st. anthony catholic church frankfort, il€¦ · 03/05/2015  · page two — may 3, 2015 saint...

St. Anthony catholic CHURCH FRANKFORT, IL St. Anthony catholic CHURCH FRANKFORT, IL

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Page 1: St. Anthony catholic CHURCH FRANKFORT, IL€¦ · 03/05/2015  · Page Two — May 3, 2015 Saint Anthony Catholic Church ST.ANTHONY CHURCH CALENDAR OF EVENTS DATE DAY UPCOMING EVENTS

St. Anthony catholic CHURCH


St. Anthony catholic CHURCH


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Saint Anthony Catholic Church Page Two — May 3, 2015



SUN, MAY 3 FIRST COMMUNION DAY (Noonan and Sessions 1 and 2) 2:00 PM CHURCH

3 May SUN B.O.L.D. Youth Ministry Padua Center St. Francis Rm 7:30-9:00 PM

4 May MON St. Vincent de Paul Society Meeting Padua Center ESA 7:00 PM

4 May MON Small Christian Group Pro-Life Padua Center SAM 7:00 PM

5 May TUES Tuesday Morning Prayer Group Padua Center ESA 9:15 AM

5 May TUES Holy Spirit Prayer Group Padua Center SAM 7:00 PM


6 May WED Sew N Sews St. Anthony Hall 9:00 AM

6 May WED Preschool Mother’s Day Prayer Service Church 11:00 AM

6 May WED Preschool Mother’s Day Tea Party Preschool 11:00 AM


7 May THUR Preschool Mother’s Day Prayer Service Church 11:00 AM

7 May THUR Preschool Mother’s Day Tea Party Preschool 11:00 AM

8 May FRI W.O.W. (Widows/Widowers) Meeting Padua Center SAM 7:00 PM

9 May SAT Joliet Diocese Biblical Institute Padua Center SAM 9:00 AM

9 May SAT Reconciliation Church 4:00-4:50 PM


10 May SUN B.O.L.D. Youth Ministry Padua Center St. Francis Rm 7:30-9:00 PM

Mother’s Day Flower Sale Next Weekend! St. Anthony Pro-Life Group will sell beautiful bouquets of fresh flowers after all Masses. You’ll find the perfect gifts from an array of roses, carnations, mixed floral arrangement and beautiful garden hydrangea bouquets. Each bouquet is wrapped in tissue and ready to present to your Mother… Stepmother… Mother-in-law… or your Grandmother. Proceeds from your purchase will help women in crisis pregnancies at The Women’s Center.

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May 3, 2015 — Page Three Fifth Sunday of Easter


Thank You For Your Generosity

Thank you to all who chose to use electronic giving for Sunday contributions. E-giving posts once a month. If interested, call the Parish Office at 815-469-3750 or complete and return the authorization form on pg. 12.


April 26, 2015

Saturday 5:00 PM Sunday 7:30 AM

9:00 AM 10:30 AM 12:00 PM

6:30 PM Total

$ 4,271.00 $ 3,013.00 $ 3,262.00 $ 3,713.00 $ 1,648.00 $ 2,183.16 $ 18,090.16


IF YOU HAVE NOT MADE YOUR CONTRIBUTION to the 2015 Catholic Ministries Catholic Appeal, please consider doing via e-mail at PLEASE PRAYERFULLY CONSIDER PROVIDING your financial support to this Appeal. You can and will make a difference by “Extending God’s Mercy!”

MONTHLY PLEDGE PAYMENTS FOR CMAA pledges should be made in the next few days. It is very important that these pledges be paid so that our parish will reach our goal. Once we have reached our goal in paid pledges, 65% of the additional funds received will be returned to the parish for our use.

OUR PARISH GOAL: $120,754.00

AMOUNT PLEDGED: $91,894.00 AMOUNT PAID: $65,977.00

We have 328 donors.

Thank you for your prayerful consideration and generous response.

Catholic Home Missions $ 3,831.47

St. Lawrence O’Toole St. Vincent de Paul EASTER BASKET THANK YOU

Dear Parishioners of St. Anthony Parish, Words can’t express how grateful we are for your donations of the awesome Easter baskets for the children of our families in need. Once again we witnessed the amazement of the parents as they picked up the wonderful gifts which you and your families provided. There were many “Thank Yous” and even a few tears shed. Those words of gratitude belong to all of you, the members of the parish of St. Anthony. Many children had a much happier Easter due to your loving kindness and compassion. Many parents also were happy because they had help in providing a celebration for their children. THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! May the beauty and joy of this Easter Season fill all of you with the enduring gifts of God’s loving goodness and peace. God Bless You, The St. Vincent de Paul Society of St. Lawrence O’Toole




In the Gospel today, Jesus says, “Whoever remains in me and I in him will bear much fruit, because without me you can do nothing.” Indeed, by helping the poor we can “bear much fruit” and we find that with Jesus we can do everything.

Your gift to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul will show that you are indeed the disciple of Jesus as it will bring your love to those who live in fear and doubt, loneliness and dread. Thank you for your gift of a non-perishable food item for our Food Drive this weekend.

