st. george antiochian orthodox christian...

TONE 1 DECEMBER 2, 2012 EOTHINON 4 TWENTY-SIXTH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST THE HOLY PROPHET HABAKKUK MARTYR HABIB THE NEW MARTYR MYROPE OF CHIOS MARTYR STEPHEN UROSH, THE SERBIAN KING VENERABLE JOHN, HERACLEMON, THEOPHILOS AND ANDREW OF EGYPT VENERABLE IOANNIKIOS OF DEVITCH While the Feast of St. Nicholas is December 6, and we will celebrate it on the Eve of the Feast, with Liturgy at 6 p.m. this Wednesday: Word has it that the good Bishop of Myra may be passing through these parts today as well. You are invited to take off your shoes and to put them in front of the coat rack. You can come into church with just socks on your feet today. St. George Antiochian Orthodox Christian Church 4020 North Sherman Drive Indianapolis, Indiana 46226-4464 Office: (317) 547-9356 Fax: 547-4520 Internet: [email protected] V. Rev. Father Nabil L. Hanna, Pastor Mobile: (317) 919-0841 [email protected] Attached Clergy: V. Rev. Radoslav Filipovich • Rev. Deacon Workineh Belesse

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Page 1: St. George Antiochian Orthodox Christian · Troparion for St. George (Tone 4) Liberator of captives, Defender





While the Feast of St. Nicholas is December 6, and we will celebrate it on the Eve of the Feast, with Liturgy at 6 p.m. this Wednesday:

Word has it that the good Bishop of Myra may be passing through these parts today as well.

You are invited to take off your shoes and to put them

in front of the coat rack.

You can come into church with just socks on your feet


St. George Antiochian Orthodox Christian Church 4020 North Sherman Drive Indianapolis, Indiana 46226-4464

Office: (317) 547-9356 Fax: 547-4520 Internet: [email protected] V. Rev. Father Nabil L. Hanna, Pastor • Mobile: (317) 919-0841 • [email protected]

Attached Clergy: V. Rev. Radoslav Filipovich • Rev. Deacon Workineh Belesse

Page 2: St. George Antiochian Orthodox Christian · Troparion for St. George (Tone 4) Liberator of captives, Defender


THIRD ANTIPHON: TROPARION OF THE RESURRECTION TONE 1) While the stone was sealed by the Jews, and the soldiers were guarding Thy most pure body, Thou didst arise on the third day, O Savior, granting life to the world. For which cause the heavenly powers cried aloud unto

Thee, O giver of life. Glory to Thy Resur-rection O Christ, glory to Thy kingdom, glory to Thy providence, O Thou Who alone art the lover of mankind.


Troparion of the Resurrection (Tone 1)

While the stone was sealed by the Jews….

Schedule  of  Regular  Weekly  Services

Saturdays:   Vespers,  5  PM Sundays: Ma ns,  9  AM Divine  Liturgy,  10  AM

Confession:  A er  Saturday  Vespers During  Sunday  Ma ns

Or  by  Appointment

See  Calendar  for  Feast  Days  and  Other  Weekday  Services  Scheduled

Order  for  Holy  Communion Members  of  the  Orthodox  Church  age  seven  and  above  must  prepare  for  Holy  Communion  with  a  recent  confession,  prayer,  fas ng  from  all  food  and  drink  from  midnight  (unless  medical  condi on  preclude  it),  being  in  church  before  the  Epistle  and  Gospel  readings,  and  being  at  peace  with  everyone.

CHILDREN  going  to  church  school  and  their  teachers  should  come  down  the  center  aisle  first.  (Small  children  may  need  to  be  assisted  by  their  parents.) ALL  OTHERS  should  wait  un l  an  usher  dismisses  your  row  from  the  center  aisle.  Then  return  to  your  place  by  a  side  aisle  for  the  prayers  of  thanksgiving  and  the  final  blessing  and  dismissal.  Please  let  choir  members  pass  when  they  come  down  for  Communion.

A  Warm  Welcome  to  Our  Guests We  are  glad  you  are  worshipping  with  us.  Please  note  that  Holy  Communion  is  limited  to  members  of  the  Orthodox  Church  in  good  standing  who  have  prepared  with  prayer,  fas ng  and  confession.

