st andrews christian college newsletter no3 2013

NEWSLETTER Number 3 - 8th March 2013 Glory To God

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St Andrews Christian College Newsletter No3 2013


Page 1: St Andrews Christian College Newsletter No3 2013

N E W S L E T T E R Number 3 - 8th March 2013

G l o r y T o G o d

Page 2: St Andrews Christian College Newsletter No3 2013

2 St Andrews Christian College Newsletter

Times of Refreshing I have a confession to make. I’ve been talking about your Principal behind her back. There’s more to my confession. As I have been presenting around Australia and America, I have used a PowerPoint slide that

contains a photo of your Principal as well as your school logo. The following paragraphs will go into detail as to some of the content of what I have been telling audiences. I’d like to include my experiences from this visit as well. I met Mrs. Wansbrough through mutual friends in Cooma, NSW. Our mutual friends were also talking behind her back and when I met Mrs. Wansbrough (I now get to call her Catriona), I discovered everything they said was true. Our first conversation on the phone included prayer. I’m confident that nearly every other phone call also included prayer. I have lost count of all of the Principals I’ve met over the years but I can tell you that Mrs. Wansbrough is the only one that stands out as an “intercessor” (prayer warrior). I’m sure most Principals pray, but it is obvious that this is a major priority for Catriona. Prayer is the fuel for everything that is accomplished in the Kingdom of God. As with all first time visits to schools, I really didn’t know what to expect when I arrived at St. Andrews last year. One thing I was confident about was that God had gone before us because the fallow ground had been broken up (Jeremiah 4:3) by the consistent prayers of the Principal. My wife, Beth, and I were of course more than happy to pray along the journey as well. So, what gossip have I been spreading behind Mrs. Wansbrough’s back? I’ve been using her as an example of a Principal who has the academic and leadership “goods” to lead a school into greater heights but more than that, I’ve been stressing the importance of first being “Kingdom minded” through consistent prayer. I’ve had the privilege of staying with Catriona and Paul and I can honestly report that there is consistency in her prayer life between school and home. She often stops and prays spontaneously when a need is even casually mentioned. I love it. What is the fruit of this consistent intercessory prayer? We will never know the full extent until we get to heaven and I can only testify to my brief time here and so I shall. As any “youth communicator” will tell you, if a young audience doesn’t connect with you, they will either “turn you off” or at worst, eat you alive with disrespect. Because of prayer, I found favour with the students from day one. From every assembly I spoke to, every class I’ve visited this year, I have clearly sensed the Holy Spirit giving me access to their young hearts. With that of course comes tremendous responsibility before God. (I want to sincerely thank Mrs. Wansbrough, the staff, board and parents for trusting me with this.) The vast majority of schools

that host me are extremely hospitable but to be honest, I am often just part of the annual agenda. Although I am certainly part of the agenda at St. Andrews, I am treated more as part of the family. I have two images burned into my mind from last year’s visit that I frequently speak about. Because of your Principal’s sensitivity to God in prayer, she asked me to speak at an extra assembly and simply present the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. Using Billy Graham’s “Steps to Peace with God”, I am thrilled to report that about half of the student body stood and prayed to receive Jesus into their hearts. One might argue that many of those were very young and might have given into the emotion of the moment. I agree with that 100% however, I would like to remind each of us of Jesus’ command:

But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 19:14 (KJV)

The other image I can’t shake is that of last year’s parent meeting. As most school officials will tell you, parental involvement can be very frustrating. In my Dark Side of Technology parent meeting seminars, the attendance usually averages between 10 and 15 (in the largest of schools). Not so at St. Andrews. Our parent meeting last year might have been the best attended in both Australia and America. This is a clear reflection of prayer and God’s involvement in the school. God is truly up to something good here and I’m thrilled to be back for a second year. This year I’ve resumed speaking at assemblies, in classrooms, to staff, a parent meeting as well as conducting a second multimedia camp.


Greetings Friends!

It has been a wonderful 2 weeks with Brad Huddleston in-residence at the College.

God has used him in many ways to bless all the school community through the media camp he has run, through his talks, devotions, seminars and of course his friendly banter!

As a school, we want to keep up with technology and integrate IT into the curriculum, but we must be careful that technology does not take over our focus, our time and our finances. In education, technology must always be seen as a tool, not as a focus of the school.

As a Christian School, our foundation is Christ and He is the focus in all we do. We desire to educate in a way that honours and glorifies Christ and that means we need to be excellent in all our teaching and learning programs, not only in what we do (curriculum), but how we do it (pastoral care/teaching pedagogy).

In society, our use of computers and social media is filtering into every part of our lives and in many circumstances is taking over. As Christians we need to be alert in how technology is affecting us and changing society. We must be on the forefront, we must be on guard and like everything else in our lives, we must learn how to be balanced people, living full lives to the glory of God.

It is important for all of us at home and school to learn how to respond to technology in a Christ-like way, to control it rather than let it control us.

Hints for not allowing technology to take over our children’s lives:

Be aware of how much homework your child really has. Often they are on the computer not only doing homework but also attending to emails, on Facebook and playing games.

