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1 INFANT CARE Ways to burp the baby: Over the shoulder: 1. Place the baby on high on his cheek, baby’s head peeking over the shoulder while supporting the back and buttocks 2. Gently rub the baby’s back until you hear a burp On the lap: 1. Place the baby on his tummy across your lap 2. Gently rub the baby’s back until you hear a burp Infant growth – used to denote an increase in physical size Infant development – used to denote an increase in skills, ability to function Cyanosis (bluish discoloration) – newborns lips, hands and feet Jaundice (yellowish discoloration) – result of breakdown of fetal hemoglobin Pallor (paleness) – result of anemia Lanugo – fine, downy hair that covers a newborn’s skin after 24 hours ADULT CARE Precaution if client is having an oxygen therapy? 1. No smoking tag 2. Verbally instruct the client and relatives about hazard of smoking with oxygen therapy are in used. 3. Inspect all electrical equipment 4. Do not allow the patient and his relatives to use any electrical equipment during oxygen therapy 5. Know the location of fire extinguisher 6. Check the flow rate and oxygen humidifier 7. Provide oral hygiene by moistening the lips and mouth of the client to encourage fluid intake if allowed. Feeding using a vaso gastric tube? 1. Dissolve the formula with blender 2. Aspirate some of the substance in the stomach 3. Put the syringe type cylinder into the tube 4. Unlock the tube to release the formula. 5. Elevate the syringe type cylinder to free flow the formula into the stomach. 6. Lock the tube after feeding INDWELLING URINARY CATHETER: 1. Wash hands 2. Assemble materials needed 3. Identify client 4. Introduce yourself and procedure to do 5. Provide privacy 6. Check vital signs 7. Wear gloves 8. Lift the top gown to expose perineum 9. Cover with bath blanket and place in dorsal recumbent position 10. using your thumb-index finger separate the labia and wipe the inner part from top to bottom 11. Put antiseptic on the area around the tube was inserted 12. make sure that it is draining well 13. Remove bath blanket and pull down the gown 14. Discard equipment used 15. Record the observation done

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INFANT CAREWays to burp the baby:Over the shoulder:1. Place the baby on high on his cheek, baby’s head peeking over the shoulder while supporting the back and buttocks2. Gently rub the baby’s back until you hear a burpOn the lap:1. Place the baby on his tummy across your lap2. Gently rub the baby’s back until you hear a burp

Infant growth – used to denote an increase in physical sizeInfant development – used to denote an increase in skills, ability to functionCyanosis (bluish discoloration) – newborns lips, hands and feetJaundice (yellowish discoloration) – result of breakdown of fetal hemoglobinPallor (paleness) – result of anemia

Lanugo – fine, downy hair that covers a newborn’s skin after 24 hours

ADULT CAREPrecaution if client is having an oxygen therapy?1. No smoking tag2. Verbally instruct the client and relatives about hazard of smoking with oxygen therapy are in used.3. Inspect all electrical equipment4. Do not allow the patient and his relatives to use any electrical equipment during oxygen therapy5. Know the location of fire extinguisher6. Check the flow rate and oxygen humidifier7. Provide oral hygiene by moistening the lips and mouth of the client to encourage fluid intake if allowed.

Feeding using a vaso gastric tube?1. Dissolve the formula with blender2. Aspirate some of the substance in the stomach3. Put the syringe type cylinder into the tube4. Unlock the tube to release the formula.5. Elevate the syringe type cylinder to free flow the formula into the stomach.6. Lock the tube after feeding


2. Assemble materials needed3. Identify client4. Introduce yourself and procedure to do5. Provide privacy6. Check vital signs7. Wear gloves8. Lift the top gown to expose perineum9. Cover with bath blanket and place in dorsal recumbent position10. using your thumb-index finger separate the labia and wipe the inner part from top to bottom11. Put antiseptic on the area around the tube was inserted12. make sure that it is draining well13. Remove bath blanket and pull down the gown14. Discard equipment used15. Record the observation done

VITAL SIGNS1. How to get respiratory rate?1. Don’t let the client be aware of your counting because he may not breathe normally.2. Watch closely the chest by counting the number of ups and down of the chest for 1minute3. Record the respiratory rate

2a. take care of thermometer:Always clean the thermometer before and after use. Before using, wipe using an alcohol and cotton balls, in a circular stroke from bulb to stem then dry it using a clean cotton balls. Then after using it, wipe it from stem to bulb in straight stroke. 1. Hand it carefully2. Never clean the thermometer with hot water3. Always put inside the receptacle to prevent breakage

