st. john the apostle church, villa park...2019/06/15  · collections sunday, 6/9—$4,298.00...

St. John the Apostle Church, Villa Park

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Page 1: St. John the Apostle Church, Villa Park...2019/06/15  · Collections Sunday, 6/9—$4,298.00 Ascension—$30.00 TOTAL: $4,328.00 Your generosity and discipleship are greatly ap-preciated!

St. John the Apostle Church, Villa Park

Page 2: St. John the Apostle Church, Villa Park...2019/06/15  · Collections Sunday, 6/9—$4,298.00 Ascension—$30.00 TOTAL: $4,328.00 Your generosity and discipleship are greatly ap-preciated!



If you would like your name added to or removed from this list for prayers, please call the rectory. Maria Ester Aguilar, Janet Anderson,Ann Bader, Ray Bader, Guadalupe Bautista, Sarah Brygal, Lilia Carbajal, John Castrejon, Fr. Joe Chang, Tilmon Chelette, Stephanie Chodera, Pat Corcoran, Isabella Daytesola, Carol DeWitt, Leo Dube, Emily Emond, Pat Edbrooke, Deacon Joe Ferrari, Ange-lina Flores, Linda Grecco, Tony Grecco, Bob Grosbier, Tyson Johnson, Stanley Kalinowski, Charlotte Kennon, Duncan Kero, Frances Krueger, John Krzys, Faye LaPorta, Amy Lewicki, Char-lene Martin Lupo, David Martin, Tom McShane, Stella Mindoloska, Judy Moss, Peter Moss, Philip Pasuntino, Jen-nifer Perez, Matt & Annmarie Potenza, Bobby Roeback, Marge Saalfeld, Mateo Santacruz, Fr. John Sebahar, Luigi Schias-si, Theresa Sekowski, Tom Shook, Lillian Skowron, Tim Smith, Mondavi Sobbi, Benjamin Soriano, Mary Ann Sturm, Mary Thoris, Brian Tokar, Dale Vercellotti, Kevin Wallace, Paula Weil, Joyce Wells.


Most Rev. R. Daniel Conlon Pastor-Rev. Mark Rosenbaum

Weekend & Daily Mass– Assistant

Priest—Fr. Roy Jacob CMI Weekend Mass Assistant Priests

Fr. Tan Nguyen SVD Fr. Nhan Van Tran SVD

Deacon Ron Madsen (630) 279-7433 Music Ministry—John Toner, Alexia Garcia

Director of Religious Education / Directora de Educacion Religiosa

Dolly Foley (630) 832-7588 R.E. Office Hours/Horario de Oficina: Monday/Lunes 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM Saturday/Sabado 8:30 AM - 12:00 PM

Parish Website: Deanery: Bulletin Editor: [email protected]

Rectory- (630) 279-7404 330 N. Westmore Ave

Villa Park, Il 60181 [email protected]

OFFICE HOURS Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday: 9:00 AM-3:30 PM

Friday 6:00 PM-8:00 PM, Saturday 11:00 AM-2PM Closed Wednesday

SCHEDULE/HORARIO. MASS/MISA Saturday: 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM,

Sunday: 9:00 AM,11:00 AM, 12:30 PM ESPAÑOL Weekdays : 7:45 AM except Thursday: 7:00 PM

SACRAMENTS /SACRAMENTOS Confessions/Confesiones. Saturday: 4:00 to 4:45 PM/

Confessions also by appointment Baptisms/Bautismos

English Pre-Baptism class on 1st Sunday of the month at 12:30 PM. Contact the rectory to register.

Preparación pre-bautismal: Primer sabado del mes con cita previa. Contacte la rectoría para registrarse.

Baptisms – On most Saturdays between 12:00 PM and 2:30 PM or during the 5:00 PM, 9:00 AM or 12:30 PM Weekend Masses.

Weddings/Boda Contact the rectory to schedule/Contacte la Rectoria

MISSION STATEMENT The Catholic Community of St. John the Apostle Parish commits to live out the teachings of Jesus Christ, nourished by the Eucharist, guided by the Holy Spirit and rooted in prayer. Together we continue the mission of Christ through Evangelization, Discipleship and Charity. La misión de la Parroquia San Juan Apóstol La Comunidad Católica de la Parroquia San Juan Apóstol se compro-mete a vivir las enseñanzas de Jesucristo, alimentada por la Eucaristía, guiados por el Espíritu Santo y con raíces en la oración. Juntos continua-mos la misión de Cristo a través de la evangelización, discipulado y Caridad.

