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St Ninian’s News St Ninian’s News St Ninian’s News St Ninian’s News Summer Summer Summer Summer May, June & July 2016 May, June & July 2016 May, June & July 2016 May, June & July 2016 No. 214 No. 214 No. 214 No. 214 The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want… Psalm 23

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Page 1: St Ninian’s NewsSt Ninian’s · 2016. 4. 30. · whole of creation is bursting into life. The dark days of winter are

St Ninian’s NewsSt Ninian’s NewsSt Ninian’s NewsSt Ninian’s News SummerSummerSummerSummer May, June & July 2016 May, June & July 2016 May, June & July 2016 May, June & July 2016 No. 214 No. 214 No. 214 No. 214

The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want… Psalm 23

Page 2: St Ninian’s NewsSt Ninian’s · 2016. 4. 30. · whole of creation is bursting into life. The dark days of winter are





Welcome to St. Ninian’s. We believe God’s love is expansive and

unconditional and that through Christ God calls us to love one

another as God loves us. We celebrate the worth, dignity and gifts of every person as a child of God, and seek to bear witness to this in

everything we do.

Gathering for Worship

Sunday 8.00 am Holy Communion

10.30 am Sung Eucharist

There are activities at the back of the Church for the children and refreshments served in the Hall following the Sung Eucharist

Wednesday 10.00 am Holy Communion

Friday 5.30 pm Evening Prayer

We look forward to welcoming you

The Revd. Canon Tom Montgomery can be contacted on

���� 01292 313731 ���� [email protected]

St. Ninian’s Church website:

Page 3: St Ninian’s NewsSt Ninian’s · 2016. 4. 30. · whole of creation is bursting into life. The dark days of winter are


‘Bless the Lord, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless his holy name. Bless the Lord , O my soul and forget not all his benefits: Who forgives all your iniquities; and heals all your diseases; Who redeems your life from destruction; and crowns you with mercy and loving kindness… Bless the Lord O my soul.’ Psalm 103.

Dear Friends, The sun is shining through my study window, the birds are singing and the whole of creation is bursting into life. The dark days of winter are over, the spring has come, and with it the promise of sunshine and summer.

I don’t know about you but my heart sings at this time of year and I am full of joy at the prospect of longer days, time spent in the garden, and new opportunities to catch up with tasks left undone in the dark days of winter.

The spring and the coming of the light lends new perspective – we quite literally see things differently – noticing things we hadn’t noticed before or seeing familiar things in much greater detail. It’s not simply the dust on the furniture but the birds building their nests, the trees and plants putting on new shoots, and the children flushed with colour and exuberant life as they rush out into the fresh air free at last from the confines of house and school. I love it!

The transformation of the natural world as winter becomes spring and spring becomes summer has its parallel in the life of the Church as we think through the life, death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus and the impact these events make on our own lives as contemporary disciples.

I have to confess here to being no lover of Lent. I know it is important and often can prove helpful but I don’t like it. It’s a struggle and I often find it simply hard work but it is nothing compared to passion tide which I absolutely loathe.

I hate the Passion texts with their description of the suffering, humiliation, degradation and death of the Lord Jesus. I’m terrified every time I read them aloud in Church on Palm Sunday or on Good Friday that I’m going to lose it and burst into tears in front of everyone. I would love to rush in and rescue the Lord Jesus and get him out of the Garden of Gethsemane before Judas gets there. I’d love to take him down from the cross before he dies and bind up his wounds and rush him to the nearest hospital. I’d like to stop the whole passion story from happening.

Yet it has to happen and I have to read them year after year. Why? Because they tell the story of God’s love for us. God the father does not punish the Lord Jesus, as many people think, rather he enters our world with all its pain and heartache in his son and so identifies with us, that he embraces all our

The Rectory, 11 April 2016

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pain, suffering and struggle and through his death and resurrection transforms our own suffering and struggle and makes us whole.

This story of suffering and death is in fact the ultimate story of healing and life. It is through these terrible yet wonderful events that we are reconciled to the God who loves us and assured forever of the triumph of good over evil, of life over death, of hope over despair.

It is the story of our rescue of what the Church calls our salvation and redemption.

We celebrate this at Easter when the Lord Jesus is raised to new life and appears to his first disciples. ‘Then were the disciples glad when they saw the Lord!’ You bet they were! Hopes dashed - now restored, dreams destroyed - now re-envisioned, life extinguished now - reanimated. Wow…they were amazed and so are we. Their joy is palpable and so is ours. All is not lost! He is not dead! He is alive! They have a purpose and so do we!

First they have to wait, then they have to receive the power from on high, then their real work begins – the work of proclaiming the Good News and making disciples of all the nations.

We too need to wait, to reflect on our encounter with the Risen Lord, to be open to receive the gift of the Holy Spirit, the power from on high, that our real work might begin once again. The work of proclaiming the Good News and making disciples of all the nations.

How do we do that at Saint Ninian’s, in Troon and the surrounding district? How do you do it at home, at work and in the wider community? How do we do it with integrity in the places where we live and work? Real questions for the Vestry and indeed for every one of us as we move forward together.

How will you do it? With God’s grace and with God’s help…with a willing heart and a joyful song…

The first Easter and the first Pentecost transformed the lives of the battered and beleaguered disciples and turned their winter into spring. Will this Easter and this Pentecost transform your life and make you a force for good in the world? Will they turn your winter into spring? That you may be an agent of the coming of the sunshine and the summer which is none other than the Kingdom of God.

