st. john of the cross parish · 2017. 1. 8. · st. john of the cross parish 5005 south wolf road ~...

St. John of the Cross Parish 5005 South Wolf Road ~ Western Springs 60558 ~ 708-246-4404 ~ Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God January 1, 2017 Like Mary, may we nurture the light born within us at Christmas. May we carry it everywhere in our daily lives. –Pope Francis

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Page 1: St. John of the Cross Parish · 2017. 1. 8. · St. John of the Cross Parish 5005 South Wolf Road ~ Western Springs 60558 ~ 708-246-4404 ~ Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God

St. John of the Cross Parish 5005 South Wolf Road ~ Western Springs 60558 ~ 708-246-4404 ~

Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God January 1, 2017

Like Mary, may we nurture the light

born within us at Christmas. May we carry it

everywhere in our daily lives. –Pope Francis

Page 2: St. John of the Cross Parish · 2017. 1. 8. · St. John of the Cross Parish 5005 South Wolf Road ~ Western Springs 60558 ~ 708-246-4404 ~ Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God

Lifelong Learning

St. John of the Cross Parish January 1, 2017 Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God Page 2

Living the Gospel Mary took the events surrounding the birth of her firstborn Son into her heart and reflected on them. This mother evidences contemplative love flowing from her heart. Mary was present to her Son and present when the shepherds encountered him. Likewise, Mary is present when we encounter her Son, reflect on the Good News in our hearts, and make known the message of Life to all we meet. Mary is not only the Mother of God. She is the mother of the shepherds. She also is our mother who mothers us into contemplative love, who mothers us into the courage we need to make “known the message” that the Savior of the world has come. Mary faced a great mystery she could not understand, reflected on God’s will for her, and said yes to become the mother of the Savior. We face many challenges during life, must ponder God’s will for us, and say our yes when we encounter the One who comes to save. The name Jesus (=savior) already points to a life of self-giving and suffering that Mary as Jesus’ mother will experience. The yes all of us must make to do God’s will necessarily means that we cannot escape dying to ourselves. We do not stand alone. We are given the grace to place ourselves in God’s hands and do God’s will. Like both the shepherds and Mary, we must return over and over again to encounter the divine Son. Before we can make “known the message,” we must encounter Jesus. To be assured that it is his message we make known, we must reflect on what we hear in our hearts and keep coming back to him to encounter him anew. ©Living Liturgy

May we resolve during this new year to encounter Jesus more fully and

make known his Presence to all whom we meet.

May we grow in pondering God’s Presence, proclaiming God’s blessings, and praising God with all our hearts.

Monday 1 John 2:22-28 Ps 98:1, 2-3ab, 3cd-4 John 1:19-28

Tuesday 1 John 2:29–3:6 Ps 98:1, 3cd-4, 5-6 John 1:29-34

Wednesday 1 John 3:7-10 Ps 98:1, 7-8, 9 John 1:35-42

Thursday 1 John 3:11-21 Ps 100:1b-2, 3, 4, 5 John 1:43-51

Friday 1 John 5:5-13 Ps 147:12-13, 14-15, 19-20 Mark 1:7-11 or Luke 3:23-38 or 3:23, 31-34, 36, 38

Saturday 1 John 5:14-21 Ps 149:1-2, 3-4, 5-6a and 9b John 2:1-11

Epiphany Isa 60:1-6 Ps 72:1-2, 7-8, 10-11, 12-13 Eph 3:2-3a, 5-6 Matt 2:1-12

Background on the Gospel Today's reading is a continuation from the Gospel proclaimed at the Christmas Mass at midnight. In it the shepherds act upon the message they receive from the angel and go to find Jesus in the manger in Bethlehem. In their visit to the manger, the shepherds find things just as the angel had said. The shepherds' visit, therefore, is a moment of fulfillment, manifestation, and the beginning of the salvation we receive through Christ. In the context of today's Solemnity, this reading also helps us focus on Mary as the Mother of God. The reading tells us at least three things about Mary as a mother. First, Mary is described as a reflective person, keeping the reports of the shepherds in her heart. Second, we are reminded of how obedient Mary was to God when she named the baby Jesus as the angel Gabriel had directed. Third, this reading shows Mary and Joseph faithfully observing their Jewish tradition by having Jesus circumcised. Mary's faithfulness to God is evident in all three of these things. Her reflection upon the events in her life indicates that she was a person of prayer. This prayer made possible her obedience to God and God's will, even if the outcome was not clear. Finally, her faithfulness to a community of faith grounded her relationship with God and enabled her to participate in God's plan of salvation. Because of Mary's faithfulness to God, she was able to receive the gift of God's Son and accept her role in God's plan for salvation. By doing so, she models for us the path of discipleship and is also called Mother of the Church. Our call to discipleship also includes these three aspects. First, discipleship means prayer and reflection on the events of our lives that we might see God's presence and work in our lives. Second, discipleship means obedience to God and God's will. Third, discipleship includes fidelity to a community of faith. Loyola Press

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St. John of the Cross Parish January 1, 2017 Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God Page 3

Father in heaven, Lord of all beginnings,

hear the prayers we make for ourselves and for all members

of our human family. May this new year be a new beginning for each one of us,

a new opportunity for us to welcome your grace and peace

into our lives. May your gift of the new year

be a time of our re-creation in your life and love.