2b. taking oral temperature?1. Clean thermometer2. Shake the mercury down3. Gently put the bulb end in the clients mouth under the tongue4. Position the thermometer to the side of the mouth5. Tell the client to keep the thermometer under the tongue by closing the lips around the thermometer6. Leave for 3-5minutes7. Take out the thermometer and record the temperature

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3a. how to get radial pulse?1. Place your index and middle finger into the radial artery of the person2. Feel the radial pulse and count for 1minute3. Record the count after 1minute

3b. how to get apical pulse?1. Prepare the material needed2. Uncover the persons chest3. Locate the apex of the heart by placing the diaphragm of the stethoscope under the left breast4. Listen for the heart sound for 1minute5. Record the sound after 1minute

Baseline:Adult 60-100bpmChild 120-140bpmInfant 140-160bpm

4a. BLOOD PRESSURE1. Wrap the cuff on the clients arm, one inch above the antecubital fossa. it should be 2-3 inches breath in the brachial artery.2. BP apparatus inflated up to the point where the last sound is heard.3. Stethoscope is worn, the brachial artery is palpated and the diaphragm is place over the brachial artery.4. Thumbscrew tighten and the cuff is inflated up to the expected palpatory.5. Thumbscrew loosened and released the air slowly.6. Eyes should be kept on the level of the mercury.7. Systolic and diastolic is noted.8. Air from the cuff is released. record the BP

4b. BP1. When getting blood pressure, make sure that the client has rested.2. Place the hand on flat surface.3. Put the cuff on clients arm and stethoscope in the brachial artery.4. Lock thumbscrew, inflate air. Then open, hear the first bound sound which is systolic and last significant sound is the diastolic.

FIRST AIDCalling for 911 or emergency help:1. Dial 911, give your name, address, exact location of the incident, landmark

2. Give the cause and nature of accident, condition of casualty3. Give the name, sex, age of casualty, follow instructions for first aid

How to handle emergency situation?1. Assess the situation2. Survey the scene3. Ask for help, 911 or even those bystanders4. Act immediately, give first aid

Body mechanics1. Widen base of support2. Maintain center of gravity3. Bend on your knees and not in your back when lifting4. Tighten your stomach muscle when lifting, don’t hold your breath5. Minimize reaching and bending6. Prevent further injury and back pain

Stop CPR1. Patient recovered already2. Turn over to medical team3. Operator exhausted4. Physician takes over5. Scene become unsafe

CHOKING - the obstruction on the airway caused by a foreign bodyFirst aid:1. caused by a piece of food or other object like small toys and other items, open his mouth and make a finger sweep or hooked finger deep inside to remove the obstruction2. If none is found, slap the victim hard between the shoulder blade 4x with the heal of the hand. 3. If the blockage remains do the heimlich maneuver or abdominal thrust.

Choking of an infant?1. Place the infant on your lap while supporting the chest and the head is lower than the other rest of his body2. Use the palm heel of your hand, give 5 gentle back blows beetween the shoulder blades until object is out.

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Heimlich maneuver to conscious adult?1. Position yourself behind the person2. Wrap your hands around his waist3. Make a fist placing the fist two fingers above the navel of the person4. Grasp your fist with other hand 5. Make an inward-upward pushes or hook motion until object is out

Heimlich maneuver to unconscious adult?1. Place the person in lying position2. Straddle yourself between the victims leg around the tight region3. Put your 1 hand with the palm heel into the navel region at the middle of the abdominal.4. Grasp your fist with other hand 5. Make a thrust downwards into the abdomen with a quick rapid movement until object is out

Heimlich maneuver to pregnant woman or obese person?1. Stand behind the person2. Place your arm under the persons armpit and encircle the chest3. Place a fist on the middle of the victims breast bone with knuckles up4. Grasp your fist with other hand and press backward with quick thrust

DYSPHAGIA is difficulty in swallowingFeed patient with dysphagia:1. Sitting in upright position reduce the risk of food aspiration2. make sure dentures are in place3. Make sure diet is served is appropriate to patients ability4. Offer fluids and solid separately

What will you do if client has dentures, mouth sores or dysphagia?1. Provide soft food that are easily eaten2. Cut food into small pieces3. Assist with the feeding if necessary4. Clean & brush dentures after feeding

