st. a u g u stin e ca tho lic ch 15, 2019  · st. a...

ST. AUGUSTINE CATHOLIC CHURCH 375 N. Sunset Drive, Casselberry, FL 32707 Ph: 407-695-3262 | Fax: 407-699-8998 | THIRD SUNDAY OF ADVENT December 15, 2019 (Isaías 35, 4) (Isaiah 35:4)

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ST. AUGUSTINE CATHOLIC CHURCH 375 N. Sunset Drive, Casselberry, FL 32707 Ph: 407-695-3262 | Fax: 407-699-8998 |

THIRD SUNDAY OF ADVENT December 15, 2019

(Isaías 35, 4)

(Isaiah 35:4)

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3rd Week of Advent MON 16 Nm 24:2-7, 15-17a; Ps 25:4-5ab, 6 and 7bc, 8-9; Mt 21:23-27 9:00am ALL SOULS IN PURGATORY

TUE 17 Gn 49:2, 8-10; Ps 72:1-2, 3-4ab, 7-8, 17; Mt 1:1-17 9:00am FR. MICHAEL GIGLIO

WED 18 Jer 23:5-8; Ps 72:1-2, 12-13, 18-19; Mt 1:18-25 9:00am LAURA MORALES

THU 19 Jgs 13:2-7, 24-25a; Ps 71:3-4a, 5-6ab, 16-17; Lk 1:5-25 9:00am UBALDO COLLAZO

FRI 20 Is 7:10-14; Ps 24:1-2, 3-4ab, 5-6; Lk 1:26-38 9:00am WELL BEING OF KARLA PASTORA RADKA & FAM.


SUN 22 Fourth Sunday of Advent Is 7:10-14; Ps 24:1-2, 3-4, 5-6; Rom 1:1-7; Mt 1:18-24 8:30am DONATO & MARIE CONTE 10:30am JAY BROSI (Esp) 12:30pm KELVIN SANES











Mass Intentions The Week Ahead

8:45am Morning Prayer (CHU) 9:30am Legión de María—Ntra. Sra. de Fátima (RE3) 6:30pm Advent Penance Service-Bilingual (CHU)


20 8:45am Morning Prayer (CHU) 6:30pm SIS Meeting (GCR)

10:30am RCIA (GCR, RE2) 11:30am Santo Rosario (GRO) 2:00pm Graduación Curso de Compass (GCR)

8:45am Morning Prayer (CHU) 7:00pm Grupo de Oración—Fuente de Vida (RE5 & 6) 7:00pm Preparación Bautismal (RE3) 7:15pm 15 Minutos de Adoración (CHP) 7:30pm Ensayo Coro—7:00pm (CHU) 7:30pm Hermandad Una Gota de Vida (GCR)

8:45am Morning Prayer (CHU) 7:30pm Ultreya Meeting (RE2) 8:00pm Spanish Bible Class (RE3) 8:00pm Ensayo Coro—12:30pm (CHU)

8:45am Morning Prayer (CHU) 5:30pm Legion of Mary—Mary, Cause of our Joy (RE3) 6:30pm Choir Rehearsal—8:30am (CHU) 6:30pm Parish Council Meeting (PLC) 7:00pm Grupo del Rosario (RE2) 7:00pm Legión de María-Inmaculada Concepción (RE1)


21 11:00am Children’s Choir Rehearsal (CHU) 3:00pm Choir Rehearsal—5pm (RE1) 3:30pm Reconciliation (CHU) 4:25pm Rosary (CHU) 6:15pm Santo Rosario (GRO)

Building Codes: Church (CHU) Parish Life Center (PLC) Religious Education Building (RE) Chapel (CHP) Good Counsel Room (GCR) Office (OF) Grotto (GRO)


Candle Memorial

This week the candle will burn

In Loving Memory of the Deceased Members

of the Galvan and Cervantes Families.

Requested by Alejandra Galvan.

Pans to be returned

Adoration & Prayer EXPOSITION of the Blessed Sacrament EVERY FIRST THURSDAY of the month, from 6:30pm—7:30pm.