In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

EverEverEver---living God, living God, living God, You are the Alpha and the Omega,You are the Alpha and the Omega,You are the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the fulfillment of the beginning and the fulfillment of the beginning and the fulfillment of all things.all things.all things. Be with us as we cross the threshold Be with us as we cross the threshold Be with us as we cross the threshold of a new year.of a new year.of a new year. Empower us to be your instruments Empower us to be your instruments Empower us to be your instruments of peace love, and justice of peace love, and justice of peace love, and justice all the days of our lives. all the days of our lives. all the days of our lives. We ask this through Jesus Christ, We ask this through Jesus Christ, We ask this through Jesus Christ, Emmanuel, Emmanuel, Emmanuel, who lives and reigns with you in the unity who lives and reigns with you in the unity who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, of the Holy Spirit, of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. one God, for ever and ever. one God, for ever and ever. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Let the heavens be glad and the earth rejoice!

At the name of Jesus every knee should bend, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue should confess that Jesus is Lord, to the glory of God the Father (Philippians 2:10-22).

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St. John of the Cross Parish January 1, 2017 Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God Page 4

Respect Life: A Perfect Gift

Our son Charlie was born with Down syndrome in 2007. My training as a developmental psychologist had focused on the deficits faced by people with disabilities and how to deal with those challenges. But I soon found that it was of limited use for understanding my own son. He certainly has challenges that come with his diagnosis, but they make up only a small part of life with our wonderful little boy. Soon after Charlie’s birth, a visitor to our home asked, “So, is he mild, moderate, or severe?” She was referring to his level of cognitive impairment. I was very familiar with her terminology, but the question shocked me. In my arms, I held my beautiful baby boy, who defied easy categorization. Clinical labels may describe some aspects of an individual’s “functioning,” but they don’t tell the whole story. Labels could not describe how Charlie’s smile lit up a room or how the sweetness of his soul had captured our hearts so completely. I have since come to understand that clinical categories also miss another important dimension of personhood: we are created to be in relationship with others. As Pope Saint John Paul II said in his encyclical Evangelium Vitae (The Gospel of Life), “Within the family each member is accepted, respected and honored precisely because he or she is a person; and if any family member is in greater need, the care which he or she receives is all the more intense and attentive.” Seen through this more complete lens, Charlie is very “high functioning” within our family. He does well because we love him and attend to him out of that love. ... Christians know what perfect love looks like— Jesus offering himself on the Cross. Love in a family where one member has a serious disability may look unappealing from the outside. Indeed, love in any family is messy; there are faces to wipe and sacrifices to make. It’s natural to fear that such sacrifices will require too much. But this is where the deep mystery of sacrificial love becomes apparent. In our family we have found that our hearts, rather than being weighed down, have become larger. Caring for Charlie has given us more patience, more compassion, and more love for others— especially those on the outskirts of society, whom Pope Francis so often calls us to care for. Perhaps this is why so many families of children with disabilities, despite difficulties, often radiate joy. When I meet another parent of a child with Down syndrome, there is usually a moment of instant recognition and understanding. Our eyes meet, and we smile conspiratorially, as if we’re in on the same secret. The secret we share is the fundamental truth of our existence: every life is a good and perfect gift. Many know this on an intellectual level, but those who love someone with a disability see it in their loved one’s face in a particular way. Our love for them has nothing to do with what they can or can’t do. We love them simply because of who they are. Understanding this teaches us how to truly love everyone, whether they have a disability or not. We also begin to understand our own worth, which depends not on our skills or appearance, but solely on the fact that we are persons created in the image and likeness of God. Our lives—all our lives—are worth living. Reprinted (excerpted) from Respect Life Program, Copyright © 2015, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, Washington, D.C. All rights reserved. Read the complete article on our parish website homepage.

We love them simply because of

who they are.

Page 5: St. John of the Cross Parish · 2017. 1. 8. · St. John of the Cross Parish 5005 South Wolf Road ~ Western Springs 60558 ~ 708-246-4404 ~ Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God

Reflect as We Begin a New Year

10 Ways to Begin Well Rather than compose elaborate resolutions for the year to come, simply do, in some small way, what you intend to do all year:

Say “Thank you” to at least one person.

Make one healthy choice about your body—food or drink or rest or motion.

Do one generous act, big or small.

Say “yes” to the day’s gifts.

Get quiet for five minutes, just to be still.

Let one person know that you appreciate him or her.

Do one creative act, big or small.

Allow yourself to consider what someone else is going through.

Do one thing well and with full attention.

Open your arms—and your heart—to God. If you did it today, you can do it again, and again.

