st. peters booklet

The St. Peter’s Episcopal Church Perpetual Memorial Annual Report All Souls’ Day 2012 Established September 19, 2011

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The St. Peter’s Episcopal ChurchPerpetual Memorial Annual Report

All Souls’ Day 2012

Established September 19, 2011

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Wardens’ Letter

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rector’s LetterPerpetual Memorial

St. Peter’s Episcopal Church

621 West Belmont Avenue • Chicago, Illinois 60657 Ph: (773) 525-0844 • Fax: (773) 525-4208 •

All Souls’ Day 2012 Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, I have been at St. Peter’s for only a few days now, and, as you can imagine, have heard dozens of stories about the history of the parish. Most of those stories have as their subject not buildings or budgets, but people. As I celebrated my first Eucharist in this place, I was aware that my ministry here is a just a small part of the faith tradition begun at St. Peter’s over 125 years ago. I realized, too, that this thing we call the Christian faith is something much bigger than any one of us. The faith, hope, and love of those who are memorialized and honored in this booklet, make this place and, indeed, our own lives in Christ richer and fuller. In tonight’s service we will gather around the Table to remember before God those who have gone before us and are now a part of “all the company of heaven.” We will remember, too, persons still alive who have touched our lives in some way. We will remember them with gratitude, I am certain. As we do, it is fitting, too, to think about what we will do with the gifts of faith, hope, and love they have passed on to us. My prayer for you and me is that we will be faithful managers of the gifts they’ve given to us so that future generations may know the fullness of the love of God. “Now to him who by the power at work within us is able to accomplish far more than all we can ask or imagine, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen.” (Ephesians 3:20-21) Yours in faith, hope, and love,

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chairman’s Letter

St. Peter’s Episcopal Church

621 West Belmont Avenue • Chicago, Illinois 60657 Ph: (773) 525-0844 • Fax: (773) 525-4208 •

Stewardship Ministry Team

Levi S. Harris Chairman Jack J. Adrian Janet Arnett Joanna Gesicki Qiana Johnson Jay Price, Jr. Jacob W. Trimble The Rev. Dr. Stephen Danzey, Ex Officio

All Souls’ Day 2012 Dear Friends, Welcome to the first edition of the St. Peter’s Perpetual Memorial. This publication gives me a great deal of pride – the good kind, not the “goeth before destruction” kind. Inspired by the Perpetual Memorial at Trinity Church in New Orleans, the Vestry and Stewardship Ministry Team put a lot of long, thoughtful hours into this booklet and the endowment behind it. I am proud of their accomplishment. This booklet also brings me no small measure of joy, for three reasons. First, because the Perpetual Memorial’s principal cannot be spent, this endowment is an investment of faith in St. Peter’s future. The earnings are earmarked for building maintenance and capital improvements because we look forward to a day when the Perpetual Memorial will take care of our building so that we can use our monies and our energies to take care of people. Second, this booklet brings joy because it represents a worthy outlet for the generous impulses of St. Peter’s generous people. In the past, gifts given in someone’s memory or bequeathed to the church on a parishioner’s death tended to be spent quickly and haphazardly. Today, those gifts have a fitting repository and are guaranteed to keep working for Christ’s Kingdom long after you and I have returned to dust. That brings me to the third cause for joy: the saints who are honored in this Perpetual Memorial. The list includes living folks who have left such a mark on our life together, folks such as Rev. Sarah, Br. Nathanael, Don Gesicki, and the Bradley-Villotas. It also includes those who were gone too soon from our midst but will never leave our hearts, such as Dan Witry, Ned Russells, the Reed-Worsters, and Elaine Rast. You and I are better people – better Christians – because these people have lived. And thanks to the generosity inspired by their example, generations of Chicagoans yet unborn will be changed for the better, too – right here at St. Peter’s Episcopal Church. In Christ, Levi S. Harris, Stewardship Chairman

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The St. Peter’s Episcopal ChurchPerpetual MemorialFirst Annual Report

All Souls’ DayNovember 2, 2012

The minister of the congregation is directed to instruct the people, from time to time, about the duty of Christian parents to make prudent provision for the well-being of their families, and of all persons

to make wills, while they are in health, arranging for the disposal of their temporal goods, not neglecting, if they are able, to leave bequests for religious and charitable uses.