EVERY FIRST FRIDAY of the month, from 9:30am—10:30am.


Pans to be returned

EXPOSICIÓN del Santísimo Sacramento EL PRIMER JUEVES de cada mes, de 6:30pm—7:30pm. EL PRIMER VIERNES de cada mes, de 9:30am—10:30am.

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Dear Community of St. Augustine,

This Third Sunday of Advent, the readings invite us to rejoice because the Lord is coming to save us, to be patient and to prepare ourselves because He is near.

This time reminds us that we should always wait for the Lord and be ready to greet Him. Advent has three dimensions, past, present and future. Jesus came to our world to save us, and He trod on this earth to show us God’s love; that was the first Christmas. Jesus is constantly coming into our lives, particularly in those who need us the most, in the suffering, in those who lack protection, the sick and the needy; this, is a continuous Christmas. Jesus will come again as a just judge at the end of time; this will be the eternal Christmas. My dear brothers and sisters let us live with the joy of knowing that God always comes into our lives.

The Lord is always standing before our door; are we ready to welcome Him?

This coming Thursday, December 19th, at 6:30pm, we will celebrate our Parish Penance Service; several priests have confirmed they will be here to listen to your confessions and to be instruments of God’s forgiveness in your lives. Remember that the best way to welcome the Lord is with a heart free of sin. Do not miss this opportunity, come and join us.

May God bless you abundantly!

Servicio de Reconciliación de Adviento

Thursday, December 19th | 6:30pm-Bilingual

There will be priests celebrating individual confessions in English & Spanish.

Habrá sacerdotes celebrando confesiones individuales en inglés y español.

Advent Penance Service


(Santiago 5,9)


(James 5:9) Querida Comunidad de San Agustín:

Ya hemos avanzado en el camino del Adviento. En este Tercer Domingo las lecturas nos invitan a regocijarnos porque el Señor viene a salvarnos, nos invitan a ser pacientes y al mismo tiempo estar preparados pues el Señor está cerca.

Este tiempo nos recuerda que siempre debemos esperar al Señor y estar listos para recibirlo. El Adviento tiene tres dimensiones, celebramos que el Señor vino, que el Señor viene, y que el Señor vendrá.

Jesús vino a nuestro mundo para salvarnos y caminó por esta tierra para enseñarnos el amor de Dios; esa fue la primera Navidad. Jesús viene constantemente a nuestra vida, sobre todo en los que más necesitan de nosotros, en los que sufren, en los desprotegidos, los enfermos, y los necesitados; ésta, es una continua Navidad. Jesús vendrá como justo juez al final de los tiempos; ésta será la eterna Navidad. Mis queridos hermanos, vivamos con la alegría de saber que Dios siempre llega a nuestra vida.

El Señor siempre está a la puerta; ¿estamos listos para recibirlo?

Este próximo jueves, 19 de diciembre, a las 6:30 de la tarde, tendrá lugar el Servicio de Reconciliación Parroquial. Varios sacerdotes han confirmado que estarán disponibles para escuchar sus confesiones y ser instrumentos del perdón de Dios en su vida. Recuerden que la mejor forma de recibir al Señor es teniendo un corazón limpio de pecado. No pierdan esta oportunidad, hagan tiempo para estar con nosotros.

Fr. Tomás Hurtado

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PANS DISTRIBUTION for cooked meals This weekend pans will be distributed to be used for cooked meals for the Coalition. The cooked meals should be brought back to the Parish Life Center next weekend Saturday, December 21st between 4:30pm—7:30pm or Sunday 22nd by 2:30pm. The Coalition for the Homeless will be grateful for any and all donations. Thank you all for your generosity!

EPIPHANY CELEBRATION St. Augustine Church invites the whole community to relive the birth of Jesus and the arrival of the Wise Men in the celebration of the Epiphany of the Lord.