At the beginning of a new year, the Church invites us to contemplate Mary’s divine maternity as an icon of peace. The ancient promise finds fulfilment in her person. She believed in the words of the angel, conceived her Son and thus became the Mother of the Lord. Through her, through her “yes”, the fullness of time came about. The Gospel we have just heard tells us that the Virgin Mary “treasured all these words and pondered them in her heart” (Lk 2:19). She appears to us as a vessel filled to the brim with the memory of Jesus, as the Seat of Wisdom to whom we can have recourse to understand his teaching aright. Today Mary makes it possible for us to grasp the meaning of events which affect us personally, events which also affect our families, our countries and the entire world. Where philosophical reason and political negotiation cannot arrive, there the power of faith, which brings the grace of Christ’s Gospel, can arrive, opening ever new pathways to reason and to negotiation.

Blessed are you, Mary, for you gave the Son of God to our world. But even more blessed are you for having believed in him. Full of faith, you conceived Jesus first in your heart and then in your womb, and thus became the Mother of all believers (cf. Saint Augustine, Sermo 215,4). Send us, O Mother, your blessing on this day consecrated to your honor. Show us the face of Jesus your Son, who bestows upon the entire world mercy and peace. Amen. Pope Francis Homily excerpt 1.1.16

Eternal Father, as we pass through this life, help us to remember to

love, forgive, and forget. We know that you are with us at all times,

just waiting for us to come to you. May we find in you and others

peace and forgiveness. Most Holy Spirit, come down upon us and

guide us to do your holy will . Eternal Father, may your blessing

come down upon us and remain forever. Amen . Maryknoll Book of Prayer

Our joy comes from the confidence we have that the Lord is close to us with his tenderness, mercy, forgiveness and love. Pope Francis @Pontifex Dec 18

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Richard Rohr Meditation

One God, One Love Lady Julian of Norwich (c. 1342-c.1416) is one of my favorite mystics. Julian experienced her showings, as she called them, all on one night, probably May 8, 1373. It was such a profound experience that she asked the bishop to enclose her in a small anchor-hold built onto St. Julian’s Church in Norwich, England. (We don’t know Julian’s real name; we call her by the name of this church.) From a window that looked into the sanctuary she would attend mass; from another window she would counsel people who came to visit her. Julian lived in the anchor-hold for perhaps twenty years and spent this time trying to communicate what she experienced in one night. For me, Chapter 54 of Julian’s Showings is the best description I have read of the union of the soul within the Trinity. The mystics always go to the Trinitarian level because here God is a verb more than a noun, God is a flow more than a substance, God is an experience more than an old man sitting on a throne. And we are inside that flow of love. Julian writes: Greatly ought we to rejoice that God dwells in our soul; and more greatly ought we to rejoice that our soul dwells in God. Our soul is created to be God’s dwelling place, and the dwelling of our soul is God. . . . [This is what some call inter-being.] It is a great understanding to see and know inwardly that God, who is our creator, dwells in our soul, and it is a far greater understanding to see and know inwardly that our soul, which is created, dwells in God in substance, of which substance, through God, we are what we are. [We share in the same substantial, ontological, and metaphysical unity.] And I saw no difference between God and our substance, but, as it were, all God; and still my understanding accepted that our substance is in God. Intimacy implies twoness, but twoness overcome and enjoyed. Julian preserves differentiation, the dance of partners. She is not a pantheist; she is not saying everything is God. She is saying everything is in God and God is in everything— which is panentheism. Mirabai Starr gives a fresh translation of Julian’s words:

The all-powerful truth of the Trinity is the Father, who created us and keeps us within him. The deep wisdom of the Trinity is our Mother, in whom we all are enfolded. The exalted goodness of the Trinity is our beloved Lord: we are held in him and he is held in us. We are enclosed in the Father, we are enclosed in the Son, and we are enclosed in the Holy Spirit. The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are enclosed in us. All Power. All Goodness. All Wisdom. One God. One Love.

Gateway to Silence: We are already in union with God.

Mary, teach me to use every moment of this new year for the love of God so that I may please him in all I do.

I do not know what this year will bring to my life; what joys, what sorrows, what blessings, what crosses.

But in all that comes to me, let your hand, the hand that helped the infant Jesus

always be held out to me. Amen.

Maryknoll Book of Prayers

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Page 7: St. John of the Cross Parish · 2017. 1. 8. · St. John of the Cross Parish 5005 South Wolf Road ~ Western Springs 60558 ~ 708-246-4404 ~ Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God

Parish News

SAM for the Men of the Parish Mark your calendar for the next SAM Gathering (Spirituality Among Men) “My Walk in Faith – The View from the Next Generation” on Thursday, January 5, 2017 from 7:00-8:30pm in the Parish Center. All men of the parish are encouraged to join the discussion. Hear the perspective of young adults who have fought the battle and found their faith.

New Minister of Care Training Ministers of Care bring Holy Communion to our parish homebound and to those in area hospitals. Our parish volunteers at LaGrange and RML Hospitals. At present there is a great need for more ministers to serve at LaGrange Hospital. The next training session at the Carmelite Center in Darien will be Saturday, January 14 and 21 from 9am to 1pm. SJC covers the cost of training. Call Steve Weigand in the Parish Center to learn more. Please consider this important ministry.