MILITARY PRAYER LIST. As a parish family, we at St. John the Apostle pray for all the members of our parish. We especially pray for our parishioners and their relatives who are currently on active duty in the military: • DeWitt • Staff Sgt. Adam Griswold • Pvt. Aren Menor • Pvt. Joseph Aguayo-Ludvik • USMC Joseph Ciesla • Spc. Thomas • AIC Darren Menor • A1C Ryan Pemberton • Sgt. Andrew J. Peterson • L. Cpl. Donald J. Peterson • A1C Anthony Pieroni—USAF • Pvt. Jeremy Schumacher • Spc. MP Catherin R. Stover/Peterson • Corp. Robert Stover • Pfc. Stephen Winter. ( name and branch of

service so that he or she can be included in a weekly prayer list in our bulletin.)

June 16th—The Most Holy Trinity

Page 3: St. John the Apostle Church, Villa Park...2019/06/15  · Collections Sunday, 6/9—$4,298.00 Ascension—$30.00 TOTAL: $4,328.00 Your generosity and discipleship are greatly ap-preciated!


Sunday, 6/9—$4,298.00 Ascension—$30.00

TOTAL: $4,328.00

Your generosity and discipleship are greatly ap-preciated! Thank you for supporting the good work of St. John Parish!

2019 Catholic Ministries Annual Appeal – We need your response! Thank you to those who have already responded with a gi or pledge to the 2019 Catholic Ministries Annual Appeal. If you have not yet made a gi or pledge, there is s ll plenty of me to respond. Gi envelopes are available in the back of church and may be placed in the weekend collec on basket. Gi s can also be made by credit card through the Diocesan website at or use the link at the bo om of the homepage of our website. Our Parish Goal: $24,000 Amount Pledged: $26,024 Amount Paid: $20,777 Balance Due: $5,248 Donor Count: 154

2019 Rebate: $0

2020 Mass Intention Book Is Now Open

The 2020 Mass Intention Book is now open. If you would like to have a Mass intention said, please contact the rec-tory office to see if your date is available.





12:30 pm

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Reserve a seat next to a fellow parishioner

Catholic Chari es’ Mobile Food Pantry is coming to your community!

¡La Despensa de Alimentos Móvil Va a Viajar a su Comunidad!

Thursday, June 27, 2019 Jueves, 27 de junio 2019

at St. John the Apostle Church

330 N. Westmore Avenue, Villa Park Registra on begins at 8:30 AM. Food Distribu on from

10:00 AM un l 11:30 AM

Page 4: St. John the Apostle Church, Villa Park...2019/06/15  · Collections Sunday, 6/9—$4,298.00 Ascension—$30.00 TOTAL: $4,328.00 Your generosity and discipleship are greatly ap-preciated!


Sunday, June 16th Happy Father’s Day

Second Collection-Diocesan Infirm & Elderly Priests

Tuesday, June 18th

Servants of St. Joseph Mtg-7:00 PM—Parish Hall CCW Meeting—7:00 PM—Library

Wednesday, June 19th

Spanish Legion of Mary—6:15 PM –Library English Legion of Mary—7:00 PM—Ministry Rm.

Friday, June 21st

RE Office Open—5-8 PM

Saturday, June 22nd RE Office Open—9-12 Noon

Meet & Support our Seminarians

An inspirational occasion: alone or with family & friends.

Diocese of Joliet—43rd Annual

Seminarian Sendoff

“Celebrating the Future Priesthood”

Sunday, August 11, 2019 1:30 pm—4:30 pm

Benet Academy, Lisle (New Location)

Adults: $30 Children 5-12: $15

Children under 5: Free

For more information, please call Ken LeBeau at

630-818-6261 or email

[email protected]

The Serra Club of DuPage County began the Seminarian Sendoff 45 years ago and continues as its sponsor and organizer. Excess pro-ceeds are shared with the diocesan Vocation Office to assist with the formation of our seminarians.

