sr_containers in object oriented abap

Containers in Object Oriented ABAP A SAP Container is a control that accommodates other controls, such as the SAP Tree Control, SAP Picture Control, SAP Textedit Control, SAP Splitter Control, and so on. It manages these controls logically in a collection, and provides a physical area in which they are displayed. All controls lives in a container. Since containers are themselves controls, you can nest them. The container is the parent of the control within it. They are 5 types of containers are available in SAP. These are shown below: 1. Custom Container 2. Splitter Container 3. Docking Container 4. Dialog Box Container 5. Easy Splitter Container All SAP Containers have a common parent with the type CL_GUI_CONTROL. They are all derived from this basic container, and therefore all have the same object- oriented interface. Some of the controls types are shows below: 1. HTML Control, 2. Picture Control, 3. Container Control 4. Tree Control, 5. Grid Control 6. Text edit Control, 7. Splitter Control, 8. Table Control and so on.

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SR_Containers in Object Oriented ABAP


Page 1: SR_Containers in Object Oriented ABAP

Containers in Object Oriented ABAP

A SAP Container is a control that accommodates other controls, such as the SAP Tree Control, SAP Picture Control, SAP Textedit Control, SAP Splitter Control, and so on. It manages these controls logically in a collection, and provides a physical area in which they are displayed.

All controls lives in a container. Since containers are themselves controls, you can nest them. The container is the parent of the control within it.

They are 5 types of containers are available in SAP. These are shown below:

1. Custom Container2. Splitter Container 3. Docking Container4. Dialog Box Container5. Easy Splitter Container

All SAP Containers have a common parent with the type CL_GUI_CONTROL. They are all derived from this basic container, and therefore all have the same object-oriented interface.

Some of the controls types are shows below:

1. HTML Control,2. Picture Control, 3. Container Control4. Tree Control,5. Grid Control6. Text edit Control, 7. Splitter Control, 8. Table Control and so on.

Page 2: SR_Containers in Object Oriented ABAP

Example programs for the different types of Containers

Custom Container

The Custom Container display controls in an area defined on a normal screen using the Screen Painter SE51.

The class used for Custom Container is CL_GUI_CUSTOM_CONTAINER.


Use the SAP Custom Container to build a control into an area on a screen or subscreen. You define the area occupied by the control in the Screen Painter.

The default size of the control that you place in the Custom Container is the same as that of the container itself.


Before you can include a control in a Custom Container, you must define the area that the container will occupy. You do this in the Screen Painter.


The following procedure shows designing of custom container, it displays the list of Sales Details.

1. First you have create a program in SE38 and then create a screen in SE51 and place the custom container in it as shown below :

Page 3: SR_Containers in Object Oriented ABAP

2. Provide name as’ CONTAINER’.

Page 4: SR_Containers in Object Oriented ABAP

3. Then perform the below steps for the Custom Container.

Page 5: SR_Containers in Object Oriented ABAP

Create the Custom Container Create the Grid for the Custom Containers Get the data from databas table. Build the field catalog for displaying data onto the grid. Data displayed on to the grid.

Source Code:

Code for SE38:

*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**& Report  ZSR_CUSTOM_CONTAINER*&*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**&*&*&---------------------------------------------------------------------*




******Extracting the Data.....SELECT * FROM VBAK INTO TABLE T_VBAK UP TO 30 ROWS.

****** Call the Screen with Custom Control.......CALL SCREEN 0001.*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**&      Module  STATUS_0001  OUTPUT*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**       text*----------------------------------------------------------------------*MODULE STATUS_0001 OUTPUT.  SET PF-STATUS 'STATUS'.  SET TITLEBAR 'TITLE'.

