st. peter’s parish · 2019-09-19 · in the desert i make a way, in the wasteland, rivers. wild...


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Page 1: St. Peter’s Parish · 2019-09-19 · In the desert I make a way, in the wasteland, rivers. Wild beasts honor me, jackals and ostriches, for I put water in the desert and rivers
Page 2: St. Peter’s Parish · 2019-09-19 · In the desert I make a way, in the wasteland, rivers. Wild beasts honor me, jackals and ostriches, for I put water in the desert and rivers

St. Peter’s Parish

6 Father Cody Plaza, Poughkeepsie, New York 12601 _ Parish Administration Offices: Salt Point Turnpike, St. Peter’s Cemetery (845) 452-8580

Parish Secretary Ext. 111 * Parish Bookkeepers Ext. 110 * Religious Education Ext. 121 Grave Openings & Sales Ext. 115 * St. Peter’s Parish Website:

Served by

Father Patrick Curley


Mass ScheduleSunday

Ou r Lad y o f th e Ro s ary Ch ap e l7:00AM, 9:00AM, 10:30AM, 12:00Noon, 5:00PM


Paris h Aud ito riu m4:00PM

Weekday MassesOu r Lad y o f th e Ro s ary Ch ap e l

Monday 7:00PMTuesday 8:30 AMWednesday NoonThursday Noon

Confession: School Chapel, Sat. 3-3:45pm

April 7, 2019

The Fifth Sunday of Lent

FIRST SATURDAY, April 6th- The Vigil Mass of the Fifth Sunday of Lent Violet Vestments

School Gym 4:00 pm ^ Helen & Andrew Kormandy by the Family

SUNDAY, April 7th - The Fifth Sunday of Lent Violet Vestments

Our Lady’s Chapel 7:009:00




^ Susan Fowx^ Ron Osterman^ Helen Tibbetts Neilson^ Edward Reynolds^ Anna Griffin

by Pat Frankby Dianne Sinon & Familyby Karen & Jimmy Runzaby Roberta Brodie & Cheryl Haesslerby the Family

MONDAY, April 8th - Weekday in Lent Violet Vestments

Memorial MassOur Lady’s Chapel

7:00 pm ^ The Puzewski, Kelly, and Schraff Families by the Family^ Raquel Gutierrez-Builes by Teresa Builes ^ Steven Amarillo by Teresa Builes ^ Johnny Amarillo by Jose Amarillo ^ Maria Orjuela by Jose Amarillo^ Sean Sinon by Mom ^ Brian Lanigan by the Family ^ Noel Morris by Maria Clark ^ Thomas Campbellby Linda & Gerard Dahowski ^ Joseph Kowalski by Linda & Gerard Dahowski ^ Victim Souls of 9/11 ^

TUESDAY, April 9th - Weekday in Lent Violet Vestments

Our Lady’s Chapel 8:30 am ^ Deceased Parishioners of St. Peter’s Parish by St. Peter’s Parish

WEDNESDAY, April 10th - Weekday in Lent Violet Vestments

Benefactor’s MassOur Lady’s Chapel

12:00 noon ^ Marguerite Campbell ^ Martin Naughton ^ Margaret Mary Russell ^ Margaret Mary Walsh ^ John FrancisFitzpatrick ̂ Grace Rider D’Engenis ̂ Catherine Bialosuknia ̂ Alice Mary Rohan ̂ Rita Simmons ̂ Helen Luty^ Mary Helen Davis ^ Steve Woznica ^ Shirley Yager ^ Mary Agnes Morris ^ Peter Cahill ^ Joseph Dosio ^Helen Mary Stelmach ^ Marguerite Marconette ^ Mary Lynch Marconette ^ George Marconette ^ MargaretMarconette O’Donnel ^ Joseph Marconette ^ Anna Joseph ^ Margaret Heady ^ John Hadigan ^ MargaretBunten ^ Mildred VanVlack ^ Carol Wood ^ Kathleen & Robert Wermuth ^ Mary Miller ^ Theodore Luty Jr.^ Steven Eric Kowalski ^ (benefactors remembered donated to the parish in their wills.)