If they will - then watch this space for the world is about to be turned upside down – for good - and you are about to experience life in all its fullness.

Wishing you joy in this our God given task and with my love and prayers as ever, Tom.Tom.Tom.Tom.

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MESSY CHURCH The February meeting of Messy Church was held in St. Meddan’s church hall, on the theme of caring. All the crafts were slanted towards that, so that the children were able to get a flavour of the subject before going into the church for a short service led by the Rev. Derek Peat.

For the first time, Our Lady of the Assumption and St. Meddan took part in the rota, and the March meeting was held there. Fifty five children and twenty-nine parents attended. The craft session, on the theme of Mercy and Forgiveness, was held in the main hall, and was very popular. Members of Our Lady’s prepared an excellent meal and set up tables in the small hall. Canon Archie led the worship, and there was also a short talk and demonstration.

The final meeting before the summer was also a first as the Rev. Claire Fender and her helpers from the Church of the Nazarene, were responsible for the event although it was held in Troon Old Parish, on the 24th April. It took the form of a Pentecost Party, and the children were encouraged to bring a friend to the party. The worship was based on the Pentecost themes of wind, fire doves, and languages. The Messy Church grace (with actions) was said at the end. Each child was given a balloon to take home with them.

There was a Messy Church breakfast meeting, held in Alloway Church in Ayr, last November which was attended by some of the committee, to glean some ideas from other people’s experiences of running Messy Church. The main intention is to find some way of reaching out to children with no church connections, perhaps with a Messy Church Event during Wintertainment, or other such ‘Town’ event. It was also felt that it would be good to have a stronger emphasis on planning the service part of the event.


AYRSHIRE REGIONAL COUNCIL BIG PICNIC The Regional Council are hosting a Big Picnic in Largs on Saturday 18 June to which all members of the Ayrshire Region are invited.

Full details will be announced in due course but members and friends are invited to put the date in their diaries now.

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GROWING THE CHURCH – SPIRITUALLY AND NUMERICALLY An Away Day is planned for Saturday 30 April for the Vestry to focus attention on how we might best address this at Saint Ninian’s. The day will be facilitated by Ms Allison Clarke, former Diocesan Learning and Development Officer, Congregational Development Officer in the Diocese of Argyll and the Isles and will take place in the South Beach Hotel here in Troon – the hospitality being gifted by an anonymous member of the congregation.

It is hoped that the day will enable the Vestry together with the Rector, and those who assist with the worship and pastoral care of the church, namely Mrs Norma Livingstone and Canon Bertie Collie to identify three key priorities for the next five years and to begin the process of setting these priorities in motion.


As part of the celebrations for the 500th Anniversary of Maybole being granted Burgh status, St Oswald’s Episcopal Church in the town will be holding a Flower Festival over the weekend 4 & 5 June on the theme of Celebrating Maybole’s Working History.

Our own Flower Team from St Ninian’s will be taking part in the Festival and creating one of the displays. The Festival will conclude with a Songs of Praise on Sunday 5 June at 7.00pm, to which the congregation are all invited.

Did you know that every Did you know that every Did you know that every Did you know that every

Episcopal church in the Episcopal church in the Episcopal church in the Episcopal church in the

Diocese of Glasgow & Galloway has a Diocese of Glasgow & Galloway has a Diocese of Glasgow & Galloway has a Diocese of Glasgow & Galloway has a

glass panel on the entrance door to glass panel on the entrance door to glass panel on the entrance door to glass panel on the entrance door to

St. Mary's CathedralSt. Mary's CathedralSt. Mary's CathedralSt. Mary's Cathedral

in Glasgow?in Glasgow?in Glasgow?in Glasgow?

Here is the St Ninian’s panel Here is the St Ninian’s panel Here is the St Ninian’s panel Here is the St Ninian’s panel

depicting the lychgate.depicting the lychgate.depicting the lychgate.depicting the lychgate.

Page 7: St Ninian’s NewsSt Ninian’s · 2016. 4. 30. · whole of creation is bursting into life. The dark days of winter are


The Summer Suppers will resume again in The Summer Suppers will resume again in The Summer Suppers will resume again in The Summer Suppers will resume again in

May and everyone is welcome to come to these.May and everyone is welcome to come to these.May and everyone is welcome to come to these.May and everyone is welcome to come to these.

Tuesday 3rd May Piersland House HotelTuesday 3rd May Piersland House HotelTuesday 3rd May Piersland House HotelTuesday 3rd May Piersland House Hotel

6.30 for 7.00pm

Tuesday 7th June The SwanTuesday 7th June The SwanTuesday 7th June The SwanTuesday 7th June The Swan

6.30 for 7.00pm

Tuesday 5th July ScottsTuesday 5th July ScottsTuesday 5th July ScottsTuesday 5th July Scotts

6.15 for Early Bird Menu

Tuesday 2nd August Old Loans InnTuesday 2nd August Old Loans InnTuesday 2nd August Old Loans InnTuesday 2nd August Old Loans Inn

6.00 for 6.30pm Early Bird

Tuesday 6th SeptemberTuesday 6th SeptemberTuesday 6th SeptemberTuesday 6th September South Beach HotelSouth Beach HotelSouth Beach HotelSouth Beach Hotel

7.00 for 7.30pm

There will be full details about booking each There will be full details about booking each There will be full details about booking each There will be full details about booking each

supper in the pew leaflet and on the website supper in the pew leaflet and on the website supper in the pew leaflet and on the website supper in the pew leaflet and on the website

throughout the summer.throughout the summer.throughout the summer.throughout the summer.