Parish Babysitting Free babysitting is offered during the Sunday 9am and 10:45am Masses in the rectory Garden Room. No reservations needed. No sitting is provided on holiday weekends. The rectory is located south of church near the Mary Garden. The glass entrance doors face north. Just ring the front bell to get buzzed in.

Retreat for Widowed Men & Women Widowed men and women are encouraged to attend the next Joyful Again Retreat to be held on January 21-22 at Our Lady of Angels House of Prayer in Lemont. Call 708-354-7211 or to register.

Please help us welcome our new members to the St. John of the Cross faith community: Julie and David Mallen Lauren and James Furey and Family Gloria Fryzel Amanda Roach and Family Sharon and Joseph Giljum and Family Kristin and Scott Liska and Family If you see the name of a neighbor or a name you know, welcome them to SJC. New members are encouraged to contact Elizabeth Russell-Jones in the Welcome Center to learn all about our Parish. [email protected]

SJC Moms’ Club All parish moms are invited to join the Moms’ Club. We gather to socialize while our little ones play. Join us whenever your schedule permits. Winter/Spring Monthly Play Dates Join us on Fridays 9:15-10:30am in the Parish Center on January 20, February 10, March 24, April 21, and May 19. Special Events for Moms: Thursday, February 9 at 7:30pm in the Parish Center. Yoga night with our very own Marie Gerken! Come and treat yourself to some relaxation! Marie will teach a calming yoga class with soothing candlelight and music. ALL levels are welcome. ALL women welcome. More details to come! Saturday, February 25 at 4pm at the WS Village Club. Our 2nd Annual Family event! Frankie Ace will be performing for the kids and then we'll enjoy pizza and snacks. More details to come. Hope to see you soon!

Save the Date!! Women’s Club Dine & Demo Tuesday, January 24, 2017

7pm Parish Center Get ready for an

Italian Dinner Party with The Gravy Lady, DeeDee Saracco Watch for more details next week.

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Page 8: St. John of the Cross Parish · 2017. 1. 8. · St. John of the Cross Parish 5005 South Wolf Road ~ Western Springs 60558 ~ 708-246-4404 ~ Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God

SJC Men’s Club Trivia Night Love in Action Through the wonderful generosity of a parishioner, 150 Christmas hams were delivered the week before Christmas to families at Mary Queen of Heaven, Precious Blood, St. Thaddeus, St. Gall and Midwest Workers Association. Pictured below is the delivery team, Rich and Patrick Hart, Mike Salvage, and Ed Usonis. All decked out in red is our Director of Outreach Ministry, Bill Bright, who leads and inspires, the man who is not only the face of, but indeed the heart of, St. John of the Cross Parish Outreach.

Trivia Night Outreach

Q: What is SJC Trivia Night? A: SJC Trivia Night is an evening to bring together parishioners for a night of fun, socializing and camaraderie. You will experience a friendly competition that will test the knowledge of teams of 10 against other teams. Q: When? A: Saturday, January 28

. The doors open at 6pm and

Games begin at 6:45pm. Q: Where? A: The event will be in the SJC school gym upper level. Q: How much and how do I sign up? A: Tickets are $200.00 per team/table. RSVP by delivering the form and fee to the Parish Center. Q: What is the “friendly competition”? A: Competition will occur on two levels with prizes awarded for each. First, the main activity will be answering trivia questions and accumulating points to compete against other teams. Secondly, all teams are encouraged to attend with a theme. The theme can be based on clothing and/or the food and drink that you bring. Examples include Chicago sports teams, Star Wars, Disco, favorite movie, etc. Q: How will the trivia contest work? A: There will be 10 rounds of 10 questions per round. The questions will be asked and shown on a big screen. Teams will have a set amount of time to respond with written answers. Answers will be collected and graded for correctness. Points will be awarded and tallied each round. No laptops, I-pads, smart phones, etc. allowed. Q: BYO? A: Yes. This is a bring your own food and drink event. No food and drinks will be provided. Each team can bring whatever food and drink (including alcohol, as this is a 21 and older event) they wish to consume during the event. Home cooked meal, fast food carryout, cooler for drinks, etc. We will NOT have access to an oven, stove, grill, etc. Questions? Contact Dan Montgomery @ 312.952.1435 [email protected] or John Cisek @ 312.327.1295.

Team Name: Team Captain: Captain phone/e-mail: 9 Team Member Names:

Food Pantry Collection Bring nonperishable food to the church narthex for those in need. During the month of January our donations will go to St. Barbara Food Pantry in Brookfield. Thank you for your continued generosity to the hungry in our midst.

January 1: Day of Prayer for Peace O Lord our God, in your mercy and kindness, no thought of ours is left unnoticed, no desire or concern ignored. You have proven that blessings abound when we fall on our knees in prayer, and so we turn to you in our hour of need. Surrounded by violence and cries for justice, we hear your voice telling us what is required . . . “Only to do justice and to love goodness, and to walk humbly with your God” (Mi 6:8). Fill us with your mercy so that we, in turn, may be merciful to others. Strip away pride, suspicion, and racism so that we may seek peace and justice in our communities. Strengthen our hearts so that they beat only to the rhythm of your holy will. Flood our path with your light as we walk humbly toward a future filled with encounter and unity. Be with us, O Lord, in our efforts, for only by the prompting of your grace can we progress toward virtue. We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

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Village Prayer Service Thank You!

