st. joseph church educates election of the pope


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Resignation of Pope Benedict

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Cardinals will lead the Church during the

Interregnum - Gap

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Three Exceptions

Camerlengo – takes charge of money matters

Vicar of Rome – Pastoral Care of Rome

Major Penitentiary – grants absolutions anddispensations.

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Cardinals gather in Rome

Usually 15 days after Pope dies they start


Conclave – latin phrase with a Key

Pope Benedict changed that on Sunday – they

can start as soon as they can get there.

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Cardinals gather in Rome

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Where Active Cardinals are from

His Eminence Francis Cardinal George - Chicago

His Eminence Sean Cardinal O'Malley - Boston

His Eminence Justin Cardinal Rigali - Philadelphia

His Eminence Daniel Cardinal DiNardo - Houston

His Eminence Roger Cardinal Mahony - Los Angeles

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Retired Cardinals

His Eminence Anthony Cardinal Bevilacqua – Philadelphia *

His Eminence Edward Cardinal Egan - New York

His Eminence Edmund Cardinal Szoka - Detroit

His Eminence Adam Cardinal Maida - Detroit

His Eminence Bernard Cardinal Law - BostonHis Eminence William Cardinal Keeler - Baltimore

His Eminence James Cardinal Stafford - Denver

His Eminence William Cardinal Baum - Washington, D.C.

His Eminence Theodore Cardinal McCarrick - Washington, D.C.

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Who votes

All Cardinals can participate in preliminary


Only Cardinals under 80 may vote

Maximum 120 Cardinals

Right now, 117 Eligible to vote

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Where do they stay and meet

Cardinals live in seclusion at Casa Santa Maria

in side Vatican walls

Cardinals meet in the Sistine Chapel adjacent

to St. Peter’s Basilica 

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Sistine Chapel

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Rules for Conclave

Once Conclave begins – locked into Sistine


Only may leave for illness or serious reason

determined by majority of cardinals

Everyone associated (cardinals, doctors,

nurses, sacristans, caterers, housekeeping)

must swear never to tell anything of what they

learn about the election.

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Conclave begins in the morning with Mass

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Cardinals Process in order of Seniority to

Sistine Chapel singing “Veni, Creator Spiritus” 

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Cardinals take oath

No interference in election

Observe rules

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Master of Pontifical Liturgical Celebrations

orders everyone who is not taking part or

assisting to leave

Latin phrase “extra omnes” (all out) 

Undersecretary closes off cardinals hotel and

Sistine Chapel

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Following a meditation by a priest chosen by

cardinals earlier voting can begin immediately

or the next morning 

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Conclave - Voting

Cardinals divided in to ranks:




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Cardinal bishops (cardinals of the Episcopal Order)are among the most senior prelates of the CatholicChurch.

Cardinal priests are the most numerous of thethree orders of cardinals in the Catholic Church,ranking above the cardinal deacons and below thecardinal bishops. Those who are named cardinal

priests today are generally bishops of important dioceses throughout the world, thoughsome hold Curial positions.

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The cardinal deacons are the lowest-ranking 

cardinals. Cardinals elevated to the diaconal

order are either officials of the Roman Curia or

priests elevated after their 80th birthday.Bishops with diocesan responsibilities,

however, are created cardinal priests.

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Conclave - Voting

Each day balloting starts with the selection of 

three scrutineers who count votes

Three infirmarians who collect ballots from any

cardinals too ill to go to the chapel

Three revisers who review ballot count

All are chosen by lot with the cardinal-deacon lowestin seniority drawing lots

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Conclave - Voting

Elaborate Precautions against fraud

Disguise handwriting 

Enters name on two-inch-wide card which is printed

on top with the Latin phrase “Eligo in Summum

Pontificem” (I lect as Supreme Pontiff).

Folds ballot lengthwise to conceal name

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Conclave - voting

Cardinals walk to altar one by one in order of 

precedence holding ballot aloft

Cardinals kneel briefly to pray and stand and

declares “I call as my witness Christ the Lord,

who will be my judge, that my vote is given to

the one whom, before God, I think should be


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Conclave - Voting

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Conclave - Voting

Cardinals drop ballot on a plate which is on top

of a chalice

Lifting plate, he allows ballot to drop in chalice

The infirmarians leave chapel with a locked box

with a slit on top to collect ballots of sick


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Conclave – Voting – Counting ballots

Once all have voted, the first scutineer mixes

the ballots by shaking receptacle

The third scrutineer counts the still-folded


If the number is not the same as the electors,

the ballots are burned and the cardinals

immediately vote again.

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Conclave - Voting

If the number of ballots is correct, thescrutineers begin the count seated at a table infront of the altar.

The first scrutineer unfolds each ballot, silentlynotes the name written on it and hands it to thesecond scrutineer, who does the same andhands it on to the third, who reads the name

aloud and records it. The cardinals may alsokeep a tally.

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Conclave - Voting

At the end of the count, the scrutineers

announce the total number of votes each

candidate has received. Any candidate who has

received two-thirds of the votes of thosepresent is elected pope. If the total is not

divisible by three, the required number of votes

for election is two-thirds plus one.

