st - · minimum once a year or as necessary and ... i had an email from...

St. Rose of Lima Church 312 Ridgedale Avenue East Hanover, New Jersey 07936 Thirty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time November 5, 2017 November 1 st is always a joyful day to remember the saints of the Holy Roman Catholic Church. We call to mind and pray to the known saints and those who have died, who are in the peace of paradise. Each Catholic, upon baptism, must be given a saints name. For example, my first name Owen is a derivative of Eugene. My second name Brendan, calls to mind the Irish navigator and saint. Sometimes parents will choose a cute name that isn’t a saint’s name. In this situation, the parents must ensure the second name is the name of a saint. Since the early days of Christianity we who are Christian call to mind our patron or patroness after whom we are called. We strive to emulate their lives and seek their intercession on our journey through life. Parents it’s a good idea to help your child know their saint/saints and help them research who that holy person is, that intercedes for them and supports them. The month of November is traditionally a month when we pray for our beloved dead. On November 2 nd , the Feast of All Souls, we remember all the dead and pray for the repose of their souls. God gives every human being the gift of life and for those of us who are Catholic, we are expected to attend Mass weekly and receive Holy Communion frequently. We are expected to go to confession a minimum once a year or as necessary and live in a state of grace. When we commit a sin we fall from the state of grace. Should we fall out of the state of grace, our soul goes to purgatory where we need to be cleansed in order to attain the glory of the Kingdom of Heaven. A soul in purgatory depends on the Mass intentions, prayers and sacrifices of the “faithful” to lift them from purgatory to the glory of Heaven. During this month I invite each of you to make out a list of family and friends who have died. Pray for them at Mass, offer a Rosary for them, and sacrifice for them. It is also important to pray for the “lost soul.” This is a soul in purgatory who has no family or friends to pray for them and it depends on us to lift them to the Glory of Heaven. We know that God’s wish is that we all attain the glory of Heaven. Given that however, we have a freedom of choice and must follow Catholic teaching to attain the Kingdom of Heaven. As your pastor I am responsible for every soul in our parish and pray especially for those who are weak in faith and not living a strong Catholic life. Fr. Matthew and I, as your priests, are always available for confession. As you are aware, we have an emergency line for the dying. It is our greatest desire that those who are ill or dying call upon us to give them the Sacrament of the Sick; to cleanse and strengthen them on their journey of faith. If you or a family member or a neighbor needs the Sacrament of the Sick, don’t wait too long. Call us so that God’s graces can bestow cleansing and courage to the one who is ill or dying. I had an email from Fr. Andrew and he asked me to send you his prayerful good wishes. He’s studying Holy Scripture in Rome. He’s really enjoying these early months of being a priest and assures us of his prayers and Mass intentions. Father Owen

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St. Rose of Lima Church

312 Ridgedale Avenue

East Hanover, New Jersey 07936

Thirty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time November 5, 2017

November 1st is always a joyful day to remember the saints of the Holy Roman

Catholic Church. We call to mind and pray to the known saints and those who have

died, who are in the peace of paradise. Each Catholic, upon baptism, must be given a

saints name. For example, my first name Owen is a derivative of Eugene. My second

name Brendan, calls to mind the Irish navigator and saint. Sometimes parents will

choose a cute name that isn’t a saint’s name. In this situation, the parents must ensure the second name

is the name of a saint. Since the early days of Christianity we who are Christian call to mind our patron

or patroness after whom we are called. We strive to emulate their lives and seek their intercession on our

journey through life. Parents – it’s a good idea to help your child know their saint/saints and help them

research who that holy person is, that intercedes for them and supports them.

The month of November is traditionally a month when we pray for our beloved dead. On

November 2nd

, the Feast of All Souls, we remember all the dead and pray for the repose of their souls.