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Saint Anthony Catholic Church Page Four — May 3, 2015

Monday, May 4 Acts 14:5-16 Jn 14:21—26

Tuesday, May 5 Acts 14:19-28 Jn 14:27-31a

Wednesday, May 6 Acts 15:1-6 Jn 15:1-8

Thursday, May 7 Acts 15:7-21 John 15:9-11

Friday, May 8 Acts 15:22-31 Jn 15:12-17







Though we may think of our relationship with God as being only up and down between the two of us, in Christ we are also intimately connected to God through those around us.

FIRST READING Barnabas reported to the apostles how Saul had seen the Lord on the way (Acts 9:26-31). This reading speaks of the miraculous spread of the Church. God had called Paul (Saul). The reaction of the Christian community in Jerusalem is consistent with what one would expect. They were afraid and thought Paul’s conversion might be a ruse. However, Barnabas served as an intermediary, and Paul was received by them with great joy. He boldly proclaimed the Good News until opposition developed. He was sent to Tarsus; opposition could not hinder the growth of the Church, for the Holy Spirit was guiding it.

SECOND READING This is God's commandment: that we may believe and love (1 John 3:18-24). This reading encourages us to practice our faith in action and not just speak about it. We should trust in God’s goodness, for God is greater than we are. We should place our hearts in God and make Him the center of all that we are. We must believe in Jesus as the only-begotten Son of God and we have to keep the Commandments.

GOSPEL I am the true vine; whoever remains in me will bear much fruit (John 15:1-8).

We must establish an intimate relationship with God and abide in Him. When we do this, we find the true meaning of our lives. When we try to exist outside of that relationship, we find only frustrations and loneliness. Jesus is the way to the Father. He is the Way and the Truth and the Life (that is why Jesus uses the allegory of His being the vine and the branches on the vine). In Him, we will bear fruit, but apart from Him we cannot hope to flourish. This Gospel speaks extensively of the relationship that the Sacrament of the Eucharist establishes (chs. 6; 13 and 21). This could also be said to be a Eucharistic symbol, for it is the Sacrament that celebrates the communion between Jesus and ourselves, and also that nourishes us so that we may be fruitful in God’s service. REFLECTION The Gospel of John uses the imagery of the vine and the branches to stress the importance of remaining connected to Christ, who is the source of our life. Cut off from Him, our lives will be fruitless. The importance of connection can also be seen in the first reading in which we hear of Paul, here called Saul, seeking out the disciples of Jesus in Jerusalem. As powerful as Paul’s experience of the risen Jesus was, he knew that if his labor was to bear fruit he must be connected with other followers of Christ. While the image of the vine stresses the importance of our personal connection to Jesus, the story of Paul in acts stresses our connection with other believers. Perhaps what people mean when they describe themselves as “spiritual but not religious” is that they have a profound sense of God, or at least of some mysterious reality greater than themselves, but see no need to identify with any particular community or tradition. This certainly was not the view of Paul in Acts. He is willing to risk rejection by the disciples who still know of him only as one who had persecuted Christians, in order to connect himself to their community and the tradition they carry. Our relationship with God is not a purely vertical relationship, in which we relate to God as individuals; it is also a horizontal one, in which our relationship to God is bound up with our relationship to our fellow believers. We are connected to Christ as the branch is connected to the vine, but we must always remember that there are others branches on the vine and that our spiritual fruitfulness is a gift that we are to share with them.

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Scripture Reflections for


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Fifth Sunday of Easter May 3, 2015— Page Five

MONDAY, MAY 4TH 8:00 AM Patricia Johnson/Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Varga TUESDAY, MAY 5TH 8:00 AM Helen Maciejewski/Ed Nawojski Intention of Tony de Castro/de Castro Family WEDNESDAY, MAY 6TH 8:00 AM Father Joe Nowak/Linda Helen Ziolkowski/Gloria Ziolkowski THURSDAY, MAY 7TH 8:00 AM Helen Chovan/Daughter, Jackie Intention of Joe Fries/Ron & Judy Fries Michael Meehan/Family FRIDAY, MAY 8TH 8:00 AM John Mulhern/Rose Ann Mulhern SATURDAY, MAY 9TH 5:00 PM Intention of Mike & Rose Govert/40th Wedding Anniv. Helen M. Persin/John & Leigh Lazzarotto Mary Ellen Troy/Lazzarotto Family Carmie Binetti/John & Leigh Lazzarotto Patricia Neble/Miki & Steve Jarvie Helen Cascino/Liz & Mike Fagan SUNDAY, MAY 10TH THE ASCENSION OF THE LORD 7:30 AM Florence Nemcek/Gloria Ziolkowski Mary Husa/Jim Barbara McCann/Family Aunt Millie Stanka/Leona Andruska Florence Andrews/Brother Berniece Korneta/Jean & Family Josephine Long/Jean & Family = 9:00 AM For the Parish Family of St. Anthony Leo Michuda/Michuda & D’Ortenzio Family Harriette Cieslak/Family Martha Graves/Don Mery Quiñones de Luque/Son Jose & Mary Luque & Family Betty Rickard/Jose & Mary Luque & Family William Chovan/Sister, Jackie Kirsch 10:30 AM Helen Persin/Michael & Claudia DiMaggio Josefa Walthier/Family Intention of Mary Ann Luczynski/Family 12:00 PM Harriette Cieslak/Family Richard Polancyak/Egofske Family Louise & Philip Capadona/Carla O’Sullivan 6:30 PM Tarisella Lynn Joyce/Bugajski Family


For the Deceased

John Doell Husband of Patricia Father of Erin, Chris, Megan and Laurie

"Eternal rest, grant unto him, O Lord, and may perpetual light shine upon him.”