* To fill the Field Catalog  CALL FUNCTION 'LVC_FIELDCATALOG_MERGE'   EXPORTING*   I_BUFFER_ACTIVE              =     I_STRUCTURE_NAME             = 'VBAK'*   I_CLIENT_NEVER_DISPLAY       = 'X'

Page 6: SR_Containers in Object Oriented ABAP

*   I_BYPASSING_BUFFER           =*   I_INTERNAL_TABNAME           =    CHANGING      CT_FIELDCAT                  = T_FIELDCAT EXCEPTIONS   INCONSISTENT_INTERFACE       = 1   PROGRAM_ERROR                = 2   OTHERS                       = 3            .  IF SY-SUBRC <> 0.* MESSAGE ID SY-MSGID TYPE SY-MSGTY NUMBER SY-MSGNO*         WITH SY-MSGV1 SY-MSGV2 SY-MSGV3 SY-MSGV4.  ENDIF.

  CREATE OBJECT O_CUSTOM    EXPORTING*    parent                      =      CONTAINER_NAME              = 'CONTAINER'    EXCEPTIONS      CNTL_ERROR                  = 1      CNTL_SYSTEM_ERROR           = 2      CREATE_ERROR                = 3      LIFETIME_ERROR              = 4      LIFETIME_DYNPRO_DYNPRO_LINK = 5      OTHERS                      = 6      .  IF SY-SUBRC <> 0.* MESSAGE ID SY-MSGID TYPE SY-MSGTY NUMBER SY-MSGNO*            WITH SY-MSGV1 SY-MSGV2 SY-MSGV3 SY-MSGV4.  ENDIF.

* To Create the Grid Instance  CREATE OBJECT O_GRID    EXPORTING      I_PARENT          = O_CUSTOM    EXCEPTIONS      ERROR_CNTL_CREATE = 1      ERROR_CNTL_INIT   = 2      ERROR_CNTL_LINK   = 3      ERROR_DP_CREATE   = 4      OTHERS            = 5.  IF SY-SUBRC <> 0.    MESSAGE ID SY-MSGID TYPE SY-MSGTY NUMBER SY-MSGNO                WITH SY-MSGV1 SY-MSGV2 SY-MSGV3 SY-MSGV4.  ENDIF.                               " IF sy-subrc <> 0.

* Formatted Output Table is Sent to Control  CALL METHOD O_GRID->SET_TABLE_FOR_FIRST_DISPLAY

Page 7: SR_Containers in Object Oriented ABAP

    CHANGING      IT_OUTTAB                      =  T_VBAK      IT_FIELDCATALOG                =  T_FIELDCAT*      it_sort                       =*      it_filter                     =    EXCEPTIONS      INVALID_PARAMETER_COMBINATION = 1      PROGRAM_ERROR                 = 2      TOO_MANY_LINES                = 3      OTHERS                        = 4          .  IF SY-SUBRC <> 0.    MESSAGE ID SY-MSGID TYPE SY-MSGTY NUMBER SY-MSGNO               WITH SY-MSGV1 SY-MSGV2 SY-MSGV3 SY-MSGV4.  ENDIF.

ENDMODULE.                 " STATUS_0001  OUTPUT*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**&      Module  USER_COMMAND_0001  INPUT*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**       text*----------------------------------------------------------------------*MODULE USER_COMMAND_0001 INPUT.


ENDMODULE.                 " USER_COMMAND_0001  INPUT

Code for SE51:


Output :

Then it will shows the output as below:

Page 8: SR_Containers in Object Oriented ABAP

Splitter Container

To display more than one control in a given area by dividing it into cells.

The class used for Custom Container is CL_GUI_SPLITTER_CONTAINER


Use the SAP Splitter Container to construct a group of control within an area, each of which is placed in a separate cell. The Splitter Control manages and displays the cells. You can change the size of the cells using a splitter bar. Enlarging one cell reduces the size of the adjacent cell.

You can only use the Splitter Container within another container (parent), for example, a Custom Container or Docking Container. You can embed a Splitter Control within a cell of another Splitter Container and thus nest them.

