st. mary's gazette (leonard town, md.) 1864-05-26 [p...

tWNTHWBY’S GAZETTE UOWAID TOWH MO. j Thursday moaning, mat m, mm liMwnrtln StcU rnrnfrH— v~ f W nc foe! several F# Jfoaincqgticj pipen la than jtSmHE ari h#f rail for a State Convention of the Dsmo*| •rH party, to oeef on the) Mt of Jan# to aqitelr Jlo)cM9aa to the* 4th of Jaly noli. A eall has Wo-made j for the eitiosM of Carroll Couniy Co a*-1 aeoibla la maaa ameling to aelret county ; delegates, but do mom* baa beet) made ia aa j other county, eo for aa we have seen. We thiak it highly important to the iuten sta at the State that the Democratic party; should Cm thoroughly reorganized through- j wt iU limit.. nd UiMjhg ¦THU and aCTy represented ia the Chicago ! generation. Oar,only means of freeing ? - curatives from the fanatical dogmas that hare * uaminy/jr gained tic aacuideucy owtt tie people of iI.U Stale, is in rallying *lk *ndrj of ibr Demoeruis parly, ita principle*. far and vide, vpd hfVWnittg them with *ecess at the election next Rail. V) kbpa Ip ace the hall pul in motion i throughout tha state, and especially in this wiitHot, and the example of Carroll oounty * followed hy her sister counties. '•IB .1 ! -i—— 1-.-*.- •uppiaariaa' ef the World and doom! VJ * ofCoMMerce. Unite nn exeilmneat has been lately iprodttoad in New York city, by the foili- lary suppression of the above named pa- The publicati^o,of * forged prla- malVoo was the ground for military intcr- feraace. and the subsequent discovery of 3 the forgaf haa beea the menus of restoring 1 both Journal* t* tho position fftriUmsly | oeeupiod.nnd to the full confidence, wo j presume, of the Federal authorities. One’ Joseph Howard, city editor of the Brook- )yo£*yfr. is the author af all this mis- 4 chief, and by hit own confession he stands convict of the record. The reported * uaosa of his offence was a desire to reoov- 1 up largo sums that had bees lost In stock J gambling, whilst a reputed fondness for 4 ‘joking” ia offered iu extenuation. But the fwd remains jpt to be told, Mr. Houhrd has been connected with both the Tribute and the Times, is a Republican in polities and an “active member of Mr. ffiaaaltnr*s ©hutch, cf which his father is idwewr He has been consigned to Kbn and wa trust ho vffi re main there. -If hia past associations have laught hfca a# better morals, wo regard him aa lost byyond tedcinptiun. We can only ipitjp the poor ‘‘rebel*” in tho Fort, wiq stray ba compelled to keep hia eom- P*hf. w i Thh Convention* We publish (sdij sMb proceedings of the Coawantkm aa have reached us. The various Committee* have commenced re- porting, and thp regular basins* of (he Convoptiop .may ha mid to have oots- P9OT-. The minority om to irmly ¦laid their ground; albeit, their oppoueols preashi 'form and well disciplined ranks. TW sessiofi will probably bo ihc reault of it will likely be adverse to cue news. i We are satisfied, however, A '* that efcr representatives will accomplish what they can, and more meat not bo ex- )e)df from them. One man uauaot out votniwo, however much ha be their snpe- rier.cilher morally or intellectually. We nifiat. therefore, prepare ourselves to abide (he will of the mrieskv, bo ife what it may. as cp> ¦ . CONGRESS —Tkj leeliD, ia ihU body I. •tiU fierce and warlike, and a determine tioulu vigoroaaly proaeoute the war seems the controlling influence at work. More men must U raised, end more taxea lev- ied tosupport them. Beyond this late de- nuiiswutiiw ef temper, nothing new hat occurred. Congress, indeed, seems to have donrluded that the grasiml barioeac of tbeojuntiy ia war. ami has, aooaequently, dissawdif bM matter* of -ekril import from the National Councils .*UV ' ¦ 11 ' a* ~ ~ Daily Constitutional U man.* This la the only Democratic paper pub- lished In Washington city, and deserves *k# support of all ndroertee of Democratic principles. A*, we believe, the Demasrat- ic party Is the only mesne of saving tha uountry from aUor destruction. Ike diffusion of genuine Domoerame principles among (ha people Is a matter of great im- portonfo . That they may folly under- stand the queetinoa at iane in the Preri- dcntial But foU, Tu ndvme (beepsl aafr raudewy who wish a thorough- eughly Deuiooratie eonsarvativa paper, *rnd*ft# 0m fkitiNMl/niom It h imMiSrfVTs.mL & Fammimn **. •I eight dollars a year. The weakly issue can bated at Ido dollars a year. i*U> . <sJT, ai^ff—- TagOmiwwiunos tUm-A ÜBl has bean mtraduaed In foe United Si-lea Oen- ate to mpaal (he fofua hundred deOar w©m- u,utati*nn|aum dflhn rwuctliasut act. The right, i. hseswer, r U imuhh eubatltutas U % be retained. r - ? " Jfosuw sirt el*** ¦ ¦ ' LJ: ¦ : Danth efCm B 1-Hcntfo {i DitU. at bis radiem, iu this county, on Friday, the l*k Instant. CO. Dmw- dht I. Heard, aged about Id years. Tbs < d, ceased was a member ffljw old Whig i Patty, and followed the its gif- ji4-; all who know him. His vote Upon the, “eight million bill,** whilst representing this coufoy ia the State legislature, ren- dered him. for e time, a subject for parti- san osusure and acrimonious eritidam: but i his known steHing integrity ef charaeter and purpose placed him above the dm of party, and elevated bin to a; position “it which the poisoned shafts of envy strove in /alii to attaie Hut temporary and short- lived was this warfare upon him. Hi* sUsppmnta and vQKfiem teamed to love and rerpeet hint, and many soon loudly (ppbaded kU fMUiieal firfon. don* baas iujnstio* in tho hmtad eamhst; , when resaou rmumed its mray, they eeuld but seek km fitrgiuenem. At a member of the Orphan's Court of thin county, Cul. Heard acquired much celebrity. With a mind wedded to justice, aad fur-aeetog and diserimiiMtiug io ill character, he fil[ed this most important of our local public trusts in a manner that elicited the couiajeudatioa and reaped of all who held official intercourse with him. He was the orphan and the widow’s ear- nest protector, and tho injured never sought his assistance in vain. , |n tho lad mar with Great Britain, Col Heard was imong the first to take up arms from tMi county to repel the aggressions of the ruthless invader. Io every impor- tant fight upon the soil of hia native State, he urns an active and soeloue jpartietpaiit, and W closed his military career at North Point, battling aobfy beside foe citizen defenders of ftdtiaMtf* J 4 ( Of him it may bw truly arid, be Ml ho enemy behind him. A devout member of the Homan Catholic Church, tie conformed strictly io its every requirement,, and he sunk, to rest like out who quietly foUs a- sleep wader the influence of the fatigue of an over-l”Dg journey. For him, pod i such as him. life shall prove eterual. tils 1 Chridiau charities and pious examples . remain monuments of ha true worth. 1 and | wo remember him not as one of os, but as 1 one above us. Let us drop a tear upon his grave and continue to ehertidi aiuL t revere his memory, that the exempt* of hh good j deeds may not be lost upon us. . tribute or anrscz- . At a meeting of the“Saiot Mary’s Read- ing Room and Debating Society held on Thursday evening Inst.tbe following resolu- tions w;re offered by C. G. Stone, sod unanimously adopted: U’jb/mu, It has pleased an all-wise Providence to take from us cur esteemed friend, Horace C. Fenwick, tale a member of this Association, and we have heard with unfeigned sorrow of bis sudden end unexpected demise, therefore, be It RemU/d, That wa sincerely lament the dispensation which has summoned from our midst a brother, who was not less dis- tinguished for his devotion to the interests of this Sbriety. than for Hie sterling integ- rity and marked courtesy which ever char- acterised him in hia tateroouraa with h fellow members. ReeoUed, That we deeply sympathise with the parents and relatives of the deoeaa. ed in their aad affliction and bereavement, and as a token of respect to (he memory of tho deceased, foal this Society do no# ad- journ. RetUvtd, That soapy of these resolu- tions be uest to foe parents of the deceased, and that they be pubtiabed in the Saint Mary's Gazette. RQBT.C. COMBS. PiWt, W. Ouvsa Romoh, See’y. The lews- During the past few day* nothing offi- cial has len received from either Grant or Butler. The former, nt latest accounts, was steadily advancing ia foe dareptien of Richmond, and repast locales hia advafoa four mtkn South af Mattaponaz church, which is several miles la advance of & obi position. Since Wednesday aad Thursday last, no fighting is reported and the angageamato that were then fenght were bat heavy skirmishes, when com- pared with the former combats that have ensued. , On Wednesday, foe attack wan made hy Gusatamd un Thursday by Lee. On Friday, Grant made a general advance end found the enemy miaring. Heavy ar- tillery firing has bran heard here during the pert two or form days,aa the direc- tion of the old hufchft field, bat whether Lee is mill retreating, or has coma to n stand and oferad battle, is aifoply apm-for for conjecture. Cur mrehaaget give wa aotfaing, whatever, of this weak** opera- tions. and II any he, fort heavy eug>|- asents have been fought and yet. remain to be reported. The tone t 4 the fojahmimd . U hapefai apan for quasi tea-af mrit rtf foartfnggfela Vk-'; - giuis. anti! io the (ms An* 4tlw pmMy their kala TWt fcrtit fnm foga. rfSli r be tod toea bearilj engaged with tie | throughout the day. amt ba final result : has not bee j officially regprted. In the \ previous fighting. Gea |teder suffered bwfiljf. md t laa lii6#k <pv4iMP tod by tbe Government ocgpaa. Richmond gagers Beauregard# lomfijgp likewise heavy, bat aa oattssate b giiwa. •. Bbtbr baa# retrenched on the Jaa, sad bb monitors are reported to ha ..aaoing Tort Darling. fib bj aativdv operating agaiaat Aa PatefAHS. j [ aaFfcanvilfiT Horn of A* muio t tody of bb la aav be acting briefly oa Iht defensive. Resets from Northern Georgb shew that Jubaston b t 3! retiring before Shar- tea* wha it reported to be pushing for-' ward bb columns la Aa direction of Attea-tl to. Room Km been accjmgd by one of Sherman's coluuni, being made aa waa anliripalsdL It b now' Auught that Aa great struggle will cone ' of at Atlanta, aa, it b supposed, JAaaloo Ui hardly retreat farther. There hat j been considerably fighting along Aa rente, and JohsaKm claims ta hare “infected ae-' rare lon upon the enemy” Sherman's; forces are estimated 80,(100 by era press. but no apprehensions are pressed La regard to hb movements. 