God gives every human being the gift of life and for those of us who are Catholic, we are expected

to attend Mass weekly and receive Holy Communion frequently. We are expected to go to confession a

minimum once a year or as necessary and live in a state of grace. When we commit a sin we fall from the

state of grace. Should we fall out of the state of grace, our soul goes to purgatory where we need to be

cleansed in order to attain the glory of the Kingdom of Heaven. A soul in purgatory depends on the Mass

intentions, prayers and sacrifices of the “faithful” to lift them from purgatory to the glory of Heaven.

During this month I invite each of you to make out a list of family and friends who have died. Pray for

them at Mass, offer a Rosary for them, and sacrifice for them. It is also important to pray for the “lost

soul.” This is a soul in purgatory who has no family or friends to pray for them and it depends on us to

lift them to the Glory of Heaven.

We know that God’s wish is that we all attain the glory of Heaven. Given that however, we have a

freedom of choice and must follow Catholic teaching to attain the Kingdom of Heaven. As your pastor I

am responsible for every soul in our parish and pray especially for those who are weak in faith and not

living a strong Catholic life. Fr. Matthew and I, as your priests, are always available for confession. As

you are aware, we have an emergency line for the dying. It is our greatest desire that those who are ill or

dying call upon us to give them the Sacrament of the Sick; to cleanse and strengthen them on their

journey of faith. If you or a family member or a neighbor needs the Sacrament of the Sick, don’t wait too

long. Call us so that God’s graces can bestow cleansing and courage to the one who is ill or dying.

I had an email from Fr. Andrew and he asked me to send you his prayerful good wishes. He’s

studying Holy Scripture in Rome. He’s really enjoying these early months of being a priest and assures

us of his prayers and Mass intentions.

Father Owen

Sunday, November 5th

Thirty-First Sunday in Ordinary


7:30 People of the Parish

Maria DeRam Hubert, Robert Rodgers

9:15 Nicola Germimario, Sr. Giovanna Lipari

10:30 Sr. Diane Collesano, James John Gallo

12:15 Rachele Loprete (2nd Ann.), Connie Russoniello

7:00 Gabriel J. Sarni, Mary Ratyniak

Monday, November 6th


9:00 Lia Ulloa Lao, Giuseppe Scala

Tuesday, November 7th


9:00 Nicola Germimario, Rick DeVogel

Wednesday, November 8th


9:00 Louis Angelino (22nd Ann.), Raymond Rosati (4th


Thursday, November 9th

The Dedication of the Lateran


9:00 Armando Spagnola, Sr. Connie (10th Ann.)

Friday November 10th

St. Leo the Great

9:00 Silvio Joseph Citarelli (37th Ann.), Bob Tiensch

Saturday, November 11th

St. Martin of Tours

9:00 Mass Intentions to the Blessed Mother


5:30 Vinnie Maggiulli, Rosemarie Lionetti

Sunday, November 12th

Thirty-Second Sunday in

Ordinary Time

7:30 Vecchiarelli Family, Joseph Perrotta

9:15 Biagio Giorgio, Frank Marino

10:30 Barbara Herterich, Patricia Scaivpon

12:15 Frank Custode, James J. Gallo

7:00 Angela DeLeva, Scrocco Family

Rosary Prayer Intentions for November Glorious Mysteries: For the souls in purgatory that they are lifted up into the Glory of Heaven. Sorrowful Mysteries: For our beloved America that we will always proudly proclaim in “God We Trust”. Joyful Mysteries: That during this month of November we will give thanks to God for all the Saints Luminous Mysteries: In thanksgiving for our beloved dead who has taught us our faith.

Our Sick: Please remember in your prayers those in our parish and community who are ill, especially Adrianna Monaco, Lena Raimo, Francesca Dagastino, Carmine Sarno, Rich Koscielak,

Ann Gorban and Ruth Schwarzmann

Prayer Intentions of POPE FRANCIS for November


That Christians in Asia, bearing witness to the Gospel in word and

deed, may promote dialogue, peace, and mutual understanding,

especially with those of other religions.