The default setting for the splitter grid is 0X0. The maximum division is 16X16. You can specify the size of lines and columns either in pixels (absolute) or as a percentage (relative). The default setting is relative. You can set the splitter bar to immovable.


Page 9: SR_Containers in Object Oriented ABAP

Before you can include a control in a Splitter Container, you must define the area that the container will occupy. You do this in the Screen Painter.


The following procedure shows designing of Splitter container, it displays the list of Purchasing Document Header Details in one control and Item details in another control.

1. First you have create a program in SE38 and then create a screen in SE51 and place the custom container in it as shown below :

2. Provide name as’ CONTAINER’.

Page 10: SR_Containers in Object Oriented ABAP

3. Then perform the below steps for the Splitter Container.

Create the Custom Container Create the Splitter Container

Page 11: SR_Containers in Object Oriented ABAP

Create the 2 Grids for the Custom Containers Create 2 ALVs for the data Get the data from databas table. Split the Contianer into Two rows and one column Assign the splitted containers to the grids. Data displayed on to the grid.

Source Code:

Then below is the code will execute splitter container:

Code for SE38:

*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**& Report  ZSR_SPLITTER_CONTAINER*&*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**&*&*&---------------------------------------------------------------------*


*******Data Declarations..............

DATA : O_CUSTOM TYPE REF TO CL_GUI_CUSTOM_CONTAINER, "Custom container O_SPLITTER TYPE REF TO CL_GUI_SPLITTER_CONTAINER, "Splitter Container       O_GRID1 TYPE  REF TO CL_GUI_CONTAINER,               "Grid1       O_GRID2 TYPE  REF TO CL_GUI_CONTAINER,               "Grid2       O_DISPLAY TYPE REF TO CL_SALV_DISPLAY_SETTINGS, "ALV Display Settings       SALV1 TYPE REF TO CL_SALV_TABLE,                     "ALV Table1       SALV2 TYPE REF TO CL_SALV_TABLE,                     "ALV Table2       T_EKKO TYPE TABLE OF EKKO,           "Purchasing Document Header Table       T_EKPO TYPE TABLE OF EKPO.           "Purchasing Document Item Table


****** Call the Screen with Custom Control.......CALL SCREEN 0001.

*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**&      Module  STATUS_0001  OUTPUT*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**       text*----------------------------------------------------------------------*MODULE STATUS_0001 OUTPUT.****Setting PF Status and Title bar...........

Page 12: SR_Containers in Object Oriented ABAP


*****Creating object for container......  CREATE OBJECT O_CUSTOM    EXPORTING      CONTAINER_NAME = 'CONTAINER'.

*****Assgning object for splitter container......  CREATE OBJECT O_SPLITTER    EXPORTING      PARENT  = O_CUSTOM      ROWS    = 2      COLUMNS = 1.

********Divding Splitter Container into two rows and one column .........**********Refer GRID1, GRID2 to the each Splitter container .......  CALL METHOD O_SPLITTER->GET_CONTAINER    EXPORTING      ROW       = 1      COLUMN    = 1    RECEIVING      CONTAINER = O_GRID1.


*******Creating new instance of ALV table for each grid and passing output data to it.......  TRY.      CALL METHOD CL_SALV_TABLE=>FACTORY        EXPORTING*      list_display   = IF_SALV_C_BOOL_SAP=>FALSE          R_CONTAINER    = O_GRID1*      container_name =        IMPORTING          R_SALV_TABLE   = SALV1        CHANGING          T_TABLE        = T_EKKO          .    CATCH CX_SALV_MSG .  ENDTRY.


Page 13: SR_Containers in Object Oriented ABAP

      EXPORTING*      list_display   = IF_SALV_C_BOOL_SAP=>FALSE        R_CONTAINER    = O_GRID2*      container_name =      IMPORTING        R_SALV_TABLE   = SALV2      CHANGING        T_TABLE        = T_EKPO        .