THURSDAY, April 11th - St. Stanislaus Violet Vestments

Our Lady’s Chapel



^ Rosemary Gemma Savino

by Margaret & Bonnie

FRIDAY, April 12th - Weekday in Lent Violet Vestments

SATURDAY, April 13th - St. Martin I, Pope Violet Vestments

The month of April is dedicated to the Holy Eucharist Mass Intentions and Mass Cards are available at the Administration

Building at St. Peter’s Cemetery from 9am-2:30pm, M-F.

Page 3: St. Peter’s Parish · 2019-09-19 · In the desert I make a way, in the wasteland, rivers. Wild beasts honor me, jackals and ostriches, for I put water in the desert and rivers

Christ and the Woman Taken in Adultery

A Reading from the Book of the Prophet Isaiah (IS 43:16-21)

Thus says the LORD, who opens a way in the sea and a path in the mighty waters, who

leads out chariots and horsemen, a powerful army, till they lie prostrate together, never to

rise, snuffed out and quenched like a wick. Remember not the events of the past, the things

of long ago consider not; see, I am doing something new! Now it springs forth, do you not

perceive it? In the desert I make a way, in the wasteland, rivers. Wild beasts honor me,

jackals and ostriches, for I put water in the desert and rivers in the wasteland for my chosen

people to drink, the people whom I formed for myself, that they might announce my praise.

Lector: The Word of the Lord. People: Thanks be to God.

April 7, 2019The Fifth Sunday of Lent

There are no flowers on the altar or music during Lent.The Gloria is not said during Lent.


Priest: The Lord be with you.People: And with your spirit.

The Confiteor

I confess to almighty Godand to you, my brothers and sisters, that I have greatly sinnedin my thoughts and in my words,in what I have doneand in what I have failed to do, (And then striking your breast three times)through my fault, through my fault, through my most grievous fault;therefore, I ask blessed Mary ever-Virgin, all the Angels and Saints, and you, my brothers and sisters, to pray for me to the Lord our God. Priest: Lord have mercy. People: Lord have mercy.Priest: Christ have mercy. People: Christ have mercy.Priest: Lord have mercy. People: Lord have mercy.*

*(Or any other option the priest chooses. “The Lord havemercy” can be sung as “Kyrie elÁison” or the Penitentialhymn “Asperges” may be sung.)

Page 4: St. Peter’s Parish · 2019-09-19 · In the desert I make a way, in the wasteland, rivers. Wild beasts honor me, jackals and ostriches, for I put water in the desert and rivers

A Reading from the Letter of St. Paul to the Philippians (PHIL 3:8-14)

Brothers and sisters: I consider everything as a loss because of the supreme good of knowingChrist Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have accepted the loss of all things and I consider them somuch rubbish, that I may gain Christ and be found in him, not having any righteousness of myown based on the law but that which comes through faith in Christ, the righteousness from God,depending on faith to know him and the power of his resurrection and the sharing of hissufferings by being conformed to his death, if somehow I may attain the resurrection from thedead. It is not that I have already taken hold of it or have already attained perfect maturity, but Icontinue my pursuit in hope that I may possess it, since I have indeed been taken possession ofby Christ Jesus. Brothers and sisters, I for my part do not consider myself to have takenpossession. Just one thing: forgetting what lies behind but straining forward to what lies ahead, Icontinue my pursuit toward the goal, the prize of God’s upward calling, in Christ Jesus.

Lector: The Word of the Lord. People: Thanks be to God.

A Reading from the Holy Gospel according to John (JN 8:1-11)

People: Glory to you, O Lord.