'lf Georgb ah ail ha thoroughly occupied, however, a great Mow will certainly have been dn|| the Confederate Government. Wo. think Aa lorn of Yirgiaia could searoa- )y prove greater * Loto v aatidttgenae boa Aa Bad River Aawa Ait Ibaka baa evacuated A'cup* Cuin. f/octer bus saeapoded in the greater porliea of bis fieet Official reports from Kirby Smith show that ha bar handled Ranke quite roughly If wc way even partially credit bb tUla- uientf, ‘-Right thousand kilted:amd aw—- ded. aix Asassad prisoners. thirty- fear pbcaa of artillery. twelve bundled wig- on*, ana gunboat, and three tranfpartat” are churned aa Aa Craita af bb lib claimed at AaSauA Aat Gen. Steele last bb entire wagon train, and Apt Price and Marmaduke are warehiag on Little Hook. The latter place, however, is strong- ly fortified, and: will probably be (told - gainst the united force*. Stooe our last publication, we have Aa report of fight is the SbeoaadoA Vsltey> in wbbh.3igrl waa encountered by Brack- aaridga and driven across Aa Shenandoah River. Sigel lost aeveial handrail nun and five pieces of artillery. He baa sauce been removed. Breckemridge’s drain aod Hoke’s brigade ara reported to have reinforced Lee. Steamete have lately arrived rope, hat they bring no news of iaapgr* teggg n f Gold b now quoted at 181 Inlß3. 1,1 flpaeoh of Him- Banj G- Harris- Wa hare received from tbe Hon. B. G. Harris, oar Representative io Oongreaa, a number of An Daily CmdUmtumai Qab, containing the late speech aa Aa Missouri, can teat ad Election ease. Owing to the late hour at whieh tbe speech was received, jre art unable to publish it Ab week, lint wa give below the comments of Aa Unim which ara a bar review of the speech, and show the manner io which Nr< Harris is treated by Aa opposition in Congress. We bore to ha able to lay U hi fall before out readers nest weak. From, ike Daily ComdAmHomU Union qf the ISA tint., ANOTHER SPEECH PROM THE HONORABLE BENJAMIN G. HAR- ' HIS. Oa the 9th of May, the Hoaae had un- der consideration the Mbaouri Contested Election Case, la the eounp of Ac de- bate. which was very pointed, the Hon. H. Winter Paris, of Maryland, submitted some remake in whieh he attempted to show Ant every act of violence at the polls us Us diatrbt was directly chargea- ble to Ae Pamasralb party, and not tohb political friaadag and farther oa he sprite of Ex-G o Manor Ligoa, of Maryland, A a "tnukrJ a*• ’>• - ' i. 1 At tbs dose sf his speeah the Hda. Mr. Harris rasa, and bwtaally every aye' W the Hall waa riveted open him. lib a well-known feet to Aa oppmitiaa, that bb courage banal to any enttogeocy. and that ha never neutralises Aa tosea of hb well ahatew assrimsaW by giving expres- fttoa la Asm to weak words. The House seemed to fori skat Mr. Daria had ftdrified history, sad that hb exposure wreM he complete aMb bands of Mr. Harris-; 1a hb general aflhcttoa fib hb entire Asia, ha aoald net forbear to reaterk in apaoieg. that MamaA wants had aa right ta am* n riar apoe Baltimore ally for tor Flag Ugly caoraafitisa as ladg aa Aa dkarVad rawtote f Matmtßreadtet foA jp-hEw* ker Hill, nor so long as the memory of her “Him” eommittre tor to^Ac SSwersw Ligoa was a “teritor.”. And Han by laying that to declined to make aay reply ta tto “unworthy member” from I Maryland, though it mads for a m fort , the “aatbtukiog bughit inspired among the mm thoughtful of NcJLtovb*. grilHaal friends a foaling that to csfH| from prodaatog Ae ea*jtopW|ato^j - acorn mS|<ragtofapt a fHgfcmum " [view kjnepa cubjA. AgM IwSjy ; sot n? tim > ntemtor** uvideaea an aaeawatef any apin- Jan hi ewlartaiaed of bb worthitoailjw Waaai Alaaaa, hat to wan*ed it la }*lcr to agjripsa ate tore to defend himself and thea pßxeedi ug io a coot and calm and deliberate meaner, to |woaoaaael 1% wunhl charge a citisea tb gmlty cf the hbhest crime known to tto bw of tto bod nod >** rxbiMt the prwf. fas poAtog b Asm a dam*term-: Tto rapt Mr. -Harris, hern nlh.-d him to order —Ant Ac ehargl was again repeated, and Mr. Darts seams without sufficient manli- ness to exculpate bimseif. - Mr. Harris, la hb tymeh, jpwa m to show Aat Mr Paris uevtir enjoyed any public trust as aAfideae*. exaept by | fraud and vMwec aoutbined; jmd that i three Umca be to* come into tto Hoaae by i Ae sml of Ac blutigeou and dagger of the ! Flag UngUca. p goes ou to review, iti ' a style Aat reflects little credit upon (be ' Generals earn mantling the Middb Dcpart- I ment, the recent ebaA'us io Narybati. bht so far as to was cunaernpd be auuhl fsay Ant to had been ablq to overcome.all ; his enemies Wc have not space to ena- ' merate all Ac strong potuU made by Mr. 1 Harris. Wo invite the attention of our readers to tbe spaceh. It comes from a gentleman who baa deeply suffered iu hb estates by Ae rebellion, end from one who truthfrity feels all that ba expresses. Hinee Congress has fiuuilisrixad bb asate' llTough >ut the whole country by prifcttig a npolutiun of censare ou him for wards spoken iu debate on a former occa- sion, anything now falling from bb laps on the affairs of tto nation will bo eager- ly read. 5 lb his personal appcarauoe Ate- Harris p a true typq of Aa douAern gen- Hetnao—tail; straight, active, with a kibe frame, sharp, gray eyea. sod that resolute, determined air khieh merits the aw of Brond Hndlge and courtly manners. He a * rapid and Impassioned speaker, yet never lose* sight of hb subject. He speaks extempore, yet with flubbed method and exactness. Hb ideas ara clothed with -foraafM and beautiful Isugnage, yet it springs spontaneously from his well-culti- vated mind. Ha b a brave mau. one of tbe few who dare utter their sfntimeola in tto fees of dvspatua. Wo especially di- rect attention to hb closing remarks- - . ;*•" : 1 ft lU*"*: —V Maryland Cawtßutiona! CoaTention- _ V1 j * AsNsroLis May 20. The Cuuvention met —-present 76 members. * Mr. Purnell <dferad a rnaotottoo that no PfmW atoll toteafter receive any per dUm during bb absenae from the Convec- tion. except from illacm ot nnavoidabh- ooenrreace. ke.. which ties over. Mr. Markuy offered aa order that the Commit tea an tto Judiciary inquire into the .expediency of changing or amending the testamentary system in eases where i testator toa devised bb property to hb executors, la to sold, or haa directed bb real estate to to sold by bis executors for tto payment of debts sad legacies, or fiw any other purpose, so as in the event of tto death of both executors or tto surviv- ot. or death of u sob executor, to give power la <to Orphan's Court of the county or city of Baltimore, where letters testa- mentary have toes graoced, ta appoint an administrator, dr Immh mm. with the will annexed, and invest bias with power to sell such real estate, and administer Ae pruepsds according te the will of the tea- lalor. Alter nnnsidarahia discussion by Messrs. Bruooe, Junes of Somerset, Schley, Berry of Prince George’s, Daniel, Santis and Mai key, Aa order waa adopted. Mr. Clarba offered Ae folbwiag: * Ordered, That Aa Committee on the Legislative . Depart moot to instructed to inquire into tto expadbaey of incertiag tbe followiug articles in tto Coascitutioa : 1. No free negro or free mulatto Aril coma. Into or settle Iu Ab State alter Ac adoption of Ab Constitution. 2. AU contracts made with any free ne- gro or free mulatto earning into this State, contrary to Aa provision of tto prvaeadiag aactaoa, shall be anil aad void, aud any person who Aril employ auA free negro or free mulatto, or otherwise eoooursge him or tor to rwnria in Ab State, Aall be fined in a sum not leas Asa fifty dollars nor more than five hundred dollars for each, offence. 8. AU fines wfaiA may ba aslleeted for a violation of tto provision* of Ab article or any bw which aray hereafter to poaaod, for Ac purpose of carry lag tto aaote Into execution, shall to oat apart aad appro- priated for tto ooioaiaatloa or removal be- yond Aa iwfiteaf the Stale of such free asgroaa ami muUtloas and ttoir deaoen- danta. aa may to ia to Slain at tbe adop- tioa of AU Constitution, aad amy be wS- *• u. Adi power, aad it b hereby made Ae duty Athe aaate, io pass aU ftawa anaamaiy to riodiailytb prerbinas of Ab i Mr. Sands spoke hi apposition to Am order. Paodtag tto dissuade*. An order r A tto day waa called, being the uufiabh A business of y teetday. upon An repart A tto Cotetebtea aa Rates fee Aa ffsvara- meat AAa Cteivaatina.a luh- - The rates wire dboasted at teagA aad I TwaSalina wjiaiamlteriM'M —r * |J Uf [ Amraui, May 19. ( Tto Oewreatiow Xteak* fit i Thaonkr AMrJ phsrka presufrA id- -1 j tei da j prapmmg m- a* ¦ aariwdmeat'tr tto *i iMuiiUßi 1 aUI ohm iato or toUlo n Ai* AtaM oftor iWoJMin<ribU hi mirnim." _ Ukfß ap. Mr. Abbott oppood lb* order ana offered mnn iaril. ' *}&**• torey|jgthmt.n with the twSßUoas ]Mr. Clarke mid tbo wrier dH nt oop- CMptoe the removal of any colored. . fer- >n from the Stole. and there wculd totll] Um& about 160,000 colored pejufud The tree nignn ¦ in the eouodcn . and do now carry off scores of steef end ] ' tfllMit'h of tubaoeo. Ac , tftSatv. mad then pat themselves under* the prohetomw of the military authorities. | and om. u t Baltimore city, where their me mmfiucd t<i stealing a Mb* j tie ham and bacon. Ac , amfwhere they i b:id aa eieioot police to protect aoeiety. , lw M ** i '‘llrCwkfac, rf BaJiioxW* ekj, mqaind irir ££2 ir^/^ToXS Slate*, oi wbexheexfeehnm(donwjor- nly. ooabl he permitted toretorn iftk*. propositions presented werV adopted, ole. Ur. Clarke stated the! the propositions were open to toy amendments, eta. Mr. Edelea, of Charles, addressed the convention in favor of the propositions. Mr. Daniel said this was not the proper time U disease the propositions. They would necessarily ouyae op acdl. Me should vole for the reference of say pro- positions which were respectful, to its ap- propriate committees, etc. Mr. Abbott asked the members from Prance George’s county If there was not mac danger from the clam of people in- cluded in his amendment. The gegroes might steal a sheep, bat the others would steal a hone or born a house, etc. Mr. Clarke offered an amendment, "in- cluding all those now living north of Mason and Dixon’s line.