For  all  others—though  we  cannot  share  Communion  with  you,  since  it  is  the  expression  of  full  unity  of  Faith—you  are  welcome  to  come  forward  a er  the  dismissal,  receive  a  blessing  and  partake  of  the  blessed  bread  (in  the  large  bowls).  Please  also  sign  our  guest  book,  and  introduce  yourself  to  Fr. Nabil  during  the  coffee  hour.  You  may  inquire  with  him  how  you  can  become  a  member.

Page 3: St. George Antiochian Orthodox Christian · Troparion for St. George (Tone 4) Liberator of captives, Defender

Troparion for St. George (Tone 4)

Liberator of captives, Defender of the poor, the Physician of the sick and the Champion of kings, O Trophy-bearer, Great-martyr

George, intercede with Christ our God that our souls be saved.

Kontakion of the Preparation of Christ’s Nativity (Tone 3) The Virgin cometh today to the cave to give birth, ineffably to bring forth the Word eternal. Therefore, rejoice, O Earth, at the message. With the angels and shepherds

give glory to Him Who shall appear by his own will as a young child, He Who Is from eternity God.


Prokeimenon (Psalm 32.22, 1 LXX; Tone 1)

Let Thy mercy, O Lord, be upon us. Verse: Rejoice in the Lord, O ye righteous!

Reading from St. Paul’s Epistle to the Ephesians (5.8-19; 26th Sunday after Pentecost)

BRETHREN, walk as children of light (for the fruit the Spirit is in all goodness and right-eousness and truth), proving what is acceptable to the Lord, and have no communion with the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them, for it is a shame even to speak of the things which they do in secret. But all things, when they are exposed, are made manifest by the light, for everything that is made manifest is light. Therefore, he says: “Awake, O sleeper, and

arise from the dead, and Christ will shine upon thee.”

See then that you walk circumspectly, not as unwise, but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil. Therefore, do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is. And do not get drunk with wine, for that is debauchery, but be filled with the Spirit, speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and chanting in your heart to the Lord.

Holy Gospel according to St. Luke (18.35-43; 14th Sunday of Luke) AT THAT TIME, when Jesus drew near to Jericho, a blind man was sitting by the roadside begging; and hearing a multitude going by, he inquired what this meant. They told him, “Jesus of Nazareth is passing by.”

And he cried, “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!” And those who were in front rebuked him, telling him to be silent; but he cried out all the more, “Son of David, have mercy on me!” And Jesus

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stopped, and commanded him to be brought to him; and when he came near, Jesus asked him, “What do you want me to do for you?” He said, “Lord, let me receive my sight.” And Jesus said to him, “Receive

your sight; your faith has made you well.” And immediately he received his sight and followed Jesus, glorifying God; and all the people, when they saw it, gave praise to God.

HOLY OBLATIONS AND PRAYER REQUESTS By the McKary family, for the health of George, Sohir, Mira, Magy and Monica, and in

memory of Reda, Shehata, Emil, Narges, Samir and Fawzi. By Fr. Nabil and Kh. Elaine Hanna and family, for repose of Elaine’s Aunt Kyriake

Barakitis (3-day memorial), Uncle John Gounaris and Counsin John Gounaris. By Ed and Marilyn Edge, for the health of Patty Beauchamp, Janice Fadel, Marge

Mesalam, Nahia Mesalam, and Salim Najjar. By Dean and Beth Flaris, for the health of Joseph and Alice Foster, Janice Fadel and

Sarah Najjar. By Rick Gann, for the health of Cora McLane, William and Melba McKnight. By Delores George, for the health of Marge Mesalam. By Karen and David Najjar, for the health of Katherine Najjar on the occasion of her

name day and her 15th birthday, and for George and Alice Belovic on the occasion of their 65th anniversary.

By Mina, Eloisa and Alexander Khoury, in memory of Victoria Mohama. Please also see the inserted card for the names of those on our current parish prayer

list—those who are struggling with acute illness and those newly departed this life—from among our parishioners and those for whom they have requested our prayers. Please take this card with you, and include these people in your daily prayers at home.