Jesus went to the Mount of Olives. But early in the morning he arrived again in the templearea, and all the people started coming to him, and he sat down and taught them. Then thescribes and the Pharisees brought a woman who had been caught in adultery and made herstand in the middle. They said to him, “Teacher, this woman was caught in the very act ofcommitting adultery. Now in the law, Moses commanded us to stone such women. So whatdo you say?” They said this to test him, so that they could have some charge to bring againsthim. Jesus bent down and began to write on the ground with his finger. But when theycontinued asking him, he straightened up and said to them, “Let the one among you who iswithout sin be the first to throw a stone at her.” Again he bent down and wrote on theground. And in response, they went away one by one, beginning with the elders. So he wasleft alone with the woman before him. Then Jesus straightened up and said to her, “Woman,where are they? Has no one condemned you?” She replied, “No one, sir.” Then Jesus said,“Neither do I condemn you. Go, and from now on do not sin any more.”

Priest: The Gospel of the Lord. People: Praise to You, Lord Jesus Christ.

The Responsorial: The Lord has done great things for us; we are filled with joy. (PS 126:1-6)

Lector: Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ, King of endless glory! People Only: Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ, King of endless glory! (Stand) Lector Only: Even now, says the Lord, return to me with your whole heart;

for I am gracious and merciful. People Only: Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ, King of endless glory!

Priest: The Lord be with you. People: And with your spirit.

Page 5: St. Peter’s Parish · 2019-09-19 · In the desert I make a way, in the wasteland, rivers. Wild beasts honor me, jackals and ostriches, for I put water in the desert and rivers


I believe in one God, the Father almighty,

Maker of heaven and earth,

of all things visible and invisible.

I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ,

the Only Begotten Son of God,

born of the Father before all ages.

God from God, Light from Light,

true God from true God,

begotten, not made,

consubstantial with the Father;

through Him all things were made.

For us men and for our salvation He came down

from heaven,At the words that follow, up to and including and became Man, all bow

and by the Holy Spirit was Incarnate of the

Virgin Mary and became Man.

For our sake He was crucified under Pontius


He suffered death and was buried,

and rose again on the third day

in accordance with the Scriptures.

He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right

hand of the Father.

He will come again in glory to judge the living

and the dead and his kingdom will have no end.

I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the Giver of

Life, who proceeds from the Father and the Son,

Who with the Father and the Son is adored and

glorified, who has spoken through the prophets.

I believe in one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church.

I confess one Baptism for the forgiveness of sins

and I look forward to the resurrection of the dead

and the life of the world to come.


Prayer Said by the People After The PrayBrethren Prayer of the Priest

May the Lord accept the sacrifice at your handsfor the praise and glory of His Name,for our good and the good of all His holychurch.

Priest: The Lord be with you.People: And with your spirit.Priest: Lift up your hearts.People: We lift them up to the Lord.Priest: Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.People: It is right and just.

Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God of Hosts.Heaven and earth are full of your glory.Hosanna in the highest.Blessed is he who comes in the name of theLord.Hosanna in the highest.

Priest: The mystery of Faith.

People: We proclaim your Death, O Lord,and profess your Resurrection until Youcome again.

Priest: The peace of the Lord be with youalways.People: And with your spirit.

Priest: Behold the Lamb of God, behold Himwho takes away the sins of the world. Blessedare those called to the supper of the Lamb.

People: Lord, I am not worthy that You shouldenter under my roof, but only say the word andmy soul shall be healed.

Concluding RitesPriest: The Lord be with you.People: And with your spirit.Priest: Go forth the Mass is ended.People: Thanks be to God.

Page 6: St. Peter’s Parish · 2019-09-19 · In the desert I make a way, in the wasteland, rivers. Wild beasts honor me, jackals and ostriches, for I put water in the desert and rivers

Happy Spring! Years ago, Saint Pope John Paul II addressed the National Catholic Educational Association of the US. He stated, "CatholicEducation is above all a question of communicating Christ, of helping toform Christ in the lives of others." This is still the responsibility andmission of our Catholic schools today.

We are currently accepting applications for the 2019-20 school year for new students entering gradesPK3 through 8th. Financial assistance is be available for qualified students at participating schools.

Visit to submit an application today.

