st. matthew’s lutheran church · st. matthew’s lutheran church ... the storm of white supremacy...

1 CHURCH COUNCIL NEWS messenger ST. MATTHEW’S LUTHERAN CHURCH SEPTEMBER 2017 Just a few months ago in May we made formal plans to lease our unused space to Kindering. Since then, some great work has been done upstairs and downstairs to create the right space for Kindering. Kindering is a not-for-profit neurodevelopmental center that provides comprehensive therapies and special education for babies and toddlers with special needs and their families. Since 1962, more than 4,000 families have received their support. They have 3 sites – Bellevue, Bothell and now Ren- ton. Working and interacting with Kindering staff to get the space ready has been described by our St. Matthews staff as effortless. We have some key people to thank for getting the building ready: Justin Jensen has helped make the downstairs classroom necessary updates. Upstairs, Bruce Jensen and Vern and Dorothy Francis have made the classrooms ready to serve both Kindering and St. Mat- thews needs. Also, we want to acknowledge people that helped take up the carpet in the nursery, Dave Close, Fritz Brendemihl , Don Jacobson, Sven Lassen, Jim Diffendorfer, Walt Sippel, Dan Will- cocks, Paul Larson, Dave Schmidt, Emma, Regan and Sue Lien, Jon VanderMeulen, TJ Johnston, Gabe Gutierrez and Kacey Hahn. Keep an eye out for a Sunday in early Fall when Kindering will do an open house of the downstairs spaces where we can all see how the children and families will be served. On Sunday, August 6 th , Council gathered for a 2 nd half-day retreat to continue what we started back in May. The focus of this last retreat was understanding how the ministries at St. Matthews relate to our core values. We also continued spending time listening and looking to see how we can foster leader- ship throughout our congregation and to see where the spirit is leading our congregation next. Thank you for continuing to support St. Matthews. Your Church Council, Carter Torgeson (President), Matt Hill (Vice-President), Dana Rollison (Secretary), Jeff Lindgren, Walt Sippel, Connie Mantel, Anthony Bland, Laura Colasurdo, Sarah Hau- er, Pastor Kacey Hahn CARE FOR CREATION & COMMUNITY SUNDAY September 10, 10am On Sunday, September 10 th we will be sharing in ONE WORSHIP outside at 10AM. We will sing, commune and celebrate the many ways God cares for us through creation and community! Follow- ing worship you are invited to stay for two all-congregational service projects, brunch, an intentional walk in the neighborhood, and some outside games! Please call Libby Lucier at the office if you can help with food, service projects or set-up/clean-up. (Libby please add your information)

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Post on 04-Jun-2018




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Just a few months ago in May we made formal plans to lease our unused space to Kindering. Since

then, some great work has been done upstairs and downstairs to create the right space for Kindering.

Kindering is a not-for-profit neurodevelopmental center that provides comprehensive therapies and

special education for babies and toddlers with special needs and their families. Since 1962, more

than 4,000 families have received their support. They have 3 sites – Bellevue, Bothell and now Ren-

ton. Working and interacting with Kindering staff to get the space ready has been described by our St.

Matthew’s staff as effortless. We have some key people to thank for getting the building ready: Justin

Jensen has helped make the downstairs classroom necessary updates. Upstairs, Bruce Jensen and

Vern and Dorothy Francis have made the classrooms ready to serve both Kindering and St. Mat-

thew’s needs. Also, we want to acknowledge people that helped take up the carpet in the nursery,

Dave Close, Fritz Brendemihl , Don Jacobson, Sven Lassen, Jim Diffendorfer, Walt Sippel, Dan Will-

cocks, Paul Larson, Dave Schmidt, Emma, Regan and Sue Lien, Jon VanderMeulen, TJ Johnston,

Gabe Gutierrez and Kacey Hahn. Keep an eye out for a Sunday in early Fall when Kindering will do

an open house of the downstairs spaces where we can all see how the children and families will be


On Sunday, August 6th, Council gathered for a 2

nd half-day retreat to continue what we started back in

May. The focus of this last retreat was understanding how the ministries at St. Matthew’s relate to our

core values. We also continued spending time listening and looking to see how we can foster leader-

ship throughout our congregation and to see where the spirit is leading our congregation next. Thank

you for continuing to support St. Matthew’s.