Do not allow a computer with internet access in your child’s bedroom.

Do not allow your child to take their mobile into their room at night. Remember SMARTPHONES are computers and children access sites they should not access.

Check the sites downloaded by your child/ren.

Parents are “friending” their child, to check their Facebook account, but be aware that your child may have a couple of Facebook accounts – one that you may not be aware of.

Have filters to help protect access to inappropriate sites. Note these filters are not fool proof.

Make sure your child’s life is balanced with work/play/sleep and that socialising is done ‘live’ not through Facebook.

As a parent, you have the right to say “NO”. Too many parents are not parenting and prefer to just be their child’s friend. They don’t need another friend, they need a parent and a loving, involved parent.

“Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.” Proverbs 22:6 “Fathers do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.” Ephesians 6:4 Parents, we want to support you and allow your children to be all that God created them to be and be balanced, loving children, who know the Lord, have hope in the future and a sense of purpose in their lives.

Yours for the Kingdom,

Catriona Wansbrough

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Times of Refreshing I have a confession to make. I’ve been talking about your Principal behind her back. There’s more to my confession. As I have been presenting around Australia and America, I have used a PowerPoint slide that

contains a photo of your Principal as well as your school logo. The following paragraphs will go into detail as to some of the content of what I have been telling audiences. I’d like to include my experiences from this visit as well. I met Mrs. Wansbrough through mutual friends in Cooma, NSW. Our mutual friends were also talking behind her back and when I met Mrs. Wansbrough (I now get to call her Catriona), I discovered everything they said was true. Our first conversation on the phone included prayer. I’m confident that nearly every other phone call also included prayer. I have lost count of all of the Principals I’ve met over the years but I can tell you that Mrs. Wansbrough is the only one that stands out as an “intercessor” (prayer warrior). I’m sure most Principals pray, but it is obvious that this is a major priority for Catriona. Prayer is the fuel for everything that is accomplished in the Kingdom of God. As with all first time visits to schools, I really didn’t know what to expect when I arrived at St. Andrews last year. One thing I was confident about was that God had gone before us because the fallow ground had been broken up (Jeremiah 4:3) by the consistent prayers of the Principal. My wife, Beth, and I were of course more than happy to pray along the journey as well. So, what gossip have I been spreading behind Mrs. Wansbrough’s back? I’ve been using her as an example of a Principal who has the academic and leadership “goods” to lead a school into greater heights but more than that, I’ve been stressing the importance of first being “Kingdom minded” through consistent prayer. I’ve had the privilege of staying with Catriona and Paul and I can honestly report that there is consistency in her prayer life between school and home. She often stops and prays spontaneously when a need is even casually mentioned. I love it. What is the fruit of this consistent intercessory prayer? We will never know the full extent until we get to heaven and I can only testify to my brief time here and so I shall. As any “youth communicator” will tell you, if a young audience doesn’t connect with you, they will either “turn you off” or at worst, eat you alive with disrespect. Because of prayer, I found favour with the students from day one. From every assembly I spoke to, every class I’ve visited this year, I have clearly sensed the Holy Spirit giving me access to their young hearts. With that of course comes tremendous responsibility before God. (I want to sincerely thank Mrs. Wansbrough, the staff, board and parents for trusting me with this.) The vast majority of schools

that host me are extremely hospitable but to be honest, I am often just part of the annual agenda. Although I am certainly part of the agenda at St. Andrews, I am treated more as part of the family. I have two images burned into my mind from last year’s visit that I frequently speak about. Because of your Principal’s sensitivity to God in prayer, she asked me to speak at an extra assembly and simply present the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. Using Billy Graham’s “Steps to Peace with God”, I am thrilled to report that about half of the student body stood and prayed to receive Jesus into their hearts. One might argue that many of those were very young and might have given into the emotion of the moment. I agree with that 100% however, I would like to remind each of us of Jesus’ command:

But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 19:14 (KJV)

The other image I can’t shake is that of last year’s parent meeting. As most school officials will tell you, parental involvement can be very frustrating. In my Dark Side of Technology parent meeting seminars, the attendance usually averages between 10 and 15 (in the largest of schools). Not so at St. Andrews. Our parent meeting last year might have been the best attended in both Australia and America. This is a clear reflection of prayer and God’s involvement in the school. God is truly up to something good here and I’m thrilled to be back for a second year. This year I’ve resumed speaking at assemblies, in classrooms, to staff, a parent meeting as well as conducting a second multimedia camp.

St Andrews Christian College Newsletter 3

Greetings Friends!

It has been a wonderful 2 weeks with Brad Huddleston in-residence at the College.

God has used him in many ways to bless all the school community through the media camp he has run, through his talks, devotions, seminars and of course his friendly banter!

As a school, we want to keep up with technology and integrate IT into the curriculum, but we must be careful that technology does not take over our focus, our time and our finances. In education, technology must always be seen as a tool, not as a focus of the school.

