sreenivas lecture tdh

THE SITUATION OF DALIT BAHAJUNS THE SITUATION OF DALIT BAHAJUNS THE SITUATION OF THE MARGINALIZED COMMUNITIES THE SITUATION OF THE MARGINALIZED COMMUNITIES WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO SOUTH INDIA WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO SOUTH INDIA - Prof. Sreenivas, Dept. of Political Science, Osmania University, Hyderabad Transcript of lecture by: Dr. N. Sai Bhaskar Reddy Dalit is restricted in administrative sense – what do we mean by this? In certain quarters this term is being applied for even Backward Caste community members and Women as well. All sections of societies subjected to discrimination on the basis of caste, gender etc. can be referred as Dalits. It has specific meaning – a particular section of the country which contributes – Dalits are basically untouchables. Caste is the historic problem, it is very much related to the Hinduism. Caste beliefs that it is superior to certain other things. Change in terms of degree and assets, superiority to natural criteria is unique in India. The natural superiority – caste is a hierarchical thing. Greater inequality – social economic, cultural and religious. The division of labor in hindu society is much more – complex.

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- Prof. Sreenivas, Dept. of Political Science, Osmania University,


Transcript of lecture by: Dr. N. Sai Bhaskar Reddy

Dalit is restricted in administrative sense – what do we mean by this?

In certain quarters this term is being applied for even Backward Caste community

members and Women as well. All sections of societies subjected to discrimination on

the basis of caste, gender etc. can be referred as Dalits.

It has specific meaning – a particular section of the country which contributes – Dalits

are basically untouchables.

Caste is the historic problem, it is very much related to the Hinduism. Caste beliefs

that it is superior to certain other things. Change in terms of degree and assets,

superiority to natural criteria is unique in India.

The natural superiority – caste is a hierarchical thing. Greater inequality – social

economic, cultural and religious.

The division of labor in hindu society is much more – complex.

In Hinduism the casteism is built in the name of division of labor. Marriage within the

caste is permitted.

Natural superiority

Ordered hierarichal


Division of labor – production activities in the socity

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Louis Demor – Homo- hierarchical

No semblence of equality

Perpetuated and sustained.

The classical



Untouchables are panchamas they are outside Hindu caste system

Because of bakthi movement –

Sanskritisation – M.N. Srinivas – imitation of upper caste values.

Constant attempt to build Hinduism a flexibility not rigid.

Use of this concept of dalits – Madiga, mala, etc. the category of dalit is vested by

some political agencies.

Administrative meaning of SC means he is fit for some schemes.

Concept of dalit was given wider significance because of 1960s movement in


The nationalist movement was a inclusive movement, dalits were not having a place

of its own.

All the inclusive agenda has failed to address the dalit issue. Led to a radical

resurgence movement in India in post independence India. Different parts of country

has seen this movement. In literary circles also it is seen along with social, political


Problem with inclusionary is – dalit I assumed away, thinking that if India becomes

free the problem of dalit will be solved.

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Colonialism – there is enumeration of caste. Here is a society how do we understand

the society. In 19th century the British and French believed history is progressive. The

people who build the attempts to change the society, the individual and individual

development has become a issue. They insisted in understanding the dynamics of

the caste. First census were collected in Bengal. The nationalist leaders, because of

the colonialism the caste became an important issue. With numbers known the

organisation takes place.

Inclusion – everyone / citizen of country become a part of the nationalist movement.

What are these studies about

Bihar – atrocities on dalits, post emergency period. Janatha party had all the fudal

elements in it.

Karamchedu – retionalist, atheist and anti-brahmanism movement. Khamma

community attacked the dalits. The collectivity of upper castes and atrocities on

dalits. Inspite of having a commuist party in the village. The villae has higher wages,

large scale displacement also. Large displacement of dalits, mechnisation of

agriculture, capital intensification, traditional agrarian relations system has also

declined. The issue of selfrespect by dalits.

We have a very secural constitution after independence. Every individual having

certain right will have one vote. After 1980s all the land lords khammas became

followers of telugu desham party. They expected the dalits also to be loyal, They said

no they will not. This constitution is violated, dalits were asking for their right, please

allow us to vote.

Dalit assertion – failure to implement the constitution. Caste specific occupations.

Tripura, Bihar.

Caste becomes explosive thing for politicians. Contradictions emerged as part of

economic development.

Dalit movement has entered into a new phase. Major achievement of dalit movement

is in late 1980s. The SC, ST protection on the atrocities on dalits. There is

untouchability in coastal areas. It is very much in practices say rayalaseema,

talangana. It has gone off in other parts.

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In universities – like the term Merit (although all Brahmins and other castes are

meritorious and not others).

Dalit movement has brought caste on to the political agenda. In 1970s no body used

to talk about caste. As now it is being disucussed it can be diagnosed and solution

can be found.

Making caste has become an internal part of the political arena to discuss about


What are the challenges because of dalit movement?