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Thanks to all who made our celebration of Christmas prayerful and beautiful. On behalf of the Parish Staff, I want to express our deepest gratitude to the many volunteers, ministers and staff who helped to create and celebrate all of our liturgies of the Advent and Christmas Seasons, especially those on Christmas Eve and Day. Through the many hours of planning and efforts of many dedicated individuals, the liturgies were prayerful and inspiring. The celebration and the serving of so many who came to the Masses throughout Advent and Christmas would not have been possible without the assistance of our many liturgical ministers. Thank you to our ushers, greeters, sacristans, lectors, communion ministers, and servers. The music of the seasons was wonderful and helped us all to pray twice. (St. Augustine wrote that when one sings, one prays twice.) Thank you to Jessica Koch, our Director of Music, Ann Bourjaily-Maney, and the choirs, cantors, instrumentalists and accompanists who shared so generously their musical talents and gifts. The beautiful environment created in our worship space in Advent and Christmas helped to create an inviting and prayerful tone. Thank you to Heidi Drescher, our Church Art and Environment Coordinator, and team who shared their artistic talents in decorating our church as well as our school’s gymnasium and multi-purpose room. Transforming these school spaces is no easy task. Thank you to all, to the many who made our Advent and Christmas liturgies inspiring and beautiful. It would not have been possible without you. We are grateful to you all. Fr. Bill Vollmer Associate Pastor

1 Sanctuary 8 Messengers 1 Voice 9 Denominations 1 Heart Several Believers On a quiet night In a quaint little village They gathered as one With open minds A collaboration of ideas Rooted in common ground..... To create unity And build community With the sound of harmony- A sweet melody for the heart of the world Sent out to journey through narrow passageways And connect the ends of the earth This is grace This is peace This is ecumenism Rush slowly, love, and live!

Marie Gerken, Parishioner

Now is the time to unleash the creativity of mercy, to bring about new undertakings, the fruit of grace.

Pope Francis @Pontifex Dec 14

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A Look Ahead

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St. Matthew Little Rock Study Plan to study the Gospel of Matthew (the primary Gospel this year) on Mondays beginning January 9 from 1-2:30pm in the Parish Center. This study is written by Barbara Reid, OP, Phd, professor from CTU in Chicago. Materials are $15. Stop in the Parish Center to pick up your study guide.

Bishop Barron’s Pivotal Players Join us at 1pm or 7pm in the Parish Center on Thursday, January 12 to learn about GK Chesterton and Thursday, February 16 on Michelangelo. No registration, no fee, just come to watch, listen and learn.

Principles of a Happy Marriage Workshops A wonderful way to strengthen the love between you and your spouse. Sign up to reserve your spot today. See page 14 of today’s bulletin.

Winter Book Study

God is not what many of us think. Visions of an angry, distant moral scorekeeper or a supernatural Santa Claus handing out cosmic lottery tickets to those who attend the right church or say the right prayers dominate our culture. For many others, God has become irrelevant or simply unbelievable. The Divine Dance explores the early Christian image of the Trinity: ‘perichoresis’, a circle dance.

Group Discussion Dates: Thursdays Beginning January 19 – March 2 From 2:00—3:00pm Copies of the book will be available for purchase through the Parish Office after January 9 for $15.00.

Save the Dates: Seasons of Hope Grief Support The winter sessions will begin the first Monday evening of February. Watch for more details in the bulletin. Divorce & Beyond Begins February 23 for 10 consecutive Thursdays at 7pm in the Parish Center.

Parish Lenten Mission This Lent, Fr. Robin Ryan, a Passionist priest, theologian, author, retreat leader and professor at CTU will lead us as we reflect together on God and the Mystery of Human Suffering. He will be with us at all Masses on March 11-12. We will then gather for three consecutive Monday evenings, March 13, 20 and 27 to further explore this great mystery.

Parish Sponsored Programs at The Well Several programs are scheduled for winter and spring that are offered free to our parishioners. The first program is Saturday, February 11 from 10am-noon called “Your Body’s Wisdom: Connect to Your Heart” with Kate Wester. Explore the connection between your physical and metaphoric heart. Watch for details.

