sstwri 'ti-iv.^...

^ 6EC0ND M- ,.,,.. WABHiaoTO*, Juri- V'., 1H61. SrW-^VttTfl Tvct-ived frorn tbe Wai' ^^1 y*".*^^totbfl Mili'a.y Cota- _____.f_ Hb* »o tb- r__ao* Oaaarittaa __*»-, and u.e oine._< j , tr0ln lhe NavyDe- ____££l 1Vraial eefHl'liahiaent. Keferred to t_e(V.n-il»*r©o..N*iva)Atl..irP' ti .a* bilb 8JB1-* uuder tOBald-rflllpB. WAI.F ore*-nt*d joint reaolutionBexprwaaing B> ?___*__ ( ,.*.,,_ bv aariaa-lfaiaBB SSTwri t.' lba Ctoaarfli .l.-vcrumen'.. Ord.*r*d 'Ti-iV.^ tb, OeiiorHl AppcIIv of 01 10, i-aeaodJau. I- l* BtMl Thp pe..Pl. - -t^ySTA-d tkle OovenmifBt i. UMBlUl to _M pe*' .'. r~9tt.h larlrai; I-aapl- ____«*_.«rmlt tb* aec*" r-l&^wSLf^rttt^ ttlW A.-"-- ¦ . al tha Anierlrtn peopl Ite-pBd ~ ea,... of an ¦J^^Tk.°r«V of Ohioara oppo-d to u,«.ldli.g w.:h tl.e B^araai ©Mra ." ,""S'"'" ., t m ,,: good fkitb |11 tbeir ob _j,,f:.^WiivVo»^ *te;; t g&B. atttat- ... tn |n^£fc_fi-tiS ___tu^^^ SS».a*!_^ .CfTgSS -*-.* SaTS P.^n-,he "a"''.'.' C. m'e-of 'iheia le-olu'lona aball be .'..riiWbed to th. fc_X _i__S£MMd-IV*. of Mb BABM. if V MMJMB Wr CH \NDI.ER .aid: I ttodre to pre-eut thf mr- .Jrk'l trf Itob-rl VV Davie, Collaetflrol th<\ I*"'"' of I» i».d tbirtv otimr*. moatiy Daoificratkol-Aiire BauVaa-of tbat eity, flatdafrtbe Bawag* « _"_,* n"fl t-BCo_vroa.ii'*. * «". il bt . ou lL UbU"' ".. ]_r CTITTENDEN preaen'ed tbe pfltitioi. of the cluunpt.f Mi't.oiJgHl..;la, Ya,i-i_viiiut"r tbfl adcjjtK-t! oi ib* CiittaiodflB CttBBteaaba. La.d oh taa tat'K fo the prtaent. Mr BA80N illoin.. Va.1. from tho t'ornmittoe on FcreiKci Bflbttiooa, reported a biH to autiiorueTooi Crava- ta recei'o ct-naiii m_rk» flf eittloctlOB irom tl.e Srai.iph avy. Taken av and pakaed. Mr KKNNKf.Y (8. Abb. Md.) pieacnted a me im.-i.i1 af Bai tbtaiflf- rl Waa-aajfoa Cuuty, fmytog lortbfl adt-piioi- of t'p-Crittei.den reflolutiona. Mr BH1I.F.K .Dem.. Pk.) pre*-r.te<l tifi-n mfltp.v tiale tl e iti/. rn ¦ l-iiiaylv*--ifo. ibe adoption «i the< ritttni iii it-pol-i'ioiis. Mr HCMNER .>ff.-red i. reaoliiti-in that tl.e lYeMi.tont ol iheliiwd Si..toalperv.|UcPt..i, U i.oni.coin|.ati Me with the MBbttc inteirate, fo fumi-h Braatt wWta eoiy of Bfl bto orrca| oi.dei.ce bt:.vv..n UM <- ol .Mati-and BB] .Munett-r ol fwaigB BaaWflB it vVaehiiigtou io rcference to foreign veaaele al tbe aort of Cliarleaton- . . ., . Mr rbB EYCB y-reaented the petition of 11. .J- "tAoid, fc >he Bfajrato-Beal uf dflbsxata Bi tioiii.IConvciit'.'!. lo Bfloaw- ihe f^eneral wallare ol tle oo'ii.irv, to l.e beld a. Fhiladel|.hia. Tt e Ciittendcn rcai 1'itioua vrere tak.-n nr>. bnt, on ttttion ol Mr. MGLKK, they were ijoaipoued uotil 1 au io. k oti Monduy. 1'iivate l iil wt-re tben taken np. Mr. GBEEM 'I«cm.. Bo,,) introduced n mmt rca-Ii:- tion ItfliBI-ttltofl for the piirpo«r ol ptotoottog ttfl ruibU oi all the |A-ople aud all the Suta* hi iar M fl> volvea upou the 1-VderaI autl.ori y, aiid to tnaiiiUiiu the l«i ioc ta nll iu- jmrity imd e.\«. DflUO*, 01 failn-x ifl tiiat V- i rovide for a i«a. a-hl*- aepai-tiird, be it tor* laoaflt _r.eDd©il ibat the aeveral htaiea lakt inmiediaU- ttflflB by aaflBBflBtkoaai otherwir©, ai.d __akepr..i,vorutioaa -*Jtbe aeveral Mitea. Baeb to tbt other, or bv a convention ot tbe NUitea, ea will beat condoee to tbe reetoraiioii of l«are aied harm< nv on B8B8-R.¦ of )Rflttflfl and eiiuity to all. <**det«d I4)*a wa-oiid rei.dini?. Mr. Clll'lT-NDKN 8. Aiu., Ky.i did aot hk* to lo. k at Hi.ythii.K that l.a.ked hk. a.-i*tr.tion. Mr.<-Jhx*"KX.I will vote f«r th* prropoMti -t. 01 th* i* n m Keninckv, but I attflfl to flB- tto aium- Bioa td ihe mure' direcily u. ti.ia Bobjact. Mr. SLMNl-R 'H'P , Maaa *-.»»" for tl e Taflfl and "Ns-y* on Mr. CameroL'a moii-m to re< on-idi-i tl.e vote by whBh Wr CBrh'i ar_©..d_ient to the O-ifltflBflaa jtant reeolatioiiB w_b Bdafflfld. Y EAB-Me-ara. B.yard, Bighw, Braa, Bright, rHngman. Cri' aeaMl.e Deuf.a.. Fileb. oreen. uw-to lie.npiii.l riaaiar.Jafcn .anlAik ). Joauaon (Tei.i. ). Keuntdy Laue I.atl.a.o. Ma-.n xC-bolaon Peavrea 1-B I'twail. Pugh. Rice, Bautabury fl© i.aat an anri blidell--17- , _, _. \AYS-Me«pia Anit.orr lk-k-r BinghtB, ta-eroo Chaud tor Claik (-oll.iier. iJixoa. DeoiiMU-, ke_-:,dan Feat, F*M*r, Ortoe- Hale UarlaB, Km Sewmd. Siuniio.... Bamn.T Ten P-yck Vvede Wigfall. Wil..iiton, aud W liat u.M. Tbe I'aiilii U.lroed bill *_B lakeu up aud made the B etiul or. er ior 1 p. m. (tt Taeeday. ioe bill tt authoriae a IbbB. 18 BB ihe dnty on im- f-ortp, ann rt lalivt; t«. the Tretmar- Noto- v aa taken bb, nnd or moiioti of Mr. CAMb K<>N it ._% made IbaiattBi order lor 1 p. m on Wedne-day. Ihe hi'MK 'iil, the epe- ial urdar. wa* then taken up. Mr DOUOLA8 flkea.., III ) *aid we otii/ht to admit Knn)*a iuto tut I'lhun a> two-thi-deol tbe new Statea .i the Cnion hnd been udrnittp*! witb a Umb populatiou than Kai.m* o<m. I w iil oo noihiug to \r. ocraaiinal© -tht- paaa-ge <rt tht bill. _______mm _lr. o-WABI) Kap., N Yi.-I have vwied Kan- r«H aud found tLe .oi.rihiou of -ocietv aud _*rriculuire tl er* far .d-.e*d. Tl.e peopl* had tranwd a civil t_ov_rnu.ent, ag-i.At whi h I ui.l uot bear oue word of -b.ectiun in the axh.le Terriorv. Mr. GBEEN.Tbe bouiictori.-H I y.rono*»- for Kanaaa are atmih and lt ia vei> extraordiuary .he abould api-lv for admiBpioL w- a fb_'.te at thia r>arti- tr___ uiue. Sometime agoliei \nxn-lv eeut in a pet i'ion here aeki. g for m*ai.a "f aubeirtteuoti. Mr. I»Ol'C.LA». K«. far na the peopl'- of KiUiaaa are ca.rteer-ed tliaice i* uo iuroiiveuiein* or impropnety in a_*4baaaaaa-B, bflfl tbere may be iu re-rard to the BaaaaRrr* af tba larritary oi Nei.i_.ktt No b-oava- TJieti.-e ie frl- by the |«ople bving within the preacut KbJ a ol ike boui.daiie* na KainatM. mr. OOL-aAMK.. Kep., Vtr.Kuub.b now han a ri».._iu>'. b.-yond vah... is re.,.iiied for i.ur admiapjou. eie i* n.-w « Bf88*8Rjflfl to .Uamamlx-r BatpfBfl.B Tbe qneakion on Mr. (Jreen'a iir-eudiiieii! changing the bouadarv wa* loat. Yeaa. 83: Naya, 31. Mr (iKI.l.N n.oved to ameud the ti: wt Bflctbtt ofthe Kanaaa l.ill bj BtrBdag out tbe worda " beuinuing at a |>.i! t on tbt- Weatem bunndary of Miaaonri, where tiie 37tb i*rallel, North "uttitudi, croaaea the Btttt. fll.euce Weat ou paid parallel to Uie .-th meri iian of iiigiituile Wer* Irom VVual.ingt'.ii, theiin- .S'ortii of aid meridL.ii to ti e 40th pHralh! of laH'ude, thence __*t of aaid oarallel l" thi- \»rn hot.ndarv af ti.e 9-rta of Miaeouii. thenc. Homh with 'ha W'eatem boirodary ol ptt.i'1 stai* to tfte nlareol begiimitiK,'' aad ta lieti u.enof ineert tbfl foilowiiif: " Hexriuiihig in the main ol the North f rtofld tlie PhiUe river, al a pi.ii.t -avk-r* tbe '_)ih ineiidian ot longtiuule W'e-t fr b. "Wael-ingtoi. i-rue*. r tbe a -nn-, thence down and Atong the ii uiii chai.ii. 1 of the riatle to tbe Miaaouri tivar. then S-uth along aaid river and lbfl VVeateni houudary of the hiai.: of Mi-xiuri totbe BottbflfB fxnjijdarv of ih^ ('liar"rtee Neutral landp, ibence Weet idawg the aaid Northern loundary oi tbe 4X*_oi- laiida, aud the prot _.mation oi the name to ibe 2.V.I1 _aei*o.U-.ii ol li.tigtitnde Wi. from Waahingtoii, thence k'orll. on aaid n.i ridimi to the phue of Ips^iiu iujr." Mr. OltP'EM --alled for a vote on the ainendiuent, .whieb reaubed aa lollowe: YP.AB-M.aari. Bayard, hernaniiE. Bragg. Bright, Fiteh, aDtrea Gwtn HMT.pliill. B*BB*f Ireraon, John*.... 'Ark Jobawia iTvon ), Aei.oedy. 1._e Maaoli Nicholaon. I'earco, Pvlk. Pewrll, Rice, Ke_.aUi,ry Miilell and W'iglail--I. KAYS. il.m. Autbci.y, BaAer, Bigler. Bi.ighani, Cameron. Ckoediir, Clark ( oUeiuer, Crlttaad-n, Dtooc Doolittle, Dougla., Uu'kte, la****©**,, r.tter Huie. Harian, King Latkam Merrlll. Pugh, Seward, bluimena Bumuer, Teu Xyek, Trni.ihuii Wade, Wilkinaeu.and Wiiaou.31. Mr. I'll CII (Dem., Ind.; rote to proptae an amend- aoent. whto Mr. BK1LKH iDesn., Yxx.) caHe-l tbe iittAiition ofthe Kenaie to tbe Bfll of it* Usiiin 'J o'cloek, tbe hoar when tbe geuait, in i-xe.uti ve reacion, agreed to go into __- OtBiive ¦**____¦ to day. Br. KOdT-U 'Ki'.p.,C'»nij.; in tbe chair, ordered tbe aSeigeant-at-Arnie totlaar the galleriee and Idhhiea. i.xeciitivt- ee-aion. Adjourned. H4XT8E OF KEa»a_-SENTATIVE«. mRlr. MOOK,_ (8. Am., By.), rieii.g to a peraonal ex- B..auoa, aaid if Mr. reaulution. hare'of >n- wApt«_, bad iimply indora.d the ocndu.t of Major «laoaaMiB, h* *. nild have vo'-Mi for it. Bnt he flflflJd * ^" _t!_iv* tBr V7-****"*! of to* mind to vot© for the reMaidrder of tbe reaoluiion. and to aay, by ao dcin.-. b* WiJixld iiid.-rae tvery Hct which tl.e d'eoeideut nnght r.gvafl a* hi. <oajatUutional du'vin .-aiTying out the i*Ba.FT?w*rvklf the Ubuio. Wlule he waa lor ttaj Dotoa, baltaving be tbaa _Bpre*ent4».' the paople of Kentu*_y, Le thougkt daty ra.iuired iu to JfOi-e belore we peril tbe whole t'ui.u and bnifg on tt|i-i«erul.-. i flict and inte«tine war. Me did not li lieve in tbe right of a Htaie to atx-taie. He -AL-aided tl:U aa tbe greattiat lieterodoxy *ver advoca- aed hy any jarty. But wlole he aaid thia, aJJ noat n»- ¦ajriibfl ItM rigbl of BBVcJat.- for the rea_ataiic« af ofj- E-iitMoti on one aide to BBearfl foeedoin ou 0,fc other. e did Bflfl believe tbe tiroe baa arrived to reaort *0 tbia meaiia of red-eaa and precipitai« ao g «oa*trophe. lle did not r«eliev* (he prerent wae the BB8B8B time to aend re- woreainaiiti. (0 South Carolina and other Bontbcrn "k -bould bf-iitato and etideavor to grl back \,y ^_,it, wi,a, jt mi<jrht ^ c,,,^,!,.. refl BBiiiiiu- to aectue by for.e. He would n.,t Aave niadt Uii- explanation ii it wcro bot for Oort-td Miiior Aiiuevooa ¦-"-__-» _T__ taii.ii. kMtra in advance, to todorae the couduct of the Aduin.iatra BBB*_ /-,., ,...;,,_./,:, ntieati'ii "I _ gei, _______ tli-'Ti'wartTirt^B'lta rulea. Laobiap fo T 1-Tublhaa nde, hc (Mr. laott] -BW tta.'' aaa who v-. aol a __emb_r, yt he wua tRom WeS Tliii iboWPd B purtiality aud n-ta£w -Bdaaleaathia cnditt rboii_ ta r.terred,!,' for tl.e «,..,_-._ rf Mr. l».rh»K Btho _, lani noor-pepB. Ua waaB wortB* th. ,1 TheSJPEIK1 ¦ -att ih*do nb-BBrBBaldenforcethe roka-itbont partlality, aad ao far aa lha Chahf pm he ahotild liiriat ii|'OIi UtPt Tin- HoBOO ii-inen.i i.nvHt'-tiillB. TLe BoBMWBlil illlo I'liii.liiittee of the WfcOM B ih. Btate ol Ita Coi m on the Anaj h-L Mr l'i:Nl»l.hl(>N (l»'i.i-.''I'"') "*">d ut .. '"'""¦,'1 paaiod ->i lha day bo v araaht to obtahi tta floor lo pataaa tta petttim of 10.D-.0 dtMena of ( iiuiuiiiti, prayiag i ..).*_< re topaaa tl.e Criuaadi i oaa loiiii-c. Ha eoold aM have u tattei itaroduoutMi ai.ii one inon piiutinl tahttaaaiftbaatbtt p-idaaa.I a B.BB n. -ne uud iielemiiut il purpot-e . l_B ". beaoBd hia w_h a aaai baaa to aattta the paodiua tr.nihUalv cu.< iliali"!. BBd I HBBBBBa tit paBCO. lh. v BOW bad BBBB .iint-ideiulioii the Army bill. 1'eriineiit to thin waa anottar aut.jeii, vi/..: ihe bill ii.tr_lu.ed bj Mr. Bingbaai f"" .'e BlttMioB of ll.e bbbb ut t'liitth-Himi harbor. Ha rafatred to the jnovinoi a oi ilii- l.ill, autti'.iking th-* l'rcaident la btt iii cr-lioa to ull'it UM levcime hy Btah-ahing UM c iiatnii.-llimaa ob Bbipboard; tho Collaetmt to aaum und ii. tnii BB] vca cl imtii tl.e diltira B Iba BtfO BB |'i 10, ; (i Lli Otdel t" eXecUte ll.ia dllty, tbfl Al-**' tti.'l Nhv, ini.v lu-ilii|'lo*-cil, A''. Uc BPflMBBBtad B tbfl atraotdaau, __I da-twraa pawBeoa.trradB ¦ auh- oKiit.aie othoa ei Iba < taMoan*. i taing givtu wilh-. I limnaii"!. nnd ("i.ti'l. Tbe bill wua B91 iinivvt-al iu iBappHcati"ii, I'" to an h to Suuth C .toiitiH in the .li.-cret.on afthe Itattdeni li |°_..y, raltably coBUPvaupd 'hc CoBtitattoa, whieb prorkfea ll.til lio'| . *. 1. mt- al.ill Ik- Jtiv.-a 10 tta Otttttt OO* Mateovei IBOB of at."thcr. Ile would DOt d. vvletlur thenwaa fcgalB atilli'icut CBtite BrBBP- i.i. lt rttttt Soutbern Btataa dbb eoaaa ttlad witha unaiiiinitv without mtrralk-l m the lu*;-aaTtt li, vtluiioii il.-iid If tbtt Bill Maaaaad, nB a doll, vn.t.le .«¦ collictt. B CbaittBBBi ll im artny could r. aintaia tha l'nion. hall a B-Ulioti of m-n woold Bprinjj un in a night. H n.oney would k. ep it UWattier, ll.e a. ll v»..i h. umm w ni, |o> iii i.rodtioc ita golden ._. e.-t. It blo> d. tl" and voui.g nien would yi. ii li_. - Vihicli vv .tt lii. ll a- li. Hut an iinnv et titot Bail u, i., v wili noi prcaarv a iha Uai-B. AaBbw, aaaaa, ai.d Otmtt i. uv. M km* ni. coiupcl h tiuiU: la dn i- fc n q__l14 (1 10 hc (i'.i.t i.v lnj{,al BBB I T. e vvhcli- ac: ttm af aoaavtta i* ttapaBaaiaahlp, aad asatraay a ih. Batiii a umt f| i:it of the 4 onaiit ation. Tl.e |pB-b- t ii. *it.,tea are nittiured to rt'iiri, uJid va lien arnieil men ** ci ihrra ia vvar. Im aaaMaaaaai al iba li wa He.illiat tl.e rMtedil.g Slu'ea i< C ..r. ion, BPO. ioi) ia wur. 11 the **mt!i aiiy thev bBB nfOPBBBB, i-idrem tl;um. and .ulm _M.'PfkaMBP.I iiriB.OB. l.en.euilit'1 ilieae men v ho thaa BBB M u* are lu.i.e el vout hoi.e. Tin v Bl* vour hrt-lhrcu and fell.-w-ciii- B8B.. Jaa BBW gr M what they deain wiihoot loang y.'tir BBBBBr and aeli-r.-njH-ct. H. het*j.ed them in 0pA*a BBB 19 du it. Giva emc ixiritad afdttPBd, n.h;ir...iii '.hc (-.venmiciii and Liaaarva U.igraal ooarfodanBad aaffaa. Hir- reica u- .;, v vv..»- !'-. iliption i'.id com|ir.fii.ia.-, ai.<i iu t'ii. i'i tha-.l i! e viiu-e tttkmt whom be BpPBBapM ll BtB wiil not BBd thia, iu liod a u iine let tiie atfecfed tn..e i.< _ t ui peaca. II it.t Boa_mr BbBb bbbbB u eoiuilialrd, if wa c__i ¦' gn_il them whal tin-_v a. lin, 1 tl'ty u.uat BBB t: f j-irriial u__a_BB, l.e v\n ,1 tiri._li/i th ii taj.atii. * Witb act. oi; il m 1,. v l.ieei ude toi BB.oaa] B.tttOBB il ahould BPCCBBPn forBBafljabl come t.geJier, there alioulil lie ia. i.iide tn U.- huu.hli-d, aud ta would Bfllp.BB BBB httik 10 tta l l..c< .M y -!.o;l I PPPBf*/. Mr. IHE-UL_M- I ba*a_Maapd wkhaMaafllaata tht eli>(.i_-iii BpCPcb bv iny tP_-_flJBB, _MIaoH_l*ll] iii.iiiove ol Lie a* | e..l f.a peaee, 1_i mony auU B__B_Ib 'i n lit.*. m uiy |udgmciit ta dirn !b hi-reuiiiiha tti i'.. WPOBI ai.le .1 lha HOBBP. BBl heg-- ua I.-.t t-. et tO BBBB H aoven li/ii Stat.-. lie faploCOB the HBB tlciir.y ai a BBTJB "*nnig p BBB. It by ln naUl.r l.fll ilit aruiy vv ul he um»d I* BBBf_B u BUlPk t" ...nijel her to ta repi-..-nl»<f here, to aiaht.a ti. i.n.itr oi [iiM ottiBwtthk bai ttatta, to 1 im lier itie., or d«-a. h.t,-tar fielda, h. may di-nii-r Ina leara. h" BBB BBBOJ PBB BBaABBtpd hy kiiv Ad* mnjiriiaiion Kt*t_ Btali i*a Bart at thia Uioub ot _-_t.a, a_.l ii ia th.-ua'.y ei tha Q_aa_aaaaM M paMB aach-Batoj baithaap l.' duty, ttat bBBroBB ilaelf. Tin pe-'lh' ¦! ihrT'rTtT. Sti-ea f..rni » I iov- en ua nt BO| ie: . Amo'ie thi- (Kiwera deh-Kitt.-d u, il h fcprot._d witb Baayla aathp.aj to ppaaB tta it aAi.iiiFt lo'iiga o- daPBBBtfc eiieiniee. ll hia- tha BJt( iu- ant ligiii B Bpttirrl dutiea un importe. ItttthaPB. rluaive PW-BT "t f.irla, ui~*t._a. tiiivv-v n. .la, Teeacla BBd ii aiiiiiiuia ul vvar. ll baa u tl_a_ Um avmhol of it- natiuimlitv lha BBBhlatB of il* poWB aiid detemiiiiution to proBB.B t>,<n*r wb.. ti.i.v ..f rigltga'l^i under ita ti.lur. iluw, tla.n, atunda tim c*.e ? Have ile Dadiad M-ter Babad a _ty, ia.aaai a htate. b bbbb ed th. ..oat a_d BBJaat) ot ;i eoaaaarB tuvtiircj ii rabjaaatad Siai»* I ll..a _i BBaaaaaaaj lanaa iiveruB-**!) I v militJirv t.ower Haa t.nv num a r.xh_ tneu invade'd WhoBMItl it I 'il** onlv |HAO|le wbi. hnve hieti aBBBMPPd hy n.ilitRry ot civ il in.w.r are tl uf. of a di tant Tenitory. W'l.v IBB du you fe_r ii Btate will Le coerced I 1^-' B BBB Tha ;.i..''l«* ef ihe Stiiie of Sutitli ( BBBBB have aBBd th. ('.iat.rii-H.i_- hthpCttj of Charleaton, uud clor-*d thut jKirt, tntia pri-veiiting lha 1'i.iied M.BB t-ivernuieiit fiuui ua.-rt- uig itacoiic.-dcd and ex< liiri-.a BBB '" B0_e-1 ita rev- eii'n from im* orta. 'Ihey fi'iv* taken hy forceihe inuiatry in the Treaaury of tta I'nited Ntate., uud uii- plied*ii to tiitii PWa u-tt. Th.y liavi- h.-i/..