st. aidan’s catholic church - coulsdon · ‘some hae meat and canna eat, and some wad eat that...

Parish Priest: Fr. Peter Mansfield Parish House: 1 Portnalls Road, Coulsdon, Surrey CR5 3DD Tel: 020 8660 2452 Email: [email protected] Parish website: Church Hall enquiries: [email protected] Property maintenance, report issues: [email protected] St. Aidans School: 01737556036 Mass times and intentions Sat Vigil 6pm Spencer Coomarewel Sunday 9am Nora McAuliffe RIP 11am People of the Parish Monday 10am Anthony Vincent Cotta RIP Saint Agnes Tuesday 10am Sean Ward RIP Wednesday 7pm For the Intentions of Alice Scott Thursday 10am Welfare of Bridget Hanlon Saint Francis de Sales Friday 10am For the Intentions of Alice Scott The Conversion of Saint Paul the Apostle Next weekend. Sat Vigil 6pm Padraic Coyne RIP Sun 9am John Kilkelly RIP 11am People of the Parish Year C. 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time 20th January 2019 Entrance Antiphon All the earth shall bow down before you, O God, and shall sing to you, shall sing to your name, O Most High! Psalm Proclaim the wonders of the Lord among all the peoples. Gospel Acclamation Alleluia, alleluia! Your words are spirit, Lord, and they are life: you have the message of eternal life. Alleluia! Communion Antiphon You have prepared a table before me, and how precious is the chalice that quenches my thirst. LIFE breakfast in Hall after 9am Mass today Bar open after 11am Mass. St. Aidan’s Catholic Church - Coulsdon Sacrament of Reconciliation - Confession Saturday after evening Mass and 1st Saturdays at 12 noon. Also by appointment. This Weekend the second collection will be for the work of Pax Christi’. Pax Christi strives to build capacity of member organisations for nonviolent peace work (capacity building). Pax Christi International is grounded in the belief that peace is possible and that vicious cycles of violence and injustice can be broken. 9am Mass Psalm 95 (96) Please join in the Psalm response. Taskforce on Saturday 26 Oct. from 10am to 12pm. Please come along for a variety of tasks around the Church, Hall and grounds. Altar Servers meeting this Sunday after 11am Mass. St. Aidan's SVP Meeting Monday 21st January at 8:15pm in the Marian Room.

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Page 1: St. Aidan’s Catholic Church - Coulsdon · ‘Some hae meat and canna eat, and some wad eat that want it, but we hae meat and we can eat, and sae the Lord be thankit’ Burns Night

Parish Priest: Fr. Peter Mansfield

Parish House: 1 Portnalls Road, Coulsdon, Surrey CR5 3DD

Tel: 020 8660 2452 Email: [email protected]

Parish website:

Church Hall enquiries: [email protected]

Property maintenance, report issues: [email protected]

St. Aidan’s School: 01737556036

Mass times and intentions

Sat Vigil 6pm Spencer Coomarewel

Sunday 9am Nora McAuliffe RIP

11am People of the Par ish

Monday 10am Anthony Vincent Cotta RIP Saint Agnes

Tuesday 10am Sean Ward RIP

Wednesday 7pm For the Intentions of Alice Scott

Thursday 10am Welfare of Bridget Hanlon Saint Francis de Sales

Friday 10am For the Intentions of Alice Scott

The Conversion of Saint Paul the Apostle

Next weekend.

Sat Vigil 6pm Padraic Coyne RIP

Sun 9am John Kilkelly RIP

11am People of the Par ish

Year C. 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time 20th January 2019

Entrance Antiphon All the earth shall bow down before you, O God, and shall sing to you, shall sing to your name, O Most High! Psalm Proclaim the wonders of the Lord among all the peoples. Gospel Acclamation Alleluia, alleluia! Your words are spirit, Lord, and they are life: you have the message of eternal life. Alleluia! Communion Antiphon You have prepared a table before me, and how precious is the chalice that quenches my thirst.

LIFE breakfast in Hall after 9am Mass today Bar open after 11am Mass.

St. Aidan’s Catholic Church - Coulsdon

Sacrament of Reconciliation - Confession Saturday after evening Mass and 1st Saturdays at 12 noon. Also by appointment.

This Weekend the second collection will be for the work of ‘Pax Christi’. Pax Christi strives to build capacity of member organisations for nonviolent peace work (capacity building). Pax Christi International is grounded in the belief that peace is possible and that vicious cycles of violence and injustice can be broken.

