

Music Ministers. If this is the time of your life when God is calling you to serve, please contact the parish office at:


Your help and service is greatly appreciated!

July 30, 2017 • Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time l 3

Someone you should know: KARL RAHNER (Part Two) One of the images Rahner uses which speaks beautifully to me is that of the horizon. Imagine yourself on a boat looking out at the horizon. You move closer toward the horizon – yet, never will you reach it. As created sons and daughters of God, we move toward God (whether we know it or not), like climbing an infinite mountain. Each step is toward that goal. As we journey, what is our task? What is the human project? How are we open to God

and God’s work in us? We need to become the person God created us to be. How can we do this? The more dependent we are on God – the more free we are – the more we become who God designed us to be. Rahner’s theology has great implications for us. In Rahner’s thinking, God comes to embrace humanity in their lives – in their joys and in their pain. God comes along with us on our journey. This is such a comforting thought, isn’t it? God wants to be in union with humanity. In Christ and through the Holy Spirit, God’s love is poured out for us. From the moment we came to be, God has given us grace. ALL of humanity was created for union with God. NO ONE is left out. And when we sin, God is there – calling us home. As St. Paul reminds us, “where sin increased, grace increased all the more.” (Romans 5:20) This grace is given throughout one’s life. It is not only a distant horizon, but a hidden closeness. It is a quiet presence of a forgiving, loving God. Karl Rahner wrote many books. Two of them which may speak to you include some beautiful prayers:

Prayers for a Lifetime and Encounters with Silence. Thanks to your mercy, O Infinite God, I know something about You not only through

concepts and words, but through experience. I have met You in joy and suffering. You are the first and last experience of my life.

Yes, really You Yourself, not just a concept of You, not just the name which we ourselves have given You!

( Prayers for a Lifetime)

KARL RAHNER— (część druga) Jeden z obrazów, który Rahner używa i który przemawia pięknie do mnie, to ten o horyzoncie. Wyobraź siebie na łodzi patrząc na horyzont. Zbliżasz się w kierunku horyzontu - ale nigdy do niego nie docierasz. Jako synowie i córki Boga, zbliżamy się do Boga (czy to wiemy, czy nie), tak jak wspinaczka na wysoką górę. Każdy nasz krok jest w kierunku tego celu. Podczas tej naszej ziemskiej wędrówki jakie jest nasze zadanie? Co my jako ludzie mamy do spełnienia? Jak jesteśmy otwarci na Boga i Bożą działalność w nas? Musimy stać się tą osobą, jaką Bóg nas stworzył. Jak możemy to zrobić? Im bardziej zależni jesteśmy od Boga, tym bardziej jesteśmy wolni - tym bardziej stajemy się takimi, jakich nas stworzył Bóg. Teologia Rahnera ma ogromne implikacje dla nas. W myśleniu Rahnera, Bóg przychodzi aby objąć ludz-kość w całym naszym życiu - w naszych radościach i w naszych cierpieniach. Bóg wędruje przez życie razem z nami. Czyż to prawdziwie nie pocieszająca myśl? Bóg chce być pojednany z ludzkością. Boża miłość jest wylana na nas w Chrystusie i przez Ducha Świętego. Od momentu naszego poczęcia, Bóg dał nam łaskę. CAŁA ludzkość została stworzona abyśmy stali się jednością z Bogiem. NIKT nie zostaje opuszczony. A kiedy grzeszymy, Bóg tam jest - wzywa nas do domu. Św. Paweł przypomina nam, "gdy grzech wzrastał, łaska wzrosła jeszcze bardziej". Łaska ta jest z nami przez całe życie. To nie tylko daleki horyzont, ale ukryta bliskość. Jest to cicha obecność przebaczającego, kochającego Boga. Karl Rahner napisał wiele książek. Dwie z nich, zawierają piękne modlitwy:

Dzięki Twemu miłosierdziu, O Nieskończony Boże, wiem coś o Tobie nie tylko poprzez pojęcie i słowa, ale przez doświadczenie. Poznałem Cię w radości i w cierpieniu. Jesteś pierwszym i ostatnim doświadczeniem

mojego życia. Tak, naprawdę Ty, nie tylko pojęcie o Tobie, i nie tylko imię, które my nadaliśmy Tobie!