-ij tta urma ui>d intiiiitiera of war of tha I'nited S..tea, ioaotttod in Ar.eiiiila withio the conceded exelurive jm trdii-tioii ol tta I'Mttd.suutF, nnd turned them ttguna; ita Army ol the I'nited Stat. a. Tii.y have aenteil a reT.r.ui- etitter, the t.n.perty of tbe I'nited 8tmea. Tta v have at ind h Iov u ui/a-u ol lha 1'uite.d SUita-a while in the B..BBWB of hi- .'.nre<|f>_ dntv, und have iu.priapapd him ai.d HBBBBB Iwa life for diaalBWBjttBj hi* I'hiin dntv, calling il treaaon to Bouth Carohi.a. Tlny tata (itiMna of the diHt-i'.-nt _t_t»*« ri.litti.lly und raicfuilv uttending to therr huaiuea. in South Oaro iiiu. uud, tt1id tlre moat detniding mdignitiea iipnii tl im, and then forcihly eiipel them. 'Iliey r..ii- u n iii..iv loice of cavalry aud infantry, with th. wTOvtcd purtKwe <-f ejtpelling, or, to ua* their chom-n word, "cotniiiK tht (Hiud Stutea from the forta, itiaei aia, aiid eihei paBflrt*" .tilI in the poaneaaion of the f'tiiieii (Statea. . hen Muinr Anderaon, for the a.lety ol hia amull fo-rce, raanvedit frotn Fort Mouloie U> Suinter, they aeized Kurt Moulttie, Fort I'mek- Mey, «.nd o__B mmmgkm, More reoen'Jy. they tited iliKili u veaael in the employ of the l nil-t-ii hUit.a, eon- tevii g* ai.d BPfttttBB .> our troopa. 1:. ihia act of w ui ttav BBOd the cunuon und muiiiiiuua of wur | aid for out "f our treuatin'. Tta forta eadfcd hy tiie Stule of houth CaattBB to tta Finted MMB weie na.d to e*j«-l u vearel of tho I'nited htatea in puiatiit of ita lawfirl o<<mmerce whB the atur wa* hni.ted to tm maatbeail aa u tigu of mitioi.lity, appettling to all th. patriotir rMoDeetioaa that cluater urou.'id it, your flug, mv ting, tl.e rlat' of Virtinia, Obio, Kentu.-kv, M__u- cliuaetla. the flag ol «very Ntat* and of the whole l tiion, tl.e taatla af whoia* folda haa ntt ofl.ri ext-ited tli*- ridi- und i.ati)..i-rr ardoi of Amarioana lu every puit of the bittiituhle glol--, tlutt Hug iavoked for'.he Ciotectioii of tiiiunued ve-a-tla wui _red H|ioti and dia- onored h_v ciii/eiie ol the L'niled Statea. aud therefore tuiait ol Irenaoii vviu- upi.luuded hy thi offieera iuid BBBB "f il.t State of South Carolina, und [.erhapa hy thuta ol Other htat-a. Tl.e BBB L.wleafl BolaBB ttla bjBBBB ont in other BflttflB pf onr conntiy iuid forta. turtieiii-a, navy-varda, a__ ve-ela of wur, intru t-a wilhont dtfenie to tta BMiuflttaa of the people, flBBB, apon one |BBfc xt or another, taen aeuiai, at.1 ur. now tald hy luw leaa force. Cpoa tta rec.iinr,ieti(lHti.>n of nii-.c bera of CongntKB, Fort 1'uluaki wur Baiaad by tapflBB uiider un order from the (...vernor of Q_Mria. Tba iithaT dpj tba IppBMrjaf tbo Nuvy wu* imiitied that tbe Nuvy-Yur.I at I'l-nam ola vvua takeu hy un urii.-d fiirre.'ommaiided by tbe Goveruor ol Florida. Here 18 tl.e BBBB..U "TtieCfi..,mi«.lion.ri tppoiat*d by tb. Oorernor of Plorlda, witb a .-' gi.-nt ol armed men at tb* jrel. deiiuuid.H th* aurian- der of thia Nary-Yard, taviug pfairlaailj lata* paeaai ... ..f one of tbe inaaazin**. 1 mnetiiler-d th* pl**. and *U"Jck uiy flax at taif paat J .*_*M P, tu tbi* day, Ja_ 11, .41." Weare told thut cunnon are plairted on the buul r of the Miai-a-ijipi River, und BB Ita BBBBBTB of that grt-ut iSv.¦ ia lo be imp.led. Hii, 1 know very well tli.-ilTert ofati'-ha movenient upon th<-citiwna uf th* Notlh We-f 1 Kgree with ull my flBBBBMBM who Iiav. litiilid tO tbfl aubject, thut the Btt.M oi the Mia- ai*rip|ii, and ull thut flouta upon it, uuat have u tre* j*r>U|.'e to t!_r Baa, aiul yet our vcacla cre d. layed, und we know not i«t what iiioment ttay muv ba aubject to iiilmte and att¦I. I'nder theae ciiruioat_acB, WhBI la to be done ? Muat thia Goveni.tnt to inaiilt u_'d fiidigiiitv.twaal if aai.adar ita b*~mMt, Ua fbig, ita libti'.iiulfty f l>o you, gentlemen trom Virginia, wl.-e great atatetioa-n have had ao l-ni-c a ahure in 1"V ltv, it«, d.ain- to ret> it tbua fliabwBBad I Aid JBa retidy to join eifci'ed men, who will Mf lia'.-n to teu-wi. who even a}.uru your pi.tiiotiai.. a. 'iuiidity, who r4n_rt your coui.fdJf, aud woold druj/ you, ua lh. tti.williii^ v'ictui.t hi ihe heol ftf thtir Cur of Jugger- naut, crual'ing under ita weight Pi'.l hope of ci v il liberty. or ur. i a. to l!ij.*rty for axea io come Ata you i.uumwl BWttBre a' a political di feat 1 Hn, it wua but tbfl t'ltai day I wa* told by a diatinpiiahiyt »iii_'ii of an ' al aohite monarcby, who mottr >rd the approaching Ml ol o-r Uepobbc, that it would at leaat do one j-oo. : it wonld ttop the rtruggl.- in Europe for free in-titu- tiona. It in true. If tt ie GovorBRBBBt caiinot purvivt- »....plituti. iihleiection.if it cajmot defend i*a pron- eitv <t pioteit ita Uut-it i' orumlilea r» th< lii-t mj-1 af (jip.ll'.-.ti'ii, bope in there for ftofl i-iiit iitioiit. in caaatiBfl wh-re kinga, Bolka, nuinhala, hendiinry inatitiitiona and I wp of priinoperitii-B have exiatcl for _«»**" ri.. when theloveot liberiv bflfl in*pired ifl niodem tin f ¦ the BBBflBflA of any people to demand ih.> right ol p. ll.go\eri.u.eii«, thev are poinied lo the k'reuch revo- luiioiicf 17**', thev ara poiotad to Booth AaiarieA, ab«flf changint Kepublkfl ru© aod dbaipaar, ao wai Dotaottinmenta tbb Hooa* eaa aow teU *_* 'hen- B8B8CB. Tbf v hr.- pointed to Mexico liod lorbid they rhull ever ....... ll ll.eii ll.f- n.ul logfc h(V _aiOUkg_X_ > xainph .1 a diaii.|'i.-d Uaka haral It ih paid with lba li.ciip.-11 pfletry, Bfll " "Ffaflfl.B phriek.d vtiien Koieiuiko felL" She will die with Bfl d.-jitJi of thia IOi|iiihli.. I ap)H_l la. v ol i;. ..'I'n.'.. Of !.',«¦ boril.-r Sluw BtttBB, ___**+ .l.-'ti.l.-llml. but !'oi V>> i. will in lt fevv dn-.e BiBflfl BJ ii, boatilfl i.rray will. each other. lf BOt, 1 BB* BOtOing i.eion- a* bnt a btal dv_ war. I do uot ibiaat***, '..i I lircml it. .."( for BflflBOBal l*a_8SBB, tor you und I ¦ia bal atoBi* it. il e rtorm; hut all bBtorj'toaebea aa tlai I'.'lr. c fi'.v.i'iui.-ii! cuii bfl dinrupted or ovei- thrxrwn wBhatt tbtt diarnption beina*' RBRBBttflI BB ih, . ii.I Iv l.ii'.itarv ji iiifll Bflfl Tba rnau may now liv*. who will bfl lbt Naj'ole.n of thia country. IT v-.ur l.-i'le will not p.ipl.iin and aupport thia (Juvernmi nt to innitit-inii.g iti P">.'1)<' properly in II .. im edini Stater, ibflB it muat do it in »i'Xl.r uf Jtm. ,. iierbb in the atianpl Wb* et. .»M you epaatt tt fi.ea T.-t vonr hlood boil with itidigniitinii when you rend, daily, in tha paaara, af OuibibbbibI ftogtFiy rei/cd, .1 lOftfl lAb-B, 5 V.-etk, ftr.-.l bflfl hjOtbfl/ .mri.t*.llii. .i it.e"" I-ii n..t rlay that u ,fi_boi .-.!' H..H tbe pe.-ti..n:iliam baMtt -. o, ihan the love to the etniuir}' I *>.r, Btt I. lii tfl :*. :.,i ..',.. ii.ou,.-nt, BB88f li* ftmarl of irnag- ban wroan, aaflar lhaiB_ap|iBiilBBBBt ***___* rfeteat, your i*.iple may Ih- hurried into actaof mi'l- Bcaai bal wben ibe retiiinmg aMtttt)aaB-Bjttaaftate il,.,A,. vilm li.A.- bd thflfl ftptrnv n-t. a fdagkfl w.ive ..f iheaiai-i'iaiiKbd will BflflBra tbaMttflflaaai i.B'.v .ri.-witbwbkbyoabav. addfldthflax, Lal 'u> _. t b.-nii-i.dhv word*.' I repOBt, tbfl ui.ceh..i. ie not wlelle. ll.e l i.i'< d Btttflfl wil) BOOMfl » State, but wletbe' n Btfltoahall.iiaari thaOflvflfa.t wyh** il, noble thi rrfc doviffld to onr lath.r* ahall f.ill a btow. 1 appfal " "<. Kt-j ..--fi.tiiT.' ;.- r-,,i, S. uil.trn Statea 1 ai-if-l U> the old i v ii.h gathared .ng.-th.-r .-n ihe **..'* hanle-itel I, rtp etaaiadai fladnttatt). tl"- fom- af Rtth ¦ ihe 9Utti wl etber we toafl aBow aar BaaaaoB fli_ to .-,- iliabiwii i>d flai Bflaaa.a Baaaortf ... to eei'i-i ' aaatry !. to abiiarea. If thie md paatoi g_ ¦ ir lii -V bitoarrtoad wbaa Bb BooanBBBBt Rfl rohea i p, 1.1 '." BtbaK ttttflrva ita prop.-rtv aatfl i1. f (riile teclioi .. i ..i iuaignitieanl mob-.© rerthrow. Let ua not diabonor their meniorie. hy .Ddertag that for whkb ih<-y f,.i.»rfit ra-ven yeam, _b_ orgai i" .1 xxittx fnr v.-ai» aa* flflarrhy. I bad wad- iv birped u.i'i't ol '.iir.lill.culu.-p, th.- U.-|h "i ..mi tiv,-p ft« ini-vi rv Ktute would den.nd ihatui all lui-irde the ttaB©Tty flf tbfl I'niied Sutee ahould I* artteotod from rtoleao*, and tl.e tlag <>f the Daitfld Stat. r-iivni trom di-l .-1..-I. I w-.ip MI j-ii-ed the 8th-r di.v that c> manv vot.d agiutiat lha r.-e..litionappr.v- tag tb* tt.daft "f M:.)..r .Vnderaoii, and r.-t>i*ed tt -i:| j rt il e 1'rfpidi ni in bia deteruiiinii n to iii.unuin tl.iii fcarbr* aBeartahb araaaai paibioa,8adtoall uh'itiiti. i al inflflflBiini ln t-ntorc- ihalattfl and pr.- rerv© tb* TJnfaa. leaa baa toartflywbh uli Ubmb wl-i. mnde tlia. ple-h-a. wfihti-ver i Ue they mav thi ik 0 l»l,e\e al out III Ba_8_BB .hat d.\ i.l- eon r peopl.. If w. BBB atand bv 8888 "ther, if oni flaatth neiiU va i 1 at:.! -I bj i tn ti.tlt eii,|.i.ati. rU-. larattoa, I tio to-baa bfl good -! i( tl Bl ..- Baraa "a tl.u- tar oti ii Blflfl ...-onr vi vni.'e will 8ttB*8 Bfl BBttBB. Hut, M; lf We vi. Id t<*' ia- t.> 11.* lur-, of tlie WRIflfl, if we u«.w aur-'tr with'nit n aialaii" tl.'- bflflB, aravenala, do. k>, kt .d "') i. r iropt-.ty t'f tla- (ioveriiru.-iit, Wflflflil di BtOOfltiat* .1 al wa ar.'- not ftt f-.r lb* d.r.i.e -^1^..*.! and lf "ur iiHmee t-rvive onr hva*. tlwy willoary bfl ier. rdfld *p btoflfl flf B .lagwni-iat.- i_c, wbo ba.! nol U.i lalil.aod to praflflrvfl tl-ut ttoir latbem won. It ie lililflftlll dfl© t'- joo, Sir, Ifl all onr felb'W momlMfl ln our c-iii'-Mun, N.Tlh and S.ntb, to BB* i.iat i uMip'f'f tlie anBv l iil I Ai.ta- witb tb* . > im .liii.i.ii tbttt il VA..1 B* '.i-ahJ in protectiug tl^i ab-owkdgvd proparty af tba DaBflfl Baataa, B rv<ioy- «:ii,i' tlttt wluh bu. bfl-fl uiilaw-fully taken, u-il in iMiii tiiiinng U i li nn. I. ii av laa mi'. l!'H. the grav- itvif tle eveiila ttiat aurr.ui.d na rb.n-nd a irr. uier t.'rce Ihuu ir irovid.d by tbi* l.ill- the lafatof tnaj i a mei. -a.!. tul. IV MflflBl Mtfl will *.iir.el> de- K nd aai ffflBABB ft.-m taa H in. flntoai Bal u nraa a fiirr/i*. rupo!' ol ai.y rApa*.fort-«-iiieiii denian lt«l by tl e exigeu. l. a of tle UflBBA I d.. t.ot c..u.eni|.late, in ni v .vt-iit, h.tPt'.ia ni .(AK.tiP-.f tl* BB- »l anv Staie. Ulileae d< lui.lid.d f.'t tbe d. ietire ol th.- a _B8Wbldffld projertv of lhe I'i it. d Htale*. lt ie tb. duty ot Ibe ¦, .,. -i ii in' ... Mi(>i'ret»p in.nt-i.ttioii in a HlAtr but in t. ip (\. al the n lii'.ai v i-'wi-i aaa aalj to u-axi b "tn.-t ai.bonlil-.tiil' ti, lle* ttvfl authoniy. ll iht- livfl A 'hcri'v r..oea- to call lor auch Bid, or iu|*prx_- 1 . etrttii niili'.ary poAt-r .annot tattsrveiM. Il tia.- (..iirta aie loaed, toe dnike* of p.mlnuaUer- .aaaatB ta.ifor.ed, flB tbe l..tla prtrtr. teil, aud BaaaBflfl Bfl pe'il flflrvkfl muat i.awatiuily be amieDd.d. N.. dtiiibf thia ni._j.fM- will poob be adopted. II tl.e n v *tiue ia rctue»-d or raimot ba- ...IW.ud, tieii pada, CflflflMa l*iii.|H.rled,atidlhepo't« u. . ! t.eilo-ed. Il a State ahall. m'.n of tlir ( BflflBbjattos, iinlor- to ri-^'.ilat.' i-on.Bi'-*-. e, theii her unnuucrce tniet br .1. Nodi.ubt o'her mt.puree (Ali be ile- vu-ed that wdl preaerve lhe ..*-« >'f tne conntrv until lbfl Bflflffll "f tbe Mala-e mav touler iu tt ...n-'.it uli «a_| wnv, iitih-poi i <ir nro.of '1 eaecealinn Hlalrr ahall, by mlitaiv lorce, rlied tbe biood >f IbflM .U-W-rfl-UBfl. oi tetii'e to tlie pra.|*r aiitborili.-a lhe BcBBOwtolflvd a (.|,ilv ol tha iLlti-d BRflttA I ahow that all Uie geiilleii'eu Btoaad BM u.tiet dteply d. j loie * . ivil war, eaterialll il lhal war rhull iiivnlve the fale of thia ca|ii..l uo- tbe du-nipiuai ti tl.e (iovonimeiil. No nmii wnb a io reaaon, or a l.rari la le« 1. na con ti u ph.U- thi- iii< vit.bia- r.ptilla of i" ch a w a:, v i liout lle ii.op; Iflltoaa dfl ire t<. ttv.-rt it. Iti* onr duty, aa mcBiheraufthielloBM.- it ie llieilnlv ol I'..n.-r.-pv-and 1 Bfll 88888 to auv il aa BOW -'C BBB-OwBdaad .uny af th. 1 ra-, ,.,t-i,t, ar it ia ul th* iiKon.iiip' Admi.ietraii..: i., ue.- BjabaaiBBi© tu lha azu-H-fll |».int. not pbvpict.1 foree b* arrayed in tivil \v..r until the to-t BOBfl tt'l BflflOB ..nd ...M llm'.i-'ii hap bflflfl «x:.aiiet.-d. fbflB lot eaoli hiaiich flf tlie Goveniment, ai-liuK iti c. ncert with each other, perform IbflB rra^-.'ive du- tii-p, though tl.e hsaaaaa fall. VVhiit caji Btt do Btt ¦brm und loiinluitioii' laatbipatfl yoai laaly. You mii), '' I..-I up touiproiiiiae- vield whi.t 188 IBflttad tt v, ii l,.-! Bfl c< in[ ruii.iw., and we w iil j.roeervi- thi- I k-B, and civil war will Le' Ttii* I kn-iw ip tlie flaiBflfll api eal ot |4itri..ti.' Bktt b th. Houth.-n. Matee, wbo would filadl) give their Bv8fl t. atop lhe ii.i.rrh of treiiaon in ibflflfl Mat.-a. How- aaeleaa ii ia to talk about romprouiu-e, ronceaaion, conciliM'i'in, ud- ji atmei.t, wh.u, il evervtbing w-aa encoded, th. mt.-g- ritl of the Uov. rnmitnt may Bfl hrohflB uj> by a uai- jniiiy flf a iiukIb lilate If we hold thia L'uiou aid ctl lbfl tii'ttH i. ie. nr.a lo ua, aud all tha 88888 wt: btth.' upoti, BR the w bim or will ..f a aiigle iSUte, theu, lnd.nd, it i. the wcak- irit gOVel-BOBt ' ver deviAil by flttR. lf a aini:lt Btate may deatroy our nariouality, then, indeed, ie tle wiarJomof onr iathere the wirdom of balaea. We eaa no lonjicr talk abont the weakneaa flf Mie Old f'onlYdi raiy, or the anarchy ol Mexico. Sir, we owe i aa the noat »acr< d of dnti.'a to Btt flRwR U .>' hereay. It it n. w t-.itifier hflflB l.v a.cli..iiiil Hr.i.iiO*itlt-e--if it .lat p Ir.iui (ttln v rebellioii to civil nnd aea-tional war. atill it muat and will b* met with iatflfltttoad " iataine. L'|on thia I am glnd to aay, the ias..plc ot Ohio are niiited il the uniii.imona v. ice t.i the ia»gialatnie «f Ibat-tRlaba tine indiiatioii. Agiun, I auy, wha' la tlie ueeof tor,eei*-ionaiidc4Jin| r.nni-i-, wlieli ii weyield. eviry thing you dtmand you CHnnot auy ua, " il w iil ttVBRJ fn.m diauti'in or'wur.' Ara we not io daiii'er nf 'luiirreiling about termK of MaflBBflba wfaflfl traitora nre ovirthrowii g thegovcriiinetit Rfl wieh tojireaerve T Are wc nol div luini' (.uraelvea for thflb henebt I VVliat will -uti fv Srintli Ciirnlinri, aad Florida, and Mia--- ai| ji, and' Aluhumn ? '1*1 .oy wi_it diaunion and not| riiiiiae or conciliation. Tlie iJemocratic party would not agrt-e lo their terma aidthi) Bflflflflad fiom lhe Charli.tou aud Baltirriore Ci.uvenliona. Ie it likely that we will yiflld what our NoriLern I)emocratic frienda could not yield J We oo thia aid* of the Houae mu;lil pr.i|erlv Fay thut we. hava done nothing to impnir any eoiiBtitutioual right, and we pron aie to fl© BOtbtof to ii.fmge v.ji.ra. Wo hav. aticcioded iu a ci iiatiiuth i ul way .i .lectinga "rVflBdaat flf thfl l'nited Stater. All llmt we u-k that hc may inaugura.ed iu | eace, iu.d may dcvelop hia p«licv iu ihfl uaual man- ner. We ean add that thia ia the "deuittiid of all oar itople, uot onl) oi Ibflflfl WBO voted for Mr. Li.iooln, f.ut Of <verv h.vul .iti/cn. You tell u. that your peo- I le nre excfied nnd nlumied^ and that thi y aporeheud that an overvvhilining Atiti-Slav.-ry el. uir-nt ia abont io le imiuuuratcd in jwiwer that w iil dinctly or iudi- Hitly ttflcct lba coi.Bti.iitioiial .ighia, of your Stale*. rerhaja you will 8.flBflfl what vou know to he true thut for jroli i-ttl paroeaai in lhe atn.ggle, ininipaua far tlm kecendaii.y flf hoth nar,'4"' in the S.tiiili, Imve uniied Ifl fiie tl.e Sotiihern mind aguiual th. haled Blnck Repiibllcana of the North. Speechea have h.-i ii dittort.-d. ISin^lt- flBBBlfllBBflfl bav.- b.-'-li torn fr.ii. the ronti-xt und made l>. deceive and miale id. CarrirMii, IN ei dcll PhitBpo, Seward, Uflflabx, and lut- i< ily Douglaa lnivi: hieu mixed in a huU-d eaaaJoMBiB lb n, aud iuhA to excite your people. A philu*"phic 01 ii.ion of Mr. Keward haa been conatrued iuto a i-tiiie- ment of a setfb'd purja*e to overthmw Slavery in the Stutea, though in tbe very naragiaph itaa ll all idea of iMeri. rene by the people 01 tbe I'r.-e Siut.