PLEASE JOIN US FOR FELLOWSHIP AFTER LITURGY Coffee hour is hosted today by David and Karen Najjar and family in honor of Katherine’s 15th birthday and name day.

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“Then to the place which the LORD your God will choose, to make His Name dwell there, thither you shall bring…your

sacrifices, your tithes and the offering that you present, and all your votive offerings which you vow to the LORD.”

(Deuteronomy 12.11)

As we take a few weeks to reflect on the work that Christ has given us to do through His Church, instead of a sermon, today’s message will be given by Mina Khoury.

December 16 will be our annual Stewardship Commitment Sunday. Let us all consider prayerfully the tithe that we will pledge for 2013, so that we can make our vow to the Lord (a confidential, free-will commitment) by that date for the coming year’s church operations. Note that our “tithe” (nominally 10%) should be separate from what we give to the building fund; the building fund is our “offering” over and above the tithe.

PRE-CHRISTMAS FAST CONTINUES We fast from November 15 until the Christmas Liturgy (although we make a special dispensation for Thanksgiving). During this time we abstain from all meat and dairy prod-ucts, AND we increase our prayer and our almsgiving for the poor.

COMMUNITY CHRISTMAS CARD Our Charity Ministry Team will send out our annual Christmas Card. Your donations will be used throughout the year to help local needy families at Christmas and support our charity work in various places. There is no set amount, but please be generous. Special donation envelopes are available in the pew in front of you or at the candle stand. Please print your name exactly as you want it to appear on the card. Deadline is December 9!

CHARITY FOOD PANTRY We also ask for your help in restocking our Food Pantry. As we are preparing to relocate to Fishers, however, we only need the following items at this time:

Canned vegetables • Canned meat • Canned soup Spaghetti • Spaghetti sauce • Macaroni and cheese boxes

Please also let Fr. Nabil know confidentially of any parishioners who could use assistance this holiday—or any other time, for that matter.

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FISHERS CHURCHES HURRICANE SANDY RELIEF PROJECT With your help, we were able to deliver a load of supplies estimated at $4,000 in value to victims of Hurricane Sandy on Nov. 19. The goods were delivered to New Hope Family Worship Center in Brooklyn, NY (where the bottom photo shows them being unloaded). The supplies--including non-perishable foods, winter coats, blankets, and bleach--will be distributed to families in the NYC area that have suffered loss due to the hurricane.

We received donations from many residents of the Fishers community residents and from several churches and other organizations, including Fall Creek Wesleyan Church, Trinity Church, Harvest Church, Faith Church, St. George Orthodox Church, Kids Express Preschool, the Indiana Central District of The Wesleyan Church, and employees at the World Headquarters of The Wesleyan Church.

Pastor Anthony Graham of New Hope sends this note of thanks to you all:

"Please allow me to personally say thanks on behalf of the broken, battered and bruised in the East New York community. Your gift of love and willingness to travel beyond the borders of Indiana is a reflection of your love for Christ. Again, thank you my brother and may the Lord richly bless you."

Through your generosity, St. George contributed 14 bags full of food, clothing, coats and blankets for the Fishers churches truck. In addition, you donated $2,022 in cash that was sent to the Archdiocese for the IOCC (International Orthodox Christian Charities) emer-gency relief effort.

AN OLD WORLD CHRISTMAS VILLAGE AND MARKET Friday, December 7, 5 pm – 9 pm • Saturday, December 8, 10 am – 3 pm Joy of All Who Sorrow Orthodox Church (1516 N. Delaware Street)

Dine at St. Nicholas Café in the quaint European village of shops and bakeries. Browse the St. Seraphim Bookstore, and listen to the music. Santa Lucia gives sweet buns to all.