** He said that the ; groat question w<*ald have to b* settled by { the sword, and not by legislation. Mr. > Abbott accepted the aiueu Jmaut. Ur. dense, of Somerset, said ft had i been the settled policy of the State for half a cent ary to exclude (he dess of popula- tion named hhn the Stale. Mr. Schley, of Frederick, said it was in isvor of referring any and all MOgges- tmnamOdb to committees, without debate. Ho offered the Mlowiug ameodmoot: "Ifalece goad free - negro or mulatto boa Federal soldier in tbs service of the United iHtateo, or tte brought into the State hy the authority of the Uailod States.” M. Clarke said he had no objection to the am rod meat Sfr. Marbury suggested a matter of In- quiry for the omumittee "to except the negroes who have left the State.”* The previous question wes called and ; jmslaii.ed. and the amendment U Mr. Abbott, with the amendment of Ur Ohsrbo accepted hy Mr. Abbott, wasrv- jeeled. The vote recurred upon the original proposition of Mr. Clarke, and the motioa to refer it to the jadieiary committee was adopted. The order al the day being the report of the commit toe on the declaration of rights, was postponed mitH Monday at 1 o’clock Mr. Thomas, of Baltimore, offered ah 1 order that the committee on the Legisla- tive Department he requested to tnquiru into the expodiency of exempting from ex- ecution the property of n debtor to (bo amount of $500; adopted :Mr. Audoun offured the following order: That the committee nn the elective fran- chise inquire into the expediency of ffesert- . ing the following article in the cotistitn- . (ion: "That every person who has in any manner aided in the present rebellion against 'the government of the United Slates, aught to be forever disqualified sad rendered incapable to bold or exor- cise within this State any office f profit or tract, civil or military. or to vote at any election in this Stale.” Adopted. * Mr. Thomas, ef Baltimore city,- offered an order that the comptroller bo frqietoed to furnish the Convention with % statement of the amount of stack held and owned by tbe State of Maryland in the several rail- roads end other works of internal improve- ment, specifying the amount held in each company or and what propor- tion of said stow is represented by direc- tory, and also the amount of interest doe on said stock. Adopted. Mr. Hatch, of MaUhnose city, offered an order that the following be referred to ibe legislative committee; “That the faith of the Statu shall never be pledged for works of internal improvement or any other tax. except wbat is necessary for ¦the support of the government or to sup- press insurrection or repel invasion.” Adopted. Tbe Convention adjourned until Mon- . . DIKD. On the 19th instant, after an iHites* of ten days, of typhoid fever, Nellie H. Bla- , histone. Two weeks before thy dying day. Whan health and atieagtit wave thine Death whisper’d net in warning Inocs, **nse ash amd thou art sum.” ltd virions af the shroud and pall. Mast'd than thy fife’s young dream, No Hmdews of tbe daik, dark grave, Dimm’d thy star of Hupe’s bright gleam. Thy future then Mivawl foil toMim,— If from Phsctt’i oup tluasver iewsy- If to be Wd, amass'd sad might. To mortall happiness haw ape; i Thine wnsnu envtsUslst my lamented frfeud, f Tbs* dart thy day |wemWme thy sodl OBITUARY. Tens of thousands fall, nay, hundred* of thousands have fallen, nod the nations tu- folcc. Ay, even sulighteusd, bat aflfiab | Kor ope smiles nog gUple over the horrid ! carnival ofbfood, and death and mangled I bodies. ’Tie the emme. Bat eur Nellie ! left ns, and we weep. We weep; Jeans Wept In sympathy, with Mary and Martha. > Net at the death of launu, for he knew \ he could and feoid restore the dead Lax- . ¦> ihminen, St*. * m wm t -,A MO l 5 .\:*A *0 - I i -C . = and lament ns did the w*s4 Ftwlmie* Israel at the hws ef his ton AWnfe*,, la hi* agony of brort he cried. "OwymT p Absalom. my sen. my m.* 1 (WMf Or *l*. iL, slraHS OavifMHpii (Ml who knew awl INPv And as the last sot* of k ImsiiibffiOTlSfel’s lalkby int its vibratim ‘UtMBbtM. her l'..W ..ok £ od||> .Oiilr Nelhe s eartbly tab*marie ! rsats, slssps In ffi mother Btrth 1 ***KlSb*V?' *• •Pi- nt mrjdNro Heavenly Ch-w, j chant eternally. Holy. Hidy, Lord God <J frahneth. Awl yet we frail mwtalrmoora oar Nellie, teat to as; bat taaght, we mi "The fjord hath given, aod the Lwd hath taken away* BWcsnd bn the name of tk gam! Lord.” There is a deep sorrow for tb aad virtuous, even at fimr sense. Bit 0 llji ah.i, j-i!k B,, * vt ppmxmt srosim am swuetacia. rnus in °f LI . .. Our NclUo was Invely u (be hglf blowa rosn, wifi sffistrih Nritlie wba % coq. stanliqy whoroe’-ershe dwelt. Oar Yd- lie's hsad van soft and hind an dew npoo the grass, her Sgmi df lha| order ail mu* needs respect. Eesn Inn lha awbrook'a tempered staaft In d| whs wnvsltppd tbe line of resprot and Jpiprisftys hsrralam w f a *iw* •¦dih.M ruled by propriety. I Would not sea oar Ncllfe in her I bcaid her mind was dethronel. I wmdd not see her, when ibe immortal csaHior bad left the oorrupiibfov tabernacle. Hal as I | Mt saw oar dear Nellie, with "Beauty truly blest,” so is|e imaged and miniatured oq the tablet of aay heart and memwy. There . let it belrcaisKmi, nol.Mmg. bat brighter I aod brighter until the titan when we shall ; ehant io Ktcraal M-inaooi, the same IV lans aod Hallelaiahs. Our finite minds cauncf cempnehtfed #f Infinite Mercy; nut U dim seem to u. aa if the joys of Heaven will he inteaaifi *i by a re- union of those dear, loved ones oo earth. The storm cloud of grief is o'er. Pawi'ig clouds drop tears on the grave of oar N..-I- --lie, and aoua, smiles illa ue Bit as the rainbow eftea leeks this id-le <f tho c.ou 1. while beyond lha rain in afemiers piuo, ao feces will often smile, while hearts will be in tears for oar own dear. w-H. !*, Nau- ms Blakistoxu. 9 iu GRHM.VNU3. OBITUARY. Died, at the Infirm try of St. Fra*tci <la Sales, iu tbi* city. o:t iho ISib in<*(. ; LIAM 11. Stuns, of Company D. Maryland Line, in tbe 2 : ith year of hie age. The sulij-t* ’ofthis notice, s native of Saint Mary's county. Ml . entered th > Cotifoderate army as a private, iu Aognn, 1962. hitut-lf with tbr Ist Ma- ryland bsttalli’h efinfsntry. He Mlwod rb fortunes of bis command in all its Val- ley hardships and privtilfou*. during tba fell of IM2 aad the winter of 19 : >3 par- ticipating in tils capture of l tbo glorious, but fatal aod fruitleM. ehrg<j of the Imttaliofei at Gettysburg, in the *t n- liter of the Utter year. In this *n vn vraWe charge be wa*so -n!ftfrly wanted that it wa deemed iu prudent to tn we him fr*u the hospital where he was eoalnad. and he was. stinaeq’ieotly, ab!idon*d to the en**my in the retreat of oar army from Pennsyl- vania Captured by the enemy, an) imprisoned for a *b>*rt p-ri h). h; was aoun parole-1, ami returned to Hickmoud early in the fall ef 1863 Precluded by the terms of bta release from engaging in active hostilities until he was exchanged, hut impelled by the honorable desire of providing for his own support daring his military incapacity, he engaged with a gen*lc man of this city aa a clerk, ami continued with him until stricken by the disease which finally resul- ted ta bis death. * Of a warm heart aad of frastk and gen- erous nature. n| even and cheerful temper, constitutionally brave, ever studious U dis- charge hia wh de duty, whether to the fie ld or in the pursuit ef civil trust, he soon succeeded in winning, and ever after main- tained, the good opinion of bis officers aod his comrades io arms, and in onsamsndiog the confidence and respect ef ¦!! with whom be was thrown in kaaioess associations.— An exile from home, far removed in his last hoars from the gentle ministration* of those whose blood was kindred to his owu, be was. nevertheless, ml decertod iu bis weary sickness, nor io Jk* dosing momenta of bis life. Ute low, sweet vorne of wo- man was beard at Ms bedskfe. a intending aad consoling.and her wakeful lagers were ever ready to smooth hia pillow, aad as- raw U, reference To the Kind family who minuter- |l to bin aufferian (luring Mm gssf and weeks which preceded Iris removal to the Infirmary will as* ba regarded an uhtonairn or indelicate. To hia old friends aad rcUti vs at hman then, it affords me g grateful phsmave to mention, that hy night aad,day., Muir at- tentions aod watchfalocss nevar tired. If it had been tha privifedge of hap devslsi staters to have watched beside him, they could not have been kinder or amen vigi- lant than nere the generous ladies ef this noble fami;, and this kindness ceased only at his grave. Uts reUtivrs, lam sore.will not require to be toML how patiently aad btelligeatlv ha wap nuawd.aftar hia reum- tal to (hi foarwary, when I stato that this institution is under fhe diroetkm nftheßie- tors of Chanty. Bat the abloal medical skill and the tendereit uareiag, wain alike unavailing. In the autfuat faith ef his Mlht Stoic* sud with the bleesing of the Chemh in which he was born, be died, leaving with those who watehed by Us bedrid* and heard bis lato sigh, tbe consoling hope, that, though hia body had gone down to darknene, and the worms, hU soul is to reel with God. t —Rickmoml paper. (/t - - -ru-rrrr garr "* 'AffNathaniel Hawthorne, tbe. dfistm* Anmshmw aaptoat, died metith, Maes., ox the IMiiato.