9am Mass Psalm 95 (96) Please join in the Psalm response.

Taskforce on Saturday 26 Oct. from 10am to 12pm. Please come along for a variety of tasks around the Church, Hall and grounds.

Altar Servers meeting this Sunday after 11am Mass.

St. Aidan's SVP Meeting Monday 21st January at 8:15pm in the Marian Room.

Page 2: St. Aidan’s Catholic Church - Coulsdon · ‘Some hae meat and canna eat, and some wad eat that want it, but we hae meat and we can eat, and sae the Lord be thankit’ Burns Night

Please pray for the sick and housebound: Sonia Heffernan, Peter Leeks, Mary Reynolds, Trudy Kiely, Kevin Leavey, Jennifer Dodwell, John Cooksey, Chris Antoniou, Mary Crehan, Orlagh Beau Keable, Mary Smith, Louise Harris, Elsa Garratt, Dave O’ Donoghue, James Tomlin, Sarah Bell, Colin Hadley, Claudette Lovell, Sammy McCarroll, Peggy Cauchi, Joseph Darville, Geoff Wood, Noëlle Kelly.

Collections last weekend. Offertory: Cash not Gift-aided: £374 Gift-aided: £284 Standing Orders: Gift-aided - £250; Total: £908 2nd Collection-Catholic Children’s Society £397 Thank you

WEST CROYDON REFUGEE CENTRE. The Justice and Peace Group are collecting baby clothes for destitute mothers and their babies. Items needed: 0-3 months babygros, sleepsuits, vests, bibs, muslin cloths, wipes, shawls, blankets, clean old towels and buggies. Nappies for prema-ture and 0-3 month babies. New Men’s and Women's underwear.

Parish Social Event.

‘Some hae meat and canna eat, and some wad eat that want it,

but we hae meat and we can eat, and sae the Lord be thankit’

Burns Night

Supper & Entertainment

Evening of January 26th

St. Aidan’s Church Hall

Ticket enquiry email [email protected]

Or on sale after mass from 5th Jan.

SPECIAL MINISTERS: Please let Leonie have your unavailable dates Feb/Mar/Apr by Mon 21 Jan. Mobile: (01737 556508; Email: [email protected] )

St. Aidan’s Journey-in-Faith group. (RCIA). Monday at 8pm in Parish House.

We remember in our prayers t hose who have died: Bridget Browne RIP. Her funeral Mass is at 12 noon on Thursday 31st January.

Eternal rest grant unto her O Lord.

Parish Lunch - Friday 1st February at midday in the hall for a donation of £5. The list will be in the church porch to sign if you wish to join us. Enquiries to Brenda Eydman 01737 552610

Purley Food Hub - January 2019 List Jars of peanut butter and honey ~ packets of dried potato ~ tins of plain meat and ready meat meals ~ tins of rice pudding ~ cartons of long life whole milk ~ deodorant ~ shampoo and small bottles of washing up liquid.

New Website

Now Available

We are delighted to announce the launch of our new St Aidan’s website! The site is now available to view the latest newsletter, look up Mass times, read the latest news and find out about all our parish groups and how to get in touch with them. We do expect there to be some amendments and corrections to be made so please send your feedback or comments to the webmaster at: [email protected] (see the ‘Contact Us’ tab) We look forward to hearing from you. The web team: Zarifa Dewey, Millie McClintock, Colin & Leonie Wilding, Roshan Bholah and Gerry O’Donnell. If you feel you would benefit from a helping hand accessing the web page on your home or mobile devices drop a note to the web team into the sacristy and we would be delighted to assist. We would like to thank Zarifa Dewey for everything she has done to get us to this stage. Zarifa has tolled for many weeks and months building the new site and enduring technical setbacks and challenges. We are grateful to her for her huge contribution to this essential aspect of parish life and we look forward to her continuing to develop and enhance how the site will add to everyday parish life.

Page 3: St. Aidan’s Catholic Church - Coulsdon · ‘Some hae meat and canna eat, and some wad eat that want it, but we hae meat and we can eat, and sae the Lord be thankit’ Burns Night

Church Unity week of prayer has begun. Friday 18th - Friday 25th January.

