st. michael parish · 7/19/2020  · st. michael parish 14327 highland, orland park, il...

St. Michael Parish 14327 Highland, Orland Park, IL—708-349-0903

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Page 1: St. Michael Parish · 7/19/2020  · St. Michael Parish 14327 Highland, Orland Park, IL —708-349-0903

St. Michael Parish 14327 Highland, Orland Park, IL—708-349-0903

Page 2: St. Michael Parish · 7/19/2020  · St. Michael Parish 14327 Highland, Orland Park, IL —708-349-0903


Voice of Saint Michael July 19, 2020

Jesus often used parables in his preaching to get his disciples to think about and to ponder his message. Last week we heard the parable about the sower and this week we hear about weeds growing alongside the wheat. As any farmer or gardener knows – weeds are not good. I remember that as a child I would go over to my grandparents’ house and pull weeds. It was an awful job. The purpose was simple – rid the garden, the grass, and the flowerbeds from those terrible weeds. They were ugly and unsightly; they destroyed everything. They had to go! Jesus offers a different perspective, “if you pull up the weeds you might uproot the wheat along with them. Let them grow together until harvest.” Jesus suggests that you let them grow together, this would seem very strange to any farmer. However, Jesus is acknowledging that among the people of God there is often evil. There are those that are hostile to God, to believers, and even to goodness. Some are just indifferent (it does not matter if I am good, it does not matter if I pray or it does not matter if I go to Mass) – and by their actions, behaviors, attitudes, and example they endanger the wheat, the people of God. Why would Jesus want the weeds and the wheat to be together? I believe it is the gift of hope. Once again, Jesus offers evil a chance to change. Perhaps by watching the wheat grow in faith, their hearts may be converted. Perhaps this is their opportunity to encounter the living God among God’s people. This sometimes is difficult for us to accept. Many families have what we often refer to as “bad apples”. The bad apples are those that have taken a wrong turn in their faith life or perhaps in life in general. They have caused harm and division to the family, to the Church, or to a neighborhood. Sometimes they are so toxic, that they lead others astray. Sometimes our initial reaction is to just “kick them out” as if we were pulling weeds. I think Jesus is saying that we should engage them, pray for them, and with God’s grace, perhaps they will change and become like the wheat for the harvest. God is forgiving, but he is also just. Sometimes we think that we do not have to change now, but we have lots of time to do so. Still others do not think that it matters at all. Even in the message of hope, the possibility for change, there is a warning for those who do not heed God’s Word, “First collect the weeds and tie them in bundles for burning; but gather the wheat into my barn.” We have lost the sense of sin. The Gospels keep reminding us to enter the narrow gate. We need to pray, to be nourished by Word and Sacrament, and we need to live lives according to the Commandments as Christ taught us. Are you ready for the final harvest? In Christ’s love, Fr. Frank

Page 3: St. Michael Parish · 7/19/2020  · St. Michael Parish 14327 Highland, Orland Park, IL —708-349-0903


Voice of Saint Michael July 19, 2020

Summer has finally arrived! The hot summer days are filled with laughter and swimming and sunshine that brings joy to us all. Even better are those summer nights with the cool breeze and the

twinkling stars that make us smile at the beauty of this world. Yet, best of all is the gorgeous and wonderful array of flowers and crops that are on show for us all to see in the summer months. One thing that is not wanted in our flower beds are weeds. I have weeds in my garden. I made sure that I planted my garden in good soil, I still have weeds. As you probably know, one of the biggest enemies of a good garden is weeds. Weeds rob the soil of the nutrients that help your plants to grow and many times they will choke out good plants. What can you do? Well, you cut them down, but if you do that, you may accidentally chop down some of the good plants. Another way to rid weeds is to use weed killer. The biggest problem with weed killer is it generally does not know the difference between a weed and a good plant. It kills every plant it touches. Sometimes, it's best just to leave the weeds alone until it is time to harvest the crop. Then you can separate the weeds from the good plants.

One day, Jesus told a story (a parable) that compared his church to a garden that was infested with weeds. Sometimes there may be people in the church that don't really belong. They do things that are not very loving and they don't seem to believe what the Bible teaches. They may sometimes say hateful things about the others or act out and try to hurt them. They are like weeds in a garden.