As a Christian School, our foundation is Christ and He is the focus in all we do. We desire to educate in a way that honours and glorifies Christ and that means we need to be excellent in all our teaching and learning programs, not only in what we do (curriculum), but how we do it (pastoral care/teaching pedagogy).

In society, our use of computers and social media is filtering into every part of our lives and in many circumstances is taking over. As Christians we need to be alert in how technology is affecting us and changing society. We must be on the forefront, we must be on guard and like everything else in our lives, we must learn how to be balanced people, living full lives to the glory of God.

It is important for all of us at home and school to learn how to respond to technology in a Christ-like way, to control it rather than let it control us.

Hints for not allowing technology to take over our children’s lives:

Be aware of how much homework your child really has. Often they are on the computer not only doing homework but also attending to emails, on Facebook and playing games.

Do not allow a computer with internet access in your child’s bedroom.

Do not allow your child to take their mobile into their room at night. Remember SMARTPHONES are computers and children access sites they should not access.

Check the sites downloaded by your child/ren.

Parents are “friending” their child, to check their Facebook account, but be aware that your child may have a couple of Facebook accounts – one that you may not be aware of.

Have filters to help protect access to inappropriate sites. Note these filters are not fool proof.

Make sure your child’s life is balanced with work/play/sleep and that socialising is done ‘live’ not through Facebook.

As a parent, you have the right to say “NO”. Too many parents are not parenting and prefer to just be their child’s friend. They don’t need another friend, they need a parent and a loving, involved parent.

“Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.” Proverbs 22:6 “Fathers do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.” Ephesians 6:4 Parents, we want to support you and allow your children to be all that God created them to be and be balanced, loving children, who know the Lord, have hope in the future and a sense of purpose in their lives.

Yours for the Kingdom,

Catriona Wansbrough

BRAD HUDDLESTON in-residence at St Andrews

To build on Brad’s seminar last Wednesday some parents are keen to explore ways we, as parents and teachers, can continue to effectively convey Brad’s message on cyber safety to our children, students and fellow parents, particularly in light of the stresses of peer pressure our children may experience within the school and amongst friends. If you are interested in getting involved in a discussion/working group please email [email protected]

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Multimedia Camp 2013 I never know what to expect at our multimedia camps until I get to know the temperament of the students as well as their skill levels. While I occasionally have a very young student in our camp who is especially gifted in some area of multimedia, this is by far the youngest group that I have ever worked with. I have been astounded by the maturity, creativity, and enthusiasm of these very young media producers (I like to call them “ministers of multimedia”). They have been like “sponges” and have soaked up everything I have thrown at them. Time has flown by in our classes and I don’t think any of them has wanted to go home too quickly. Do you know why camp has been like this? Prayer. On the one hand, I desire to teach these young people skills that will point them in the direction of professional multimedia production which includes videography, photography, video and audio editing, script writing, and set design. On the other hand, I want to use these camps as a tool to disciple them in the ways of God. There is much that can be conjured up in our imaginations when we hear the word “minister”. Phrases like “man of the cloth”, “Reverend”, “Preacher”, and the like might come to mind. In reality, the Greek word for “minister” means “to serve”. We all serve God and use our giftings to expand his Kingdom. Digital technology is no exception. For all of the negatives that have come, there are many positives and we need to teach children how to navigate these troubled digital waters and yet remain pure. Our project this year is to create a cyber-safety video. I have been absolutely floored at what has come from these young people. I honestly believe that our result will be so good that some cyber-safety presenters with the police and other schools will be willing to show either all or at least segments of our video in their presentations. Another result of prayer.

It is no secret that Biblical illiteracy in the western world is staggering. It is also painfully obvious that we need a spiritual renewal. I am seeing a pocket of “refreshing” at St. Andrews and consider myself very blessed to visit here. Each time I speak or teach, I sense the presence of the Holy Spirit as His Kingdom spreads little by little. I plan to continue my gossip about St. Andrews. I can’t wait to continue telling people about the little Principal with big prayers. May our prayer be that God increases His presence and that His Kingdom will spread at an accelerated pace. May our hearts be tender to turn around (repent) whenever we are challenged by the Holy Spirit.

Repent therefore and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, so that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord, Acts 3:19 (KJV)

Brad Huddleston

Middle School Information Night

A special Middle School Information Night is planned for Wednesday, 13th March in Rembrandts at 7:30pm.

Many of you are faced with making decisions about your child’s educational journey for next year. We have been asked many questions about what Middle School means for St Andrews and how this will positively impact your child. We are holding an information evening to help you to decide the best educational future for your child.

This Information Night will cover the distinctives of Middle School along with the pathways into Senior School. We will also hold a Question and Answer session to provide the opportunity to ensure that all queries are addressed.