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Crossroads Explore the Priesthood

Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God Page 11

Happy New Year! Families and friends gather this weekend for festivities of all kinds. On the 31st the parties focus on what 2016 was...what was accomplished and what challenges might have been faced. On the 1st gatherings focus on what's to come and what 2017 will bring. It can be full of joy and sorrow, excitement and anxiety, boredom and fun. I am so blessed to start this calendar year in the middle of an amazing ministry year. Here are the highlights that our Crossroads Youth Ministry wants to acknowledge and share: 2016 Crossroads wrap-up We transitioned many of our leadership roles--affirming that the efforts we make ARE important and deserve attention and focus. Having new adults & teens serve together to ensure we have quality ministry opportunities for our high school teens is a gift! We added a new staff member: Katie Nicholson started with us July 11 after graduating in May with her Bachelor's degree in Theology & Pastoral Ministry. She has been focused on coordinating with our Mass, Social & Retreat teams and took a group of 7th graders to the Holy Fire conference. Meeting new people and learning the details of our ministry has allowed her to feel affirmed in her calling to this role. 2017 Crossroads looking ahead Our freshmen will begin with their home groups this month and start journeying together, just as the early disciples did, meeting, conversing, praying, serving and sharing their lives. Teenagers need adult mentors and our home group leaders share their faith and allow teens to ask questions and better understand how their lives can show the faith they believe. These groups allow relationships to develop grow and build. We will host the 25th Kairos Retreat for the teens of our 3 local parishes: SJC, SFX and SC. This retreat gives juniors and seniors a weekend away to better understand how God is active in their lives by hearing witness talks, praying and sharing in community. A major focus moving forward is to ensure the 4th team has adult & community support to ensure retreatants are encouraged and guided after their retreat experience. We will be reaching out to support, encourage and pray with and for the parents of teenagers. Our ministry is NOTHING without the energy, spirit, faith and love that parents have taught their children. And it is only with parental support that our ministry can be mutually beneficial. Stay tuned for videos and further opportunities for parents of teenagers! Our ministry is blessed because of a parish that KNOWS the importance of our teens developmental growth and this critical period of choosing to believe. Thank you for your continued support, prayer and belief in our ministry! Peace to you & yours, Katie Hayes

Exploring Priesthood Weekend is a retreat designed to help men discern God's call to the diocesan priesthood. To be called by God to serve him as a priest means to have one's soul stirred deep within. Throughout a weekend of prayer, discussions, presentations of diocesan priesthood and group interaction, men begin to better understand God's movement in their life. WHEN January 20 - 22, 2017 March 31 - April 2, 2017 WHERE Exploring Priesthood Weekends are held at Mundelein Seminary, 1000 East Maple Avenue, Mundelein, Illinois, 60060. The Seminary is located about 40 miles north of downtown Chicago and easily accessible by car or train. WHAT HAPPENS ON THESE WEEKENDS? There are presentations on:

Practical steps for discerning a vocation

Values of priesthood

Seminary life, academics, spiritual formation

and pastoral ministry

Seminarians share their vocation stories

There are several worship opportunities including the celebration of Mass. Men are encouraged to ask questions, interact with seminarians and priests, pray in chapels, walk the grounds, or use the recreational facilities (pool, gymnasium, weight room). By fully engaging in the opportunities provided on the retreat, men are more able to understand where God is leading them. CONTACT FR. FRANCIS BITTERMAN For more information contact: Fr. Francis Bitterman - Vocation Director 312-534-8298 - [email protected]

Page 12: St. John of the Cross Parish · 2017. 1. 8. · St. John of the Cross Parish 5005 South Wolf Road ~ Western Springs 60558 ~ 708-246-4404 ~ Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God

Parish School YC News

Merry Christmas & Happy 2017 from the YC Staff!!

Our focus this year is Prayer Matters. We pray that each of our families are able to pause to reflect on the past year and offer prayer of praises for all the blessings and all the challenges that were overcome. God is Good...All the time. Thank you for being part of our YC family...may SJC continue to be blessed by our Lord Jesus.

Merry Christmas & Happy New

Year from our Parish School

Students, Faculty & Staff!!

A savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord.

Luke 2:11


Laurie Maureen


Mary Cathy Liz

St. John of the Cross Parish January 1, 2017 Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God Page 12

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St. John of the Cross Parish January 1, 2017 Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God Page 13

For many of us, I suspect, it gets harder each year to capture the mood of Christmas. About the only thing that still warms are hearts are memories, memories of younger, more naïve, days when the lights and carols, Christmas trees and gifts, still excited us. But we’re adult now and so too, it seems, is our world. Much of our joy in anticipating Christmas is blunted by many things, not least by the commercialism that today is characterized by excess. By late October we already see Christmas decorations, Santa is around in November, and December greets us with series of Christmas parties which exhaust us long before December 25th. So how can we rally some spirit for Christmas day? It’s not easy, and commercialism and excess are not our only obstacles. More serious are the times. Can we, amid the many cruelties of this year, warm up to a season of tinsel and festivity? Can we continue to romanticize the pilgrimage of one poor couple searching for shelter two thousand years ago amidst the plight of the millions of refugees today who are journeying without even a stable as a refuge? Does it mean anything to speak of peace after various elections this year polarized our nations and left millions unable to speak civilly to their neighbors? Where exactly is the peace and goodwill in our world today? Closer to home, there are our own personal tragedies: the death of loved ones, lost marriages, lost families, lost health, lost jobs, lost time, tiredness, frustration. How do we celebrate the birth of a redeemer in a world which looks shockingly unredeemed and with hearts that mostly feel heavy and fatigued? The Christmas story is not easily made credible. How do we maintain the belief that God came down from heaven, took on human flesh, conquered all suffering, and altered the course of human history? This isn’t easy to believe amidst all the evidence that seems to contradict it, but its credibility is contingent upon it being properly understood. Christmas is not a magical event, a Cinderella story without midnight. Rather its very centre speaks of humiliation, pain, and forced fleeing which is not unlike that being experienced by millions of refugees and victims of injustice on our planet today. The Christmas story mirrors the struggle that’s being experienced within our own world and within our own tired hearts. Incarnation is not yet the resurrection. Flesh in Jesus, as in us, is human, vulnerable, weak, incomplete, needy, painfully full of limit, suffering. Christmas celebrates Christ’s birth into these things,