Page 445, Book of Common Prayer

Total Donations as of September 30, 2012: $119,375

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RemembeRing The ChuRChe s TaT e P l a n n i n g


Yes, for several reasons: (a) the Book of Common Prayer calls it a “duty”; (b) there are tax benefits to planning your estate; (c) you can structure your estate plan to leave charitable gifts; (d) having a plan will give your family peace; and (e) if you don’t make and estate plan, the State of Illinois has one for you - and you may not like the way it distributes your assets!


This is one last chance to support the mission and ministry of St. Peter’s, to take part in the life of the church even past your death, and to be a witness to your friends and family as the find out about your bequest.


You could bequeath be a monetary amount, a percentage of your assets, securities, property, or the “rest and residue” of your estate. You could name St. Peter’s as a life insurance beneficiary or establish a trust.


It is important to speak with an attorney, accountant, insurance agent, or financial planner about leaving a gift.


As of September 2011, St. Peter’s receives all unrestricted bequests and estate plan gifts by investing them in the St. Peter’s Perpetual Memorial (“SPPM”). The principal will never be spent, and the income will be used for specific pur-poses: (a) building maintenance, (b) capital improvement, and (c) staff development and retention.


It is up to you. St. Peter’s would like to thank you for your generosity and to honor your gift by enrolling you in our Legacy Society.


Of Course! Gifts in honor or memory of loved ones are always received gratefully. To enroll a loved one, you may use the form at the back of this book.

For more information about gift planning and the SPPM, email Stewardship Chairman Levi Harris at [email protected], or call (502) 640-8358.


An initial gift or bequest of $100 or more will enroll the honored person, couple, family, or event in the records of the St. Peter’s Perpetual Memorial. Several individuals may pool their gifts to achieve the SPPM’s initial gift minimum. Subsequent to the initial enrollment, additional gifts of any amount may be given in honor of the same enrollee.

a special Thank-You

A Special Thank-You to Those Who Have Included St. Peter’s in Their Estate

Plans and Are Now Members of St. Peter’s Legacy Society:

Nancy MeyerJay PriceNathanel Deward RahmAnthony VaccaroPeg Tomazsek and Larry Witry

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Jack J. adrianJanet arnettKay and howard baileyDebra and David barfordWilliam borden and allen heinemannRuth buffalo and lois PearsonJ.R. Clarksylvia and Robert CollinsonTimothy laden Crum and stephen John Koebelelinor and Conway Dahmergloria DonnellyThe Rev. scott elliott and Cindy CheskiThe Very Rev. sarah K. Fisher Joanna gesickilevi s. harris and Jacob W. TrimbleTom and ginny helmJohn hillsamuel K. hoehnleJuette JacksonKaren KincaidDavid longmelissa montes de OcaJay Price, Jr.Chad Prosen and erick alfarobr. nathanel Deward Rahm, bsglawrence RastRichard Ringletty Riosmaureen and Ralph steckermarisa and Thom Walstrumlawrence and margaret Tomaszek Witry

RealiZeD beQuesTs

Victory P. DeffenbaughThe Rev. J. Wilson Reed and Robert Worster

established through september 30, 2012

memORial enDOWmenTs

Frances m. adrianJohn F. adrianmary Josephine and merrill ColinVictory P. DeffenbaughPaul a. Johnson, m.D.Philip James “P.J.” Kiefferstella and James g. mavraganesedith “edie” mcCormickandrew s. Punelaine Kirkpatrick RastThe Rev. J. Wilson Reed and Robert lawrence WorsterThe Rev. W. scott Rootedward J. “ned” Russellsedna southworthJames strachanearl WeltherDaniel J. Witry

liVing enDOWmenTs

gregory bradley and Ricardo VillotaThe Very Rev. sarah K. FisherDonald J. gesickibr. nathanael Deward Rahm, bsgst. Peter’s 125th birthday

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Gregory Bradley and Ricardo Villota $575congratulations on your union!

The Very Rev. Sarah K. Fisher $740in thanksgiving to God for sarah’s ministry. she labored for the Kingdom with the people of st. Peter’s august 2007 to august 2012.

Donald J. Gesicki $100thank you to an amazing man.