Paula Kowalkowski – Music Director

4 l Welcome to St. Thomas Becket Catholic Community


Please Help our Local Children with School Supplies! It's Back to School time, so please start shopping for St. Thomas Becket's Open Door School Supply Drive, which will take place the weekends of August 6th and 13th. The

Open Door collects school supplies each year for our local elementary schools and Reli-gious Education program to distribute to children of families who have trouble affording the necessary supplies

for the school year. The supplies are then distributed when the students come to register. Please place the items in the Bradle Box in the foyer. Thank you in advance from all the Robert Frost and Euclid students you will be

helping! Below is a list of needed items taken from the school supply lists.

ZBIÓRKA PRZYBORÓW SZKOLNYCH Rozpoczęła się sprzedaż przyborów szkolnych, prosimy więc pamiętać podczas robienia zakupów o St. Thomas Becket's Open Door School Supply Drive. Co roku parafia Św. Tomasza Becketa przekazuje dla szkół lokalnych

przybory szkolne dla dzieci z rodzin, które ze względów finansowych nie są w stanie ich zapewnić. Zbiórka przyborów będzie przeprowadzana w weekendy 6-go I 13-go sierpnia. Prosimy o zostawianie przyborów w "Braddle Box" w przedsionku kościoła. Z góry dziękujemy za pomoc w imieniu uczniów szkół Robert Frost i

Euclid. Poniżej znajduje się lista potrzebnych przyborów szkolnych:

8, 16, & 24 count crayons-classic 8 Ct. large crayons (classic colors) Crayola Washable wide markers-8 Pk Colored pencils-12 Ct. Crayola Pink Pearl erasers Wide-ruled spiral notebook Composition Notebook Pocket folders Unscented baby wipes Clorox Green Works Wipes Facial Tissue (Boxes)

12” Ruler w/inches & centimeters 5"x2"x8" supply box/ pencil box Highlighters-Yellow & Asst. colors Post-it Notes Sharpie Thin Colored Markers Addition/Subtraction/Multiplication Flash Cards Pointed Scissors- 5 inch (Fiskars) Headphones- (Dollar Store) Calculator- (Dollar Store) Pens: black, blue, or red

Dry ink board markers-4 & 8 Pk. (Chisel Tip/ Black & Asst.) Glue stick (large) Elmer’s Glue (reg. not school) Wide-ruled loose leaf paper Pencils #2 Transparent Tape Pencil sharpener Backpack- no wheels 3-ring notebook/binder 1 and 1 1/2” 3-ring tab dividers Thick & Thin Zip-Lock Bags, Gal, Qt. & Sandwich


If you are interested in seeking information, or in responding to a felt movement of the Spirit in your personal faith journey, we invite you to consider participating in this Process.

The following questions may help in your decision.

1 )Are you a non-baptized person searching for God and interested in learning more about how becoming a Roman Catholic can help in that search?

2) Are you a baptized Christian seeking to become a member of a Catholic faith community Committed to the Gospel mission of Jesus Christ?

3) Are you a Catholic who has not celebrated all of the sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Confirmation, or Eucharist) and would like to?

4) Do you know someone who is interested in becoming a catholic? If any of these questions stirs your heart or causes a spontaneous "Yes," do not hesitate to call.

The process begins on September 20th and will be held at St. Emily’s parish. Please contact Deacon Tony Jannotta at 847-769-6287 or email: [email protected] .

July 30, 2017 • Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time l 5



Our Special Sponsor:

Wally’s Market

Sponsors & Donations are Welcome


For sponsorship opportunity please call Liz: 847-827-9220


3 prizes —$500 each

Tickets are $5.00 each or 6 tickets for $25

Support the Picnic!



3 nagrody—każda $500 1 los—$5 6 losów—$25

Service Hours Available!!

Students needing service hours (for school or spring Confirmation) we can use your

help. Call Parish Office at 847-827-9220

GODZINY PRACY SPOŁECZNEJ Młodzież potrzebująca godzin społecznych

do szkoły lub do Bierzmowania—tu szybko je wypełnisz! Prosimy o kontakt z biurem parafialnym.