ENDMODULE.                 " STATUS_0001  OUTPUT*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**&      Module  USER_COMMAND_0001  INPUT*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**       text*----------------------------------------------------------------------*MODULE USER_COMMAND_0001 INPUT.




Code for SE51:


Page 14: SR_Containers in Object Oriented ABAP

Output :

Then it will show below output:


The following procedure shows designing of Splitter container, it displays the list of Purchasing Document Header Details in 1st control and Item details in 2nd control and Purchase Requistion in 3rd Control.

1. First you have create a program in SE38 and then create a screen in SE51 and place the custom container in it as shown below :

Page 15: SR_Containers in Object Oriented ABAP

2. Provide name as’ CONTAINER’.

Page 16: SR_Containers in Object Oriented ABAP

3. Then perform the below steps for the Splitter Container.

Create the Custom Container Create the Splitter Container

Page 17: SR_Containers in Object Oriented ABAP

Create the 3 Grids for the Custom Containers Create 3 Alvs for the data to display Get the data from databas table. Split the Contianer into Three rows and one column Assign the splitted containers to the grids. Data displayed on to the grid.

Source Code:

Then below is the code will execute splitter container:

Code for SE38:

*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**& Report  ZSR_SPLITTER_CONTAINER*&*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**&*&*&---------------------------------------------------------------------*


*******Data Declarations..............

DATA : O_CUSTOM TYPE REF TO CL_GUI_CUSTOM_CONTAINER, "Custom container       O_GRID1 TYPE  REF TO CL_GUI_CONTAINER,               "Grid1       O_GRID2 TYPE  REF TO CL_GUI_CONTAINER,               "Grid2       O_GRID3 TYPE  REF TO CL_GUI_CONTAINER,               "Grid3       O_SPLITTER TYPE REF TO CL_GUI_SPLITTER_CONTAINER, "Splitter Container       O_DISPLAY TYPE REF TO CL_SALV_DISPLAY_SETTINGS, "ALV Display Settings       SALV1 TYPE REF TO CL_SALV_TABLE,                     "ALV Table1       SALV2 TYPE REF TO CL_SALV_TABLE,                     "ALV Table2       SALV3 TYPE REF TO CL_SALV_TABLE,                     "ALV Table3       T_EKKO TYPE TABLE OF EKKO,                   "Purchasing Document Header Table       T_EKPO TYPE TABLE OF EKPO,                  "Purchasing Document Item TableT_EBAN TYPE TABLE OF EBAN.                   "Purchasing Document Item Table


****** Call the Screen with Custom Control.......CALL SCREEN 0001.


Page 18: SR_Containers in Object Oriented ABAP

*&      Module  STATUS_0001  OUTPUT*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**       text*----------------------------------------------------------------------*MODULE STATUS_0001 OUTPUT.****Setting PF Status and Title bar...........  SET PF-STATUS 'ZSTAT'.  SET TITLEBAR 'TITLE'.

*****Creating object for container......  CREATE OBJECT O_CUSTOM    EXPORTING      CONTAINER_NAME = 'CONTAINER'.

*****Assgning object for splitter container......  CREATE OBJECT O_SPLITTER    EXPORTING      PARENT  = O_CUSTOM      ROWS    = 3      COLUMNS = 1.

********Divding Splitter Container into two rows and one column .........**********Refer GRID1, GRID2 to the each Splitter container .......  CALL METHOD O_SPLITTER->GET_CONTAINER    EXPORTING      ROW       = 1      COLUMN    = 1    RECEIVING      CONTAINER = O_GRID1.


  CALL METHOD O_SPLITTER->GET_CONTAINER    EXPORTING      ROW       = 3      COLUMN    = 1    RECEIVING      CONTAINER = O_GRID3.*******Creating new instance of ALV table for each grid and passing output data to it.......  TRY.      CALL METHOD CL_SALV_TABLE=>FACTORY        EXPORTING*      list_display   = IF_SALV_C_BOOL_SAP=>FALSE

Page 19: SR_Containers in Object Oriented ABAP

          R_CONTAINER    = O_GRID1*      container_name =        IMPORTING          R_SALV_TABLE   = SALV1        CHANGING          T_TABLE        = T_EKKO          .    CATCH CX_SALV_MSG .  ENDTRY.