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Page 1: St. Mary's gazette (Leonard Town, Md.) 1864-05-26 [p ] · defenders of ftdtiaMtf* J 4 (Of him itmay bw trulyarid,


Thursday moaning, mat m, mm

liMwnrtlnStcU rnrnfrH— v~ fW nc foe! several F# Jfoaincqgticj

pipen la than jtSmHE ari h#frail for a State Convention of the Dsmo*|•rHparty, to oeef on the)Mt of Jan# to aqitelr Jlo)cM9aa to the*

4th of Jaly noli. A eall has Wo-made jfor the eitiosM of Carroll Couniy Co a*-1aeoibla la maaa ameling to aelret county ;delegates, but do mom* baa beet) made ia aa jother county, eo for aa we have seen. Wethiak it highly important to the iuten staat the State that the Democratic party;

should Cm thoroughly reorganized through- jwt iU limit.. nd UiMjhg

¦THU and aCTy represented ia the Chicago !

generation. Oar,only means of freeing ?- curatives from the fanatical dogmas that

hare *uaminy/jr gained tic aacuideucyowtt tie people of iI.U Stale, is in rallying*lk*ndrj of ibr Demoeruis parly,

ita principle*. far and vide,vpd hfVWnittg them with *ecess at the

election next Rail.V)kbpa Ip ace the hall pul in motion

i throughout tha state, and especially in thiswiitHot, and the example of Carroll oounty

* followed hy her sister counties.'•IB .1 ! -i—— 1-.-*.-•uppiaariaa' ef the World and doom!

