srs on online auction system

A Software Requirement Specification(SRS) ON “ONLINE AUCTION SYSTEM.” As a Partial Requirement For The degree of Computer Science & Engineering 3 rd Year (6 th Semester) YEAR: - 2012-13 Guided By : Prepared By : [Department of Computer Science & Engineering ] Page | 1

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Page 1: SRS on online auction system


Software Requirement Specification(SRS)



As a Partial Requirement

For The degree of

Computer Science & Engineering

3rdYear (6thSemester)

YEAR: - 2012-13

Guided By : Prepared By :

Sagar paperwala

Ritin tarpada

Vatsal Desai

[Department of Computer Science & Engineering ] P a g e | 1

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DATE:- / / 2013

PRACTICAL NO: -1 To perform the system analysis task for your system

1. Requirement analysis

2. SRS

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1. Introduction

Since the internet has become a popular place to buy

and sell goods, online auctioning services have made their

way into most homes. On line auction system is web based

application, so the main advantage is that there is no more

system compatibility requirement problem. The main

advantage of the online auction system is that the user can

have the varied classes for their investment, and through this

system user can invest in their own selected firm.

a. Purpose

Our main purpose for this project is people invest their

money to get maximum profit and knowledge about our

online trading system. Here all type of user can go and

analyses the data of different field and get maximum profit for

future investment.

b. Overview

This system provides an easy solution to users to buy or sell

their product with maximum profit online

SRS includes two sections overall description and specific requirements;

- Overall description will describe major role of the

system components and interconnections.

- Specific requirements will describe roles & functions

of the actors.

c. Overall Description

The online auctioning system is designed to cover

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subscription, maintenance, campaign and complaint processes

of the company. The processes of commercial customers are

entirely different from the individual customers and they

haven’t been involved in this project. The system deals with

customer touch points: customer calls for subscription, for

requests about package, services, pay per views, for

complaints about general or technical problems and

maintenance of campaigns that directly affect customers.

Campaign maintenance process includes the definition of new

campaigns and preparation of target lists by marketing

department and the outbound calls of call center for these

campaigns after related target list. Different from campaigns,

the definition of service products like packages, services and

PPVs to the system is supported by other departments and

they are established by other systems.

d. Scope

This Project investigates the entry threshold for

providing a new auction service channel via the real options

approach, where the entry threshold is established by using

an Online auctioning system designed for the use of normal

users(individuals), Industrialists, Entrepreneurs,

Organizations and Academicians under transaction rate


- Customer must have a valid User Id and password

to login to the system

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- If a wrong password is given three times in

succession, that account will be locked and the

customer will not be able to use it. When an invalid

password is entered a warning is given to the user

that his account is going to get locked.

- After the valid user logs in he is shown the list of

accounts he has with the bank.

- On selecting the desired account he is taken to a

page which shows the present balance in that

particular account number. and the details of what is

latest auctions are running currently.

- User can pay the money using online banking.

- User can make a funds transfer to another account in

the same bank. User is provided with a transaction

password which is different from the login


- User can transfer funds from his account to any

other account with the bank. If the transaction is

successful a notification should appear to the

customer, in case it is unsuccessful, a proper

message should be given to the customer as to why

it failed.

- User can request for cheque book/change of

address/stop payment of cheque’s

- User can view his monthly as well as annual

auctions. He can also view future auctions.

- Generate printable reports at every section

- Administrator can take a back up of the database for

every auction that is happening, periodically.

- All users are authenticated to avail the services

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- FAQ section is also included for end users benefit.

e. Environmental Characteristics


Several hardware platforms support online auctioning and

banking transactions. An online auctioning system is

effective when the correct software application and hardware

configuration is used.


- Processor : Intel Pentium 4 or above

- RAM : 256 MB or above

- Hard Disk : 160 GB or above

- Benefits

Mid-range systems are small, powerful and easy to maintain.

Mid-range system hardware is less expensive than high-range

equipment, has built-in, preventive maintenance utilities

which automatically monitor central processing unit (CPU)

usage and other hardware functions. Workstations can be

integrated into the system and configured to process regular

and Web auctioning made easy.




•Email & Mobile Transfers: Send money to someone using

only an email address or mobile number.

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•Push Notifications: Set up and receive your latest auctions

Alerts within the app

•Check balances, pay bills, transfer money, and locate

ATMs/banking centers


Bidder - The person who places a bid, and wants to buy an item.

Item - One listing in the auction (can be several actual items, but will be represented by one listing).

Seller - The person who listed the item to be sold.

Winning bid - The price a buyer pays to win an item.





Online auctioning is paperless. Paperless auctioning is

environmentally friendly, but many people feel more

comfortable having a paper trail when they pay their bills.