Our next Touring Tuesday will begin held on April 9th, from 9-11am or by appointment. TouringTuesdays are Open House events, designed to introduce prospective families to the life-long benefitsand value of a Catholic education. Reservations are required and can be made online or by calling our bilingual phone line 646-794-2885. All Catholic schools inour region are participating. We look forward to welcoming you!

Page 7: St. Peter’s Parish · 2019-09-19 · In the desert I make a way, in the wasteland, rivers. Wild beasts honor me, jackals and ostriches, for I put water in the desert and rivers

In Loving Memory of

Meg Ellen Misove Case9/27/76 - 1/11/12

on her 7th Anniversary in Heaven

Forever In Our Hearts,Your Loving Family

In Loving Memory of

Joseph P. FasolinoAug. 23, 1937 - Feb. 19, 2018

Safely Home in HeavenAlways and Forever,

The Mannino Family & Friends,Roseanna, Patti, Brunetta

To request a

memorial, please call

(845) 452-8580 ext. 111

In Loving Memory of

Genevieve Sturz8/30/15 - 4/20/18

Forever in our hearts,

Dorothy Gallo and Family

In Loving Memory of

Joan Van Vlack9/14/51 - 10/20/17

We miss and love you,Janet, Patricia, Marc,

Daniel, Emma

Len Wohlfahrt10th year in Heaven

1/15/2009 - 1/15/2019We love you and we miss you every day

Wife: Jo-Ann; Children: Kathleen,

Kristine & Michael; Grandchildren:Laura, Emily, Jake & Kate




Alex James ScarpelliSon of Justin & Susan

April 7th - 2:00pm


Jessica White by Mary Ann Lysko


* Lorraine Nielsen by the Family * Jim Daley by the Family * Fr. Armand Padula by St. Peter’s Parish *

* Felicia Ritters by the Family * Sue Tucker by Edith Luca * Andy Imperati by Joanne *

* Bill Timmons by Loretta Timmons * Audrey Marie Michaels by Felicia Ritters * Cornelius Martorano by the Family *

PRAY FOR THE SICK OF OTHER PARISHES * Michael Einfeldt by the Family * Antonina Mirto by Edith Luca * Alan Tanner by a Friend *

*If you would like to add the name of a person to be prayed for to any prayer list, please call 452-8580 ext. 120 and please spell the name of the individual as well as yours since both the sick and the callers name are needed for the request and specify the list for the individual to be prayed for.

PRAY FOR THE RECENTLY DECEASED SOULS OF THE PARISH^ Thomas D. Mahar, Jr.(80), entered eternal rest on 8/11 Funeral Mass - Fr.Curley 8/17

^ Susan Kelly (70), entered eternal rest on 8/14 Funeral Mass - Fr.Curley 8/17

^ Frank Mikula (96), entered eternal rest on 10/12 Funeral Mass - Fr.Zeverin 10/17

^Anthony Cappillino, Sr.(70), entered eternal rest 11/13 Funeral Mass - Fr.Zeverin 11/16

^ Joseph Damante (78), entered eternal rest on 11/30 Funeral Mass - Fr.Curley 12/7

^ Robert Homko (87), entered eternal rest on 12/28 Funeral Mass - Fr. Benjamin 1/3

^ Domenico A. Pacio (82), entered eternal rest on 1/6 Funeral Mass - Mt. Carmel 1/13

PRAY FOR THE RECENTLY DECEASED OF OTHER PARISHES^ Vincenzina Campanella (88), January 7, 2019 remembered by the Mirto Family

^ Mary Weiden (88), Jan. 23, 2019 remembered by Patrick & Elizabeth Philipbar

^ Barbara Hayes (82), January 10, 2019 remembered by Felicia Ritters

^ Lynne McIlravy-Ackert (69), January 10, 2019 remembered by Annie Luty

^ Laura Giammarino (63), February 2, 2019 remembered by Annie Luty

^ James Ellis (83), February 13, 2019 remembered by the Ellis Family

^ Jacqueline Campbell (52), March 5, 2019 remembered by Delores Campbell

The Mass Intentions for next weekend Sunday, April 14th

If you would like one of the priests to visit the sick, please call(845) 452-8580 ext. 111, if an emergency call ext. 101

School Gym 4 pm

Our Lady’s 7amChapel 9am



The Frank & Hornak Families

Matt TeixeiraLori HedrickSusan SeehaseNicholas TurletesFr. Joe Granata

St. Peter’s Church Memorials. Never Forgotten.