VJ * ofCoMMerce.Unite nn exeilmneat has been lately

iprodttoad in New York city, by the foili-lary suppression of the above named pa-

The publicati^o,of * forged prla-malVoo was the ground for military intcr-feraace. and the subsequent discovery of 3the forgaf haa beea the menus of restoring 1both Journal* t* tho position fftriUmsly |oeeupiod.nnd to the full confidence, wo jpresume, of the Federal authorities. One’

Joseph Howard, city editor of the Brook-)yo£*yfr. is the author af all this mis- 4chief, and by hit own confession he standsconvict of the record. The reported *uaosa of his offence was a desire to reoov- 1up largo sums that had bees lost In stock Jgambling, whilst a reputed fondness for4 ‘joking” ia offered iu extenuation. Butthe fwd remains jpt to be told, Mr.Houhrd has been connected with both theTribute and the Times, is a Republicanin polities and an “active member of Mr.ffiaaaltnr*s ©hutch, cf which his father isidwewr He has been consigned toKbn and wa trust ho vffi remain there. -If hia past associations havelaught hfca a# better morals, wo regardhim aa lost byyond tedcinptiun. We can

only ipitjp the poor ‘‘rebel*” in tho Fort,wiq stray ba compelled to keep hia eom-

P*hf. w i

Thh Convention*We publish (sdij sMb proceedings of

the Coawantkm aa have reached us. Thevarious Committee* have commenced re-

porting, and thp regular basins* of (he

Convoptiop .may ha mid to have oots-

P9OT-. The minority om to irmly¦laid their ground; albeit, their oppoueolspreashi 'form and well disciplined ranks.TW sessiofi will probably boihc reault of it will likely be adverse to

cue news. i We are satisfied, however,A '*

that efcr representatives will accomplishwhat they can, and more meat not bo ex-

)e)df from them. One man uauaot outvotniwo, however much ha be their snpe-rier.cilher morally or intellectually. Wenifiat. therefore, prepare ourselves to abide(he will of the mrieskv, bo ife what it may.

as cp> ¦ .

CONGRESS —Tkj leeliD, ia ihU body

I. •tiU fierce and warlike, and a determinetioulu vigoroaaly proaeoute the war seems

the controlling influence at work. Moremen must U raised, end more taxea lev-ied tosupport them. Beyond this late de-nuiiswutiiw ef temper, nothing new hatoccurred. Congress, indeed, seems to

have donrluded that the grasiml barioeac of

tbeojuntiy ia war. ami has, aooaequently,dissawdif bM matter* of -ekril import fromthe National Councils

.*UV' ¦ 11 ' a*



Daily Constitutional U man.*This la the only Democratic paper pub-

lished In Washington city, and deserves*k# support of all ndroertee of Democraticprinciples. A*, we believe, the Demasrat-ic party Is the only mesne of saving tha •uountry from aUor destruction. Ikediffusion of genuine Domoerame principlesamong (ha people Is a matter of great im-portonfo . That they may folly under-stand the queetinoa at iane in the Preri-dcntial But foU, Tu ndvme(beepsl aafr raudewy who wish a thorough-eughly Deuiooratie eonsarvativa paper,*rnd*ft# 0m fkitiNMl/niom It h

imMiSrfVTs.mL & Fammimn **.

•I eight dollars a year. The weakly issuecan bated at Ido dollars a year.

i*U> . <sJT, ai^ff—-TagOmiwwiunos tUm-A ÜBl has

bean mtraduaed In foe United Si-lea Oen-ate to mpaal (he fofua hundred deOar w©m-

u,utati*nn|aum dflhn rwuctliasut act. Theright, i. hseswer, rU imuhh eubatltutas U% be retained. r


?" Jfosuw sirt el***

¦ ¦ ' LJ: ¦ :Danth efCm B 1-Hcntfo {i

DitU. at bis radiem, iu this county,

on Friday, the l*kInstant. CO. Dmw-dht I. Heard, aged about Id years. Tbs <d, ceased was a member ffljwold Whig iPatty, and followed the its gif-

ji4-;all who know him. His vote Upon the,“eight million bill,** whilst representingthis coufoy ia the State legislature, ren-dered him. for e time, a subject for parti-san osusure and acrimonious eritidam: but ihis known steHing integrity ef charaeterand purpose placed him above the dm ofparty, and elevated bin to a; position “itwhich the poisoned shafts of envy strovein /alii to attaie Hut temporary and short-lived was this warfare upon him. Hi*sUsppmnta and vQKfiem teamed to loveand rerpeet hint, and many soon loudly(ppbaded kU fMUiieal firfon.don* baas iujnstio* in tho hmtad eamhst; ,when resaou rmumed its mray, they eeuldbut seek km fitrgiuenem.

At a member of the Orphan's Court ofthin county, Cul. Heard acquired muchcelebrity. With a mind wedded to justice,aad fur-aeetog and diserimiiMtiug io illcharacter, he fil[ed this most important ofour local public trusts in a manner thatelicited the couiajeudatioa and reaped ofall who held official intercourse with him.He was the orphan and the widow’s ear-nest protector, and tho injured never

sought his assistance in vain. ,

|n tho lad mar with Great Britain, ColHeard was imong the first to take up arms

from tMi county to repel the aggressionsof the ruthless invader. Io every impor-tant fight upon the soil of hia native State,

he urns an active and soeloue jpartietpaiit,and W closed his military career at NorthPoint, battling aobfy beside foe citizendefenders of ftdtiaMtf* J 4

( Of him it may bw truly arid, be Ml hoenemy behind him. A devout member ofthe Homan Catholic Church, tie conformedstrictly io its every requirement,, and hesunk, to rest like out who quietly foUs a- •sleep wader the influence of the fatigueof an over-l”Dg journey. For him, pod isuch as him. life shall prove eterual. tils 1Chridiau charities and pious examples .remain monuments of ha true worth. 1 and |wo remember him not as one of os, but as 1one above us. Let us drop a tear upon hisgrave and continue to ehertidi aiuL t reverehis memory, that the exempt* of hh good jdeeds may not be lost upon us.

. tribute or anrscz- .At a meeting of the“Saiot Mary’s Read-

ing Room and Debating Society held on

Thursday evening Inst.tbe following resolu-tions w;re offered by C. G. Stone,sod unanimously adopted:

U’jb/mu, It has pleased an all-wiseProvidence to take from us cur esteemedfriend, Horace C. Fenwick, tale a memberof this Association, and we have heardwith unfeigned sorrow of bis sudden endunexpected demise, therefore, be It

RemU/d, That wa sincerely lament thedispensation which has summoned fromour midst a brother, who was not less dis-tinguished for his devotion to the interestsof this Sbriety. than for Hie sterling integ-rity and marked courtesy which ever char-acterised him in hia tateroouraa with hfellow members.

ReeoUed, That we deeply sympathisewith the parents and relatives of the deoeaa.ed in their aad affliction and bereavement,and as a token of respect to (he memory oftho deceased, foal this Society do no# ad-journ.