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MISSION ACTION PLAN Saint Ninian’s Mission Action Plan (MAP) which was inaugurated last Spring is due for its first annual review with the Bishop. This will take place when the Bishop joins us for worship on Sunday 5 June 2016. Prior to his visit there will be an exhibition and congregational consultation in the Hall on Sunday 15 May at which members of the congregation may view progress to date on our Community Art Project and learn of its development. There will also be an opportunity to ask questions of those most closely involved. At this meeting a simple questionnaire will be circulated to be returned before the Bishop’s visit.

Items relating to our Mission Action Plan will also be made available on the day of the Bishop’s visit itself and the Bishop will meet with the Vestry, MAP Planning Group, and the key personnel involved at lunch in the Rectory to conclude the review.

The work of the Vestry Away Day will feed into this meeting and provide the springboard for launching our Mission Action Plan for Year 2.

TROON CHURCHES TOGETHER Troon Churches Together once again co-ordinated the Joint Holy Week Services and arranged for the distribution of Easter Eggs and Easter Story Booklets to all the primary school children of Troon and Dundonald.

These were very positively received and the Rector would like to express his gratitude to all those who supported the initiative which enabled some 1,710 eggs and story books to be distributed.

CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR SERVICES - REVIEW AND APPRAISAL The Rector would like to thank everyone for completing the Review and Appraisal form regarding our Christmas and New Year Services 2015.

He will now work on the data contained in the forms and issue an interim statement soon and publish the final decisions in the autumn when making plans for this coming Christmas.

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MOTHERING SUNDAY On Mothering Sunday, 6th March, the children and young people acted out a short sketch, with the help of Fiona Welsh and Norma Livingstone, to show just how many roles our mothers play in our lives, including nurse, cook and even ‘UN peace keeper’. Later in the service the children handed out bunches of flowers to all the ladies in the congregation, giving a message of love and caring with God’s blessing. Following the service there was delicious homemade simnel cake for everyone in the hall, traditionally made by young girls in Service and taken home to their mothers on Mothering Sunday.

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In the bleak mid-winter….

LENT LUNCH 2016 The Lent Lunch took place on Sunday 13 March following the Sung Eucharist. This was an opportunity to share a meal together and also to raise money towards the Easter Eggs being handed out to all the Primary School children in Troon & Dundonald, details of which can be found on page 8

of this magazine. The lunch consisted of four different, delicious homemade soups with crusty bread. All the soups proved very popular and it was seconds all round!

A fantastic sum of over £190 was raised for the project, and thanks are expressed for everyone's generosity as well as the contributions of bread and soup.

KNIT N’ NATTER The Knit n’ Natter Group is now well established and meets on the last Thursday afternoon of each month in the Choir Vestry at 1.45pm, for two hours.

The group has been working on various items which will be sent to South Africa and distributed to some of the 1.9 million orphans there, some are AIDS orphans or others just abandoned.

The priority this year is for knitted blanket squares, hats & hand warmers and cuddly toys. There are simple patterns for all of these on the knit-a-square website.

As you can see here the group are now ready to send their first parcel out to South Africa, this is just a small selection of items knitted. Even if you are unable to come to the meetings, and have a few

hours spare, please feel free to look at the patterns on and contribute to the items being sent out to South Africa for use by the charity.

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Kate Wilson & Matthew Glasgow

were married at

St. Ninian’s on

Saturday 9 April.

Kate has in the

past been a teacher

in the Sunday School.

We offer them our

congratulations and

best wishes

for their future life together.

DIOCESIAN PILGRIMAGE DAYS At the end of February the Bishop hosted two Pilgrimage Day at St. Mary’s Cathedral. On these days members of all the congregations in the Diocese were invited to the Cathedral, spent time getting to know each other and listening to Question & Answer Sessions with the Provost, The Very Rev Kelvin Holdsworth and the Vice Provost, The Rev Cedric Blakey.

At lunchtime everyone shared their picnics and spent time wandering around the Cathedral looking for the answers to a quiz devised by the Cathedral staff. Questions ranged from information found on the memorial tablets around the building to finding the badger which is indeed in one of the stained glass windows over the chancel.

In the afternoon, Bishop Gregor, Cedric and Beth Routledge, the Diocesan Lay Representative took part in an Open Forum, answering questions on a variety of subjects put forward by those present. The day gave everyone a opportunity to learn more about the Cathedral and also meet with folk from across the Diocese.

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CHRISTIAN AID WEEK 15TH – 21ST MAY Christian Aid Week will soon be upon us, this year we would like to focus on a project in Bangladesh where there is great need of help. Floods have been a talking point in our own country for the past few

months, and our hearts have gone out to all the people who have had homes flooded and possessions destroyed. Fortunately this is not an everyday occurrence here, and help is at hand to rebuild homes and lives. In Bangladesh, the situation is desperate, and householders have to deal with the situation alone.

For families living on low-lying islands in the Brahmaputra River, floods are a terrifying part of everyday life. Homes can flood several times a year, single-room, corrugated-iron houses. When this happens dangerous snakes can be swimming through the house, so they raise the beds up on bricks. One family experienced the horror of their baby falling into the water in the night, luckily he was rescued.