Setup , Cleanup, Prepare, Cook and Serve, Help with Kids’ Games. Sign up after Mass starting on August 6th

or call Liz at parish office: 847-827-9220

POTRZEBNA POMOC! Serwowanie jedzenia, picia, deserów, nadzór zabaw dla

dzieci. Zapisy po Mszach Św. od 6-go sierpnia lub prosimy o kontakt z biurem parafialnym: 847-827-9220

Dessert Table

NO Hospitality in August. Please donate your baked goods to our picnic dessert table instead.

SŁODKI STÓŁ W sierpniu NIE będzie Poczęstunku. Serdecznie prosimy

o donacje wypieków na nasz piknikowy słodki stół.



only on the weekends of: August 6th and 13th

$30 worth of tickets

for only $25

No Refund/Cash Payment For Food Tickets


JEDZENIE I PICIE tylko po Mszach Św. w weekendy:

6 i 13 sierpnia

Kupony wartości $30 będą dostępne tylko za $25

3 Raffles of Illinois Instant LOTTO


Each raffle holds a variety of scratch off tickets purchased in the amount of $100—

imagine what you can win!!

Do wygrania 3 zestawy

ZDRAPEK LOTERII STANU ILLINOIS Każdy zestaw zawiera zdrapki zakupione za

$100—wyobraź sobie ile Ty możesz wygrać!

6 l Welcome to St. Thomas Becket Catholic Parish Community

The St. Thomas Becket 2017 Picnic Committee invites you, your family and friends to our 33rd Annual Parish Picnic on Sunday, August 20, 2017. We will have many fun activities for all ages: live music by the RANGERS BAND, games, bouncy houses, scavenger hunt, fire/police truck, tattoos for children. Bingo in the air-conditioned hall, soccer games for children and adults. Of course there will be plenty of delicious food and cold beer! Raffle for jars filled with the Illinois Lottery instant scratch tickets as well as the Grand Raffle. Tickets for the Grand Raffle are below, drawing will be at 5pm and the winner need not be present. Cut off the entry and mail or drop off at the parish office. Please make your checks payable to: St. Thomas Becket.

This year the proceeds from the picnic will be used to offset the cost of a new, much needed, stove/oven for the parish hall.

THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT. Parafia Św. Tomasza Becketa serdecznie zaprasza Parafian wraz z rodzinami i znajomymi na coroczny, już 33-ci z kolei Piknik Parafialny w niedzielę 20-go sierpnia 2017 roku. Planujemy wiele zabaw i gier dla uczestników w każdym wieku. Bawić będzie nas ponownie RANGERS BAND, będzie piłka nożna dla dzieci i dorosłych w parku. Bingo z nagrodami w sali parafialnej. Oczywiście nie zabraknie smakowitego jedzenia i zimnego piwa! Będzie loteria „zdrapek” loterii Illinois i pod koniec pikniku przeprowadzimy loterię „Grand Raffle”. Szansa wygrania aż 3 razy po $500!!! Bilety w cenie $5.00 za 1 lub $25.00 za 6 są załączone poniżej. Zdobywcy nagród nie muszą być obecni podczas losowania. Zainteresowanych prosimy o odesłanie poniższych biletów oraz czeku lub gotówki do biura parafialnego lub można je włożyć na tacę podczas niedzielnej kolekty. W tym roku fundusze z pikniku zostaną przeznaczone na koszt zakupionego nowego pieca do naszej kuchni parafialnej. SERDECZNIE DZIĘKUJEMY ZA WSZELKIE WSPARCIE NASZEJ PARAFII.


3 chances to win $500 each!!!

St. Thomas Becket Picnic Raffle 2017


($5 each or 6 for $25)



City/ Zip________________________



3 chances to win $500 each!!!

St. Thomas Becket Picnic Raffle 2017


($5 each or 6 for $25)



City/ Zip________________________



3 chances to win $500 each!!!

St. Thomas Becket Picnic Raffle 2017


($5 each or 6 for $25)



City/ Zip________________________



3 chances to win $500 each!!!

St. Thomas Becket Picnic Raffle 2017


($5 each or 6 for $25)



City/ Zip________________________



3 chances to win $500 each!!!