In his story, Jesus said that we shouldn't worry about pulling up the weeds that grow around us. If we do, we may do more harm than good. He suggests that we leave the weeds for God to take care of —and concentrate on doing what he wants us to do—which is producing good fruit.

What this means is, we must try our best to not let the actions of others affect the good things we do in our lives. Sometimes, when we see someone doing something evil, we may feel the need to do something evil in return. Or we may feel upset that they are getting away with bad things. This is not the way to live like Jesus. We must stand up for what is right but we must do so respectfully and in the name of Jesus. When it is all over, God will be with us – He will know all that we did in His name and we will be rewarded for it.

Dear Father, help us to love one another and leave the judging in your hands.. Help us to grow each day to resemble, reflect and reveal Your love in Jesus’ name. Amen

A God who judges with leniency and clemency, a Spirit groaning because we know not how to pray, a patient master waiting to separate wheat and weeds, a tiny seed growing into a great bush, and the miracle of yeast and flour! All of these images found in our readings today speak of the unexpected, the countercultural, and of the compassion and intimacy of our relationship with God. Many times we are afraid to come to God in prayer, or we may turn away from our God because of our weakness and sinfulness. We are not presented with a vengeful God who is waiting to smite us, but a God of infinite love and wisdom and patience who will show us the way. What an amazing gift this is! In all the readings today, and especially in the Gospel, we see transformation, but it is not something that happens overnight, nor does it take place without effort. The parables tell of a patient and loving God who can see a positive outcome at the end and is willing to wait and nourish us and help us all get there. In our own growth, something usually spurs us on and calls us to change. In these times of pandemic and calls for social change we are asked to look at how we live, what we think, how we act and what we say. Perhaps knowing someone who suffered or died from the virus calls us to wake up and really consider others. Losing our job or not being able to be with a loved one in the hospital or nursing home might spur us to make the most of the relationships we have. Coming back from the economic losses caused by business shut downs or violence or looting may help us to see things from another viewpoint. Isn’t it amazing to realize that we are blessed with a tender, loving God who will walk through all these changes in our lives, who is cajoling us into a better self? Here is a God who doesn’t pull the plug because of our sins, but is willing to wait and sort and “gather the wheat.” Let us be grateful for this gift of loving mercy. Recall the simple prayer found in Psalm 86:15–16: “You, O Lord, are a God merciful and gracious, / slow to anger, abounding in kindness and fidelity. / Turn toward me, and have pity on me; / give your strength to your servant.”

Readings for the Week

July 19, 2020 Sunday: Wis 12: 13, 16-9; Rom 8: 26-27; Mt 13: 24-43 Monday: Mi 6: 1-4, 6-8; Mt 12: 38-42 Tuesday: Mi 7: 14-15, 18-20; Mt 12: 46-50 Wednesday: Sg3: 1-4b, 2 Cor 5: 14-17; Jn 10: 1-2, 11-18 Thursday: Jer 2: 1-3, 7-8, 12-13; Mt 13: 10-17 Friday: Jer 3: 14-17; Mt 13: 10-17 Saturday: 2 cor 4: 7-15; Mt 20: 20-28 Sunday: 1 Kgs 3:5, 7-12; Rom 8: 28-30; Mt 13: 44-52

Taking Home the Sunday Scriptures 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time-July 19, 2020

Page 4: St. Michael Parish · 7/19/2020  · St. Michael Parish 14327 Highland, Orland Park, IL —708-349-0903


Voice of Saint Michael July 19, 2020

CONFIRMATION With gratitude and praise to our Lord, St. Michael Parish presents

the following candidates to be confirmed by Our Pastor Fr. Frank Kurucz on July 21 and 22 and August 4 and 5.