Many people worry about hackers accessing their bank

accounts. Also, family or friends could steal your password

and access your account information.

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2. Goals of Implementation

Today’s customers demand timely and relevant

account alerts, and they want them sent through multiple

delivery channels for maximum convenience. An

institution’s Online banking solution should be able to

handle one- and two-way messages via text, e-mail, and

voice, and should integrate with core systems for real-time

list generation and response capture. Alerts should go

beyond simple account balance notifications and payment

deadlines to include fraud prevention mechanisms like

notifications for address changes, large purchases, and

foreign transactions and wire transfers.

Some online banking features are centered on the

goals of reducing debt. Through online banking, people can

submit debt consolidation loans for approval and set up

automatic deductions to repay the loans. They can monitor the

progress of their debt, and when extra money becomes

available they will know exactly how much they owe so they

can pay it off quickly. The main goals of implementation are

as follows;

- Enhancements to the security features may increase

the performance.

- Central Server will be online round the clock.

- To Assist in the creation, expansion and

modernization of private concerns.

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3. Functional Requirements:

Administrator: He is the super user responsible

for managing clients of the system, taking system

backup, generating reports, maintaining

organization details.

Manage Clients: The Administrator assigns new

users when a new client joins the online

auctioning. Also he can delete an account when

any of the user leave the auctioning organization.

Maintain Corporate Details: The Administrator

maintains entire details of the Corporate that

includes details of the Corporate Admin and its

sub user’s details etc.

Take System Backup: The Administrator Backup

the database in order to prevent loss of data on

system crashes. He can backup entire database or

a particular section..

Generate Reports: : Responsible for checking the

logs of different system users for auditing and

maintaining the integrity of the system.

a. full system description

The following list describes the most important functional requirements that evolved during the system development:

The software is to be designed for online auctions, both the normal EnglishFormat and the reverse format, thus allowing to

auction goodsAmong buyers and demands among suppliers.

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An intuitive graphical user interface is to be offered, that must beAccessible through the web without any installation


The auctions shall be running in real-time. This means that clients always have current information visible. This is important for

short time auctions,where the frequency of bids is relatively high.

An auction may consist of several slots, allowing the buyer to split the materialdesired among several suppliers. This allows to prevent a dependency on a single supplier only, as well as to split delivery.

Different auctions may depend on each other. For example, depending on the results of simultaneous auctions, the buyer purchases percentages of competing Materials.

Persons may participate in an auction in different roles: the auctioneer, the bidders, the originator of the auction (buyer in reverse auctions, seller in the normal auctions),and guests shall be admitted.

Different roles get different information at hand. Only the auctioneer can co-relate the bids to their bidders during the auction. Bidders appear to each other anonymously, but know how many competitors there are. Furthermore, bidders see their ranking. External observers following the auction see percentage values instead of real currency.

Reverse auctions may have a historic and a target value. The historic value describes what the buyer paid for the auction goods so far, whereas the target value describes what he would like to pay this time. If the auction result hits the target value then the buyer is obliged to sign the contract. If the target prize is not hit the buyer is free to choose.

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The auction times may vary. Very short auctions may have an auction time as short as 15 minutes. Typical auction times are 1-3 hours, consisting of a main part and an extension part.

The auction time is extended whenever a bid arrives shortly before the auction end. This allows all other bidders to react. The provided reaction time may vary, e.g. starting from 3 minutes as an initial extension down to a few seconds at the very end.

A login mechanism is imperative. Passwords are distributed through safe channels, among them PGP encrypted emails or SMS.\

A report on the auction result is provided for all participants.

b. Diagrams:

2) Entity relationship diagram and Data flow diagram :

Diagram(2.2) : ER Diagram of Full system[]

Diagram(2.1) : Data flow Diagram of

Full system[]

3) Use case diagram:

Diagram(3.1) : Use case Diagram of Full system(1) []

Diagram(3.2) : Use case Diagram of Full

system(2) []

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4) Class case diagram and Object diagram:

Diagram(4.1) : Class Diagram of Full system[]

Diagram(4.1) : Class Diagram of Full system[]

5) Behavioral view diagram:

Diagram(5.1) : Sequence Diagram of Full system[]

Diagram(5.2) : Collaboration Diagram of Full system[]

Diagram(5.3) : State chart Diagram of Full system[]

Diagram(5.4) : Activity Diagram of Full system[]

Diagram(5.5) : Swim lane Diagram of Full system[]

6) Component diagram:

Diagram(6.1) : Component Diagram of

Full system[]

7) Activity diagram:

Diagram(7.1) :Deployment Diagram of Full system[]

