sri lanka needs bullish treatment for manic disorder

Sri Lanka Needs Bul lish Treatment For Manic Disorder | by Rajasingham Jayadevan ( August 24, 2014, London, Sri Lanka uardian! Sri Lanka is a"ute#y su$$ering $rom mani" disorder sin"e its mi#itary %resting "ontro# o$ the &astern 'rovin"e $rom the L & in Ju#y 200)* Sri Lanka is e+erien"ing a## the re"ognisab#e symtoms the ai#ment embody, and a"ute treatment o$ sy"hotheray is needed to arrest the disease* he symtoms o$ mani" atta"k are- overb#o%n snobbishness, rest#essness , s#ee#essness, jabbering too mu"h, "on$#i"ts in thoughts, agitated behaviour, risky ursuits and making mea#s out o$ unimortant issues* he %ho#e body o#iti"s o$ Sri Lanka is going through a dire"tion#ess ske%ed ath that even the internationa# e$$ort to he# arrest the disorder is being bu##ish#y resisted by the ai#ing government* his mani" disorder is having "onse.uen"es $or /ndia too* Any attemt by /ndia to he# dea# %ith the rob#em is rebounding on /ndia as the snotty Sri Lanka is "udd#ing the #etha# sto"ks #ike 'akistan, hina, yanmar, /ran, Austra#ia et"*, to avoid re"eiving the ne"essary treatment* he other vi"tims o$ the overb#o%n snobbishness o$ Sri Lanka are- an3i3oon,  5avaneethami# #ai, 6SA, &6 a nd a %ho#e hea o$ ot her "ountries, as % e## as #o"a# and internationa# non3governmenta# organi sations, #o"a# media and the %orst the judi"iary o$ Sri Lanka* he mani" atta"k has rea"hed a stage that Sri Lanka has #ost its ba#an"e and is "ra%#ing through A$ri"a n states to sing and $airy dan"e $urthering its dire medi"a# "ondition* Subramaniam S%amy3the un#easant e""entri" , Lord 5esabit3 a##eged#y a "ontroversia# aid agent, Lord Sheik3a ne% $ound #over o$ Sri Lanka , and some other ritish ar#iamentarians are making the "ondition %orse $or Sri Lanka by joining in its sy"hoti" dan"e* aster# y hina is $ishing in the troub#ed %aters* /t is uming in "onditiona# $inan"es to e+tend the risky

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  • 5/21/2018 Sri Lanka Needs Bullish Treatmentfor Manic Disorder


    Sri Lanka Needs Bullish Treatment For Manic Disorder

    | by Rajasingham Jayadevan

    ( August 24, 2014, London, Sri Lanka uardian! Sri Lanka is a"ute#y su$$ering $rom mani"

    disorder sin"e its mi#itary %resting "ontro# o$ the &astern 'rovin"e $rom the L& in Ju#y 200)*

    Sri Lanka is e+erien"ing a## the re"ognisab#e symtoms the ai#ment embody, and a"ute

    treatment o$ sy"hotheray is needed to arrest the disease* he symtoms o$ mani" atta"k are-

    overb#o%n snobbishness, rest#essness, s#ee#essness, jabbering too mu"h, "on$#i"ts in thoughts,

    agitated behaviour, risky ursuits and making mea#s out o$ unimortant issues*

    he %ho#e body o#iti"s o$ Sri Lanka is going through a dire"tion#ess ske%ed ath that even the

    internationa# e$$ort to he# arrest the disorder is being bu##ish#y resisted by the ai#ing

    government* his mani" disorder is having "onse.uen"es $or /ndia too* Any attemt by /ndia to

    he# dea# %ith the rob#em is rebounding on /ndia as the snotty Sri Lanka is "udd#ing the #etha#

    sto"ks #ike 'akistan, hina, yanmar, /ran, Austra#ia et"*, to avoid re"eiving the ne"essary

    treatment* he other vi"tims o$ the overb#o%n snobbishness o$ Sri Lanka are- an3i3oon,

    5avaneethami##ai, 6SA, &6 and a %ho#e hea o$ other "ountries, as %e## as #o"a# and

    internationa# non3governmenta# organisations, #o"a# media and the %orst the judi"iary o$ SriLanka* he mani" atta"k has rea"hed a stage that Sri Lanka has #ost its ba#an"e and is "ra%#ing

    through A$ri"an states to sing and $airy dan"e $urthering its dire medi"a# "ondition*

    Subramaniam S%amy3the un#easant e""entri" , Lord 5esabit3 a##eged#y a "ontroversia# aid

    agent, Lord Sheik3a ne% $ound #over o$ Sri Lanka , and some other ritish ar#iamentarians are

    making the "ondition %orse $or Sri Lanka by joining in its sy"hoti" dan"e* aster#y hina is$ishing in the troub#ed %aters* /t is uming in "onditiona# $inan"es to e+tend the risky
  • 5/21/2018 Sri Lanka Needs Bullish Treatmentfor Manic Disorder


    enjoyab#e ursuits* orrution and murderous .uests are high on the mani" disorder and theami#s and us#ims are being battered in the sy"hoti" thri## o$ the government*

    he ru#ing "oa#ition ar#iamentarians o$ the #egis#ature are a bun"h o$ un"outh %ho are

    enjoying the thri## o$ the sy"hoti" sa#sa o$ the &+e"utive* ost o$ them are diabo#i"a#