St. Thomas Becket Picnic Raffle 2017


($5 each or 6 for $25)



City/ Zip________________________



3 chances to win $500 each!!!

St. Thomas Becket Picnic Raffle 2017


($5 each or 6 for $25)



City/ Zip________________________



July 30, 2017 • Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time l 7


12 oz. Can Assorted Pop $1.00

Bottled Water $1.00

Coffee $1.00

Juice $1.00

Beer (12 oz can) $4.00

Beer (500 ml can) $5.00

PLEASE NOTE: NO 10:45am or 12:30pm Mass on Sunday, August 20th.

We invite everyone to the 11:00am bilingual outdoor picnic Mass that day.

UWAGA: NIE będzie Mszy Św. o godz 10:45 i o 12:30pm w niedzielę 20-go sierpnia.

Zapraszamy w ten dzień na dwujęzyczną Msze Św. o godz. 11:00am na zewnątrz kościoła, którą rozpoczniemy nasz coroczny piknik.


11:00 am Outdoor Bilingual Mass (weather permitting)

12 – 5 pm Picnic Hours—Food and Beverage Tents Open

12 – 5 pm Moon Walk/ Obstacle Course for kids

12 – 5 pm Face painting, tattoos and games for kids

1:00 pm Youth Soccer at Burning Bush Park

2:00 pm Visit from Fire Truck/ Police Car

2:00 pm Adult Soccer at Burning Bush Park

2:00 pm Bingo (entrance: donation to St. Al’s Food Pantry)

4:00pm POLONIA— dance & song group

5:00 pm LOTTO & Grand Raffle Drawing


BBQ chicken drumstick + Pickle +

Bread + Chips


Polish Sausage + Cabbage + Bread $6.00

Potato Pancakes (plate of 3) $6.00

Pierogi (plate of 6) $6.00

Funnel Cake $6.00

Hot Dog w chips $3.00

Pizza—slice $3.00

Pretzels & Nacho Cheese $2.00

Dessert Plate $2.00

Ice Cream Bars $2.00

Cotton Candy $2.00

Bag of Chips $1.00

On the weekend of August 13th, our guest will be Fr. Carlo Adams OSFS from the Oblates of St. Francis De Sales as part of the Archdiocese of Chicago summer mission appeal. Envelopes for that collection are available in the lobby.

8 l Welcome to St. Thomas Becket Catholic Parish Community


SUNDAY OFFERING / KOLEKTA Collection totals from the July 23th weekend will be published at a later date.

Second collection next weekend will be for the Building Fund.

Druga kolekta w następny weekend przeznaczona będzie na utrzymanie budynków parafialnych.






4:30pm Rev. Chris Kulig

Pete S. Fran G. Bob L. Mary L. Margaret M. Mira L.

Phyllis C.

7:30am Rev. Chris Kulig

Adam W. Lucyna S. Marzena Z. Lucyna S. Bernadetta B. Teresa K.

Teresa K.

9:00am Rev. Peter Wojcik

Daisy K. Bob D. Kathy S. Krystyna M. Marlene P. JoRene A.

Joanne K.

10:45am Rev. Chris Kulig

Adam W. Wojciech G. Wojciech G. Halina W. Malgorzata P. Agnieszka N.

Jadwiga G.

12:30pm Rev. Peter Wojcik

Kamila K. Linda M. John W. Helen B.

Linda W.


Sunday, July 30, 2017 Monday, July 31, 2017 Tuesday, August 1, 2017 Wednesday, August 2, 2017 1pm Women’s Guild Board meeting 7pm Men’s Club Board meeting Thursday, August 3, 2017 Friday, August 4, 2017 5:30-7pm Adoration & Confessions 7pm Mass (P) Saturday, August 5, 2017 College Blessing School Supplies Drive Sunday, August 6, 2017 9:30am Baptismal Prep (P) College Blessing School Supplies Drive

Be a rainbow

in someone else’s


~Maya Angelou~


MASS TIMES Saturday: 4:30pm Sunday: 9:00am & 12:30pm 7:30am & 10:45am Polish Weekdays: 9:00am Mass: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday Friday—7:00pm Mass in Polish

PARISH PHONE NUMBER (847) 827-9220 PARISH FAX NUMBER (847) 827-0370 PARISH E-MAIL: [email protected] PARISH WEBSITE PARISH OFFICE HOURS Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday/ Friday 8:00am - 5:00pm Thursday 8:00am - 2:00pm Saturday 9:00am - 3:00pm Sunday Closed


Parafia Świętego Tomasza Becketa

zaprasza całą wspólnotę polskojęzyczną

do wspólnej modlitwy i nabożeństw.

