st mary mackillop school newsletter · formally named kalori catholic school would be named st mary...

Term 4 /Week 1 Wednesday, 17 th October 2018 IMPORTANT DATES OCTOBER Thu 18-Fri 19 Years 3-5 Camp Fri 19 Year 1 & 2 Sleepover commences 5.30pm Sat 20 Year 1 & 2 Sleepover concludes 7.30am Tue 23 KMS Year 7 Parent Information Night 6.00pm Wed 24 Volleyball Carnival for Years 4-7 Thu 23 Bread Roll Day for Catholic Mission – gold coin donation Fri 26 Assembly 9.00am NOVEMBER Thu 1 Term 1 2019 Reception students transition visit 9.00-11.00am Whole School Mass @ Wallaroo Church 9.30am Fri 2 Sports Day Wed 7 Year 6-7 Camp Thu 8 Term 1 2019 Reception students transition visit 9.00-11.00am Fri 9 Year 6-7 Camp returns Sun 18 Stay on the New Green Mon 19 PUPIL FREE DAY Tue 27 Music Recital 6.30pm Parish Weekend Mass Times Star of the Sea, Wallaroo Saturday 6.00pm St. Francis of Assisi, Moonta Sunday 8.30am Sacred Heart, Kadina Sunday 10.30am We welcome back a term with renewed energy and green leaves, we celebrate a significant anniversary for our patron saint, we send out a call for help and we provide some important information about the on-line world. This is Week 1! WELCOME BACK: It’s great to be back! I know we say it all the time, but as we enter Term 4 and with only 8 ½ weeks of the academic year left, I am continually scratching my head about where the year has gone. We welcome back all of our families, our staff and our community in general. We welcome the green leaves on our trees and the sun shine (which has disappeared for now!). As always, we have a bumper term ahead, kicking off this week with our Year 3-5 camp and Year 1-2 sleepover. I strongly encourage you to read our regular newsletters to stay up to date with all of the information and upcoming events as the term proceeds. ST MARY MACKILLOP CANONISATION: Today marks the significant anniversary of the Canonisation of Mary MacKillop. This is the day on which Mary was ‘officially’ declared a Saint by Pope Benedict XVI in St Peter’s Basilica in Rome. Even before her death Mary’s extraordinary life and faith were widely acknowledged throughout Australia and beyond. It was this widespread recognition which led her Josephite Congregation, the Archbishop of Sydney and the Conference of Australian Bishops to request that Mary’s holiness be acclaimed by the wider Church. Mary was beatified in Sydney on January 19, 1995 by Pope John Paul 11. This took place in the presence of many thousands of people who had travelled from all over Australia, New Zealand and many parts of the world. Her canonisation in Rome followed 16 years later, giving Australia its first canonised saint. St Mary MacKillop School NEWSLETTER PRINCIPAL: Mr James Quigley 10 Bagot Street, Wallaroo South Australia 5556 PO Box 16, Wallaroo South Australia 5556 Telephone: (08) 88232549 Facsimile: (08) 88232561 Outside School Hours Care: Telephone: 0437 659 137 [email protected] Mission Statement Inspired by our Catholic faith and in partnership with families and our wider community, St Mary MacKillop School creates opportunities for encountering life in all its richness.

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Page 1: St Mary MacKillop School NEWSLETTER · formally named Kalori Catholic School would be named St Mary MacKillop School at around the same time as Mary was made a Saint. Next year of

Term 4 /Week 1 Wednesday, 17th October 2018



Thu 18-Fri 19 Years 3-5 Camp

Fri 19 Year 1 & 2 Sleepover commences 5.30pm

Sat 20 Year 1 & 2 Sleepover concludes 7.30am

Tue 23 KMS Year 7 Parent Information Night 6.00pm

Wed 24 Volleyball Carnival for Years 4-7

Thu 23 Bread Roll Day for Catholic Mission – gold coin


Fri 26 Assembly 9.00am


Thu 1 Term 1 2019 Reception students transition visit


Whole School Mass @ Wallaroo Church 9.30am

Fri 2 Sports Day

Wed 7 Year 6-7 Camp

Thu 8 Term 1 2019 Reception students transition visit


Fri 9 Year 6-7 Camp returns

Sun 18 Stay on the New Green


Tue 27 Music Recital 6.30pm

Parish Weekend Mass Times

Star of the Sea, Wallaroo Saturday 6.00pm

St. Francis of Assisi, Moonta Sunday 8.30am

Sacred Heart, Kadina Sunday 10.30am

We welcome back a term with renewed energy and green

leaves, we celebrate a significant anniversary for our patron

saint, we send out a call for help and we provide some

important information about the on-line world.