Kate Teresa Allocco

Olivia Teresa Baran

Zachary Michael Barrett

Bridget Lucy Bartolotta

Marykate Anne Bartolotta

Nicholas Zachary Bertacchi

Matthew Nicholas Boll

Jerome Maturinus Bordelon

Brianna Elizabeth Borgman

Ella Collette Briscoe

Caleb Donald Brownlee

Josephine Catherine Bundy

Alec Francis Cabrera

Elliott Gabriel Cabrera

Robert John Callahan

Carlos Francis Cantu

Max Michael Clarke

John Roche Connor

Robert Giles Connors

Brian Jude Conrad

Ellory Natalia Crnkovich

Noah James Cruz

Vanessa Joan Cuellar

Noah Paul Domico

Claire Anne Donnell

Jack Andrew Farrell

Vanessa Therese Ferreira

Michael Matthew Fiedor

Cara Marina Finn

Kyle Joseph Flaherty

Matthew Andrew Flaherty Charlotte Dymphna Garcia

Nadia Guadalupe Ghouleh

Marisa Marie Gilio

Samantha Collette Glover

Joseph Anthony Gremo

Giana Alexandra Gudino

David George Gutierrez

Sofia Mary Gutierrez

Cheyenne Luke Hall

Grace Caroline Harring

Ethan Brendan Highfill

Zoey Teresa Huff

Margaret Frances Hughes

Rebekah Fatima Huie

Kathleen Francis Hulne

Maya Elizabeth Jarka

Isabella Francesca Judeh

Kathryn Bernadette Karsky

James Francis Kitchin

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Voice of Saint Michael July 19, 2020

Guard me O Holy Spirit Sean Columbkille Larkin

Joseph Anthony Latorre

Samantha Bernadette Laundrie

Jocelyn Vitus Lavelle

Kyle George Lavelle

Edward Anthony Lewandowski III Mason Sebastian Maleck

Matthew Michael Markett

Catherine Cecilia McAleenan

Ella Ann McHugh

Matthew Francis Mokrzycki Alexander Francisco Molina

Kaylie Cecilia Mundschenk

Sara Elizabeth Niedziela

Katelyn Rose Nolan

Maria Lidwina Nomikos

Anthony Nicholas Noto

Tillie Pauline O’Connor

Naya Vitus Padayao

Anthony Matteo Pagliero

Isabella Jane Para

Grace Cecilia Pierson

Briana Sebastian Pigatto

Jessica Julia Ramirez

William Peter Schilling

Chad Matthew Schumacher

Nicholas George Scuderi

Cooper Sebastian Sigel

Madeline Marie Skalitzky

Olivia IsabelleSkalitzky

Elise Cecilia Stoub

Kaylee Marie Sullivan

Ryan Michael Sullivan

Jacob Joseph Swalec

Jack Michael Tadevich

Alexis Catherine Thanos

Luke Michael Thiesse

Benjamin Matthew Torbett

Addison Peregrine Torgerson

Hanna Valentine Tutor

Leeella Joan Valkenburg

John Jonah Walter

Henry Sebastian Whittam

Jack Luke Whittingham

Jacob John Paul Wyroba

Jade Francis Yates

James Dimitrios Yock

Rachel Gianna Zaragoza

Emma Marie Zavala

Trevor Thomas Zelasko

Page 6: St. Michael Parish · 7/19/2020  · St. Michael Parish 14327 Highland, Orland Park, IL —708-349-0903


Voice of Saint Michael July 19, 2020

Sacrament of Confirmation Novena For Confirmation Masses in July and August

As the day of our parish Confirmation approaches, we can all take time to reflect on what it means to live in the Spirit of Jesus. One way to do this is by praying a novena. A novena is nine days of prayer focused on a special intention. In the Acts of the Apostles, we read of Jesus’ disciples spending nine days in prayer after his Ascension before the coming of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost. If you are truly open to the Holy Spirit at work in your heart, you will discover more about God’s great love for you and be ready to respond to His love as a confirmed Catholic. During these next three weeks of July and August we will celebrate four Confirmation Masses with our 100 candidates, and we ask that you consider praying this Novena prayer for our candidates and for growth in your relationship with God. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, Amen.

We beg you, Lord, to send the Holy Spirit upon us so that, inspired and encouraged, we may fulfill the duties that are ours, to carry our cross with patience and to grow daily in Christian perfection. Grant us through the same Holy Spirit, the intentions of this novena, or whatever is best for us and for all God’s people.

O Lord Jesus Christ, before ascending into heaven you promised to send the Holy Spirit to finish your work in the souls of your Apostles and Disciples. Grant that I may be open to the work of that same Spirit within me.

Grant me the Spirit of Wisdom, that I may not be attached to the perishable things of this world, but seek the things that are eternal.

Grant me the Spirit of Understanding, to enlighten my mind with the light of Your divine truth.