Br. Nathanael Deward Rahm, BSG $243in thanksgiving to God for his ministry, on the occasion of his 20th anniversary as organist and choirmaster – st. michael and all angels 2012.

St. Peter’s 125th Birthday $125For all those who’ve worshipped here before, who worship today, and who’ll worship in the years to come.


Quisque eu porta magna. in-teger purus justo, auctor eu sag-ittis cursus, imperdiet vel ipsum. Fusce nibh lacus, faucibus non ullamcorper at, porta vel dui. in hac habitasse platea dictumst.

< hOliDaY TRenD

Quisque eu porta magna. in-teger purus justo, auctor eu sag-ittis cursus, imperdiet vel ipsum. Fusce nibh lacus, faucibus non ullamcorper at, porta vel dui. in hac habitasse platea dictumst.

< auTumn TRenD >

Quisque eu porta magna. in-teger purus justo, auctor eu sag-ittis cursus, imperdiet vel ipsum. Fusce nibh lacus, faucibus non ullamcorper at, porta vel dui. in hac habitasse platea dictumst.

LIVING ENDOWMENTSestablished through september 30, 2012

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established through september 30, 2012

Frances M. Adrian $4001917-1979

John F. Adrian $4001915-1986

Mary Josephine and Merrill Colin $1001924-2003 1921-1997Beloved parents of Janet arnett.

Victory P. Deffenbaugh $17251920-2012 dearest mother, thanks for providing inspiration & guiding force in my life. i will follow your lead. Love, ruth.

Paul A. Johnson, M.D. $4001953-1990

Philip James “P.J.” Kieffer $100april 28, 1946 - June 4, 2011 named for two apostles, P.J. treasured the episcopal church that welcomed him & the daily office & sacraments that nour-ished him.

Stella and James G. Mavraganes $1001938-2009 1933-2007in thanksgiving for a couple who, through their restaurant & relationships, brought the best of Greek hospitality to the people of Lakeview.

Edith “Edie” McCormick $1001934-2010 a citizen of the world who cherished husband, friends, pets, literature, & nature, she lived to the fullest & gave so much to st. Peter’s.

Andrew S. Pun $1001926-2008

Elaine Kirkpatrick Rast $2001933-1999

The Rev. J. Wilson Reed and Robert Lawrence Worster $112,6471930-2009 1928-2011dear, gentle men who shared with us their love of music, theatre, family, friends, & pets, committed to each other & to the church.

The Rev. W. Scott Root $4001927-2005 Gifted preacher and good friend.

Edward J. “Ned” Russells $110november 5, 1928 - september 7, 2010 our lovable curmudgeon & st. Wenceslas, a mentor, tutor, & friend. he loved outreach, tradition, the sacraments, & people.

Edna Southworth $100-2007

James Strachan $1001932-2010

Earl Welther $1001942-2009 a great guy who was passionate about LGBt equality, earl loved hymns & the scriptures & was the longtime editor of The Net.

Daniel J. Witry $510may 19, 1987 - april 30, 2009 st. Peter’s choir: 1994 - 2002. his quirky approach to life keeps us smiling. he was much loved.

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Perpetual MemorialPerpetual Memorial

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abOuTsT. PeTeR’s PeRPeTual memORial

What is the SPPM?

The SPPM is an endowment fund completely separate from any other investment, established (1) for all bequests to St. Peter’s, (2) for all memorials given to the church at the time of a person’s death, and (3) for specially desig-nated gifts of thanksgiving.

Each year on All Souls’ Day (November 2), a booklet will be published listing the names of (a) those who have remembered St. Peter’s in their estate plans; (b) those whose bequests have been realized as they’ve gone on to the nearer presence of God; (c) those living persons who have donated to the SPPM that year; and (d) those persons in whose honor or memory gifts have been made, in all years. Those elements will be added to our All Souls’ cel-ebration. (This will be in addition to, not instead of, reading the names of and praying for the year’s departed.)

The SPPM will be invested for growth, consistent with the Investment Policy. The hope is that the SPPM will grow large enough someday to generate income sufficient to pay for building maintenance each year, to provide funding for capital improvement projects, and to supplement staff development spending. Just imagine that: a time when the boiler, the tuck-pointing, the plaster and paint could all be taken care of by an endowment fund, freeing us to devote 100 percent of our annual pledge budget to mission and ministry! The SPPM principal will never be spent, and the appreciation and other income will be spent according to the Investment Policy guide-lines.

