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St. Paul’s Episcopal Church Perpetual Memorial & Endowment Fund Established October 10, 2005 FIRST ANNUAL REPORT 2014

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St. Paul’s Episcopal Church Perpetual

Memorial & Endowment Fund

Established October 10, 2005



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This beautiful book, full of beautiful images of our church, and the beautiful people who have helped make Christ present here, gives birth to a new concept, laying aside “seeds of strength” to help future generations of St. Paulians. In this tradition of honoring our forebears, we acknowledge our part in the continuous life of the Communion of the Saints. The St. Paul’s Perpetual Memorial Fund will be an annual reminder of what certain people have meant to our lives of faith and our church. A gift to the fund establishes a permanent memory of these wonderful saints and honors, celebrates, and gives thanks to God for their witness and example. But the fund does more. It sets into place a practical reality, a pool of resources, for future projects such as major capital needs as St. Paul’s continues to try to grow as “a city on a hill.” Past witnesses will inspire future growth. The first 227 names in this inaugural book are saints of our church family who have passed on “to service in Christ’s heavenly kingdom,” in the last decade. At the behest of the vestry, an initial gift of $100 from the St. Paul’s General Memorial Fund has been made in memory of each. You may add to these gifts of thanksgiving, or you may enroll a loved one or mentor by an initial gift of $100. There will also be a section of “living memorials.” Another value of this book is to encourage each of us to review and update our wills for the future well-being of our families and the work of the church. St. Paul’s has been richly blessed by a long legacy of benefactors spiritual and material. We celebrate those who have thoughtfully provided for St. Paul’s future by making a Planned Gift. I would particularly like to thank the Endowment Committee for their hard work on a long overdue project. The committee is chaired by Rob Hinckle, and ably staffed by Marshall Shields, Palmer Whiting, Libba Latham, and Tim DeLong with the helpful assistance of Brenda Ferguson and Pam Moore under the guidance and encouragement of this year’s Senior Warden, Bess Marks. Each has made a contribution to the church that will last for generations. As with every effort, we commend this one to the Lordship of Jesus Christ who turns five loaves and two fish into sustenance for thousands, and ultimately for billions. May He multiply the seeds of our humble appreciation into the fruit of a plentiful harvest for the glory of His kingdom, in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Christ’s grace and peace, The Rev. John Riggin

“We believe that Jesus died and rose again and so we believe that God will bring with Jesus those who

have fallen asleep in him.” – 1 Thessalonians 4:14

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MARGARET COOK QUINN A Saint at God’s Altar

October 11, 1926 – May 27, 2013

Margaret and Jim Quinn joined St. Paul’s on November 16, 1981, being brought to Mobile by International Paper Company. Margaret served on the Altar Guild for 25 years, chairing it for almost two decades, but her work in the Episcopal Church began much earlier in the 1950s, meaning she served as a volunteer at Christ’s altar for over 50 years. She was a founding member of St. Christopher’s in Pensacola, one of

our diocese’s larger parishes, where on the afternoon prior to the opening service, she and her diligent altar guild associates blew out the electrical system by running their vacuum cleaners simultaneously! An electrician saved the day! Margaret brought humor, dedication, and detailed loving care to the kingdom of God here.

Thanks be to God for her life and service!

This inaugural St. Paul’s Church Perpetual Memorial & Endowment Fund Annual

Report is dedicated to and in loving memory of parishioners and those dear to us who

have departed from this life since the creation of the endowment in 2005.

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Why Establish a Perpetual Endowment? Parishioner’s Benefit by:

Providing a vehicle for leaving a legacy to their church. It serves as an annual reminder of faith and witness of each donor.

Multiplying the donor’s gift by combining it with gifts of others that grows under professional financial management.

Showing donors that their church is committed to using endowment gifts in a financially accountable way in perpetuity.

Congregations Benefit by:

Providing a source of funding to support large projects as well as monies for future ministries.

Encouraging church leadership to maintain a focus on present as well as future ministries.