-e ia i-x- piearly t-xcluded. lt U bnt - year aince you infliuned yonr.i nafituentBbetoo'i* *-M of your fcllow BflB-MM racttti mendid wi'.hont readh g, a oook wniton bv one of yonr own citi/cn-. eonuuning ©buoxiou- oMBooa ahout iSlKvery. Nearly all of you guve birth, eUt-ibty ardvictorvto the K.pobli' an party by adopting the p.licy you now ri'in in . ondemning. Some of yoa biokedown Uie politicul orguiiBiition that ooul.l ...ii Ue with ua, and thua guve ua un tmj tfcimy. Tm ill coiitribnted mon* or le#a 111 perverting the pullic uinduatoo r Bflia. iple-ui.d p«. poa Bj but.even Ue hiipliaoi of uim preeeniation through wtncb tliw an party ha* thua far tidvaneed duea not ex- aaabB dcuig all in our power to pruduce BB-* iliation, hurnmnv, pt-uce, ouiet iuid u fuir and houea' i.nitiatmtiit ol all the (lifficuluea that aurround ua. Let na B e wl aB BB aiand. Uluverv if either the cuuae or ie made the prctext for ull onr citHcultie*. The Slavery ol Iba Atri.i.n N ce ia re- ogui/td io lift *eu of tbe South- .rnStuiea. lt fc probibiteo in eighteen Northei_BBMB. 4 iitijrnaa ia tl.e rapBBBBMttB of the people ol ull tle-*. S'utea. All partiea utlirm thut Qaaj-BB haa no power to aboliah KLivery in any of the litteen KtatcB, nor to eatubliati it iu either of ihe ni.-bt.eti Stutea, and tbat it hua tio right to interfere with that aubject diree'.ly "r iudire.llT iu riiLci Bf the SUtea. So _M WP -re agr.ed. At un earlv dav ot tbia ae-aion, I wua aarB.BB ut the re.|iiert of'u f. flow inemher from a Soiiihern Stute thut we abotild |ti.IM hb un BBBBB.BM to the Conatitiiiiou tlat rnagiaaaabaB DaPBJMB-W vviib Sluvery in the Statea. Whvl Wlo chii.i.H Bticb power. ludenial ir in tle | latform of .very poUti. al purty, and in nooe ¦OB tlaavr* atated thuu in tbe Cl.lcago pl.itfonia. Fivi-rv ptBB.aart palhlttaa ttaaaalpi it ua un uiiom ot* I BBBBB Pnlbbp hM I BB told there wua aueh uu up|-n hension in ihe Souttarn mind, to remove whkh vvoul.l li-itil to rapaar._liOB. ln other vvonla, aCoa- 'tituiioi al ia wauted .> eoaviBB lha Boatb ibB wl at hii. I.e.-n uo otten Btatcd to th<ir people, wa* i ot trtily atated. Very well. I/et the Conatitition t.e BBBBBBB. i'eclure in your own bBB-BBB. in the il. i.ic-i, that .... I. Stute ahttll tuik-- Vi¦.. il.uiige t" n.odity ile don.eati. iaatituti-ns in ita owtt w_V. A* a n.utter of oonveiiienoe, I pr. fer aueh an an iBBBIWt, aa it will MfM ua forever, I ti-u-' Biirweting tl e olt-repeatid u-aertiou tbut Wi iti'end I¦. intetfeie wiih Slavery in th* Statea. In coiniectioti aith tl i-Bobject, I cun cordiully upprove the lourtl. pro| o*h.., atated by Mr. Seward. lt ia .<- futtoBBI " I h. l.i nn.- If reudy now, aa alwiiva tarc'of >re, to vote l"i uv properlt'-giiurdcd law*B; W.tth aball be Hien ed aapaaaan MjpaawBt ¦bubI.wbttBPof st_u-h hv __IM a ol .-t'l.e. Siatea. und tlioee wno ahttll BB 8.d BBB IbflBa" BBBBB*iy,ttl onr liia'ory Wl l.ave I.ikI but tvc.i a.ich itivu-iotia, l.o'h eahuBBBa B tbo»e wlo aet ti .-n, on loot. The one wa* th* armed ii vi.n uf KiimnB by 4-iizeiia ol' Mia. .uri, tbe Btl er WB tl a BBBI im. v and armed foruy of John llrownonih* -< il uf Vir^iiii_ Tta-e exainplea are uot likily loeneourape riiiilur ii!teiii|Ha, luit wheuever ear, thev ahould ta ptpaaata nnd BtBatj paB* fchod. Ob paepla ia tbp North BPBthp rigM taax- preae tlu ii j ii.iona about Siavery, to wri.e, B a-a-uit Uuai, aad Ia pinah Ibaaa pYaaapB a? pattab, waa. dou. f tbe -aaaa, and fni'dom af B* i tta BB BBBBB* il to tle pr.iervuti. n tt -. ¦¦ Pb.BWB iuai itulione, aud rtu v never run le ai.d n.-ver will be eurrendered lla'ir.. nvi.ti'ne ilui' sluv.-iv Ifl u aocial, murul, und litV al ev il are fi.ved inui BBBBBBbtt. They are B )W ahurnl bv tb. flTBat body af the .ivili/cd world. Tnv iite'i.oi likilv to ta weukened by time or PBBB ui il'a'..(-Iv tbev vv'ill not ln- w-uketied M threut of dia- ut. 04 'I *J Inve a right M '-1 cir opltiiona; yui hnve a ij.httoyo r* Yoa cun wrv* them, a|*-ik in-m a*ni | reai-h lhaB. TliP Fioi fc.ntp tt Oaa will ia dae tine aad tt u own vt iy di U-rn ii.e tbia .liil. n-n.e M opinioD. cpiiiuna __'v fnm ly ht lef; to '.eat tlu-ir btaforatta 6r*at Arbitrator. WpfO aBPB I'lirller. we invite iti our tni al you can dia ima vutir |.i ubur OpibBOM atidvi.-vta in BBT townorriiv in tba Northern MMflP, It Praahl ke t ir tatter for vo B inviie a ain.ihti _-PtB.BBtt ""r. itn en*, r.ither than ,, ifawijparwppb.paa bv mtk »_ahn.e,.ind an .a c v i.t < U_aB und '.ufuui.d*d BpB am'i../ BU ? bivir liv ii i-repreaeiitu'.iui.*. I*PB rij<lit B recapt'in- fu_itiv.'»lBVia under ita -orda " r-ona hel 1 to -»«r- viie ia i.ot diaputed by BBB BBB BBMBbIflaBBBB ot l.iroia. livi-.ii.-, it la baldBta a rigbt ti be eti- rorctrd whollj bt Stute utitl.onty, but it ia eettled by u ae-rre of BB i.i'oue, both m t ie P'eder.l and St.te (. i.uii*, hut it muvraa 1 nfon*d by OaaiJ.BBBBBB en- ailliaSIi't. Wa_MBttba MtP preaent law BBBB tllilt aiil. ii t ir mijurt ai.d un< iunul iu *oiii. of r- provieii ii- und that it uiuy ta .i*>d to kiduuti freem.n panaBili a* larpptnrp rogitir* ilpaaa,aad iba it* pru liiileiieit fctaeaatta ia.aaaaca. It ought to ta, and vtill ta, uiodited. ai.d tta lawa of tbe .Stalea tu I i. v. i.t al-'iaa. under it will then Ull ur ta pnunpllv n-jialid. Ueeently a couiplaint t.aa b.*A-n made ihut i.ifcitivei froB ju.tiie have not been aurrend.r*d, and tJ ia (.rowa out of the BMMUaatlBB i/,i'-en lo ti.e rl-ure ol iba l OPMblllBWl pr" i i g .P euch aur- r. .ler, or to thoa.* wordfl, " treuauit, fibuiv. or ilht-i uiii.ei, thut they all pr i'..i aaTtBiaa by 8ute ttworoal) a-iaaraaaa.iad l,\ aBBBB law. 'Ita- QplBBBfl of Keulinkv and liii.i, liuve thoee word* lo crima.Bti.imm.iii UtVA tait le- duii'.I Ila.) W.ail.l follow a b-gi-bttivi- .-.ill . irLCti-.n wlen uiveti. L.I ue il*. Lin* Uutt tta aurreu- il.i al.all I.. ti ade for all otien-e* toiiiiiuit«d iu |--: *..n at a Siate. um! -/uard aguina' o-m-lruetiv. crimea or a loiaatru. li e | i.iwn. e. i,iw Al . .BBBB- AduitniatrutioD u fair t.-iij und t ill I* Baad |i-t loa ard all HBflBBB. Ile HBfOB I aa_B.IBBiionol tba KugitiT.- hlave law wni.h wa. i. va ui.|i.*i aad Aller furtb.r reiuai ka lie auid ii .- i. iiiit. i_l u*. tl.e oi.l) i*-J hu.b_.iu of diaiurbuu.*. SI..vrrv rm.i.ii, by any nile ol luw, ealand nurth of .i. ItO. Ti.e c. nleel taiweau Kreadom und Slavery aa, liitial.t n. Kaneaa twu yrara ..go. A.liiilf a< New-lllp_in. B Su ea. Ile gav r.a-oiia wliy ta ii.iilo not vote for Mr. (iii'-ti-rua Cowprou.iae. lu iu. i luatot., ta ral.l, *:ive tbe llapublii au Adii.uit.tra- it«i a I. ir ci aii.e. I' lt ahi-tiUI not du .igl.t tlu.-nul- Ii< . ol lha Noilh w .ll * aid by vou. lli l I. -iWpt'hll p.B.J aaaaMad |*ermiarioB to Biuke a li va reinutka ev, laiiaUi. v und iu viiidi.aliui <i! il. loui.t pf AoBtb ( aroliiia, which, be inaintiiiued, u. I. il iii pii t-d Ii ub. hh«. aoald buve luk.ii the lorla, ui d bail la.t. like tl e 1'i.kidi-iil. vhllaad ber pllgh ed lui.i . lb li- '. ina*. «« tbey did, tbut it wa. tne par- paaa afl tha OatariiBMiut i<> counnenc* boetilo uwaa .mr tl *' Si.u'.h, tiie QBfBBB "fti'oivi.. or- ila ai uure gf the foil* al tl.e BOattI of tbe Su- Kivi r aa a peac.' ti.-aaure. If (iinrgi.i d.-aa i t r«-< .-ui -I ». vt .11 r.liiiti ll.eui. The rtnulb uaka lo ii.iiiii- lu r ai.veitigi.ty, i.nd to purt iu pem-t). Wu a ill, br, die ol OB n-rjhta, which, we 1 ii.., »e oagM to M 1111.1. iS. Au.., (ia.). noticliia tl.e rnmarkit uf Ur, bbaiau u, _ipaaaaad tbe b< iaf ihai tbe s-iutii iaup- io. 11 aitb raaaaa, ai.d eurtieaiiy afpaabd for ci i.i il.uti< u. Lat tba (<o|U- bavi IbB t.. ai^-ak. Ba va. aid awaif tb* ie ult a_tb bmttbaaw ._.<( bapa. If Qcotpia ipaolvBd lo _hpAb. flba* waa.IAp b ppwawa. ln K ll. oi.ii r l>. uive lin .. lu Aiive the gntiit-tiu. tm e ot ('i..v. rtiii (lil. lli aial ed ii b-> ne iu nund thut he la h-Bgl d uo'. lo the laa. of men who would diauieui- b*r tta _u_.ataracj. tla waaJdaaaa luk.- u ajttaa ve.-4-i und anab it o pie. a lo waha it ¦ bptia one. a* lo alicii.| l to muke u 1. tter (iove.tiui. ut by ciualung II i preient inio uUiii.i-.. If (leorgia abull pppeaad tti tLi i *tien.ilv oftec.-n.on, he would aak her for her own ai ke to buvi ita iii-iiliiit'-a, uf'cr thu uct ttAaBB, Ip ItfBB B lOiaaMlBtlilin nf tba Qa.-BBBB, und to atund .nl ai* un fc.Bd ll ne. There would he dignity. il not tiifety, in aiitii u at.p. Mr. 1>A\\ I-.S ikep., .Maa*. )- Will you take tha pbtl- foini of tl.e CoBltitUilo._ t'lii. n purty, whi.h _MPBIB f. r tl.e l ttfc.i Cooj.ilulioo, tuid tbe enforoeuieut of ll.e hiws? Mr. I1II.I--I tindcratot.d thut platfonu well. I waa ont ot tl.e CoiLiuitlee lo fn me it. il r. IiAW'hfi- 1 auppurcjou will hold youraalfto itt Mr. HILL l>o yuB n-Bpect thut platfuin I Mr. DAWKf.1 reapect, r*gur'l, und upbold every ol.litfiiii. u ot the Conaiitution, und every luw paaaed tu.dcr it. Mi. HILL.-1 am glud to hear yon aay Bp, I ho|*e you aill ut'Diiui-tei u .evere rebuke to the new Uov- i n.or ot _BBtbaratB for uot concuning in your viiwr. [I_nghter.| Mr. IiAWKS- No State ia mor. true to the C'onati n.tion und Uni.'U than thut. What Governor I Mr. 1111_I_. I aay the ontgoing Governoi-, Bunka, ia u better oha'-rvcr of the Conaiitution tluui ttBBB. ..aaor. It. loiuluaion he appeuhtd to gentlemen to ii.kc Mr. Critieudeu'a compromiee ua u bu.iB of noiiUs- i.u-tit. Ha 1 ad liatmed aith plaaBB B Mi. Seward'a ajieeib, tacaiue il wua u motliGcution ol bia foruier u| I.ct every u un go work und cxtingtiiah tbe I'i.ii e now l-i.ging iu tbe country. Mr. IIAlif"KMA- (8. Am. Ga.) would tuke the li ion coi.aiitutioiiul j*rty plu'.form a. it ia. A VOIC'E to Mr Dawaa. Do you agree to that f Mr. 1>A WES.I agree to every purt of it. 1 wunl IH) betlti platfoim. Mr. HAKDK.MAN aaid ttat pl.t'form rPPeBWBBBB de< irioii of the Snpreoie Conrt, und thut tne South bave lh.* tight to curry their alave* into tb* co.uuiou Tei.iluii.B Aa one ot" tbe dinel.arged aoldter* he wu. williiig to take the TtaII aiul Fverett pldtfvrm u- a ai b of a. ttleuii nt of the .iitfi.ulty Aftirfiirlherpnaeediiiga, Mr. I»l"RNF.TT (I)em., Ky.) otli red un ameudmeut lhat no forcee authorued tt the bill rball be uai d to Biibjert anv t-.eding Stat-*. Ht waalpd tbe country to uiidorBtaii'J whether it waa ii.ii i di d tn make war on them or uot. Mi. STANTOX (Bap.; <lhi") auid tbere could be no wui i.nlira (be aggre.ion com. a lrom the aeceding iMtPPa .Mi. Bnmett'i amendnient waa r*je:ted. Tl.e ( ci. luitiee rote uud reported tbe bill to tta Hoiim Adjot i_e<*a B Tititlir of Si*r \ li-i'ia. S-.i ai i- Hahhok, Fritluy, J.ui. 18, |M. 'I'. Froutier Gtiaida, C*pl. E. M. Camp, of t_tctatt* Hutbor, laat evcuiug volunt.ered their aervice* to Gov. Morgun. NEW-YORK LKOISLATUREt S1_aTATE....Albirv, Jaa. IS, 18(31. BIM-8 IflTHODUt'CD. * By Mr. "FRERO.Ta provide arma and equipments for the Vi ili ia of the State. Iiy Mr KPINOIaA.8ibmi.tiBRflflttafal HMBflBBaB for BBkBBOu.g the Coua'.i'.utiou of tb* I'uitel Baflflfl tfl Ih* people. Hy requeflt of Mr. SPINOLA, it wae Lid on tho table. lhe bill provide* for u apecial eledion for the pur- pote of taking a vote npon certiiin pTOfkodtiona for i.nenilii.g tl.e CuiiatMition of tlie Uailfld Statea, k.i.'Wn aa tbe Crittenden iimendBieiita. Alr. SI'INOLA iatroda ed a bfll for the more per- f-ct organizution .-f the n.ilitiiry force* of the State. It 1.1 ov idea that lhe (lovenior ofthe State ahall he Mihiict to tbfl bwaaf the rni'.ei Btattt; divi.h n nitaiy into na many dllhlllBfl. hri^'ade*, 'rflfljaBattfl, ur.d compaiiica, an in hi- opinimi the good of tlie MrvBa niav reqnire. Br. f Il.I'O'S l.ill providea for a apecial iipproprm- ti<.n of f'"i4Mi,(KH> for proci ring armtt md e^uipment* for the n ilitia of tlie*, tbe money to bfl expeiided und* r diieetion of the Oovernor. Tle bill for icirgui.izing tl.e flnanc© depurtmenf »f Ibe N'.w-Y..rk City ('ovcrnmei.t cntne upfor i'a BBd n ading. ai ei alcng dctate, on motion of Mr RAMSEl tbe l iil waa recomu.ittid to the Coinniittee of the ViTiole, ._d mude tt* ai-ecial order for Tuenday. Adjoun.ed Ifl* Moiday. I ASSKMHLY. In the Aaai mb'y, the Commiitee on Federal Reln- lion*, thaaajh theii- Clwinuan, Mr. Uobkiaon, reported thi. mnn ing. Mr. KhRNAN flf I'tfou e.xpl.iined tbat while he ap- provedaf anebof .be rejroi i, and w illiuidy actepted lb©«d couipromi-e, it" flflfflptBhb to the South, vt he derired lo aay thaf he dirauprovvil audcon- .!imi,.d the war ai int prevuleut a> the Nmth. Mr, WATERBUBY oilered lhe following: H Arrr,;., It ia i.-urreiit!y reported thaf an agant from South f aialini il now |_ lha City of Troy, in thit State, for foi aiid 8ti'e ol S'.utb < *e« lii- unw ln a 8'ate of rebel- 11. ii agtiti.t tha (joven,meiit of the l'nited <*t«te«. md lha: eer- tuiii .-l'lrenii of taid ( Itr of Troy, *re Ireaionably engared i- iil.riiir. .f' canu >n tohe j.ed againat tha (iuveru- n i,t .,' ihr I'lii-pri Hia'a.; lharefare Urolrid. bat tbe ( omiiiittea OL I'ubllc Defenaabe r.-.iuaated to . .i-ertnin tha ln-ti ln ralatlcni to ..d rerjert, aud to commuui cata tbeui to tfap Home. Mr. ( < .ZZI'.NS BBOved to lay the reaolution on the tlil le. foiet bv .2 to 791 Vlr. KFRN'\N dflfir. d to d<-ba"> the oneation. and thfl raa Ititi.iii wiih Uid over, tbfl Sp.-aK.-r de.idif.g Bgatoai a (oinf of rd«-r rui-ed hy Mr. Beuedi.-t, thut it wi.p a t.i ivil. ged i|ii.;e:tiiin. Mr. V A'l KRBIIlY introdncerl a bill to empower tbe Boarda of Burervi-ora ot the aeveral couutiea t<> pi.iv ide for av ing w i'.ne+e**. in criminal capep tlie *aiue bflfl aa in iv il oieea. Mr. KEIfKY Introductd a bill t<> amend the act for fuiilitii.itig.he formaiioii of agrh ul'iinil aocieti.-e. Mr KERNAN atfoducedabUlaatbof-dngrellgiouB BBd I.aritalle noci' -tiea to leaae, aell, and couvey real eetate. Mi. B -.88 introdu.ed a bill Hmendatory of the aet f.n the iittvu eart «f mt.-re.-t on dra'tm. Mi. Ali'. I'L.vl'HS totrodaaad « b.ltoehaage tha b| ihe Barhtt Oflartef New-York t.. lha City C'onrt. Br. FARNl'M Btrodaord afoll to mearpotRRi the Sprini.-etr.-et Bailroad, b New-York Mr WEBbTEB BtOYfld to lay tbe bill on the table. Carned. . Br.DABCT introdnced a reaolution f*a__ag OB tbfl VI. tn j. liian l'olit Ci.nmieai'jiicrA. for a report ui to, lorleited pay, dtc. Mi. r-HAVV ii "ved to lay it on lbfl Iflbfe. Ciirried. Mi. I-' 'Nn. 'v'.d 'o inaL. lhe r.tH.rt ofthfl . a B.itfee ..!. Ked. ,1 I'eto-BBfl lbfl at-ecia' order for Wediiii'lay. L-id ou tbe table. Adjourued. Tt. in Our Oflffl Correapond*iit. Ai.utvv,, Jan. Is, IB L rr.htu . i ki v ...n.-.. Ab I inf.-rm. d T.ik Tkihi vv laat night by .elegraph va.n ll be lhe .nre. lhe Aaea-mhlv f ouiUiittee on Fetie al lUtoUoaa, thronjih ita ChflilflBBB. Br Rohinaoii. thia u on ii n, r. [oruu for lbfl couaiderati oa "f thfl H.-.iae, the rt-pi lu'i'itp -liyi.llv whh. werein'r..- ilu. ed I.y the liraf week ofthe teaeiou. The li.. p. tl le aa tollowr: The report reta lorth tbe evile ttt pr. eent at'i'n'ing tlanuiiiiv; d> <l«r«e tbat b B aaefc88 to ii.'i'iir.- who ia BfflBaaflBBflB for lba) exi*ling tr-ubh-e, dflCtflfM tnat Siw-.ork. while fmily ptaud-ng iti auppnr' flf the l ilioa Bad the lawa *8th by BMMal and material aid, will latflgaBa 'l.e iiit|a.rt_n.>. flf 8a_RJ al! B ila P va. .... oiiciliHie ihe ui--ati«he<l Statea. Tbe b Uowing iflflflhltBaa are offo'-ed: j\......o', Uiat if tbe Beaata w* arjth* BM**f Naw York bt. wnn. >.il with daau r.-|'et and aa-rje.t rapmbati-n. the .tt'B.itof .oa.e .' tl.e r)A»atit..dui(r Hi.-ea lo orerthrow t...- >,.ti, i .1 lnitrtuiient aad t.w. aid to d.lAi.e ibe l'nion, whi.-h ka> run ei.ail Uia*uni.r>la a.ieuU uput. ail aectlcn. tiiat .1). il. ..p- tb* MgLt *f BBJ Stat '.eabaolve iti eil.-glaii. ¦. frma tbe i. d. 'tl '"T, 'Lu,.-rt "aml al >ha ia .1. i nf forth tll her B**~B a. a leeouier. lo maiaula tbat Uovemaieat, aud aid ln lhe . :otcaix. ut af tbe lawi. /,.,.<<*, Tbtt lif UM Henate conruri tke State of New York il ,|. .) t lAAold clrli war by erery mr.j. a i'l. k.nnnr ai.d to n.eet her .iater Stal.-a in'a ,?ou.lll*torr apirit ti i..iil.i-11 dilli:>. i.rei eo aa tv a-iioebly r<in <a a ju.- ,'..:.'. .1 -,l.|.i.i.iI, ai.d by niutual co.icea.iou. to realo r ai d liarii.. c> .-. lhe I'..., n. Then f< lli-w tb* ri'aolutt'.iia ori^inallv introduc*.! by Mr. Bi 1 iiin-ii, for tb* adi iImIob of idl territory, after Kiii.