Your Church Council, Carter Torgeson (President), Matt Hill (Vice-President), Dana Rollison

(Secretary), Jeff Lindgren, Walt Sippel, Connie Mantel, Anthony Bland, Laura Colasurdo, Sarah Hau-

er, Pastor Kacey Hahn


September 10, 10am

On Sunday, September 10th we will be sharing in ONE WORSHIP outside at 10AM. We will sing,

commune and celebrate the many ways God cares for us through creation and community! Follow-ing worship you are invited to stay for two all-congregational service projects, brunch, an intentional walk in the neighborhood, and some outside games!

Please call Libby Lucier at the office if you can help with food, service projects or set-up/clean-up. (Libby please add your information)



Sermon by Pastor Kacey on August 13th 2017

in Response to Events in Charlottesville

Matthew 14: 22-33 (Jesus walking on water)

(Many people have asked for a copy of this sermon. Please note, my written notes are rarely read word for word when I give a sermon. The 8am and 10am services’ sermons always have a different feel and sometimes the content changes as I look up from my notes and let the Spirit lead. This is offered for all who have been out of town these summer months.)

Grace, mercy and peace to you from the God of unlimited grace and fierce, unwavering love…Amen.

Jesus walked the earth and walked on water with a singular, crystal clear purpose…


That’s it. That is the entire point of my sermon today. AMEN. We are done.

But, seriously.

Jesus lived and breathed and shared this liberating love without reservation. Jesus did not follow the power-hungry, cultural cues of his day. INSTEAD, Jesus shared liberating love and acts of healing mercy with the outcast, the foreigner, and the hungry and the easily overlooked. Jesus did not wield rhetoric of exclusion or hate. Jesus did not follow the regular patterns of his day that discriminated against women, and lepers, and adulterers, and the poor.

NO, with every fiber of his being, human and divine, Jesus lived and shared liberating love.

A LOVE that sets people free.

A LOVE that values ALL people regardless of their address, their skin tone, their intellectual prow-ess, their gender, or their preferred language.

A LOVE that speaks the truth.

A LOVE that cares for the whole person…their body and their spirit.

A liberating LOVE that stands in the wake of injustice, opposing the powers of this world that prefer-ence greed over generosity, hate over humility, carnage over compassion.

A LOVE that is willing to die to violence and rise in resurrection hope.

This is the liberating LOVE of God made real in Jesus.

I will say it again…

Jesus walked the earth and walked on water with a singular, crystal clear purpose…

to share the good news of God’s liberating love and transformative grace.

Yes, even the story of Jesus walking out in the middle of a windstorm on the Sea of Galilee is a story of liberating love.

In ancient times, the "sea" symbolized chaos and violence - specifically the chaos and calamities that are caused by a culture that idolizes power over others. The culture Jesus grew up in celebrated dominance measured power by brute, unflinching force. This culture thrived by manipulating the masses and whipping them up with tidal waves of fear.

Pastor Kacey Continued On Page 3


Pastor Kacey Continued From Page 2

And here is the miracle, inside of the miracle. There is more to the story of Jesus walking on water than defying gravity. Metaphorically, the early church and generations of disciples, leaned into the promise that Jesus is able to walk upright in the midst of such a culture of fear and violence – he is able to come to his fear-filled disciples, and yell out. “Have courage. I am. Do not be afraid.” We need to hear this event today.

You see, in Jesus’ day the Roman Empire used fear as one of their primary weapons. The Roman Empire was skilled at using division, pitting one group against another. They used military might to occupy and control their territories and understood that a divided people are easy to control.

Yesterday in Charlottesville, VA we saw the winds of chaos raging again. But, the violence and the hate-filled rhetoric was not random, it was planned, strategized, deliberate. The storm of racism and bigotry has been a part of our American history from the moment immigrants set foot on our shores. The storm of white supremacy has been terrorizing our siblings of color through slavery, the Recon-struction, Jim Crow laws, Japanese internment, and the rise of mass incarceration.

As a called and ordained pastor of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, as a mother, as a wife, as a student of history, and a recipient of privileges I did not earn...