Grant me the Spirit of Right Judgment, that I may choose the surest way of pleasing God and gaining heaven.

Grant me the Spirit of Courage, that I may bear my cross with You and that I may overcome all the obstacles that oppose my salvation.

Grant me the Spirit of Knowledge, that I may know God and know myself and grow in the study of the Saints.

Grant me the Spirit of Reverence, that I may find the service of God sweet and attractive.

Grant me the Spirit of Wonder and Awe, that I may be filled with loving reverence toward God and may avoid anything that would displease Him.

Mark me, dear Lord, with the sign of your true disciple and animate me in all things with your Spirit.

O Mary, by your humble obedience to the will of God and through the power of the Holy Spirit, you gave us the child Jesus. Help us to prepare our hearts so that we may receive and welcome the Holy Spirit and strive always to do what God asks. Grant this through Christ, our Lord. Amen

Page 7: St. Michael Parish · 7/19/2020  · St. Michael Parish 14327 Highland, Orland Park, IL —708-349-0903


Voice of Saint Michael July 19, 2020

eGiving with Faith Direct Please join in enrolling by visiting to enroll securely online.

Our parish code is IL851.

During this time of confinement, if you want to add a name to the list of sick or deceased, there is a link on the parish web site You may also call the parish at 708-349-0903 and leave a message.

Please Pray For The Sick We continue to remember the sick, the infirm, and all those recommended to our prayers; and especially, the following, that they may experience the healing and power of Christ:

Bob Alpert, Lucas Salvatore Bryant, Walter Cizak, John Davis, Bonnie Deval, Becky Garcia, Richard Garcia, Tom Hudon, Marilee Hankin, Joann Infelise, Jerry Kasper, David Kircher, Daryl Klock, Donna Larney, Chris Lechowicz, Elizabeth Lisuzzo, Robert Mair, Eva Malajewicz, Bernie McEarlean, Tim McGugan, James Melton, Jesus Mendez, Jack Mohr, Adrienne Noga, James Pawlak, Kyle Radke, Michelle Ryan, Linda Tarandy, Andrew Tess, Thomas Xique, Cynthia, Jill, Kim,

and all ill from coronavirus and those injured in service to their country.

Please Pray For . . . Those who have died and their families

James Bielat, father of Rose Rich Kyle Rood, son of Mary Cantu Zofia Paluch

A Call to Prayer Providing a Light in the Darkness

Prayer can help to strengthen our bonds with one another and with God, regardless of our faith identities. By turning to prayer, we call forth a light in the darkness. Who we are: Volunteers from across the Archdiocese of Chicago who feel called to accompany anyone feeling the need to pray during this time of uncertainty and isolation. What we offer: A phone line staffed from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. daily, as well as 24-hour voicemail and e-mail connections. Our prayer partners are here to pray with you — opening our hearts to God, asking for his blessings and peace. WE ARE AVAILABLE AT 312.741.3388 AND BY EMAIL: [email protected] ESPAÑOL: [email protected] POLSKI: [email protected]

So encourage each other and build each other up …

1 Thessalonians 5:11

And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests.

… always keep praying for all God’s people. Ephesians 6:18

Be at peace. St. Francis de Sales

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Voice of Saint Michael July 19, 2020

Page 9: St. Michael Parish · 7/19/2020  · St. Michael Parish 14327 Highland, Orland Park, IL —708-349-0903


Voice of Saint Michael July 19, 2020

How to reserve your spot for Masses. Go to On the homepage, scroll down to either the Weekend or Daily Mass button and click. It will take you to Sign up Genius. At the top you will see a picture of St. Michael and some instructions. Scroll down until you see the following box listing the available Masses.

1. Click on the box for the

Mass you wish to attend.

2. Click Submit and Sign Up

4. If you are signing up for more than one per-son in your household, click the arrow and choose the number of people who will be sitting together.

3. Add a comment if there is anything special we need to know. This is optional .

5. Enter your first and last name, email address and phone number. You will receive a confirmation email for your reservation. If there is more than one person in your group only one name is entered. Decide who that will be.

6. Click Yes if you need to use a handicap entrance.

7. Click Sign Up Now 8. A new screen will pop up telling you that your reservation was successful. And you will receive an email confirming the reservation.