-hp rhall l, c me uiio the l'nion, aa two Sfitefl, with aaefa Coi dkatioaa, lapabHifaa _ hral th* ii I.l I'.anta Bhall mlopt, with the a_BwhBJ B BflRaa.H tt ibflM naatotbaai R.n|.|*| .I.. ni .obiiiiaaiiu witb propar reatrlctiont, or 'u dlaida the tamtery a/l-r tl.e manner af tha Mlaaooil t'n__- r, a i.e pi(M*p* ui.l nut .aid r-enaiura and KapreatnUtivee . a. bave ia.urai.ip. Mtiala tor. t't tnen. '.hat ... 1. flbpMkieB cf ita te'tlorlai aaIH ba .-ner.llf ta and rea.ore peaoe tll. ratoty to th,- afltlao II e ri| >.rt waa Um ou tbe ...-le. Mi-etra Hitdaall lll.d PBflBfl de litie.l t-i ttnit* in the report, artd ihe former K*ve iio.iot- lha. be would at a ftiiure ilay, pre»a-nt a ii.inority report. Tuia rejjort will pinl Bfl pr.p.iiied uext Mi.n.lay or 'I ueeday. At. attempt to ni.iki- the report a apt iu.1 order for Weitnirdav nex. failed. t M VMll-itll.V (. | 11 i \ r Mr. l-'ullrrton of t .rau»{v prteenl.-d lhe following .*aol..ti"ii, whi-b atrikea me aa a very aenrible umd* ot re'.tl.tig the great ipieetion. alwaya that tb* other partiea to tbe rotitrai t will m cept the term* p opoeed: H Jippfiii, Thr cwaen of il*re property it. the iarar*l border rt.'et oi ( ai. i. juatiy i-on.plaiu of their fre.iu.iit of tacb p*a*A*Itj by lt. rica| a, and tba ditfiaultiea and ei|M)uae of ii a ;noA. ra. npet iillr oe aeenunl of lha prograa. o! frea prinil 11.. li, ibe .ni r-'.'utefio.illiig Matea. aml ii.aaniu.-b aa we re i-id the rigiita of property uiidar tha axiiliug Awt of aay State an ¦. a. aud, Wltrr,! The artlon of tha eonaeiratlT.- portion of tha 1. ..!. < f tboae St.let ln eudearoriog to maiiitalu tlie integrl!, al II. I i||M aiain.t UM pf***BM uf fanau.-liin ai.d RflflMfl I* ( ntii i> Slalea n.eeta nur be.rtr app.,-aai aud U eutltied t* guLl) by In.f . .'ia tt «jui| a'l v nd pncuragan.eri. aiid, II httr,., Ib.aba. long beeu a di.lutbn.g ela.neut lu our r.-la (lOii.eiih tbe Snuib. aud ia.iy witb that portion ofthe hi mL a Ing tlong llte border. uf tba Kr.-e Hlate.. I.erefnre Utevl'red tll tha S, n.l. eoi.cui) That our Seuatirtand Repra ei.t.liv. ¦ ll. t'ung.eaa be reui.aatad to urge tbe adoptiou ol auch ii.aa.uira nn tha part of ti.a (i.nar.! Ooveriimaut o' th.- l'nited H'« .-. a. .hall priailrtllv oflt-r the people of .i.i-h of* the border 8 >va Slate. ai wlil acorpl the prupciltiou IBflfl indurement. ai tl.,.|| I.e t ,ll i.-i t lt. r.-ii.uneiale ihe owuen of tlava pro|verty » itoflfl hlatet for tke gradaal emaBclpallou ol their t am, and Ib* xlinc'ioB of Slavery tberrin forever, under au, b rpgulalloni aa tha be Mtlifaetory te ibetn- I. Iv... prorldrd the proi-ett ihall uot be re.ii.ired l. extend orer a |,eii. i oi iiuitp that. forty yean "knd alio tbat the Oeuaral (ior eruuirnl taka tuch tt-pa aud B-ake iueu a|.nropriation aa a_ell be iii'i-att.ry tn >and turl. ll are .et free (o Ltberta, or llayii aad f. r their i-nlniitxetiou ihere provided lliuee Hlate. or any bf tbem h.ll de.ira it lietolttd That tht ae leaolutlont. with tbe rote of thit Legit- la mr thereon b«- lorti.with tian.ur.'t.-d hy the Oorernniei.t of tliii Hlate to our Senatcra a»d l(epre.eutett-ee ln Coogreai. ARBiaKi THAITOR8. Mr. 1'ii-r. e preeeut*d an important bill to the Aaeero- bly to-d*y, vt bicb providea aa lollowa: Hbctikb 1 Any peraon or peraona wbo ihall aell, or flJBBfl to aell. or n. any way ur n.auBer m-.otiate the aale. trauafer or da- Itrrry of ai.y iblp or vrieel. nr any arnia or niu.dtion.of war, or uay article niuilly kuowa aa c.trahaud of war, to any State, (iove i u.eiit. aa.ocl.ilou or body puli'.ie or eerporate wbicb hat or ahall have *>ca-drd fiom the autborl-.y or juriadiction >f ;be I ited ot Ameiii-a. aml be bi rabellion or hoatility, or to auy rniiiMry, agenl ofiicer or aerraut tbereof. ihall beadju.lged Jl) uf felony, aud apc* couvictlon tbereof abail bepuuUaed t.| rlt. tin.eiit ln th.- Blite Frlion uot lat. than two nor morc Ihai. le* yee'i, aid ihall forerer thareaflei ba deprrved of ali the riabtB, liini. ,.a..aj,il -.n. m..nitl«-a of acltlzau of tlm State. BIC. 1. Auy peraon or penoi.a who loan aay moner, ciadil. or aaluable thtug to any Btate Ooverument. corporation, ci a....aiatlou which ahall hareieaeded orthall bara paaaad. pru- Biulg atrd or acied under any act,, or danlaratlnn ef ee- c.'t.i.iii friiiu ibe Ui ited Olataaif Auieri.-a. ortball be Ul rabellion oi hcttililyto the autbortly ofthe tald l'nited Statea aud -very pei-i¦ or pei.rBi whoaiiaUdireetly orbidirectly buy hivr hold, M riaalt*, »' hargaiu >.r nego'i.ta tha punlia«i. pltAdge. bypothe- ra>luii or rei-eplbu of any bond, bill, note. *r evidenee of debt, i.-ued oi uurporting lo be .iu«d by any auch State (Joreiament, corporatiuu or aaaociaiion after lucb aeeeiil. n. or ihall hare Ib bi. any auch bond, bill note. or evidenr* of debt aball mi rrurletlon therrnf, be tdjudged guilty of felony, aud be I imlahed hy imrrlionment ln tb* Mtate Pr.oa not leta than two ..oi muie thtn Im yeeri, and anr ofllaer or agant nf any corpo- r.ti< u laking ir huliiing tbe uaie ba ita behaix thaii be B.BBflfl piluaiptl 'her. n In the firit degree. ¦BC. 3. l'rnvidea fer pnuiihnient by fire to ten yetn imprlaon- Bieut and lo,i uf ri'i/eu.blp foi any wh* ahall eugage, euliat, hire or pjticuie, or who th.ill, eiitlce or propeM to aay other p- ia. i. to (Ugage eull-t, hire or proenre to aay otber, Or ei.figc rr.llf r hire biniielf or tliau.elvi'i, to a*l~r ln aay » '¦. .111 g "i rebclllng Stite, or in anv Suie which ihall deiign to Bat io rebellloB gi bottiiuy tbe l uited Statei. r'ncli I. l.ill aa thia oughl io be paaaed at once, aa con triK t* bave alnady heen entered in.o by citiBena of New-York to luriiah the enemy with munitiona of war, and nego' are in progrea* with other citi- RBBfl lor rm ih. objectA lf tbe a. iiiimeut of patriotinm will not deter flBttBBfl of New-York from "affonliug aid andemfort to tbe enemy. it reema iiuit© jiroper to invoke the atrong arro of toe law. MVV-TOltK (-H4MBBKLIIV. The S'enate bill *.o give the Coutroller tbe apjvoint- ment of the N. Y. City Cbitmberluin, wa* again P"ii. ti to-day til! next rueeday, with ihe undm*;_tding Ihut it will be put, < a itt flnal reuduig at iii o'd ,cb ot ttat day. CAPITAL I r.'-l:-ll Ml.M. The .ludiriury Committee WiU rot ort :t bill tn or m> mcdify the legialution of laat Wi'itver iu regard to ( apital l'ui._hment tbat ibe St*te can apnin «nga-*e io tiie hn.-innAB of baitghrg .eoi.b- " by tbe neek trntil ttay BB-ileiid;" but it ih thought thit tbey will retaiu the fi'Uttire whiih makea two degreea of murtler. THK iVlov, The HpeaVer preaented u memorial from tta Mayor, Aldcnten, and Commmialty of fhe itty of N.w-York, urkiiu/ be Legialatnre to provide for the oaittng of a Stute Convenlkui, "to taa* into conaidei-ution thp pn:-?it (-tate of the Cnion, und adopt snch me_*_re* aa the intereatB and duty of tho people of tbi- btate may requii* to he done." n tTBB mi -BB PBB.taa, Mr. Sherwood .__. nofice of a bill to r'grtlafe thp* ferriea taiweea New-York und 8taten ialaud. WATER UAS AT ALROKA. Wi'l. BBM ta-rprfaa we have henrd from n cifi/en of Aarara, ladtta__, that ibi* ttay, tw.ntv-hve mile* from ( in. ini.a'i, ha. for t'.e laat two weeka been ill.imi.tted witb uiif, und thia th. " Sandi:r»' Water Oaa.' tbe dincoveiy of a fonrler citizen of Crnrinnati. Aa no public notice haa before been made of thia enter- priae, and it ia importunt, not from th* fact that tbia ia tl e fiiai town li hled aithth* ao-called " Water flMa,' but from ita anctieita, prniijWng BBBBt a rpvaio- tion in gua mattera, we bave endaavored to gathai- tOBM det.ln on the auhje.-t, or at leaat iuter-ting gan- en.litiea. '1 he B-baB of the frienda of thi* ~ra to btrodooa R in the public gua workB of I'b._.< lphiu, and tta ra- -.i^tiiiue of tbe compatiiea ttare, whoee iiitercnt* ara i.leiiiitied wiih the c< .1 minoa, and tta nnal lighttng op of the Girard Houee wi -h aacoeaa, are fact* fauiihur to many mwaru* er re; dcra. Mr. Add H. SanderB, thp oani-r of tbe rigl.t in Itidianu rieriroua of trying the _ a in acme town, indttced Mr. Juliua Severln. ar. .t *.. ipruintf mechunic in Anrora, and toniewlii. tttt* tiiiuintcd wilh gaa work*, to inveatigate permnally ihia Biibiect, ai.d the reault *t«, laat Fail, hia deteraa- nutiou to ut orce commence the ervcfion of Water Gb worka in hia own town, tle right of tta connty being aold to I im ut a mere nomimil anm. An ea- terprwe, aud with but limited capital. Mr. Severin l ar tad manv difficnitiea to overco_e, but ia at hut acitenalul, uiid with tl.e proa-aaet of being litar-lrr re- warded for hi* eiiterprii.- Hia gaa worka, capabfc of aopplyiag tbe .ouaiiiiiption of Anrora for n__ny yeara to BM, have taen in Bteadv o|ieretion for two week*, pr- .Itt.e a pnre, brilliant, and almoet odorlea* gaa. 8. well i'1-aaed iire tbe (iti-ena, that nuuiv who had held ol, ftaring the flnul reault, are now navuig ftxttiree plu< ed in their houaee. At preaent, there are n.arly five hundred burnera, aupplied through (.ven tho__ad feet oi main pi)** in the .-treete. Tbia gua ia uot " pu- rifit-d," thua diBpeiiaing with u beavy expeisae und mocb labor. indi*TKDi_ble to the mHfiafaetnre of roal gaa, vet tta gua ia aaid to ta autienor to tbe ordinury BMl j_ue in biilliain-y. Purified, it would, of eourae, ta niuth brigbtei. It pive* u i.right and heauttful light when hnrnt juat aa it ..<_<e* from tta retorta, even be¬ fore pa*aing throngL tbp 'vtii-B." Tte woi ka ure -u.ihir to tbo*e for the ___ii.g of coal gaa, ex.enting for the prudu-tion ot gaa, with eimilarpipaa, fixlu*-**, _c. The Aur.i-i Work* mn- Utiu but tbree amall retort*. which ure chumed to ta tl.e full .-.juivalent of a tam-h of aix by ntne of the large cal MB retort*. ln udiiition, tbere ia a Btaain-* aia... over tbe retorte, a tat.k for th* t_rh)tiJ/- uig muteriui, aueh ua roain, owd* afl, or uther ruatertal curbon. Wuter-gaa worka oif»U___ leaa than roal gaa w-.rke of the auine capuhihuea, a* ae ar. inluin.ed, aud can ta imtnaged bv one-tl.ird the number of meu. In addition t<> theee fact., thecxpen- riient ut Anrora haa demonati..d, w* ur* it_oi*_ed, thut the water gaa can ta iu_ie macb ctaaper tbun oaalBBPi it ib almoet odorleea, the work* being no ofleuaeto tbeir immediate neigbborhooo; it doe* not etmdemtt so much a* cc*l gua; it doe* not leaveide- paa-Pflf unv kind la tbe pipee, by which they B ttair meieranav Le affect*!. Tbeae iaeta aire eertuinlv important enoogn to re, on.mei.d tbe " Sar.dera' Water Oaa" to the <:_r*ful ezamioatioD of all penx^na. compani.a, und comin-in- tiea intereated iu gaa. The additional fact, thut the Atirora Worka pBB-BB toamply reward their bnild.r, a ben th.-limited nnmtar ot i-otiauiii»-~ woold reuder lha -r. ctiun of i-oul-gae wuika tbere an enterprh* o<it to ta tbu.i|fbt af for a moment aa a paying aiieealat-n. ia anggeative ol the import.aee of tbia di*covery. We are inlorii.til tbat though e-tiniatee will aoon Be made of tbe coat of thia __a, day ulter day, BO thut tne poiut of ita economv will ta made more apparent. .Utb-ag'i M-. Si v.tiii ia »t 111 iigaged in improvitig hia worka, and ixjerinienting iti dmeivnt niaterhtla, we underatand vi-itor. are freelv adtnittad tci tta workr, und everv facility ottered tbem for tl.e e__-_un- ation of det.ile rilating to tta pnaeaaul m-iuofaewring w.iicrgue. < iiainiuiti Daily Coma.erciaL CoMJiissioNETt- "T Poi.ick...A B.-crot aeaaioo of tbia IloHid aaa beld ye_terday afiernoou at Ueadquar- t. ra, wl en a large number of appointtnente were naail* in BBBBBmity with the reaolntionB lately pa*.- by tta Ih-ard of 8ti|>erv*iaorB incre-aiDg tta foroe. Tta mea api»ii ted will be aubject'd to tbe m_.ipul_-i._tof tho eui«icul *taff to te*t their litnea* for police duty, aod if n. t | urued by ihe doctore are rejeoed by tta Comaiia- ai nera. ( up'. Curry of tbe Fifth Ward, who waa tried aornP time ag" on vurioua churge*. wa* diBiiuaBed from tta' de]'i.r!:i i tit. S. rkrt. Jeiemiab Petty of the Foiirtt- ntb Ward aaa promoted to the rauk of Captain, and aent to t! a Fil'th Waid. K-BMBBM Peel of tta Third Ward waa creuted u Sergeant und aent to the Foarteenth Wa.d. Seigeunt Weed of the Foorteenth Ward wb die- Bttaad ftoin the force on a charge of violuting tbo rulea aml regtihitionr, in engaging in other than polie* btiaiueea. Not long ago a mun named Wm. H. Ben- nett, furuMrly a r-1-enian. vakd*? cimpluint pg|ain-t Sergeunt Weed. charging him with being int*r**P*d ua k.. pmg a houae ef ill repn'a. lt appeart-d in eviaeuce tbat Hennt-tt applied to Weed .. indoiae u note in order tl at he iH.) might r_i*e the meanato open a boardintr huiifo. 8utae<]_ently Mr. Weed a-ertained Uutf B.»- uet had opeued uu aaeig-tttion hooae, and apon churg- ing tl e latter with it, he replied Umt ta r-onld not grt alone any other way. Il t'orther appeared lhat We*d aaaiated him in obtiiining furniture. Tbe emphtiint wua made by the mun ilennett, and oo the triil nuo-.<u* wifne.ea were brought forward to ahow hia vile cliar* acter. Weed wua howerer diamiaaed. Late yeaterday afteniot Ilennett waa arre*P_l «B charge ofperjnry before the CimmiaaionerB of Police, und locked up in pi iaon in default of $1,(1)0 bail. B " ¦ IblTIllf *v YaVPP M*fA¦'« ClBfBAt COBBITTIK*. .Thia Committee met at Xo. 018 Broadway fbr tha piirpoee of orgouuiug for tbe year, bot Ita objatt, wap not eflected, and the maeiing adjo'irnod until aext Thuraduy night. Frank W. 8tapp_rd waa called to tho chuir pio tem. Severul conusated aeata wore re- ferred to a committee to inveatigate, and report at the ne.xt convoeation. Tbree balloi* w*re had for a per- mauent ('Imirmiin, Kthan Alleo aad Jrra-ph H. W__er being the candidatea. The.: waa do choicp. nmrtkotm.Reported by Trlrprapk. HOBIIB. Jan 14, 1881..Co.O.A.*_*. to-day J,0i- balne, at llr. for Middlingiaalee of thre. dav*. t.HK tale*, r-c-lp- uf thre* dara I5,54ai bai.*. PflBI-MTa.Cotim) I* Lll_pll_,_d.. to Uari*. lk) BrBBLiaa ExtiaAN-a liKijalotj. Biobt Bi- Chamik on N.w York \'a\ p*r e.u t dinaunt. Kaitibomb, Jan 18. Fiora dull Howard BHl aad Ohlo, p.-t»'. Whbat dull: Red. * I art *l S3; Whita, PIBO- pl Coaaflnn; B hlte. B-Ot VeUow t-W-e. Pr..h-- loMiii-tlveaud buuyaut aalvi of Meae Pork ai PM Laaa ao- tive at i"-i- Curaaa M.dy at Ila .e. W'biibi at tBfc Piiii t..»i .hia. Jan 18 .Pi.ieii uiu-tangetl. tVBBATa---y; K.d pl a-i-trl 35: Wnite. -> 40.* 150. Conn *t***-i a.w t-_6->. Corrnu. Hio, II) -13.. Wauai ncady Laan. IOJiTllJc. MlBBot'Rl P.XI-UANOE. _ ..... Bt. I.otT". Jan. 18 _Si>ht Kxchaaa. on New-Vork a*.-i_*d 1 tp cent, aud ¦. quot-d at 4 kt o*ut for Mtaoari paper. i Bblii tlrai. Arpivkh..6te-*tmabip A«a (Br.!, I_Kt, Ii-i-pool 4tb ln.t vla Que.n*4own oth, _4*_ aad pa-. to -Canatd. Ha* am liOi.datibeB W Spit .,,._..., _. 8hip Kb.ra .".utha-d (of Rl liinoud. Ma ) Soutbard Oiaaaow B div. iiidee. to T. J. Bcatbard - Ca. Jan. 6. lat 34 M, Ie_.. »4 fO'aignalrd thip Hobeit Cuthmin nf rlaltimor* nrnwing by N' f*n 14. lat .'. Ion. 14. <pok* brlg Klml.-a. ef bm from Portland for ila-ara. The P. H Ba* had a .-..ntinuatioi-. of b**vy N W. aud 8. VV galM th. *ntlr* j-aa.age ijlit lalta kJ _br. Para (u*w) Caiboart. W tUiington. Del * daya, toar and com meal to C Fbxdb, Son k Co.; t.aai to Jam*. liakep k Co. Bchr. I> A. Be-T \ oorbh JackaOBTi'.lr I daya, yallow pln* U t F IMBiM I ri Shlp Noitb A_i*iica Harrl*, Li-t*pool Da*. 11, mdaa. W tVl'llin- k O.iloB ,*'chr CBtbarir.*Thet_ai.-. Viigiaial daya, flryBara Bchr. il L^, tarnr. Vlrgiui* 3 day., wood. 8rbr Bherwood, W ill__a, V ir«ii.i* 3 dayi,, OTBt-r*. Srhr. W. T. Bak*r. BuU. Virglaia, oy.t.r. for FairhaTr- BKLOW-Brig Preaenti-l-to (of Baltl-O-) Jaaae., Ortot Uaihor, **lt, Ulraky. W'lND-At .anaai, B. X ; Tery tMok, aad ralBlnp Thb Bbio Conucb-t, iirTT__e]y reported a-_r* mt_.t*? on Morich- Btath, wa* ye***rlBy, lTth, mU at mmmt tutarr f0Bt_T!_*B_, Jan. 11 -A ptlot ar-rad .y,*.'^H____Tn,|«-te Ml lifged .uppo_d BriU-., we_ttB*jf_ *_-a» u,n- I3tb luit.. ou Uaai.tb Manta*, near w olf ~»t_ .-_a-fw_ [By B-ap-fS to EUt ood WalBer, ma. ttt- immrtru.