In Loving Memory of

John F. Belch9/29/47 - 1/05/10

We love and miss you,

JoAnne and all

your Family

In Loving Memory of

Horton Tucker3/30/1929 - 2/23/2016

With Love,Sue and Family

Page 8: St. Peter’s Parish · 2019-09-19 · In the desert I make a way, in the wasteland, rivers. Wild beasts honor me, jackals and ostriches, for I put water in the desert and rivers

Weekly Schedule1st Sunday of the Month

Place First Saturday

April 6th


April 7th MondayApril 8th


April 9th Wednesday

April 10th

Our Lady

of the










Fr. Zevern



Fr. Patrick Curley



6:30pm - Rosary for

all unborn babies

7pm - Memorial Mass

- Fr. Benjamin

7:30pm - Miraculous Medal & Our

Lady of Victory Novenas

- Fr. Benjamin


8:30am - Fr. Zeverin Mass 12:00pm - Fr. Zeverin



4pm - Vigil Mass

-Fr. Patrick Curley 7pm - Bingo

School 3-3:45pm- Confessions - Fr. Patrick Curley

10am - 12noon First Sunday Coffee Social

6:15-7:15pm- Religious Educationfor Public School Students


12:30pm - First Saturday Mass Fr. Benjamin

Easter Flower Envelopes are available at the entrances for memorialdonations. The loved ones that you list on the envelope will

also be printed in the bulletin to be remembered and prayed for.

Stations of the Cross will be held every Friday night during Lent at Our Lady

of the Rosary Chapel at 7:00pm.

Lector and Sacristan AssignmentsApril 7th - Lectors : Tom McNamara (9am), Robert Tortorella (10:30am) / Sacristan: Mason Sala (12noon and 5pm)April 14th - Lectors : Sacristan (9am), Melody Mccavara (10:30am) / Sacristan: Mark Venuto (12noon and 5pm)

Page 9: St. Peter’s Parish · 2019-09-19 · In the desert I make a way, in the wasteland, rivers. Wild beasts honor me, jackals and ostriches, for I put water in the desert and rivers

Sat. - Cloudy - 65°Sun. - Rain - 56°

MarchWinneris LeslieArnisonwho won


Weekly Schedule 1st Sunday of the Month

PlaceThursdayApril 11th

FridayApril 12th

Saturday April 13th

Palm Sunday April 14th

Our Lady of

the Rosary



12noon Fr. Patrick Curley 7:00pm - Traditional Stations of the Cross7:30pm - Benediction

12:00 noon - Baptism

2:00pm - Baptism








Fr. Zeverin



Fr. Patrick Curley




Auditorium7pm- Bingo 4pm - Vigil Mass

- Fr. Patrick Curley

School6:00pm - Parish Prayer Group

at School Chapel

3-3:45pm- Confessions - Fr. Patrick Curley


Last Weekend’s FINANCIAL REPORT – March 31, 2019 TOTAL WEEKLY COLLECTION (1st, 2nd, & Emergency Collections) - $10,249.29 WEEKLY FIRST COLLECTION - $7,744.79 (includes $1,236.00 in loose cash and $492.08 in WeShare)

Second Collections for School Debts and Archdiocesan Fees - $1,848.48 (includes $471.00 in loose cash and $56.40 in WeShare)

The total amount of donations this week received from all collections, appeals, shrines, and poor boxes was $10,329.29Prepared by the Trustees of St. Peter’s Church (Trustees are those entrusted by the Pastor with the counting & recording of the Sunday collections)

The total number of those families attending on March 31st was 478 families or 956 adult worshipers

Saturday, March 30th

School Gym

Sunday, March 31st

Our Lady’s Chapel

*This is the total number of adult worshipers only, not

including children.