Page 10: St. Michael Parish · 7/19/2020  · St. Michael Parish 14327 Highland, Orland Park, IL —708-349-0903


Voice of Saint Michael July 19, 2020

Masses this weekend, and every weekend through the end of July, will be celebrated as follows: Saturday 4:30 PM in English

Sunday 7:30 AM, 9:30 AM and 11:30 AM in English Sunday 1:30 PM in Spanish

Weekday Mass will continue to be celebrated at 7:30 AM only until further notice. Greeters will welcome you 20 minutes before each Mass. Reservations are required to attend the Masses. We will be accepting 100 people per Mass for weekends and 60 for weekdays. Go to and click the link to Sign Up Genius to make your online reservation. Online reservations open at 9 AM on Thursdays and close at 10 AM on Saturdays. For those without internet access, every Thursday, from 11am–1pm, we will have someone an-swering the phone at St. Michael—708-349-0903. Registrations will be taken by phone for the upcoming weekend and daily Masses. A limited number of reservations will be accepted by phone. We regret that the call-in time period is short, but we are still unable to open the parish office for full, regular hours. Confessions will be heard regularly in both English and in Spanish every Saturday from 3:00 – 4:00 PM. No reservations are required to come to Confession. Following Confession you are to leave. You cannot stay for the 4:30 Mass without a reservation. Please carefully read the following information before attending Mass. 1. When registering, you will be asked for your name, phone number, email address, and the number of peo-

ple from your household who will be attending together. 2. If you have a fever or feel ill, please do not come to church. 3. Strict social distancing will be observed for these Masses. 4. You must enter through the parking lot doors. Special provision will be made to accommodate those with

disabilities. 5. Entry will only be granted to those registered. 6. Throughout your time in the Church, you must wear a mask that you provide, over your nose and mouth. 7. Parishioners will be greeted at the door by trained volunteers and hand sanitizer will be provided for you

as you enter. 8. You will be directed to specific seating in the Church. Only some sections of the church will be used to

facilitate thorough cleaning between Masses and to ensure your safety. 9. We ask that you not move from the assigned seat and follow the directions of the usher/greeters at all

times. 10. Hymnals or other worship aids will not be provided. You are asked to take home any worship aids that

you bring with you. 11. Collection baskets will not be passed. Offerings may be left by the doors as you arrive or leave (or you

may donate through Faith Direct). 12. As you leave your pew to receive Communion, follow the directions of the lector and ushers for reception

of Communion. You will receive Communion in the hand only. 13. At the end of Mass you will be dismissed by the usher/greeters and must exit the church immediately fol-

lowing Mass. No congregating or socializing in the church, narthex or outside the church is allowed. Please check our parish website: or follow us on our parish Facebook page: St. Michael Parish Orland Park for continuing updates.

We will be needing many volunteers on an ongoing basis for greeting and clean up for these Masses and other sacramental celebrations. Our ability to continue offering Weekend Mass, Daily Mass, Funerals, Weddings, Baptisms and other Sacraments is dependent on having enough volunteers to meet the Archdiocesan Requirements to assure safety. Those who are over 65, healthy and do not have an under lying condi-tion, can volunteer. If you would like to help, please go to our parish website homepage and click on the blue button that says Parish Reopening Volunteer Online Form (Voluntarias) or call Pat Chuchla in the worship office at 708-873-4652.

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Voice of Saint Michael July 19, 2020