So Why Have This SPPM?

The SPPM is designed to meet two long-felt needs: a clear, consistent, durable planned giving program, and a clear, consistent, durable thanksgiving program for honoring our loved ones.

A Planned Giving Program: Before this initiative, bequests to St. Peter’s were handled on a case-by-case basis. That meant that any money bequeathed to the church could be saved or spent at the discretion of the Vestry. With the creation of the SPPM, bequests will be accepted and invested in a clear, consistent, durable way, as they are added to the SPPM “pot” where they will grow and generate income for specific purposes. Donors can now be 100 percent confident that if they remember St. Peter’s in their estate plans, their gifts will be wisely invested to support St. Peter’s for decades to come.

A Thanksgiving Program: Besides giving altar flowers, St. Peter’s has not traditionally had a very visible way for us to honor our loved ones, living and dead. The SPPM changes that. From now on, donors – or groups of donors working together – may make an initial gift of $100 or more, given in honor or memory of someone dear. That dear one’s name will be published in that year’s SPPM booklet and every year thereafter; that’s what makes this memorial “perpetual.” If you’ve ever wanted to thank God for the special people and blessings in your life but weren’t sure how to do it, this is an excellent way to give thanks – a way that also supports the ministry of the church.

How Will the SPPM Work?

Simple. For folks who wish to remember St. Peter’s in their estate plans, all they need to do is include a provision like this one in their wills:

“I give, devise and bequeath to St. Peter’s Episcopal Church, Chicago, Illinois, ( percent of my estate) or (a specific sum of money) or a (description of property) or (the rest, residue, and remainder of my estate) to be used for its general tax-exempt purposes and without other restrictions as to use.”

Then upon their deaths, the bequests will be deposited into the SPPM.

For living people who wish to make gifts in honor or memory of their loved ones, there is an enrollment form at the back of this book. The form is also available on the Stewardship Page of our website, at To begin an endowment in honor or memory of someone, a person or group of people should fill out an enrollment form and make a minimum donation of $100. Once that track is established, there is no minimum donation to add to that endowment and no restriction on how often it may be added to. The honored person’s name will then be published each year in the All Souls’ publication, showing how much has been given in his or her honor over time.

The SPPM is part of stewardship – stewardship of our estates and of our extraordinary gifts of thankfulness. At the same time, it is important to remember that the SPPM is not an alternative to our annual pledges. There are three kinds of giving: (1) annual pledge giving, (2) periodic capital campaign giving, and (3) extraordinary or planned giving. This is part of extraordinary and planned giving, and churches need all three to thrive.

The St. Peter’s Investment Policy is available on the church’s website and on request. For more information, feel free to speak with Fr. Steve or any member of the Stewardship Ministry Team.

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What is the Legacy Society?

Last year, the Vestry created the St. Peter’s Legacy Society, which is simply a group of people who say to the church, “I have included St. Peter’s in my estate plan.” We operate on the honor system, meaning that if you fill out an enrollment form saying you qualify as a Legacy Society member, we’ll take you at your word.

Each year, the names of the Legacy Society members will be printed in our All Souls’ publication. Additionally, one or two events will be held each year to celebrate their special commitment to honor God and live into the call of the Book of Common Prayer by remembering the church in their wills.

(See page 445 of the Book of Common Prayer: “The Minister of the Congregation is directed to instruct the people, from time to time, about the duty of Christian parents to make prudent provision for the well-being of their families, and of all persons to make wills, while they are in health, arranging for the disposal of their tempo-ral goods, not neglecting, if they are able, to leave bequests for religious and charitable uses.”)

Why Have a Legacy Society?

Simple: to honor and celebrate the people who have remembered the church in their estate plans while they are still here to celebrate right along with us! Once bequests are realized, it is too late to tell people, “Thank you so much for the contribution you made to carrying out God’s work in the life of this church.” So why wait? With the Legacy Society, the parish can thank and celebrate these acts of transcendent generosity in the here-and-now.

How Do I Join the Legacy Society?