DOING FOOT CARE?1. Prepare necessary materials2. Soak foot for 3-5 minutes3. Wash with soap and rinse. Pay attention between the toe nails4. Rinse nails and pat dry. Use foot powder if necessaryHYPERVENTILATION – state of breathing faster deeper than necessaryFirst aid:1. Talk to client calmly2. Ask him to breath and re-breath in a paper bag 10x then outside for 15seconds3. Repeat until the breathing has normalized

HYPERTENSION – dangerous condition where blood pressure is higher than the normalsy/sx:1. Numbness of the back of the neck2. Nausea & vomiting3. Severe headache4. Dizziness

Avoid:1. Stop smoking2. Avoid caffeine and alcohol intake3. Avoid fatty and salty foods4. Increase high fiber diet and water intake

Management:1. Exercise regularly2. Learn to manage stress3. Take a rest4. Teach client to take his own blood pressure

HYPERTHERMIA is overheating of the body or high heat.First aid:Conscious:1. Place the victim in a cool area2. Provide cold drinkUn-conscious:1. Place in recovery position2. Ensure breathing and pulse3. Ask for medical help

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HYPOTHERMIA - low body temperature due to exposure to extreme coldsy/sx:1. Skin cold to touch2. Weakness, muscle rigidity3. Cyanosis or bluish discoloration4. Unconsciousness5. Disorientation

Management:1. Remove from cold environment2. Remove wet clothing3. Wrapped with blanket4. Instruct not to turn the affected part5. Rush to nearest hospitalHYPERGLYCEMIA or High Blood Sugar - too much sugar and too little insulin in the bloodsy/sx:1. Drowsiness2. Thirsty3. Dehydration4. Fever5. Deep or fast breathing

Management:1. Encourage client to eat moderately

HYPOGLYCEMIA - low blood sugar and too much insulin in the bodysy/sx:1. Hunger, shakiness and nervousness2. Dizziness, headache, anxiety, weakness3. Convulsion, blurred vision4. Difficulty to speak

Management:1. Encourage to limit carbohydrate intake2. Avoid coffee, soda and alcohol

CONTROL BLEEDINGFirst aid:1. Apply direct pressure2. Elevate the injured part above the heart to prevent from blood flowing3. Put dressing and bandage

BURNS - type of injury to skin caused by heat, electricity or chemicalsCommon causes:

1. Carelessness with match and cigarettes2. Hot liquid3. Defective heating, cooking and electrical equipment

Management:1. Remove the patient from source of heat2. Check for the vital signs3. Determine the variety of the burn4. Flush it with flowing water / wash gently with soap then rinse5. Apply sterile non-stick dressing with loose bandage6. Care for shock7. Rush to the nearest hospital

Chemical burn:1. Flush it with flowing water2. Remove the contaminated clothing while flushing with water3. Wash a mild soap then rinse4. Apply sterile non-stick dressing with loose bandage5. Rush to the nearest hospital

Radiation burns:1. For 1st and 2nd degree burns with no open blister, flush with running water2. Apply moist dressing and bandage loosely3. Do not attempt to open the blister4. For 3rd and 4th degree burns with open blister, apply moist dressing and bandage loosely5. Do not flush water in open blister because it increase the risk of shock

Electrical burns:1. be careful on responding, check for the source of electrical fault2. If in doubt, call the power company3. If outside, keep away the bystanders4. If inside, turn off the main electrical switch5. Do primary survey, check abc of the person6. Call emergency help7. Do secondary survey, check for other burn site8. Apply moist dressing and bandage loosely9. Care for shock

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FIREPrecautions:1. Store flammable liquid on a safe environment, out of reach of children2. Label all containers and always cover the containers

First aid:1. Secure client, bring in a safe place2. If controllable, get the fire extinguisher

P - pull the pinA - aim to the flameS - squeeze the leverS - swipe the nozzle

3. If not controllable, contact fire emergency

Causes:1. Careless disposal of smoking material2. Improper use of candles3. Short or overloaded circuit

Do in case of fire/earthquake:1. Remove the person from the vicinity of fire2. Activate the alarm3. Extinguish the fire if safe to do so

Child inside the burning house:1. presence of mind, do not panic2. Locate place to escape or fire exit if any. Check the door know before touching, if it’s hot do not open3. Get a blanket and wet it to cover the child and yourself4. Assist and secure the safety of the client before yourself5. Once outside, check for the abc6. Call for fire emergency