“I baptize you in the name

of the Father, and of the Son

and of the Holy Spirit.


Welcome To Our Newly Baptized Children

The Sacrament of Baptism was celebrated on Sunday, April 26, 2015


Daughter of Brendan and Kristin (Franek)

BENJAMIN SCHODROF LUEBKE Son of Brian and Kathy (Schodrof)

JILLIAN MARIE MAGOSKY Daughter of Ryan and Laura (Janik)

CAMBREE SUE ZAWASKI Daughter of Shaun Smith and Courtney Zawaski


A1C Antonio Cap Sr. Airman Lawrence Clark Seaman Brianne Dillman Cpl. Ryan L. Gower

ITSN Donald Hammond Petty Officer William Hartley Cpl Michael Horbaczewski Capt. Timothy Hornik

Mjr. Thomas John-T.J. Hornick LCDR John P. Ladowicz LCDR Timothy Ladowicz LTC Alejandro Lopez

Airman 1st Class Matthew G. Lusson Sgt. James Talley Lt. Cmdr. Daniel Papp Seaman Bridget Reynolds

Spec E4 Michael Santoyo Tech. Sgt. Michelle Shalloup PO Thomas F. Shereck 2nd Lt Tyler Smith

Lt. Kyle R. Smolek USAF Lt. Joseph P. Stanek Corpsman Jonathan Waters Lt. Thomas M. Zager

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Page Six — May 3, 2015 Saint Anthony Catholic Church

Mrs. Darlene Hirsch Mrs. Nancy Bruno Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Harkabus Mr. & Mrs. George Borrelli Dr. & Mrs. Charles Martello Mr. & Mrs. Brett Binkowski Mr. & Mrs. James Johnson, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Raymond Romanus Mrs. Geraldine Ludolph Mr. & Mrs. Robert Wittle Mr. & Mrs. Paul D’Andrea Mrs. Rosemarie Kuchek Mr. & Mrs. Sam Pagoria Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Pallecone Mrs. Mary Shah Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Parchem Mr. & Mrs. Angelo Parente Mrs. Alice Mendez Mr. & Mrs. Irwin Teodoro Mr. & Mrs. James Lindsay Mrs. Marilyn Wajda Ms. Cheryl Battaglin Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Moritz Mrs. Julie Ficht Mrs. Shirley Osuch Mr. & Mrs. Mark Peruski Ms. Diane Kozacek Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Conway Mrs. Alice Paradiso Mrs. Lynea Bengtsson Mr. & Mrs. Don Klepetka Mrs. Josephine Youngbloom Mr. & Mrs. Charles Akai Mrs. Patricia Zawierski Mr. & Mrs. Tom Whalen Mr. & Mrs. Robert Cook Dr. & Mr. John Bush Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Stanker Ms. Barbara Amelio Mrs. Kathryn Gallagher Mr. & Mrs. Michael Gedzun Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Pora Mr. & Mrs. Paul Jalcovik Mr. & Mrs. Art Fojas Ms. Denise Waters Mr. Paul Montalvo Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Walenga Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Brady Mr. & Mrs. Edward Gabrysiak

Ms. Joanne Dempsey Mrs. Clare Kilroy Ms. Patricia O’Heir Mrs. Anne Daufenback Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Kotula Mrs. Peter Valente Mr. Richard Kull Mr. & Mrs. John Higgins Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Stepenski Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Sikorski Mrs. Irene Matusiak Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Pajerski Ms. Jewell Mosley Mr. & Mrs. Jim Haddon Mr. Arthur Barnas Mr. & Mrs. Gary Holiner Mr. & Mrs. John Zielinski Mrs. Dolores Stack Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Lello Mr. & Mrs. Richard Pisarczyk Mrs. Regina Jusik Mr. & Mrs. Raleigh Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Robert Mitchell Mr. & Mrs. Tagumpay Navarro Mrs. Mary Lou Gilhooly Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Ulanowski Mrs. Cynthia Miller Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Ranieri Mr. & Mrs. Robert Graham Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hurley Mrs. Joann Schaller Mr. & Mrs. James O’Brien Mr. & Mrs. Gary Jagmin Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Rafacz Mr. & Mrs. John Perozzi Mrs. Sharon Martin Mrs. Harriet Scanlan Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Becka Mrs. Anna Dunphy Mrs. Kathleen Raven Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Lynch Ms. Sharon Stratton Mr. & Mrs. Michael Zinsky Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Kosinski Mrs. Sylvia Novak Mr. & Mrs. Robert Laub Mrs. Frances Holicky Mr. & Mrs. George Sabis Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Rohaly