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Conclave - Voting

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Conclave - Voting

After the results are announced, the third

scrutineer threads the ballots together with a

needle, which he inserts through the word

“eligo” (or “elect”) printed on each voting card.He ties a knot at each end and turns the

bundle of ballots and the scrutineers’ records

over to the three revisers to be checked.

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Conclave - Voting

If all is in order, the scrutineers, secretary of the conclave and masters of ceremonies burnthe ballots and all notes taken by the

scrutineers and cardinals in a special stove.Since 1903, the masters of ceremonies haveadded chemicals to color the smoke. If the tensof thousands of people waiting in St. Peter’s

Square see white smoke, they know that thepope has been elected; if they see blacksmoke, he has not.

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Conclave - Voting

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Conclave - Voting

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Conclave - Voting

The only remaining record of the voting is a

document that the camerlengo prepares at the

end of the election giving the results of each

session. The document is approved by theassisting cardinals, given to the new pope and

then placed in a sealed envelope in the

archives to be opened only with papalpermission.

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Conclave - Voting

Breaking an Impasse

If the voting is inconclusive, the cardinals maycontinue to cast up to four ballots each day — 

twice in the morning and twice in theafternoon. If they still have not elected a popeafter three days, voting is suspended for a dayof prayer, informal discussion and a brief 

spiritual exhortation by the senior cardinal-deacon.

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Conclave - Voting

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Conclave - Voting

If the impasse continues, there are seven more

votes, a suspension and exhortation by the

senior cardinal-priest, followed by another

seven votes, a suspension and exhortation bythe senior cardinal-bishop and a final seven


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Conclave - Voting

Pope John Paul II introduced rules in 1996 that

the requirement for a two-thirds majority could

be waived after 12 days, and the pope may be

chosen by an absolute majority. But Benedictcanceled this provision in 2007

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Conclave - Voting

Under the new rules, after 12 days, the choice

of candidates is limited to the two men who

received the most votes in the last round. The

two candidates do not vote in this round and, tobe elected pope, one needs to achieve a two-

thirds majority.

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Conclave – The New Pope

Once the election is decided, the dean of the

College of Cardinals asks the winner, “Do you

accept your canonical election as supreme


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Conclave – The New Pope

It has been many centuries since the answer

was no.

St. Philip Benizi, for one, fled a conclave in

1271 and hid until another candidate was

chosen. St. Charles Borromeo declined in the

16th century, and Cardinal Robert Bellarmine

declined in 1621.

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Conclave – Requirement for Pope

There are no formal requirements other than

the candidate be a Catholic male. In theory,

one doesn't even have to be a Cardinal (Or a

priest!) to be elected Pope. In practice however,this has not occurred since 1379. There are

INFORMAL requirements...unwritten rules if you

will, for being elected Pope.

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Conclave – Requirement for Pope

 1. RANK: One must be a Cardinal to be elected Pope.

2. AGE: There are no formal age requirements for being elected Pope,but keep in mind that Cardinals are RARELY appointed before age50. The youngest Cardinal presently serving is 57. Cardinals 80 and

over cannot vote for Pope, and no one over 79 has EVER beenelected Pope. The window of opportunity, therefore, is from one's late50's to one's late 70's. Cardinals in their 60's are considered to bethe ideal age for election.

3. LANGUAGES: The person who would be Pope must speak at least

3 languages: Latin, Italian, English, Spanish, French, Portuguese, andGerman are especially good for a potential Pope to know.

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Conclave – The New Pope

The new pope is asked by what name he wants

to be called. For the past 1,000 years, it has

been the custom for the pope to change his

name upon being elected. The last to keep hisown name was Marcellus II, elected in 1555.

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Conclave – The New Pope

The cardinals make an act of homage and

obedience to the new pope and join in a prayer

of thanksgiving.

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Conclave – The New Pope

The ballots are burned with white smoke.

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Conclave – The New Pope

The ballots are burned with white smoke.

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Conclave – The New Pope

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Conclave – The New Pope

The Pope steps into room next to altar called

the “Room of Tears” a small red room next to

the Sistine Chapel. The pope dresses by

himself, choosing a set of pontifical choir robes(white cassock, rochet and red mozzetta) from

three sizes provided. Then, he vests in a gold

corded pectoral cross and a redembroidered stole. He wears a

white zucchetto on his head.

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Conclave – The New Pope

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Conclave – The New Pope

The senior cardinal-deacon then steps out onto

the central balcony of St. Peter’s Square. He

pronounces a Latin formula including the

phrase, “Habemus papam (We have a pope)”and announces the name the new pontiff has


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Conclave – The New Pope

The pope appears and gives his first “urbi et

orbi” blessing to the city of Rome and the


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Conclave – New Pope

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Conclave – The New Pope

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Conclave – The New Pope

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Conclave – The New Pope

The pope appears and gives his first “urbi et

orbi” blessing to the city of Rome and the