Frying pan on the stove burn:1. Don’t panic, just put a lid or cover on it2. Never throw water in fire because it will spread the fire3. Throw big box of baking soda4. If it is uncontrollable, get a fire extinguisher

DISEASESJERKING - abrupt, sudden involuntary muscular movementLEG CRAMPS - painful sensations caused by muscle contraction or over shorteningFirst aid:

1. Massage the muscle firmly2. Stretch the affected area3. Apply hot compress4. Get medical help

HEAT CRAMPS - muscle spasms that result from loss of large amount of salt and water through exercisesy/xs:1. Severe thirst2. Fatigue3. Headache4. Nausea and vomiting

Management:1. Remove from hot environment2. Cool the patient with moist level3. Loose tight clothing4. Administer oral hydration5. Elevate legs 8-12 inches

RHEUMATISM - conditions that cause aches and pains affecting the joints on your arms and legsFactors contribute rheumatism:sy/sx:1. Tender, warm and swollen joints2. Morning stiffness and pain3. Fatigue, low fever, loss of appetite4. Dry eyes and mouth

Factors:1. Allergy2. Injury3. Infection4. Stress5. Heredity

First aid:1. Exercise and rest2. Give appropriate medication3. Weight reduction4. Go to physical therapist

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ALLERGIC REACTION - is the body's way of responding to an "invader." When the body senses a foreign substance, called an antigen, the immune system is triggered. The immune system normally protects the body from harmful agents such as bacteria and Itchiness or mild skin redness2. Mild swelling3. Runny nose4. Sneezing5. Watery eyesManagement:1. Contact a doctor if the person has an allergic reaction that is severe2. Avoid substance that can make the allergic reaction worst3. Ask for medical help

SPRAINED ANKLE - injury to one or more ligaments in the ankleFirst aid:1. Place in sitting position2. Remove socks and shoes3. Elevate the leg4. Apply cold compress5. Dry and put proper bandage

TOOTHACHE - aching pain in or around a toothFirst aid:1. Gargle water with salt2. Give prescribed medicine3. Avoid eating spicy foods4. If symptoms persist, contact dentist

FROSTBITE - damage is caused to skin and other tissues due to extreme coldFirst aid:1. Remove from cold environment2. Warm the affected part by using your hands, armpit or lap3. Remove wet clothing4. Soak the injury part in warm water with 40c temperature5. Dry carefully and apply sterile dressing6. Elevate the affected area to ease swelling7. Rush to the nearest hospital

COLDS - viral infectious disease of the upper respiratory system, caused primarily by viruses

sy/sx:1. Cough and runny nose2. Nasal congestion3. Sore throatManagement:1. Complete rest2. Increase fluid intake3. Encourage vitamin c intake4. Give nasal congestantFEVER - state where the elevation of temperature is above the normal rangeFirst aid:1. Check body temperature2. Apply a tsb3. Loose clothing4. Increase fluid intake5. Give prescribed medicine6. Provide regular diet7. If symptoms persist, rush to the nearest hospital

FLU or INFLUENZA - is an infectious disease caused by virus that can make you sick for a week or longersy/sx:1. Fever2. Chills and sweats3. Sore throat and coughing4. Muscle pain5. Severe headachePrevention:1. Get annual flu vaccine2. Wash your hand3. Eat right and sleep right4. Exercise regularlyManagement:1. Drink plenty of water, increased intake of vitamin c2. Give prescribed medication3. Bed rest

VOMITING - forceful expulsion of the contents of one's stomach through the mouth and sometimes the nose.First aid:1. Apply hot compress in the abdomen2. Maintain body temperature3. Seek medical help

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ASTHMA - chronic lung disease that inflames and narrows the airwayssy/sx:1. Difficulty in breathing2. Breathing rapidly3. Wheezing sound4. Chest tightness5. Dry coughFactors:1. Cold air or irritating odor2. Air pollutant (smoke, fumes, cigarettes)3. Inhalant antigens (pollen, dust)Management:1. Place in a comfortable position2. Increase oral intake3. Nebulize as needed4. Ask for medical help5. Monitor vital signs

NOSE BLEEDING – are usually the result of nasal dryingFirst aid:1. Advice the victim to sit down and lean his head forward2. Pinch his nose using your index finger and thumb for 15minutes until bleeding stops3. Apply cold compress on the nose and face4. Instruct to breathe on his mouth and avoid coughing5. If the bleed didn’t stop, rush to the nearest hospital