If you are a parent of a current Year 5, 6, 7 or 8 student, this information session is a must. Mark the time and date in your diary and plan to attend. Merrick Brewer Head of Middle School

School Photos St Andrews Christian College Photo day is Friday 15th March. No PE Uniform to be worn on Photo Day. Students in Prep to Year 10 will be photographed in Full Summer uniform. Girls VCE will be in Summer uniform and blazers, and the boys VCE will be required to wear ties and blazers. Students would have received their personalised order form and envelope by now. Students are to bring the envelope on Photo Day and give it to their Class/Home Room Teacher. Do not bring these order forms to the office. Alternatively you may wish to order online. Therefore no forms need to be returned. All students need to be at school by 8:45am. SIBLING PHOTOS: Sibling photos will be taken from 8:00am—8:30am on Friday morning in the MPH. Sibling order forms are available from the office and need to be returned to the office by Thursday 14th March. A discount voucher of 25% is available from the office for families with 3 or more children attending St Andrews.

BRAD HUDDLESTON in-residence at St Andrews

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NOTICES Diary Dates


Mon 11 Labour Day Holiday - no school

Tue 12-15 Yr3-6 Swimming

Tue 12-15 Yr10 Strength Potential

Wed 13 School Band Rehearsal 1-2pm

Wed 13 String Ensemble Rehearsal 1-2pm

Wed 13 Middle School Info Night 7:30pm*

Thu 14 Percussion Band Rehearsal 1-2pm

Thu 14 Yr7 and 10 Immunisation

Fri 15 School Photos

Sat 16 School Working Bee*

Mon 18 Whole School Assembly 8:55am*

Mon 18 Yr2 and 3 Art Room Incursion

Tue 19 Yr10-12 Smart Secondary

Program (Careers)

Tue 19 Yr7 Cape Schanck Lighthouse

Tue 19 Prep Bedtime Stories*

Wed 20 PFA General Meeting 9am*

Wed 20 Yr4 Imax and Aquarium

Wed 20 Yr7-12 Interschool Swimming

Wed 20 School Band Rehearsal 1-2pm

Wed 20 String Ensemble Rehearsal 1-2pm

Thu 21 Yr9 Jewish Holocaust Centre

Thu 21 Yr1 Grandparents Afternoon

Thu 21 Percussion Band Rehearsal 1-2pm

Fri 22 Parents Prayer Meeting 8:45am*

Fri 22 Open Day 9am-11am*

Fri 22-23 CSA Student Leadership


Sat 23 Overseas Students Outing

*parents welcome to attend

Multimedia Camp 2013 I never know what to expect at our multimedia camps until I get to know the temperament of the students as well as their skill levels. While I occasionally have a very young student in our camp who is especially gifted in some area of multimedia, this is by far the youngest group that I have ever worked with. I have been astounded by the maturity, creativity, and enthusiasm of these very young media producers (I like to call them “ministers of multimedia”). They have been like “sponges” and have soaked up everything I have thrown at them. Time has flown by in our classes and I don’t think any of them has wanted to go home too quickly. Do you know why camp has been like this? Prayer. On the one hand, I desire to teach these young people skills that will point them in the direction of professional multimedia production which includes videography, photography, video and audio editing, script writing, and set design. On the other hand, I want to use these camps as a tool to disciple them in the ways of God. There is much that can be conjured up in our imaginations when we hear the word “minister”. Phrases like “man of the cloth”, “Reverend”, “Preacher”, and the like might come to mind. In reality, the Greek word for “minister” means “to serve”. We all serve God and use our giftings to expand his Kingdom. Digital technology is no exception. For all of the negatives that have come, there are many positives and we need to teach children how to navigate these troubled digital waters and yet remain pure. Our project this year is to create a cyber-safety video. I have been absolutely floored at what has come from these young people. I honestly believe that our result will be so good that some cyber-safety presenters with the police and other schools will be willing to show either all or at least segments of our video in their presentations. Another result of prayer.

It is no secret that Biblical illiteracy in the western world is staggering. It is also painfully obvious that we need a spiritual renewal. I am seeing a pocket of “refreshing” at St. Andrews and consider myself very blessed to visit here. Each time I speak or teach, I sense the presence of the Holy Spirit as His Kingdom spreads little by little. I plan to continue my gossip about St. Andrews. I can’t wait to continue telling people about the little Principal with big prayers. May our prayer be that God increases His presence and that His Kingdom will spread at an accelerated pace. May our hearts be tender to turn around (repent) whenever we are challenged by the Holy Spirit.

Repent therefore and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, so that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord, Acts 3:19 (KJV)

Brad Huddleston

Middle School Information Night

A special Middle School Information Night is planned for Wednesday, 13th March in Rembrandts at 7:30pm.

Many of you are faced with making decisions about your child’s educational journey for next year. We have been asked many questions about what Middle School means for St Andrews and how this will positively impact your child. We are holding an information evening to help you to decide the best educational future for your child.

This Information Night will cover the distinctives of Middle School along with the pathways into Senior School. We will also hold a Question and Answer session to provide the opportunity to ensure that all queries are addressed.