Jesús con frecuencia utilizaba parábolas en sus enseñanzas para que sus discípulos pensaran y reflexionaran su mensaje. La semana pasada escuchamos la parábola sobre el sembrador y esta semana escuchamos sobre la cizaña creciendo junto al trigo. Como cualquier campesino o jardinero lo saben – la cizaña no es buena. Recuerdo que de niño yo iba a la casa de mis abuelos a sacar las hierbas malas. Esta era un trabajo terrible. El propósito era simple – liberar el jardín, el pasto y las flores de esas horribles hierbas. Eran feas y se veían mal; destrozaban todo. ¡tenían que desparecer! Jesús nos ofrece otra perspectiva, “Si arrancas la cizaña, podrías arrancar también el trigo. Déjenlos crecer juntos hasta la siega”. Jesús sugiere que los dejemos crecer juntos, lo que parecería muy extraño a cualquier campesino. Sin embargo, Jesús está reconociendo que entre la gente de Dios existe con frecuencia el mal. Existen quienes son hostiles a Dios, a los creyentes y aun hasta la bondad. Algunos son sólo indiferentes (no importa si soy bueno, no importa si rezo o no importa si voy a Misa) – y por sus acciones, comportamiento, actitudes y ejemplo, ellos dañan el trigo, la gente de Dios. ¿Por qué querría Jesús que la cizaña y el trigo crecieran juntos? Yo creo que es el regalo de la esperanza. De nuevo, Jesús le da al mal la oportunidad de cambiar. Tal vez el contemplar crecer el trigo, sus corazones podrían convertirse. Tal vez esta es su oportunidad para encontrar el Dios vivo entre la gente de Dios. Algunas veces esto es difícil que lo aceptemos. Muchas familias tienen lo que algunas veces nos referimos como, “manzanas podridas”. Las manzanas podridas son aquellos que han tomado el camino equivocado en su vida o tal vez en la vida en general. Ellos han causado daño y división a la familia, a la Iglesia y al vecindario. Algunas veces ellos son tan tóxicos que guían a otros por el mal camino. Algunas veces nuestra reacción inmediata es sólo “echarlos fuera” como si estuviésemos arrancando cizaña. Pienso que Jesús está diciendo que nos deberíamos involucrar con ellos, orar por ellos; y, con la gracia de Dios, tal vez ellos cambiarían y serían como el trigo para la cosecha. Dios perdona, pero también es justo. Algunas veces pensamos que no tenemos que cambiar ahora, sino que tenemos mucho tiempo para hacerlo. Aun otros piensan que nada importa. Aun en el mensaje de esperanza, la posibilidad de cambiar, hay una advertencia para aquellos que no toman en cuenta la Palabra de Dios, “Primero arranquen la cizaña y atadla en gavillas para quemarla; y el trigo almacenadlo en mi granero”. Hemos perdido el sentido del pecado. El Evangelio nos sigue recordando la entrada por la puerta angosta. Necesitamos rezar para nutrirnos con la Palabra y el Sacramento, y necesitamos vivir de acuerdo a los mandamientos como Cristo no enseñó. ¿Están listos para la cosecha final”. En el amor de Cristo, Padre Frank

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Voice of Saint Michael July 19, 2020

Las siguientes Misas se oficiarán este fin de semana, y cada fin de semana hasta el final de Julio: Sábado 4:30 PM en Inglés Domingo 7:30 AM, 9:30 AM y 11:30 AM en Inglés Domingo 1:30 PM en Español

Las Misas durante la semana continúan oficiándose a las 7:30 a.m., sólo hasta próximo aviso. Son bienvenidos 20 minutos antes de cada Misa.

Se requiere reservación para asistir a las Misas. Estaremos aceptando 100 personas por Misa los fines de semana y 60 durante la semana. Visite y haga click en el link Sign Up Genius para hacer su reservación en línea. La reservación en línea estará abierta a las 9:00 AM los jueves y cierra a las 1:00 a.m. los sábados. Para los que no tienen acceso al internet, llamen a Patty Rentería al 708-973-4619 y deje un mensaje. Ella le regresará su llamada. Los registros se tomarán por teléfono para el próximo fin de semana y las Misas diarias. Aceptaremos sólo un número limitado de reservaciones por teléfono. Se escucharán confesiones en ambos idiomas, Inglés y Español cada Sábado, de 3:00 – 4:00 PM. No necesitan hacer reservación para la Confesión. Después da la confesión deben retirarse. No se pueden quedar para la Misa de 4:30 sin una reservación.

Por favor lean con cuidado la siguiente información para asistir a la Misa.

Cuando se registre, se les pedirá su nombre, número de teléfono, correo electrónico y el número de personas en su hogar que asistirán juntos.

