st. luke’s episcopal church the northern...

St. Luke’s Episcopal Church The Northern Light January 2017 The Episcopal Diocese of Fond du Lac: Being Communies of God’s Mercy and Delight Advent Wreath & Lectern Hanging Le: one of our newer mem- bers helps Deacon Joy by lighng the Advent Candles. Right: our new Advent hang- ing beaufully created by Diana Wallace. Thank you to both for inving us into the wonder and mystery of God. St. Luke’s Hosts Annual Christmas Tea at Scandia Each year the residents and staff at Scandia look forward to our Christmas Tea and this year we again offered a deligh)ul me to gather together and enjoy the gi of Christmas. The abundance of food was amazing, the hospitality and care offered to the resi- dents and staff was a blessing. Thank you to all who chose to share your gis and joined us in this ministry. Those who baked, served, sat with, set-up and cleaned up and those who organized.

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Page 1: St. Luke’s Episcopal Church The Northern · Chris Arnold and New Testament is 1p—4p by the Rev. Barb Sajna

St. Luke’s Episcopal Church

The Northern Light

January 2017 The Episcopal Diocese of Fond du Lac:

Being Communi�es of God’s Mercy

and Delight

Advent Wreath & Lectern


Le�: one of our newer mem-

bers helps Deacon Joy by

ligh�ng the Advent Candles.

Right: our new Advent hang-

ing beau�fully created by

Diana Wallace. Thank you to

both for invi�ng us into the

wonder and mystery of God.

St. Luke’s Hosts Annual Christmas Tea at Scandia

Each year the residents and staff at Scandia look forward to our

Christmas Tea and this year we again offered a deligh)ul �me to

gather together and enjoy the gi� of Christmas. The abundance

of food was amazing, the hospitality and care offered to the resi-

dents and staff was a blessing. Thank you to all who chose to

share your gi�s and joined us in this ministry. Those who baked,

served, sat with, set-up and

cleaned up and those who


Page 2: St. Luke’s Episcopal Church The Northern · Chris Arnold and New Testament is 1p—4p by the Rev. Barb Sajna

The Vestry

Betsy Rogers, Sr. Warden

Doug Schwartz, Jr. Warden

Judy Bush (2017)

Ray Osinski (2017)

Norma Bramsen (2018)

David Skidmore (2018)

Ralph Blankenburg (2019)

Steve Ellio8 (2019)

Vestry minutes appear

monthly on our website at


The Northern Light Page 2

Please don’t wait to be asked if you want to get involved. We invite you to pray

about serving and see what you discover. You can let any vestry member or

Mother Barb know you are interested. Training is provided.

• Counters for Sunday Offering.

• Reading the lessons and/or the Prayers of the People during Sunday worship.

• Serve as a chalice bearer -- they offer the cup of wine, the blood of Jesus Christ.

Some also assist at the table during communion.

• Altar Guild — they prepare for worship services including communion bread and

wine as well as flowers. Added bonus, great gatherings with scrump�ous food.

• Lay Eucharis�c Visitor (LEV) – they take communion to parish members at Scandia.

• Providing transporta�on to church for members

who live at Scandia. Speak with Gwynne Schultz,

Deacon Joy or Mother Barb.

• Assist with recycling following worship. Speak

with Gwynne Schultz or Mike Eischen.

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Learn more about the New Testament and/or Theology

Mother Barb is leading the New Testament course

The diocese is offering two courses on the 2nd Saturdays of January through May and

September through December at St. Anne's, De Pere. Theology is 9a -12n by the Rev.

Chris Arnold and New Testament is 1p—4p by the Rev. Barb Sajna. Contact the Diocesan

Office if you are interested in audi�ng. Diocesan phone is (920) 830-8866; email

[email protected]

From the Episcopal Diocese of Fond du Lac

Bishop Matt’s Blog:

Becoming People of God’s Mercy and Delight

Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. – Jesus (John 15:13)

Indeed, rarely will anyone die for a righteous person—though perhaps for a good person

someone might actually dare to die. But God proves his love for us in that while we s�ll

were sinners Christ died for us. – Paul (Romans 5:8)

Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave room for the wrath of God; for it is wri8en,

‘Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.’ No, ‘if your enemies are hungry, feed them;

if they are thirsty, give them something to drink; for by doing this you will heap burning

coals on their heads.’ Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.