I must say this: The ideology, or you could go even further to say, the theology of white nationalism, neo-fascism, white supremacy and the KKK are not reflective of the liberating love of God and the gospel of Jesus Christ. The tactic of carrying torches and yelling racial slurs and Nazi slogans are intended to stir up fear, so that many of us will stay in the boat and wait out the current storm.

There were leaders within our church, bishops and theologians, who offered this challenge: If white pastors in congregations do not speak out against the hate on Sunday, it is best for them to turn in their resignations on Monday, because the Gospel has no weight and our witness has lost its trac-tion.

I was encouraged by many of my pastoral colleagues who traveled to Charlottesville to silently pray and stand in opposition to the violence. I admire their courage and their willingness to step out in the storm not knowing if they would walk, swim, or fall victim. They knelt and prayed as racial slurs and threats of violence raged around them. They walked on the earth and down the streets and in the midst of this storm holding on to the liberating promise of God’s love on their lips. I am grateful for their courageous witness.

Now, I must confess, I do not personally know a white supremacist. I think. But, the winds of racism and white supremacy swirl around me everyday. Just this week, I had a man share with me, whose primary language is Spanish, that the place that he has received the most racism is the church. Two days ago, I was in the bulk foods section of WinCo. Oh, how I love bulk foods! I was in the aisle be-hind three women with two carts. They were dressed in brightly colored head scarves and were chatting away in an unfamiliar language to me. They must have been preparing for a wedding feast or a huge family reunion. They were loading huge bags of rice and flour into their carts. A man stood behind me, waiting to pass by. I apologized that I was in the way. He looked at me in disgust and said, “Oh you are not the problem” as he glared at the women. I heard him mumble under his breath disdain for the three women who were in front of us.

Racism is everywhere, in our communities, in our churches, in our stores and in us. The storm of power and privilege and fear rages around us. So much so, that a young man, who is just a kid, 20 years old, drove into a crowd of counter protesters yesterday. He killed one woman and injured many others. It is all so tragic. Was he fed this hate from an early age? Did his parents condone his thoughts and his friends just look away? The seeds of what we think about others is potent with pos-sibility…it can drive us to love and include or it can drive us to kill and justify violence.

In times like these, Martin Luther King, Jr. spoke of liberating love, that is stronger than any wind-storms of hate. He once said: “Love is creative and redemptive. Love builds up and unites; hate tears down and destroys. The aftermath of the ‘fight with fire’ bitterness and chaos, the aftermath of the love method is reconciliation and creation of the beloved community...Yes , love-

Pastor Kacey Continued On Page 4



Tuesdays, 7-8:15pm

8 Weeks Beginning September 26

The sacred writings that inform our faith are very important to us. People look to them for answers. We become defensive if someone seems to attack them or interpret them differently from us. We do in fact refer to them as the Word of God. In other words, we believe God is speaking to us through them.

Have you ever wondered how it is that the wonderful and mysterious words of God have come to be contained in the book we know today as the Holy Bible? We will do a brief overview of the Old and New Testaments and how they are related. The majority of our time will be focused in more detail on how the New Testament has developed and how that guides the meaning it has for us today. We expect this will be a time of interesting exploration, deepening understanding and a fun time of learn-ing.

Primary Resource – Marcus Borg: Evolution of the Word

Discussion Leader – Delmas L. Luedke

which means understanding, creative, redemptive goodwill, even for one’s enemies-is the solution.”

This is the liberating love that Jesus calls us to embody. I am thankful we are living into our welcome statement as a congregation, “St. Matthew’s is a passionate, imperfect community of Christ. We boldly affirm ALL people regardless of culture, age, ability, story, skin tone, sexual orientation, gen-der identity or political persuasion. We trust in the ridiculous love of God that shows no partiali-ty. When our unique identities are used to divide or hurt us, we are committed to reconciliation and healing, so that justice, grace and inclusion continue to be our way of life.” I am also thankful for the many opportunities we have had and will continue to share around growing our cultural competency. This fall we will once again offer a class called, “How to Talk to Your Racist Uncle.” We all need to take it, because this is the storm we find ourselves in and Jesus is coming to us saying, “Take heart, it is I; do not be afraid.”