Providing a way to support the ongoing cost of building maintenance or long-term commitments to new ministry.

The Minister of the Congregation is directed to instruct the people, from time to

time, about the duty of Christian parents to make prudent provision for the well-

being of their families, and of all persons to make wills, while they are in health,

arranging for the disposal of their temporal goods, not neglecting, if they are able,

to leave bequests for religious and charitable uses.

Page 445, Book of Common Prayer

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Where There’s a Will, There’s a Future To be a philanthropist, you don’t need to have a building named after you. You don’t have to own a Rolls Royce, your own private jet, or a pull cord for the butler. All you have to do is care about the world around you. You have to care about what’s going to happen to that world after you’re gone. Do I need to have an estate in order to leave a gift? Everyone can leave a gift. “Estate” is simply a word used to describe any money, property or personal belongings that you may have at the time of your death. Most people leave an estate when they die, even though few of us are Rockefellers. Do I have to include my wish to leave a gift to a specific organization? A charitable bequest will not take effect unless you state your intention in your will or living trust. Without a will, your property and finances are settled according to state laws, whether or not they coincide with your wishes. Despite this, seven out of ten individuals die without a will. Who can help me arrange a gift? If you have an accountant, lawyer, insurance agent or financial planner, please talk with them about leaving a gift. A professional can tell you about the tax benefits of planned gifts.

Do I tell the Church that I left a gift? That’s up to you. St. Paul’s likes to know in advance so your generosity can be recognized. If you wish to leave a bequest, you may direct your gift to the St. Paul’s Church Perpetual Memorial & Endowment Fund. This will help ensure a continuation of St. Paul’s ministry far into the future. How do I leave a gift in memory or in honor of a person? A contribution to St. Paul’s is a wonderful way to recognize someone who has made a difference in your life. This kind of gift can honor someone important to you in the form of a living endowment or someone you wish to remember in the form of a memorial endowment. You just need to make it clear that the gift is given in honor or memory of a particular person. For more information about the St. Paul’s Church Perpetual Memorial & Endowment Fund call Brenda Ferguson at (251) 342-8521.

HOW IT WORKS An initial gift or bequest of $100 or more will enroll the donor, or the honored person named, in the records of the St. Paul’s Church Perpetual Memorial & Endowment Fund. Several individuals may pool their gifts to achieve the Fund’s initial gift minimum. Subsequent to the initial enrollment, additional gifts of any amount may be given in honor of the same person.

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Harry Dinham, Asst. Sunday School Superintendent