Statement of Bishop R. Daniel Conlon, Diocese of Joliet

Regarding Passage of Illinois Senate Bill 25

The misnamed “Reproductive Health Act”, Senate Bill 25, is a horrific piece of legislation that will lead to more children dying through the violent act of abortion, even at a point when they are able to survive outside the womb. Science indicates that life begins at conception, and to deny the life of certain hu-man beings at young ages is an attack on hu-man rights. No person’s life should be in jeopardy simply based upon his or her age. Only in the womb do our laws allow some hu-mans to be accorded the full rights of person-hood and some not. Additionally, this legislation is not in the best interest of women as it removes abortion clinics from regulations for serious medical procedures. The Church is committed to up-holding the dignity of women but does not believe that abortion is a solution when chal-lenging situations arise. Rather, working to-wards a society where both mother and child are cared for is the true path of justice and compassion. I am aware that some of the legislators who voted in favor of this legislation believe that it violates their own conscience. Yet, for them party loyalty, even on such a weighty moral issue, has seemingly trumped conscience. Abortion is an illogical and inconsistent poli-cy for anyone who stands for human rights. To allow one person to decide whether anoth-er person lives or dies is even more capri-cious than the death penalty or war. Ironically. as Illinois expands the legal and even constitutional right to abortion, many of its neighboring states have moved to restrict abortion. Clearly, we are a divided society on this issue. The Catholic Church stakes its po-sition on the ultimate belief that God creates every human person and endows each of them with the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Page 5: St. John the Apostle Church, Villa Park...2019/06/15  · Collections Sunday, 6/9—$4,298.00 Ascension—$30.00 TOTAL: $4,328.00 Your generosity and discipleship are greatly ap-preciated!


Monday: 2 Cor 6:1-10; Ps 98:1, 2b, 3-4; Mt 5:38-42 Tuesday: 2 Cor 8:1-9; Ps 146:2, 5-9a; Mt 5:43-48 Wednesday: 2 Cor 9:6-11; Ps 112:1bc-4, 9; Mt 6:1-6, 16-18 Thursday: 2 Cor 11:1-11; Ps 111:1b-4, 7-8; Mt 6:7-15 Friday: 2 Cor 11:18, 21-30; Ps 34:2-7; Mt 6:19-23 Saturday: 2 Cor 12:1-10; Ps 34:8-13; Mt 6:24-34 Sunday: Gn 14:18-20; Ps 110:1-4; 1 Cor 11:23-26; Lk 9:11b-17


The SERRA CLUB OF DUPAGE, an organization supporting vocations to the priesthood & religious life, invites you to join them on Monday, June 24 at St. Michael’s Parish in Wheaton. The evening will begin at 6:00 PM with Rosary and Mass in Church. Dinner will follow in the Parish Center. Bishop Daniel Conlon will be the celebrant of the Mass and will install the new SERRA Officers. To find out more about SERRA or to make a reservation for the dinner, please contact Joann Carr at:

[email protected] or 630-665-0994

Noticias de Educación Religiosa

Horas de verano A partir del Sábado 1ero de Junio La oficina de educación religiosa estará abierta. Viernes de 5:00 a 8:00 pm y Sábado de 9:00 a 12:00 (Mediodía) Tenga en cuenta que la oficina estará cerrada en las siguientes fechas: 28 y 29 de Junio 5 y 6 de Julio 20 de Julio 16 y 17 de Agosto y 7 de Septiembre. Las clases de Educación Religiosa comenzarán: Sábado, 21 de Septiembre (9:00 am a 10:30 am) para los grados

Kindergarten hasta el 5to grado Lunes 23 de septiembre (6:45 pm hasta las 8:15 pm) para

Del 6to al 8vo grado

La inscripción para el año escolar 2019/2020 puede hacerse en cualquier momento. La oficina está abierta. Una copia del Certificado de Bautismo del niño DEBE incluirse en el expediente y se espera el pago en el momento de la inscripción.

Religious Education News

Summer Hours Beginning Saturday June 1st The religious education office will be open Friday’s 5:00 to 8:00PM and on Saturday’s 9:00 to 12:00 (Noon) Please note the office will be closed on The following dates: June 28th & 29th July 5th & 6th July 20th August 16th & 17th and September 7th. Religious Education classes will begin: Saturday, Sept. 21st (9:00am until 10:30am) for grades Kindergarten through 5th and on Monday Sept. 23rd (6:45pm until 8:15pm) for grades 6th through 8th. Registration for the 2019/2020 school year can be done anytime the office is open A copy of the child’s baptismal certifi-cate MUST be on file and Payment is expected at time of registra-tion.

Page 6: St. John the Apostle Church, Villa Park...2019/06/15  · Collections Sunday, 6/9—$4,298.00 Ascension—$30.00 TOTAL: $4,328.00 Your generosity and discipleship are greatly ap-preciated!

June 16th—The Most Holy Trinity

It is oftentimes good to stand before a mystery of life and ponder it. Today we stand before the profound mystery of God: One God, three Persons; a mystery people have pondered since the beginning of time. Because God has been and should be a big part of our lives, we should ponder the mystery of God so as to understand God a little better, to be in awe, and to celebrate more profoundly the God we worship, love, listen to, desire to be with, and try to be like.