not his removal of them. Christ redeems limit, evil, sin and pain. But they are not abolished. Given that truth, we can celebrate at Christ’s birth without in any way denying or trivializing the real evil in our world and the real pain in our lives. Christmas is a challenge to celebrate while still in pain. The incarnate God is called Emmanuel, a name which means God-is-with-us. That fact does not mean immediate festive joy. Our world remains wounded, and wars, strikes, selfishness, and bitterness linger. Our hearts too remain wounded. Pain lingers. For a Christian, just as for everyone else, there will be incompleteness, illness, death, senseless hurt, broken dreams, cold, hungry, lonely days of bitterness and a lifetime of inconsummation. Reality can be harsh and Christmas does not ask us to make make-believe. The incarnation does not promise heaven on earth. It promises heaven in heaven. Here, on earth, it promises us something else – God’s presence in our lives. This presence redeems because knowing that God is with us is what ultimately empowers us to give up bitterness, to forgive, and to move beyond cynicism and bitterness. When God is with us then pain and happiness are not mutually exclusive and the agonies and riddles of life do not exclude deep meaning and deep joy. In the words of Avery Dulles: “The incarnation does not provide us with a ladder by which to escape from the ambiguities of life and scale the heights of heaven. Rather, it enables us to burrow deep into the heart of planet earth and find it shimmering with divinity.” George Orwell prophesied that our world would eventually be taken over by tyranny, torture, double-think, and a broken human spirit. To some extent this is true. We’re a long ways from being whole and happy, still deeply in exile. However, we need to celebrate Christmas 2016 heartily. Maybe we won’t feel the same excitement we once felt as children when we were excited about tinsel, lights, Christmas carols, and special gifts and special food. Some of that excitement isn’t available to us anymore. But something more important is still available, namely, the sense that God is with us in our lives, in our joys as well as in our shortcomings. The word was made flesh. That’s an incredible thing, something that should be celebrated with tinsel, lights, and songs of joy. If we understand Christmas, the carols will still flow naturally from our lips. Ron Rolheiser, OMI

I N C A R N A T I O N – G O D I S W I T H U S

Page 14: St. John of the Cross Parish · 2017. 1. 8. · St. John of the Cross Parish 5005 South Wolf Road ~ Western Springs 60558 ~ 708-246-4404 ~ Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God


Marriage Enrichment Retreat

What is the Gottman Method? It’s not “daytime television” relationship advice; it’s a time tested science-based approach that identifies why some relationships succeed while others fail. It’s based on 40 years of research by Dr. John Gottman, PhD, and after learning about it, you will practice what you learn between workshops so we promise relationship skill building will take place. No boring lectures. There will be exercises, but we promise they will be fun. And no sharing of personal details with anyone but your partner.

About the Retreat The 7 Principles Program is comprised of 2 hour sessions on 4 Saturday mornings:

Saturday, January 21, 28 and Saturday, February 11 and 18

from 9-11am in the Parish Center.

The cost is $150 per couple which includes 8 hours of instruction by trained Gottman educators, 2 copies of The 7 Principles for Making a Marriage Work, journal/notebook, light breakfast and snacks. Sign up on our parish website home page or drop off your check and contact info to the Parish Center. Confidential scholarships are available through our Pastoral Associate, Steve Weigand. Steve is also available for any questions.

Give your

marriage the

Gift of Love



Who Should Attend? The 7 Principles for a Happy Marriage will help couples:

Identify the factors that undermine happy marriages

Learn to manage conflict positively

Deepen their friendship and love for one another

Thrive instead of survive

It is ideally suited for couples married 5 years or longer, but is open to any couple in a committed relationship. Couples in distress, in an abusive situation, or with mental health or emotional problems, addictions or compulsive behaviors are not recommended to attend and should seek out a therapeutic solution. This program is not counseling or therapy.



Did You Know? When the 7 principles of a Happy Marriage are intact,

a marriage thrives not just survives.