If you are a parent of a current Year 5, 6, 7 or 8 student, this information session is a must. Mark the time and date in your diary and plan to attend. Merrick Brewer Head of Middle School

School Photos St Andrews Christian College Photo day is Friday 15th March. No PE Uniform to be worn on Photo Day. Students in Prep to Year 10 will be photographed in Full Summer uniform. Girls VCE will be in Summer uniform and blazers, and the boys VCE will be required to wear ties and blazers. Students would have received their personalised order form and envelope by now. Students are to bring the envelope on Photo Day and give it to their Class/Home Room Teacher. Do not bring these order forms to the office. Alternatively you may wish to order online. Therefore no forms need to be returned. All students need to be at school by 8:45am. SIBLING PHOTOS: Sibling photos will be taken from 8:00am—8:30am on Friday morning in the MPH. Sibling order forms are available from the office and need to be returned to the office by Thursday 14th March. A discount voucher of 25% is available from the office for families with 3 or more children attending St Andrews.

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6 St Andrews Christian College Newsletter

“Thank you to Clarice Woon, Rachel Siew, Jedid She, Hesed She and James Siew and Rachel Woon for their basking during the Chinese New Year in which they raised $168.85 for the building fund at St Andrews Christian College.”

Working Bee - Sat 16th March

WORKING BEE! Saturday 16th March – 8:00am – 12:00noon BBQ Lunch provided afterwards on new BBQ

Join with us as we prepare the school grounds for OPEN DAY to be held on Friday 22nd March. The more hands we have, the more tasks we can complete.

Some of the tasks we plan to achieve include:

Spreading of Lilydale Toppings on pathways and flattening

Spreading of Soft Fall Mulch on Playgrounds

Spreading of Mulch on Car park entry garden bed

Clear up of rubbish around school property and Rembrandts facility

Window cleaning

De-cob webbing around school

Remember that this counts towards your parent hours. A morning tea will be provided. More information to come. Please express your interest by emailing Remy Landman (Grounds and Maintenance Manager) at [email protected] Remy Landman Grounds and Maintenance Manager

No parking at Foodstar Parents are not to park across the road at FOODSTAR. The parking area is only there for patrons of the FOODSTAR restaurant.

Afternoon Student Collection As a courtesy to all, could parents who are collecting students in the afternoon please not park and wait in the ‘drop off’ area. Please also don’t be offended if you are parking in the area and you are asked to move on by teachers on duty. Darren Waterworth Business Manager

Prayer Group The St Andrews Prayer Group invites all parents to come along and join in prayer, with other parents, for the needs of the St Andrews school community. Meetings are held once a week on:

Fridays 8:45am (after school drop off)

Prayer will be held in the Meeting room next to the Reception area. It is a great opportunity to join in fellowship with other parents.

Suzy Song - Purchasing Officer

Join the Gardening Green Team We would like to invite you to join the College Gardening Green Team, who will assist Mr Landman (Grounds & Maintenance Manager) in maintaining and developing the gardens around the College with regular watering, weeding and other interesting gardening activities. Please email Mr Landman [email protected] or leave your name at the office to indicate your interest in the Gardening Green Team.

Go Green! Go Team! Darren Waterworth - Business Manager

St Andrews Run 4 Fun The Fun Run in Term 2 on Friday 26th April will be held during school time between recess and lunchtime at the local Lakewood Nature Reserve. This will be our major fundraiser for the year. We are on the lookout for businesses/parents to sponsor some prizes for the Fun Run.

If you can help with sponsorship please email the PFA at [email protected] Treasurer Wanted The position requires the ability to look after the financial records of the association and prepare simple monthly reports. It also requires some availability to be at school to help with the daily financial running of the association (floats, counting, invoices etc.) and the planning/implementation of upcoming events. We require someone who can fulfil the whole role. If you are in the position to help please email [email protected]

Parenting Library

The parenting library, located in the school office, is open for business! We’ve been blessed with a new bookshelf and a number of new books (Christian based parenting books). Parents can borrow up to 2 books at a time for a period of 2 weeks. We appreciate your prompt return of the books.

VCE Fridge Thank you to the many parents who offered to supply a fridge for the VCE Common Room. They are now in possession of a good working, ice cold fridge! Weekly cleanliness inspections will now begin!

Fundraising Target 2013 With the imminent loss of the Rembrandts building at the end of the year, the focus for fundraising this year will be to continue to build funds to help equip the Multi Purpose Hall with audio visual equipment, staging etc. The cost of this will be around $30,000. Last year we raised $10,000 for this however with a sense of urgency we are aiming at $15,000 this year. We thank you for your support as this will benefit the whole school. Our major fundraiser for the year is the Fun Run scheduled for early Term 2.

Next PFA Meeting General Meeting - Wednesday 20th March 9am

The Athlete’s Foot School Rewards This program is continuing throughout 2013. When you purchase a pair of shoes in one of their 6 stores (Knox City, Forest Hill, Eastland, The Glen, Chadstone or Southland), the

Athlete’s Foot will donate $5 of sporting equipment back to the school. Remember to mention St Andrews!