– Paul (Romans 12:19-21)

The following story is famous among Mennonites. It comes from the scandalous era when Chris�ans were killing Chris-

�ans. Even so, it demonstrates what it looks like to take Jesus seriously on the way to mercy. Dirk Willems was captured and imprisoned in his home town of Asperen in the Netherlands. Knowing that his fate

would be death if he remained in prison, Dirk made a rope of strips of cloth and slid down it over the prison wall. A

guard chased him. Con$nue page 3

Page 3: St. Luke’s Episcopal Church The Northern · Chris Arnold and New Testament is 1p—4p by the Rev. Barb Sajna

The Northern Light Page 3

Thanks to our faithful stewards! The Stewardship Team extends grateful thanks to all who pledged in our 2017 parish canvass. We have concluded a suc-

cessful annual campaign, yielding 42 pledges totaling $82,599, and the Budget Commi8ee submi8ed a balanced budget

for the vestry’s considera�on and approval at its Dec. 11 mee�ng. The vestry will present the budget to the parish at the

annual mee�ng Jan. 15.

We also extend thanks to all who gave to our emergency capital campaign in October to fund reconstruc�on of the

church’s front wall. Your generous response enabled us to raise $25,701.84 to date, well more than our $20,000 goal.

With matching funds from St. Luke’s Legacy Fund and – deligh)ul surprise! – a total construc�on cost about $8,000 un-

der budget, we were able to pay the bill in full before Christmas.

As always, the vestry is deeply grateful for your generosity and your faithfulness. Thank you!

St. Luke’s Stewardship Team

Annual Meeting of St. Luke’s Sunday, January 15

The annual mee�ng will be held at the church a�er the service on Sunday, Janu-

ary 15th. The parish will elect new vestry members and conven�on delegates and

approve the choices for Sr. and Jr. Wardens. In addi�on, we'll consider and pass

the budget for 2017 and receive reports from the various commi8ees. Ray Osin-

ski has completed his term on the vestry; George Hughes has been nominated to

fill that seat. Judy Bush, who was filling out Anne Egan's term on the vestry, has

been nominated to a term in her own right.

Photo: Mother Barb addressing an earlier Annual Mee$ng

Frost had covered a nearby pond with a thin layer of ice. Dirk risked a dash across it. He made it to safety, but the ice

broke under his pursuer who cried for help. Dirk believed the Scripture that a man should help his enemies. He immedi-

ately turned back and pulled the floundering man from the frigid water.

In gra�tude for his life, the man would have let Dirk escape, but a Burgomaster (chief magistrate) standing on the shore

sternly ordered him to arrest Dirk and bring him back, reminding him of the oath he had sworn as an officer of the


Back to prison went Dirk. He was condemned to death for being re-bap�zed, allowing secret church services in his

home and leSng others be bap�zed there.

Dirk was burned to death on May 16, 1569. The wind blew the flame away from him so that his death was long and

miserable. Time and again Dirk cried out to God. Finally, one of the authori�es could not bear to see him suffer any

longer and ordered an underling to end his torment with a quick death.

(adapted from DirkWillem Burned a*er Rescuing Pursuer by Dan Graves)

One thing to note is that Dirk Willems did try to escape. The way of mercy dose not require

that one seek martyrdom. One need not stay in an abusive rela�onship, for example.

But following Jesus does mean being prepared to forgive even those who wish us harm. It re-

quires risking our own safety to help those in need, including those who we perceive to be a


Would I go back over the ice to rescue my enemy? Would you? Are we willing to risk our own

safety by prac�cing the radical mercy of God (Ma8hew 5:43-48)? Who might be in need of

that mercy now?