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TIME TO GET CRACKING Please come watch several of our youth in CIDE's 2012 Nutcracker December 7th at 7:30p, December 8th at 2p or 7:30p and December 9th at 2p at the Zionsville Perform-ing Arts Center. Gabby and Anna Iglendza, Cecie Baranyk, Audrey Burdick (Pat and Diane Koers' granddaughter) and Kalyn and Katie Sankey are all featured in these shows. This is Kalyn's senior year and she dances the lead role of the Sugar Plum Fairy on Friday 12/7 at 7:30p and Saturday, 12/8 at 2p. Tickets are available through or by calling the ZPAC box office Monday -Friday between 10a-2p at 873-3355 ext. 12345. Tickets are $30 for adults and $22 for children but using the discount code of NC12A for adults makes the ticket $25 and NC12C for children under 18 years of age makes the ticket $18. If you have any questions, call Margaret Sankey at 873-3932.

HANDEL’S MESSIAH – PRESENTATION AND/OR SING-ALONG Handel’s Messiah will be presented again this year at Tabernacle Presbyterian Church. Please contact Elaine Eckhart or Suzanne Mesalam as soon as possible if you are interested in an outing and we will make plans for attending the Saturday evening presentation, December 8 at 7:30 p.m.

Also, Monday, December 10 the Indianapolis Chamber Orchestra, along with Encore Vocal Arts and members of the Indianapolis community will host a “Messiah-Sing-Along” with selections from some of the best-loved pieces from this beloved Christmas oratorio. The sing-along is at the Indiana Landmarks Center and this will be your chance to sing your heart out and be a part of the Choir.

Tickets for either event are $25.00—please let us know of your interest this coming week and we’ll plan either or both adventures as a Fellowship outing.

PARISH LIFE CONFERENCE AND AV CAMP 2013 St. Michael Church of Louisville will host our Midwest Conference June 19-23. Since this conflicts with first session of camp, when we usually send a bus-load of youth, Bishop Anthony has asked us to switch to another session. Please give your feedback to Fr. Nabil.

Session One: June 16-28 • Session Two: June 30 - July 12 • Session Three: July 14-26

THANK YOU… On behalf of our entire family, thank you for all you have done for Faris and me, your visits to the hospital and nursing home, your prayers, best wishes, and love. God bless you. Nahia Mesalam

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We hope every parishioner will get involved in our building project by joining and helping on one of the many committees. Please contact Fr. Nabil to sign up. (The current committee membership is posted on the bulletin board across from Father’s office.)

We will have a meeting of the entire building committee (which should be the whole parish) at 7 p.m. on 3rd Tuesday of each month. This month we meet on Dec. 18.

ADVENT OPPORTUNITIES During this fasting season, just like during Lent, we make it a point of increasing our prayer and worship. Everybody should make a point of attending at least one service in addi-tion to the Sunday liturgy.

This week gives us several opportunities (see schedule at right), as we celebrate:

Monday: St. Barbara and St. John of Damascus

Wednesday: St. Nicholas Saturday: Arabic Liturgy



Sun.  2 Matins,  9  a.m. Choir  warm-up,  9:30  a.m. Divine  Liturgy,  10 a.m.

Mon.  3

Eve  of  the  Feast  of  Ss.  Barbara  and  John  of  Damascus

Divine  Liturgy,  6  p.m. Dinner  and  meetings:  

Mission  Council Orthodox  Christian  Fellowship Iconography  &  Temple  Furnishings

Tue.  4 Parish  Council,    7:15  p.m.  at  116th  Street

Wed.  5 Eve  of  the  Feast  of  St.  Nicholas

Divine  Liturgy,  6  p.m. Dinner  and  Orthodox  Faith  class

Sat.  8 Divine  Liturgy  in  Arabic     اااللهھي  االقددااسس

10  a.m. Great  Vespers  and  confession,  5  p.m.

Sun.  9

Matins,  9  a.m. Choir  warm-up,  9:30  a.m. Divine  Liturgy,  10 a.m. Church  School  staff  meeting

Wed.  12 Eve  of  the  Feast  of  St.  Herman

Divine  Liturgy,  6  p.m. Dinner  and  Orthodox  Faith  class

Sat.  15 Great  Vespers  and  confession,  5  p.m.

Sun.  16

Matins,  9  a.m. Choir  warm-up,  9:30  a.m. Divine  Liturgy,  10 a.m. Church  School  Christmas  program