This is the annual period of eight days of prayer for Christian unity. It always occurs during the week leading up to the feast of the Conversion of St. Paul, on 25th Jan. The conversion of St. Paul is a very appropriate link to make with Christian unity. The process of unity is indeed a journey of conversion for all Christians. Conversion involves coming to see things in accordance with the mind of God. It involves being prepared to let go of the old attitudes and practices which are more to do with man made traditions than the eternal will of God. Conversion requires an openness to explore new paths with those with whom we have become estranged. The work of Christian unity remains a priority for Christians in the 21st century. Local initiatives are vital for the movement to continue the work of the last fifty years. We cherish the bonds that exist between the Churches in Coulsdon; some are formal such as our Covenant, others are informal and happen quietly between spouses, neighbours and friends. The involvement of all members of our churches is the key to a renewed commitment. Please support the church unity services which are advertised for the coming days. St. Aidan’s is on Monday. Yours in Christ,

Daily prayer for Christian Unity

Daily prayer services are as follows in the Coulsdon Churches (about half an hour) :

Monday 21st Jan: 12 noon St Aidan's Church. Tuesday 22nd Jan: Whitethorn Methodist Church Wednesday 23rd: 11.30am [please note time] St Andrew's Church Coulsdon Thursday 24th Jan: 12 noon Coulsdon Methodist Church, Brighton Road Friday 25th Jan: 12 noon Old Coulsdon Congregational Church

WORLD PEACE SUNDAY. The Bishops of England and Wales invite us to make today a day of prayer for peace and to reflect on the theme Pope Francis has chosen for the annual World Day of Peace with the challenging title: ‘Good politics serves peace’. The Gospel for this Sunday gives us a most wonderful basis for reflection on our calling to work together for peace (and to get involved in the political process, too, in order to seek that goal). We meet Jesus, his mother and his disciples at the Wedding Feast of Cana. He shares in our human joys – the joys of family, the joys of human love and the pledge of fidelity that unites one heart to another. But he also shares in our sorrows – Mary’s cry: ‘They have no wine’; the realisa-tion that our own resources are run dry, our bonds of love prove fragile, our promises are all too easily betrayed.

Page 4: St. Aidan’s Catholic Church - Coulsdon · ‘Some hae meat and canna eat, and some wad eat that want it, but we hae meat and we can eat, and sae the Lord be thankit’ Burns Night

Notice from the St Aidan's Youth Ministry Below is the list of upcoming events. 25th January - Youth Games night 10am - 1pm at the St. Aidan’s Parish Centre. Entry by completed PARENTAL CONSENT FORM only (in the Church porch). Return to the Parish House or by email to: [email protected] SAVE THE DATE: Saturday 9th February - Youth Ministry training day - Everyone welcome Youth Ministry is the number one priority identified by the Pastoral Development Group. This training day is for all parishioners AND the Youth of the parish, so we can develop an action plan for this important part of parish life. 15th February - Class of 2017 Confirmation Reunion 7.30 - 10pm The Youth of the parish are an essential component in growing the Youth Ministry in St Aidans. This meeting is a social for the Confirmation class of 2017 and the opportunity for them to be part of growing the Ministry going forward.

Job vacancy: Team Secretary Marriage Tribunal - Centre for Catholic Formation in Tooting Bec,

The Southwark Metropolitan Marriage Tribunal is responsible for managing applications for marriage annulment for the Diocese of Southwark. The administration team prepares all of the applications prior to them going to judgment before the Judicial Vicar / Presiding Judge.

The ideal candidate will have excellent secretarial/administrative experience and competent with IT (Microsoft Office) as well as good communication skills, especially in client interviews when a sensitive and empathetic approach to clients is required. An ability to work on your own initiative and some knowledge of the workings of the Catholic Church is also essential.

Hours: 0900 – 1700 Monday to Friday. Salary range £23,000pa - £25,000pa depending on skills and experience. To apply please email a copy of your CV to [email protected] by 8th February 2019.

FLOATING SHELTER The beds and mattresses have been passed on to the next shelter, bedding bagged up and put into store, equipment sorted and stacked away and remaining supplies passed on to other charities...this marks the end of another successful Floating Shelter season at St Aidan's. During November and December we provided food and accommodation for 36 homeless guests; some we came to know well, others we had a more fleeting acquaintance with. All were appreciative of the warmth of welcome and care they received. After spending the festive season at the new Crisis-at-Christmas centre in Croydon our guests have now moved on to a new circuit of churches around the borough of Croydon. Many thanks to all who have helped in some way in this ecumenical venture, either in the front line engaging directly with guests or in any of the many backroom jobs which enable the machinery of the shelter to run so smoothly.