and Price Oliver, Sunday School Superintendent



Since October 2005

Mrs. Inez Smith Adams $100

Mrs. Mavis L. Bunkers Alvarez $100

Mrs. Lazona Stevens Anderson $100

Mrs. Vermelle Jackson Anderson $100

Capt. Gerald T. Applegate, Sr. $100

Dr. William James Atkinson, Jr. $100

Mr. Garden Clarkson Ball $100

Mrs. Dolores “Doddie” Hall Ballard $100

Mrs. Lucile Torrey Barrett $100

Miss. Laura Westwood Beck $100

Mrs. Frances Colyer Bennett $100

Mrs. Mary Abbie Deshon Berg $100

Mr. Norman Arthur Bertolotti $100

Mrs. Claydell Brock Bertolotti $100

Mr. William Harrington Bixler, Jr. $100

Mrs. Eleanor Andrees Black $100

Mrs. Dahlia Sheldon Morgan Booth $100

Mr. Milton Oliver Booth $100

Mr. Gerald Gayle Bowman $100

Mr. John David Brady $100

Mrs. Joanne Prather Brooker $100

Mr. Norton Brooker, Jr. $100

Mrs. Betty Hardin Brown $100

Mrs. Carolyn House Bullock $100

Dr. William Paxton Callahan $100

Mr. Jack Campbell $100

Mr. John Carwie $100

Mrs. Joyce Rhodes Castle $100

Mrs. Suzette Barton Chandler $100

Mrs. Ashley Robinson Childers $100

Mr. Peter Reed Clow $100

Mrs. Betty Maury Cobb $100

Mrs. Camilla Bernice Roy Cochran $100

Mrs. Laura Valery Converse Cole $100

Mrs. Brandly Converse Cole $100

The Hon. Irwin Weldon Coleman $100

Mr. Claud Wiley Colquitt $100

Mrs. Patricia Koenenn Compagno $100

Mr. Ralph Edward Compagno, Sr. $100

Miss Jennie Fee Coogan $100

Mrs. Polly Gantt Cookson $100

Mrs. Mary Faison Peirce Cooper $100

Mr. Thomas Dabney Cooper, Jr. $100

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Dr. Ronald Reed Cowden $100

Mrs. Ellen Farish Craver $100

Mr. Marshall P. Craver, Jr. $100

Mrs. Margaret Landsdowne Crowe $100

Mr. Rae Maurice Crowe, Sr. $100

Mrs. Alma Crumbley $100

Mrs. Eleanor Atman Curran $100

Mrs. Sylvia Sargent Cushing $100

Mr. James E. “Smokey” Davis, Jr. $100

Mr. Alfred C. Dees $100

Mrs. Hilda Andrews Dellatore $100

Mrs. Juanita Sandlin Denniston $100

Mrs. Kathryn Thornton Dill $100

Mr. Harry Arthur Dinham $100

Mrs. Charlotte Hamilton Dinham $100

Mr. Harold McGowin Dodd, Sr. $100

Mr. Joe Stone Doggett, Sr. $100

Mr. Thomas Marshall Donnell $100

Mr. John Leonard Donnelly, Jr. $100

Mrs. Rebecca Dowdle $100

Mr. James Joseph Duffy, Jr. $100

Mr. David Ullman Dulaney $100

Mrs. B. Helen Bartee Dumars $100

Mrs. Amelia Augusta Miller Dunn $100

Mrs. Stuart Moseley Ellis $100

Mrs. Mary Ely $100

Mrs. Helen Zikeli Enger $100

Mrs. Alice Engwall $100

Mr. Jackson Perry Everett $100

Mr. John Philip Fonde $100

Mrs. Anne Bolling Flynn Fonde $100

Mrs. Rosemary Brady Foster $100

Mrs. Caroline Robinson Foster $100

Mrs. Marie Hodge Barnett Frank $100

Mrs. Imogen Inge Fulton $100

Mrs. H. Amante Toulmin Gaillard $100

Mr. Howard Harrell Galloway $100

Mr. J. L. “Jack” Godwin, Sr. $100

Mrs. Catherine Crane Godwin $100

Mrs. Bessie Toulmin Goudelock $100

Mrs. Margaret Anderson Grahame $100

Mr. Edward C. Greene $100

Mr. Edward C. Greene, Jr. $100

Mrs. Vesta Lorraine Smith Griffin $100

Mrs. Martha McDavid Haas $100

Mrs. Gertrude S. LaGrave Hahn $100

Dr. Kenneth Moore Hannon $100

Mrs. Frances Thomas Hannon $100

Mr. Leslie Hannon $100

Mrs. Julie Ann Mayer Hansknecht $100

Mr. Frank Winter Hardie $100

Mrs. Gertude Schoults Hardman $100

The Rev. Samuel R. Hardman $100

Ruth Freeman, played piano for

the Children’s Chapel

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Mrs. Jean Redmond Harper $100