This is Week 1!


It’s great to be back! I know we say it all the time, but as we

enter Term 4 and with only 8 ½ weeks of the academic year

left, I am continually scratching my head about where the year

has gone. We welcome back all of our families, our staff and

our community in general. We welcome the green leaves on

our trees and the sun shine (which has disappeared for now!).

As always, we have a bumper term ahead, kicking off this week

with our Year 3-5 camp and Year 1-2 sleepover. I strongly

encourage you to read our regular newsletters to stay up to

date with all of the information and upcoming events as the

term proceeds.


Today marks the significant anniversary of the Canonisation of

Mary MacKillop. This is the day on which Mary was ‘officially’

declared a Saint by Pope Benedict XVI in St Peter’s Basilica in

Rome. Even before her death Mary’s extraordinary life and

faith were widely acknowledged throughout Australia and

beyond. It was this widespread recognition which led her

Josephite Congregation, the Archbishop of Sydney and the

Conference of Australian Bishops to request that Mary’s

holiness be acclaimed by the wider Church. Mary was beatified

in Sydney on January 19, 1995 by Pope John Paul 11. This took

place in the presence of many thousands of people who had

travelled from all over Australia, New Zealand and many parts

of the world. Her canonisation in Rome followed 16 years later,

giving Australia its first canonised saint.

St Mary MacKillop School


PRINCIPAL: Mr James Quigley

10 Bagot Street, Wallaroo South Australia 5556

PO Box 16, Wallaroo South Australia 5556

Telephone: (08) 88232549

Facsimile: (08) 88232561

Outside School Hours Care:

Telephone: 0437 659 137

[email protected]

Mission Statement Inspired by our Catholic faith and in partnership with families and our wider community,

St Mary MacKillop School creates opportunities for encountering life in all its richness.

Page 2: St Mary MacKillop School NEWSLETTER · formally named Kalori Catholic School would be named St Mary MacKillop School at around the same time as Mary was made a Saint. Next year of

From the Principal

Since then people from many cultures, from different faiths and traditions, and from all walks of life have been inspired by her

example of faith, service and love for all. Her love of the country and her passion for Catholic Schools therefore made it fitting

that a school in our Pt Pirie Diocese was named after her. As such, in 2010, Bishop Greg O’Kelly decreed that our school,

formally named Kalori Catholic School would be named St Mary MacKillop School at around the same time as Mary was made

a Saint.

Next year of course, we celebrate our 150th birthday. We have been very proud to have offered a Catholic Education to families

in the Copper Coast since Mary MacKillop sent some Sisters of St Joseph to begin a school in Wallaroo in 1869.


Over the course of the next month or so, we have some major upcoming events which we need your support with.

Firstly, on Friday, 2nd November (Week 3) we will hold our annual Sports Day. Going home today with all families is a separate

insert regarding both lunch and parent support which is required on the day. Even if you have never helped out before, we

would appreciate as much parent help on the day as possible.

On Sunday, 18th November, our Parents and Friends will once again host a community connection and fun day – this year

entitled STAY on the New Green. Like last year’s event, which was extremely well attended, we will have live music, kid’s

entertainment, the big bash cricket game for students, old scholars and parents, bar and BBQ facilities, coffee and cakes and a

whole lot more.

You can help us first and foremost by being present on the day! We would also ask that you promote this event with your

family and friends and ensuring that as many people attend the day as possible.


Thank you to the many parents who placed thoughts and suggestions about our new Strategic Planning either through our on-

line survey or via the large bits of butcher’s paper left in the MPLA in the last few weeks of term. We are now coming to the

end of the data gathering phase of our Strategic planning and most thoughts and ideas have been collected and collated. The

summaries can be found on the wall in the Board room. I would encourage you to have a look at the information currently

collated and add any further considerations you have to these bits of paper. We will be closing this off as of Friday of next

week. Thanks again for your valued opinions and thoughts – I can ensure you that they are being listened to.


