st. paul's academy€¦ · created date: 3/21/2019 9:49:00 am

$f&nl@Ql Pn- *-$s aerz-lt! + Page I of 1 CW WW {.9uEs7oNs Whnt is th6 *.A"C.E' writfn$^t*stegy? e' R.A{.[" ls u wrt?lng strctegy f*r enswerins stl h* gXAftr{H.EI rrI} e mBertm} te raevel*" bacougs i! k*sp* our notursl grrvlrohrrisn? r" * I hn.*, -* ,-*" baeou6t' . The cnrfhor *-oge* o For e €5-. l20ldbla020dbec225ca5ale4da89lla3c99c341pg 2lr4l20l9

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Page 1: ST. PAUL'S ACADEMY€¦ · Created Date: 3/21/2019 9:49:00 AM

$f&nl@Ql Pn- *-$s aerz-lt! +Page I of 1

CW WW {.9uEs7oNs

Whnt is th6 *.A"C.E' writfn$^t*stegy? e'

R.A{.[" ls u wrt?lngstrctegy f*r enswerins


gXAftr{H.EI rrI} e mBertm} te raevel*"bacougs i! k*sp* our notursl grrvlrohrrisn?

r"* I hn.*, -* ,-*" baeou6t'

. The cnrfhor *-oge* o For e

€5-. l20ldbla020dbec225ca5ale4da89lla3c99c341pg 2lr4l20l9

Page 2: ST. PAUL'S ACADEMY€¦ · Created Date: 3/21/2019 9:49:00 AM

Restate the question - use the questionstem to write your topic sentence.

Answer the question - make sure toanswer all parts of the question. lf thereare two questions, you should answereach question in its own paragraph.

Cite evidence from the text. - You MUSTquote the text. Use evidence basedterms to begin your sentences.

Explain and extend - Explain how thisevidence supports your answer. Giveexamples from connections you made.

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This meons to turn the guestion into o stotement. Use

words f rom the question stem in your stotement'

Exomple guestion:

whot a?esome woys students con help to stop bullying

in their school?

GreaI Response: Bullying is o huge problem in mony

schoofs. There s?e seve?ot steps students con toke to

help stop this problem in their own school.

ORGood Response: Th ere are severol things students

do to help stop bullyi ng in their school'

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Answer the question

Answer ALLports of the question. Some queStions

hove more thon one port' Eoch port separate


Using our exomP le question: onething students con do

is to porticipote in o school wide eff ort committed to

speoking out ogoinst bullYing'

Cite Evidence

This meons you will look bock to the text to find

specif ic exomPles thot support your onswer'

Quote the text!--Use evidence bos ed ierms to begin your citotion'

According to the outhor , ?eseorch hos shown thot

students who porticipote in onti-bullying progroms in

their schools ore more likely to hove em1sthy f or

students who ex1erience bullying'

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Exploin ond Extend

You wif f exploin how your evidence f rom the text

supports your onswer. You con use your own

bockground knowle dge ond connections you mode f rom

your own exPerience.

Exomple: One exomPle of this is o poster contest my

school hod. The topic wos "stond up to Bullies." The

contes t seemed to moke students reolly think obout

how hurtful bullYing con be.

Put it oll together

Put oll your informqtion into PorogroPh

f orm. Rem ember to ind ent ond check f or

spel ling ond coPitolizotion!

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Somple ResPonse:

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Lions live together in social groups called prides. Most of the lion in a prides are

females and their cubs. The lionesses share the work of hunting and raising cubs'

By hunting in a pack, lions can take down animals far larger than themselves'

Much of the food killed by a pride is taken by the males. In return they provide

protection from other lions. A pride has a well-defined territory, which is marked

by the males. When lions in a pride meet, they greet one another by head rubbing

licking and grooming. lt is endearing to watch them'

eUESTION: According to the article, is it important for lions to live as a pride?

R: it is important for lions to live as a pride

A: because they depend on one another for survival.

C: For example the article states that the lionesses share the work of hunting and

raising cubs and male lions provide protection from other lions' They also work

together when they hunt larger prey.

E: by sharing responsibility as a pride, they would be able to survive a long time

R: it is important for lions to live as a pride A: because they depend on one

another for survival. C: For example, the article states that the lionesses share

the work of hunting and raising cubs and male lions provide protection from other

Iions. They also work together when they hunt larger prey' E: By sharing

responsibility as a pride, they would be able to survive a long time

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l-E: Tffiffi

Th" oulhor st ted...

5o1s -..

For {*,e s[at[eg...





Epitheliol CellsT An epitheliol cell is very imporfont to our body.

the ployground ond touch the dirt, the epitheliql cells stop thedirt from coming inside your body. lmogine if we didn't hqvethese protective cells, we would get very sick!