Where: Parish Life Center When: January 5, 2020 Time: 2:00 pm Admission: $3.00 p/adult; $2.00 children under 10 years old. (includes lunch)

There will be gifts and surprises for all the participants. Come and live the beautiful moment!

DISTRIBUCIÓN DE BANDEJAS para comida Este fin de semana se distribuirán las bandejas para la comida de “Coalition for the Homeless”. Las bandejas con las comidas deben traerlas al Centro de Vida Parroquial el próximo fin de semana, sábado, 21 de diciembre entre las 4:30pm—7:30pm o el domingo, 22 antes de las 2:30pm. Gracias a todos por su generosidad.


La Iglesia San Agustín invita a toda la comunidad a revivir el nacimiento de Jesús y la llegada de los Tres Santos Reyes en la celebración del día de la Epifanía.

Dónde: Centro de Vida Parroquial Cuándo: 5 de enero de 2020 Hora: 2:00pm Entrada: $3.00 p/adulto; $2.00 niños menores de 10 años. (incluye almuerzo)

Habrá regalos y sorpresas para todos los participantes. ¡Ven y vive este hermoso momento!

In Our Parish

Many thanks to all of you who contributed to Our Catholic Appeal 2019. We ask all who have made pledges to fulfill your commitment. We are grateful for your generosity to our parish and to our brothers and sisters throughout our Diocese.

Muchas gracias a todos los que contribuyeron a Nuestro Llamado Católico 2019. Pedimos a todos los que se han comprometido que cumplan con el mismo. Estamos muy agradecidos por su continua generosidad hacia nuestra parroquia, así como a nuestros semejantes en toda la Diócesis.

ATTENTION PARENTS Faith Formation classes have ended for the Christmas break. Classes will begin again on January 8th, 2020. Have a blessed and safe Christmas!

ATENCIÓN PADRES Las clases de Formación en la Fe han terminado por la tempo-rada de Navidad. Las clases comenzarán nuevamente el 8 de enero del 2020. ¡Qué tengan una bendecida Navidad!

Faith Formation

Join us for a FREE Movie Night!

UNPLANNED Friday, January 10th at 7:00pm

Parish Life Center

Pop Corn will be provided. Selling Hot Dogs, Chips, Desserts and Drinks.

Sponsored by Respect Life & Knights of Columbus. (This movie is most suitable for teens and adults)

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Actuación Navideña de los Niños

Música en Vivo

Cuentos de Navidad

Villancicos Navideños

Disfrute de:

Alegría Alrededor del Mundo Celebración Navideña de

Nuestra Comunidad

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Vigil of the Nativity Nochebuena


4:00pm Children’s Mass-w/o incense (Eng.) 6:00pm (Eng.) 8:00pm (Esp.)

Nativity of the Lord Navidad

WED., DECEMBER 25 12:00 Midnight (Eng.)

10:30am (Eng.) 12:30pm (Esp.)

Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God Solemnidad de María, Madre de Dios

TUES., DECEMBER 31 (Vigil)

7:00pm (Bilingual)


10:30am (Eng.) 12:30pm (Esp.)

Around the Diocese Catholic Days at the Capitol, Jan. 28-30 Join Catholic Charities of Central Florida to meet and build relationships with our legislative representatives and Catholic Bishops. It is a great opportunity to advocate on social issues and church teachings. Concludes with Votive Mass of the Holy Spirit. Office of Advocacy and Justice 407-658-1818 ext. 1086 or [email protected],, 407-658-1818 Ext. 1086.

Ministry Formation Conference, Feb. 1 Through friendship with Jesus Christ we learn how to lead and accompany others to be disciples of Christ. Abide With Me is a day of formation for parish ministry leaders, staff and volunteers; a day to equip you to say ‘yes’ to God’s invitation to boldly proclaim the Gospel and experience the fullness of life in Christ. Learn from national and local experts who share your passion for teaching and preaching the Good news, and meet others in ministry who have answered God’s call to serve. For more information: [email protected] or call 407-246-4910.