When huge waves crash against their homes, they have less than an hour to uproot and scramble to safety. It is a race against time, gathering terrified children together and hastily making a raft from a banana tree.

Floods will come again but just £250 is enough for a Christian Aid Home Safety Package which could flood-proof a house, raising it eight foot on an earth plinth, so that they have a safe place to rebuild, keep livestock and grow crops. It could also buy a goat, seeds and a wormery to help produce compost – all of which will give long-term income and a solid foundation for a new life.


Volunteer for the House-to-House collection. Ken Welsh would love to hear from you if you are able to volunteer to collect in a street.

If you can help with, please contact Ken Welsh on 317438

Support the Christian Aid Lunches on Wednesday 18th May, Thursday 19th May and Friday 20th May, being served in Troon Old Parish Church

Halls from 11.30am to 1.30pm. The goodies on offer are soup, sandwiches, home baking and tea/coffee, and prices range from £2 to £5.

Christian Aid Week comes round once a year, so we hope for the usual good response from everyone in St Ninian’s.

Thank you in anticipation!

Ken WelshKen WelshKen WelshKen Welsh

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FELLOWSHIP A.G.M - APRIL 5TH On Tuesday 5 April six stalwart members of the Fellowship turned up for the A.G.M.! Sad to report that three were actually committee members. It was a very pleasant evening with lots of chat and laughter and goodies to eat – sorry you all missed out.

The decision was taken that the Fellowship will continue meeting once a month with talks or similar, given by members of St. Ninian’s congregation with the possibility of external speakers should there be sufficient support or interest from the membership.

The Summer Suppers will take place again this year and full details of dates, venues and times are on page 7 of this magazine. Information will be published regularly in the pew leaflet.

We also plan to have a Christmas Supper on Tuesday 13th December, as this proved to be very popular in 2015.

The Fellowship will resume on Tuesday 4 October and meet on the first Tuesday of the month (except in January when it will be the second Tuesday!)

We extend our thanks for the continued support of the Fellowship and hope to see you all when we start again in October.

Janet, Pamela and NigelJanet, Pamela and NigelJanet, Pamela and NigelJanet, Pamela and Nigel

GARDEN LOVER’S ASSOCIATION Saint Ninian’s Garden Lover’s Association is hoping to reconvene to plan this year’s programme in the very near future. If you would like to be put on our contact list please contact the Rector directly.

QUEEN’S BIRTHDAY BASH A number of people have approached the Rector suggesting we facilitate a Street Party to mark the Queen’s 90th Birthday. It is hoped this will take place on Saturday 25 June in our grounds.

It is also hoped that monies can be raised to support one of the charities of which the Queen is Patron. This event could build a wonderful bridge between the Church and the wider community .

If anyone is interested in taking this forward they should speak to the Rector in the first instance.

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MAY 1st Sixth Sunday of Easter 8.00am Holy Communion 10.30am Sung Eucharist

4th Philip & James, Apostle (from 2nd) 10.00am Holy Communion

8th Sunday of the Ascension 8.00am Holy Communion 10.30am Sung Eucharist

11th 10.00am Holy Communion

15th THE DAY OF PENTECOST (Stewardship Sunday) 8.00am Holy Communion 10.30am Sung Eucharist

18th 10.00am Holy Communion

22nd TRINITY SUNDAY 8.00am Holy Communion 10.30am Sung Eucharist

25th 10.00am Holy Communion

29th Pentecost 2 (First after Trinity) 8.00am Holy Communion 10.30am Sung Eucharist

JUNE 1st Visit of Mary to Elizabeth (from 31st) 10.00am Holy Communion

5th Pentecost 3 (Second after Trinity) 8.00am Holy Communion 10.30am Sung Eucharist

8th Columba, of Iona (from 9th) 10.00am Holy Communion

12th Pentecost 4 (Third after Trinity) 8.00am Holy Communion 10.30am Sung Eucharist

15th 10.00am Holy Communion

19th Pentecost 5 (Fourth after Trinity) 8.00am Holy Communion 10.30am Sung Eucharist

22nd The birth of John the Baptist (from 24th) 10.00am Holy Communion

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JUNE 26th Pentecost 6 (Fifth after Trinity) 8.00am Holy Communion 10.30am Sung Eucharist

29th Peter & Paul, Apostles 10.00am Holy Communion

JULY 3rd Pentecost 7 (Sixth after Trinity) 8.00am Holy Communion 10.30am Summer Eucharist

6th Thomas, apostle (from 4th) 10.00am Holy Communion

10th Pentecost 8 (Seventh after Trinity) 8.00am Holy Communion 10.30am Summer Eucharist

13th 10.00am Holy Communion

17th Pentecost 9 (Eighth after Trinity) 8.00am Holy Communion 10.30am Summer Eucharist

20th Mary Magdalene (from 22nd) 10.00am Holy Communion

24th Pentecost 10 (Ninth after Trinity) 8.00am Holy Communion 10.30am Summer Eucharist

27th James, Apostle (from 25th) 10.00am Holy Communion

31st Pentecost 11 (Tenth after Trinity) 8.00am Holy Communion 10.30am Summer Eucharist

AUGUST 3rd The Transfiguration of the Lord (from 6th) 10.00am Holy Communion

7th Pentecost 12 (Eleventh after Trinity) 8.00am Holy Communion 10.30am Summer Eucharist