Si tienen fiebre o se sienten enfermos, por favor no vengan a la iglesia. Se practicará estricto distanciamiento social durante estas Misas. Deben entrar por las puertas del estacionamiento. Proveeremos cuidado especial para acomodar aquellos

con discapacidades. Se permitirá la entrada a quienes se han registrado. Durante su permanencia en la iglesia, deben llevar puesta una mascarilla por su cuenta. Los feligreses serán recibidos a la entrada por voluntarios entrenados y se les dará desinfectante para las

manos . Serán dirigidos a un lugar específico en la iglesia. Sólo se utilizarán algunas secciones de la iglesia para

facilitar una limpieza metódica entre Misas para garantizar su seguridad. Les pedimos no cambiar de lugar, de su asiento asignado, y seguir las instrucciones del ujier/encargado en

todo momento. No proveeremos himnos u otra ayuda para la alabanza. Se les pide llevarse cualquier cosa para la

adoración que puedan haber traído consigo. No se pasarán canastos para la colecta. Las ofrendas se pueden dejar a la entrada, al llegar o al salir (o

puede donar por medio de Faith Direct). Al salir de su banca para recibir la Comunión, siga las instrucciones del lector y ujieres para recibir la

Comunión. Recibirán la Comunión en la mano solamente. Al final de la Misa, el ujier o encargado les dirigirá la salida de la iglesia inmediatamente después de la

Misa. No se permite congregarse o socializar en la iglesia, el nártex o fuera de la iglesia.

Por favor revise el sitio web de nuestra parroquia: o síganos en nuestro facebook: St. Michael Parish Orland Park, para continuas actualizaciones.

Necesitaremos más voluntarios continuamente para recibir a las personas y para la limpieza para estas Misas y otras celebraciones sacramentales. Nuestra capacidad para el incremento de Misas, cantidad de asistentes y agregar horarios para la oración privada depende en tener los suficientes voluntarios para cumplir con la seguridad garantizada que requiere la Arquidiócesis. Ustedes mayores de 65 años, saludables y que no tienen una condición preexistente, pueden ser voluntarios si están dispuestos a tomar el riesgo. Si desean ayudar, por favor vayan a la página web de nuestra parroquia y hagan click en el botón azul que dice Parish Reopening Volunteer Online Form (Voluntarias) o llame a Pat Chuchla en la worship office al 708-873-4652.

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Voice of Saint Michael July 19, 2020

NEED HELP?. For help with problems arising from alcohol Local AA Meetings Go to for meeting locations St. Michael……………………...….Thursday 6 pm St. Julie………Saturday 7:30 pm & Monday 8 pm Alcoholics Anonymous………….708-389-1380 Alcohólicos Anónimos…………..773-847-4843

For help with problems arising from drug abuse Narcotics Anonymous…………...708-848-4884 Divorcios Y Mas Allá……………708-668-5623 CTC- Irma Almanza

Gambling Problems Gamblers Anonymous 1-888-GA-HELPS

Struggling with mental health issues National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Information Helpline……………1-800-950-6264 Emotions Anonymous …………... 708-383-0200

Orland Park Substance Abuse Forum & 708-403-6399

HOPE Employment Ministry Lee Junkans, [email protected] Fred Zeilner, [email protected] 708- 259-1162

Grief Support Sister Marietta…………………….708-873-4635

A Communion Visitor to the homebound/ill Sister Marietta…………………….708-873-4635

Annulment Information Donna McDonough……………….708-349-0903 Clerical Abuse Healing: Reconciliation


Guidance in satisfying excessive and/or past due utility bills and emergency food assistance St. Vincent DePaul Society……….708-873-4669 San Vicente DePaul en Español…..708-349-0903

CTC - Susana Ruiz ext. 506

Dealing with Domestic Violence (physical, emotional, verbal abuse) The Crisis Center……………………708-429-7233 for group support and/or free one-on-one counseling Se habla español

Marital Difficulties Retrouvaille ………………………….800-470-2230 Catholic based support for couples in marital difficulties Holbrook Counseling Center of Catholic Charities (Our Lady of the Woods & St. Stephen) Michele Nowak….…708-586-1365..…312-655-7725 Specialty family and grief counseling Dr. Eileen Fera…………[email protected] Catholic psychologist, Downers Grove Jerry T. Souta……………...708-681-2325 ext 5333 [email protected] licensed behavioral clinician Fr. Bob Rohrich……………………..630-257-9235 MA clinical counseling, Lemont Dr. Jeff Dire………………..……….630-674-4295 Psychologist, Downers Grove Sr. Jude More,LCSW, DCSW, R.N.708-974-3336 x 333 Dr. Paula Jarvis………………...…...630-582-9000 Family & Women’s issues, Downers Grove Fr. Kurt Boras……………………….630-257-4640 Clinical Counseling, Lemont Dr. Greg Rodriquez...………708-845-5500 ext 149 Chicagoland Christian Counseling

If you have difficulty contacting any of these places, please call a member of St. Michael Pastoral Staff who would be happy to talk with you confidentially.