Annual Diocesan Rise Up Men’s Conference: Put On the Armor of God, March 28 Trends in today’s culture are calling men to take charge of our lives, our families, our communities and our faith. Through dynamic speakers, workshops, and resources, discover how to put on the armor of God and embrace today’s challenges with Fr. Miguel Gonzalez, Father Benjamin Lehnertz, Mel Martinez, Fr. Juan Osorno and Fr. Carlos Caban. Holy Family Parish, 5125 S. Apopka-Vineland Road, Orlando. To register go to:

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Gift Shop Generous


Located in the Parish Life Center. We offer a wide selection of religious items, rosaries, crucifixes, statues and more.

COME AND SEE US! ¡VENGA Y VISÍTENOS! Saturdays | Sábados (4:30pm—6:30pm)

Sundays | Domingos (9:00am—2:30pm)

Welcome to St. Augustine Catholic Church Bienvenidos a nuestra comunidad de San Agustín

PRAYER LINE : If you have a special need of prayer, please call Rosemarie at 407-695-9221.

PARISH STAFF PAROCHIAL ADMINISTRATOR Rev. Tomas Hurtado (x 100) [email protected]

DEACONS Pedro Laboy [email protected]

Félix Montañez [email protected]

Antero Santos [email protected]


PARISH CATECHETICAL LEADER Denise Kriscunas (x 104) [email protected]

YOUTH MINISTRY LEADER Iliani Perez (x 106) [email protected]

MUSIC & LITURGY LEADER Leo Mikan (x 112) [email protected]

BUSINESS OFFICE Ruth Griffin (x 101) [email protected]

ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Edna Miro (x 100) [email protected]


For information regarding the Sacrament of Baptism for children, please contact

Denise Kriscunas at 407-695-3262, ext. 104. Para información en español sobre el Sacramento del Bautismo para niños, comuníquese con Santiago & Virginia

Gonzalez al 954-205-2481.

MATRIMONY (Matrimonio) Marriage arrangements must be made at

least nine months to a year before the tentative marriage date. Please contact

the parish office at 407-695-3262 to schedule an appointment with the priest.

Los arreglos matrimoniales deben hacerse por lo menos nueve meses a un

año antes de la fecha tentativa de matrimonio. Por favor comuníquese con

la oficina parroquial al 407-695-3262 para programar una cita con el


BECOMING CATHOLIC (Convertirse en Católico)

Are you a non-Catholic adult interested in learning more about the Catholic faith?

Contact Jorge Medina 407-695-3262, ext. 105 for information. ¿Es usted un

adulto no católico interesado en conocer más sobre la fe católica? Comuníquese

con Jorge Medina al 407-695-3262 para información.

PARISH LIFE Actividades Hispanas Crucita Rivera Altar Servers Ashley Cook Paula Rivera Audio-Visual Leo Mikan Bereavement Pedro Laboy Comité Hispano Lourdes Sánchez Divine Mercy Group Jorge Ulate Ext. Min. Holy Comm. Albert Choo-Kang Saidy Ossers María Elena Ramírez Grupo de Oración Johanny Pimentel Grupo del Rosario Tomas Cañuela Hermandad UGDV Santiago González Kairos Prison Ministry Rafael Salado (Clermont) Cástulo Ramírez (Orlando) Kitchen Ministry J. Aponte & S. Barrows Knights of Columbus Richard Rivera Lectors Vicky Kirkpatrick Marie Ockman Estéfano Crisafi Legion of Mary Maria Paulovich María Elena Ramírez Carmen Rosado Ministers to the Sick Kelvin Berberena Pastoral Council Mariana Simonelli SIS—Sisters in Service Linda Rivera Maria Castello Mahant Ultreya Cástulo Ramírez Ushers John & Maria Paulovich Jairo Gomez Salvador Corona

375 N. Sunset Drive, Casselberry, FL 32707 | 407-695-3262 | Fax: 407-699-8998 Parish Office Hours: Monday—Friday 9:00am-5:00pm |

Dec. 7—8, 2019

In Pew $ 9,668.08 Online $ 2,890.45

Thank you for your generosity!

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