The first step, of course, is to get a will or other estate plan in place in which you make provision to remember St. Peter’s. If you believe you already meet the criteria for membership, then fill out one of the enclosed enrollment forms and return it to Fr. Steve or Levi Harris, and you’ll be added to the list. And be sure to come to the Eucha-rist for All Souls’ Day, at 7 p.m. on November 2.

St. Peter’s Episcopal Church Legacy Society Registration

The Legacy Society is open to anyone who has named St. Peter’s in his or her estate plan. The Legacy Society is one of the major ways we spread the ministry of planned giving to other church members. Please join us by simply completing the form below and returning it to Fr. Steve or any member of the Stewardship Ministry Team. Members will receive a free Life Planning Manual. The Legacy Society will hold one or two events each year to celebrate. You may also join simply by e-mailing the church ([email protected]) or Stewardship Chairman Levi Harris ([email protected]) to let us know you qualify. I believe I qualify to become a member of St. Peter’s Legacy Society. I have already remembered St. Peter’s Episcopal Church, Chicago, Illinois, in my will or other estate plans. Check here ( ) if this statement is correct. Check here ( ) if you wish to remain anonymous. Name:


City: State: Zip:

Work Phone: Home Phone:

E-mail Address:


Return this form in person to Fr. Steve or a member of the Stewardship Ministry Team,

or submit by fax, e-mail, or phone to:

St. Peter’s Episcopal Church 621 West Belmont Avenue

Chicago, Illinois 60657 Phone: (773) 525-0844

Fax: (773) 525-4208 E-mail: [email protected]

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abOuTsT. PeTeR’s legaCY sOCieTY

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In our day of thanksgiving one psalm let us offerFor the saints who before us have found their reward;

When the shadow of death fell upon them, we sorrowed,But now we rejoice that they rest in the Lord.

In the morning of life, and at noon, and at even,He called them away from our worship below;But not till his love, at the font and the altar,

Had girt them with grace for the way they should go.

These stones that have echoed their praises are holy,And dear is the ground where their feet have once trod;Yet here they confessed they were strangers and pilgrims,

And still they were seeking the city of God.

Sing praise, then, for all who here sought and here found him,Whose journey is ended, whose perils are past:

They believed in the Light; and its glory is round them,Where the clouds of earth’s sorrow are lifted at last.

“In Our Day of Thanksgiving,”William Draper, 1894

The St. Peter’s Perpetual Memorial (SPPM) Enrollment Form

St. Peter’s Episcopal Church, 621 West Belmont Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60657

Please print names – yours and the honoree’s – as you wish to have them listed in publications (e.g., Mary Johnson Brown or Mrs. John W. Brown). Use a new form or the back of this one if you need more space. For further information about SPPM, call St. Peter’s at (773) 525-0844 and ask that a committee member get back to you. Thank you for remembering your loved ones and St. Peter’s in this meaningful way. Date: My Name:


City: State: Zip: Phone(s):

New Enrollments

To be treated as donor-restricted funds, I am enclosing $ ($100 per person, couple, or thanksgiving

honored) to enroll the following person, couple, or thanksgiving in the (SPPM):


If deceased, year of birth: year of death:

Tribute or message, if desired (maximum of 100 characters):

Please notify the following person(s) about this gift:

Name: Relationship to Honoree:


City: State: Zip:

Existing Enrollments

To be treated as donor-restricted funds, I wish to make a gift of $ (no minimum) in honor of the

following individual, couple, or thanksgiving already enrolled in SPPM:


Please notify the following person(s) about this gift:

Name: Relationship to Honoree:


City: State: Zip:

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st. Peter’s episcopal Church621 West belmont avenueChicago, illinois 60657(773) [email protected]

CleRgY anD sTaFF

The Rev. Dr. C stephen Danzey, interim Rectorbr. nathanael Deward Rahm, bsg, Organist and ChoirmasterThe Rev. nancy R. meyer, DeaconThe Rev. John gordon stanley, DeaconThe Rev. norma sutton, assisting PriestJohn addison Dally, artist-in-Residence

WaRDens anD VesTRY

Jack J. adrian, senior WardenPeg Tomaszek Witry, Junior Warden

Joanna gesickisteve mcFaddenJames PalmerRichard Ringmarisa Walstrumlevi harrisQiana Johnsonallen heinemannmarene smithJames hawkes, Clerk

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