RetUvtd, That soapy of these resolu-tions be uest to foe parents of the deceased,and that they be pubtiabed in the SaintMary's Gazette.

RQBT.C. COMBS. PiWt,W. Ouvsa Romoh, See’y.

The lews-During the past few day* nothing offi-

cial has len received from either Grantor Butler. The former, nt latest accounts,was steadily advancing ia foe dareptien ofRichmond, and repast locales hia advafoafour mtkn South af Mattaponaz church,which is several miles la advance of &

obi position. Since Wednesday aadThursday last, no fighting is reported andthe angageamato that were then fenghtwere bat heavy skirmishes, when com-pared with the former combats that haveensued. , On Wednesday, foe attack wanmade hy Gusatamd un Thursday by Lee.On Friday, Grant made a general advanceend found the enemy miaring. Heavy ar-

tillery firing has bran heard here duringthe pert two or form days,aa the direc-tion of the old hufchft field, bat whetherLee is mill retreating, or has coma to n

stand and oferad battle, is aifoply apm-for

for conjecture. Cur mrehaaget give wa

aotfaing, whatever, of this weak** opera-tions. and II any he, fort heavy eug>|-

asents have been fought and yet. remain to

be reported. The tone t 4 the fojahmimd

. U hapefai apan forquasi tea-af mrit rtf foartfnggfela Vk-';

- •

giuis. anti! io the (ms An*

4tlw pmMy their kala

TWt fcrtit fnm foga. rfSli rbe tod toea bearilj engaged with tie |

throughout the day. amt ba final result :has not bee j officially regprted. In the \previous fighting. Gea |teder sufferedbwfiljf. md t laa lii6#k<pv4iMPtod by tbe Government ocgpaa. Richmondgagers Beauregard# lomfijgplikewise heavy, bat aa oattssate b giiwa.•. Bbtbr baa# retrenched on theJaa, sad bb monitors are reported to ha..aaoing Tort Darling. fib bjaativdv operating agaiaat Aa PatefAHS. j

[ aaFfcanvilfiT Horn of ‘A*muio ttody of bb la aavbe acting briefly oa Iht defensive.

Resets from Northern Georgb shewthat Jubaston b t3! retiring before Shar-tea* wha it reported to be pushing for-'ward bb columns la Aa direction of Attea-tlto. Room Km been accjmgd by one ofSherman's coluuni, beingmade aa waa anliripalsdL It b now'Auught that Aa great struggle will cone 'of at Atlanta, aa, it b supposed, JAaalooUi hardly retreat farther. There hat jbeen considerably fighting along Aa rente,

and JohsaKm claims ta hare “infected ae-'rare lon upon the enemy” Sherman's;forces are estimated 80,(100 byera press. but no apprehensions arepressed La regard to hb movements. 'lfGeorgb ah ail ha thoroughly occupied,however, a great Mow will certainly havebeen dn|| the Confederate Government.Wo. think Aa lorn of Yirgiaiacould searoa-

)y prove greater* Loto v aatidttgenae boa Aa Bad River

Aawa Ait Ibaka baa evacuated A'cup*

Cuin. f/octer bus saeapoded inthe greater porliea of bis fieet

Official reports from Kirby Smith showthat ha bar handled Ranke quite roughlyIfwc way even partially credit bb tUla-uientf, ‘-Right thousand kilted:amd aw—-ded. aix Asassad prisoners. thirty- fearpbcaa of artillery. twelve bundled wig-on*, ana gunboat, and three tranfpartat”are churned aa Aa Craita af bblib claimed at AaSauA Aat Gen. Steelelast bb entire wagon train, and Apt Priceand Marmaduke are warehiag on LittleHook. The latter place, however, is strong-ly fortified, and: willprobably be (told -

gainst the united force*.Stooe our last publication, we have Aa

report of fight is the SbeoaadoA Vsltey>in wbbh.3igrl waa encountered by Brack-aaridga and driven across Aa ShenandoahRiver. Sigel lost aeveial handrail nunand five pieces of artillery. He baa saucebeen removed. Breckemridge’s drainaod Hoke’s brigade ara reported to havereinforced Lee.

Steamete have lately arrivedrope, hat they bring no news of iaapgr*teggg n

f Gold b now quoted at 181 Inlß3. 1,1

flpaeoh of Him- Banj G- Harris-Wa hare received from tbe Hon. B. G.

Harris, oar Representative io Oongreaa, a

number of An Daily CmdUmtumai Qab,containing the late speech aa Aa Missouri,can teat ad Election ease. Owing to the latehour at whieh tbe speech was received, jre

art unable to publish it Ab week, lintwa give below the comments of Aa Unimwhich ara a bar review of the speech, andshow the manner io which Nr< Harris istreated by Aa opposition in Congress. Webore to ha able to lay U hi fall before out

readers nest weak.From, ike Daily ComdAmHomU Union qf

the ISA tint.,


' HIS.Oa the 9th of May, the Hoaae had un-

der consideration the Mbaouri ContestedElection Case, la the eounp of Ac de-bate. which was very pointed, the Hon.H. Winter Paris, of Maryland, submittedsome remake in whieh he attempted toshow Ant every act of violence at thepolls us Us diatrbt was directly chargea-ble to Ae Pamasralb party, and not tohbpolitical friaadag and farther oa he spriteof Ex-G oManor Ligoa, of Maryland, Aa "tnukrJ a*• ’>• - ' i.


At tbs dose sf his speeah the Hda. Mr.Harris rasa, and bwtaally every aye' Wthe Hall waa riveted open him. lib awell-known feet to Aa oppmitiaa, that bbcourage banal to any enttogeocy. andthat ha never neutralises Aa tosea of hbwell ahatew assrimsaW by giving expres-fttoa la Asm to weak words. The Houseseemed to fori skat Mr. Daria had ftdrifiedhistory, sad that hb exposure wreM hecomplete aMb bands of Mr. Harris-; 1ahb general aflhcttoa fib hb entire Asia,ha aoald net forbear to reaterk in apaoieg.that MamaA wants had aa right ta am* nriar apoe Baltimore ally for tor FlagUgly caoraafitisa as ladg aa Aa dkarVadrawtote fMatmtßreadtet foA jp-hEw*ker Hill, nor so long as the memory ofher “Him”eommittre tor to^AcSSwersw Ligoa was a “teritor.”.And

Han by laying that to declined to makeaay reply ta tto “unworthy member” from

I Maryland, though it mads for a m fort, the “aatbtukiog bughit inspired amongthe mm thoughtful of NcJLtovb*. grilHaalfriends a foaling that to csfH|from prodaatog Ae ea*jtopW|ato^j

- acorn mS|<ragtofapt a fHgfcmum"

[view kjnepa cubjA. AgM IwSjy

; sot n? tim> ntemtor** uvideaea an aaeawatef any apin-Jan hi ewlartaiaed of bb worthitoailjwWaaai Alaaaa, hat to wan*ed it la }*lcrto agjripsa ate tore to defend himself andthea pßxeedi ug io a coot and calm anddeliberate meaner, to |woaoaaael 1%

wunhl charge a citisea tbgmlty cf the hbhest crime known to ttobw of tto bod nod >**rxbiMt the prwf.

fas poAtog b Asm a dam*term-: Tto

rapt Mr. -Harris, hern nlh.-d him to order—Ant Ac ehargl was again repeated, andMr. Darts seams without sufficient manli-ness to exculpate bimseif. -

Mr. Harris, la hb tymeh, jpwa m toshow Aat Mr Paris uevtir enjoyed anypublic trust as aAfideae*. exaept by

| fraud and vMwec aoutbined; jmd thati three Umca be to* come into tto Hoaae byi Ae sml of Ac blutigeou and dagger of the! Flag UngUca. p goes ou to review, iti' a style Aat reflects little credit upon (be

' Generals earn mantling the Middb Dcpart-I ment, the recent ebaA'us io Narybati.bht so far as to was cunaernpd be auuhl

fsay Ant to had been ablq to overcome.all; his enemies Wc have not space to ena-' merate all Ac strong potuU made by Mr.