URINARY TRACT INFECTION - bacterial infection that affects any part of the urinary tractsy/sx:1. Abdominal pain2. Genital pain3. Back pain4. Nausea and vomiting5. Fever6. Presence of blood in the urineAvoid:1. Avoid salty food, caffeine and alcohol2. Increase water intake3. Exercise regularly

SHOCK - life threatening condition happens when blood flow to your brain stops.Types:1. Hypovolemic2. Cardiogenic3. Distributive4. Neurogenic5. Anaphylactic

Causes:1. Hypervolemia - state of decreased blood volume2. Severe bleeding3. Infection4. Crushing or bullet injuryFactors contribute shock:1. Pain2. Rough handling3. Improper transportation4. Crushing injuries5. exposure to extreme temperature6. Fatiguesy/sx:1. Cold clammy skin / pale face / weak or rapid pulse2. Thirsty / breathing irregular3. Nausea and vomiting / dilated pupils4. Low blood pressure / low temperature5. UnconsciousnessObjective:1. Improve blood circulation2. Give adequate supply of oxygen3. Maintain body temperatureFirst aid / management:1. Seek medical help2. Control bleeding3. Put in comfortable position4. Elevate feet 12 inches5. Loose tight clothing6. Proper transfer7. Maintain normal temperature

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CONVULSION - medical condition where body muscles contract and relax rapidly and repeatedly, resulting in an uncontrolled shaking of the body.Management:1. Protect the head2. Loose clothing3. Apply cold compress on extremities area (neck, face, axilla, perineum)4. Increase water intake5. Complete bed rest6. Ask for medical help

SEIZURE - abnormal electrical discharges in the brain causes someone to collapse, convulse resulting to loss of consciousness.Management:1. Support the head with something soft2. Loose tight clothing3. If seizures stop, check the condition of the victim4. Place in recovery position5. Give cpr, call emergency help6. Never leave the casualty

EPILEPSY - a brain disorder that causes people to have recurring seizuresFirst aid:1. Call for medical help2. Turn the patient to the side to promote drainage of saliva3. Loose clothing around the neck4. Maintain an open airway5. Apply cold compress or tsb6. Do not put anything in the mouth or force to open the teeth apart7. Remove object that may cause injury & protect the person from injury8. Never leave the patient until medical help arrives

FAINTING / CLIENT FALL - loss of consciousness due to decrease blood flow to the brain.First aid:1. Try to catch the person2. Place the person in lying position & elevate the feet 8-12inches or turn the persons head to the side so the tongue does not fall back into the throat3. Loose tight clothing4. Maintain an open airway5. Apply moist towel in the face and neck5. If he did not recover, call emergency help

CANCER - it’s a class of diseases in which a group of cells display uncontrolled growth. it destroys adjacent tissues spreading to other locations in the body via Change in bowel or bladder habits2. Sore does not heal3. Unusual bleeding4. Indigestion or difficulty in swallowing5. Unexplained weigh lossManagement:1. Assist the client and family2. Understand the feeling and give special considerations3. Show support and help the client4. Discuss possible changes in weight and hair loss to decrease anxiety5. Give proper care

ASPERGER’S SYNDROME - autism spectrum disorder that is characterized by significant difficulties in social interaction, along with restricted and repetitive patterns of behavior and interestssy/sx:1. Communication difficulties2. Social skills problem3. Repetitive behavior

DIABETES MELLITUS - person has high sugar and absence of insulinsy/sx:1. Thirsty, sweating2. Fatigue and weakness3. Increase in appetite4. Loss of weight5. Blurred vision6. Low blood sugarFood to eat:1. High fiber, low sugar, low fat2. Encourage to exerciseManagement:1. Healthy diet2. Exercise regularly3. Increase fluid intake4. Maintain normal weight5. Learn to manage stress

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TUBERCULOSIS - is a contagious disease usually attacks the lungs, but they can also damage other parts of the body. Like the common cold, it spreads through the having cough for more than 3 weeks and colored sputum2. Difficulty in breathing and shortness of breath3. Loss in weight4. Fever, sudden feeling of chill5. Tiredness and weakness6. May result to chest pain, back and kidney, if infections to the lungs reaches to its worst positionManagement:1. Seek consultation2. Maintain isolation precaution3. Educate the client and family about tuberculosis4. Encourage to have a good nutrition