10th Mary the Virgin (from 15th) 10.00am Holy Communion

14th Pentecost 13 (Twelfth after Trinity) 8.00am Holy Communion 10.30am Summer Eucharist

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ROTAS: If you are unsuccessful in organising a swop for any duties you are unable to do, please contact Janet Keene (314130)


May 1st 10.30am N. Rayner & S. Wilson

P. Dowson L. Rayner

May 8th 10.30am J. Cassidy & M. O’Leary

N. Livingstone Canon Collie

May 15th 10.30am J. Keene N. & A. Livingstone

T. Davies R. Greenwood

May 22nd 10.30am J. Stack M. O’Leary

A. Livingstone L. Rayner

May 29th 10.30am A. Smith M. Lamont & C. Hewitt

R. MacDonald N. Livingstone

June 5th 10.30am D. Rocks L. Rayner & P. Dowson

W. Davies Canon Collie

June 12th 10.30am R. & J. Keene D. Sutherland R. Greenwood

June 19th 10.30am

I. Stack M. O’Leary

H. O’Leary L. Rayner

June 26th 10.30am R. Greenwood C. & K. Faulkner

J. Deason Canon Collie

July 3rd 10.30am D. Sutherland M. Dalton & E. Cooper

L. Rayner N. Livingstone

July 10th 10.30am A. McIndoe J. McCune

R. Greenwood L. Rayner

July 17th 10.30am N. Rayner S. Wilson

N. Livingstone

R. Greenwood

July 24th 10.30am K. & M. Welsh A. Smith N. Livingstone

July 31st 10.30am J. Cassidy M. O’Leary

T. Davies L. Rayner

August 7th 10.30am J. Keene N. & A. Livingstone

H. O’Leary Canon Collie

August 14th 10.30am J. Stack P. Steed

R. Macdonald R. Greenwood

Page 17: St Ninian’s NewsSt Ninian’s · 2016. 4. 30. · whole of creation is bursting into life. The dark days of winter are


ROTAS: If you are unsuccessful in organising a swop for any duties you are unable to do, please contact Janet Keene (314130)


8.00 AM COFFEE Date

D. Sutherland N. Livingstone

S. Sanderson M. & K. Welsh May 1st

R. Greenwood J. Stack

N. Rayner J. Greenwood & I. Stack

May 8th

I. Stack N. Rayner

M. Hogg M. Lamont & J. Keene

May 15th

J. Greenwood P. Dowson

V. Vernon T. & D. Baguley May 22nd

J. Deason R. Robinson

S. Sanderson J. & E. Cassidy May 29th

N. Livingstone M. O’Leary

M. Hogg R. & J. Keene June 5th

J. Cassidy J. Stack

V. Vernon

M. & H. O’Leary June 12th

D. Sutherland R. Greenwood

N. Rayner N. & A. Livingstone June 19th

N. Rayner J. Greenwood

S. Sanderson D. Williamson & A. McIndoe

June 26th

I. Stack P. Dowson

M. Hogg J. & E. Cassidy July 3rd

R. Robinson M. O’Leary

N. Rayner K. & M. Welsh July 10th

J. Cassidy N. Livingstone

V. Vernon K. & C. Faulkner July 17th

J. Deason R. Greenwood

S. Sanderson J. Greenwood I. Stack

July 24th

D. Sutherland N. Rayner

M. Hogg N. & A. Livingstone

July 31st

J. Greenwood J. Stack

V. Vernon J & E Cassidy August 7th

N. Livingstone R. Robinson

S. Sanderson R. & J. Keene August 14th

Page 18: St Ninian’s NewsSt Ninian’s · 2016. 4. 30. · whole of creation is bursting into life. The dark days of winter are



MAY 1st Sixth Sunday of Easter Acts 16: 9 - 15 (Psalm 67) Revelation 21: 10 + 22 - 22:5 John 14: 23 - 29

8th Sunday of the Ascension Acts 1: 1 - 11 (Psalm 47) Ephesians 1: 15 - 23 Luke 24: 44 - 53

15th THE DAY OF PENTECOST Genesis 11: 1 - 9 (Psalm 104: 24 – 34 + 35b) Acts 2: 1 – 21 John 14: 8 – 17 + 25 – 27

22nd TRINITY SUNDAY Proverbs 8: 22 - 31 (Psalm 8) Romans 5: 1 - 5 John 16: 12 - 15

29th Pentecost 2 (First after Trinity) 1 Kings 8: 22 – 23 + 41 - 43 (Psalm 96: 1 - 9) Galatians 1: 1 - 12 Luke 7: 1 - 10

JUNE 5th Pentecost 3 (Second after Trinity) 1 Kings 17: 17 - 24 (Psalm 30) Galatians 1: 11 - 24 Luke 7: 11 - 17

12th Pentecost 4 (Third after Trinity) 2 Samuel 11: 26 – 12: 10 + 13 - 15 (Psalm 32 ) Galatians 2: 15 - 21 Luke 7: 36 – 8: 3

19th Pentecost 5 (Fourth after Trinity)

Isaiah 65: 1 - 9 (Psalm 22: 19 - 28) Galatians 3: 23 - 29 Luke 8: 26 - 39

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JUNE 26th Pentecost 6 (Fifth after Trinity)