Follow the Bishop’s blog at h-p:// or by going to the dioce-

san website: h-p://

Bishop Matt’s Blog continued from page 2

Page 4: St. Luke’s Episcopal Church The Northern · Chris Arnold and New Testament is 1p—4p by the Rev. Barb Sajna

The Northern Light Page 4

Epiphany Outreach The Outreach Commi8ee will spearhead a book drive for

children during the Epiphany season. The idea came from

Nicholas Kristof's book, "A Path Appears" in which he talked

about a program in which books were donated to pediatri-

cians' offices. Children who come for an appointment are

encouraged to take home a

book of their choice. It's a pro-

gram designed to get books in

the hands of children who might

not otherwise have them and to

alert mothers to the importance

of reading. More on this later.

Book Group

The book selected for January

is "Jewelweed", by David Rhodes. We

will meet in the Canterbury Room

on Thursday, January 19 at noon.

Adult Education Lec$onary Bible Study: a conversa�on about the upcom-

ing Sunday lessons. Wednesdays, 2p. Talk with Jane Weis

to learn more. Sundays readings will take on a new di-


Occasional Sunday Transportation Needed: If you have a sedan or a wagon, would you consider being

a backup driver for two people at Woodview? It involves

going into Woodview to find your passengers, loading a

walker (or maybe two) into your trunk and helping your

passenger into your car. Most Sundays I (Gwynne) pro-

vide this service, but there are occasional Sundays when I

can't be here. It would be wonderful if I had a backup list

upon which I could call. If you would be willing, please

call (854-3031) or e-mail ([email protected])

me. I, and they, will be most grateful!

Military Honor Court From the Liberty Grove Historical Society They are planning to construct a Military Honor Circle to

honor veterans buried in church or area cemeter-

ies. They are selling bricks for the circle and a walk-

way. Informa�on, a list of veterans currently buried in

area cemeteries, an order sheet and envelopes are on

the bulle�n board in the narthex.

Canterbury Cinema

Wednesday, January 11, 5p

Never Cry Wolf - PG 1 hour 45


Never Cry Wolf is a 1983 Ameri-

can drama film directed by Carroll

Ballard. The film is an adapta�on of Farley Mowat's 1963

autobiography Never Cry Wolf and stars Charles Mar�n

Smith as a government biologist sent into the wilderness to

study the caribou popula�on, whose decline is believed to

be caused by wolves, even though no one has seen a wolf kill

a caribou. The film also features Brian Dennehy and Zachary


Please sign-up so we know how many to expect for a sim-

ple supper and the film and indicate if you plan to bring

something. Looking forward to being with you.

Adopt a Family Here are just a few

of the gi�s we at

St. Luke’s collect-

ed for our Christ-

mas family of 7. In

addi�on to gi�s, a

number of gi�

cards and financial

dona�ons were

received. Thank

you to all who

helped make this

family’s Christmas


Coffee Hour News Did you know that the coffee consumed at our Coffee

Hour supports Fair Trade? Recently the

Kitchen Commi8ee has started ordering

coffee from Equal Exchange. We found

their policies suppor�ng Fair Trade,

small farms and economic jus�ce con-

sistent with the values we espouse at

St. Luke’s. An added bonus is that Equal

Exchange will donate 15 cents to Epis-

copal Relief and Development for each

pound of coffee we purchase. Drink up!

Page 5: St. Luke’s Episcopal Church The Northern · Chris Arnold and New Testament is 1p—4p by the Rev. Barb Sajna

The Northern Light Page 5

Vestry Member David Skidmore selected as Editor of The Historiographer Following a na�onal search, David Skidmore has been selected to serve as Editor of The Historiographer, a joint publica-

�on of the Na�onal Episcopal Historians and Archivists (NEHA) and the Historical Society of the Episcopal Church (HSEC).

Skidmore is a self-employed communica�on consultant living in Door County, Wisconsin and was formerly Director of

Communica�on for the Episcopal Diocese of Chicago.

The Historiographer is published quarterly to promote preserving of church records and wri�ng of parochial and diocesan

history in the Episcopal Church with feature-focused content including biographical sketches on important church figures,

historical sketches of churches, reports of church or diocesan Archival Commi8ee ac�vi�es, helpful "how-to" ar�cles, and

promo�on and reports of NEHA / HSEC projects, ac�vi�es and mee�ngs. With a circula�on of approximately 900, it is pro-

vided to members of both organiza�ons, bishops and diocesan offices across the globe.