As I wandered around the school chatting to the students about their holidays over the last couple of days, I must say I was a

bit worried and concerned with a number of conversations I had with students about the amount of time they spent on

‘screens’ during the holidays.

In particular, the game Fortnite continues to be a topic of conversation amongst staff, students, parents and many

psychologists. I don’t want to be seen as the ‘fun police’ so I encourage you to take this information with the grain of salt it

needs to be taken with, but I also think sharing this information is important for all parents.

Fortnite’s game rating is 12+, this means that it is not appropriate for most primary aged children and for many good reasons.

Below are some excerpts from psychologists across the world who are now querying if this game is in fact, changing the minds

of our children;

”You must have the courage to say: This is not a good thing. Kids need to learn face-to-face social skills. They need to be

physically active, preferably outdoors. They need to get a good night’s sleep. A kid obsessed with Fortnite is less likely to be

doing any of these things.” Psychology Today

“………. Games like Fortnite are designed to exploit the brain’s vulnerabilities in the same way poker machines do” Professor

Yucel, a clinical neuropsychologist

“The American Academy of Paediatrics has concluded that games in which killing others is the central theme – a good summary

of Fortnite – are not appropriate for children. Video games should not use human or other living targets or award points for

killing and that parents should not allow their kids to play games which violate this guideline. In case you haven’t seen it,

Fortnite is a game in which the object of the game is to kill other humans.” Psychology Today

At St Mary MacKillop we focus on our School Norms, restorative practices and student wellbeing. I would ask the question,

how does Fortnite enhance the personal, social and psychological development of your child?

Page 3: St Mary MacKillop School NEWSLETTER · formally named Kalori Catholic School would be named St Mary MacKillop School at around the same time as Mary was made a Saint. Next year of

I was also interested to hear of information about how many hours’ student spent on-line and on social media. One of the

absolute keys to all of this of course – is parent interaction. Have you sat down and watched your child play Fortnite yet? And

had a conversation with them about its themes and goals? Have you and do you monitor daily your child’s social media accounts

and speak to them about their interactions with others?

Getting outside and exercising is such an important element of success in our lives. Fitness is a key holistic element of well-

being, strongly correlated with positive outcomes such as success in school, better sleep behaviours and reduced stress. When

we move more, we are happier and healthier. If you wish to discuss gaming and the possible effects on your child’s learning

please feel free to see me.

As always, my door is always open and I am always happy to listen to and hear about your thoughts about our school and your

child’s progress and development should you wish to discuss any aspects of it with me.

Kind Regards,

James Quigley

Located within 100 metres of our school green

space, at 9 Young Street, is the original white

cottage in which the very early Sisters of St

Joseph lived. It was extremely close to the first

church which was built in 1867 where our

green is now located. It was convenient for the

sisters to walk to the church every day, set it

up as a classroom for their pupils for the school

day. At the conclusion of the day it would be

returned to its original purpose as a church!

Mary MacKillop stayed for an extended time in

this little white cottage in 1871 when she

became ill. She came from to Wallaroo by

sailing ship originally in order to inspect the

new school here, run by sisters who belonged

to her newly formed, in 1866, Sisters of St

Joseph of the Sacred Heart.


Thanks to those students who submitted their recipe during the school holidays for our special ‘150 Cook Book’. A friendly reminder all students are required to submit a recipe before the deadline on Friday, 26 October (end Week 2, Term 4). Recipes can be submitted on online at (it’s easy) or dropped into the front office on the recipe template sheet as distributed to each student at the end of Term 3. Please see Julia Agnew for another recipe form or for assistance with the online process.

Page 4: St Mary MacKillop School NEWSLETTER · formally named Kalori Catholic School would be named St Mary MacKillop School at around the same time as Mary was made a Saint. Next year of

The Vine

Welcome back to an active last term! We hope that your holidays were most enjoyable.