Catholic Chari es Seeks Volunteers to Prepare and Serve Dinner to the Homeless

Catholic Chari es, Diocese of Joliet operates an 18 bed homeless shelter in Villa Park called the Kathy Paulsen Hope House. We are looking for volunteers to prepare and serve meals at the shelter. Volunteers are also welcome to prepare meals offsite and bring them to the shelter to serve. The ingredients will be provid-ed, but volunteers are welcome to supplement the menu with other spices and ingredients. This is a great opportunity to help homeless families! Please contact Joy Newburn at [email protected] or 630-519-6547 for more informa on. Or, visit catholicchari- and click “volunteer” to sign up!

Catholic Chari es’ Back to School Fair The DuPage County Back to School Fair, coordinated by Catholic Chari es, Diocese of Joliet will be held on Wednesday, August 7, 2019 from 11:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. at the DuPage County Fairgrounds (2015 Man-chester Road, Wheaton). This is a new loca on this year! This annual summer event is a major countywide effort to help families who are living on low-incomes access important services to begin the school year on a posi ve note. Children who a end the fair will receive free medical and dental services; vital infor-ma on about local programs and services; and a new backpack with school supplies! Parents must bring the following items to the fair: • Proof of income ο Recent pay stubs, tax return or public aid card and LINC card together ο If you cannot provide this informa on, you must bring cash income verifica on (wri en le er from your employer, recent bank statements, or a note from a caseworker). ο Proof of address in DuPage County ο Photo I.D., driver’s license, or state I.D., and a recent u lity bill or lease. ο Iden fica on for children Birth cer ficate or medical card. Volunteer opportuni es are also available at this event! To volunteer, contact

Joy Newburn at 630-495-8008 or [email protected].

Page 7: St. John the Apostle Church, Villa Park...2019/06/15  · Collections Sunday, 6/9—$4,298.00 Ascension—$30.00 TOTAL: $4,328.00 Your generosity and discipleship are greatly ap-preciated!

MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK Of June 15th-June 23rd Date Intention RequestedbySaturday, 15th 8:00 AM 5:00 PM 1. The Parishioners of St. Johns 1. Louis R. Almassey (+) 2. Tom Mulcahy (+) Rich & Bea Almassey Jeanne Young Sunday, 16th 9:00 AM 1. Donna Schwardt (+) 1. James B. King (+) Fred Schwardt Arlene Doherty 11:00 AM 1. Bill Manners (+) The Manners Family & The Konopacz Family 12:30 PM 1. Lourdes Gamarra & Brisa Boksa Lourdes Monday, 17th 7:45 AM 1. Tyson Johnson (+) 2. Jose ina Cobb (+) Larry & Tita Tan The Lis Family Tuesday, 18th 7:45 AM 1. Parishioners of St. Johns Wednesday, 19th 7:45 AM 1. Corrine Altherr (+) Clemens Altherr & Debbie & Eric Soriano Thursday, 20th 7:00 PM 1. Ronnie LaPorta Jr. (+) The LaPorta family Friday, 21st 7:45 AM 1. Tyson Johnson (+) Marion & Emilia Lis Saturday, 22nd 8:00 AM 5:00 PM

1. The Parishioners of St. Johns 1. Peter Pham Cong Pham (+) The Yunker Family Sunday, 23rd 9:00 AM 1. Tyson Johnson (+) 1. Hope & Liz—Blessings Joanne Pierce Mom & Dad 11:00 AM 1. Giovanni Saporito (+) 1. Lillian Zichittella (+) Grace DiBella Rick & Diane Egert 12:30 PM 1. Reina Loeza—Birthday Wishes Legion of Mary June 15 - 16

Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity

Mass Saturday 5:00 PM Sunday 9:00 AM Sunday 11:00 AM Sunday 12:30 PM Lector #1 Judy Paris Larry Kmet Sharon Yangas Lily Tung Lector #2 Minister Mary Madsen Gerald King Jackie Caccitolo Maty Rosas Minister Rose Hoppenrath Mary Petrella Sandy Savage Angel Perez Minister Judy Johnson Ginger Herring Ann Barger

June 22 - 23 Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Chris ) Mass Saturday 5:00 PM Sunday 9:00 AM Sunday 11:00 AM Sunday 12:30 PM Lector #1 Jim Haas Cora Francisco Adele Mar ns Lector #2 Eric Soriano Minister Ellen Goelz George Kohnke Gerre Manners Minister Dan May Mary Kranz Jo Ann Cycon Minister Liz May Vicki Moran Shaun Jones Minister Tim Morris Dave Colby Minister Jan Pupelis

Page 8: St. John the Apostle Church, Villa Park...2019/06/15  · Collections Sunday, 6/9—$4,298.00 Ascension—$30.00 TOTAL: $4,328.00 Your generosity and discipleship are greatly ap-preciated!

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