Gibraltar High School Choir Visits

On Sunday, December 11, the Gibraltar High School choir included St.

Luke’s in their visit to local churches. They sang a number of songs and

invited everyone to their upcoming concert. Thanks to Sue Raye

Hughes, for geSng us on their tour. What a treat it was to be included.

Lessons and Carols with

Christ the King / Holy Nativity

Early in December, we gathered at Holy Na�vity for Lessons and Carols.

The Fes�val of Nine Lessons and Carols is a service celebra�ng the birth

of Jesus that is tradi�onally followed at Christmas. The story of the fall of

humanity, the promise of the Messiah, and the birth of Jesus is told in

nine short Bible readings from Genesis, the prophe�c books and the

Gospels, interspersed with the singing of Christmas carols, hymns and

choir music. Sue Raye Hughes accompanied the joint churches choir.

They were joined by the New Day singers. St. Luke’s will host in 2017. Mother Barb and Pastor Olin led worship.

Above: the combined choir. Right: Steve El-

lio- reading a lesson. Far Right: the recep-

$on following worship.

Page 6: St. Luke’s Episcopal Church The Northern · Chris Arnold and New Testament is 1p—4p by the Rev. Barb Sajna

The Northern Light Page 6

Getting your newsletter in the mail? Consider geSng it in color on-line.

You can print out only what you need plus enjoy a more

vibrant newsle8er. Send an email to:

[email protected]

Please include your name and email ad-

dress. Sign-up for E-News list as well.

Want to be in the Know? Sign-up for E-News to get weekly and special updates on

what is happening in our faith community. This is our

primary means of ge6ng news out to people in the most

$mely manner. All we need is your email

address and you will be ‘in the know.’

Send Carol Ann Osinski an email at

[email protected]

St. Luke’s Offers Episcopal Pamphlets

A rack in the Canterbury Room ves�bule offers a variety of

pamphlets on subjects ranging from the Episcopal Church

to spiritual life to pastoral care and Bible study. These pam-

phlets, well wri8en and reliable sources of informa�on,

instruc�on and inspira�on, come from Forward Move-

ment, a na�onal Episcopal publishing company. St. Luke’s

offers them free for your learning and use.

Clipboard Alley Clipboard Alley is where a number of things

are posted on clipboards including sign-up

sheets for serving, Sunday flowers and

other events.

Clipboard Alley is located along the hallway

that leads to the stairs. When entering St. Luke’s, the

hallway is immediately to your right as you walk towards

the worship space.

Outreach: S-(/,+B O)C-(. D'EFDDG, (-B,'+FDDG F+H BD'IFDDG

St. Luke’s Episcopal Church’s Outreach Ministries selected Northern Door Childcare Center

and Secret Santa to each receive a $1000 gi�. Tradi-

�onally, the church gives over 5% of its opera�ng

budget to local, regional and global ministries that

serve others. This is in response to one of our prom-

ises we make, “to seek and serve Christ in all persons, loving your neighbor as

yourself.” Northern Door Children’s Center is a not-for-profit organiza�on dedi-

cated to providing quality primary care in a safe, secure environment that en-

hances personal growth and educa�onal development for the young ci�zens of

northern Door County, in partnership with parents and the community. Secret

Santa helps people in need to stay warm by paying their hea�ng bills.

Top Photo: Pete Thelen, Chair of St. Luke’s Outreach Ministries, presents the

$1,000 check to Jane Lee of Secret Santa. Lower Photo: Doug Schwartz, Junior

Warden, presen$ng the Outreach gi* to the Cindy Peot-Trinker at the Northern

Door Childcare Center.

St. Luke’s Altar Guild gathered the end of November

for their annual mee�ng and brunch. These dedicated

members of St. Luke’s faithfully provide the ‘behind

the scenes’ work that allows us to gather weekly for

worship and Eucharist. And while it is work, they have

a great �me as they serve. If you are interested in

learning more please speak to Norma Bramsen or Car-

ol Ann Osinski .

