st ignatius church the joy of the gospel —— evangelii gaudium evangelii gaudium ·...

MASS TIMES ST IGNATIUS Toowong: Weekdays 5.30pm every afternoon; Saturday 9.00am & 6.00pm (Vigil); Sunday 7.00am & 5.00pm. Reconciliation: Saturday after 9.00am Mass and from 5.15pm to 5.45pm, or by appointment. HOLY SPIRIT Auchenflower: Weekdays 9.00am Monday, Wednesday & Friday; Sunday 8.30am. Pope Francis’ The Joy of the Gospel has been likened by commentators to Martin Luther King’s ‘I have a dream’ speech. Like Martin Luther King’s speech and others made by Nelson Mandela it is the statement of a free man. It frees us to dream not just because of the vision it proclaims but also because it reveals so much about the man who has written it. Francis comes across as a redeemed, hopeful, purposeful and pastoral man. He has a brave and enabling dream of a more merciful and missionary church with a strong commitment to the poor. At a time when many were growing tired and weary he has given us back enthusiasm and the ability to dream about the Church. I have given talks on Francis to perhaps 2,000 people across Australia and I am still amazed at the inspiration Catholics find in Francis and not just Catholics, even taxi drivers tell me they like “my Pope”. I believe his appeal comes from his ordinariness, his compassion, his obvious happiness and his vision. He has reminded us that we are to be “a poor church serving the poor”. And although he is a Pope who likes to talk with us, he is not going to tell us precisely what to do. He wants us to be adults. He invites us to disagree and challenges us discern the signs of the times and the demands of our local situation. - Fr Noel Connolly SSC. 22nd Sunday Ordinary 30th August 2015 Year B Holy Spirit Church Harriett Street, Auchenflower St Ignatius Church Kensington Terrace, Toowong This is Migrant & Refugee Sunday. This is Migrant & Refugee Sunday. This is Migrant & Refugee Sunday. This is Migrant & Refugee Sunday. The Joy of the Gospel The Joy of the Gospel The Joy of the Gospel The Joy of the Gospel— Evangelii Gaudium Evangelii Gaudium Evangelii Gaudium Evangelii Gaudium

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Page 1: St Ignatius Church The Joy of the Gospel —— Evangelii Gaudium Evangelii Gaudium · 2015-08-28 · Pope Francis’ The Joy of the Gospel has been likened by commentators to Martin


ST IGNATIUS Toowong: Weekdays 5.30pm every afternoon; Saturday 9.00am & 6.00pm (Vigil); Sunday 7.00am & 5.00pm.

Reconciliation: Saturday after 9.00am Mass and from 5.15pm to 5.45pm, or by appointment. HOLY SPIRIT Auchenflower: Weekdays 9.00am Monday, Wednesday & Friday; Sunday 8.30am.

Pope Francis’ The Joy of the Gospel has been likened

by commentators to Martin Luther King’s ‘I have a

dream’ speech. Like Martin Luther King’s speech and

others made by Nelson Mandela it is the statement of a free man. It frees us to

dream not just because of the vision it proclaims but also because it reveals so

much about the man who has written it. Francis comes across as a redeemed,

hopeful, purposeful and pastoral man. He has a brave and enabling dream of a

more merciful and missionary church with a strong commitment to the poor.

At a time when many were growing tired and weary he has given us back

enthusiasm and the ability to dream about the Church. I have given talks on

Francis to perhaps 2,000 people across Australia and I am still amazed at the

inspiration Catholics find in Francis and not just Catholics, even taxi drivers tell

me they like “my Pope”.

I believe his appeal comes from his ordinariness, his compassion, his obvious

happiness and his vision. He has reminded us that we are to be “a poor church

serving the poor”. And although he is a Pope who likes to talk with us, he is not

going to tell us precisely what to do. He wants us to be adults. He invites us to

disagree and challenges us discern the signs of the times and the demands of

our local situation.

- Fr Noel Connolly SSC.

22nd Sunday Ordinary 30th August 2015

Year B

Holy Spirit Church Harriett Street, Auchenflower

St Ignatius Church Kensington Terrace, Toowong

This is Migrant & Refugee Sunday.This is Migrant & Refugee Sunday.This is Migrant & Refugee Sunday.This is Migrant & Refugee Sunday.