Mr. Rolfe Cecil “Tex” Harper III $100

Dr. Edward Crampton Harris $100

Mrs. Inez Brazwell Heenan $100

Mrs. Emily B. Zimlich Helland $100

Mr. Robert Terrance Holt $100

Daniel Wilson Horst $100

Mr. Thomas Armstrong Horst $100

Mr. James Keno Huffstutler, Sr. $100

Mr. James Keno Huffstutler, Jr. $100

Mrs. Susan Pharr Hume $100

Mr. Christopher G. Hume, Jr. $100

Mrs. Lucille Harrelson Hurley $100

Mrs. Evelyn Dershimer Hybart $100

Mrs. Mary Jane Slaton Inge $100

Mr. George Edward Jensen $100

Mrs. Arnette W. Jensen $100

Mrs. Betty Gray Baker Jones $100

Mr. Francis Kearley, Jr. $100

Mrs. Ada Perkins Kearns $100

Mr. David Kearns $100

Mr. Charles Michael Kopf $100

Mrs. Fanny Knight Gaillard Ladd $100

Mr. James Arthur Latham, III $100

Mr. Eldred Crosby Latham, Sr. $100

Mrs. Edna Ledyard $100

Mrs. Josephine Allie Meagher Lee $100

Mrs. Carolyn Davis Locke $100

Dr. Harry A. Luscher, Jr. $100

Mr. Gaylord Clark Lyon, Sr. $100

Mrs. Ruth Manley $100

Mrs. Beverly McPherson Marshall $100

Mr. Charles Swift Marshall $100

Col. Benjamin Fridge Marshall $100

Mr. Philip D. Martin $100

Mrs. Georgia Oakes Martin $100

Mrs. Lucille Rush Hunter Mayfield $100

Mr. David Lee Mayrose $100

Mr. Doy McCall $100

Mrs. Margaret McCall $100

Mrs. Sylvia K. McConaha $100

Mrs. Jean Taube McCowan $100

Miss Donna Lee McElroy $100

Mrs. Elizabeth Brittain McGowin $100

Mrs. Barbara Lord McIntyre $100

Mrs. Stella McPhillips $100

Mr. Frank Blalock McRight, Jr. $100

Mrs. Marguerite Galloway Miller $100

Mrs. Phyllis Deemer Moore $100

Mr. James Gilbert Moore $100

Mrs. Willa Moore $100

Mrs. Joyce Steadham Morris $100

Mrs. Joyce Henley Morrissette $100

Mrs. Marjorie Macrae Mullins $100

Mrs. Peggy Murray $100

Mrs. Martha Foster Myers $100

Mr. Harry Edward Myers, Jr. $100

Mr. Robert LeRoy Nelson $100

Mrs. Dixie Ann Jones Newman $100

Mrs. Mary Northcutt $100

Mr. Thomas Freeland Odom $100

Mrs. Rebekah Anderson Oliver $100

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Mr. Charles Alfred Olts, Sr. $100