1 Kings 19: 15 – 16 + 19 - 21 (Psalm 16) Galatians 5: 1 + 13 - 25 Luke 9: 51 – 62

JULY 3rd Pentecost 7 (Sixth after Trinity) Isaiah 66: 10 -14 (Psalm 66: 1 - 9) Galatians 6: 7 - 16 Luke 10: 1 – 11 + 16 - 20

10th Pentecost 8 (Seventh after Trinity) Deuteronomy 30: 9 - 14 (Psalm 25: 1 - 10) Colossians 1: 1 - 14 Luke 10: 25 - 37

17th Pentecost 9 (Eighth after Trinity) Genesis 18: 1 – 10a (Psalm 15) Colossians 1: 15 - 28 Luke 10: 38 - 42

24th Pentecost 10 (Ninth after Trinity) Genesis 18: 20 - 32 (Psalm 138) Colossians 2: 6 – 19 Luke 11: 1 – 13

31st Pentecost 11 (Tenth after Trinity) Ecclesiastes 1: 2 + 12 – 14 + 2 : 18 - 23 (Psalm 49: 1 - 12) Colossians 3: 1 – 11 Luke 12: 13 - 21

AUGUST 7th Pentecost 12 (Eleventh after Trinity) Genesis 15: 1 - 6 (Psalm 33: 12 - 22) Hebrews 11: 1 – 3 + 8 – 16 Luke 12: 32 - 40 14th Pentecost 13 (Twelfth after Trinity) Jeremiah 23: 23 - 29 (Psalm 82) Hebrews 11: 29 - 12: 2 Luke 12: 49 - 56

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An Architect has been appointed to carry out the five year Quinquennial report for the Church, Rectory and the Halls.

I have had encouraging noise’s from a firm of Monumental Masons, who consider that the damaged Font in church can be repaired. I am waiting for them to send a report and estimate.

You may have noticed the grass area at the rear of the church has been dug up and looks rather untidy. It was found when the electrical system was being upgraded that there was water under the hall floor. This was due to the waste water pipe at the sink (Car Park Side) not being connected to the pipe work at the other kitchen. Further investigation revealed there was a back fall on the drainage pipes that connected to the main sewer; hence the water was not running away as it should do. All this pipe work has had to be relayed. The work is now completed. However, to correct what can only be termed as bad workmanship has cost the church in excess of £4,000.00. The contractors that carried out the original work, no longer trade.

Roger Robinson Roger Robinson Roger Robinson Roger Robinson - Property Convener

FINANCE REPORT - APRIL 2016 The six month period to March 2016 shows total income of £52,100 and expenditure of £55,500 including depreciation, giving rise to a net deficit of £3,400. The deficit for the same period last year was £3,200.

Income in this period is marginally higher than the same period in the prior year. There has been a slight increase in collections and planned giving, while other donations are £3,000 higher than the prior year. This was offset to some extent by lower net income from Sandilands as a result of a change in the timing of some running expenses. Collections for Holy Trinity Kilmarnock stand at just over £3,000.

The second quarter saw this year's maintenance program getting under way, with some £7,400 of expenditure – including repair work to the sacristy and rectory roofs, and major alteration works to the hall kitchen drainage system. There is a further £5,800 of maintenance expenditure budgeted for the remainder of this financial year which includes the cost of the Quinquennial Report.

Jolyon Stack Jolyon Stack Jolyon Stack Jolyon Stack ---- Treasurer

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How quickly the time goes! It hardly seems any time since I was updating you about the progress of the wall hanging prior to Christmas. The past few months have seen all the crafters working really hard. You will note I say crafters rather than sewers as we have found many with a variety of amazing skills within our group to use in the construction of the wall hanging. We have an element that is crocheted now too.

Plans are in place to send out leaf packs to the six schools in the local catchment area to enable each child to contribute in some way to the wall hanging. This will depend on the age and ability, with younger ones hopefully printing leaves and older ones carry out some basic sewing.

If you would like to join us please come along for some chat, refreshments and crafting. Remember everybody is welcome and we would love to see you.

Full details are available on the website at or by emailing [email protected]

Hope to see you soon.

ShonaShonaShonaShona & the Wall Hanging & the Wall Hanging & the Wall Hanging & the Wall Hanging TeamTeamTeamTeam

Making up the leaf packs

Thanks to Shona for the photos.

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flowers flowers flowers flowers

"I am the resurrection and "I am the resurrection and "I am the resurrection and "I am the resurrection and

the life. Those who the life. Those who the life. Those who the life. Those who

believe in me, even believe in me, even believe in me, even believe in me, even

though they die, will live. though they die, will live. though they die, will live. though they die, will live. """"

John 11: 25John 11: 25John 11: 25John 11: 25

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Page 24: St Ninian’s NewsSt Ninian’s · 2016. 4. 30. · whole of creation is bursting into life. The dark days of winter are


The Mount of Olives


The pink salmony sky opens it's eye to greet the radiant dawn, spreading endless plentiful folds of purple hue and fawn protecting the beautiful bounteous earth as splendid as a lawn of grass so green, it dazzles the brilliant eye to conquer the waiting scene.

The green spreading trees welcome the breeze stretching towards the light, shaking off the long, dark shadows of the previous night. Happy to do this as ongoing ages continue to run, always turning their shivering leaves towards the dawning sun.