Family Picnic Day What a wonderful day enjoyed by so many families! The children were kept occupied by:

Car and flying demos by Mr Ian Goh and staff from

Games with Mr Lee and the Student Leadership Council: Daniel Terrington, Tim Minett, Jessica Ireson, Ingrid Song, Lucy Potter, Leon Ambrosino, Audrey Ang, Michaela Swank, Jayden Teen, Rachael Song and Kassandra Lam

Balloons by parent Peter Baker

Chess We were well fed courtesy of the new BBQ and the many parent helpers: John, Ronnie and Sunita, Yokie , Carmen, Mary, Barb, Nicole, and Sonia. Also a big thankyou to the following VCE students for their willingness to help: James Minett, Tyler Stehr, Nathan Beovich, Ellie Cooper and William Howard. Well done to Mrs Lesley Goh and team on organising a great community event to kick off the year!

Notices of Interest

Notices of Interest can be found at:

* This section of our newsletter is to give our families information about programs being run by

organizations outside of the school which we consider may be of benefit/interest to our school families.

House Community Points

Cumulative Totals

Barton 180

Deakin 89



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St Andrews Run 4 Fun The Fun Run in Term 2 on Friday 26th April will be held during school time between recess and lunchtime at the local Lakewood Nature Reserve. This will be our major fundraiser for the year. We are on the lookout for businesses/parents to sponsor some prizes for the Fun Run.

If you can help with sponsorship please email the PFA at [email protected] Treasurer Wanted The position requires the ability to look after the financial records of the association and prepare simple monthly reports. It also requires some availability to be at school to help with the daily financial running of the association (floats, counting, invoices etc.) and the planning/implementation of upcoming events. We require someone who can fulfil the whole role. If you are in the position to help please email [email protected]

Parenting Library

The parenting library, located in the school office, is open for business! We’ve been blessed with a new bookshelf and a number of new books (Christian based parenting books). Parents can borrow up to 2 books at a time for a period of 2 weeks. We appreciate your prompt return of the books.

VCE Fridge Thank you to the many parents who offered to supply a fridge for the VCE Common Room. They are now in possession of a good working, ice cold fridge! Weekly cleanliness inspections will now begin!

Fundraising Target 2013 With the imminent loss of the Rembrandts building at the end of the year, the focus for fundraising this year will be to continue to build funds to help equip the Multi Purpose Hall with audio visual equipment, staging etc. The cost of this will be around $30,000. Last year we raised $10,000 for this however with a sense of urgency we are aiming at $15,000 this year. We thank you for your support as this will benefit the whole school. Our major fundraiser for the year is the Fun Run scheduled for early Term 2.

Next PFA Meeting General Meeting - Wednesday 20th March 9am

The Athlete’s Foot School Rewards This program is continuing throughout 2013. When you purchase a pair of shoes in one of their 6 stores (Knox City, Forest Hill, Eastland, The Glen, Chadstone or Southland), the

Athlete’s Foot will donate $5 of sporting equipment back to the school. Remember to mention St Andrews!

Family Picnic Day What a wonderful day enjoyed by so many families! The children were kept occupied by:

Car and flying demos by Mr Ian Goh and staff from

Games with Mr Lee and the Student Leadership Council: Daniel Terrington, Tim Minett, Jessica Ireson, Ingrid Song, Lucy Potter, Leon Ambrosino, Audrey Ang, Michaela Swank, Jayden Teen, Rachael Song and Kassandra Lam

Balloons by parent Peter Baker

Chess We were well fed courtesy of the new BBQ and the many parent helpers: John, Ronnie and Sunita, Yokie , Carmen, Mary, Barb, Nicole, and Sonia. Also a big thankyou to the following VCE students for their willingness to help: James Minett, Tyler Stehr, Nathan Beovich, Ellie Cooper and William Howard. Well done to Mrs Lesley Goh and team on organising a great community event to kick off the year!

More photos on the back page and the school website

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Junior School It has been a lovely few weeks in the Junior school. The students are working hard and have all settled into their new year levels very well. Swimming has begun for the Year 3-6. Please make sure you label everything and be aware they may be extra tired for the next week. The swimming carnival is on Friday the 15th March. The fun lunchtime activities that we run every year are just being finalised and will begin in the next week. Walking club, table tennis, different age appropriate puzzle clubs and Parallax will be available for students to attend during lunch playtime. I have had the privilege of going into each class to run devotions and pray with the students. They have a beautiful understanding of the Lord and are confident to talk about their knowledge and pray in front of their peers. I have also started teaching each class a Thinking Skills lesson. I have been speaking to the older students about resilience, having the ability to bounce back! This skill is so important in their learning and for their general development. When students are faced with a challenge in their learning, or when they make a mistake, being able to work through the problem and continue on without giving up is so important. As a Christian school we have a wonderful opportunity to teach them resilience for an even deeper purpose than just their learning. We are teaching them the character of God, how He is faithful and consistent. He is a Father who will catch them when they fall and show them the way forward. It reminded me of this verse in Deuteronomy 33:27 "The eternal God is your refuge, and his everlasting arms are under you." Have a wonderful week. Yvonne Hughes Head of Junior School

Yr2 Reptile Incursion The Year 2 students had a wonderful time on Tuesday, getting to know some amazing Australian animals. There were Casper and Ollie, the pythons, who managed to wrap themselves around more than just the students’ little fingers and Freddo, the green tree frog who really got on top of things. Bumpy Stumpy had us scratching our heads trying to figure out which was his head and the kookaburra’s laugh certainly brought smiles to our faces. Some were soft and slippery and some were furry and cuddly, except for Rex the teenage Salt Water Crocodile. We also saw Connor the Barking Owl who is a very endangered Australian animal.