The Joy of the GospelThe Joy of the GospelThe Joy of the GospelThe Joy of the Gospel————

Evangelii Gaudium Evangelii Gaudium Evangelii Gaudium Evangelii Gaudium

Page 2: St Ignatius Church The Joy of the Gospel —— Evangelii Gaudium Evangelii Gaudium · 2015-08-28 · Pope Francis’ The Joy of the Gospel has been likened by commentators to Martin

Kevin Siddell

Toowong Parish SET 018 © Morton Music. The Psalm Response text is set to music by permission of International Commission on English in the Liturgy. All Rights Reserved. The institution named in the box is licensed to make copies for its own use only.

Archdiocesan InformationArchdiocesan InformationArchdiocesan InformationArchdiocesan InformationArchdiocesan InformationArchdiocesan InformationArchdiocesan InformationArchdiocesan Information

Migrant & Refugee Sunday is held on 30th August in most dioceses across Australia. This year marks the 101st anniversary of the World Day of Migrants and Refu-gees. Pope Francis’ message for the day sets the theme for this year: “Church without frontiers. Mother to all.”

Child Protection Week Ecumenical Service at St John's Cathedral, 373 Ann St, Brisbane on Wed 9 Sept., at 10am. Enquiries and RSVP: Jayde Tinney, 3835 2285 [email protected] Everyone welcome.

Auslan Mass for the Deaf. A warm invitation is extended to all who would like to attend this Mass, with morning tea afterwards, at St Michael's Church, 250 Banks Street, Dorrington/Ashgrove on Sunday 13 Sept. at 8.30am.

Golden Wedding Anniversary Celebration. Couples celebrating their Golden (or more) Wedding Anniversary and their family and friends, are invited to Mass with Bishop Brian V. Finnigan at the Cathedral on St Stephen on Saturday 3rd October 2015 @ 10.00am. The Mass will be followed by morning tea in the Hanly Room of the Francis Rush Centre. RSVP by Friday 25 September to E: [email protected] or 3324 3030.

Readings: 22nd Sunday Ordinary: Deuteronomy 4:1-2,6-8. James: 1:17-18,21-22,27. Mark: 7:1-8,14-15,21-23.

Next week: 23rd Sunday Ordinary: Isaiah 35:4-7. James 2:1-5. Mark 7:31-37.

En89trance Antiphon:


Spoken Response: The just will live in the presence of the Lord.

Sung Response: The Law of the Lord is Perfect (Version 1).

Gospel Acclama�on: Alleluia, alleluia! The Father gave us by his message of truth, that we might be as the first fruits

of his crea5on. Alleluia!

Have mercy on me, O Lord, for I cry to you all the day long. O Lord, you are good and forgiving,

full of mercy to all who call to you.


2 – 11 NOVEMBER 2015

Come & trace the history of the Hidden Christians in Japan during the beautiful autumn season. Fr Peter Quin sj will lead the Tour and provide an insight into St Francis Xavier’s exploits in Japan. History, culture, scenery & wonderful food. *Price from $4,750 p/person twin share, excl. airfares.

Ph Japan Holidays 02 6671 4185 |

Ignatian Spirituality InformationIgnatian Spirituality InformationIgnatian Spirituality InformationIgnatian Spirituality InformationIgnatian Spirituality InformationIgnatian Spirituality InformationIgnatian Spirituality InformationIgnatian Spirituality Information

Being, Believing & the Mystical in a land of Weather-board Cathedrals. Presenter: Sr Kath Dwyer osu. Sat 5 September, 10am—3pm. The day will be divided into 3 sessions. Refer to flyers in rotary stands for further info.

For info. and / or bookings please phone 3368 2450 or E: [email protected] |


Enrolments are now being taken for those children in Yr 3 & above who wish to complete their initiation into the Catholic Faith Community.

The Programme begins with an experience of Reconciliation in October / November this year and the Sacraments of Confirmation and First Eucharist in the post Easter Season 2016.

The Sacrament of Reconciliation will be when the children are in Yr 5.

ENROLMENT INFORMATION AND FORMS are available from the Parish Website (under ‘Sacraments’).


All enquiries to Cathy Bennett, Parish Sacramental Co-ord. P: 3870 7818 (Wednesdays only) or E: [email protected]


is a new senior’s community being planned on the land surrounding the Holy Spirit Church, Auchenflower. The Parish have been looking for new uses for the surplus Church land in a

way that serviced the community. The approach is to engage the local community, to listen to the local elderly and learn about what is important in the creation of the new village. As part of this process a targeted information sessions are being run by the ‘Greengate’.