1 Harris. Wo invite the attention of ourreaders to tbe spaceh. It comes from agentleman who baa deeply suffered iu hbestates by Ae rebellion, end from onewho truthfrity feels all that ba expresses.

Hinee Congress has fiuuilisrixad bbasate' llTough >ut the whole country byprifcttig a npolutiun of censare ou him forwards spoken iu debate on a former occa-sion, anything now falling from bb lapson the affairs of tto nation will bo eager-ly read. 5 lb his personal appcarauoe Ate-Harris p a true typq of Aa douAern gen-Hetnao—tail; straight, active, with a kibeframe, sharp, gray eyea. sod that resolute,determined air khieh merits the aw ofBrond Hndlge and courtly manners. Hea * rapid and Impassioned speaker, yetnever lose* sight of hb subject. He speaksextempore, yet with flubbed method andexactness. Hb ideas ara clothed with-foraafM and beautiful Isugnage, yet itsprings spontaneously from his well-culti-vated mind. Ha b a brave mau. one oftbe few who dare utter their sfntimeola intto fees of dvspatua. Wo especially di-rect attention to hb closing remarks-- • . ;*•" : 1 ft lU*"*:—V

Maryland Cawtßutiona! CoaTention-_ V1 j • *

AsNsroLis May 20. — The Cuuventionmet —-present 76 members. *

Mr. Purnell <dferad a rnaotottoo that noPfmW atoll toteafter receive any perdUm during bb absenae from the Convec-tion. except from illacm ot nnavoidabh-ooenrreace. ke.. which ties over.

Mr. Markuy offered aa order that theCommit tea an tto Judiciary inquire intothe .expediency of changing or amendingthe testamentary system in eases where itestator toa devised bb property to hbexecutors, la to sold, or haa directed bbreal estate to to sold by bis executors fortto payment of debts sad legacies, or fiwany other purpose, so as in the event oftto death of both executors or tto surviv-ot. or death of u sob executor, to givepower la <to Orphan's Court of the countyor city of Baltimore, where letters testa-mentary have toes graoced, ta appoint anadministrator, dr Immh mm. with the willannexed, and invest bias with power tosell such real estate, and administer Aepruepsds according te the will of the tea-lalor. Alter nnnsidarahia discussion byMessrs. Bruooe, Junes of Somerset,Schley, Berry of Prince George’s, Daniel,Santis and Maikey, Aa order waa adopted.

Mr. Clarba offered Ae folbwiag: *

Ordered, That Aa Committee on theLegislative . Depart moot to instructed toinquire into tto expadbaey of incertiagtbe followiug articles in tto Coascitutioa :

• 1. No free negro or free mulatto Arilcoma. Into or settle Iu Ab State alter Acadoption of Ab Constitution.

2. AU contracts made with any free ne-gro or free mulatto earning into this State,contrary to Aa provision of tto prvaeadiagaactaoa, shall be anil aad void, aud anyperson who Aril employ auA free negroor free mulatto, or otherwise eoooursgehim or tor to rwnria in Ab State, Aall befined in a sum not leas Asa fifty dollarsnor more than five hundred dollars for each,offence.

8. AU fines wfaiA may ba aslleeted fora violation of tto provision* of Ab articleor any bw which aray hereafter to poaaod,for Ac purpose of carry lag tto aaote Intoexecution, shall to oat apart aad appro-priated for tto ooioaiaatloa or removal be-yond Aa iwfiteaf the Stale of such freeasgroaa ami muUtloas and ttoir deaoen-danta. aa may to ia to Slain at tbe adop-tioa of AU Constitution, aad amy be wS-

*•u.Adi power, aad it b hereby made Ae dutyAthe aaate, io pass aU ftawa anaamaiy to

riodiailytb prerbinas of Ab

• i‘

Mr. Sands spoke hi apposition to Amorder. Paodtag tto dissuade*. An order

r A tto day waa called, being the uufiabh Abusiness of y teetday. upon An repart Atto Cotetebtea aa Rates fee Aa ffsvara-

• meat AAa Cteivaatina.a luh-- The rates wire dboasted at teagA aad

I TwaSalina wjiaiamlteriM'M —r*

|J Uf[ Amraui, May 19.

( Tto Oewreatiow Xteak* fit

i Thaonkr AMrJphsrka presufrA id-

-1 j teida j prapmmg m- a* ¦ aariwdmeat'tr tto

*i• iMuiiUßi

1 aUI ohm iato or toUlo n Ai*AtaM oftoriWoJMin<ribU hi mirnim." • _Ukfß ap. Mr. Abbott oppood lb* orderana offered mnn iaril. '

*}&**•torey|jgthmt.n with the twSßUoas

]Mr. Clarke mid tbo wrier dH nt oop-

CMptoe the removal of any colored. . fer->n from the Stole. and there wculd totll]

Um& about 160,000 colored pejufudThe tree nignn ¦ in the eouodcn

. and do now carry off scores of steef end ]' tfllMit'h of tubaoeo. Ac ,

tftSatv. mad then pat themselves under*

the prohetomw of the military authorities. |and om. u t Baltimore city, where their

me mmfiucd t<i stealing a Mb* jtie ham and bacon. Ac , amfwhere they

i b:id aa eieioot police to protect aoeiety., lw M **

i '‘llrCwkfac, rfBaJiioxW* ekj, mqaind

irir££2 ir^/^ToXSSlate*, oi wbexheexfeehnm(donwjor-nly. ooabl he permitted toretorn iftk*.propositions presented werV adopted, ole.

Ur. Clarke stated the! the propositionswere open to toy amendments, eta.

Mr. Edelea, of Charles, addressed theconvention in favor of the propositions.

Mr. Daniel said this was not the propertime U disease the propositions. Theywould necessarily ouyae op acdl. Meshould vole for the reference of say pro-positions which were respectful, to its ap-propriate committees, etc.

Mr. Abbott asked the members fromPrance George’s county If there was not

mac danger from the clam of people in-cluded in his amendment. The gegroesmight steal a sheep, bat the others wouldsteal a hone or born a house, etc.

Mr. Clarke offered an amendment, "in-cluding all those now living north of Masonand Dixon’s line.** He said that the ;groat question w<*ald have to b* settled by {the sword, and not by legislation. Mr. >Abbott accepted the aiueu Jmaut.

Ur. dense, of Somerset, said ft had ibeen the settled policy of the State for halfa cent ary to exclude (he dess of popula-tion named hhn the Stale.

Mr. Schley, of Frederick, said it wasin isvor of referring any and all MOgges-tmnamOdb to committees, without debate.Ho offered the Mlowiug ameodmoot:"Ifalece goad free - negro or mulatto boaFederal soldier in tbs service of the United

iHtateo, or tte brought into the State hy theauthority of the Uailod States.”

M. Clarke said he had no objection tothe amrod meat

Sfr. Marbury suggested a matter of In-quiry for the omumittee "to except thenegroes who have left the State.”*

The previous question wes called and ;jmslaii.ed. and the amendment U Mr.Abbott, with the amendment of UrOhsrbo accepted hy Mr. Abbott, wasrv-jeeled.

The vote recurred upon the originalproposition of Mr. Clarke, and the motioato refer it to the jadieiary committeewas adopted.

The order al the day being the reportof the commit toe on the declaration ofrights, was postponed mitH Monday at1 o’clock

Mr. Thomas, of Baltimore, offered ah1order that the committee on the Legisla-tive Department he requested to tnquiruinto the expodiency of exempting from ex-ecution the property of n debtor to (bo

amount of $500; adopted:Mr. Audoun offured the following order:That the committee nn the elective fran-

chise inquire into the expediency of ffesert-. ing the following article in the cotistitn-. (ion: "That every person who has in any

manner aided in the present rebellionagainst 'the government of the UnitedSlates, aught to be forever disqualifiedsad rendered incapable to bold or exor-cise within this State any office f profitor tract, civil or military. or to vote at anyelection in this Stale.” Adopted.

* Mr. Thomas, ef Baltimore city,- offeredan order that the comptroller bo frqietoedto furnish the Convention with % statementof the amount of stack held and owned bytbe State of Maryland in the several rail-roads end other works of internal improve-ment, specifying the amount held in eachcompany or and what propor-tion of said stow is represented by direc-tory, and also the amount of interest doeon said stock. Adopted.