  TRY.      CALL METHOD CL_SALV_TABLE=>FACTORY      EXPORTING*      list_display   = IF_SALV_C_BOOL_SAP=>FALSE        R_CONTAINER    = O_GRID2*      container_name =      IMPORTING        R_SALV_TABLE   = SALV2      CHANGING        T_TABLE        = T_EKPO        .


  TRY.      CALL METHOD CL_SALV_TABLE=>FACTORY      EXPORTING*      list_display   = IF_SALV_C_BOOL_SAP=>FALSE        R_CONTAINER    = O_GRID3*      container_name =      IMPORTING        R_SALV_TABLE   = SALV3      CHANGING        T_TABLE        = T_EBAN        .



Page 20: SR_Containers in Object Oriented ABAP


ENDMODULE.                 " STATUS_0001  OUTPUT*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**&      Module  USER_COMMAND_0001  INPUT*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**       text*----------------------------------------------------------------------*MODULE USER_COMMAND_0001 INPUT.




Code for SE51:


Output :

Then it will show below output:

Page 21: SR_Containers in Object Oriented ABAP

So with the help of Splitter Container, we can divide it into maximum of 16X16 cells.

This is not possible with the Easy Splitter Container.

Docking Container

The SAP Docking Container allows you to attach a control to any of the four edges of a screen as a resizable screen area like TOP, BOTTOM, LEFT and RIGHT. You can also detach it so that it becomes an independent modal dialog box.

The class used for Custom Container is CL_GUI_DOCKING_CONTAINER


Use the SAP Docking Container to attach one or more areas to a screen. The screen is made smaller to accommodate the docking container. You can detach the docking container from the screen (floating) and reattach it.

Page 22: SR_Containers in Object Oriented ABAP

The behavior of the areas in the container is determined by the sequence in which they are initialized. Docking Containers are attached to the screen from the inside out. This means that when you create a second container, it is attached to the edge of the screen, and the container that was already there is pushed outwards. From a purely technical point of view, you can attach any number of docking containers to a screen. However, remember that using too many can make your application confusing for the user.


In Screen Painter you have the design the screen as per your requirement.

Here, am adding one field ‘Customer’ as input variable.


The following procedure shows designing of Docking container, it displays the list of Customer details based on the user selection in the input field.

In this example am attaching Docking Container at bottom of the screen.

1. First design the screen painter as per the requirement shown below:

Note : No need to place Custom container on the screen.

2. Then perform the below steps for the Docking Container.

Create the Docking Container Create the Grid for the Docking Container at the bottom Assign the Docking container to the grid. Get the data from databas table. Prepare fieldcatalog to display output. Data displayed on to the grid.

Source Code:

Code for SE38:

*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**& Report  ZSR_DOCKING_CONTAINER

Page 23: SR_Containers in Object Oriented ABAP



TABLES : KNA1.*---------------------------------------------------------------------**                        W O R K  A R E A S                           **---------------------------------------------------------------------*DATA:  WA_KNA1 TYPE KNA1.

*---------------------------------------------------------------------**                   I N T E R N A L   T A B L E S                     **---------------------------------------------------------------------*DATA:* For Customer Data  T_KNA1 LIKE STANDARD TABLE OF WA_KNA1,* For Field Catalog  T_FIELDCAT  TYPE LVC_T_FCAT.

*---------------------------------------------------------------------**                     W O R K  V A R I A B L E S                      **---------------------------------------------------------------------*DATA:* User Command  OK_CODE TYPE SY-UCOMM,* Reference Variable for Docking Container  R_DOCK_CONTAINER  TYPE REF TO CL_GUI_DOCKING_CONTAINER,* Reference Variable for alv grid  R_GRID  TYPE REF TO CL_GUI_ALV_GRID.