Use on exclomotory stotemenl.r';r gr.=-:fl.€ L*';{:,Q;le tf thei-e .!:arg '::: :J1t':;.1;;U !r;.Jl* n*:,.?a :f Gl-n:

Ask o quesfion.{:}r e- a:l*-.31f a{*.^r a=rii* t:lt, a\r. .r'.-n' t€ t'r:a=a

.'--.: - "c*:'-.


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piece of food qfter if fell on the floor, lhese tissues protecl yourthrool ond sfomoch from lhese hormful germs. I bel if wedidn'l hove lhese lissues we would hove more sore throots ondstomqch oches!

Skinist *

bo 's firsf

exqmple, eoch lime you move, the skin keeps oll yourmuscles, bones qnd other orgons right where they belong.Think qbout it, your skin is omqzing! lt is your body's coot. ltprofecls you every single doy!

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Reading Comprehension StrategiesMake Connections

What connections do I make asI read?

Good readers notice pieces oftelt that relate to or remind themof:. Their lives, past experiences,

and prior knowledge. Other books, articles,

movies, songs, or pieces ofwriting

. Events, people, or issues

Tips:. That reminds me of.... This made me think of.... I read another book that.... This is different from.... I remember when...

VisualizeGood readers create pictures intheir minds while they read.

While reading, note places whereyou get a clear picture in yourmind that helps you understandthe text:. I can picture.... I can see the.... I can visualize.... The movie in my head


Use your senses to connect thecharacters, events, and ideas toclarify the picture in your head.. I can taste/hear/smell the.... lcan feelthe...

Ask QuestionsGood readers ask questionsbefore, during, and after readingto better understand the authorand the meaning of the text.

Ask questions of the author,yourself, and the text:. What is the author trying to

say?. What is the message of this

piece?. Do I know something about

this topic?. What do I think I will learn

from this text?. How could this be explained

to someone else?. What predictions do I have

about this reading?

InferHow do I read between thelines?

When the answers are"right there," good readersdraw conclusions based onbackground knowledge andclues in the text.

Ask yourself:. I wonder why.... I wonder how.... I wonder if...

Find information from the textthat might be clues to theanswers and use these withyour background knowledge forpossible answers.

Deternins rrnForta.rrGe

What's the big idea?

So what?

Good readers look for things thathelp them identify big ideas andwhy they are important.

Look at text features for clues:. Tifles and headings. Bold print. Pictures and captions. Graphs and charts. Chapter objectives and


Tips:. The big idea is.... Most important information

is.... So far I've learned.... The author is saying.... This idea is similar to...

S5mthesizeHow do I use what l've read tocreate my own ideas?

Good readers combine newinformation from their readingwith existing knowledge inorder to form new ideas orinterpretations.

Synthesis is creating a singleunderstanding from a variety ofsources.

Tips:. Compare and contrast

what l'm reading with whatI already know or othersources of information.

. Think of new ways to use thisinformation.

. Can connections I makeacross this text help me tocreate new generalizations ornew perspectives?

Adapted from the work of Beal, Keene, and Tovani

http= / / w ww. sc hol ast ic.c om

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Reading Goal Questions

Level A

Thinking within the Textr Retelling

o Wrat is this story mostly about?o \Mrat are some key details from the story? (2to 3)

o \A/ho are some of the characters in the story?o Wfrat is the setting of the story?

Thinking beyond the Texte Predicting

o During Reading - How do you think the book will end?o What else migfrt the characters like or do?

o Making Connectionso Hour are the charac'tes the same as you?o How are the charac{ers and what happens to them in this story the same or different as in a

story that you know?o What does this. story remind you oPo Can you think of another book that is similar to this one?

. SyntLesiango lNhat did you leam about_--_.+afrer'rgading this book?

- o \Mrat are the charaders doing in this picture?, -

o \Mtat did you notice about all the things the characters were doing?. Infening

o How were the characters feeling in the book? !-!ow do you knoW?o How did the pictures help you to understand the story?o \Mry do you think ?o How are the characters and what happens to them in this story the same or different as in a

story that you know?

Thinking about the Texto Analyzing

o \Mry do you think the bookwas calledo \Mrat was the same about the _ in the book? ' :

. o Whet did you notice r,rnas different? (change in pattem, textfeat.rres, etc.)

9 \ryhat ls an author? tfvhat is an illustrator? '' o Critiquirg

o VVtrat did you like/dislike about this book?o \AJhat did you like/dislike about the illustrations? :

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i Level B

Thinkin g within the Text. Retelling

o \ /hat is this story mosily about?o \Mrat are some key details from the story? (2 to 3)o \Mro are some of the characters in the story?o VVhat is the sdtirg of the story?

Thinkin g beyond the Texto predicting

o During Reading - How do you think he book will end?o \fiJhat else might the characters like or do?