For the week are offered in Loving Memory of: Domenick Cerruto From: Ron & Arlene Mayer


A reminder of the Divine Presence in the Eucharist burns this week in memory of:

Vincent Perrotta From: Cathy Perrotta & Donna Mirocco

TABERNACLE CANDLES For this week are offered in Loving Memory of:

Peter DelliSanti From: Rene Davino

ALTAR CANDLES For the week are offered in Loving Memory of:

Peter Catalano Jr. From: Wife & Children

We remember and give God thanks for our beloved dead especially

Grace Prizzi John Schuller Peter Guidera

Congratulations to the Parents of our newly Baptized:

Michael Anthony Ricciardi Nico Gerard Parisi

Santino Michael Bonura

2017 Bishop’s Annual Appeal

In Giving, We Receive

It is important that when you give to any charitable organization,

you are confident that the funds are used wisely. Be assured that

your gift to the Bishop’s Annual Appeal supports four causes: our

Catholic Charities agencies, seminarian education, our inner-city

area elementary schools and our priests’ retirement residence. In

addition, 50% of all funds received over a parish’s goal is returned

to the parish directly for its own needs. Please know that Appeal

funds are used for no other purpose and serve only those who live in

Morris, Passaic and Sussex counties. Please make a pledge to the

Bishop’s Annual Appeal today. For your convenience, you can

make an online gift or pledge at

Thank you!

CONFIRMATION NEWS 9th Grade: Sunday, November 5th will be your next class night.

Please enter through the school lobby doors no later than 5:30pm.

Mrs. Olsen’s class will be leaders of the 7:00pm Confirmation class

on this night. All other students must attend a Mass of their choice.

10th Grade: Sunday, November 19th will be your next class night.

Please enter through the school lobby doors no later than 5:30pm.

All Saint’s Day Essay is due, so please bring it with you. Ms.

Mangione’s class will be leaders of the 7:00pm Confirmation class

on this night. All other students must attend a Mass of their choice.


The next Youth Group - TBD

RELIGIOUS ED November Calendar

5 Cycle 2 Class 10:00am – 11:45an

12 No Classes

18 Retreat Grades 7 & 8 3:30pm to 5:30pm


19 Cycle 1 Class 10:00am – 11:45am

26 No Classes

Happy Thanksgiving

Father Owen celebrating Mass with 5th and 1st grade

Leaders of prayer.

Father Owen, celebrating Mass, with 5th and 6th grade

students after their retreat.

A great time was had by all at the annual youth center

Halloween party. Great food, fun games, prizes, and a

costume contest were enjoyed by all. Very special thanks to

Ramona Borgo , Lisa Martino , Alexandra Keenan and Lisa

Paradiso for organizing, decorating and chaperoning.

The Parish belongs to all of us, and only through the parish community can we achieve our goals. The Challenge is Ours!!!

OFFERTORY COLLECTIONS October 29, 2017 Sunday Collection $ 10,210.00 All Souls $ 1,311.00 Diocesan Assessment $ 1,982.00





Thank You

FOOD PANTRY Thanks to your generous donations we are able to help many people

that come to our Food Pantry. The pantry will now be opened on

the 2nd and 4th Saturday of every month from 10 – 11am. The

pantry is in need of Coffee caffeinated, mayonnaise, cleaning

products, dish detergent, cereal for adults, personal care items –

deodorant, shampoo, soap, toothbrush, paper products. NO

canned corn, string beans, soup, tuna, peas or pumpkin.

If you have any questions or concerns, please email Isabella Francis

at [email protected].

ROSARY ALTAR SOCIETY NEXT MEETING: Wednesday, November 8th (second Wednesday) at 7:00pm in the Church beginning with the rosary.

REMINDER: Please bring an item for our reverse Advent Basket to the

November meeting. If you were not present at the last meeting you may bring any non-perishable food item. Any questions please contact either

Maureen at 973-887-7696 or [email protected] or Bernadette at

[email protected].

KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS #6504 Nov. 13th - Mass for deceased Brothers

Nov. 18th - Bishops Mass in Paterson 10:00am

Dec. 3rd - Tree Lighting – Santa at town Hall

Dec. 11th - Christmas Party 6:00pm

Dec. 17th - Breakfast with Santa

If you are interested in joining the Knights or have questions about

the Knights, please call Grand Knight, Joe Carvagno at 973-508-


Choosing a Godmother or Godfather

In choosing a Godmother or Godfather the Catholic parents must

ensure that the Godparent is a baptized Catholic who has received

the Sacrament of Confirmation.

The Godparent should be an active Catholic (attend Mass every

weekend) and be willing to show their love of Christ with the child

they’re standing up for.

Sometimes parents confuse the role of Godparents with the role of

guardian. The Godparent is not responsible for taking care of the

child if the parent should die. However, they are responsible to help

teach the Catholic faith to their Godchild by word, deed and


Italy Pilgrimage 2018

Fr. Owen invites you to travel with him to Italy for The Diaconate Ordinations in Rome, and to

visit The Shrine of Padre Pio in San Giovanni Rotundo,

and other sites

September 20 - 29, 2018

Travel to Rome, San Giovanni Rotundo, Avellino, Sorrento, Capri, Pompeii, Naples and other beautiful and holy sites with Fr. Owen

If interested, please first contact

Great Experiences, Anne Breslin at 201.825.3725 or at [email protected]

or Mrs. Stephanie Politi at [email protected] or at 973-599-


Only 40 spots available. Brochures in parish office.

WANTED! FBI already on the Case.

Do you know who did this?


Howard Street Mission is a nonprofit organization who help the

homeless of Morris County. We will be collecting gently used

winter coats, jackets, sweatshirts, sweat pants, thermals, sleeping

bags, blankets, winter boots, warm & heavy socks (only new please)

and travel size toiletries (shampoo, soap, toothpaste, toothbrushes,

deodorant, razor, shaving cream). Please bring your donations to

the Youth Center on Saturday, November 4th from 10am – 12pm.

Parishoners & Confirmation students please help support this

mission. If you are a parishioner, you will be doing a good deed by


If you are a Confirmation Student: You will receive2 hours per bag

(up to 6 hours) and whoever stays from 10-12pm to help sort will

get 3 more hours.

Questions – Please email Lisa Krueger and to sign up to assist at

[email protected]


Family Fun Night was a huge success! Parents,

Grandparents, siblings and students all had fun playing the

Halloween games, getting tattoos, having their face painted,

painting a pumpkin, doing crafts or just hanging out in the

bounce house! We also had our Halloween parade where the

children got to show off their adorable costumes, and we had

a Mummy Wrap game-thanks to all the participants!

A BIG thank you goes out to all of the staff, parents and

volunteers who helped out with this event! It would not have

been a success without the help of others!

Please join The St. Rose of Lima Early Childhood Center

For our OPEN HOUSE on Wednesday, November 8th

From 9am until 11am. Come and meet our teachers and see the

classes in action!

PARISH DIRECTORY Parish Office: 973-887-5572 Fax: 973-884-0476 PARISH EMERGENCY NUMBER Website: In case of a TRUE EMERGENCY, death or funeral, after office

hours, please call 973-887-5572 and press “2” to reach

Father Owen or Father Matthew immediately

Pastor Fr. Owen B Moran 973-887-5572 Ext 114 [email protected]

Parochial Vicar

Fr. Matthew Kranc 973-887-5572 Ext 125 [email protected]

Permanent Deacon Deacon Vincent Leo 973-887-5572 [email protected]

Seminarian Mr. Alex Nevitt 3rd Year Theology, North American College, Rome [email protected]