Page 3: St Ignatius Church The Joy of the Gospel —— Evangelii Gaudium Evangelii Gaudium · 2015-08-28 · Pope Francis’ The Joy of the Gospel has been likened by commentators to Martin

Your Prayers Are Requested For All Parishioners & friends who are sick and in need All Parishioners & friends who are sick and in need

SSICKICK::: Carmel Bolger, Gladys O’Brien, Judy Galarza, Elizabeth Anna, Cirino Quagliata, Merryn Morris, Maria Rego, Philip Donaldson, Jenny Reed, Del O’Sullivan, Eve Jones, Vida Gleeson, Betty Andrews, Philippe Gafenesch.

RRECENTLYECENTLY DDECEASEDECEASED:: Kathleen Foley, Fr ‘Joe’ William Joseph O’Mara sj, Matthew Manning.


BBAPTISMSAPTISMS: : Thomas Baartz, Gabriela White, Max Newberry, Oscar Newberry, Benjamin Newberry.

PARISH COLLECTIONS: Including Clergy Support: $3,380, Other: $200; *Caritas’ Annual Project Compassion Appeal: $3,205.65.

ST. IGNATIUS PEACE THROUGH JUSTICE GROUP Chris Miranda (RAL) will speak at the 8.30am Mass at Holy Spirit Church this Sunday.

WOMEN’S NIGHT OF SPIRITUALITY THANK YOU to the “Organising Committee’ (Ernestine Lavalle, Louise Wellington & Lisa Brown; Stuartholme School Choir; our MC, Robyn Emmeson and guest speakers:- Johanna Neville, Helen

Sinclair and Carolyn Martin Delezio; volunteers who assisted with the parking & to all those who attended our 10th Annual event last Tuesday evening; it was a successful night. - Fr Peter Quin sj, PP.

“OPEN THE CHURCH” PLAN (ST IGNATIUS CHURCH) Parishioners please be advised it has been decided to no longer conduct this monthly parish activity. A big THANK YOU to all of the generous and loyal volunteers (aka ‘watchers’) who have kept this activity going over the years. An extra special thanks to Betty Andrews who has been the contact person and co-ordinator of the activity since its inception.

HOLY SPIRIT CHURCH AUCHENFLOWER INFORMATION UPDATE SESSION was held last Sunday after 8.30am Mass. Representatives of the Church’s partner for the Care Village, Greengate, attended to answer questions in relation to the proposal from both parishioners and local community; they also explained some of the other types of accommodation options available to seniors in our local community. Greengate is holding further information sessions to their ‘target groups’ this coming week.

ST VINCENT DE PAUL TOOWONG meeting Tues 1 Sept, 7.45pm in Horstmann Room.

CWL TOOWONG BRANCH will meet on Monday 7 September after the 9am Mass at Holy Spirit. New members welcome. Enquiries: Del Doherty 3371 7746.

CRAFT GROUP Join us and bring your craft on Thursday 10 September at 2pm in the Horstmann Room. New members always welcome.

EXPECT-A-CUPPA will be held next weekend (5/6 September) after the 6pm Saturday and 7am Sunday Masses at St Ignatius Church. Parishioners are invited to stay after the 6pm Saturday & 7am Sunday Masses for a cup of tea / coffee. ** Holy Spirit Church serves a cuppa after the 8.30am Mass every Sunday.



Baptisms: 10am—11.30am—St Ig.


1 7.45pm SVdP Meeting—Horstmann Rm

2 6pm Finance & Development Committee Meeting—Horstmann Room

5 - 6 Australian Catholic Campaign W/end

5 Expect-a-cuppa (after 6pm Mass) - St Ig.

6 23rd Sunday Ordinary

Fathers’ Day

Expect-a-cuppa (after 7am Mass) - St Ig.

8.30am Parish & School Mass—H/Spirit

7 CWL meeting (after 9am Mass) - H/Spirit

10 2pm Craft Group—Horstmann Room

12 10am Koinonia (Welcome & Care) Group —Horstmann Room

13 24th Sunday Ordinary

3 - 4 St Ignatius School Art Show—Hall


1st Reading Gospel

Mon: 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18. Luke 4:16-30. Tues: 1 Thessalonians 5:1-6,9-11. Luke 4:31-37. Wed: Colossians 1:1-8. Luke 4:38-44. Thu: Colossians 1:9-14. Luke 5:1-11. Fri Colossians 1:15-20. Luke 5:33-39 Sat: Colossians 1:21-23. Luke 6:1-5.