Altar Guild

Page 7: St. Luke’s Episcopal Church The Northern · Chris Arnold and New Testament is 1p—4p by the Rev. Barb Sajna

RECTOR: The Rev. Barbara Sajna,

2100 Ridges Road

Baileys Harbor, WI 54202

Home: 920-839-9392

Cell: 920-421-2028

Church Phone: (920) 854-9600


The Rev. Joy Zakrzewski


Parish Staff:

Treasurer: Karen Schwartz

[email protected]


Secretary: Jane Weis

[email protected] 920-854-1185

E-News Editor: Carol Ann Osinski

[email protected]


Newsle�er Editor:

Joanne Skidmore

[email protected]


Website Editor: Norma Bramsen

[email protected]


Parish Nurse: Roberta Thelen

[email protected]


The Northern Light Page 7

Are we missing your birthday or

anniversary? Have we given

you a new one by mistake? If

so, please call the church office

and let us know.

R-K-KI-(,+B TC'.- WC' HF/- D,-H

Pat Diemer, widow of Dick Diemer

Barry Teicher, husband of Jude

We thank you God for giving them to us, their family and friends, to know and to love as a compan-ion on our earthly pilgrimage. In your boundless compassion console us who mourn. Give us faith to see in death the gate of eternal life, so that in quiet confidence we may continue our course on earth, until, by your call, we are reunited with those who have gone before.

Give rest, O Christ, to your servants with your saints, where sorrow and pain are no more, neither sighing, but life everlasting.

The Book of Common Prayer

Changes to St. Luke’s Directory

Tom and Sue Murray

Tom's email: [email protected]

Tom's cell: 773/852-0751

Sue's cell: 773/573-8547

Jan 1 Bud Gaston

Jan 1 Jenna Riley

Jan 3 Emiliano Marvin

Jan 7 Ralph Blankenburg

Jan 12 Hilary Ford

Jan 14 Carol Reince

Jan 15 Nicholas Cramer

Jan 15 Nancy Noel

Jan 16 Robert Jischke

Jan 18 Ray Osinski

Jan 23 Doug Schwartz

Jan 25 Skip Cole

Jan 25 Salli Eley

A Prayer for the New Year

We make excuses to walk away from the presence of God. Turn our steps

toward your grace.

Lord in your mercy --- Hear our prayer.

You have invited us all to the feast of All Saints. Some in chairs, some in beds,

some in rags, some in tuxedos, and a thousand languages from across the

planet. Strengthen us to welcome all and carry those around us so they may

partake in the feast of your grace.

Lord in your mercy --- Hear our prayer.

We have surrounded ourselves with shimmering curtains of light and walls of

thunder. Drag us out from behind them with your s�ll small voice.

Lord in your mercy --- Hear our prayer.

Lead us with the light of the angels and the music spheres to the feast of the

presence of our Lord Jesus Christ in the stable.

Lord in your mercy --- Hear our prayer.

Jeff Lorch, provided by Judy Bush

Page 8: St. Luke’s Episcopal Church The Northern · Chris Arnold and New Testament is 1p—4p by the Rev. Barb Sajna

St. Luke’s Episcopal Church 2336 Canterbury Lane

PO Box 559, Sister Bay, WI 54234

Church Phone: (920) 854-9600

E-mail: [email protected]

Website: h8p://

Bishop Ma8hew Gunter,

The Episcopal Diocese of Fond du Lac

Mother Barb Sajna, Rector

Deacon Joy Zakrzewski

Celebra�ng, Deepening and Sharing

our Commitment to Christ

Preparing for Sunday:

Sunday Readings with Commentary

Go to our website at

h�p://stlukes- and click

on the icon.

Just a few things in this issue: Scandia Tea, front page

Mother Barb teaching the New Testament and you are invited to

audit, p. 2

Bishop Ma8’s Blog, p. 2

Outreach Ministry Epiphany Opportuni�es, p. 3

Stewardship and Capital Campaign Update, p. 3

Dinner and Movie; Book Club, p 4

Outreach Gi�s, p. 6

A Prayer for the New Year, p. 7

And, much more.

Annual Meeting

St. Luke’s Annual Mee�ng is Sunday, January 15, following wor-

ship and fellowship. This is a �me for the parish to come togeth-

er to hear and discuss plans for the coming year as well as elect

new vestry members, wardens and diocesan conven�on dele-