Mr. Richard Walker Overbey $100

Mrs. Frances Patten $100

Mr. Charles Pearce, III $100

Mrs. Barbara Cowan Peebles $100

Mr. Emory Bush Peebles, Jr. $100

Mrs. Lee Baldwin Peebles $100

Mr. Peter C. Petroutsen $100

Mrs. Elizabeth Blaine Petroutsen $100

Mr. John Timothy Pettie $100

Mrs. Lucille Gray Pettis $100

Mrs. Maude Beeland Pipes $100

Mr. Samuel Wesley Pipes, III $100

Mr. Daniel Pratt $100

Mr. Thomas Pullen $100

Mrs. Mary Hammond Purdy $100

Mrs. Margaret Cook Quinn $100

Mrs. Jean Faulk Radcliff $100

William Bradshaw Radcliff $100

Mr. Robert Herndon Radcliff, Jr. $100

Mr. Benjamin Morgan Radcliff $100

Mrs. Virginia Knight Radney $100

Mr. Marrion Benjamin Rambeau $100

Mrs. Louise Ulmer Rapier $100

Mrs. Dorothy Ann Outlaw Rayford $100

Wm Benneville Rhodes Rayford $100

Mrs. Elizabeth Anne Regan $100

Mr. Richard Daniel Reitz $100

Mrs. Gail Whitehurst Reitz $100

Mrs. M. Lynne Chapman Rencher $100

Mr. Horace L. “Rip” Rhorer $100

Mrs. Margaret Crane Rhorer $100

Mrs. Claudia Walker Riggin $100

Mr. Donald Harris Rockwell $100

Mr. Charles Rogers $100

Mrs. Jeanne Ellen Barnes Royster $100

Mr. Francis Brooks Royster $100

Mrs. Mary Jones Rubira $100

Mr. Eladio Rubira $100

Mr. Eladio Rubira, II $100

Mr. Robert Holcomb Rutledge $100

Mr. Yetta Samford $100

Mrs. Carol Schrőeer Schatzman $100

Mr. Lee Roe Seifert $100

Mr. Thomas Elliott Shields $100

Mr. Brian “Rob” Slater $100

Mrs. Frances Tatum Smith $100

Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Spottswood $100

Mr. Sam Black St. John $100

Mickey Dodson, Building & Grounds


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Mrs. Carolyn Shepard St. John $100

Dr. Selden Harbour Stephens, Jr. $100

Mr. John Stephenson $100

Mrs. Laurel Ann Primo Stewart $100

John Merchant Stokes $100

Mr. Frank Singleton Stone $100

Mrs. Mary Joe Tacon $100

Maj. Gen. Avelin Paul Tacon, Jr. $100

Mr. Sterling Andrew Tatum $100

Mr. Gordon Tatum, Jr. $100

Mrs. Frances Rogers Taylor $100

Mrs. Georgine Field Trice $100

Mrs. Bernice Quigley Tucker $100

Mrs. Harriet Acree Turner $100

Mrs. Krista Harrington Vaughan $100

Mrs. Carolyn Maxwell Walden $100

Mrs. Eileen McDonald Walker $100

Mrs. Mary Anne Finch Wallace $100

Mr. Joe Pugh Waller $100

Mrs. Jennie Clinton Wentworth $100

Mr. Herbert Leonard West, Jr. $100

Mrs. Peggy Barks White-Spunner $100

Mrs. Frances Leatherbury Williams $100

Mrs. Barbara Whatley Wooley $100

Dr. Ralph Denny Wright $100

Mr. John Harrison Wright, Jr. $100

Mrs. Shirley Trovinger Young $100

Mr. Joseph Vincent Zarzour $100

Mrs. Rita Rosalyn Schwartz Zarzour$100

The Reverend Samuel Hardman,

Priest Associate

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1. To provide the ideal means of perpetuating the memory of loved ones in a most significant manner;

2. To provide a most appropriate means to pay living tribute to loved ones on occasions of importance, or simply to make a gift of thanksgiving or celebration; 3. To provide a most meaningful means by which the Church may receive bequests; and 4. To establish a perpetual, vital, and ever- growing endowment fund to preserve and strengthen St. Paul’s Episcopal Church.


Flexibility and discretionary use of the income are the keys to the success of the Perpetual Memorial Endowment Fund. However, the principal amount of the Fund cannot be spent, pledged, or otherwise committed without prior approval of both Vestry and Congregation. Upon receipt of an initial, or additional gift, the following memorial procedure will be followed: 1. Once a year the honored person’s name will be published in a special Annual Report of the St. Paul’s Church Perpetual Memorial & Endowment Fund. This Report,

in addition to listing the names of all honored members, will also cover activities of the past year: receipts, disbursements, financial position, current programs, and the like. It will be mailed to each member of St. Paul’s Church, and to contributors outside the parish. 2. For all gifts, notification will be sent to the next-of-kin (or the honored person in the case of living tributes) indicating the donor but not specifying the amount contributed. 3. Anonymous gifts may be made, such as insurance policies on a donor’s life, during the donor’s lifetime.


The St. Paul’s Church Perpetual Memorial & Endowment Fund is structured so that it awards the fullest tax advantage to donors provided by law. In case of major tax consideration, and concerning bequests, prospective donors are urged to consult their own counsel. St. Paul’s will cooperate with those professionals, but can, of course, render no legal advice. By contributing securities which have significantly appreciated in value, it may be to a donor’s advantage to establish at this time a major endowment which can be added to periodically thereafter.