The Year 2’s had an amazing experience, holding, patting, and watching an interesting variety of Australian animals. Judith Hendricks Yr2 Teacher

National Young Leaders Day Last Friday, 1st March, 6 students from Year 5,6 and 7 attended the National Young Leaders Day. This was held at the Melbourne Convention Centre and students were impressed by the atmosphere as over 3000 students from Victoria were in attendance. Speakers on the day provided challenges on being leaders of influence and

making a small difference in the School. It was exciting to experience the students enthusiasm and eagerness to implement some of the ideas into the School. You will hear more about these as some of the plans are put into place. Merrick Brewer Head of Middle School


More From Yr7 Forest Edge Camp Year 7 students enjoyed a challenging and action-filled camp at Forest Edge CYC from Monday 18 to Wednesday 20 February. In spite of the heat and an endless supply of flies, everyone had a good time, and the students got to know one another and their teachers in a more informal environment.

Some comments on the camp: Dinner was wonderful, but the lady gave me too much lasagne, so Amy had the rest. (McKenzie)

Our raft looked good, but when we got into the water it all fell apart. After we did the raft race, we could swim in the river. The river was wonderful and you could see the bottom. (Sarah E)

After swimming we went rock climbing. It was a challenge because I’m scared of heights. I made it to the top and was really proud of myself but scared. (Sarah D)

During the swimming activity we built a dam and created a very strong current. (Leon)

The next day was Tuesday, and I woke up at 7 am from Daniel k talking so loudly. (Harry S)

On Wednesday we packed and cleaned to leave camp. I was disappointed that we were leaving so early. (Dallan)

Christa Cloete Yr7 Home Teacher

“ Study Skills at VCE Camp On the 18th of February our VCE students attended Camp Coolamatong. A number of students described the adventure as “awesome” and “best camp ever”. The VCE camp was an excellent time to commence an ongoing conversation about study skills. These include:

The meaning and importance of study as a God-given tool to facilitate the attainment of our students’ God-given potential.

The importance of a psychological and physical space that is conducive to study

The need to minimise distractions and procrastination.

The importance of maintaining a positive mindset and good organisational skills in order to alleviate high stress factors.

The importance of maintaining a healthy balance between study, recreation and church commitments.

The camp was also a time of reflection and sharing. It was a deeply moving experience to hear students share testimonies about how God has impacted their lives. Blessings Christina Natsis VCE Coordinator

Duke of Edinburgh Award Expedition Last week the Duke of Ed class headed to Cape Otway to do their first expedition for the year. This was a practice journey which will be followed up by a qualifying journey in September. The students were challenged and undertook about 20kms of hiking spread over a couple of days, about 4kms of canoeing and enjoyed surfing on the last day. Students slept in tents - some of them for the first time. It was very exciting for me to see students coming out of their comfort zones and discovering more about themselves. I heard some students saying that they have discovered something new about themselves. Some realised that they are actually stronger and more gifted in outdoor adventure than they initially realised. The group were given a budget to purchase food for 2 breakfasts, 2 lunches and 2 dinners and on day one they bought food at Colac. Students had to cook for themselves and for their teachers using the trangia stoves. Throughout the expedition every student was given an opportunity to be a leader of the whole group and their job as a leader was to navigate the group and make sure that the group was on the right track for our hike. Student leaders were also responsible in making sure we were on schedule with time and that everybody was fed adequately and safe. It was great for Miss Tiller and I to step back and see students developing team work and leadership skills. I want to say a special thank you to Miss Tiller for her enthusiasm and her help during the camp. Mr Daniel Idrees - Duke of Edinburgh Award Co-ordinator

St Andrews Alumni Past students and teachers are encouraged to fill out a simple survey reflecting on their time spent at St Andrews. Go to Rufus Lietz , a student from 2002-2007 and sports coach 2009-2011 is managing a gym in Rowville after completing a Bachelor in Exercise and Sport Science. He reflects:

At first I never wanted to go to St Andrews but over the years my attitude changed. It is a great school with quality teachers and looking back on my years at St Andrews I am grateful that it was the school I ended up in. My teachers spoke into my life and taught me life lessons, not just what was in the textbooks and those experiences have helped shape me into who I am today .

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St Andrews Alumni

Study Skills at VCE Camp On the 18th of February our VCE students attended Camp Coolamatong. A number of students described the adventure as “awesome” and “best camp ever”. The VCE camp was an excellent time to commence an ongoing conversation about study skills. These include:

The meaning and importance of study as a God-given tool to facilitate the attainment of our students’ God-given potential.