*---------------------------------------------------------------------**                S T A R T   O F   S E L E C T I O N                  **---------------------------------------------------------------------*START-OF-SELECTION.* To Display the Data  PERFORM DISPLAY_OUTPUT.*&--------------------------------------------------------------------**&      Form  display_output                                          **&--------------------------------------------------------------------**       To Call the  screen & display the output                      **---------------------------------------------------------------------**   There are no interface parameters to be passed to this subroutine.**---------------------------------------------------------------------*FORM DISPLAY_OUTPUT .* To fill the Field Catalog

Page 24: SR_Containers in Object Oriented ABAP


  CALL SCREEN 0001.ENDFORM.                               " Display_output

*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**&      Module  STATUS_0001  OUTPUT*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**       text*----------------------------------------------------------------------*MODULE STATUS_0001 OUTPUT.  SET PF-STATUS 'STATUS'.  SET TITLEBAR 'TITLE'.

ENDMODULE.                 " STATUS_0001  OUTPUT*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**&      Module  CREATE_OBJECT  OUTPUT*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**       text*----------------------------------------------------------------------*MODULE CREATE_OBJECT OUTPUT.

* Create a Docking container and dock the control at bottom of the screen  CHECK R_DOCK_CONTAINER IS  INITIAL.  CREATE OBJECT R_DOCK_CONTAINER    EXPORTING      SIDE                        = CL_GUI_DOCKING_CONTAINER=>DOCK_AT_BOTTOM      EXTENSION                   = 123      CAPTION                     = 'CUSTOMERS'    EXCEPTIONS

Page 25: SR_Containers in Object Oriented ABAP

      CNTL_ERROR                  = 1      CNTL_SYSTEM_ERROR           = 2      CREATE_ERROR                = 3      LIFETIME_ERROR              = 4      LIFETIME_DYNPRO_DYNPRO_LINK = 5      OTHERS                      = 6.  IF SY-SUBRC <> 0.    MESSAGE ID SY-MSGID TYPE SY-MSGTY NUMBER SY-MSGNO              WITH SY-MSGV1 SY-MSGV2 SY-MSGV3 SY-MSGV4.  ENDIF.                               "  IF sy-subrc <> 0.

* To Create the Grid Instance  CREATE OBJECT R_GRID    EXPORTING      I_PARENT          = R_DOCK_CONTAINER    EXCEPTIONS      ERROR_CNTL_CREATE = 1      ERROR_CNTL_INIT   = 2      ERROR_CNTL_LINK   = 3      ERROR_DP_CREATE   = 4      OTHERS            = 5.  IF SY-SUBRC <> 0.    MESSAGE ID SY-MSGID TYPE SY-MSGTY NUMBER SY-MSGNO                WITH SY-MSGV1 SY-MSGV2 SY-MSGV3 SY-MSGV4.  ENDIF.                               " IF sy-subrc <> 0.

* Formatted Output Table is Sent to Control  CALL METHOD R_GRID->SET_TABLE_FOR_FIRST_DISPLAY    CHANGING      IT_OUTTAB                      =  T_KNA1      IT_FIELDCATALOG                =  T_FIELDCAT*      it_sort                       =*      it_filter                     =    EXCEPTIONS      INVALID_PARAMETER_COMBINATION = 1      PROGRAM_ERROR                 = 2      TOO_MANY_LINES                = 3      OTHERS                        = 4          .  IF SY-SUBRC <> 0.    MESSAGE ID SY-MSGID TYPE SY-MSGTY NUMBER SY-MSGNO               WITH SY-MSGV1 SY-MSGV2 SY-MSGV3 SY-MSGV4.  ENDIF.

ENDMODULE.                 " CREATE_OBJECT  OUTPUT*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**&      Module  USER_COMMAND_0001  INPUT*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**       text

Page 26: SR_Containers in Object Oriented ABAP

*----------------------------------------------------------------------*MODULE USER_COMMAND_0001 INPUT.