Mass atten.









Poor Box: Our Lady’s Chapel

Poor Box: School Chapel

Shrine Statues: Our Lady’s Chapel

Shrine Statues: School Chapel

April 50/50

Monthly 50/50 envelope must be paid by check or cash

by April 28th. Drawing will be April 29th.

Received from Friday 3/29, Monday 4/1 * BINGO FOR PARTIAL SCHOOL BLDG.

MAINTENANCE and SCHOLARSHIP (Prepared by: Keisha Forde, Bingo Chair) Total:






First Sunday Coffee Social on Sunday, April 7The next First Sunday Coffee Social will be held on Sunday, April 7, in the St. Peter’s Schoolcafeteria following the 9am mass until 12:00pm. This is a monthly event on the first Sunday of every month. Please stop by before or after mass for refreshments and mingle with fellowparishioners. All are welcome!

As stewards and Disciples of Christ, we recognize that allthe goods and riches in our life are gifts from God. Strengthened by the Eucharist, we respond to God’sgenerosity in our lives with gratitude by using and

sharing our gifts in service of others. Please share yourblessings and make a gift to the 2019 Cardinal’s Appeal.

Page 10: St. Peter’s Parish · 2019-09-19 · In the desert I make a way, in the wasteland, rivers. Wild beasts honor me, jackals and ostriches, for I put water in the desert and rivers

The Catholic Widows and Widowers of Dutchess and Putnam

Counties will meet on the Third Tuesday of the month at 7:00pm

in the Parish Meeting Room at Saint Kateri Church,

1925 Route 82, LaGrangeville, NY 12540. (845) 223-3097.

^ Easter Flower Memorials ^In Memory of: Donated by:

The Intentions of Gerald & Barbara Bergin.........................................................................................................Gerald & Barbara Bergin

Mary & Michael Hornak.........................................................................................................................................Stanley Hornak

Antonio Di Sanzo, Maddalena Di Sanzo, Antonio Terracciano, Josephine Terracciano..............................Mr. & Mrs. Mario Di Sanzo

The Deceased Members of the Cochrane and Gunn Families, M. Richard Ford..............................................David & Bethann Gunn

Ronald Miller, Elizabeth & Louis Miller, Bobby Miller, Marion & Vic Stopski, Bob Buboltz,

Richie Adelman, Charles Miller, Jr., Charles Miller, Sr., Millie & Dutch Cruger,

Jorie VanWagenen, Wayne Van Benschoten Jr., Wayne Van Benschoten Sr., Wanda DeGraff.....................Victor & Elizabeth Stopski

Helen Weeks, Irving Weeks......................................................................................................................................Christine M. Ricci

Fr. Michael McHale, Alice McHale, Patrick Mannix, Mary Louise Mannix Webb.......................................Karin Mannix

The Aposporos Family, The DuPilka Family, The Fiorillo Family..................................................................Karen & George Aposporos

The Hornak Family, The Kacocha Family............................................................................................................Michael Hornak

Ruth LaForge, Julia & Jacob Kara.......................................................................................................................Karen & Theodore Kara

Mary Catherine Weiden, Robert William Weiden, Paula Philipbar,

John & Frances Philipbar, Mathias & Ernestine Weiden, Ted & Lizzie Duerr,

John & Rita Delaney, Julia Eurillo....................................................................................................................Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Philipbar

John F. Belch, Ruth Craig LaForge, Josephine Belch, Joseph J. Belch, Sr., Joseph J. Belch, Jr....................JoAnne Belch

Deceased Loved Ones, Thomas McCoy, Catherine McCoy, Theresa McCoy, Maureen McCoy,

John Anzilotti, Louise Anzilotti, Edward Marino, Domenick Anzilotti..........................................................Tim & Annette McCoy