4. Non Functional Requirements

a. External Interfaces


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The auction site is accessible from any operating system using a web browser and a connection to the web server running the Salesmen soft- ware No special hardware is required by the end-user The client browser must be W3C XHTML compatible Communication between the users and the auction site will be through HTTP communication using TCP/IP port 80If an error occurs during a request, the user should receive a clear error message. These errors should also be logged

b. Hardware interfaces

- Processor : Pentium 3 or above

- Clock speed : 800Mhz

- System bus : 32 bit

- Ram : 256 MB or more

- HDD : 40 GB

- Monitor : SVGA color

- Keyboard : 101 Keys

- Modem : 56 Kbps/ADSL broadband

- Mouse : PS2/serial

- FDD : 1.44 MB

c. Software Interfaces

- User on Internet : Web Browser, Operating System (any)

- Application Server : WAS

- Data Base Server : DB2

- Network : Internet

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- Development Tools : RAD (J2EE,JavaScript,JSP,HTML), DB2.

d. Communication Interfaces

- Client on Internet will be using HTTP/HTTPS


- Client on Intranet will be using TCP/IP protocol.

- A Web Browser such as IE 6.0 or equivalent.

5. Behavioral Description

System States:

For system states please refer collaboration and state chart diagram [ & 23]

Events And Action:

for Events and action please refer sequence diagram[pgno.21]

DATE:- / / 2013

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PRACTICAL NO: -2 To perform the function & Data oriented diagram for the


1. Data Flow Diagram (DFD)

2. ER Diagram

PRACTICAL NO: -2.1Data Flow Diagram (DFD)

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PRACTICAL NO: -2.2 ER Diagram

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Fig:(2.2) ER diagram of full system

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PRACTICAL NO: -3To perform the user’s view analysis for the


Use case diagram

PRACTICAL NO: -3 1. Use case Diagram

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Fig:(3.1) Use case diagram of full system(1)

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Fig:(3.2) Use case diagram of full system(2)

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PRACTICAL NO: -4 To draw the structural view diagram for the system

1. Class diagram 2. Object diagram


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Class Diagram

Fig:(4.1) Class diagram of full system

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PRACTICAL NO: -4.2Object Diagram

Fig:(4.2) ER diagram of full system

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PRACTICAL NO: -5 To draw the behavioral view diagram for the system

1. Sequence diagram2. Collaboration

diagram3. State-chart diagram4. Activity diagram5. Swim-lane diagram

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PRACTICAL NO: -5.1Sequence Diagram

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Fig:(5.1) Sequence diagram of full system

PRACTICAL NO: -5.2 Collaboration Diagram

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Fig:(5.2) Collaboration diagram of full system


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State-chart Diagram

Fig:(5.3) State chart diagram of full system

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PRACTICAL NO: -5.4 Activity Diagram

Fig:(5.4) Activity diagram of full system

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PRACTICAL NO: -5.5 Swim-lane Diagram

Fig:(5.5)Swime-lane diagram of full system

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PRACTICAL NO: -6 To draw the implementation view diagram for the system

Component diagram

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PRACTICAL NO: -6 Component diagram

Fig:(6) Component diagram of full system

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PRACTICAL NO: -7 To draw the environmental view diagram for the system

Deployment diagram

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PRACTICAL NO: -7 Deployment diagram

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PRACTICAL NO: -8 To implement Rapid Prototype Model for the system

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PRACTICAL NO: -8 To implement Rapid Prototype Model for the


8.1(home page)

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8.2(login page)

8.3(join auction)

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8.4(create auction)

8.5(Browse auction list)

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8.6(Short auction)

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To design the various test cases to perform the testing of the system and also perform the following testing using the various testing tools

Unit testing Integration testing

PRACTICAL NO: -9 To design the various test cases to perform the testing of the system and also perform the following testing using the various testing tools

Unit testing Integration testing



Test CaseDescription Steps

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Id Name Steps Expected


1. User Id This is Used to Test User ID is Correct or not.

Check User ID.

User IDShould beCorrect.



Test CaseDescription Steps

Steps Expected


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2. Password This is Used to Test Password is Correct or not.

Check Password.

PasswordShould beMatched.

This is Used to Test Password Length is Correct or not.

Check PasswordLength.

Password Length ShouldBeCorrect.

This is Used to Test Password is only characters or not.

Check PasswordCriteria.

Password Criteria ShouldBe MatchedSuccessfully.



Test CaseDescription Steps

Steps Expected


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3. Join auction Login correctly with username and password.

Check user idAnd password.

Make a bid by entering values into the window



Test CaseDescription Steps

Steps Expected


4. Create auction

Login correctly with username and password

Check userId andpassword.

User cannot bid on auction.

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