The colours are many and the beauty is hard for the eye to perceive, the creation of God is there for all to believe, the enormity of what we are seeing is just so immense and for us through the ages it's been hard to make sense.

Of the extraordinary beauty and whence it came from, for the beings on earth who have long called it home, the answer is here and in this world abounds. If we open our hearts we will hear the rich sounds.

The sights we behold if we really do look no one, but no one, could write such a book, and no one can say why it's so hard to perceive it's better by far to just truly believe.

Believe in the greatness that gives us all this, stop seeking for answers as to why we exist, accept and believe and give up our heart and the meaning of life will then fully impart.


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ST NINIAN'S - AN ARTS AND CRAFT GEM! WHAT'S THIS ABOUT? In the last edition of St Ninian's News, there was a short article about the re-commencement of the Guided Tours of our church, which I lead. In this article, I will explore why there should be any interest in the story of a church and find out what this “Gem” is all about. I hope to provide a little “taster” here that will encourage all readers, who have not already done so, to book a Tour and hear the whole story. I’ve added some pictures of the more colourful corners of St Ninian's.

“Arts and Craft” was a term coined to describe a period of mild artistic revolt from about 1850 onwards until the early 20th Century. The Industrial Revolution had produced machinery for mass production and the use of cheap or plain materials for buildings, furniture and household goods. There was some dissatisfaction with the utilitarian and bland nature of all this and this was seized upon by the “style gurus” of the day to form this movement towards, honesty, integrity and modesty, encouraging the use of local materials and traditional handicrafts. St Ninian's church was created by an experienced follower of this trend and the evidence is everywhere to be seen.

The Guided Tour takes about an hour and begins with the social history of Troon around 1900 and then describes the whole funding and building process of our “Arts and Crafts Gem”. The talks includes information about the architect who favoured the style and who was awarded the contract but who was far from being the most influential or famous person involved. Indeed, we owe a great deal to a Peer of the Realm and there is an East-West link with strong drink! The story continues right up to the latest artistic enhancement, in 2013. Do you know what that might be? It is related to Trinity Sunday, May 1913 when the Nave was dedicated for worship. Tour guests are welcome to sit whenever they so wish, as we have plenty of seats, and, in winter, there is some warmth in the building. I try to use a light and amusing style - more of storytelling than guiding, perhaps - and bring some of the characters to life.

Since the Guided Tours began in October 2014, I have provided “bespoke” tours for a number of different interest groups at a mutually agreeable time – often an evening. This facility – to create a special Tour for a specific group of people - is still available. Just follow up the contacts here. The Tour cost £5.00 per person, for church funds, and can be booked by telephone on 01292 311980 or by email at [email protected]. These contacts are both direct to myself, David Sutherland. Just a reminder then: first Wednesday, every month, 2.00pm. These Tours have raised several hundred pounds for the church already.

Could YOU be a tour guide? I would be very pleased to share this pleasant storytelling task with another would-be-guide and can provide training. Use the above contacts if that appeals to you.

David SutherlandDavid SutherlandDavid SutherlandDavid Sutherland

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The children made the Easter Garden on The children made the Easter Garden on The children made the Easter Garden on The children made the Easter Garden on

Good Friday and the Cross was carried Good Friday and the Cross was carried Good Friday and the Cross was carried Good Friday and the Cross was carried

out into the garden. The Paschal candle out into the garden. The Paschal candle out into the garden. The Paschal candle out into the garden. The Paschal candle

was lit at the Vigil on Holy Saturday.was lit at the Vigil on Holy Saturday.was lit at the Vigil on Holy Saturday.was lit at the Vigil on Holy Saturday.

Easter at St. Ninian’sEaster at St. Ninian’sEaster at St. Ninian’sEaster at St. Ninian’s

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On Easter morning, On Easter morning, On Easter morning, On Easter morning,

Communion took place in Communion took place in Communion took place in Communion took place in

the hall at Troon Old,the hall at Troon Old,the hall at Troon Old,the hall at Troon Old,

due to the stormy weather, due to the stormy weather, due to the stormy weather, due to the stormy weather,

and was followed by and was followed by and was followed by and was followed by

breakfast. At St Ninian’s breakfast. At St Ninian’s breakfast. At St Ninian’s breakfast. At St Ninian’s

the Easter Cross was the Easter Cross was the Easter Cross was the Easter Cross was

placed in the garden .placed in the garden .placed in the garden .placed in the garden .

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All copy to Linda Rayner at [email protected] Thank you!


The Book Club continues to meet about every six weeks in the Rectory. So far we have met four times and discussed three books. Our next meeting is on Saturday 14 May 2016 at 10.30 a.m. The book we are discussing is The Man in High Castle by Philip M. Dick. Anyone who wishes to join us will be made very welcome, all we ask is that you read the book we are meeting to discuss.

The books still to be read are :- The Garden of Evening Mists Tan Twang Eng Winter in Madrid C J Sansom Middlemarch George Eliot Labyrinth Kate Mosse Ayrshire Echos John Kellie

Alison McIndoe Alison McIndoe Alison McIndoe Alison McIndoe

SUNDAY SCHOOL/YOUNG PEOPLE’S ACTIVITIES The Rector is seeking advice from the children and young people directly as to how best to provide help and support for them in the development of

their own discipleship.

Possibilities include Bible study during the Adult sermon, interactive discussion, and material supplied by video/DVD together with input from the children and young people themselves in participation in worship and service in the community.