The importance of a psychological and physical space that is conducive to study

The need to minimise distractions and procrastination.

The importance of maintaining a positive mindset and good organisational skills in order to alleviate high stress factors.

The importance of maintaining a healthy balance between study, recreation and church commitments.

The camp was also a time of reflection and sharing. It was a deeply moving experience to hear students share testimonies about how God has impacted their lives. Blessings Christina Natsis VCE Coordinator

Duke of Edinburgh Award Expedition Last week the Duke of Ed class headed to Cape Otway to do their first expedition for the year. This was a practice journey which will be followed up by a qualifying journey in September. The students were challenged and undertook about 20kms of hiking spread over a couple of days, about 4kms of canoeing and enjoyed surfing on the last day. Students slept in tents - some of them for the first time. It was very exciting for me to see students coming out of their comfort zones and discovering more about themselves. I heard some students saying that they have discovered something new about themselves. Some realised that they are actually stronger and more gifted in outdoor adventure than they initially realised. The group were given a budget to purchase food for 2 breakfasts, 2 lunches and 2 dinners and on day one they bought food at Colac. Students had to cook for themselves and for their teachers using the trangia stoves. Throughout the expedition every student was given an opportunity to be a leader of the whole group and their job as a leader was to navigate the group and make sure that the group was on the right track for our hike. Student leaders were also responsible in making sure we were on schedule with time and that everybody was fed adequately and safe. It was great for Miss Tiller and I to step back and see students developing team work and leadership skills. I want to say a special thank you to Miss Tiller for her enthusiasm and her help during the camp. Mr Daniel Idrees - Duke of Edinburgh Award Co-ordinator

St Andrews Alumni Past students and teachers are encouraged to fill out a simple survey reflecting on their time spent at St Andrews. Go to Rufus Lietz , a student from 2002-2007 and sports coach 2009-2011 is managing a gym in Rowville after completing a Bachelor in Exercise and Sport Science. He reflects:

At first I never wanted to go to St Andrews but over the years my attitude changed. It is a great school with quality teachers and looking back on my years at St Andrews I am grateful that it was the school I ended up in. My teachers spoke into my life and taught me life lessons, not just what was in the textbooks and those experiences have helped shape me into who I am today .

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This eNewsletter is proudly produced by St Andrews Christian College 130 Tyner Road Wantirna South Vic 3152

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Angela Chiavaroli

Music Teacher

As an experienced Primary School Music Specialist, Angela has taught in both Melbourne and Brisbane, in Independent Private, Catholic and State Schools. She has also held posts as a Classical Vocal teacher at Geelong Grammar and more recently at Balwyn High school. She has been a tutor/conductor with Australian Children’s Choir and formerly with National Children’s Choir of Australia over a period of several years. In 2004-2005 Angela sang professionally with Opera Queensland Chorus in their productions of Carmen and La Boehme’, whilst maintaining her daytime teaching positions. She graduated from the Melba Conservatorium-2003 after completing her B.Music, upgrading her Associate Diploma of Opera from the Victorian College of the Arts. She has worked both as a soloist and chorus member in many local productions. In 1999 she undertook vocal tuition in Milan, Italy and then continued studying with Peter Mander. In 2003 Angela was a finalist at Warrnambool, Boroondara, Ringwood and Geelong Eisteddfods, finishing second at Geelong in 2003. In more recent years she has continued her work as a teacher in both Performing Arts and individual vocal tuition. Angela is also a keen dancer of ballroom/Latin and salsa.

Commencing at St Andrews Christian College holds a note of nostalgia for Angela who grew up as a teenager on the estate behind Rembrandts and remembers the restaurant in its original glory. ‘I celebrated my 17th birthday here at Rembrandts along with attending debutante balls of my close friends in this building. I used to catch my school bus right here on the corner of Tyner Rd which was called Riddell Rd in those days, named after the local orchard owner whose house was down the end of the street. Much has changed since those days but the constants in my life remain my family, Christian faith and values and my passion for music and children.

Angela claims “It is a privilege to teach in a school where faith is imbedded into all that we do!” Angela Chiavaroli

Merrick Brewer

Head of Middle School

I am very excited to officially be a part of the St Andrews School Community as the Head of Middle School. Thank you for the very warm welcome that I have received in the short time that I have been on Campus and I look forward to getting to know the families of St Andrews.

I have a loving wife and am the father of four wonderful children. Since being involved in Christian schooling for the past 19 years, my desire is to see young adolescents not only learn and grow but, to develop a life long love of learning. The Middle School years can be the most important and impressive years for children as they encounter the changes in their world.

I am excited about the journey ahead as God continues to pour out his blessings on each of us. Please feel free to call in or to contact me for any reason. It is a real privilege to be a part of the St Andrews School Community as we all seek to support one another to honour God in all that we do. Merrick Brewer

INTRODUCING OUR NEW STAFF #3 This week we are introducing Angela Chiavaroli and Merrick Brewer.


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#3 This week we are introducing Angela Chiavaroli and Merrick Brewer.


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