About the Fund

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Using appreciated securities to make your gift delivers more tax benefits to you than using cash?

You can help guarantee the church’s future financial strength - help ensure that its work will endure and flourish - without affecting your assets or your financial security during your lifetime?

You can turn surplus life insurance coverage into a charitable gift, or create an endowment from your income rather than principal?

Life-income gifts offer one of the most significant tax benefits that the IRS still provides to individuals?

Other planned giving strategies include outright bequests, donations of residence or farm while reserving usufruct, creation of a lifetime trust, and transfer of assets of small family foundations.




Rob Hinckle

Marshall Shields

Palmer Whiting

Tim DeLong

Libba Latham

The Rev. John Riggin

Sarah Jo Roush, Christian Ed and

Children’s Chapel

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2014 Financial Report (as of September 30, 2014)

St. Paul’s Episcopal Church Endowment

Original Balance:


Transfer from Memorial Accounts:


Endowment Net Assets as of September 30, 2014:


The Investment Committee opened an investment account for the Endowment balance in September 2014. The asset allocation, investment philosophies and management procedures of the account will be directed by the Investment Policy Statement, ratified by the Church Vestry in September 2014.

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WHEREAS, the Vestry of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church of Mobile, Alabama voted on October 10, 2005 to establish an endowment fund for St. Paul’s Episcopal Church; and WHEREAS, a recently established committee has reviewed the resolution and proposes the following amendments; now, therefore be it

RESOLVED, We, the Vestry of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church of Mobile, Alabama (hereinafter referred to as “The Church”) move to amend the St. Paul’s Episcopal Church of Mobile, Alabama Endowment Fund (hereinafter referred to as “The Endowment Fund”), as a permanent fund of The Church. I. The Endowment Fund is created and exists solely for the charitable purposes of The

Church, to be used first for preservation of the Church’s physical plant (maintenance), secondly to expand and enrich the outreach mission and ministry of The Church, locally and globally, and thirdly for Christian education.

II. The Endowment Fund shall receive and hold all gifts made to The Church, from sources such as bequests, gift annuities, insurance policies, trusts or other planned or deferred arrangements, as well as specific, designated cash gifts. III. Each year The Endowment Committee shall make available from the Endowment Fund to

The Church an amount up to 5% of the value of the Endowment Fund, as determined on December 31 of the prior year, however, the amount distributed to the Church shall not exceed the total of capital gain, interest, dividends and other income accrued by the Endowment Fund for the year ended December 31 for which the distribution is calculated.

IV. The Endowment Fund shall exist under the authority of the Vestry, which shall create an Endowment Fund Committee to administer the Endowment Fund. The Endowment Fund

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Committee shall report to and through the Senior Warden.

V. The Endowment Committee shall operate as follows:

A. The Endowment Committee shall consist of six members. The Senior Warden of The Church, the Rector and the Treasurer shall be members of the Endowment Committee. The remaining three members (“At Large Members”) shall be appointed by the Vestry. The At Large Members shall serve three year terms; except that one of the initial At Large Members will serve a one year term and another shall serve a two year term. Each At Large Member shall serve as Chairman during his or her third year on the committee. Initially, the At Large Member serving a one year term shall be the Chairman, in the second year the At Large member serving a two year term shall be Chairman, and in the third year the At Large member serving a three year term shall be Chairman. Thereafter, the At Large Member with two years of prior experience shall be Chairman. Appointment to the committee shall be made at the first regular Vestry Meeting. Members shall serve until the successors are appointed. In the event a Committee Member dies, resigns or is otherwise unavailable to serve, or an At Large Member becomes the Senior Warden or Treasurer, the Vestry shall appoint a Vestry member to serve for the remainder of the departed member’s term. The Vestry may remove a member of the Endowment Committee by a three/fourths (3/4) vote of the Vestry.