Mr. & Mrs. John Perozzi Mrs. Kathleen Carroll Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Malcom Mr. & Mrs. John Perkins Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Bouziden Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Serauskis Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Mecklenburg Ms. Florence Wood Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Sass Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Dea Mr. & Mrs. Robert Laethem Mrs. Virginia Allen Mrs. Maureen Coghlan Mr. & Mrs. Terry Colclasure Mr. John Kocsis Mr. & Mrs. John Ramirez Mrs. Claudette Lesiak Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Raimbault Mr. James Husa, Sr. Mrs. Jean Korneta Mr. & Mrs. John Rausch Mr. & Mrs. Charles Zielinski Mr. & Mrs. James Kramer Mr. & Mrs. Marius Canoy Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Mackey Mrs. Cheryl Hillmert Mr. Robert Crisci Mr. & Mrs. Mark Truffa Mr. & Mrs. Michael Ebenroth Mr. & Mrs. Peter Pervan Ms. Kathleen Jankowski Dibble Mrs. Ines Baron Mr. Martin Walthier Mr. & Mrs. Alan Stevens Mr. Kenneth Schneider Mr. & Mrs. Mark Jalcovik Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Schletz Mr. & Mrs. George Lange Mr. & Mrs. John Bader Mr. & Mrs. John Isioma Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Saccone Mr. & Mrs. David Wolf Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Contreras Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Comp Mr. Jim Nolte Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Perillo Mr. & Mrs. Steve Baker Mr. & Mrs. Robert Rodella Mr. & Mrs. Paul Daugirda


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Mr. Peter Sierra, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Christian Zigman Mr. & Mrs. William Pradzinski Mr. & Mrs. Frank Domijancic Mrs. Rosemarie Moravec Mrs. Emily Ozimek Mrs. Norma Blocker Mr. & Mrs. Istvan Tengolics Mr. & Mrs. Luigi Compagnone Mr. Walter Krueger, Sr. Mrs. Marie O’Connor Mrs. Patricia Senne Mrs. Louise Kowalski Ms. Karen Lesiak Mr. & Mrs. Conrad Jordan Mr. & Mrs. William Moustis Mr. & Mrs. Denis Moore Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Bear Mrs. Gloria Podgorny Mrs. Elena Sabon Mr. & Mrs. Robert Denz Mr. & Mrs. Peter Meneghetti Mr. & Mrs. Roger Leggero Mr. & Mrs. Florian Przybyla Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Caswick Mr. & Mrs. James Salvatori Mr. & Mrs. Robert Smolek Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Genck Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Rutkoski, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. James Vilutis Mr. & Mrs. Jeffry Biggs Mrs. Karen Homann Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Gremley Mr. Robert Hanus Mr. & Mrs. Richard Walas Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Scully Mr. & Mrs. Louis Skowronski Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Galassini Mrs. Joan Smart Mr. & Mrs. Frank Totosz, III Mr. & Mrs. Edward Fatla Mr. & Mrs. Richard Smith Ms. Jane Nebes Mr. & Mrs. Robert Wunderlich Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Jaros Mr. & Mrs. Jaroslaw Korczak Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Redemske Mr. & Mrs. Dermot O’Hanlon Mr. & Mrs. Mark Small

Mr. & Mrs. William Novak Mr. & Mrs. David Holmes Mr. & Mrs. Ray Kurzeniec Mr. & Mrs. Adam Skotnicki Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Hannigan Mr. & Mrs. Harold Savage Mr. & Mrs. Larry Benedict Mr. & Mrs. James Boguslawski Mr. & Mrs. Joseph DeCero Mr. & Mrs. Donald W. Simental Mr. & Mrs. John Wator Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin Salgado Mr. Christopher Tropp Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Paul Mr. & Mrs. William Stortz, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Steven Goshko Mr. & Mrs. Norman Elftmann, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Julio Martinez Mr. & Mrs. Frank Miszczak Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Jarvie Mr. & Mrs. Enrique Evangelista Mrs. Patricia Faron Mr. & Mrs. Joel Pallisard Ms. Deborah Siano-VanderLaan Mr. & Mrs. Jose Barajas Mr. & Mrs. Edward McCormick Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Saldukas Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Malkusak Mr. & Mrs. Paul Oswald Mr. & Mrs. Gary Mueller Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Juskie Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Lagger Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Huelsman Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Gies Mr. & Mrs. Derrick Lott Mr. & Mrs. Danilo Battad Mr. & Mrs. Donald Bjes Mrs. Joan Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Mady Mr. & Mrs. Michael Govert Mr. Ronald Lumsden and Mrs. Nazarene Gayah-Lumsden Mrs. Nancy Burke Mr. & Mrs. Bryan Levelle Mr. & Mrs. John Pavilonis Mrs. Margarete Vilutis Mr. & Mrs. Frank Totosz, Jr. Mrs. Irene Storako Mrs. Virginia Sagert

Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Sorrentino Mrs. Gloria Ziolkowski Mr. Julius Jankauskis Mr. & Mrs. William Matevich Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Capito Mr. & Mrs. Robert Sniegowski Mr. & Mrs. William Brennan Mr. & Mrs. William Burn Mr. & Mrs. Leslie Egbert Mr. & Mrs. Paul Galan Mr. & Mrs. Michael DeMent Mrs. Marian Clark Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Clancy Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Negele Ms. Barbara Greene Mr. & Mrs. John Hein Mr. Edward Preusser Mrs. Marian Lukshas Mr. & Mrs. Michael Root Mr. & Mrs. Paul Slade Mr. & Mrs. Jose A. Arriaga Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Fries Mr. & Mrs. George Goldyn Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Sommers Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Kilmartin Mr. & Mrs. Richard Kipper Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Danielczyk Mr. & Mrs. John Anderer Mrs. Sharon Stabrawa Kall Ms. Jo-Ann Eagan Mr. Eugene Stoll Mrs. Emma Muszynski Mr. & Mrs. Peter Biondo Mr. & Mrs. Travis Bloomfield Mrs. Cecilia Murnighan Ms. Margaret Starybrat Mr. Mrs. Martin Carlasare Mrs. Joan Saratore Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Gade Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Hughes Mr. Michael Marietti Mr. & Mrs. Peter Pettenon Mr. & Mrs. Karl Ziarko Mrs. Patricia McBrady


Fifth Sunday of Easter May 3, 2015— Page Seven

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Friday, May 8th at 7pm in the Padua Center Doors open at 6:30pm.