AVAILABLE NOW (on rotary stands or at church doors)


2015 Program book—Available Now: Free. THE CATHOLIC LEADER Weekly: $2.

Any inclusions for the Parish newsletter should be marked to the attention of the

Parish Secretary & received at Parish Office no later than Thursday mornings. Thank you.


AARTRT SSHOWHOW It’s almost Spring and the children are quite excited about the forthcoming Art Show.

Parishioners are invited to attend the St Ignatius School Art Show in the Hall on:-

• Thursday 3 September, open 7.30am—3.30pm, and • Friday 4 September, open 7.30am—10.30am.

There will be over a thousand pieces of Art to view at the Art Show and this event is a very important part of the creative process, that is, displaying and viewing the children’s work and listening to their stories about their artworks. We look forward to seeing you there. Enjoy!

Page 4: St Ignatius Church The Joy of the Gospel —— Evangelii Gaudium Evangelii Gaudium · 2015-08-28 · Pope Francis’ The Joy of the Gospel has been likened by commentators to Martin

Parish WEBSITE Current Newsletter now on our website!

When making out your will please consider the needs of the parish

Queensland’s Privacy Scheme and the Commonwealth Government’s legislation deals with the manner in which private sector organisations may record, use, store and disclose information, including health information, collected from individuals. The Parish of Toowong is committed to upholding and implementing the Privacy Principles set out in both the legislations and Privacy Scheme and by the Archdiocese of Brisbane. A copy of the Parish's Privacy Policy is available to any parishioner by contacting the Parish Office on 3870 7818 during office hours.

Jesuit Community of Qld

Fr John Reilly SJ Superior

Fr Peter Quin SJ PP

Fr Gaetan Pereira SJ APP

Fr Ian Howells SJ

Fr Vince Hurley SJ

Faber CIS, Bardon

Director: Fr John Reilly SJ

PA to the Director: Allison King

Phone: 3368 2450

Parish Office Staff

*Sandy Dunne - Finance *Monica Florence - (Parish Secretary including Newsletter)

*Sacramental Co-Ordinator:

Cathy Bennett (Wed only)

Parish Pastoral Council

Charles Costello—Chair

Finance & Development

David Slater—Chair

Musical Director

Anthony Young

Liturgical Ministry:- Roster Co-ordinators- St Ignatius Church: * Ministry Roster: Josie Hynes 0407 355 811 & Chris Ioannides 0415 624144 *Altar Server Convenor: Tony Castel 0438 192 298

Holy Spirit Church

*Rosters: Pat L:ye 3300 1432 *Children’s Liturgy & Altar Server Training: Louise Wellington 3876 8786


Principal— Roycelyn Wilden APRE— Rachelle Gibson

46 Grove Street, Toowong Qld 4066 .

Phone: 3371 1094


* OSHC— 3870 3270

Staff meeting each Wednesday 2pm.

PARISH OFFICE INFORMATION Phone: 3870 7818. Fax: 3870 7857. Postal Address: 30 Kensington Terrace, Toowong Qld 4066

Email: [email protected] Website:

Parish Office Hours: Monday to Friday 9am—4.30pm (closed for lunch 1—1.30pm )

Emergency Contact If you require a priest in an emergency, please phone the parish office and follow the prompts.


We, the St Ignatius community, are called to live the good news. We pray that we become the people that Jesus Christ called us to be. We pray that we know the Father, by the power of the Holy Spirit

through knowing Jesus in prayer, scripture and liturgy. We pray that we give hope to others by a practical, personal kindness, affirming each person's dignity, worth and destiny in Christ. May we live out this mission of our Christian vocation in the spirit of St. Ignatius.

Loving God, holder of my days,

I know that I am destined for a great mission in life.

There is some place in life which will remain unfilled unless I fill it.

Help me to discern what my gifts are and give me the generosity to use them

to benefit others.

Guide me in your ways that I may know with confidence that the gifts you

have given me, if used well, will bring new life and blessings into the world.

Then I will fulfil the great dreams you have for me.

Show me how to live out my mission to be truly, your Love, your Heart, in

a suffering world.

Amen (Based on the words of Janet Erskine Stuart)

- Sr Kathleen Muirhead rscJ

A place for each personA place for each personA place for each personA place for each person