B. The Committee shall meet at least quarterly. C. A quorum shall consist of a majority of the membership. D. A majority present and voting shall carry any motion or resolution. E. The Committee shall elect a Recording Secretary who shall maintain complete and accurate minutes of all meetings. Minutes shall be supplied to all members. VI. The Endowment Fund Committee is empowered to act as follows: A. Be the fiscal agents for the Endowment Fund.

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B. Accept and acknowledge un-restricted gifts to The Endowment Fund or other gifts as specified in paragraph VI.C. below. C. Review any gifts with restrictions or designations that are proposed to be placed in The Endowment Fund with regard to their compliance with the corporate purpose and the exempt status of The Church. The recommendations of The Endowment Fund Committee to accept or decline a gift for inclusion in The Endowment Fund shall be reported to the Vestry. D. Arrange for the monies of The Endowment Fund to be invested in such a way as to achieve a reasonable and adequate growth of the fund while not incurring significant risk to the principal of the fund. E. Maintain a record of all gifts to The Endowment Fund: The value, the donor, the date and the type of each gift, as well as any formal expression by the donor(s) of the use to which the gift might be put. F. Maintain a complete accounting of all investments, including investment vehicles used from time to time, the principal of the fund, capital gains, earned income and dividends, distributions and expenses. G. Report to the Vestry at least quarterly the current state of The Endowment Fund. Report to the Congregation at least annually the current state of The Endowment Fund, including a statement of any distributions from The Endowment Fund, and of the amount of money currently available for distribution.

H. Promote and advertise The Endowment Fund frequently and consistently throughout The Church and its membership. Costs for this activity may be charged to The Endowment Fund. VII. The Vestry shall determine the projects/purposes for which funds are distributed, which

shall be used first for preservation of the Church’s physical plant (maintenance), secondly to expand and enrich the outreach mission and ministry of The Church, locally and globally, and thirdly for Christian education.

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VIII. Any portion of the Annual, distributable funds not distributed in any given year will be retained in The Endowment Fund for expenditure in future years, upon recommendation of the Vestry. IX. None of the monies of The Endowment Fund will be used to support the following: A. Propaganda or other attempts to influence legislation. B. Political campaigns on behalf of any candidate for public office. C. The programs of The Church regularly funded by pledges and contributions of members, except in cases of extreme emergency determined by the Vestry, and with prior approval of both the Vestry and a majority of the Congregation present on any given Sunday. Notice of the vote shall be posted I n the Church Bulletin. X. The Finance Committee of The Church shall be responsible for an annual audit of The Endowment Fund and shall hire a certified public accountant, who is not a member of The Endowment Committee, to provide a report. The costs associated therewith may be charged to The Endowment Fund. The findings and recommendations of the Finance Committee shall be presented to the Vestry annually.

XI. The covenants of The Endowment Fund may be amended by a three/fourths (3/4) favorable vote of the Vestry. XII. The principal amount of the fund cannot be spent, pledged, or otherwise committed

without prior approval of both the Vestry and a majority of the Congregation present on any given Sunday. Notice of the Congregation vote shall be posted in the Church Bulletin.

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Ways to Give

Complete the Endowment enrollment form on the back of the enclosed envelope.

Donate online at

Update your will with the following language:

“I, [name], of [city, state, zip], give, devise and bequeath to The St. Paul’s

Perpetual Memorial Endowment Fund [specific amount, or percentage of the

estate, or description of property] for its unrestricted use and purpose.”

To transfer appreciated securities or cash contact Brenda Ferguson in the Church Office.

Call the Church Office at 251-342-8521 to be contacted by a member of the Endowment



Despite our efforts to avoid them, errors sometimes occur in the process of producing a

publication such as this. If a name has been accidentally misprinted, please notify us and

accept our sincere apologies.

Contact: Pamela Moore

(251) 342-8521

Email: [email protected]

For your loved one to be listed in the Annual Endowment Booklet ,

please make your gift of $100 by December 31, 2015

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4051 Old Shell Road Mobile, Alabama 36608 (251) 342-8521