Short business meeting followed by entertainment by singer/guitarist John Boda. Refreshments served. Come join us for a fun evening. Call Mary at 815-469-4351 for more information. WOW is a non-denominational social group for widows and widowers.


‘GUARDIAN OF THE HOUR” You are privileged to have a private audience


“So let us confidently approach the throne of grace to receive Mercy and to find Grace for timely help.”—HEBREWS 4:16

To get to know Jesus personally sign up to be a permanent or a substitute adorer.

Open your heart to receive all the blessings God has for you.

Sign up for “Guardian of the Hour” Contact Soledad Shereck, [email protected]

or text 815-236-3387 or complete and return this form: Name ________________________________________________________ Cell Phone ___________________________________________________ Phone________________________________________________________ Email_________________________________________________________ I want to become a: substitute ____ permanent ____ adorer Day(s) _______________________________________________________ Hour(s) __________ a.m. __________ p.m.

ADORATION OPEN HOURS Consider giving one hour a week to spend with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. Open hours: Sunday: 2, 3 AM, — 1, 3, 11 PM Monday: 1, 2, 11 AM — 12 PM Tuesday: 3, 9, 10 AM — 10 PM Wednesday: 3 AM — 2, 4, 6, 8, 9, 11 PM Thursday: 12, 1, 2 AM Friday: 9, 10 AM — 1, 9 PM Saturday: 2, 3, 4, 11 AM — 2, 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8 PM

Every time Christ exhorts us to have no fear, He has both God and man in mind. He Means: Do not be afraid of God, who, according to philosophers, is the transcendent Absolute. Do not be afraid of God, but invoke Him with me: “Our Father” (Mt 6:9). Do not be afraid to say “Father!” Desire to be perfect just as He is because He is perfect. — CROSSING THE THRESHOLD OF HOPE We always feel unworthy of Christ’s friendship. But it is a good thing that we should have a holy fear of not remaining faithful to it. — TO PRIESTS, 1998

Holy Cards with the printed "Prayer For Life" are available in the Atrium on the table next to the wall of pictures of our serving military personnel. The table also has on it a statue of Jesus, the Good Shepherd and a picture of Mary, Our Lady of Fatima."


“We must go to this Child, this Man, the Son of God, at whatever inconvenience, at whatever risk to ourselves, because to know and love Him will truly change our lives.” —HOMILY AT CENTRAL PARK, 1995

The Reflections of Pope John Paul II


FORGIVENESS AND HEALING SERVICE Fr. Paul Burak will conduct a Pro-Life Forgiveness and Healing Service on Sunday, May 3rd at 6:30pm at St. Michael Church, 14327 Highland Ave., Orland Park, for those who have been directly/indirectly impacted by abortion and for others in need of God's healing love.


Saturday, May 16th 9:30-Noon Fee: $20 T’ai Chi is an Chinese exercise system that is said to relax the mind, strengthen the body, and purify the spirit. Movements of T'ai Chi Ch’uan and a form of Tai Chi for health conditions offered. Understanding its roots and historical link between meditation and exercise affords an awareness of its practice in modern times in how it improves chronic conditions and overall health. Facilitator: Diane Ryan.

9263 W. St. Francis Rd., Frankfort, Il 60423 Phone: 815-464-3880

Page Eight — May 3, 2015 Saint Anthony Catholic Church

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Fifth Sunday of Easter May 3, 2015 — Page Nine

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Page Ten — May 3, 2015

CHURCHCHURCHCHURCH Saturday, June 6th 6:05 pm

NIGHTNIGHTNIGHT The Thunderbolts invite you to celebrate your faith! Watch your Windy City Thunderbolts take on Rockford Aviators and after the game enjoy the BEST FIREWORKS SHOW in the world! All seats are only $5 each. (50% off!) Must buy minimum of 10 tickets in advance by phone/fax/or in-person. Seating based on availability. No outside food or beverage allowed inside park. Parking is $2 per car/$5 small bus. Location: 14011 S. Kenton, Crestwood. Great concession prices. Call 708-489-2255.


May 20, 2015 6:00–8:00 pm Blanchette Catholic Center, 16555 Weber Rd., Crest Hill Join Catholic Charities’ Board of Young Professionals for their general meeting! All young adults are welcome to celebrate the first six months of service and socials and to discuss upcoming events. New and interested members will have an opportunity to learn about the group’s mission of service and networking! An optional Mass celebration starts at 6 pm, followed by drinks, dinner, and the General Meeting at 7 pm. RSVP to Edith Avila Olea by Friday, May 15 at [email protected]. For information about Catholic Charities’ Board of Young Professionals, visit


Chicago Gaelic Park, 6119 W. 147th St., Oak Forest, is sponsoring an indoor/outdoor Irish Festival on Memorial Day Weekend, May 22 thru May 25. There will be two Indoor, and four outdoor covered stages and covered seating areas, presenting continuous entertainment, Irish import stores, and unlimited carnival rides, Irish step dancing competition, food and refreshments. For further information call 708-687-9323 or please visit their website at:

WATERLEAF Motorcycle Ride Benefit

The Second Annual Motorcycle Ride Benefit will take place on Saturday, July 25, 2015 at the Blanchette Catholic Center, 16555 Weber Rd., Crest Hill. Bishop Daniel Conlon will offer a Bike Blessing followed by 100+ miles through the Illinois Countryside. Celebration at Fox & Hound, Aurora. Registration begins at 8:30am; Bike Blessing at 9am; Kickstands up at 9:30am!REGISTRATION: May 1-June 15: $25, June 16-Day of Event: $30 — Registration includes ride, gifts and party. All proceeds will benefit Waterleaf, a center for women in crisis pregnancies. For more information or to register, please visit

Saint Anthony Catholic Church

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Congratulations and Blessings to our First Communicants... May 3, 2015

Thank You Thank you to all of the parents, grandparents, and family members for encouraging and supporting your children along their faith journey. For his guidance and support of our First Communicants, we are grateful to our Pastor, Father Greg Skowron. St. Anthony Catholic Church is deeply grateful to all the Catechists and Catechetical Aides who worked so hard with the children throughout the year to make them ready for this special day. For Deacon Joe Johnson, Deacon Candidate Kevin Helwig and the Music Ministry for the wonderful liturgy they prepared. God bless you all for sharing your time and talent.

Adam Jacob Ackerson Aleksander Gerard Aguilar Anthony James Arrivo, Jr. Nicholas James Bostjancic Daniel Matthew Braley Ava Lee Buss Charles Douglas Cannonito Michael Liam Carroll Sophia Claire Carter Zachary Peter Christeon Nathan Patrick Cichon Amanda Brooke Cortilet Gabriella Rene Cox Joshua David Dare Lillyanna Dillman Stella Maria Drozd Angelina Marie Egan Matthew Thomas Egan Owen Riley Emch Delaney Jane Faber Riley Catherine Fazio Jackson Christopher Fowler Hannah Susan Fregeau Joshua Alexander Galmines Landon Parker Gillio

Jack Michael Gordon Molly Elizabeth Gordon Rebecca Marie Gray Joseph William Grimm John James Hague Liam Vincent Hanly Matthew Joseph Huguelet Amanda Eva Jackson Kieris Joy Jedlowski Roman Alexander Jelinek Ella Marie Addison Jensen Landon Bruno Johnson Zachary Michael Johnson Gavin Patrick Kenny Nicholas Scott Ketchen Allison Rae Kosteck Gia Kaur Labana Michael Thomas Lanigan III Victoria Alexa Lehman Jacob Dylan Llanes Cassidy Leigh Lloyd Abigail Christine Lohman Jacob James Manos Josiah Jason Manumaleuna Raji Trenidad Martinez II

Amanda Victoria Mezydlo Sofia Rose Michaels Evan Alexander Miller Charles Albert Nevinger Sean Christopher Nevinger Michael Joseph Noonan Baron Roderick Novorolsky Lucia Therese O'Connor Gianna Maria Paliga Marisol Ramirez Griffin Neil Reidy Mason Everett Salamone Caleb Russell Smith Kennedi Soule Steward Kayla Anne Toman Liam Martin Treacy Luke Anthony Trotter Molly Rose Trotter Grace Alexandra Vrdolyak Brendan Noel Walsh Alexander James Winkleman Hanna Elizabeth Winkleman Ronald Steven Zoppa, Jr.

May 3, 2015 — Page Eleven Fifth Sunday of Easter

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Page Twelve — May 3, 2015 Saint Anthony Catholic Church

Saint Anthony Church Religious Education Program Office Hours Weekdays: 10am-4pm

Wednesdays 4-6:30pm (when class is in session) Sunday: 7am-12 Noon and 4-6:30pm (when class is in session)

815-469-6072 [email protected]

QUESTIONS OF THE WEEK: T he Easter season speaks to all of us of

how Christ is always with us, present to us in the Word we have heard, in the Communion we received and how because of this He has taken root in our hearts. In Christ, we are “grafted” to God and to one another. Jesus calls us to be community, to be branches on the same vine, to realize our life in Christ is also life in one another. We need to remember that we cannot live our faith in a vacuum: unless Jesus becomes the center of our lives; the faith we profess is doomed to wither, die and be thrown out.

For Adults: When have you been “pruned” by your experiences in a way that led to greater abundance?

For Children: Name some of the ways your family, school, and parish keep their branches alive and well.

Weekly Gospel/Homily Reflections…

To re-read the Gospel to assist with your weekly reflection, go to: Click date on Calendar to the right for the week’s readings and scroll to “Gospel”.

Save-The-Date—Totus Tuus will be held July 12-17



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May 3, 2015

Liturgical color for today is:


Important REP DATES:

First Holy Communion Sunday, May 3, 2 pm For Noonan and Sessions 1-2

Confirmation Tuesday, May 5, 7pm For All Sessions and Noonan

First Holy Communion Sunday, May 17, 2pm For Sessions 3-4 and Wednesday

May Crowning Sunday, May 31, 2pm


What is the lay vocation?