Major challenge is posed by the challenge of globalisation. Every section of the

society feels the threat because of globalisation. Although it is not new. Its inner

aggressive energy, it debunks all the believes that we had earlier. State need not be

just inida. State played an important role. The ideology underpins the process of

globalisation, the neo-liberal policy the state should have an important role in

economic development. Give space to the market. The public employment will shrink.

In Sikhs we need not beg, inspite of this we have seen suicides among farmers, the

crisis in agriculture. Because of perennial crops failure, large scale of displacement

among farmers. The life of those migareted to urban centers is also miserable. The

degradation of day to day life. The migration induced by the process….

Declined the quality of lif of th people. To give land to the people, promise of land to

the people. It is in fact encouraging the corporatisation of agriculture. Reorient

agriculture in the context of globalization. Floriculture, horticulture, pisciculture –

production for export is the mantra.

Handlooms – if you want to survive produce goods for the foreign markets. A section

of th society if produces for a particular market, if they the demand ceases the

community will perish.

Capitalization of agriculture – corporatisation of agriculture – remove land ceiling act.

Relaxing the labor laws. Women not working in the night it is removed.

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High state of insecurity created by the present policies.

Second important challenge:

Failed to distinguish the civil society movements and the electoral movement. By

entering the movement they have a right. Serious sub-caste differences surfacing in

it now. Madiga movement in AP that’s why we have. The movement is in serious


Q: So far we have referred these inclusive movements as positive, but your reference

w.r.t dalits is negative. Ms. Sumitra, Ankuram

There is a differentiation in the constitution, legitimately, we are not solving the

problem. The dilemma of the congress party, how do we explain this – the UP had

been a strong hold for congress earlier now it has given way for the dalit movement.

They are ascerting their own position with in the parties. Similarly the naxalite

movement also assering its caste identity. Inclusionary movemnts should be able to

address these things. For madigas the dalit means mala because they got benefited.

Dalits are also hinduised, they are going to tirupai and also they are adapting Ayappa

movement. Silent process of Hinduism is going on.

Inclusive movements are suspicious on the inter differences.

Q: Are dalits not hindus?

Mrs. Rajaram

Politically they are not hindus. According to dalit parspective and Ambedkars view

they are not hindus. In four varnas they are not hindus. Dalits are joining exploitative

class, a political cooption. Most of the lower caste gods are female. There is

continuous effort to hinduise the dalits. The dalits are also getting middle classified,

they no more identify with the downtrodden.

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Q: Dalits have lost employment in coastal districts, the land ownership has changed,

the BC are doing their agriculture on their own and because of mechanization. K.

Satya bhoopal Reddy

Laborers have become a asset and are in demand. There is expansion of urban

securar activity, education has become an important asset. The mechnisation is also

leading to the displacement of dalits. Even BC caste people need labor for


Q: Daltih is being replced slowly by the word bahujan

Bahujan has become a term among Indian political scenario – a majority to win

elections. For raising the consciousness of the people this term is being used.

Bahujan also means majority people. Majoriyt people are oppressed. Minoriyt are also

considered part of this.

Q: Your statement is contradictory on the diversification of agriculture to


Similarly the brain drain has become a positive but now as far as dalits are

considered it is disadvantagesous.

Food crops to commercial crops, those crops having demand in the international

market. The imported food items are of high cost too. The impact of this shift on the

dalits is high. We have something to eat, but if we are growing the commercial crops,

that we don’t consume. In 1990s half a dozen magazines are dedicated to

aquaculture. None of them used to consume the product as they are meant for

export. Food habits and composition. Indirect benefit of the commercial crops need

to be valued, level of nutrition and quality etc. Prof. Prasada Raos cost benefit

analysis will nto address everyday life and dynamics.

Q: Madiga and Mala movement?

No explanation to this movement. Many leaders are reduced to mere caste based

leaders. Tragidy of the dalit movement.

Q: Language activism in dalit movement, has it helped them?

Very remarkable qualitative change has happened. For ex; laloo prasad yadav speaks

only the local dialect. Why does he deliberately use his local dialect.

Vurnacularisation of political and social situation. From 1970s onwards this thing has

happened. If this picks up a Mr. Mishra in Bihar if he speaks chaste hindi how he

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would be considered. Dalit movement has emerged as civil society movement. It is

also an identity movement. Caste has seen symbolic for assertion.

Q; In Karnataka a big issues, dalit leaders are demanding English language to be

given more popularity, how far it will work in the context?

Q: Most of the children studying tamil are the dalit children?

Class and caste seperation is happening, a sharp division. A dangerous thing.

Q: Women in dalit movement?

It is a tricky question. Gender issue is a middle class issue. Cooperative conflict –

assertion of two different personalities. In dalits conflict is less and cooperation is

more. In a working class dalit family, the women have equal scope for assertion.

Ms. Manoram thanked the speaker for covering the topic holistically.