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Page 1: SSTwri 'Ti-iV.^!,' · ^6EC0ND M-,.,,..SrW-^VttTfl WABHiaoTO*,Juri- V'., 1H61. ^^1y*".*^^totbflTvct-ived

^ 6EC0ND M-,.,,.. WABHiaoTO*, Juri- V'., 1H61.SrW-^VttTfl Tvct-ived frorn tbe Wai'

^^1y*".*^^totbfl Mili'a.y Cota-_____.f_ Hb* »o tb- r__ao* Oaaarittaa__*»-, and u.e oine._< j , tr0ln lhe NavyDe-

____££l 1Vraial eefHl'liahiaent. Keferred to

t_e(V.n-il»*r©o..N*iva)Atl..irP'ti .a* bilb 8JB1-* uuder tOBald-rflllpB.

WAI.F ore*-nt*d joint reaolutionBexprwaaingB> ?___*__ ( ,.*.,,_ bv aariaa-lfaiaBBSSTwri t.' lba Ctoaarfli .l.-vcrumen'.. Ord.*r*d

'Ti-iV.^tb, OeiiorHl AppcIIv of 01 10, i-aeaodJau. I- l*

BtMl Thp pe..Pl. - -t^ySTA-dtkle OovenmifBt i. UMBlUl to _M pe*' .'. r~9tt.h

larlrai; I-aapl- ____«*_.«rmlt tb* aec*"

r-l&^wSLf^rttt^ttlW A.-"-- ¦.

al tha Anierlrtn peoplIte-pBd ~

ea,... of

¦J^^Tk.°r«V of Ohioara oppo-d to u,«.ldli.g w.:h tl.e

B^araai ©Mra ." ,""S'"'"., t m ,,: good fkitb |11 tbeir ob

_j,,f:.^WiivVo»^*te;; t g&B. atttat- ... tn |n^£fc_fi-tiS___tu^^^SS».a*!_^.CfTgSS -*-.* SaTS P.^n-,he"a"''.'.' C. m'e-of 'iheia le-olu'lona aball be .'..riiWbed to th.

fc_X _i__S£MMd-IV*. of Mb BABM. if V MMJMBWr CH \NDI.ER .aid: I ttodre to pre-eut thf mr-

.Jrk'l trf Itob-rl VV Davie, Collaetflrol th<\ I*"'"' of

I» i».d tbirtv otimr*. moatiy Daoificratkol-AiireBauVaa-of tbat eity, flatdafrtbe Bawag* « _"_,* n"flt-BCo_vroa.ii'*. * «". il bt. ou lL UbU"' "..

]_r CTITTENDEN preaen'ed tbe pfltitioi. of thecluunpt.f Mi't.oiJgHl..;la, Ya,i-i_viiiut"r tbfladcjjtK-t! oi ib* CiittaiodflB CttBBteaaba. La.d oh taatat'K fo the prtaent.Mr BA80N illoin.. Va.1. from tho t'ornmittoe on

FcreiKci Bflbttiooa, reported a biH to autiiorueTooiCrava- ta recei'o ct-naiii m_rk» flf eittloctlOB irom

tl.e Srai.iph avy. Taken av and pakaed.Mr KKNNKf.Y (8. Abb. Md.) pieacnted a me im.-i.i1

af Bai tbtaiflf- rl Waa-aajfoa Cuuty, fmytog lortbfladt-piioi- of t'p-Crittei.den reflolutiona.Mr BH1I.F.K .Dem.. Pk.) pre*-r.te<l tifi-n mfltp.v

tiale tl e iti/. rn ¦ l-iiiaylv*--ifo. ibe adoption«i the< ritttni iii it-pol-i'ioiis.Mr HCMNER .>ff.-red i. reaoliiti-in that tl.e lYeMi.tont

ol iheliiwd Si..toalperv.|UcPt..i, U i.oni.coin|.atiMewith the MBbttc inteirate, fo fumi-h M» Braatt wWtaeoiy of Bfl bto orrca| oi.dei.ce bt:.vv..n UM <- ol .Mati-and BB] .Munett-r ol fwaigB BaaWflBit vVaehiiigtou io rcference to foreign veaaele al tbeaort of Cliarleaton- . . ., .

Mr rbB EYCB y-reaented the petition of 11. .J-

"tAoid, fc >he Bfajrato-Beal uf dflbsxataBi tioiii.IConvciit'.'!. lo Bfloaw- ihe f^eneral wallare oltle oo'ii.irv, to l.e beld a. Fhiladel|.hia.

Tt e Ciittendcn rcai 1'itioua vrere tak.-n nr>. bnt, on

ttttion ol Mr. MGLKK, they were ijoaipoued uotil 1au io. k oti Monduy.

1'iivate l iil wt-re tben taken np.Mr. GBEEM 'I«cm.. Bo,,) introduced n mmt rca-Ii:-

tion ItfliBI-ttltofl for the piirpo«r ol ptotoottog ttflruibU oi all the |A-ople aud all the Suta* hi iar M fl>volvea upou the 1-VderaI autl.ori y, aiid to tnaiiiUiiu thel«i ioc ta nll iu- jmrity imd e.\«. DflUO*, 01 failn-x ifl tiiatV- i rovide for a i«a. a-hl*- aepai-tiird, be it tor* laoaflt

_r.eDd©il ibat the aeveral htaiea lakt inmiediaU- ttflflB byaaflBBflBtkoaai otherwir©, ai.d __akepr..i,vorutioaa -*Jtbeaeveral Mitea. Baeb to tbt other, or bv a convention ot

tbe NUitea, ea will beat condoee to tbe reetoraiioii ofl«are aied harm< nv on B8B8-R.¦ of )Rflttflfl and eiiuityto all. <**det«d I4)*a wa-oiid rei.dini?.

Mr. Clll'lT-NDKN 8. Aiu., Ky.i did aot hk* to

lo. k at Hi.ythii.K that l.a.ked hk. a.-i*tr.tion.Mr.<-Jhx*"KX.I will vote f«r th* prropoMti -t. 01 th*

i* n m Keninckv, but I attflfl to flB- tto aium-

Bioa td ihe mure' direcily u. ti.ia Bobjact.Mr. SLMNl-R 'H'P , Maaa *-.»»" for tl e Taflfl and

"Ns-y* on Mr. CameroL'a moii-m to re< on-idi-i tl.e vote

by whBh Wr CBrh'i ar_©..d_ient to the O-ifltflBflaajtant reeolatioiiB w_b Bdafflfld.

Y EAB-Me-ara. B.yard, Bighw, Braa, Bright, rHngman. Cri'aeaMl.e Deuf.a.. Fileb. oreen. uw-to lie.npiii.l riaaiar.Jafcn.anlAik ). Joauaon (Tei.i. ). Keuntdy Laue I.atl.a.o. Ma-.nxC-bolaon Peavrea 1-B I'twail. Pugh. Rice, Bautabury fl©i.aat an anri blidell--17-

, _, _.

\AYS-Me«pia Anit.orr lk-k-r BinghtB, ta-eroo Chaudtor Claik (-oll.iier. iJixoa. DeoiiMU-, ke_-:,dan Feat, F*M*r,Ortoe- Hale UarlaB, Km Sewmd. Siuniio.... Bamn.T TenP-yck Vvede Wigfall. Wil..iiton, aud W liat u.M.

Tbe I'aiilii U.lroed bill *_B lakeu up aud made theB etiul or. er ior 1 p. m. (tt Taeeday.

ioe bill tt authoriae a IbbB. 18 BB ihe dnty on im-

f-ortp, ann rt lalivt; t«. the Tretmar- Noto-v aa taken bb, nnd or moiioti of Mr. CAMb K<>N it._% made IbaiattBi order lor 1 p. m on Wedne-day.Ihe hi'MK 'iil, the epe- ial urdar. wa* then taken up.Mr DOUOLA8 flkea.., III ) *aid we otii/ht to admit

Knn)*a iuto tut I'lhun a> two-thi-deol tbe new Statea.i the Cnion hnd been udrnittp*! witb a Umb populatiouthan Kai.m* o<m. I w iil oo noihiug to \r. ocraaiinal©-tht- paaa-ge <rt tht bill. _______mm

_lr. o-WABI) Kap., N Yi.-I have vwied Kan-r«H aud found tLe .oi.rihiou of -ocietv aud _*rriculuiretl er* far .d-.e*d. Tl.e peopl* had tranwd a civilt_ov_rnu.ent, ag-i.At whi h I ui.l uot bear oue word of-b.ectiun in the axh.le Terriorv.

Mr. GBEEN.Tbe bouiictori.-H I y.rono*»- for Kanaaaare atmih and lt ia vei> extraordiuary.he abould api-lv for admiBpioL w- a fb_'.te at thia r>arti-tr___ uiue. Sometime agoliei \nxn-lv eeut in a pet i'ionhere aeki. g for m*ai.a "f aubeirtteuoti.Mr. I»Ol'C.LA». K«. far na the peopl'- of KiUiaaa are

ca.rteer-ed tliaice i* uo iuroiiveuiein* or impropnety ina_*4baaaaaa-B, bflfl tbere may be iu re-rard to theBaaaaRrr* af tba larritary oi Nei.i_.ktt No b-oava-TJieti.-e ie frl- by the |«ople bving within the preacutKbJ a ol ike boui.daiie* na KainatM.

mr. OOL-aAMK.. Kep., Vtr.Kuub.b now han a

ri».._iu>'. b.-yond vah... is re.,.iiied for i.ur admiapjou.eie i* n.-w « Bf88*8Rjflfl to .Uamamlx-r BatpfBfl.BTbe qneakion on Mr. (Jreen'a iir-eudiiieii! changing

the bouadarv wa* loat. Yeaa. 83: Naya, 31.Mr (iKI.l.N n.oved to ameud the ti: wt Bflctbtt ofthe

Kanaaa l.ill bj BtrBdag out tbe worda " beuinuing ata |>.i! t on tbt- Weatem bunndary of Miaaonri, wheretiie 37tb i*rallel, North "uttitudi, croaaea the Btttt.fll.euce Weat ou paid parallel to Uie .-th meri iian ofiiigiituile Wer* Irom VVual.ingt'.ii, theiin- .S'ortii ofaid meridL.ii to ti e 40th pHralh! of laH'ude, thence__*t of aaid oarallel l" thi- \»rn hot.ndarv af ti.e9-rta of Miaeouii. thenc. Homh with 'ha W'eatemboirodary ol ptt.i'1 stai* to tfte nlareol begiimitiK,'' aadta lieti u.enof ineert tbfl foilowiiif: " Hexriuiihig inthe main ol the North f rtofld tlie PhiUe river,al a pi.ii.t -avk-r* tbe '_)ih ineiidian ot longtiuule W'e-tfr b. "Wael-ingtoi. i-rue*. r tbe a -nn-, thence down andAtong the ii uiii chai.ii. 1 of the riatle to tbe Miaaouritivar. then S-uth along aaid river and lbfl VVeatenihouudary of the hiai.: of Mi-xiuri totbe BottbflfBfxnjijdarv of ih^ ('liar"rtee Neutral landp, ibence Weetidawg the aaid Northern loundary oi tbe 4X*_oi-laiida, aud the prot _.mation oi the name to ibe 2.V.I1_aei*o.U-.ii ol li.tigtitnde Wi. from Waahingtoii, thencek'orll. on aaid n.i ridimi to the phue of Ips^iiu iujr."Mr. OltP'EM --alled for a vote on the ainendiuent,

.whieb reaubed aa lollowe:YP.AB-M.aari. Bayard, hernaniiE. Bragg. Bright, Fiteh,

aDtrea Gwtn HMT.pliill. B*BB*f Ireraon, John*.... 'ArkJobawia iTvon ), Aei.oedy. 1._e Maaoli Nicholaon. I'earco,Pvlk. Pewrll, Rice, Ke_.aUi,ry Miilell and W'iglail--I.KAYS. il.m. Autbci.y, BaAer, Bigler. Bi.ighani, Cameron.

Ckoediir, Clark ( oUeiuer, Crlttaad-n, Dtooc Doolittle, Dougla.,Uu'kte, la****©**,, r.tter Huie. Harian, KingLatkam Merrlll. Pugh, Seward, bluimena Bumuer, TeuXyek, Trni.ihuii Wade, Wilkinaeu.and Wiiaou.31.Mr. I'll CII (Dem., Ind.; rote to proptae an amend-

aoent. whtoMr. BK1LKH iDesn., Yxx.) caHe-l tbe iittAiition ofthe

Kenaie to tbe Bfll of it* Usiiin 'J o'cloek, tbe hoar whentbe geuait, in i-xe.uti ve reacion, agreed to go into __-

OtBiive ¦**____¦ to day.Br. KOdT-U 'Ki'.p.,C'»nij.; in tbe chair, ordered tbe

aSeigeant-at-Arnie totlaar the galleriee and Idhhiea.i.xeciitivt- ee-aion. Adjourned.

H4XT8E OF KEa»a_-SENTATIVE«.mRlr. MOOK,_ (8. Am., By.), rieii.g to a peraonal ex-

B..auoa, aaid if Mr. reaulution. hare'of >n-wApt«_, bad iimply indora.d the ocndu.t of Major«laoaaMiB, h* *. nild have vo'-Mi for it. Bnt he flflflJd* ^" _t!_iv* tBr V7-****"*! of to* mind to vot© for thereMaidrder of tbe reaoluiion. and to aay, by ao dcin.-.b* WiJixld iiid.-rae tvery Hct which tl.e d'eoeideut nnghtr.gvafl a* hi. <oajatUutional du'vin .-aiTying out the

i*Ba.FT?w*rvklf the Ubuio. Wlule he waalor ttaj Dotoa, baltaving be tbaa _Bpre*ent4».'the paople of Kentu*_y, Le thougkt daty ra.iuirediu to JfOi-e belore we peril tbe whole t'ui.uand bnifg on tt|i-i«erul.-. i flict and inte«tine war. Medid not li lieve in tbe right of a Htaie to atx-taie. He-AL-aided tl:U aa tbe greattiat lieterodoxy *ver advoca-aed hy any jarty. But wlole he aaid thia, aJJ noat n»-¦ajriibfl ItM rigbl of BBVcJat.- for the rea_ataiic« af ofj-E-iitMoti on one aide to BBearfl foeedoin ou 0,fc other.

e did Bflfl believe tbe tiroe baa arrived to reaort*0 tbia meaiia of red-eaa and precipitai«ao g «oa*trophe. lle did notr«eliev* (he prerent wae the BB8B8B time to aend re-woreainaiiti. (0 South Carolina and other Bontbcrn"k -bould bf-iitato and etideavor togrl back \,y ^_,it, wi,a, jt mi<jrht ^ c,,,^,!,..refl BBiiiiiu- to aectue by for.e. He would n.,tAave niadt Uii- explanation ii it wcro bot for

Oort-td Miiior Aiiuevooa ¦-"-__-» _T__ taii.ii. kMtrain advance, to todorae the couduct of the Aduin.iatra

BBB*_ /-,., ,...;,,_./,:, ntieati'ii "I



_______ tli-'Ti'wartTirt^B'lta rulea. Laobiapfo T 1-Tublhaa nde, hc (Mr. laott] -BW tta.''

aaa who v-. aol a __emb_r, yt he wua tRomWeS Tliii iboWPd B purtiality audn-ta£w -Bdaaleaathia cnditt rboii_ ta r.terred,!,' for tl.e «,..,_-._ rf Mr. l».rh»K Btho_, lani noor-pepB. Ua waaB wortB* th. ,1

TheSJPEIK1 ¦ -att ih*do nb-BBrBBaldenforcetheroka-itbont partlality, aad ao far aa lha Chahf pm he ahotild liiriat ii|'OIi UtPtTin- HoBOO ii-inen.i i.nvHt'-tiillB.TLe BoBMWBlil illlo I'liii.liiittee of the WfcOM B

ih. Btate ol Ita Coi m on the Anaj h-LMr l'i:Nl»l.hl(>N (l»'i.i-.''I'"') "*">d ut .. '"'""¦,'1

paaiod ->i lha day bo v araaht to obtahi ttafloor lo pataaa tta petttim of 10.D-.0 dtMena of( iiuiuiiiti, prayiag i ..).*_< re topaaa tl.e Criuaadii oaa loiiii-c. Ha eoold aM have u tattei itaroduoutMiai.ii one inon piiutinl tahttaaaiftbaatbtt p-idaaa.Ia B.BB n. -ne uud iielemiiut il purpot-e . l_B ".

beaoBd hia w_h a aaai baaa to aattta the paodiuatr.nihUalv cu.< iliali"!. BBd I HBBBBBa tit paBCO.lh. v BOW bad BBBB .iint-ideiulioii the Army bill.1'eriineiit to thin waa anottar aut.jeii, vi/..: ihe billii.tr_lu.ed bj Mr. Bingbaai f"" .'e BlttMioB of ll.ebbbb ut t'liitth-Himi harbor. Ha rafatred to thejnovinoi a oi ilii- l.ill, autti'.iking th-* l'rcaident la bttiii cr-lioa to ull'it UM levcime hy Btah-ahing UMc iiatnii.-llimaa ob Bbipboard; tho Collaetmt to aaumund ii. tnii BB] vca cl imtii tl.e diltira B Iba BtfO BB

|'i 10, ; (i Lli Otdel t" eXecUte ll.ia dllty, tbfl Al-**' tti.'lNhv, ini.v lu-ilii|'lo*-cil, A''. Uc BPflMBBBtad B tbflatraotdaau, __I da-twraa pawBeoa.trradB ¦ auh-

oKiit.aie othoa ei Iba < taMoan*. i taing givtu wilh-.I limnaii"!. nnd ("i.ti'l. Tbe bill wua B91 iinivvt-al iu

iBappHcati"ii, I'" to an h to SuuthC .toiitiH in the .li.-cret.on afthe Itattdeni li |°_..y,raltably coBUPvaupd 'hc CoBtitattoa, whieb prorkfeall.til lio'| . *. 1. mt- al.ill Ik- Jtiv.-a 10 tta Otttttt OO*Mateovei IBOB of at."thcr. Ile would DOt d.vvletlur thenwaa fcgalB atilli'icut CBtite BrBBP-i.i. lt rttttt Soutbern Btataa dbb eoaaa ttladwitha unaiiiinitv without mtrralk-l m the lu*;-aaTttli, vtluiioii il.-iid If tbtt Bill Maaaaad, nB a doll,vn.t.le .«¦ collictt. B CbaittBBBi ll im artny couldr. aintaia tha l'nion. hall a B-Ulioti of m-n woold Bprinjjun in a night. H n.oney would k. ep it UWattier, ll.ea. ll v»..i h. umm w ni, |o> iii i.rodtioc ita golden ._. e.-t.

It blo> d. tl" and voui.g nien would yi. ii li_. -

Vihicli vv .tt lii. ll a- li. Hut an iinnv et titot Bailu, i., v wili noi prcaarva iha Uai-B. AaBbw, aaaaa,ai.d Otmtt i. uv. M km* ni. coiupcl h tiuiU: la dni- fc n q__l14 (1 10 hc (i'.i.t i.v lnj{,al BBB I T. e vvhcli-ac: ttm af aoaavtta i* ttapaBaaiaahlp, aad asatraay aih. Batiii a umt f| i:it of the 4 onaiit ation. Tl.e |pB-b-t ii. *it.,tea are nittiured to rt'iiri, uJid va lien arnieil men

** ci ihrra ia vvar. Im aaaMaaaaai al ibali wa He.illiat tl.e rMtedil.g Slu'ea i< C ..r. ion, BPO.ioi) ia wur. 11 the **mt!i aiiy thev bBB nfOPBBBB,i-idrem tl;um. and .ulm _M.'PfkaMBP.I iiriB.OB.l.en.euilit'1 ilieae men v ho thaa BBB M u* are lu.i.e elvout hoi.e. Tin v Bl* vour hrt-lhrcu and fell.-w-ciii-B8B.. Jaa BBW gr M what they deain wiihootloang y.'tir BBBBBr and aeli-r.-njH-ct. H.het*j.ed them in 0pA*a BBB 19 du it. Givaemc ixiritad afdttPBd, n.h;ir...iii '.hc (-.venmiciii and

Liaaarva U.igraal ooarfodanBad aaffaa. Hir- reica u-.;, v vv..»- !'-. iliption i'.id com|ir.fii.ia.-, ai.<i iu t'ii.i'i tha-.l i! e viiu-e tttkmt whom be BpPBBapM llBtB wiil not BBd thia, iu liod a u iine let tiie atfecfedtn..e i.< _ t ui peaca. II it.t Boa_mr BbBb bbbbBu eoiuilialrd, if wa c__i ¦' gn_il them whal tin-_v a.lin, 1 tl'ty u.uat BBB t: f j-irriial u__a_BB, l.e v\n ,1tiri._li/i th ii taj.atii. * Witb act. oi; il m1,. v l.ieei ude toi BB.oaa] B.tttOBB il ahould

BPCCBBPn forBBafljabl come t.geJier, there alioulillie ia. i.iide tn U.- huu.hli-d, aud ta would Bfllp.BBBBB httik 10 tta l l..c< .M y -!.o;l I PPPBf*/.Mr. IHE-UL_M- I ba*a_Maapd wkhaMaafllaata

tht eli>(.i_-iii BpCPcb bv iny tP_-_flJBB, _MIaoH_l*ll]iii.iiiove ol Lie a* | e..l f.a peaee, 1_i mony auU B__B_Ib'i n lit.*. m uiy |udgmciit ta dirn !b hi-reuiiiiha ttii'.. WPOBI ai.le .1 lha HOBBP. BBl heg-- ua I.-.t t-.

et tO BBBB H aoven li/ii Stat.-. lie faploCOB theHBB tlciir.y ai a BBTJB "*nnig p BBB. It ln naUl.r l.fll ilit aruiy vv ul he um»d I* BBBf_B u