The laity are sent to engage in society so that the kingdom of God can grow among men. Lay people are not second-class Christians, for they share in the priestly ministry of Christ (the universal priesthood). They see to it that the people in their walk of life (in school, family and work) come to know the Gospel and learn to love Christ. Through their faith they leave a mark on society, business, and politics. They support the life of the Church, for instance, by becoming a lector or an extraordinary minister, by volunteering as a group leader, or by serving on church committees and councils (for example, the parish council or the board of directors of an institution). Young people especially should give serious thought to the question of what place God might want them to have in the Church. (YOUCAT question 139)

DIG DEEPER: CCC Section (897-913)

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May 3, 2015 — Page Thirteen Fifth Sunday of Easter

ST. ANTHONY B. O. L. D. Becoming Our Lord’s Disciples

YOUTH MINISTRY Meets in the Padua Center St. Francis Room (2nd floor)

Join us for a fun, faith-filled program for you and your friends! Students Grades 5-8!

Join us every Wednesday from 6:30-8:00 pm* This group is for the youth to relax and have fun together in a faith based environment. The children begin with a prayer,

play games, have snacks and talk about their week. Teens grades 8-12!

Join us every Sunday from 7:30-9:00 pm* Grades 8-12 gather every Sunday evening (after the 6:30pm Mass)

from 7:30-9:00 pm. This group begins with prayer, has snacks, plays games, and gathers for sharing, learning and free time.

Gatherings based on REP calendar; therefore no Youth Ministry gatherings on holiday weekends. For more information contact Sophie Follenweider at [email protected] or call 815-469-3750 x144.

*Special situations may arise when a younger sibling will attend with his/her older siblings on Sunday evenings.

B. O. L. D. YM CALENDAR Sunday, May 3, 7:30-9:00 pm Teen Gathering, National Day of Prayer

Wednesday, May 6 Middle School Gathering, National Day of Prayer

Sunday, May 10 Mother’s Day, No Teen Gathering

Wednesday, May 13, 6:30-8:00 pm Middle School Gathering, Vigil Mass for “The Ascension of the Lord”

Sunday, May 17: 7:30-9:00 pm Teen Gathering, Discuss “Ascension of the Lord”

Wednesday, May 20: 6:30-8:00 pm Middle School Gathering

Sunday, May 24 No Teen Gathering, Memorial Day Weekend

Wednesday, May 27: 6:30-8:00 pm Middle School Gathering

Sunday, May 31, 8:00-9:00 pm Movie Night (TBA), Pentecost Sunday

Wednesday, June 3, 6:30-8:00 pm Middle School Gathering

Sunday, June 7, 7:30-9:00 pm “The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ”

Helping Scouts Learn About Their Faith Are you willing to help Girl and/or Boy Scouts and American Heritage Girls in your parish or community earn their Religious Medals/Emblems? The Joliet Diocese Catholic Committee on Scouting invites you to a training session on Saturday, May 16th from 8:30–11:30am at the Blanchette Catholic Center, 16555 Weber Rd., Crest Hill. If you plan to help Boy Scouts, purchase your workbooks at your council shop prior to training and bring proof that you have taken “Protecting God’s Children” and “Youth Protection”. If you plan to help Girl Scouts and American Heritage Girls, workbooks must be purchased through before training. Both courses run consecutively. Please choose ahead of time which training to take. Training fee: $2 (payable that day). For info or reservation for training call 815-834-4012 by May 11.

Second Annual Ros-a-Ree Catholic Scout Retreat/Camp Out Weekend

What happens when you mix camping, fun, God, and being Catholic in one lively, faith-filled, retreat weekend? Experience parts of the Catholic faith you might have never seen before! Venture Crew 3:16 in conjunction with the Diocese of Joliet Catholic Committee on Scouting will host the Ros-a-Ree Catholic Scout Retreat/Camp Out on August 14-16, 2015 at St. Mary’s, 901 N. Center, Plano, IL. Open to registered Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Venturers, Camp Fire, American Heritage Girls (6th grade (in the Fall) and higher). Forms/information visit:


WELCOME TO ST. ANTHONY CATHOLIC CHURCH Our warmest wishes to all who celebrate with us. If you are not registered at St. Anthony or are and need to make changes, please fill out this form and place it in the collection basket or mail to the parish office. Forms available at

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( ) New Parishioner, please contact me

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( ) Moving—Please remove from membership list

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St. Anthony Catholic Church

St. Anthony Catholic Church — Electronic Giving Authorization 7661 West Sauk Trail Frankfort, IL 60423

Page Fourteen — May 3, 2015

Parishioner Authorization Form Effective date of authorization: ____________________________

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Account Information Please choose either Banking information or Credit Card information. Provide information for one account only.

Banking Information for Checking Account or Savings Account Debits Please debit my contribution from my (check one):

Checking Account (attach a voided check)

Savings Account (attach a savings deposit slip)

Routing Number: _______________________________ Valid Routing # must start with 0, 1, 2, or 3 Account Number: _______________________________

Monthly on the 1st Monthly on the 15th

Date of first contribution _____/_____/_____ Amount Per Contribution $________________

Credit Card Information

Credit Card Type

Mastercard Visa Discover American Express

Credit Card #:_______________________________ Credit Card Exp. Date:________________________ Date of first contribution _____/_____/_____ Amount Per Contribution $__________________


I authorize St. Anthony’s and The Cunneen Company to process debit entries to my account. I understand that this authority will remain in effect until I provide reasonable notification to terminate the authorization. Authorized Signature:_______________________________________________________________ Date:________________

Reminder: For Checking Account Debit: Please attach your voided check For Savings Account Debit: Please attach deposit slip

St. Anthony Catholic Church — Electronic Giving Authorization 7661 West Sauk Trail Frankfort, IL 60423

I authorize St. Anthony’s and Vanco Services to process debit entries to my account. I understand that this authority will remain in effect until I provide reasonable notification to terminate the authorization.