Welcome Back Prayer Gathering

*There are a few changes to the Welcome Back Prayer Gathering which will not take place, as usual, on the Friday of Week 1

as the Year 3 -5 classes will be enjoying their camp at Monarto at that time. Instead, the first assembly, organised by the

Specialist teachers in Week 2, Friday 26 October, will have a deeper prayer focus. Families are warmly invited to join us.

Month of the Rosary Over centuries, October has been the Month of focus on the Rosary, the traditional prayer of Mary, the Mother of Jesus. The Rosary includes repeated praying of the Hail Mary, the central prayer of the Rosary. Rosary beads are used to help follow the structure of the repeated prayer. The Hail Mary is very heavily based in Luke’s Gospel. Through this prayer, we express praise of the mother of Jesus, the woman who brought him up, who taught him how to relate to others, who educated his heart to become so compassionate and who was the first one to talk to him about God and prayer. Many other religions, such as Buddhism, also use prayer beads to help with focussing on prayer.

The 8th anniversary of the Canonization of St Mary MacKillop occurs today 17 October. St Mary MacKillop continues to have

relevance in our lives, inspiring us to new ways of following Jesus and loving God. St Mary MacKillop was passionate about

bringing fairness to those in need in a gentle and caring way so it is appropriate that during October there is a world-wide focus

on compassionate justice. It is traditionally observed as Mission Month in the Catholic Liturgical Year.

“Act for Justice, Have Less Day”

Plain Bread Roll Day for Catholic Mission:

Thursday 25th October

For World Mission Day 2018, Pope Francis says “Never think that

you have nothing to offer, or that nobody needs you. Many

people need you. Think about it! Each of you, think in your heart:

many people need me.”

Catholic Mission, the official mission aid agency of the Catholic

Church, is compelled by the message, life and love of Jesus Christ to reach out, give life and call people to act for justice and


* Thursday, 25th October, is our “Act for Justice, Have Less Day”. Through our actions we hope to help to change the lives of children and families in Myanmar, the former Burma. They have struggled through civil war and poverty. We will reach out to the children in in the remote northern town of Hakha who will benefit from the care provided by teachers from St John’s School, built by Catholic Mission.

We encourage the students of our school to stand in solidarity beside the students in St John’s School by fully and generously participating in our Social Justice event – Act for Justice, Have Less Day –a plain bread roll for lunch.

We are asking all of our students to forgo their yummy snacks and big lunches and drinks on that day and instead have water

and a lesser snack for recess and for lunch, a plain bread roll which the school will provide.

All that is asked is a gold coin donation which will be directed to Catholic Mission for the

support of those students in northern Myanmar.

Page 5: St Mary MacKillop School NEWSLETTER · formally named Kalori Catholic School would be named St Mary MacKillop School at around the same time as Mary was made a Saint. Next year of

The Vine

It is intended that our “Have Less Day” is an overall experience for the students e.g. also have less recess on this day, while

they investigate the location, culture and needs of Myanmar. This may in some small way help them to think about action for

acting justly in our world while caring for and being generous to others.

Parish Whole School Mass

Families are also invited to join our school community at the parish whole school Mass on THURSDAY 1st November, All Saints

Day. It will take place at 9:30am in Star of the Sea Church. We will give thanks for the legacy, in our lives, of saints of the Church

and the call in the Gospel, to live as a just and fair community.

Bernie Thomson APRIM, Pastoral Care Support

The P and F Provider – “The place for all your P and F news!”


Attached below are the dates we require volunteers for lunches this term. If you can spare just one hour on a Friday between

12.00pm-1.00pm, then we need you! You will be a support person in getting the lunches ready.

A police check clearance is required to assist with lunches.

Miranda Giles Lunch Co-ordinator



Friday, 19th October Time 12pm – 1pm Megan Liddy

Friday, 26th October Time 12pm – 1pm Name…………………………………………………………………..

Friday, 9th November Time 12pm – 1pm Name: ………………………………………………………………..

Friday, 16th November Time 12pm – 1pm Name: ………………………………………………………………..

Friday, 23rd November Time 12pm – 1pm Name: ………………………………………………………………..

Friday, 30th November Time 12pm – 1pm Name: ………………………………………………………………..