BUlPk t" ...nijel her to ta repi-..-nl»<f here, toaiaht.a ti. i.n.itr oi [iiM ottiBwtthk bai ttatta, to1 im lier itie., or d«-a. h.t,-tar fielda, h. may di-nii-rIna leara. h" BBB BBBOJ PBB BBaABBtpd hy kiiv Ad*mnjiriiaiion Kt*t_ Btali i*a Bart at thia Uioub ot_-_t.a, a_.l ii ia th.-ua'.y ei tha Q_aa_aaaaM M paMBaach-Batoj baithaap l.' duty, ttat bBBroBBilaelf. Tin pe-'lh' ¦! ihrT'rTtT. Sti-ea f..rni » I iov-en ua nt BO| ie: . Amo'ie thi- (Kiwera deh-Kitt.-d u, il

h fcprot._d witb Baayla aathp.aj to ppaaB tta itaAi.iiiFt lo'iiga o- daPBBBtfc eiieiniee. ll hia- tha BJt( iu-ant ligiii B Bpttirrl dutiea un importe. ItttthaPB.rluaive PW-BT "t f.irla, ui~*t._a. tiiivv-v n. .la,Teeacla BBd ii aiiiiiiuia ul vvar. ll baa u tl_a_ Umavmhol of it- natiuimlitv lha BBBhlatB of il* poWBaiid detemiiiiution to proBB.B t>,<n*r wb.. ti.i.v ..frigltga'l^i under ita ti.lur. iluw, tla.n, atunda timc*.e ? Have ile Dadiad M-ter Babad a _ty, ia.aaaia htate. b bbbb ed th. ..oat a_d BBJaat) ot ;i eoaaaarBtuvtiircj ii rabjaaatad Siai»* I ll..a _i BBaaaaaaaj lanaaiiveruB-**!) I v militJirv t.ower Haa t.nv num a r.xh_tneu invade'd WhoBMItl it I 'il** onlv |HAO|le wbi.hnve hieti aBBBMPPd hy n.ilitRry ot civ il in.w.r are

tl uf. of a di tant Tenitory. W'l.v IBB du you fe_r ii

Btate will Le coerced I 1^-' B BBB Tha ;.i..''l«* ef iheStiiie of Sutitli ( BBBBB have aBBd th. ('.iat.rii-H.i_-hthpCttj of Charleaton, uud clor-*d thut jKirt, tntia

pri-veiiting lha 1'i.iied M.BB t-ivernuieiit fiuui ua.-rt-

uig itacoiic.-dcd and ex< liiri-.a BBB '" B0_e-1 ita rev-

eii'n from im* orta. 'Ihey fi'iv* taken hy forceiheinuiatry in the Treaaury of tta I'nited Ntate., uud uii-

plied*ii to tiitii PWa u-tt. Th.y liavi- h.-i/..-ij tta urma

ui>d intiiiitiera of war of tha I'nited S..tea, ioaotttodin Ar.eiiiila withio the conceded exelurive jm trdii-tioiiol tta I'Mttd.suutF, nnd turned them ttguna; ita Armyol the I'nited Stat. a. Tii.y have aenteil a reT.r.ui-

etitter, the t.n.perty of tbe I'nited 8tmea.Tta v have at ind h Iov u ui/a-u ol lha 1'uite.d SUita-awhile in the B..BBWB of hi- .'.nre<|f>_ dntv, und haveiu.priapapd him ai.d HBBBBB Iwa life for diaalBWBjttBj hi*I'hiin dntv, calling il treaaon to Bouth Carohi.a. Tlnytata (itiMna of the diHt-i'.-nt _t_t»*« ri.litti.lly undraicfuilv uttending to therr huaiuea. in South Oaroiiiu. uud, tt1id tlre moat detniding mdignitieaiipnii tl im, and then forcihly eiipel them. 'Iliey r..ii-u n iii..iv loice of cavalry aud infantry, with th.wTOvtcd purtKwe <-f ejtpelling, or, to ua* their chom-nword, "cotniiiK tht (Hiud Stutea from the forta,itiaei aia, aiid eihei paBflrt*" .tilI in the poaneaaion ofthe f'tiiieii (Statea. . hen Muinr Anderaon, for thea.lety ol hia amull fo-rce, raanvedit frotn Fort MouloieU> Suinter, they aeized Kurt Moulttie, Fort I'mek-Mey, «.nd o__B mmmgkm, More reoen'Jy. they titediliKili u veaael in the employ of the l nil-t-ii hUit.a, eon-

tevii g* ai.d BPfttttBB .> our troopa.1:. ihia act of w ui ttav BBOd the cunuon und muiiiiiuuaof wur | aid for out "f our treuatin'. Tta forta eadfcd hytiie Stule of houth CaattBB to tta Finted MMBweie na.d to e*j«-l u vearel of tho I'nitedhtatea in puiatiit of ita lawfirl o<<mmerce

whB the atur wa* hni.ted to tm

maatbeail aa u tigu of mitioi.lity, appettling to all th.patriotir rMoDeetioaa that cluater urou.'id it, your flug,mv ting, tl.e rlat' of Virtinia, Obio, Kentu.-kv, M__u-cliuaetla. the flag ol «very Ntat* and of the wholel tiion, tl.e taatla af whoia* folda haa ntt ofl.ri ext-itedtli*- ridi- und i.ati)..i-rr ardoi of Amarioana lu everypuit of the bittiituhle glol--, tlutt Hug iavoked for'.he

Ciotectioii of tiiiunued ve-a-tla wui _red H|ioti and dia-onored h_v ciii/eiie ol the L'niled Statea. aud therefore

tuiait ol Irenaoii vviu- upi.luuded hy thi offieera iuidBBBB "f il.t State of South Carolina, und [.erhapa hythuta ol Other htat-a. Tl.e BBB L.wleafl BolaBB ttlabjBBBB ont in other BflttflB pf onr conntiy iuid forta.turtieiii-a, navy-varda, a__ ve-ela of wur, intru t-awilhont dtfenie to tta BMiuflttaa of the people, flBBB,apon one |BBfc xt or another, taen aeuiai, at.1 ur. nowtald hy luw leaa force. Cpoa tta rec.iinr,ieti(lHti.>n ofnii-.c bera of CongntKB, Fort 1'uluaki wur Baiaad bytapflBB uiider un order from the (...vernor of Q_Mria.Tba iithaT dpj tba IppBMrjaf tbo Nuvy wu* imiitiedthat tbe Nuvy-Yur.I at I'l-nam ola vvua takeu hy unurii.-d fiirre.'ommaiided by tbe Goveruor ol Florida.Here 18 tl.e BBBB..U

"TtieCfi..,mi«.lion.ri tppoiat*d by tb. Oorernor of Plorlda,witb a .-' gi.-nt ol armed men at tb* jrel. deiiuuid.H th* aurian-der of thia Nary-Yard, taviug pfairlaailj lata* paeaai ... ..f oneof tbe inaaazin**. 1 mnetiiler-d th* pl**. and *U"Jck uiy flax attaif paat J .*_*M P, tu tbi* day, Ja_ 11, .41."

Weare told thut cunnon are plairted on the buul r ofthe Miai-a-ijipi River, und BB Ita BBBBBTB of thatgrt-ut iSv.¦ ia lo be imp.led. Hii, 1 know very welltli.-ilTert ofati'-ha movenient upon th<-citiwna uf th*Notlh We-f 1 Kgree with ull my flBBBBMBM whoIiav. litiilid tO tbfl aubject, thut the Btt.M oi the Mia-ai*rip|ii, and ull thut flouta upon it, uuat have u tre*j*r>U|.'e to t!_r Baa, aiul yet our vcacla cre d. layed, undwe know not i«t what iiioment ttay muv ba aubject toiiilmte and att¦I. I'nder theae ciiruioat_acB, WhBIla to be done ? Muat thia Goveni.tnt to inaiiltu_'d fiidigiiitv.twaal if aai.adar ita b*~mMt, Ua fbig,ita libti'.iiulfty f l>o you, gentlemen trom Virginia,wl.-e great atatetioa-n have had ao l-ni-c a ahure in1"V ltv, it«, d.ain- to ret> it tbua fliabwBBad IAid JBa retidy to join eifci'ed men, who will Mf lia'.-nto teu-wi. who even a}.uru your pi.tiiotiai.. a. 'iuiidity,who r4n_rt your coui.fdJf, aud woold druj/ you, ua lh.tti.williii^ v'ictui.t hi ihe heol ftf thtir Cur of Jugger-naut, crual'ing under ita weight Pi'.l hope of ci v il liberty.or ur. i a. to l!ij.*rty for axea io come Ata you BWttBre a' a political di feat 1 Hn, it wua but tbflt'ltai day I wa* told by a diatinpiiahiyt »iii_'ii of an '

al aohite monarcby, who mottr >rd the approaching Mlol o-r Uepobbc, that it would at leaat do one j-oo. :

it wonld ttop the rtruggl.- in Europe for free in-titu-tiona. It in true. If tt ie GovorBRBBBt caiinot purvivt-

»....plituti. iihleiection.if it cajmot defend i*a pron-eitv <t pioteit ita Uut-it i' orumlilea r» th<lii-t mj-1 af (jip.ll'.-.ti'ii, bope in therefor ftofl i-iiit iitioiit. in caaatiBfl wh-re kinga,Bolka, nuinhala, hendiinry inatitiitiona andI wp of priinoperitii-B have exiatcl for _«»**"ri.. when theloveot liberiv bflfl in*pired ifl niodemtin f ¦ the BBBflBflA of any people to demand ih.> right olp. ll.go\eri.u.eii«, thev are poinied lo the k'reuch revo-

luiioiicf 17**', thev ara poiotad to Booth AaiarieA,ab«flf changint Kepublkfl ru© aod dbaipaar, ao waiDotaottinmenta tbb Hooa* eaa aow teU *_* 'hen-

B8B8CB. Tbf v hr.- pointed to Mexico liod lorbid lb.itthey rhull ever ....... ll ll.eii ll.f- n.ul logfc h(V _aiOUkg_X_> xainph .1 a diaii.|'i.-d Uaka haral It ih paid withlba li.ciip.-11 pfletry, Bfll

" "Ffaflfl.B phriek.d vtiien Koieiuiko felL"

She will die with Bfl d.-jitJi of thia IOi|iiihli.. I ap)H_lla. v ol i;. ..'I'n.'.. Of !.',«¦ boril.-r Sluw BtttBB, ___**+.l.-'ti.l.-llml. but !'oi V>> i. will in lt fevv dn-.e BiBflfl BJ

ii, boatilfl i.rray will. each other. lf BOt, 1 BB* BOtOingi.eion- a* bnt a btal dv_ war. I do uot ibiaat***,'..i I lircml it. .."( for BflflBOBal l*a_8SBB, tor you und I

¦ia bal atoBi* it. il e rtorm; hut all bBtorj'toaebea aa

tlai I'.'lr. c fi'.v.i'iui.-ii! cuii bfl dinrupted or ovei-

thrxrwn wBhatt tbtt diarnption beina*' RBRBBttflI BB

ih, . ii.I Iv l.ii'.itarv ji iiifll Bflfl Tba rnau may now liv*.

who will bfl lbt Naj'ole.n of thia country. IT

v-.ur l.-i'le will not p.ipl.iin and aupportthia (Juvernmi nt to innitit-inii.g iti P">.'1)<' properly in

II .. im edini Stater, ibflB it muat do it in »i'Xl.r uf Jtm.,. iierbb in the atianpl Wb* et. .»M you epaatt ttfi.ea T.-t vonr hlood boil with itidigniitinii when yourend, daily, in tha paaara, af OuibibbbibI ftogtFiyrei/cd, .1 lOftfl lAb-B, 5 V.-etk, ftr.-.l bflfl hjOtbfl/

.mri.t*.llii. .i it.e"" I-ii n..t rlay that u

,fi_boi .-.!' H..H tbe pe.-ti..n:iliam baMtt-. o, .« ihan the love to the etniuir}' I *>.r, S» BttI. lii tfl :*. :.,i ..',.. ii.ou,.-nt, BB88f li* ftmarl of irnag-ban wroan, aaflar lhaiB_ap|iBiilBBBBt ***___*rfeteat, your i*.iple may Ih- hurried into actaof mi'l-Bcaai bal wben ibe retiiinmg aMtttt)aaB-Bjttaaftateil,.,A,. vilm li.A.- bd thflfl ftptrnv n-t. a fdagkfl w.ive

..f iheaiai-i'iaiiKbd will BflflBra tbaMttflflaaaii.B'.v .ri.-witbwbkbyoabav. addfldthflax, Lal 'u>

_. t b.-nii-i.dhv word*.' I repOBt, tbfl ui.ceh..i. ie not

wlelle. ll.e l i.i'< d Btttflfl wil) BOOMfl » State, butwletbe' n Btfltoahall.iiaari thaOflvflfa.t wyh**il, noble thi rrfc doviffld to onr lath.r* ahall f.ill

a btow. 1 appfal " "<. Kt-j ..--fi.tiiT.' ;.-r-,,i, S. uil.trn Statea 1 ai-if-l U> the old i

v ii.h gathared .ng.-th.-r .-n ihe **..'* hanle-itel I,rtp etaaiadai fladnttatt). tl"- fom- af Rtth ¦ ihe9Utti wl etber we toafl aBow aar BaaaaoB fli_ to.-,- iliabiwii i>d flai Bflaaa.a Baaaortf ... to eei'i-i '

aaatry !. to abiiarea. If thie md paatoi g_ ¦ ir

lii -V bitoarrtoad wbaa Bb BooanBBBBt Rflrohea i p, 1.1 '." BtbaK ttttflrva ita prop.-rtv aatfl

i1. f (riile teclioi .. i ..i iuaignitieanl mob-.©rerthrow. Let ua not diabonor their meniorie. hy

.Ddertag that for whkb ih<-y f,.i.»rfit ra-ven yeam,_b_ orgai i" .1 xxittx fnr v.-ai» aa* flflarrhy. I bad wad-iv birped u.i'i't ol '.iir.lill.culu.-p, th.- U.-|h

"i ..mi tiv,-p ft« ini-vi rv Ktute would den.nd ihatui alllui-irde the ttaB©Tty flf tbfl I'niied Sutee ahould I*artteotod from rtoleao*, and tl.e tlag <>f the DaitfldStat. r-iivni trom di-l .-1..-I. I w-.ip MI j-ii-ed the 8th-rdi.v that c> manv vot.d agiutiat lha r.-e..litionappr.v-tag tb* tt.daft "f M:.)..r .Vnderaoii, and r.-t>i*ed tt-i:| j rt il e 1'rfpidi ni in bia deteruiiinii n to iii.unuintl.iii fcarbr* aBeartahb araaaai paibioa,8adtoall

uh'itiiti. i al inflflflBiini ln t-ntorc- ihalattfl and pr.-rerv© tb* TJnfaa. leaa baa toartflywbh uli Ubmbwl-i. mnde tlia. ple-h-a. wfihti-ver i Ue they mav thi ik0 l»l,e\e al out III Ba_8_BB .hat d.\ i.l- eon r peopl..If w. BBB atand bv 8888 "ther, if oni flaatth neiiU va i 1at:.! -I bj i tn ti.tlt eii,|.i.ati. rU-. larattoa, I tio to-baa

bfl good -! i( tl Bl ..- Baraa "a tl.u- tar oti ii Blflfl...-onr vi vni.'e will 8ttB*8 Bfl BBttBB. Hut, M; lf We

vi. Id t<*' ia- t.> 11.* lur-, of tlie WRIflfl, if we u«.w aur-'tr with'nit n aialaii" tl.'- bflflB, aravenala, do.>, kt .d "') i. r iropt-.ty t'f tla- (ioveriiru.-iit, Wflflflildi BtOOfltiat* .1 al wa ar.'- not ftt f-.r lb* d.r.i.e -^1^..*.!u» and lf "ur iiHmee t-rvive onr hva*. tlwy willoarybfl ier. rdfld *p btoflfl flf B .lagwni-iat.- i_c, wbo ba.! nol

U.i lalil.aod to praflflrvfl tl-ut ttoir latbem won. It ielililflftlll dfl© t'- joo, Sir, Ifl all onr felb'W momlMfl ln

our c-iii'-Mun, N.Tlh and S.ntb, to BB* i.iati uMip'f'f tlie anBv l iil I Ai.ta- witb tb*. > im .liii.i.ii tbttt il VA..1 B* '.i-ahJ in protectiug tl^i

ab-owkdgvd proparty af tba DaBflfl Baataa, B rv<ioy-«:ii,i' tlttt wluh bu. bfl-fl uiilaw-fully taken, u-il iniMiii tiiiinng U i li nn. I. ii av laa mi'. l!'H. the grav-itvif tle eveiila ttiat aurr.ui.d na rb.n-nd a irr. uier

t.'rce Ihuu ir irovid.d by tbi* l.ill- the lafatof tnaji a mei. -a.!. tul. IV MflflBl Mtfl will *.iir.el> de-K nd aai ffflBABB ft.-m taa H in. flntoai Bal u nraaa fiirr/i*. rupo!' ol ai.y rApa*.fort-«-iiieiii denian lt«l bytl e exigeu. l. a of tle UflBBA I d.. t.ot c..u.eni|.late, inni v .vt-iit, h.tPt'.ia ni .(AK.tiP-.f tl* BB- »l anv Staie.Ulileae d< lui.lid.d f.'t tbe d. ietire ol th.- a _B8Wbldffldprojertv of lhe I'i it. d Htale*. lt ie tb. duty ot Ibe¦, .,. -i ii in' ... Mi(>i'ret»p in.nt-i.ttioii in a HlAtr but int. ip (\. al the n lii'.ai v i-'wi-i aaa aalj to u-axi b "tn.-t

ai.bonlil-.tiil' ti, lle* ttvfl authoniy. ll iht- livflA 'hcri'v r..oea- to call lor auch Bid, or iu|*prx_- 1 .

etrttii niili'.ary poAt-r .annot tattsrveiM. Il tia.-(..iirta aie loaed, toe dnike* of p.mlnuaUer- .aaaatBta.ifor.ed, flB tbe l..tla prtrtr. teil, aud BaaaBflfl Bflpe'il flflrvkfl muat i.awatiuily be amieDd.d. N..dtiiibf thia ni._j.fM- will poob be adopted. II tl.e n v

*tiue ia rctue»-d or raimot ba- ...IW.ud, tieii

pada, CflflflMa l*iii.|H.rled,atidlhepo't« u. . ! t.eilo-ed.Il a State ahall. m'.n of tlir ( BflflBbjattos, to ri-^'.ilat.' i-on.Bi'-*-. e, theii her unnuucrce tnietbr .1. Nodi.ubt o'her mt.puree (Ali be ile-vu-ed that wdl preaerve lhe ..*-« >'f tne conntrv untillbfl Bflflffll "f tbe Mala-e mav touler iu tt ...n-'.it uli «a_|wnv, iitih-poi i <ir nro.of '1 eaecealinn Hlalrr ahall, bymlitaiv lorce, rlied tbe biood >f IbflM .U-W-rfl-UBfl.oi tetii'e to tlie pra.|*r aiitborili.-a lhe BcBBOwtolflvda (.|,ilv ol tha iLlti-d BRflttA I ahow that all Uie

geiilleii'eu Btoaad BM u.tiet dteply d. j loie * . ivil war,eaterialll il lhal war rhull iiivnlve the fale of thiaca|ii..l uo- tbe du-nipiuai ti tl.e (iovonimeiil. Nonmii wnb a io reaaon, or a l.rari la le« 1. na con

ti u ph.U- thi- iii< vit.bia- r.ptilla of i" ch a w a:, v i liout

lle ii.op; Iflltoaa dfl ire t<. ttv.-rt it. Iti* onr duty, aa

mcBiheraufthielloBM.- it ie llieilnlv ol I'..n.-r.-pv-and1 Bfll 88888 to auv il aa BOW -'C BBB-OwBdaad .uny afth. 1 ra-, ,.,t-i,t, ar it ia ul th* iiKon.iiip' Admi.ietraii..:i., ue.- BjabaaiBBi© tu lha azu-H-fll |» not pbvpict.1 foree b* arrayed in tivil \v..r until theto-t BOBfl tt'l BflflOB ..nd ...M llm'.i-'ii hap bflflfl «x:.aiiet.-d.fbflB lot eaoli hiaiich flf tlie Goveniment, ai-liuK itic. ncert with each other, perform IbflB rra^-.'ive du-tii-p, though tl.e hsaaaaa fall. VVhiit caji Btt do Btt¦brm und loiinluitioii' laatbipatfl yoai laaly. Youmii), '' I..-I up touiproiiiiae- vield whi.t 188 IBflttad ttv, ii l,.-! Bfl c< in[ ruii.iw., and we w iil j.roeervi- thi-I k-B, and civil war will Le' Ttii* I kn-iwip tlie flaiBflfll api eal ot |4itri..ti.' Bktt b th. Houth.-n.Matee, wbo would filadl) give their Bv8fl t. atop lheii.i.rrh of treiiaon in ibflflfl Mat.-a. How- aaeleaa ii ia to

talk about romprouiu-e, ronceaaion, conciliM'i'in, ud-

ji atmei.t, wh.u, il evervtbing w-aa encoded, th. mt.-g-ritl of the Uov. rnmitnt may Bfl hrohflB uj> by a uai-

jniiiy flf a iiukIb lilate If we hold thia L'uiouaid ctl lbfl tii'ttH i. ie. nr.a lo ua, aud all tha88888 wt: btth.' upoti, BR the w bim or will..f a aiigle iSUte, theu, lnd.nd, it i. the wcak-irit gOVel-BOBt ' ver deviAil by flttR. lf a

aini:lt Btate may deatroy our nariouality, then, indeed,ie tle wiarJomof onr iathere the wirdom of balaea.We eaa no lonjicr talk abont the weakneaa flf Mie Oldf'onlYdi raiy, or the anarchy ol Mexico. Sir, we owe

i aa the noat »acr< d of dnti.'a to Btt flRwR U .>' hereay.It it n. w t-.itifier hflflB l.v a.cli..iiiil Hr.i.iiO*itlt-e--if p Ir.iui (ttln v rebellioii to civil nnd aea-tional war.atill it muat and will b* met with iatflfltttoad " iataine.L'|on thia I am glnd to aay, the ias..plc ot Ohio are

niiited il the uniii.imona v. ice t.i the ia»gialatnie «fIbat-tRlaba tine indiiatioii. Agiun, I auy, wha' latlie ueeof tor,eei*-ionaiidc4Jin| r.nni-i-, wlieli ii weyield.eviry thing you dtmand you CHnnot auy t» ua, " il w iilttVBRJ fn.m diauti'in or'wur.' Ara we not io daiii'ernf 'luiirreiling about termK of MaflBBflba wfaflfl traitoranre ovirthrowii g thegovcriiinetit Rfl wieh tojireaerve TAre wc nol div luini' (.uraelvea for thflb henebt I VVliatwill -uti fv Srintli Ciirnlinri, aad Florida, and Mia---ai| ji, and' Aluhumn ? '1*1 .oy wi_it diaunion and| riiiiiae or conciliation.