. Making Connectionso How are the characters the same as you?


o What does this story remind you,o..f-?"

o Can you think of another book that is similar to this one?o !{that did this character do in other books that rle've read?o How are the characters and whd happens to them in this story the same or different as in a

story that you knoM

. Sy'rithesizingo What did you leim about after readirp tris book?o \Mrat are the cfiaracters doing in this pict rre?o \ /hat dld you not$ce about allthe things the claac{ss were doing?

Infeningo How were the chanacters feeling in the ok? Hcnr do you know?o How did the picfunes help you to understand the storfo How did the pictures show ?o \ffhy do you think

Thinking about the Texto Analyzing

o Wiy do you think tire book was called

o Critiquing:o \Mrat did you like/dislike about this book?

o What did you like/dislike about the illustrations?

o \Mrat was the same about the -_

in the book?o lMrat did you notice was different? (change in pattem, text features, etc.)o What was funny inthe book? Howdoyou knoW?o what happened at the beginning of the story? what happened at the end?o' "Vlnat isan diitlrEl?-\ndhdtisan illustratoi?'

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Reading Goal Questions

i:.' ;'+ Level C




Thinking within the Texto Retelling

o \A/hat is the main idea of the story?o \ /hat are some key details from the storf (2 to 3)o How did the story end?


o \Mat happened before or aftero tA/ho are some of the characters in the story?o Wlrat is the setting of the story?

. Fluency , l

o What punctuation do you notice m page ?o How does this punctuation help you read? (pausing, voice infledion etc.)o \Mat are these maks called? (pont out quotation marks) \ffhy did the author use them?o \A/hat did you notice about (a bolded word from the text)? How does the author want you to

read that word?

Thinking beyond the Text. predicting

o During Reading - How doyou third<the boqk wiH end?.. -- o ffiatetsernigrt*thesbarac.ters-fke ..' 'r '-:"----,

o After reading the text, predict what might happen next or what the character will like or do.\Mrat ctues helped you with this prediction?

o Making Connectionso How are the chaEacters the same as you?o What does this story remind you oflo Can you think of another book that is similar to this one?o How is the (topic, characters, ending) similar to (title of another book)?o How are the characters and what happens to them in this:st-ol'y the same or different as in a

story that you know?

. Synthesizingo Before Reading -\ /hat do you know about (topic of book)?o What did you leam about after reading this boot€o \Nhat are the characters doing in this picture?o What did you notice about allthe things the characters were doing?

o Infeningo How were the ciaracters feeling in the book? How do you kncmv? . ' - -::i:i-rj--o \A/hat pictures helped you know ? FJow did the pictures help you?'o How did the author show ?

o Why do you think ?o Why did the character_ ? Howdoyouknow?

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Reading Goaleusbns

Thinking aboutthe Text

o How do you know that ? (example: How do you know that Morn thought theboy had done a goodjob?)o \Mat happened {the @inningof the story? wtrat happened at the end?o What is an author? Wfrd,is an fllush*or?o Critiquing

o Anagzlng. o \Alhy do you think the book was calied : ?o llwrat was the same about 16" .- Ge uoot<z

., o Whd did you notice was different? (ehange in pattem, text features, etc.)\ /hat kind of story (genre) is this?. .

o Vl/hat did you ffetjislfe abult$ {Uoof, beginning, cfraracterp, ending)?o \Mat did you rike/distike abo,rt ne igusbation. in tt" uoorz

;.* r 't *, s?. '".

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ict#rin the Text



o What happened before or aftero \rVho is telling the story? :,

trYhat is the main idea of the story (centrar.message or resson of the story)?!ffi"t are some keydetaiis from the story (2 to S), ?Retefi the story incruding characten, setting, pro'br"r, and sorution.How did the story end?

r Fluency

9e?voice inflection etc.)arks) \lrthy did the author use them?xt)? How does the author want you to

Thinking beyond the Text

r predicting

.i, o DuringReadin-o--TVh-atetse migh '' l:i - -

o After reading the tes, pnedict what might happen nsdor what the character will like or do.\Mat clues helped yor with this prediction?Making Connections

o How are the characters the same as you?c \Mrat does this stgry remind you of?

s one?e of ar+ofier book)?

revious books? :

in thls story the same or different as in a

Synthesizing r

oBeforeReading-Mratdoyouknowabout(topicofbookorcfraracter)?o What did you leam about

information aDour ''

' ' ' a[91reading this book? show where you found this i

o __\Mrat are the thiso \ /hat did you thin aracters were doing?lnfening

,d.g you know?author show what this character is like?

you know?id the pictures help yIu?

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the Text

l: i:' o. V\ftat ....

o vl/hat ,F,, ' in the book?mh# r-ro Wrat e in paftem-o Wtat ---v .y e in paftem, text feafures, etc.)

tMrat do you know? ---v' vr\

o Talk abodwhat; tny orsurprising?

o lffffilnlt*" lofthestorv'rhenwhathappened(eventg.


o lalhat are theo ' the il that glve infonrration?

Critiquing rs, setting, or events?