    "rusaders %ho "annot think beyond etty aro"hia# ursuits and are hero %orshiing

    "rusaders* he &+e"utive $un"tionaries o$ the #egis#ature are the "reamed out sub3servants %hodoes not "omrehend the very meaning o$ e+er"ising their e+e"utive o%ers*

    3 'ro$ amini Lu+sman 'eiris is the most se"ia# o$ the government inisters* 7e is a

    ro$essor in #a%, %ho does not understand the very basi"s o$ #ega# rights o$ his o%n &+terna#

    A$$airs inistry* 7is ministry is under sei8ure by others* he #earned 'ro$essor is being

    o$$i"ia##y shado%ed by the 'resident9s .uestionab#e sou# mate Sajin :as una%ardene %ho has

    gone to the e+tent on his o%n o$ em#oying internationa# "onsu#tants $or mi##ions o$ do##ars to

    #obby 'resident ;bama and 'rime inister

  • 5/21/2018 Sri Lanka Needs Bullish Treatmentfor Manic Disorder


    embodiment o$ evi# and visib#y re$#e"ts the sy"hoti" state o$ the government*

    3 inister o$ Justi"e Rau$ 7akeem is another edu"ated hood%ink %ho does not understand his

    ministeria# authority and resonsibi#ities* @hi#st serving the government, he behaves #ike an

    oosition ' and aea#s $or internationa# suort against the government* 7e is a gut#ess

    and an insensitive inister %ho resided over the irregu#ar remova# o$ the $ormer hie$ Justi"e

    Shirani andaranayake $rom o$$i"e* 6nder his ministeria# #eadershi, he is %itnessing theJudges a"ting substandard* 5o one kno%s %hat he has a"hieved as Justi"e inister* 7e is a

    minister %ho "ou#d not introdu"e a bi## to dea# %ith the $anati"ism o$ the uddhist monks $or

    bashing his o%n us#im "ommunity ub#i"#y %ithout any $ear*

    3 'ro$* issa :itharane %ho resided over the A'R and rodu"ed a set o$ roosa#s to "hange

    the "onstitution is a #ame du"k minister in his residua# age* 7is ubeat statement in ay 200B

    that his roosa# %i## be im#emented a$ter the de$eat o$ the L& is sti## yet to materia#ise* 7is

    mind and tong have $ro8en sin"e the de$eat o$ the L& and he is even unab#e to "on$irm the

    $ate o$ his roosa#*

    3 inister @ima# @eera%anse %ho is a %e## kno%n shot gun terrorist o$ the J:', is another

    uni.ue "hara"ter %ho embodies a## the symtoms o$ mani" disorder* 7e is a drama kingatronised by the head o$ the e+e"utive to trivia#ise serious issues in a "hi#dish manner*

    3 inister hamika Rana%ake %ho rose $rom bu##o"k "art #i$esty#e to drive #u+ury er"edes

    en8 "ars is a inister %ho embodies do%nright anti3ami# ra"ism* 7e is atronised and

    to#erated $or a## his anti sentiments that the mani" disorders "an on#y to#erate*

    Rishad athiudeen is another nauseating minister %ho is "aab#e o$ even soi#ing the savoury

    sou %ith his manoeuvrings* 7e e+"eeds his ministeria# resonsibi#ities and engage in the

    /s#amisation %ork a## over the "ountry* eing the inister o$ /ndustry and ommer"e, he took

    the #iberty o$ rivate#y trade the L&9s %ar damaged meta# sto"k $or his /s#amisation roje"ts*

    he sy"hoti" state o$ a$$airs o$ Sri Lanka is su"h that gonibi##as (sa"k ghosts! and venomous

    "rusaders are being rodu"ed ongoing basis* ;ne time, it %as the rease CakkaDs (hostDs! that

    terrorised the eo#e* he suer o#i"e and the mi#itary are sti## to arrest this mani" disorder*

    @ho are the %hite van abdu"tors and ki##ers3 they too are art o$ the sy"hoti" body o#iti"s o$

    the state*

  • 5/21/2018 Sri Lanka Needs Bullish Treatmentfor Manic Disorder


    @here is the rease CakkaE

    he ne%"omers to the s"ene are the e+tremist uddhist monk brigade o$ the

  • 5/21/2018 Sri Lanka Needs Bullish Treatmentfor Manic Disorder


    Sri Lanka thrived on the %or#d mission to %ie out terrorism* /ts inhuman %ar$are and itsinabi#ity to go $urther on the o#iti"a# reso#ution to the "on$#i"t has ushed the "ountry to the

    "orner* Sri Lanka says it %i## not a##o% the 65 to stamede on its sovereignty to undertake any

    %ar "rimes in.uiries on its soi#* Sri Lanka kno%s the out"ome and the "onse.uen"es $or both

    "o3oerating or non3oerating %ith the 65* /$ the 65 is a##o%ed to go through the hinese and