Tlie iJemocratic party would not agrt-e lo their termaaidthi) Bflflflflad fiom lhe Charli.tou aud BaltirrioreCi.uvenliona. Ie it likely that we will yiflld what our

NoriLern I)emocratic frienda could not yield JWe oo thia aid* of the Houae mu;lilpr.i|erlv Fay thut we. hava done nothingto impnir any eoiiBtitutioual right, and we pron aie tofl© BOtbtof to ii.fmge v.ji.ra. Wo hav. aticcioded iu a

ci iiatiiuth i ul way .i .lectinga "rVflBdaat flf thfl l'nitedStater. All llmt we u-k i« that hc may b« inaugura.ediu | eace, iu.d may dcvelop hia p«licv iu ihfl uaual man-

ner. We ean add that thia ia the "deuittiid of all oar

itople, uot onl) oi Ibflflfl WBO voted for Mr. Li.iooln,f.ut Of <verv h.vul .iti/cn. You tell u. that your peo-I le nre excfied nnd nlumied^ and that thi y aporeheudthat an overvvhilining Atiti-Slav.-ry el. uir-nt ia abontio le imiuuuratcd in jwiwer that w iil dinctly or iudi-Hitly ttflcct lba coi.Bti.iitioiial .ighia, of yourStale*. rerhaja you will 8.flBflfl what vou knowto he true thut for jroli i-ttl paroeaai in lhe atn.ggle,ininipaua far tlm kecendaii.y flf hoth nar,'4"' in theS.tiiili, Imve uniied Ifl fiie tl.e Sotiihern mind aguiualth. haled Blnck Repiibllcana of the North. Speecheahave h.-i ii dittort.-d. ISin^lt- flBBBlfllBBflfl bav.- b.-'-li tornfr.ii. the ronti-xt und made l>. deceive and miale id.CarrirMii, IN ei dcll PhitBpo, Seward, Uflflabx, and lut-i< ily Douglaa lnivi: hieu mixed in a huU-d eaaaJoMBiBlb n, aud iuhA to excite your people. A philu*"phic01 ii.ion of Mr. Keward haa been conatrued iuto a i-tiiie-ment of a setfb'd purja*e to overthmw Slavery in theStutea, though in tbe very naragiaph itaa ll all idea ofiMeri. rene by the people 01 tbe I'r.-e Siut.-e ia i-x-

piearly t-xcluded. lt U bnt - year aince you infliuned

yonr.i nafituentBbetoo'i* *-M of your fcllow BflB-MMracttti mendid wi'.hont readh g, a oook wniton bv one

of yonr own citi/cn-. eonuuning ©buoxiou- oMBooaahout iSlKvery. Nearly all of you guve birth, eUt-ibtyardvictorvto the K.pobli' an party by adopting the

p.licy you now ri'in in . ondemning. Some of yoabiokedown Uie politicul orguiiBiition that ooul.l...ii Ue with ua, and thua guve ua un tmj tfcimy.Tm ill coiitribnted mon* or le#a 111 perverting the

pullic uinduatoo r Bflia. iple-ui.d p«. poa Bj but.evenUe hiipliaoi of uim preeeniation through wtncb tliw an party ha* thua far tidvaneed duea not ex-

aaabB dcuig all in our power to pruduce BB-*

iliation, hurnmnv, pt-uce, ouiet iuid u fuir and houea'

i.nitiatmtiit ol all the (lifficuluea that aurround ua. Letna B e wl aB BB aiand. Uluverv if either the cuuae or

ie made the prctext for ull onr citHcultie*. The Slaveryol Iba Atri.i.n N ce ia re- ogui/td io lift *eu of tbe South-.rnStuiea. lt fc probibiteo in eighteen Northei_BBMB.4 iitijrnaa ia tl.e rapBBBBMttB of the people ol ulltle-*. S'utea. All partiea utlirm thut Qaaj-BB haa no

power to aboliah KLivery in any of the litteenKtatcB, nor to eatubliati it iu either of iheni.-bt.eti Stutea, and tbat it hua tio right to

interfere with that aubject diree'.ly "r iudire.llTiu riiLci Bf the SUtea. So _M WP -re agr.ed.At un earlv dav ot tbia ae-aion, I wua aarB.BB ut there.|iiert of'u f. flow inemher from a Soiiihern Stute thutwe abotild |ti.IM hb un BBBBB.BM to the Conatitiiiioutlat rnagiaaaabaB DaPBJMB-W vviib Sluvery in theStatea. Whvl Wlo chii.i.H Bticb power. ludenialir in tle | latform of .very poUti. al purty, and in nooe

¦OB tlaavr* atated thuu in tbe Cl.lcago pl.itfonia.Fivi-rv ptBB.aart palhlttaa ttaaaalpi it ua un uiiom ot*IBBBBB Pnlbbp hM I BB told there wua aueh uu

up|-n hension in ihe Souttarn mind, to remove whkhvvoul.l li-itil to rapaar._liOB. ln other vvonla, aCoa-'tituiioi al ia wauted .> eoaviBB lha BoatbibB wl at hii. I.e.-n uo otten Btatcd to th<ir people, wa*

i ot trtily atated. Very well. I/et the Conatitition t.eBBBBBBB. i'eclure in your own bBB-BBB. in theil. i.ic-i, that .... I. Stute ahttll tuik--Vi¦.. il.uiige t" n.odity ile don.eati. iaatituti-ns in itaowtt w_V. A* a n.utter of oonveiiienoe, I pr. fer auehan an iBBBIWt, aa it will MfM ua forever, I ti-u-'

Biirweting tl e olt-repeatid u-aertiou tbut Wi iti'end I¦.

intetfeie wiih Slavery in th* Statea. In coiniectiotiaith tl i-Bobject, I cun cordiully upprove the| o*h.., u« atated by Mr. Seward. lt ia .<- futtoBBI" I h. l.i nn.- If reudy now, aa alwiiva tarc'of >re, tovote l"i uv properlt'-giiurdcd law*B; W.tth aball beHien ed aapaaaan MjpaawBt ¦bubI.wbttBPof st_u-hhv __IM a ol .-t'l.e. Siatea. und tlioee wno ahttllBB 8.d BBB IbflBa" BBBBB*iy,ttl onr liia'ory Wll.ave I.ikI but tvc.i a.ich itivu-iotia, l.o'h eahuBBBa Btbo»e wlo aet ti .-n, on loot. The one wa* th* armedii vi.n uf KiimnB by 4-iizeiia ol' Mia. .uri,tbe Btl er WB tl a BBBI im. v and armed foruy of Johnllrownonih* -< il uf Vir^iiii_ Tta-e exainplea are

uot likily loeneourape riiiilur ii!teiii|Ha, luit wheueverear, thev ahould ta ptpaaata nnd BtBatj paB*

fchod. Ob paepla ia tbp North BPBthp rigM taax-preae tlu ii j ii.iona about Siavery, to wri.e, B a-a-uit

Uuai, aad Ia pinah Ibaaa pYaaapB a? pattab, waa.dou. f tbe -aaaa, and fni'dom af B* i tta BB BBBBB* ilto tle pr.iervuti. n tt -. ¦¦ Pb.BWB iuai itulione, audrtu v never run le ai.d n.-ver will be eurrenderedlla'ir.. nvi.ti'ne ilui' sluv.-iv Ifl u aocial, murul, und

litV al ev il are fi.ved inui BBBBBBbtt. They are B )Wahurnl bv tb. flTBat body af the .ivili/cd world.Tnv iite'i.oi likilv to ta weukened by time or PBBBui il'a'..(-Iv tbev vv'ill not ln- w-uketied M threut of dia-ut. 04 'I *J Inve a right M '-1 cir opltiiona; yui hnvea ij.httoyo r* Yoa cun wrv* them, a|*-ik in-m

a*ni | reai-h lhaB. TliP Fioi fc.ntp tt Oaa will ia daetine aad tt u own vt iy di U-rn ii.e tbia .liil. n-n.e MopinioD. cpiiiuna __'v fnm ly ht lef; to '.eat tlu-ir

btaforatta 6r*at Arbitrator. WpfO aBPBI'lirller. we invite iti our tni al you can dia ima

vutir |.i ubur OpibBOM atidvi.-vta in BBT townorriivin tba Northern MMflP, It Praahl ke t ir tatter for vo

B inviie a ain.ihti _-PtB.BBtt ""r. itn en*, r.ither than,, ifawijparwppb.paa bv mtk »_ahn.e,.ind .a c v i.t < U_aB und '.ufuui.d*d BpB am'i../ BU? bivir liv ii i-repreaeiitu'.iui.*. I*PB rij<lit B recapt'in-fu_itiv.'»lBVia under ita -orda " |» r-ona hel 1 to -»«r-

viie ia i.ot diaputed by BBB BBB BBMBbIflaBBBB ot

l.iroia. livi-.ii.-, it la baldBta a rigbt ti be eti-

rorctrd whollj bt Stute utitl.onty, but it ia eettled by u

ae-rre of BB i.i'oue, both m t ie P'eder.l and St.te(. i.uii*, hut it muvraa 1 nfon*d by OaaiJ.BBBBBB en-

ailliaSIi't. Wa_MBttba MtP preaent law BBBB tlliltaiil. ii t ir mijurt ai.d un< iunul iu *oiii. of r-

provieii ii- und that it uiuy ta .i*>d to kiduuti freem.npanaBili a* larpptnrp rogitir* ilpaaa,aad iba it*pru liiileiieit fctaeaatta ia.aaaaca. It ought to ta,and vtill ta, uiodited. ai.d tta lawa of tbe .Stalea tu

I i. v. i.t al-'iaa. under it will then Ull ur ta pnunpllvn-jialid. Ueeently a couiplaint t.aa b.*A-n made ihuti.ifcitivei froB ju.tiie have not been aurrend.r*d, andtJ ia (.rowa out of the BMMUaatlBB i/,i'-en lo ti.erl-ure ol iba l OPMblllBWl pr" i i g .P euch aur-

r. .ler, or to thoa.* wordfl, " treuauit, fibuiv.or ilht-i uiii.ei, thut they all pri'..i aaTtBiaa by 8ute ttworoal) a-iaaraaaa.iadl,\ aBBBB law. 'Ita- QplBBBfl of Keulinkv andliii.i, liuve thoee word* lo crima.Bti.imm.iiiUtVA tait le- duii'.I Ila.) W.ail.l follow a b-gi-bttivi- .-.ill

. irLCti-.n wlen uiveti. L.I ue il*. Lin* Uutt tta aurreu-il.i al.all I.. ti ade for all otien-e* toiiiiiuit«d iu |--: *..n

at a Siate. um! -/uard aguina' o-m-lruetiv. crimeaor a loiaatru. li e | i.iwn. e.

i,iw Al . .BBBB- AduitniatrutioD u fair t.-iij undt ill I* Baad |i-t loa ard all HBflBBB. Ile HBfOB Iaa_B.IBBiionol tba KugitiT.- hlave law wni.h wa.i. va ui.|i.*i aad Aller furtb.r reiuai ka lie auidii .- i. iiiit. i_l u*. tl.e oi.l) i*-J hu.b_.iu of diaiurbuu.*.SI..vrrv rm.i.ii, by any nile ol luw, ealand nurth of.i. ItO. Ti.e c. nleel taiweau Kreadom und Slaveryaa, liitial.t n. Kaneaa twu yrara ..go. A.liiilf< New-lllp_in.B Su ea. Ile gav r.a-oiia wliy taii.iilo not vote for Mr. (iii'-ti-rua Cowprou.iae. luiu. i luatot., ta ral.l, *:ive tbe llapublii au Adii.uit.tra-it«i a I. ir ci aii.e. I' lt ahi-tiUI not du .igl.t tlu.-nul-

Ii< . ol lha Noilh w .ll * aid by vou.

lli l I. -iWpt'hll p.B.J aaaaMad |*ermiarioB toBiuke a li va reinutka ev, laiiaUi. v und iu viiidi.aliui<i! il. loui.t pf AoBtb ( aroliiia, which, be inaintiiiued,u. I. il iii pii t-d Ii ub. hh«. aoald buve luk.ii the lorla,ui d bail la.t. like tl e 1'i.kidi-iil. vhllaad ber pllgh edlui.i . lb li- '. ina*. «« tbey did, tbut it wa. tne par-paaa afl tha OatariiBMiut i<> counnenc* boetilo uwaa

.mr tl *' Si.u'.h, tiie QBfBBB "fti'oivi.. or-

ila ai uure gf the foil* al tl.e BOattI of tbe Kivi r aa a peac.' ti.-aaure. If (iinrgi.i d.-aa

i t r«-< .-ui -I ». vt .11 r.liiiti ll.eui. The rtnulb uaka loii.iiiii- lu r ai.veitigi.ty, i.nd to purt iu pem-t). Wua ill, br, die ol OB n-rjhta, which, we

1 ii.., »e oagM to 1111.1. iS. Au.., (ia.). noticliia tl.e rnmarkit uf

Ur, bbaiau u, _ipaaaaad tbe b< iaf ihai tbe s-iutii iaup-io. 11 aitb raaaaa, ai.d eurtieaiiy afpaabd for

ci i.i il.uti< u. Lat tba (<o|U- bavi IbB t.. ai^-ak. Bava. aid awaif tb* ie ult a_tb bmttbaaw ._.<( bapa. IfQcotpia ipaolvBd lo _hpAb. flba* waa.IAp b ppwawa.ln K ll. oi.ii r l>. uive lin .. lu Aiive the gntiit-tiu. tm e

ot ('i..v. rtiii (lil. lli aial ed ii b-> ne iu nund thut hela h-Bgl d uo'. lo the laa. of men who would diauieui-b*r tta _u_.ataracj. tla waaJdaaaa luk.- u ajttaave.-4-i und anab it o pie. a lo waha it ¦ bptia one. a*

lo alicii.| l to muke u 1. tter (iove.tiui. ut by ciualungII i preient inio uUiii.i-.. If (leorgia abull pppeaad tti

tLi i *tien.ilv oftec.-n.on, he would aak her for herown ai ke to buvi ita iii-iiliiit'-a, uf'cr thu uct ttAaBB,Ip ItfBB B lOiaaMlBtlilin nf tba Qa.-BBBB, und toatund .nl ai* un fc.Bd ll ne. There would he not tiifety, in aiitii u at.p.Mr. 1>A\\ I-.S ikep., .Maa*. )- Will you take tha pbtl-foini of tl.e CoBltitUilo._ t'lii. n purty, whi.h _MPBIB

f. r tl.e l ttfc.i Cooj.ilulioo, tuid tbe enforoeuieut ofll.e hiws?Mr. I1II.I--I tindcratot.d thut platfonu well. I waa

ont ot tl.e CoiLiuitlee lo fn me r. IiAW'hfi- 1 auppurcjou will hold youraalfto ittMr. HILL l>o yuB n-Bpect thut platfuin IMr. DAWKf.1 reapect, r*gur'l, und upbold every

ol.litfiiii. u ot the Conaiitution, und every luw paaaedtu.dcr it.Mi. HILL.-1 am glud to hear yon aay Bp, I ho|*e

you aill ut'Diiui-tei u .evere rebuke to the new Uov-i n.or ot _BBtbaratB for uot concuning in yourviiwr. [I_nghter.|Mr. IiAWKS- No State ia mor. true to the C'onati

n.tion und Uni.'U than thut. What Governor IMr. 1111_I_. I aay the ontgoing Governoi-, Bunka, ia

u better oha'-rvcr of the Conaiitution tluui ttBBB...aaor. It. loiuluaion he appeuhtd to gentlemen toii.kc Mr. Critieudeu'a compromiee ua u bu.iB of noiiUs-i.u-tit. Ha 1 ad liatmed aith plaaBB B Mi. Seward'aajieeib, tacaiue il wua u motliGcution ol bia foruieru| I.ct every u un go work und cxtingtiiah tbeI'i.ii e now l-i.ging iu tbe country.Mr. IIAlif"KMA- (8. Am. Ga.) would tuke the

li ion coi.aiitutioiiul j*rty plu'.form a. it ia.A VOIC'E to Mr Dawaa.Do you agree to that fMr. 1>A WES.I agree to every purt of it. 1 wunl

IH) betlti platfoim.Mr. HAKDK.MAN aaid ttat pl.t'form rPPeBWBBBB

de< irioii of the Snpreoie Conrt, und thut tne Southbave lh.* tight to curry their alave* into tb* co.uuiou

Tei.iluii.B Aa one ot" tbe dinel.arged aoldter* he wu.

williiig to take the TtaII aiul Fverett pldtfvrm u- a

ai b of a. ttleuii nt of the .iitfi.ultyAftirfiirlherpnaeediiiga, Mr. I»l"RNF.TT (I)em.,

Ky.) otli red un ameudmeut lhat no forcee authoruedtt the bill rball be uai d to Biibjert anv t-.eding Stat-*.Ht waalpd tbe country to uiidorBtaii'J whether it waaii.ii i di d tn make war on them or uot.Mi. STANTOX (Bap.; <lhi") auid tbere could be no

wui i.nlira (be aggre.ion com. a lrom the aecedingiMtPPa

.Mi. Bnmett'i amendnient waa r*je:ted.Tl.e ( ci. luitiee rote uud reported tbe bill to tta

Hoiim Adjot i_e<*aB

Tititlir of Si*r \ li-i'ia.S-.i ai i- Hahhok, Fritluy, J.ui. 18, |M.

'I'. Froutier Gtiaida, C*pl. E. M. Camp, of t_tctatt*Hutbor, laat evcuiug volunt.ered their aervice* toGov. Morgun.

NEW-YORK LKOISLATUREtS1_aTATE....Albirv, Jaa. IS, 18(31.BIM-8 IflTHODUt'CD. *

By Mr. "FRERO.Ta provide arma and equipmentsfor the Vi ili ia of the State.

Iiy Mr KPINOIaA.8ibmi.tiBRflflttafal HMBflBBaBfor BBkBBOu.g the Coua'.i'.utiou of tb* I'uitel Baflflfl tflIh* people.Hy requeflt of Mr. SPINOLA, it wae Lid on tho

table.lhe bill provide* for u apecial eledion for the pur-

pote of taking a vote npon certiiin pTOfkodtiona fori.nenilii.g tl.e CuiiatMition of tlie Uailfld Statea,k.i.'Wn aa tbe Crittenden iimendBieiita.

Alr. SI'INOLA iatroda ed a bfll for the more per-f-ct organizution .-f the n.ilitiiry force* of the State.It 1.1 ov idea that lhe (lovenior ofthe State ahall heMihiict to tbfl bwaaf the rni'.ei Btattt; nitaiy into na many dllhlllBfl. hri^'ade*, 'rflfljaBattfl,ur.d compaiiica, an in hi- opinimi the good of tlie MrvBaniav reqnire.

Br. f Il.I'O'S l.ill providea for a apecial iipproprm-ti<.n of f'"i4Mi,(KH> for proci ring armtt md e^uipment* forthe n ilitia of tlie*, tbe money to bfl expeiidedund* r diieetion of the Oovernor.Tle bill for icirgui.izing tl.e flnanc© depurtmenf »f

Ibe N'.w-Y..rk City ('ovcrnmei.t cntne upfor i'a BBdn ading.

ai ei alcng dctate, on motion of Mr RAMSEl tbel iil waa recomu.ittid to the Coinniittee of the ViTiole,._d mude tt* ai-ecial order for Tuenday.Adjoun.ed Ifl* Moiday.


In the Aaai mb'y, the Commiitee on Federal Reln-lion*, thaaajh theii- Clwinuan, Mr. Uobkiaon, reportedthi. mnn ing.Mr. KhRNAN flf I'tfou e.xpl.iined tbat while he ap-

provedaf anebof .be rejroi i, and w illiuidy acteptedlb©«d couipromi-e, it" flflfflptBhb to the South,vt he derired lo aay thaf he dirauprovvil audcon-.!imi,.d the war ai int prevuleut a> the Nmth.Mr, WATERBUBY oilered lhe following:H Arrr,;., It ia i.-urreiit!y reported thaf an agant from South

faialini il now |_ lha City of Troy, in thit State, forfoi aiid 8ti'e ol S'.utb < *e« lii- unw ln a 8'ate of rebel-

11. ii agtiti.t tha (joven,meiit of the l'nited <*t«te«. md lha: eer-tuiii .-l'lrenii of taid ( Itr of Troy, *re Ireaionably engared i-

iil.riiir. .f' canu >n tohe j.ed againat tha (iuveru-n i,t .,' ihr I'lii-pri Hia'a.; lharefare

Urolrid. bat tbe ( omiiiittea OL I'ubllc Defenaabe r.-.iuaatedto . .i-ertnin tha ln-ti ln ralatlcni to ..d rerjert, aud to commuuicata tbeui to tfap Home.Mr. ( < .ZZI'.NS BBOved to lay the reaolution on the

tlil le. foiet bv .2 to 791Vlr. KFRN'\N dflfir. d to d<-ba"> the oneation. and

thfl raa Ititi.iii wiih Uid over, tbfl Sp.-aK.-r de.idif.gBgatoai a (oinf of rd«-r rui-ed hy Mr. Beuedi.-t, thutit wi.p a t.i ivil. ged i|ii.;e:tiiin.Mr. V A'l KRBIIlY introdncerl a bill to empower

tbe Boarda of Burervi-ora ot the aeveral couutiea t<>

pi.iv ide for av ing w i'.ne+e**. in criminal capep tlie *aiue

bflfl aa in iv il oieea.Mr. KEIfKY Introductd a bill t<> amend the act for

fuiilitii.itig.he formaiioii of agrh ul'iinil aocieti.-e.Mr KERNAN atfoducedabUlaatbof-dngrellgiouB

BBd I.aritalle noci' -tiea to leaae, aell, and couvey realeetate.

Mi. B -.88 introdu.ed a bill Hmendatory of the aetf.n the iittvu eart «f mt.-re.-t on dra'tm.Mi. Ali'. I'L.vl'HS totrodaaad « b.ltoehaage tha

b| ihe Barhtt Oflartef New-York t.. lha CityC'onrt.

Br. FARNl'M Btrodaord afoll to mearpotRRi theSprini.-etr.-et Bailroad, b New-YorkMr WEBbTEB BtOYfld to lay tbe bill on the table.

Carned. .Br.DABCT introdnced a reaolution f*a__ag OB tbflVI. tn j. liian l'olit Ci.nmieai'jiicrA. for a report ui, lorleited pay, dtc.

Mi. r-HAVV ii "ved to lay it on lbfl Iflbfe. Ciirried.Mi. I-' 'Nn. 'v'.d 'o inaL. lhe r.tH.rt ofthfl

. a B.itfee ..!. Ked. ,1 I'eto-BBfl lbfl at-ecia' order forWediiii'lay. L-id ou tbe table. Adjourued.Tt. in Our Oflffl Correapond*iit.

Ai.utvv,, Jan. Is, IB Lrr.htu . i ki v ...n.-..

Ab I inf.-rm. d T.ik Tkihi vv laat night by .elegraphva.n ll be lhe .nre. lhe Aaea-mhlv f ouiUiittee on Fetie allUtoUoaa, thronjih ita ChflilflBBB. Br Rohinaoii. thiau on ii n, r. [oruu for lbfl couaideratioa "f thfl H.-.iae,the rt-pi lu'i'itp -liyi.llv whh. werein'r..-ilu. ed I.y the liraf week ofthe teaeiou. Theli.. p. tl le aa tollowr:The report reta lorth tbe evile ttt pr. eent at'i'n'ing

tlanuiiiiv; d> <l«r«e tbat b B aaefc88 to ii.'i'iir.- whoia BfflBaaflBBflB for lba) exi*ling tr-ubh-e, dflCtflfM tnatSiw-.ork. while fmily ptaud-ng iti auppnr' flf thel ilioa Bad the lawa *8th by BMMal and material aid,will latflgaBa 'l.e iiit|a.rt_n.>. flf 8a_RJ al! B ilaP va. .... oiiciliHie ihe ui--ati«he<l Statea.Tbe b Uowing iflflflhltBaa are offo'-ed:j\......o', Uiat if tbe Beaata w* arjth* BM**f Naw York

bt. wnn. >.il with daau r.-|'et and aa-rje.t rapmbati-n.'B.itof .oa.e .' tl.e r)A»atit..dui(r Hi.-ea lo orerthrow t...->,.ti, i .1 lnitrtuiient aad t.w. aid to d.lAi.e ibe l'nion, whi.-hka> run ei.ail Uia*uni.r>la a.ieuU uput. ail aectlcn. tiiat .1).il. ..p- tb* MgLt *f BBJ Stat '.eabaolve iti eil.-glaii. ¦. frma tbei. d. 'tl '"T, 'Lu,.-rt "aml al >ha ia .1. i nf forth tll her B**~Ba. a leeouier. lo maiaula tbat Uovemaieat, aud aid ln lhe. :otcaix. ut af tbe lawi.