And in the midst of all of this we are called to remember: Jesus walked the earth and walked on wa-ter with a singular, crystal clear purpose…to share the good news of God’s liberating love and trans-formative grace. May we get out of the boat and follow! Amen.

In God’s Liberating Love, Pastor Kacey

Please look for a special letter coming to your house in the next two weeks with updates about Kindering and our new St. Matthew’s staff!

Pastor Kacey Continued From Page 3


Beginning September 13

Come enjoy conversation, learning and connection every Wednesday afternoon. The coffee will be hot and just like magic, every week there seems to be treats! Our first Wednesday afternoon will be on September 13

th in the Conference Room.


Adult Faith Formation will begin on Sunday morning between services 9:15-9:50pm. Grab a cup of coffee and dive into some engaging conversation and learning in the Conference Center.

Topics for September :

September 17 | The Art of Forgiveness

September 24 | The Dance of Connection (how to keep relating to people when they are rude, obnoxious, or annoying)




An intentional faith focused experience that at Saint Matthew’s has typically started as students enter the 8

th grade (but some choose to attend earlier or later). BIG NEWS!!! Beginning this year, BOTH

7th AND 8

th graders are invited and encouraged to participate in Confirmation ministry! Classes,

worship, retreats, meals, service, fun-it’s all part of the experience! Contact Nicole at [email protected] to get connected and obtain registration materials.

Confirmation Family Dinner & Orientation (for the whole family!) Tuesday, September 19 at 6pm


Once again there will be faith practice opportunities for all ages (even adults!). Join us each Sunday at 9:15am for learning experiences that will enhance the worship theme for the day. Through inno-vative and engaging curriculum from Sparkhouse Publishing, children age 3 through 12

th grade will

explore stories with Bible reading and creative activities. Come for playful discovery rooted in church life. You’ll find snacks, friends, fun, and more! All children and youth, whether new or re-turning participants should register to help keep our records up to date. See the included registra-tion form (page 6) today or register online at!


Sunday, September 24, 4-7pm

Renton Meal Coalition provides food for Renton’s most vulnerable people. Join us in providing food and service on Sunday, September 24 from 4-7pm. ALL youth are encouraged to participate and we need adult support too. Contact Jeff Wolcott or Nicole VanderMeulen to get involved.


And it was all possible with the help of our fantastic volunteer team who helped feed lunch to up to 35 kids (plus adults!) five days a week this summer. A huge thank you to the Johnston Family, Lind-

sey Laktasich, Janet Regge, Ed Corker, Aide Gutierrez and Betty Schooling.


Children’s Storytime at Luther’s Table will be back starting in late September. Join the read, create, playdate Facebook group to get connected or contact Nicole at [email protected]


Sunday, September 10, 1-4pm at The Lien’s House

All Youth grades 6-12 are invited. We’ll have the football game on, sport court with pickle ball gear available, snacks, and more. Come hang out!




Join us for a potluck brunch on Saturday, September 16 at 10:30am. Bring a dish to share and

come for some fun social gathering and connecting. Let Pat Lee know if you will attending 703-856-


NEW Season at the 5th Avenue Theatre:

September 28 | Something Rotten

November 2 | Ragtime

December 21 | Berlin’s Holiday Inn

February 22 | Mama Mia

April 26 | Kiss Me, Kate

June 21 | Hunchback of Notre Dame

We attend the Thursday matinee at 1:30pm. If interested in joining Pat and friends, please contact

her for reservations at 703-856-8498


Wednesdays Beginning September 6

ZUMBA IS BACK!! Zumba, (a workout class that functions more like a party) is a fitness class that combines Latin dance moves with a cardio exercise routine. In addition we will be adding Zumba Toning which keeps Zumba's essence while focusing on strength training the arms, abs and thighs. Classes are on Wednesdays at 7pm. Our first class will be Wednesday, Sept 6th, where we will concentrate our first session on learning some of the basic steps used in Zumba. Questions call An-gel Swanson at 253-273-1260


St. Matthew’s has a beautiful campus, but it is becoming a bit crowded in certain areas. Rather than

dispose of viable materials, we are planning an “adopt-a-shrub” event for Saturday, September 23rd

and Sunday, September 24th. We are hoping to have Viburnum davidii and Spirea for sunny areas,

as well as some rhododendrons and azaleas for shaded areas.