Pastor Emeritus Msgr. William McCarthy retired and not in residence

Parish Staff Mrs. Gretchen Turner Finance Consultant 973-887-5572 Ext 115 [email protected] Mr. Diego Badilla Music Director 973-887-5572 Ext 157 [email protected] Mrs. Karen Cunningham Business Manager 973-887-5572 Ext 129 [email protected] Ms. Cathleen Seborowski Parish Secretary 973-887-5572 Ext 128 [email protected] Mrs. Angela Burns Parish Secretary 973-887-5572 Ext 152 [email protected] Mrs. Anne Marie Gillespie Trustee Mrs. Jeanne Taylor Trustee Mr. William Nevitt Parish Council President

Saint Rose Pre-School

Mrs. Lorie Agrifolio Director of ECC 973-887-1801 [email protected] Mrs. Carol Freeman Administrative Assistant 973-887-1801 [email protected]

(Pre-School/Pre-K) Faith Formation

Mrs. Stephanie Politi Coordinator of Pastoral Ministries 973-599-2944 [email protected] Mrs. Bernadette Caponegro Director of Religious Education 973-887-0357 [email protected] Mrs. Gina Liebhauser Ass’t Coordinator of Religious Ed 973-887-0357 [email protected] Mrs. Tanya D’Souza Assistant to Coordinator of 973-887-0357 [email protected] Pastoral Ministries Ms. Lisa Paradiso Assistant Coordinator of Confirmation 973-599-2944 [email protected] and Youth Ministry Mrs. M. Kelly Robertazzi Youth Ministry and Confirmation 973-599-2944 [email protected] Assistant


We celebrate the sacrament of Baptism most Sundays. Parents are welcome to have the Baptism celebrated either at a week-end Mass or at the Liturgy of Baptism at 1:15. To make arrangements for Baptism please call Father Owen or Fr. Matthew. Godparents must be confirmed and be active members of the church and attend Mass regularly.

Sacrament of Reconciliation Every Saturday at 8:15 – 8:45 and 4:45 – 5:15 (or by appointment with Fr. Owen or Fr. Matthew).

Sacrament of Marriage Please contact Fr. Owen or Fr. Matthew and set up an appointment. Any Catholic couple needs approximately a year to prepare for the Sacrament of Marriage, which includes sessions with the Priest celebrating the marriage and attendance at Pre-Cana conferences.

Sacrament of the Sick / Hospital Visits At St. Rose we are strongly committed to the spiritual care of the sick. Because of privacy laws, hospitals and nursing homes are not allowed to release the patient’s religious affiliation. Therefore, we must depend on families of our sick parishioners to inform us of their whereabouts and condition. Please notify the parish office of any need for a home or hospital visit.

RCIA The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is a program for people who seek full initiation in the Catholic Church through the reception of the Sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation, which are received at Easter Vigil. For information, please contact Fr. Owen or Fr. Matthew at the parish office.

PRAYER OPPORTUNITIES PARISH ORGANIZATIONS Miraculous Medal Novena – Following 9am Mass on Saturday Adult Choir – Rehearsal Mondays 9:30am or Wednesdays 8:00pm Devotion to Padre Pio – Following the 9am Mass on Friday Knights of Columbus – 2

nd & 4

th Monday at 8pm in Labrecque Hall

Right to Life – Anne Marie Gillespie [email protected] Rosary Altar Society – 1st Wednesday of the month at 7:00pm in church

First Saturday Devotion – to Our Lady of Fatima Following 9am Mass Adoration to the Blessed Sacrament –Tues. & Wed 8am – 6pm Bereavement - 973-599-2944 Secular Franciscan Order - Second Saturday after 9am Mass PARISH GENERAL INFORMATIONPARISH OFFICE HOURS - Our clergy and staff will be happy to assist you during the following hours: Monday

– Friday 9am - 3pm New Parishioners - We welcome those who have recently moved to the area. If you would like to be part of the St. Rose of Lima family, please call the parish office to register. Bulletin Deadline – Please kindly submit all bulletin materials to Angela ([email protected]) at the parish office, Please note that in order for articles to be published in next week’s bulletin they need to be submitted no later than 10a.m. of the prior Tuesday.

Mass Intentions – Please come into the office or call during regular office hours.