/,.,.<<*, Tbtt lif UM Henate conruri tke State of New Yorkil ,|. .) t lAAold clrli war by erery mr.j. c-ouii.ta.ita i'l. k.nnnr ai.d to n.eet her .iater Stal.-a in'a ,?ou.lll*torr apiritti i..iil.i-11 dilli:>. i.rei eo aa tv a-iioebly r<in <a

a ju.- ,'..:.'. .1 -,l.|.i.i.iI, ai.d by niutual co.icea.iou. to realo r ai d liarii.. c> .-. lhe I'..., n.

Then f< lli-w tb* ri'aolutt'.iia ori^inallv introduc*.! byMr. Bi 1 iiin-ii, for tb* adi iImIob of idl territory, afterKiii.-hp rhall l, c me uiio the l'nion, aa two Sfitefl,with aaefa Coi dkatioaa, lapabHifaa _ hral th*ii I.l I'.anta Bhall mlopt, with the a_BwhBJ B BflRaa.Htt ibflM naatotbaai

R.n|.|*| .I.. ni .obiiiiaaiiu witb propar reatrlctiont,or 'u dlaida the tamtery a/l-r tl.e manner af tha Mlaaooil t'n__-r, a i.e pi(M*p* ui.l nut .aid r-enaiura and KapreatnUtivee

. a. bave ia.urai.ip. Mtiala tor. t't tnen. '.hat ... 1. flbpMkieBcf ita te'tlorlai aaIH ba .-ner.llf ta and rea.ore peaoetll. ratoty to th,- afltlao

II e ri| >.rt waa Um ou tbe ...-le.Mi-etra Hitdaall lll.d PBflBfl de litie.l t-i ttnit* in the

report, artd ihe former K*ve iio.iot- lha. be would at aftiiure ilay, pre»a-nt a ii.inority report. Tuia rejjort willpinl Bfl pr.p.iiied uext Mi.n.lay or 'I ueeday.

At. attempt to ni.iki- the report a apt iu.1 order forWeitnirdav nex. failed.

t M VMll-itll.V (. | 11 i \ r

Mr. l-'ullrrton of t .rau»{v prteenl.-d lhe following.*aol..ti"ii, whi-b atrikea me aa a very aenrible umd*ot re'.tl.tig the great ipieetion. alwaya thattb* other partiea to tbe rotitrai t will m cept the term*p opoeed:H Jippfiii, Thr cwaen of il*re property it. the iarar*l border

rt.'et oi ( ai. i. juatiy i-on.plaiu of their fre.iu.iit oftacb p*a*A*Itj by lt. rica| a, and tba ditfiaultiea and ei|M)uae ofii a ;noA. ra. npet iillr oe aeenunl of lha prograa. o! frea prinil11.. li, ibe .ni r-'.'utefio.illiig Matea. aml ii.aaniu.-b aa we rei-id the rigiita of property uiidar tha axiiliug Awt of aay Statean ¦. a. aud,

Wltrr,! The artlon of tha eonaeiratlT.- portion of tha1. ..!. < f tboae St.let ln eudearoriog to maiiitalu tlie integrl!,al II. I i||M aiain.t UM pf***BM uf fanau.-liin ai.d RflflMfl I*

( ntii i> Slalea n.eeta nur be.rtr app.,-aai aud U eutltied t*

guLl)by In.f

. .'ia tt «jui| a'l v nd pncuragan.eri. aiid,II httr,., Ib.aba. long beeu a di.lutbn.g ela.neut lu our r.-la

(lOii.eiih tbe Snuib. aud ia.iy witb that portion ofthehi mL a Ing tlong llte border. uf tba Kr.-e Hlate.. I.erefnre

Utevl'red tll tha S, n.l. eoi.cui) That our Seuatirtand Repraei.t.liv. ¦ ll. t'ung.eaa be reui.aatad to urge tbe adoptiou ol auchii.aa.uira nn tha part of ti.a (i.nar.! Ooveriimaut o' th.- l'nitedH'« .-. a. .hall priailrtllv oflt-r the people of .i.i-h of* the border8 >va Slate. ai wlil acorpl the prupciltiou IBflfl indurement. aitl.,.|| I.e t ,ll i.-i t lt. r.-ii.uneiale ihe owuen of tlava pro|verty» itoflfl hlatet for tke gradaal emaBclpallou ol theirt am, and Ib* xlinc'ioB of Slavery tberrin forever,under au, b rpgulalloni aa tha be Mtlifaetory te ibetn-I. Iv... prorldrd the proi-ett ihall uot be re.ii.ired l. extend orera |,eii. i oi iiuitp that. forty yean "knd alio tbat the Oeuaral (ioreruuirnl taka tuch tt-pa aud B-ake iueu a|.nropriation aa a_ell beiii'i-att.ry tn >and turl. ll are .et free (o Ltberta, or llayii aadf. r their i-nlniitxetiou ihere provided lliuee Hlate. or any bf tbemh.ll de.ira itlietolttd That tht ae leaolutlont. with tbe rote of thit Legit-

la mr thereon b«- lorti.with tian.ur.'t.-d hy the Oorernniei.t oftliii Hlate to our Senatcra a»d l(epre.eutett-ee ln Coogreai.

ARBiaKi THAITOR8.Mr. 1'ii-r. e preeeut*d an important bill to the Aaeero-

bly to-d*y, vt bicb providea aa lollowa:Hbctikb 1 Any peraon or peraona wbo ihall aell, or flJBBfl to

aell. or n. any way ur n.auBer m-.otiate the aale. trauafer or da-Itrrry of ai.y iblp or vrieel. nr any arnia or niu.dtion.of war, oruay article niuilly kuowa aa c.trahaud of war, to any State,(iove i u.eiit. aa.ocl.ilou or body puli'.ie or eerporate wbicb hator ahall have *>ca-drd fiom the autborl-.y or juriadiction >f ;beI ited ot Ameiii-a. aml be bi rabellion or hoatility, or toauy rniiiMry, agenl ofiicer or aerraut tbereof. ihall beadju.lged

Jl) uf felony, aud apc* couvictlon tbereof abail bepuuUaedt.| rlt. tin.eiit ln th.- Blite Frlion uot lat. than two nor morc

Ihai. le* yee'i, aid ihall forerer thareaflei ba deprrved of ali theriabtB, liini. ,.a..aj,il -.n. m..nitl«-a of acltlzau of tlm State.BIC. 1. Auy peraon or penoi.a who loan aay moner,

ciadil. or aaluable thtug to any Btate Ooverument. corporation,ci a....aiatlou which ahall hareieaeded orthall bara paaaad. pru-Biulgatrd or acied under any act,, or danlaratlnn ef ee-c.'t.i.iii friiiu ibe Ui ited Olataaif Auieri.-a. ortball be Ul rabellionoi hcttililyto the autbortly ofthe tald l'nited Statea aud -verypei-i¦ or pei.rBi whoaiiaUdireetly orbidirectly buy hivr hold,M riaalt*, »' hargaiu >.r nego'i.ta tha punlia«i. pltAdge. bypothe-ra>luii or rei-eplbu of any bond, bill, note. *r evidenee of debt,i.-ued oi uurporting lo be .iu«d by any auch State (Joreiament,corporatiuu or aaaociaiion after lucb aeeeiil. n. or ihall hare Ibbi. any auch bond, bill note. or evidenr* of debtaball mi rrurletlon therrnf, be tdjudged guilty of felony, aud beI imlahed hy imrrlionment ln tb* Mtate Pr.oa not leta than two..oi muie thtn Im yeeri, and anr ofllaer or agant nf any corpo-r.ti< u laking ir huliiing tbe uaie ba ita behaix thaii be B.BBflflpiluaiptl 'her. n In the firit degree.¦BC. 3. l'rnvidea fer pnuiihnient by fire to ten yetn imprlaon-Bieut and lo,i uf ri'i/eu.blp foi any wh* ahall eugage, euliat, hireor pjticuie, or who th.ill, eiitlce or propeM to aay otherp- ia. i. to (Ugage eull-t, hire or proenre to aay otber, Orei.figc rr.llf r hire biniielf or tliau.elvi'i, to a*l~r ln aay» '¦. .111 g "i rebclllng Stite, or in anv Suie which ihall deiign toBat io rebellloB gi bottiiuy t« tbe l uited Statei.

r'ncli I. l.ill aa thia oughl io be paaaed at once, aa contriK t* bave alnady heen entered in.o by citiBena ofNew-York to luriiah the enemy with munitiona ofwar, and nego' are in progrea* with other citi-RBBfl lor rm ih. objectA lf tbe a. iiiimeut of patriotinmwill not deter flBttBBfl of New-York from "affonliugaid andemfort to tbe enemy. it reema iiuit© jiroperto invoke the atrong arro of toe law.

MVV-TOltK (-H4MBBKLIIV.The S'enate bill *.o give the Coutroller tbe apjvoint-

ment of the N. Y. City Cbitmberluin, wa* again"ii. ti to-day til! next rueeday, with ihe undm*;_tding

Ihut it will be put, < a itt flnal reuduig at iii o'd ,cb otttat day.

CAPITAL I r.'-l:-ll Ml.M.The .ludiriury Committee WiU rot ort :t bill tn

or m> mcdify the legialution of laat Wi'itver iu regard to( apital l'ui._hment tbat ibe St*te can apnin «nga-*e iotiie hn.-innAB of baitghrg .eoi.b- " by tbe neek trntil ttayBB-ileiid;" but it ih thought thit tbey will retaiu thefi'Uttire whiih makea two degreea of murtler.

THK iVlov,The HpeaVer preaented u memorial from tta Mayor,

Aldcnten, and Commmialty of fhe itty of N.w-York,urkiiu/ be Legialatnre to provide for the oaittng of aStute Convenlkui, "to taa* into conaidei-ution thppn:-?it (-tate of the Cnion, und adopt snch me_*_re* aathe intereatB and duty of tho people of tbi- btate mayrequii* to he done."

n tTBB mi -BB PBB.taa,Mr. Sherwood .__. nofice of a bill to r'grtlafe thp*

ferriea taiweea New-York und 8taten ialaud.


Wi'l. BBM ta-rprfaa we have henrd from n cifi/en ofAarara, ladtta__, that ibi* ttay, tw.ntv-hve mile* from( in. ini.a'i, ha. for t'.e laat two weeka been ill.imi.ttedwitb uiif, und thia th. " Sandi:r»' WaterOaa.' tbe dincoveiy of a fonrler citizen of Crnrinnati.Aa no public notice haa before been made of thia enter-priae, and it ia importunt, not from th* fact thattbia ia tl e fiiai town li hled aithth* ao-called " WaterflMa,' but from ita anctieita, prniijWng BBBBt a rpvaio-tion in gua mattera, we bave endaavored to gathai-tOBM det.ln on the auhje.-t, or at leaat iuter-ting gan-en.litiea.

'1 he B-baB of the frienda of thi* ~ra to btrodooa Rin the public gua workB of I'b._.< lphiu, and tta ra--.i^tiiiue of tbe compatiiea ttare, whoee iiitercnt* arai.leiiiitied wiih the c< .1 minoa, and tta nnal lighttng opof the Girard Houee wi -h aacoeaa, are fact* fauiihur to

many mwaru* er re; dcra. Mr. Add H. SanderB, thpoani-r of tbe rigl.t in Itidianu rieriroua of trying the_ a in acme town, indttced Mr. Juliua Severln. ar. .t*.. ipruintf mechunic in Anrora, and toniewlii. tttt*tiiiuintcd wilh gaa work*, to inveatigate permnallyihia Biibiect, ai.d the reault *t«, laat Fail, hia deteraa-nutiou to ut orce commence the ervcfion of Water Gbworka in hia own town, tle right of tta connty beingaold to I im ut a mere nomimil anm. An ea-

terprwe, aud with but limited capital. Mr. Severinl ar tad manv difficnitiea to overco_e, but ia at hutacitenalul, uiid with tl.e proa-aaet of being litar-lrr re-

warded for hi* eiiterprii.- Hia gaa worka, capabfc ofaopplyiag tbe .ouaiiiiiption of Anrora for n__ny yearato BM, have taen in Bteadv o|ieretion for two week*,pr- .Itt.e a pnre, brilliant, and almoet odorlea* gaa. 8.well i'1-aaed iire tbe (iti-ena, that nuuiv who had heldol, ftaring the flnul reault, are now navuig ftxttireeplu< ed in their houaee. At preaent, there are n.arlyfive hundred burnera, aupplied through (.ven tho__adfeet oi main pi)** in the .-treete. Tbia gua ia uot " pu-rifit-d," thua diBpeiiaing with u beavy expeisae und mocblabor. indi*TKDi_ble to the mHfiafaetnre of roal gaa,vet tta gua ia aaid to ta autienor to tbe ordinury BMlj_ue in biilliain-y. Purified, it would, of eourae, taniuth brigbtei. It pive* u i.right and heauttful lightwhen hnrnt juat aa it ..<_<e* from tta retorta, even be¬fore pa*aing throngL tbp 'vtii-B."Tte woi ka ure -u.ihir to tbo*e for the ___ii.g of

coal gaa, ex.enting for the prudu-tion ot gaa, witheimilarpipaa, fixlu*-**, _c. The Aur.i-i Work* mn-

Utiu but tbree amall retort*. which ure chumed to tatl.e full .-.juivalent of a tam-h of aix by ntne of the

large cal MB retort*. ln udiiition, tbere ia a* aia... over tbe retorte, a tat.k for th* t_rh)tiJ/-uig muteriui, aueh ua roain, owd* afl, or uther ruatertal curbon. Wuter-gaa worka oif»U___

leaa than roal gaa w-.rke of the auine capuhihuea, a*

ae ar. inluin.ed, aud can ta imtnaged bv one-tl.ird thenumber of meu. In addition t<> theee fact., thecxpen-riient ut Anrora haa demonati..d, w* ur* it_oi*_ed,thut the water gaa can ta iu_ie macb ctaaper tbunoaalBBPi it ib almoet odorleea, the work* being no

ofleuaeto tbeir immediate neigbborhooo; it doe* not

etmdemtt so much a* cc*l gua; it doe* not leaveide-

paa-Pflf unv kind la tbe pipee, by which they B ttairmeieranav Le affect*!.Tbeae iaeta aire eertuinlv important enoogn to

re, on.mei.d tbe " Sar.dera' Water Oaa" to the <:_r*fulezamioatioD of all penx^na. compani.a, und comin-in-

tiea intereated iu gaa. The additional fact, thut theAtirora Worka pBB-BB toamply reward their bnild.r,a ben th.-limited nnmtar ot i-otiauiii»-~ woold reuderlha -r. ctiun of i-oul-gae wuika tbere an enterprh* o<it

to ta tbu.i|fbt af for a moment aa a paying aiieealat-n.ia anggeative ol the import.aee of tbia di*covery. Weare inlorii.til tbat though e-tiniatee will aoon Be madeof tbe coat of thia __a, day ulter day, BO thut tne poiutof ita economv will ta made more apparent. .Utb-ag'iM-. Si v.tiii ia »t 111 iigaged in improvitig hia worka,and ixjerinienting iti dmeivnt niaterhtla,we underatand vi-itor. are freelv adtnittad tci ttaworkr, und everv facility ottered tbem for tl.e e__-_un-ation of det.ile rilating to tta pnaeaaul m-iuofaewringw.iicrgue. < iiainiuiti Daily Coma.erciaL

CoMJiissioNETt- "T Poi.ick...A B.-crot aeaaioo oftbia IloHid aaa beld ye_terday afiernoou at Ueadquar-t. ra, wl en a large number of appointtnente were naail*in BBBBBmity with the reaolntionB lately pa*.- by ttaIh-ard of 8ti|>erv*iaorB incre-aiDg tta foroe. Tta mea

api»ii ted will be aubject'd to tbe m_.ipul_-i._tof thoeui«icul *taff to te*t their litnea* for police duty, aod ifn. t | urued by ihe doctore are rejeoed by tta Comaiia-ai nera.

( up'. Curry of tbe Fifth Ward, who waa tried aornPtime ag" on vurioua churge*. wa* diBiiuaBed from tta'de]'i.r!:i i tit. S. rkrt. Jeiemiab Petty of the Foiirtt- ntbWard aaa promoted to the rauk of Captain, and aent to

t! a Fil'th Waid. K-BMBBM Peel of tta Third Wardwaa creuted u Sergeant und aent to the FoarteenthWa.d.

Seigeunt Weed of the Foorteenth Ward wb die-Bttaad ftoin the force on a charge of violuting tborulea aml regtihitionr, in engaging in other than polie*btiaiueea. Not long ago a mun named Wm. H. Ben-nett, furuMrly a r-1-enian. vakd*? cimpluint pg|ain-tSergeunt Weed. charging him with being int*r**P*d ua

k.. pmg a houae ef ill repn'a. lt appeart-d in eviaeucetbat Hennt-tt applied to Weed .. indoiae u note in ordertl at he iH.) might r_i*e the meanato open a boardintrhuiifo. 8utae<]_ently Mr. Weed a-ertained Uutf B.»-uet had opeued uu aaeig-tttion hooae, and apon churg-ing tl e latter with it, he replied Umt ta r-onld not grtalone any other way. Il t'orther appeared lhat We*daaaiated him in obtiiining furniture. Tbe emphtiint wua

made by the mun ilennett, and oo the triil nuo-.<u*

wifne.ea were brought forward to ahow hia vile cliar*acter. Weed wua howerer diamiaaed.Late yeaterday afteniot Ilennett waa arre*P_l «B

charge ofperjnry before the CimmiaaionerB of Police,und locked up in pi iaon in default of $1,(1)0 bail.

B " ¦

IblTIllf *v YaVPP M*fA¦'« ClBfBAt COBBITTIK*..Thia Committee met at Xo. 018 Broadway fbr thapiirpoee of orgouuiug for tbe year, bot Ita objatt, wapnot eflected, and the maeiing adjo'irnod until aext

Thuraduy night. Frank W. 8tapp_rd waa called to

tho chuir pio tem. Severul conusated aeata wore re-

ferred to a committee to inveatigate, and report at thene.xt convoeation. Tbree balloi* w*re had for a per-mauent ('Imirmiin, Kthan Alleo aad Jrra-ph H. W__erbeing the candidatea. The.: waa do choicp.

nmrtkotm.Reported by Trlrprapk.HOBIIB. Jan 14, 1881..Co.O.A.*_*. to-day J,0i- balne, at

llr. for Middlingiaalee of thre. dav*. t.HK tale*, r-c-lp- ufthre* dara I5,54ai bai.*. PflBI-MTa.Cotim) I* Lll_pll_, Uari*. lk) BrBBLiaa ExtiaAN-a liKijalotj. Biobt Bi-Chamik on N.w York \'a\ p*r e.u t dinaunt.Kaitibomb, Jan 18. Fiora dull Howard BHl aad Ohlo,

p.-t»'. Whbat dull: Red. * I art *l S3; Whita, PIBO-pl Coaaflnn; B hlte. B-Ot VeUow t-W-e. Pr..h--loMiii-tlveaud buuyaut aalvi of Meae Pork ai PM Laaa ao-tive at i"-i- Curaaa M.dy at Ila .e. W'biibi at tBfc

Piiii t..»i .hia. Jan 18 .Pi.ieii uiu-tangetl. tVBBATa---y;K.d pl a-i-trl 35: Wnite. -> 40.* 150. Conn *t***-i a.wt-_6->. Corrnu. Hio, II) -13.. Wauai ncady Laan.IOJiTllJc.

MlBBot'Rl P.XI-UANOE._ .....Bt. I.otT". Jan. 18 _Si>ht Kxchaaa. on New-Vork a*.-i_*d 1

tp cent, aud ¦. quot-d at 4 kt o*ut for Mtaoari paper. i

Bblii tlrai.

Arpivkh..6te-*tmabip A«a (Br.!, I_Kt, Ii-i-pool4tb ln.t vla Que.n*4own oth, _4*_ aad pa-. to -Canatd. Ha*am liOi.datibeB W Spit .,,._..., _.

8hip Kb.ra .".utha-d (of Rl liinoud. Ma ) Soutbard Oiaaaow Bdiv. iiidee. to T. J. Bcatbard - Ca. Jan. 6. lat 34 M, Ie_.. »4

fO'aignalrd thip Hobeit Cuthmin nf rlaltimor* nrnwing byN' f*n 14. lat .'. Ion. 14. <pok* brlg Klml.-a. ef bm fromPortland for ila-ara. The P. H Ba* had a .-..ntinuatioi-. of b**vyN W. aud 8. VV galM th. *ntlr* j-aa.age ijlit lalta kJ_br. Para (u*w) Caiboart. W tUiington. Del * daya, toar

and com meal to C Fbxdb, Son k Co.; t.aai to Jam*. liakepk Co.Bchr. I> A. Be-T \ oorbh JackaOBTi'.lr I daya, yallow pln*

U t F IMBiM I riShlp Noitb A_i*iica Harrl*, Li-t*pool Da*. 11, mdaa. W

tVl'llin- k O.iloB,*'chr CBtbarir.*Thet_ai.-. Viigiaial daya, flryBaraBchr. il L^, tarnr. Vlrgiui* 3 day., wood.8rbr Bherwood, W ill__a, V ir«ii.i* 3 dayi,, OTBt-r*.Srhr. W. T. Bak*r. BuU. Virglaia, oy.t.r. for FairhaTr-BKLOW-Brig Preaenti-l-to (of Baltl-O-) Jaaae., Ortot

Uaihor, **lt, Ulraky.W'lND-At .anaai, B. X ; Tery tMok, aad ralBlnpThb Bbio Conucb-t, iirTT__e]y reported a-_r* mt_.t*?

on Morich- Btath, wa* ye***rlBy, lTth, mU at mmmt tutarr

f0Bt_T!_*B_, Jan. 11 -A ptlot ar-rad .y,*.'^H____Tn,|«-teMl lifged .uppo_d BriU-., we_ttB*jf_ .» *_-a» u,n-

I3tb luit.. ou Uaai.tb Manta*, near w olf ~»t_ .-_a-fw_[By B-ap-fS to EUt ood WalBer, ma. ttt- immrtru.