The Foglietta Family, The Flynn Family.............................................................................................................Joseph Foglietta

Mary Dolores Wermuth...........................................................................................................................................Johanna Wermuth

Vito & Catherine Sanfilippo, George & Antonette Sanfilippo, Louis & Mary Sanfilippo,

John Sanfilippo, Anthony Sanfilippo, John & Pat Rose, Joseph & Mary Danna,

Vincent Galasso, Anthony Sanfilippo, Catherine Danna, Raymond Sanfilippo,

Michele & Faustine Galasso, Pam Galasso, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Pasquale...............................................Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Sanfilippo

Daniel Haar, Sr., Darlene Haar, Daniel Haar, III, Darlene Flanagan, Tom Gavin.....................................David & Joanne Gavin

Anna & Joseph Harding, Jr., Vera & Charles Jones, Thomas Ranalli, Rose Wilson,

Joann Kesselmark, Teddy Lovelace, Julie & Joseph Capano, Rose & Joseph Harding, Sr.,

Diane & Patricia Harding, Gertrude Jones, Alice Ballard, Mary Brawn........................................................Charles & Patricia Jones

Sanford LaBare.........................................................................................................................................................Sanford & Gladys LaBare

The Intentions of Patrick & Marjorie Griffin.......................................................................................................Patrick & Marjorie Griffin

Lou & Eileen Kristofik, Patrick & Rose Cappillino.............................................................................................Donald Cappillino

All Souls.......................................................................................................................................................................Mary Ann Lysko

The Intentions of Chris Cassidy.................................................................................................................................Chris Cassidy

Catherine McGrain, Mr. & Mrs. Fred Greene, Sr., Fred Greene Jr., Bob O’Brien,

William J. Greene, Paul Tegtmeier, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Tegtmeier,

Mr. & Mrs. Andy Anderson, Gail Molinaro, My Father........................................................................................Elizabeth O’Brien

Please call Ext. 120 for errors. We will reprint the corrected name next week. More names to be continued next week. Thank You.

Page 11: St. Peter’s Parish · 2019-09-19 · In the desert I make a way, in the wasteland, rivers. Wild beasts honor me, jackals and ostriches, for I put water in the desert and rivers

Prayer to St. Michael

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us inbattle. Be our defense against thewickedness and snares of the Devil. MayGod rebuke him, we humbly pray, and dothou, O Prince of the heavenly hosts, bythe power of God, thrust into Hell Satan,and all the evil spirits, who prowl aboutthe world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

Salve, ReginaSalve, Regina, Mater misericordiae;Vita, dulcedo et spes nostra, salve.Ad te clamamus exsules filii Hevae.Ad te suspiramus gementes et flentesin hac lacrimarum valleEia ergo, advocata nostra,illos tuos misericordes oculos ad nos converte.(brief bow)Et Jesum, benedictum fructum ventris tui,nobis post hoc exsilium ostende.O clemens, O pia, O dulcis Virgo Maria.

Hyde Park Knights of Columbus

Pancake Breakfast Sunday, April 14th

Breakfast will be served from 8:00am until 11:30am

ALL YOU CAN EAT PANCAKES and FRENCH TOASTMeal includes: Pancakes (Regular or Blueberry) or French Toast,

Scrambled Eggs, Bacon or Sausage, Home Fries, Orange Juice, Coffee, Tea

Adults $8.00; Seniors (62+) $7.00; Children 12 and under: $5.00

Ad info. 1-800-477-4574 • Publication Support 1-800-888-4574 • St. Peter, Poughkeepsie, NY 03-1297

Page 12: St. Peter’s Parish · 2019-09-19 · In the desert I make a way, in the wasteland, rivers. Wild beasts honor me, jackals and ostriches, for I put water in the desert and rivers

Ad info. 1-800-477-4574 • Publication Support 1-800-888-4574 • St. Peter, Poughkeepsie, NY 03-1297

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[email protected]


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