If your children or young people would like to input please invite them to contact the Rector.

STEWARDSHIP SUNDAY Our Annual Review of Stewardship will take place on Sunday, 15 May 2016 with a presentation in Church. May we use this opportunity to reflect on God’s invitation to be good stewards of his gifts to us.

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ST NINIAN’S INVESTMENT CLUB UPDATE Our Investment Club is now a year older and hopefully a little wiser after a roller-coaster ride for the past twelve months. The FTSE100 stock market index reached the dizzy heights of 7,100 last April and then fell over a series of bad news events to 5,800 earlier this year.

Our “stop loss” strategy fortunately limited this loss and the market has started to climb back since. You are probably all aware of the main causes of the dramatic fall in values which included the drop in the oil price, the Grexit and EU problems, the Middle East and Ukraine conflicts and the slow down in Chinese growth. The path back to good values will not be smooth however as these issues have not gone away and we have the additional effect of our EU referendum.

Our current assets are now about £18,000 and the good news is that the dividends have increased and we are about to donate £416.30 to the church (over £500 when gift aided) which is a 60% increase over last year.

We have just gained two new members and are now at the maximum of 20. However if any other church members are interested in joining please contact Kevin or Mike and we will create a waiting list should a vacancy occur.

Kevin Faulkner & Mike O’LearyKevin Faulkner & Mike O’LearyKevin Faulkner & Mike O’LearyKevin Faulkner & Mike O’Leary

LENT STUDY GROUP 2016 This year’s Lent Study Course was based on the book and DVD Les Miserable. Pamela Dowson gives her reflections on the course...

‘During Lent a small group gathered every Wednesday to discuss the film of Les Miserables. The book was written by Jonathan Meyer, he was Priest-in-charge of St Mary the Virgin in Ewelme which was used as a location in the film.

Once again it was a challenging experience to study each of the main characters as part of our Lenten journey. We watched small clips of the film and enjoyed a discussion with some readings from the bible when appropriate. Each character had its own issues and challenges and we searched our own souls to find solutions to problems.

After Easter we met again for a supper in the Rectory. We shared a communal Eucharist with each of us administering the elements around the table. It was especially nice for me to experience the sharing of actual "bread", which is more familiar to me and reminiscent of my life prior to coming to Scotland. The supper which followed was another sharing experience. It was a wonderful evening with lots of fellowship and laughter.’

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DIOCESAN SYNOD REPORT In my capacity of Lay Representative, I attended the Diocesan Synod, which was held at Holy Trinity & St. Barnabas, Paisley on Saturday 5th March. As is customary at this Synod, proceedings start with a Sung Eucharist. The morning session comprised of administration, the presentation of the Minutes of the 2015 Synod. The next part consisted of the election of members and alternate members to General Synod, followed by the submission of Synod Returns.

Further business included the Treasurers Report; the Diocesan Constitutional Review, which was presented by the Provost, Very Revd. Kelvin Holdsworth. There followed a group discussion, based on Regional Groups which discussed the role and boundaries of the current region. Synod was then asked to approve a Local Ecumenical Partnership between St. Mark’s Episcopal Church and Righead United Reformed Church.

After lunch, there was a small presentation on this year’s Bishops Lent Appeal. This year, the appeal is to raise funds for the Bethlehem Arab Society for Rehabilitation (B.A.S.R.). (During the Pilgrimage last year to the Holy Land, the B.A.S.R. was visited and their role explained.)

Further business included several presentations: Revd Canon Anne Tomlinson on the work of the Scottish Episcopal Institute; Kirsty Buchanan on St Mary’s For All; Revd David Gifford, St Mary’s Port Glasgow on the “Clydemen”; Revd Canon Robin Paisley from St. John’s, Dumfries and finally the Revd Lesley-Ann Craddock of St. Oswald’s, Kings Park.

The final part of Synod was the declaration of the results of the elections. Bishop Gregor then declared Synod closed with the “Confirmation of the Acts of Synod” followed by The Blessing.

Nigel Rayner Nigel Rayner Nigel Rayner Nigel Rayner - Lay Representative

CHAMPION MAKERS HOLIDAY CLUB 2016 The Holiday Club for 2016 will once again be based at Barassie Primary School with a golf theme. Children will be bused to North Gailes Driving Range for golf tuition with other activities at the school. It will take place from Monday 4 to Thursday 7 July from 9.30am - 1.15pm with a special children’s golf competition at North Gailes Golf Course on Friday 8 July for the Todd Hamilton Trophy.

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Church Register


We extend our condolences to Mrs Pat Bender, member of Our Lady and Saint Meddan’s and

member of the Fellowship at Saint Ninian’s whose husband Michael died very suddenly on Christmas Day.

We also extend our sympathy to Mrs Ian Boffey whose husband died very suddenly in February.

Ian had being assisting at Holy Trinity, Kilmarnock by providing services during the vacancy.


7 April 2016 Karen McAulay and Robert Nicol

9 April 2016 Kathleen Wilson and Matthew Glasgow

We offer our prayers for those who have been married and those who have been bereaved

that all may rest and rejoice in the love of the Lord our God.

Aerial view of St. Ninian’sAerial view of St. Ninian’sAerial view of St. Ninian’sAerial view of St. Ninian’s Photograph by Eddie Allison

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70 BENTINCK DRIVE, TROON 01292 313731


















Charity number: SC012611