ENDMODULE.                 " USER_COMMAND_0001  INPUT

Code for SE51:


Output :

Then it displays output as:

Page 27: SR_Containers in Object Oriented ABAP

Enter the Customer Number using F4 help and Click on ‘Enter’ button, then it shows Customer Details below:

Page 28: SR_Containers in Object Oriented ABAP

Similarly we can divide the screen at Right, Left and Top of the screen.

Just change the attribute of Docking Container while creating Object.

Here showing same example for all sides, based on the requirement we can design.

* Create a Docking container and dock the control at left side of screen  CHECK R_DOCK_CONTAINER IS  INITIAL.  CREATE OBJECT R_DOCK_CONTAINER    EXPORTING      SIDE                        = CL_GUI_DOCKING_CONTAINER=>DOCK_AT_LEFT      EXTENSION                   = 123      CAPTION                     = 'CUSTOMERS'    EXCEPTIONS      CNTL_ERROR                  = 1

Page 29: SR_Containers in Object Oriented ABAP

      CNTL_SYSTEM_ERROR           = 2      CREATE_ERROR                = 3      LIFETIME_ERROR              = 4      LIFETIME_DYNPRO_DYNPRO_LINK = 5      OTHERS                      = 6.  IF SY-SUBRC <> 0.    MESSAGE ID SY-MSGID TYPE SY-MSGTY NUMBER SY-MSGNO              WITH SY-MSGV1 SY-MSGV2 SY-MSGV3 SY-MSGV4.  ENDIF.                               "  IF sy-subrc <> 0.

* Create a Docking container and dock the control at right side of screen  CHECK R_DOCK_CONTAINER IS  INITIAL.  CREATE OBJECT R_DOCK_CONTAINER    EXPORTING      SIDE                        = CL_GUI_DOCKING_CONTAINER=>DOCK_AT_RIGHT      EXTENSION                   = 123      CAPTION                     = 'CUSTOMERS'    EXCEPTIONS      CNTL_ERROR                  = 1      CNTL_SYSTEM_ERROR           = 2      CREATE_ERROR                = 3      LIFETIME_ERROR              = 4

Page 30: SR_Containers in Object Oriented ABAP

      LIFETIME_DYNPRO_DYNPRO_LINK = 5      OTHERS                      = 6.  IF SY-SUBRC <> 0.    MESSAGE ID SY-MSGID TYPE SY-MSGTY NUMBER SY-MSGNO              WITH SY-MSGV1 SY-MSGV2 SY-MSGV3 SY-MSGV4.  ENDIF.                               "  IF sy-subrc <> 0.

* Create a Docking container and dock the control at TOP of screen  CHECK R_DOCK_CONTAINER IS  INITIAL.  CREATE OBJECT R_DOCK_CONTAINER    EXPORTING      SIDE                        = CL_GUI_DOCKING_CONTAINER=>DOCK_AT_TOP      EXTENSION                   = 123      CAPTION                     = 'CUSTOMERS'    EXCEPTIONS      CNTL_ERROR                  = 1      CNTL_SYSTEM_ERROR           = 2      CREATE_ERROR                = 3      LIFETIME_ERROR              = 4      LIFETIME_DYNPRO_DYNPRO_LINK = 5      OTHERS                      = 6.

Page 31: SR_Containers in Object Oriented ABAP

  IF SY-SUBRC <> 0.    MESSAGE ID SY-MSGID TYPE SY-MSGTY NUMBER SY-MSGNO              WITH SY-MSGV1 SY-MSGV2 SY-MSGV3 SY-MSGV4.  ENDIF.                               "  IF sy-subrc <> 0.

SAP Dialog Box Container 

The class used for Custom Container is CL_GUI_ DIALOGBOX _CONTAINER


Use the SAP Dialog Box Container to display controls in an a modal dialog box that can be moved anywhere on the screen. You can also use it to display a control in full screen.