Msze Św. w jęz. polskim—niedziela:

7:30am i 10:45am piątek: 7:00pm

w jęz. angielskim—sobota: 4:30pm

niedziela: 9:00am i 12:30pm

Parish Mission Statement

We, the parish family of St. Thomas Becket, are a community of believers united in Christ, who dedicate ourselves to proclaim the Good

News and foster a sense of belonging. As we gather together in prayer and worship,

we draw our nourishment from His word and the Bread of His Table.

With shared responsibility we go forth to serve and affirm our sisters and brothers.

Guided by the Holy Spirit, we strive to build the Kingdom of God

within and beyond our parish.

My, Parafia Świętego Tomasza Becketa, jesteśmy wspólnotą wiernych zjednoczonych w Chrystusie, którzy troszczymy się o Boże dziedzictwo i z oddaniem głosimy Dobrą Nowinę. We wspólnym gromadzeniu się i modlitwie, karmimy się Jego Słowem

i Chlebem z Jego Stołu. Z poczuciem wspólnego obowiązku

podążamy w służbie naszym braciom i siostrom. Pod przewodnictwem Ducha

Świętego dążymy do budowania Królestwa Bożego wewnątrz i poza naszą parafią.

Sunday, July 30, 2017 7:30am †Mieczysław Stępień 9:00am †Margaret Mary McCarthy 10:45am †Jacek Motkowski SPECIAL: Małgorzata i Mirosław - 10 rocznica ślubu 12:30pm †Francis Cardinal George Monday, July 31, 2017 9:00am †Antonina Bienias— 1st death anniversary †Duane Szymkowski— 1st death anniversary Tuesday, August 1, 2017 9:00am † Patricia Cooper †Adam Kulig Wednesday, August 2, 2017 9:00am †Jack Colletti †Luca Fasolo Thursday, August 3, 2017

NO MASS OR SERVICE Friday, August 4, 2017 9:00am †Adam Kulig †Joseph Nejman 7:00pm †Krystyna Rychtarczyk Saturday, August 5, 2017 2:00pm Wedding: Nicole Bram & Wojciech Jaglowski 4:30pm †Janet Bogacz †Vincent DiCiccio †Edna Bigda †Genevieve Rohen Sunday, August 6, 2017 7:30am †Ludmiła i Michał Długi †Romualda i Marian Zima †Wanda i Czesław Czerkowski 9:00am †Margaret Mary McCarthy †Wanda & Joseph Cudak †Lydia Acevedo †Robert Wieser 10:45am For STB Parishioners 12:30pm †Michał Lupa

Office for the Protection of Children and Youth: [email protected] Thomas Tharayil: 312-534-8267

Duszpasterstwo Imigranci-Imigrantom Małgorzata Antoniak: 847-917-0422

Catholic Cemeteries: 708-449-6100

Zespół “POLONIA” Anna Krysińska—847-529-2555

Give Central – On line donation system accessible through our website:

Readings for the Week of July 30, 2017 Sunday: 1 Kgs 3:5, 7-12/ Ps 119:57, 72, 76-77, 127-130/ Rom 8:28-30/Mt 13:44-52 or 13:44-46 Monday: Ex 32:15-24, 30-34/ Ps 106:19-23/Mt 13:31-35 Tuesday: Ex 33:7-11; 34:5b-9, 28/ Ps 103:6-13/Mt 13:36-43 Wednesday: Ex 34:29-35/Ps 99:5-7, 9/ Mt 13:44-46 Thursday: Ex 40:16-21, 34-38/ Ps 84:3-6a, 8a, 11/Mt 13:47-53 Friday: Lv 23:1, 4-11, 15-16, 27, 34b-37/ Ps 81:3-6, 10-11ab/Mt 13:54-58 Saturday: Lv 25:1, 8-17/Ps 67:2-3, 5, 7-8/ Mt 14:1-12 Next Sunday: Dn 7:9-10, 13-14/ Ps 97:1-2, 5-6, 9/2 Pt 1:16-19/Mt 17:1-9