Mr. Hatch, of MaUhnose city, offeredan order that the following be referred to

ibe legislative committee; “That the faithof the Statu shall never be pledged forworks of internal improvement or anyother tax. except wbat is necessary for¦the support of the government or to sup-press insurrection or repel invasion.”Adopted.

Tbe Convention adjourned until Mon-

. . DIKD.

On the 19th instant, after an iHites* often days, of typhoid fever, Nellie H. Bla-

, histone.Two weeks before thy dying day.Whan health and atieagtit wave thineDeath whisper’d net in warning Inocs,

**nse ash amd thou art sum.”ltd virions af the shroud and pall.Mast'd than thy fife’s young dream,No Hmdews of tbe daik, dark grave,

Dimm’d thy star ofHupe’s bright gleam.Thy future then Mivawl foil toMim,—If from Phsctt’i oup tluasver iewsy-If to be Wd, amass'd sad might.

To mortall happiness haw ape;

i Thine wnsnu envtsUslst my lamented frfeud,

f Tbs* dart thy day |wemWme thy sodl

OBITUARY.Tens of thousands fall, nay, hundred* of

thousands have fallen, nod the nations tu-folcc. Ay, even sulighteusd, bat aflfiab

| Kor ope smiles nog gUple over the horrid! carnival ofbfood, and death and mangledI bodies. ’Tie the emme. Bat eur Nellie

! left ns, and we weep. We weep; JeansWept In sympathy, with Mary and Martha.

> Net at the death of launu, for he knew\ he could and feoid restore the dead Lax-. ¦> ihminen, St*. *m wmt-,A MO l 5 .\:*A *0 - • I i • -C. =

and lament ns did the w*s4 Ftwlmie*Israel at the hws ef his ton AWnfe*,,la hi* agony of brort he cried. "OwymTp Absalom. my sen. my m.*1

(WMf Or *l*.iL,slraHS

OavifMHpii (Ml who knew awl

INPv And as the last sot* ofkImsiiibffiOTlSfel’s lalkby int its vibratim‘UtMBbtM. her l'..W ..ok £

od||> .Oiilr Nelhe s eartbly tab*marie! rsats, slssps In ffi mother Btrth1 ***KlSb*V?'*• •Pi-nt mrjdNro Heavenly Ch-w,jchant eternally. Holy. Hidy, Lord God <Jfrahneth. Awlyet we frail mwtalrmooraoar Nellie, teat to as; bat taaght, we mi"The fjord hath given, aod the Lwd hathtaken away* BWcsnd bn the name of tkgam! Lord.” There is a deep sorrow for tbaad virtuous, even at fimr sense. Bit 0

llji ah.i, j-i!kB,, *vtppmxmt srosim am swuetacia. rnus in°f

LI. ..

Our NclUo was Invely u (be hglf blowarosn, wifi sffistrih Nritlie wba % coq.stanliqy whoroe’-ershe dwelt. Oar Yd-lie's hsad van soft and hind an dew npoothe grass, her Sgmi df lha| order ail mu*needs respect. Eesn Inn lha awbrook'atempered staaft Ind| whs wnvsltppd tbeline of resprot and Jpiprisftys hsrralam wf a *iw* •¦dih.M

ruled by propriety. I Would not sea oarNcllfe in her I bcaidher mind was dethronel. I wmdd not seeher, when ibe immortal csaHior bad leftthe oorrupiibfov tabernacle. Hal as I |Mtsaw oar dear Nellie, with "Beauty trulyblest,” so is|e imaged and miniatured oqthe tablet of aay heart and memwy. There

. let it belrcaisKmi, nol.Mmg. bat brighterI aod brighter until the titan when we shall; ehant io Ktcraal M-inaooi, the same IVlans aod Hallelaiahs. Our finite minds• cauncf cempnehtfed #f Infinite

Mercy; nut U dim seem to u. aa if thejoys of Heaven will he inteaaifi *i by a re-union of those dear, loved ones oo earth.The storm cloud of grief is o'er. Pawi'igclouds drop tears on the grave of oar N..-I---lie, and aoua, smiles illa ue Bit as therainbow eftea leeks this id-le <f tho c.ou 1.while beyond lha rain in afemiers piuo, aofeces will often smile, while hearts will bein tears for oar own dear. w-H. !*, Nau-ms Blakistoxu. 9iu GRHM.VNU3.

OBITUARY.Died, at the Infirm try of St. Fra*tci <la

Sales, iu tbi* city. o:t iho ISib in<*(.

; LIAM 11. Stuns, of Company D. MarylandLine, in tbe 2 :ith year ofhie age.

The sulij-t* ’ofthis notice, s native ofSaint Mary's county. Ml . entered th >

Cotifoderate army as a private, iu Aognn,1962. hitut-lf with tbr Ist Ma-ryland bsttalli’h efinfsntry. He Mlwodrb fortunes of bis command in all its Val-ley hardships and privtilfou*. during tbafell of IM2 aad the winter of 19 :>3 par-ticipating in tils capture ltbo glorious, but fatal aod fruitleM. ehrg<jof the Imttaliofei at Gettysburg, in the *tn-liter of the Utter year. In this *n vn vraWecharge be wa*so -n!ftfrly wanted that itwa deemed iuprudent to tn we him fr*uthe hospital where he was eoalnad. and hewas. stinaeq’ieotly, ab!idon*d to the en**my

in the retreat of oar army from Pennsyl-vania

Captured by the enemy, an) imprisonedfor a *b>*rt p-ri h). h; was aoun parole-1,ami returned to Hickmoud early in the fallef 1863 Precluded by the terms of btarelease from engaging in active hostilitiesuntil he was exchanged, hut impelled bythe honorable desire of providing for hisown support daring his military incapacity,he engaged with a gen*lc man of this cityaa a clerk, ami continued with him untilstricken by the disease which finally resul-ted ta bis death. *

Of a warm heart aad of frastk and gen-erous nature. n| even and cheerful temper,constitutionally brave, ever studious U dis-charge hia wh de duty, whether to the fie ldor in the pursuit ef civil trust, he soonsucceeded in winning, and ever after main-tained, the good opinion of bis officers aodhis comrades io arms, and in onsamsndiogthe confidence and respect ef ¦!! with whombe was thrown in kaaioess associations.—An exile from home, far removed in hislast hoars from the gentle ministration* ofthose whose blood was kindred to his owu,be was. nevertheless, ml decertod iu bisweary sickness, nor io Jk* dosing momentaof bis life. Ute low, sweet vorne of wo-man was beard at Ms bedskfe. a intendingaad consoling.and her wakeful lagers wereever ready to smooth hia pillow, aad as-raw U,reference To the Kind family who minuter-|l to bin aufferian (luring Mm gssf andweeks which preceded Iris removal to theInfirmary will as* ba regarded an uhtonairnor indelicate.

To hia old friends aad rcUti vs at hmanthen, it affords me g grateful phsmave tomention, that hy night aad,day., Muirat-tentions aod watchfalocss nevar tired. Ifit had been tha privifedge of hap devslsistaters to have watched beside him, theycould not have been kinder or amen vigi-lant than nere the generous ladies ef thisnoble fami;, and this kindness ceased onlyat his grave. Uts reUtivrs, lam sore.willnot require to be toML how patiently aadbtelligeatlv ha wap nuawd.aftar hia reum-tal to (hi foarwary, when I stato that thisinstitution is under fhe diroetkm nftheßie-tors of Chanty. Bat the abloal medicalskill and the tendereit uareiag, wain alikeunavailing.

In the autfuat faith ef his Mlht Stoic*sud with the bleesing of the Chemh inwhich he was born, be died, leaving withthose who watehed by Us bedrid* andheard bis lato sigh, tbe consoling hope,that, though hia body had gone down todarknene, and the worms, hU soul is to reelwith God. t—Rickmoml paper. (/t

---ru-rrrr garr "*

'AffNathaniel Hawthorne, tbe. dfistm*Anmshmw aaptoat, died

metith, Maes., ox the IMiiato.