WHAT WE NEED: Energetic helpers with shovels on Saturday morning to help dig, ball &

burlap the shrubs. Volunteers will be able to adopt a shrub on Saturday, and the remainder will be

available to take home after church on Sunday. The quantity of available shrubs will depend on the

size of the work party, but estimates are about 15-20. Adoption on Sunday is open to friends, neigh-

bors, etc.

QUESTIONS? Contact Amy Roberts – [email protected], Walt Sippel [email protected], or Jim Diffendorfer- [email protected] or consult the new Yardbird information on the wall in the narthex!

LOOKING AHEAD: Rake & Prune events are currently scheduled for Sunday, October 22 and

Sunday, December 3. ** The Seahawks schedule was consulted before scheduling these events.

Officials have ruled that there is no interference** SEE YOU THERE!


Planned YTD Income: $304,295

Actual YTD Income: $278,997

Planned YTD Expenses: $315,170

Actual YTD: Expenses: $297,835

Actual YTD Balance = 18,838



How might God be calling you to help serve in new, important ways? Interested? Call Libby or Pastor Kacey at 425-226-2420

+ Sunday Morning Flowers: We are in need of one more person to serve on a small team to provide fresh flowers on the altar in memory of loved ones and special occasions. We have one person who would love to share in this important ministry with you!

+ Funeral Coordinator: St. Matthew’s is in need of 1-2 people who would like to serve as a funeral coordinator. The role provides comfort and hospitality for grieving families. Responsibilities include: arranging reception (table clothes, napkins, plates, lemonade and desserts), setting up the sanctu-ary if there are flower donations, setting out baskets for cards, working with Pastor Kacey on other logistics. The funeral coordinator is given an honorarium for their service.

+ Early Sunday Morning Host: Are you an early riser? Willing to come in at 7am to prepare the space for worship on a regular basis and make the first batch of coffee? We are in need of 1-2 regular volunteers who can help us get ready for the 8am worship service!

Heads Up on this year's Bazaar!!

Can you believe it? We are still in the middle of summer for goodness sakes! But, not too early as a reminder to get working on that item(s) you plan to donate for the raffle and/or the Arts and Crafts part! Saturday, November 18th will be here before we know it! We will once again feature a raffle, outside vendors selling their wares, lefse making, soup lunches, bake sale, arts and crafts and pic-tures with Santa Claus who is already making plans to be there. We will NOT be having a grannie's attic this year. Perhaps one or two of you would be willing to plan a lot rummage sale/junk in a trunk this fall or next spring for those that have used items to sell or give away. Again, we will NOT be having Grannie's Attic this year!



Sunday, October 1

On Sunday, October 1st we will be celebrating the life and legacy of Saint Francis of Assisi, the Patron Saint of animals. You are welcome to bring your pet to worship for a special blessing! If you can't bring

them to worship, you are welcome to bring a picture, leash, or anything that reminds you of your special


Blessed are you, Lord God, maker of all living creatures.

You inspired St. Francis to call all animals his brothers and sisters.

We ask you to bless this animal. By the power of your love,

enable them to live according to your plan. May we always praise you

for all your beauty in creation. Blessed are you, Lord our God, in all your creatures!




St. Matthew’s Lutheran Church

1700 Edmonds Ave NE Renton WA 98056


Facebook Page: St. Matthew’s Lutheran Church


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Renton, WA 98055

Permit No. 108


Kacey Hahn | Pastor, [email protected], 425.226.2420 x115

Libby Lucier | Community and Communications Coordinator, [email protected], 425.226.2420 x110

Nicole VanderMeulen | Children, Youth & Family Director, [email protected], 425.226.2420 x103

Lacey Brown | Worship and Faith Curator, [email protected], 425.226.2420

José de Los Santos | Facility Manager, 425.226.2420

Dave Holzboog | Interim Bookkeeper, 425.226.2420 x117

Susan Kriesel | Senior Choir Director, 425.226.2420

The church office will be closed on Monday, September 4, in observance of Labor Day.