Observances for the Week of July 30th Sunday: 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time Monday: St. Ignatius of Loyola, Priest Tuesday: St. Alphonsus Liguori, Bishop and Doctor of the Church Wednesday: St. Eusebius of Vercelli, Bishop; St. Peter Julian Eymard, Priest Friday: St. John Vianney, Priest Saturday: Dedication of the Basilica of St. Mary Major Next Sunday: Transfiguration of the Lord

July 30, 2017 • Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time l 9

Question: Why do we have a liturgical season called ordinary time?

Can you explain?

Answer: Ordinary time is the longest

season of the liturgical year. It begins the Monday after January

6, the Epiphany, and goes until the Tuesday before Ash Wednesday,

the beginning of Lent. That period can last anywhere from five to

eight weeks, depending on when Easter is celebrated. Ordinary time

picks up again the Monday after Pentecost Sunday and lasts from

twenty-three to twenty-seven weeks, until the end of the

liturgical year, the Saturday before Advent begins.

Why the name ordinary? "Ordinary" is not in contrast to "extraordinary" or "special" but

rather stresses the Latin language notion of "ordinal" or numbered Sundays. The Latin title for the season, "tempus ordinarium,"

conveys the sense that this time of the year is measured or

numbered time. Measured time can allude simply to the

numbered Sundays, or the notion that these Sundays are a

"measured" time to deepen and immerse ourselves completely in the realities of Jesus' incarnation,

ministry, passion, death, and resurrection. Ordinary time offers us the opportunity to connect the ordinary lived experiences of our

lives with those of Jesus, who modeled for us how to live a truly

human existence.

10 l Welcome to St. Thomas Becket Catholic Parish Community



TO REGISTER IN OUR PARISH, FOR BAPTISMS & WEDDINGS Please call the rectory to make arrangements: 847-827-9220.

SACRAMENT OF PENANCE Friday: 6:15pm-6:45pm, Saturday: 3:30-4:15pm. First Fridays of the month: 5:30pm-6:45pm and ADORATION: 5:30–6:45pm


REJESTRACJA DO PARAFII, SAKRAMENT CHRZTU I MAŁŻEŃSTWA Prosimy o kontakt z biurem parafialnym w celu ustalenia daty: 847-827-9220. PreCana - przygotowanie do Sakramentu Małżeństwa - obowiązkowe. Kurs w języku polskim w naszej parafii odbędzie się w dniach: 20-go stycznia i 14-go kwietnia 2018 r.

SAKRAMENT POKUTY Piątek: 6:15pm-6:45pm i Sobota: 3:30pm- 4:15pm.

PIERWSZE PIĄTKI MIESIĄCA Spowiedź i Adoracja Najświętszego Sakramentu: 5:30pm-6:45pm, Msza Św. w jęz. polskim: 7pm

The North Side Kairos retreat is a four-day retreat for teens who have completed their sopho-more, Junior, or senior year of high school. During this retreat, the participants will get the opportunity to explore their relation-ship with God and with other people, and dig deep within them-selves in exploring their faith. This retreat is led by trained peer leaders with appropriate adult leadership from male and female lay ministers. Participants do not need to be Catholic to go on the retreat; this diversity creates a safe environment to grow in understanding of the richness of our Catholic community.

The retreat will be held Friday, August 11 through Monday, August 14, at Bellarmine Jesuit Retreat House in Barrington. The cost per participant is $225. Scholarships are available and payment plans can be arranged. Money should not be a reason to skip the retreat if you are genuinely interested. For more information, contact Annette Mika at [email protected] or email [email protected].

Registration for St. Alphonsus Liguori School is being accepted for the 2017-18 school year—

pre-school through 8th grade. All are welcome!

Call for information and a personal tour - 847-255-5538 www.saintalphonsus

$40.00 gift certificates to Dennis Uniforms given

to the first ten families to register.