Friday, 7th December Time 12pm – 1pm Name: ………………………………………………………………..

Please return the reply slip by Friday, 19th October. Thank you for your support.


The Knights of the Southern Cross have asked us to waitress for their dinner on Saturday, 27th October at the Kadina Golf Club.

We did this last year and it was a lot of fun. Volunteers are to arrive by 6.15pm and should be home by 10.00pm. If you are

able to help us on the night, please return the reply slip by Friday, 19th October. For further information please see Sam Iveson.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------


I am able to help waitress at the Kadina Golf Club on Saturday, 27th October.

Name: _____________________________ Signed:_____________________________

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UP Choir

Our UP Choir has one more local performance at the Heritage Service under the Stars at the old Moonta Mines School on

Saturday, 10th November at 6.30pm (please note change of time). It is organised by the Moonta RSL who are celebrating

100 years. Prior to the service there will be family activities including food stalls, entertainment, drinks, train rides, music, the

Sweet Shop and the Museum. Up Choir members please return your attendance slips by Friday. Thank you!

St Mary MacKillop Singers Term 4 engagements are as follows.

Date Time Event Place

11th November Sunday 11:00am SMM Singers Remembrance Day Wallaroo War Memorial

8th December Saturday 10:00am SMM Singers Wallaroo Community Carols Foodland complex, along with Wallaroo Kindy and Sing Australia

6/7 Class & SA Ambulance

Yesterday our Year 6/7 students were lucky to spend some time at Wallaroo with some of the SA Ambulance volunteers

learning about CPR, using a defibrillator and general advice about what they can do in an emergency. A great ‘real-life’

learning experience!

Thanks to the great team from the Wallaroo station for your great support of our school and town.

SAPSASA Athletics Day

Congratulations to Mikayla, Harry, Hunter, Devonte and Jorja who represented NYP at the SAPSASA Athletics day in Adelaide

on Monday, 24th September. Well done to Hunter receiving a silver medal for Shot Put and Jorja, a bronze medal for Long Jump.

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Reception Class

During Term 3 the Reception class were learning about the seasons through sensory play....Summer, Autumn, Winter and


Music Recital

Tuesday, 27th November 6.30 pm


All Welcome

Students not having lessons with Michele Giesecke or Paul Boakes are welcome to perform on the night. RSVP to Karen in the front office by Friday, 26th October, advising if instrumental/vocal and song to be played/sang.

Performing students to wear neat casual clothing Performing students please provide basket supper

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What a fun filled 2 weeks

the students had during

Vacation Care! From

excursions to jumping in

mud puddles. Check out

some of the photos from all

the fun we had.

OSHC hours


Vacation Care hours


Just a reminder if your child is

booked into OSHC and not

attending or is absent from

school, you need to inform

OSHC staff before 1pm or you

may be charged. You can either

call or send a TXT to

0437 659 137.

In the Kitchen next to the sign in/out

sheet, we have our survey book. Please

fill out the current survey so we can open

Vacation Care during December/January

when required.

Thank you,

Lisa Cooper

OSHC Director

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Page 10: St Mary MacKillop School NEWSLETTER · formally named Kalori Catholic School would be named St Mary MacKillop School at around the same time as Mary was made a Saint. Next year of

Community News

WALLAROO TENNIS CLUB – HOTSHOTS for 3-7 year olds. Commencing on Thursday, 18th October, 4.00pm at the Wallaroo Tennis Courts. Register at For further information contact Emily on 0416 105 581. KADINA TENNIS CLUB – HOTSHOTS. A fun introduction to tennis for kids aged 5-12 years. 8 week program starts 8th November and runs for 4 weeks, then continues Term 1 next year. Thursday, 3.45-4.30pm. Cost $40.00 per participant. Enquiries to Jane Oster, 0438 316 211.


Charlotte – Year 1/2 19th October Mrs Nitschke 19th October Matilda – Reception 21st October Caitlin – Year 1/2 21st October India – Year 4/5 22nd October Joshua – Year 6/7 27th October


1. Sports Day information note 2. The Witness magazine 3. Year 3-5 camp note 4. Year 7 Graduation note If you have not received any of the above hand-outs, please write a note in your child’s diary for a copy to be sent home.