PARKINSONS DISEASE - chronic disease of the central nervous system, causing tremors to the body characterized by shaking of the hands, shuffling of the feet when walking and expression less facesy/sx:1. Muscular rigidity2. Muscle weakness3. Resting tremor to the body4. Shuffling of the feetManagement:1. Provide warm bath2. Encourage exercise / physical therapy3. Massage to help relax the muscles4. Encourage high fluid intake5. Increase calories and decrease protein in diet

ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE - most common form of dementia among older people. It is a brain disorder that seriously affects a person's ability to carry out daily Screaming and abnormal sexual behavior2. Hallucination3. Dramatic changes in mood or behavior4. Increased in tendency to misplace things5. Confusion and disorientation6. Loss of ability to communicateFirst aid / management:1. Always provide orientation to the patient

2. make sure the client is wearing tag which indicates his name, address and contact numbers of the immediate family in case of emergency3. Regular exercise and give emotional support4, provide healthful diet5. Learn to manage stress6. Close supervision

HEART ATTACK / MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION - interruption of blood supply to a part of the heart causing heart cells to diesy/sx:1. Chest pain2. Numbness of shoulder, neck and arms pain3. Sweating and shortness of breath4. Nausea and vomiting5. High blood pressureFirst aid / management:1. Place in a comfortable half sitting position2. Check the abc, cpr if necessary3. Call emergency assistance4. Monitor abc until medical help arrives5. Give prescribed medicines for angina

CEREBRO VASCULAR ACCIDENT (CVA) OR STROKE - rapidly developing loss of brain functions due to disturbance in the blood supply to the brain.Avoid:1. Maintain a healthy diet, high fiber diet2. Maintain normal cholesterol level3. Maintain normal body weight4. Control blood pressure5. Avoid smoking, caffeine and alcohol intake6. Exercise regularly, learn to manage stressFirst aid:1. Call for medical help2. Maintain open airways to ensure breathing3. Keep the person warm4. Do not give anything by mouth5. Pay attention with the person until medical help arrives6. Provide cpr if necessary, monitor abcsy/sx:1. Numbness of face, arms and legs2. Sudden trouble in sighting, speaking and understanding3. Sudden weakness, dizziness and balance4. Sudden severe headaches with no cause

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Management:1. Give a balanced diet2. When feeding place the food in the un-affected part of the mouth3. Assist the person to prevent fall4. Improving mobility to prevent deformities

HEAT STROKE- state where body temperature is greater than 40.6C sy/sx:1. Skin is warm to touch2. Hot and dry3. Rapid weak pulse4. Unconsciousness5. Weakness and dilated pupilsManagement:1. Remove from hot environment2. Open airways3. Remove loose clothing4. Cool patient by cold water5. Bring to nearest hospital

HEART BURN - burning sensation in the lower chest, behind the breastbone. It may be accompanied by nausea or a sour or bitter taste in the throat and mouth.Causes:1. Smoking, alcohol and coffee or tea2. Fatty or spicy foods3. Chocolates4. Certain medicines like aspirin and ibuprofen5. Overweight or pregnancyFirst aid:1. Loose tight clothing2. Give medications prescribed by doctors3. Elevate the upper body when sleeping4. If the pain last more than 2 minutes, consult a doctorManagement:1. Avoid stress2. Take small meals3. Do not smoke or minimize alcohol intake4. Eat slowly and chew your food well5. Maintain a healthy weight


THIAMINE - water soluble vitamin (B2) also known as anti-beriberi. It is essential for converting food into energy and for the transmission of electrical signal in the nerves and muscles. It also has an important role in the formation of red blood cell and a member of digestive process.Main functions:1. Converts food into energy2. Keep the brain functioning well3. Improves all around healthDeficiency syndrome:1. Weakness and muscle pains2. Irritability3. Nausea and stomach pain4. Poor concentrationFood source:1. Bread or pasta2. Lean meat – pork, eggs, fish3. Dried beans or soy beans4. Cereal or whole grain5. Fruits and nuts

IODINE - food that contain iodized salt and bread containMain functions:1. Ensure proper thyroid gland functioningFood source:1. Yogurt - low fat2. Egg whole boiled3. Strawberries4. Mozzarella cheese5. Sea vegetable and fishDeficiency syndrome:1. Goiter2. Fatigue and weakness3. Weight gain

CARBOHYDRATE - major source of energy for the bodyFood source:1. Bread, sodas and pasta2. Wines and beer3. Fruits, milk, rice and potato