St. John of the Cross Parish January 1, 2017 Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God Page 14

Page 15: St. John of the Cross Parish · 2017. 1. 8. · St. John of the Cross Parish 5005 South Wolf Road ~ Western Springs 60558 ~ 708-246-4404 ~ Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God

Mass & Reconciliation Schedule & Intentions Italics: Living Intention

Monday, January 2 Sts. Basil the Great and Gregory Nazianzen

7:45am Tony Adolf; Meaghan Mary Collins Tuesday, January 3 Most Holy Name of Jesus

7:45am Thomas Albertson; Jack Hever Wednesday, January 4 St. Elizabeth Ann Seton

7:45am Peter King; Our Beloved Dead Thursday, January 5 St. John Neumann

7:45am Matt Stefani; Hal McReynolds Friday, January 6 St. André Bessette

7:45am Bill Hanley; Gene Gallagher Saturday, January 7 St. Raymond of Penyafort

8:00am Charles Macke; Margaret Moran ~ Reconciliation Follows Mass ~

5:00pm John DenBesten; Edward Hoffman Sunday, January 8 Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord

7:30am Dorothy Holdsworth; James Gorman 9:00am Guy Accettura; Christine & Charles Gasunas 10:45am Deceased members of Budreck & Hecko Families 12:15pm John Piszczor; Howard Stapleton 5:00pm Jack Robie; Rae Ann Ellis

Rev. David P. Dowdle, Pastor [email protected] Rev. William J. Vollmer, Assoc. Pastor [email protected] Deacon John Schopp, Deacon [email protected] Bill Bright, Director of Outreach [email protected] Janet Caschetta, Director of YC [email protected] Kathleen Gorman, Principal [email protected] Katie Hayes, Dir of Crossroads [email protected] Jessica Koch, Director of Music [email protected] MJ Martin, Director of Operations [email protected] Katie Nicholson, Crossroads Coordinator [email protected] Steven Weigand, Pastoral Associate [email protected]

Pray for Our Loved Ones Serving Our Country Sgt. Steven Foody, son of Sandra Foody Sergeant Sebastian Grabacki, son of David & Jan Grabacki Sr A Joshua Tischler USAF Pararescue, grandson of Betty & Frank Madler & Mary Tischler A Navy Seal, a relative of our parishioner Lance Corporal Daniel Pett, nephew of Kathryn Stimetz Capt. James Maicke, grandson of Phil & Mike Maicke Sgt. Robert Marburger, son of David and Kathleen Marburger Staff Sgt. Larry Waszak, grandson of Bruno and Barbara Gacek Petty Officer 3rd Class Mathew Strafaci, grandson of Sandra & Jim Strafaci Lance Corporal David Strafaci, grandson of Sandra & Jim Strafaci Sgt. Michael Grabarek, relative of the LeFevour and Schillaci families PFC Michael Frazee, grandson of Kay and John Johnson

Marriage Banns Angeline Kostelec & Clayton Glomb

St. John of the Cross Parish January 1, 2017 Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God Page 15

The Week Ahead Monday, January 2 9:30am Spiritual Journeying 10:30am Christian Meditation 2:30pm Adoration Tuesday, January 3 7:00pm RCIA 7:30pm Christian Meditation Wednesday, January 4 9:15am Wednesday Morning Bible Study 2:30pm Christian Meditation Thursday, January 5 7:00pm SAM Gathering 7:30pm Men's Club Board Meeting Friday, January 6 Saturday, January 7 7:00am Christian Meditation Sunday, January 8 1:30pm Baptisms

Pray for Our Sick Robert Arbuckle Gary Berger Katie Berger Glori Ann Byrd Christina Carinato Paul Cervony Nancy Cottone Alexander DeLosReyes Fr. David Dowdle Mildred Fitzgerald Colleen Franke

Lynn Freking Bedelia Fries Kathy Gros Terry Hawkins Kathy Holden Karen Hult Lucinne Kasis Curtis Kerzich George Kojima Carrie Kowalski Athie Lanahan Erin Lively

Warren McGee Bobbie Misiora Jennifer Ochino Patrick O’Donnell Mary Ann Piwowar Helen Ragus Gail Schmidt Deloris Simonek Ray Simonek Don Vollmer Monica Westell Eric Wilson

Page 16: St. John of the Cross Parish · 2017. 1. 8. · St. John of the Cross Parish 5005 South Wolf Road ~ Western Springs 60558 ~ 708-246-4404 ~ Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God

St. John of the Cross Parish proudly presents

Steve Angrisano in Concert

Saturday, January 21 at 7pm-8pm Concert

in Church

Sunday, January 22 at 3:30-4:30pm Music & Storytelling

in Church No Registration. No Fee. Just come. Open to all.

Steve Angrisano is undoubtedly one of the most effective and versatile ministry leaders in the Church today. Those who are young (and young at heart) embrace the passionate message of faith, hope and love woven throughout his music and storytelling. Always rooted in a spirit of humility and faithfulness, Steve has a keen intuition regarding the needs of any audience and engages them with his unique blend of humor, song, story and interaction. Steve has been featured at 7 World Youth Days, including this past summer with Pope Francis. You will be changed after witnessing the love of Jesus Christ and his sincere desire to bring everyone to a closer relationship with the Lord. (To learn more go to

Page 17: St. John of the Cross Parish · 2017. 1. 8. · St. John of the Cross Parish 5005 South Wolf Road ~ Western Springs 60558 ~ 708-246-4404 ~ Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God


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Maloney & Company, Ltd.Certified Public Accountants & Consultants

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