Page 14: St. Michael Parish · 7/19/2020  · St. Michael Parish 14327 Highland, Orland Park, IL —708-349-0903

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000147 St Michael Church (B) For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170

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000147 St Michael Church (A) For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170

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Page 17: St. Michael Parish · 7/19/2020  · St. Michael Parish 14327 Highland, Orland Park, IL —708-349-0903

PARISH OFFICE 14327 Highland Avenue 708-349-0903

Orland Park, IL 60462

Rev. Frank A. Kurucz, Pastor 873-4611 Rev. Geofrey Andama, Associate Pastor 873-4612 Rev. Charlie Plovanich, Associate Pastor 873-4613 Rev. Paul Burak, Retired Priest call parish Rev. William Finnegan, Retired Priest call parish Derek Hooper, Seminarian, [email protected] call parish

Pastoral Associate -4635 Compassionate Ministry, RCIA, Service [email protected] Pat Chuchla, Pastoral Associate 873-4652 Worship Ministries [email protected] Diana Vitela, Business Manager 873-4617 [email protected] Kelly Martinez, Religious Ed. Coordinator 873-4633 [email protected] Paul Smith, Principal of St. Michael School 349-0068 [email protected] Maureen Morrissey, Asst. Principal 349-0068 [email protected] Gary Patin, Director of Music Ministry 873-4627 [email protected] Rose Koch, Youth Minister 873-4650 [email protected] Hispanic Ministry [email protected] 873-4619 DEACONS Tom Bartholomew Tony and Eileen Cocco Colin and Sarah Huie Jim and Sharon Janicek Michael and Donna McDonough Abel and Yolanda Trujillo

Sunday Masses Saturday Evening: 4:30 p.m. & 6:00 p.m. Sunday: 7:30 9:00, 10:30, 12:00, 5:30 p

1:30 p.m.

Weekday Masses: Mon—Fri 6:30 & 8:00 a.m. Monday in Spanish 7:00 p.m. Saturday 8:30 am Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confessions)

Saturdays 3:00 —4:00 pm

Confesion en español: 12:30—1:15 pm los primeros y terceros Domingos de cada mes

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Monday-Friday 9 a.m.—9 p.m. Saturday & Sunday 9 a.m.—7 p.m.

Baptisms: Baptisms are celebrated several Sundays a month at 3 p.m. and at the Noon Mass once monthly. A preparation class is required. 708-349-0903. Weddings: Marriage Preparation required. Call 708-349-0903 to schedule & begin the process.

Parish Office Hours Monday thru Friday 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Saturday 1:00 p.m - 4:30 p.m. Sunday 9:00 a.m. - Noon

Please call or stop by the Parish Office to update your address or to advise you are leaving the parish

Religious Education (Faith Formation) Office Hours Mon and Tues: 1 to 8:30pm Wed: closed Thurs: 1 to 5pm Friday: 9am to 4pm Sat: 8am to noon (on class days) Classes for children ages 5 through 14: Registration is available until classes are full. Registration forms and class schedules are in the narthex and online at under Religious Education.

Educacion Religiosa en espa ol Si usted desea que sus hijos reciban los sacramentos de la confesión , Primera Comunión, y Confirmación en español, debe registrar a sus hijos en las clases de catecismo llamando a la Oficina Parroquial al 708-873-4619. Estas clases se ofrecen en español. Si prefiere las clases en inglés, favor de llamar directamente al 708-873-4633. Bulletin deadline: Fr iday at 9 a.m. a week before the bulletin date. Please e-mail articles, in Word or Publisher format, to [email protected].

Mothers Room -All nursing mothers are welcome to use our Mothers Room during Mass for privacy during feedings. See an Usher or Sacristan for assistance

Can’t Hear in Church? Our built in hearing loop works with most hearing aids. We also have receivers and headphones that work with our built-in hearing loop that can be used by parishioners during Mass. Questions? Contact the Worship Office at 708-873-4652.