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PROTEIN - nutrient needed by the human body for growth and maintenanceFunction:1. Building and repair of body tissue2. Helps skin, hair and nails healthyFood source:1. Egg, milk, meat2. Fish, cheese, nuts3. Avocado, broccoli, asparagus

FAT - organic compounds that are made up of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygenFunction:1. Source of energy in food2. Supply calories to the body3. Concentrated source of energyFood source:1. Soybeans, fish, corn, pork, beef chicken2. Milk, cheese, egg, oil, meat and nuts

CALCIUM - mineral found mainly in the hard part of bones, where it is storedFunctions:1. Helps build and maintain bones and teeth2. Helps regulate muscle tone3. Initiate blood clottingDeficiency syndrome:1. Osteoporosis2. Bone deformities3. Muscle crampsFood source:1. All dairy products2. Cereals, juices3. Egg, green leafy vegetables

IRON - essential mineral that helps our red blood cell deliver oxygen to the rest of the bodyFunctions:1. Transport and storage of oxygen2. Aid in energy production3. helps the immune and central nervous systemFood source:1. Meats, fish, beans2. Spinach3. Liver, salmon, tuna

VITAMIN C - also known as ascorbic acid is a water-soluble vitamin and anti-oxidant

Functions:1. Required for growth and repair of tissues in all parts of the body2. Essentials for healing of woundsFood source:1. Citrus, fruit juices2. Mango, watermelon, cabbage3. Pineapples, blue berries

VITAMIN D - steroid vitamin, which encourages the absorption and metabolism of calcium and phosphorous.Food source:1. Exposure to sunlight2. Fatty fish3. Salmon, sardines, egg and milk

VITAMIN B6 - water-soluble vitamin and is part of the vitamin B complex group.Functions:1. Production of essential fatty acidDeficiency syndrome:1. Irritability2. Convulsion3. Poor growthFood source:1. Corn oil, peanut oil, legumes2. Soybean and wheat

NIACIN - also called vitamin B3, used to lower cholesterolFunctions:1. Act as hydrogen and energy metabolism2. Fat metabolismDeficiency syndrome:1. Pellagra2. Bilateral dermatitisFood source:1. Protein source and corn

RIBOFLAVIN - also called Vitamin B2, forms part of your daily diet, and plays a certain role in maintaining your health, vitality and wellbeing.Food source:1. Milk, egg, cheese and liver2. Legumes and seaweed

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COPPER - essential trace element found throughout the body. The liver and brain contain the largest amounts of copper in the bodyFunctions:1. Plays unexplained role in bone formation2. Associated with iron functionFood source:1. Fresh fruit, organ meats, oyster, egg2. Mushroom, nut and fish

ZINC - essential mineral that is naturally present in some foods and available as a dietary supplementFunctions:1. Host in immune disease2. in the eyes and male sex gland and secretion in the hairFood source:1. Milks, oyster and nuts2. Meat, liver, egg and legumes

MAGNESIUM - fourth most abundant mineral in the body and is essential to good health. 50% of total body magnesium is found in bone.Food source:1. Nuts, meat and milk2. Cocoa, whole grains and soybeans

CHLORINE - substance that offers many benefits to the body. It can help maintain a good acid-base balance and helps promote retention of potassium.Food source:1. Cocoa powder, butter and olives2. Pizza and bacon

SODIUM - helps in maintaining fluid balance and acid balanceFood source:1. Table salt2. Processed food3. Soy sauce4. Fish sauce

SULFUR - Keratin protein of hair, skin and nailsFood source:1. Dairy, meat and milk

POTASSIUM - very important mineral for the proper function of all cells, tissues, and organs in the human body

Food source:1. Banana2. Fruit juices and dark green vegetable

PHOSPHORUS - essential mineral that is required by every cell in the body for normal functionFood source:1. Cheese, milk and other dairy product2. Meat, egg and fish


Importance of water in body1. it’s vital since 2/3 of our body weight is water2. It lubricates our eyes, internal organs, mouth and lips, joints and other parts of the body3. It helps in transport of nutrients and oxygen to various tissues and cells4. It regulates the body temperature5. Maintain body function6. Help to convert the food we eat into the energy we need

Benefits of exercise1. important to enhance body function2. Make body strong and healthy3. Maintain muscle strength 4. Gives proper blood circulation6. Improved appetite5. Increased mental alertness