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May 9 May 10

5:00 p.m. Reconciliation 4-4:50pm

7:30 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 12:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m.

Fr. Miro Stepien Fr. Greg Skowron Fr. Miro Stepien Fr. Greg Skowron Fr. Miro Stepien

Lectors L. Sues Sr. M. Brizuela

C. Mast G. Stepenski

R. Aguilar M. August D. Patrick

C. Scanlan R. Williams

J. Manns

EOM K. Kiley N. Oberg A. Morrow T. Morrow C. Murnighan S. Matthews R. Govert A. Thomas A. Bergeron C. Bodnar R. Bodnar

J. Moyle W. Gorczowski J. Gorczowski G. Stepenski J. Stepenski

L. Glancy J. Major J. Major T. Donovan L. Pierzchalski J. Hickey M. Rafacz D. Ducett M. Clifford P. Ricker J. McCarthy

B. Kenny A. Helwig J. Buck K. Pora R. Pora M. Canoy P. Williamson L. Al-Muddaris M. Race S. Graham L. Murphy

D. Walenga J. Manns U. Manns V. Manns

MC M. Herbert C. Johnson A. Vanderpool J. Helwig

Altar Servers

N. Dirienzo J. Dirienzo K. Rea

M. Doyle K. Thomas S. Johnson

J. Varner K. Heffelmire D. Vanderpool

M. McCauley C. Witt A. Helwig

Music Cantor Cantor Children’s Choir Traditional Choir Cantor No Music

Celebrant Rec—Fr. Greg Skowron (subject to change) Mass—Fr. Greg Skowron

ST. ANTHONY CHURCH LITURGICAL MINISTRY SCHEDULE St. Anthony Church Liturgical Ministry Schedule

Page 16: St. Anthony catholic CHURCH FRANKFORT, IL€¦ · 03/05/2015  · Page Two — May 3, 2015 Saint Anthony Catholic Church ST.ANTHONY CHURCH CALENDAR OF EVENTS DATE DAY UPCOMING EVENTS

7659 W. Sauk Trail Frankfort, IL 60423 Daily Mass: Monday-Friday 8:00am (Morning Prayer: 7:45am) First Saturday of Each Month Mass: 8:00am Saturday Reconciliation: 4:00-4:50pm Saturday Masses: 5:00pm Sunday Masses : 7:30am, 9:00am, 10:30am, 12 NOON and 6:30pm

Mission Statement We, the members of St. Anthony Catholic Church, gather together to worship and celebrate the sacraments, especially the Eucharist, as we strive to live the Gospel in our daily lives. Empowered by the Holy Spirit, we are called to invite, inform, inspire and ignite the community in our faith journey by fostering stewardship through sharing of our gifts of time, talent and treasure. We are further called to share our faith through active evangelization and charitable outreach.

Welcome to St. Anthony Catholic Church

Most Reverend R. Daniel Conlon Bishop, Diocese of Joliet

Rev. Vytas Memenas, Pastor Emeritus

Parish Office Office 815-469-3750 Fax 815-469-6514 Rev. Greg Skowron, Pastor, x 115 [email protected] (emergency 815-791-6073) Rev. Miroslaw Stepien, Parochial Vicar [email protected] Rev. Ron Hart, In Residence, x 121 Deacon Joe Johnson, Pastoral Associate, x 111 (cell) 815-922-9796, [email protected] Deacon Don Berkey, [email protected] Deacon Richard Rosko, [email protected] Deacon Dan Danahey Deacon Bill Boucek Deacon Tony Schlott Lindsay Fitzgibbon, Business Manager, x147 Paula Bucciferro, Accountant, x 126 [email protected] Jeanne DeFries, Parish-Pastor’s Administrative Assistant., x 110 [email protected] Beverly Regalado, Secretary, x 112 [email protected] Lynette Rea, Music Ministry Director, x 122 [email protected]

Adult Faith Formation (815-469-6198) Deacon Tony Schlott, Director, x 149 [email protected]

Religious Education (Grades 1-8) Office 815-469-6072 Fax 815-806-9421 [email protected]

Deacon Tony Schlott, Director, x 149 [email protected] Kathy Depre, Secretary, x 142 [email protected] Diane Vanderpool, Secretary, x 146 [email protected]

Preschool (815-469-5417) Karen Kiley, Principal, x 148 [email protected] Lindsay Fitzgibbon, Principal’s Asst., x 147 [email protected]

B.O.L.D. (Becoming our Lord's Disciples) Youth Ministry Sophie Follenweider, x 144 [email protected]

St. Vincent DePaul Society 815-469-3750, x 114




SATURDAY: 5:00 pm SUNDAY: 7:30am, 9:00am, 10:30am, 12 Noon, 6:30pm


REP OFFICE: 815-469-6072 REP OFFICE HOURS: MON-FRI: 10am-4pm

WED (during class sessions): 4-6:30pm; SUN (during class sessions): 7am-12 Noon and 4-6:30pm PRESCHOOL OFFICE: 815-469-5417