Unlike the SAP Docking Container, you cannot attach a SAP Dialog Box Container to a screen.


In Screen Painter you have to just create the screen.


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The following procedure shows designing of Dialog Box container, it displays the list of Material details in a Modal Dialog Box using Splitter Container.

1. First create the screen using Screen Painter SE51 as shown below:

Note : No need to place any Custom Control on the Screen, simply create empty screen

2. Then perform the following steps:

Here first create the Dialbox container. Create class for closing the dialog box. Split the Container into two columns. Create the Grids for the above splitted Containers Get the data from databas table. Build the field catalog for displaying data onto the grid. Data displayed on to the grid.

Source Code:

Code for SE38:

*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**& Report  ZSR_DIALOGBOX_CONTAINER*&*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**&*&*&---------------------------------------------------------------------*


Page 33: SR_Containers in Object Oriented ABAP

* data declarations for creating dialog box container.


* here declaring the internal table for field catalog.


* here create the structure for the internal table creation.



* here create the internal table using the above structure.


CREATE OBJECT DIALOG_BOX    EXPORTING*    parent                      =     WIDTH                       = 800     HEIGHT                      = 300     REPID                       = SY-REPID     DYNNR                       = '3000'     TOP                         = 20     LEFT                        = 50     CAPTION                     = 'This Dialog displayed MARA and MARC Table Data'.

Page 34: SR_Containers in Object Oriented ABAP


* here splitt the dialog box into 1 row and 2 columns


* here get the reference of particular cell in the dialog box  here get_container method returns reference of cellCALL METHOD SPLITTER->GET_CONTAINER  EXPORTING    ROW       = 1    COLUMN    = 1  RECEIVING    CONTAINER = CONT1.


* here creating the class for close the dialogbox event




ENDCLASS.                    "lcl_dialogbox_handler DEFINITION

*----------------------------------------------------------------------**       CLASS lcl_dialogbox_handler IMPLEMENTATION*----------------------------------------------------------------------***----------------------------------------------------------------------*

Page 35: SR_Containers in Object Oriented ABAP




      CALL METHOD SENDER->FREE        EXCEPTIONS          CNTL_ERROR        = 1          CNTL_SYSTEM_ERROR = 2          OTHERS            = 3.      LEAVE PROGRAM.      IF SY-SUBRC <> 0.*    MESSAGE ID SY-MSGID TYPE SY-MSGTY NUMBER SY-MSGNO*               WITH SY-MSGV1 SY-MSGV2 SY-MSGV3 SY-MSGV4.      ENDIF.


  ENDMETHOD.                    "on_dialogbox_close

ENDCLASS.                    "lcl_dialogbox_handler IMPLEMENTATION






* here registering the event


* here getting the data into internal tables



* here build the field catalog


* here display the grid into container

Page 36: SR_Containers in Object Oriented ABAP





* here displaying data in first grid that is mara data


  CALL METHOD GRID->SET_TABLE_FOR_FIRST_DISPLAY* EXPORTING*    i_buffer_active               =*    i_bypassing_buffer            =*    i_consistency_check           =*    i_structure_name              = *    is_variant                    =*    i_save                        =*    i_default                     = 'X'*    is_layout                     =*    is_print                      =*    it_special_groups             =*    it_toolbar_excluding          =*    it_hyperlink                  =*    it_alv_graphics               =*    it_except_qinfo               =*    ir_salv_adapter               =     CHANGING       IT_OUTTAB                     = T_MARA       IT_FIELDCATALOG               = LT_FCAT*     it_sort                       =*     it_filter                     =    EXCEPTIONS

Page 37: SR_Containers in Object Oriented ABAP

      INVALID_PARAMETER_COMBINATION = 1      PROGRAM_ERROR                 = 2      TOO_MANY_LINES                = 3      OTHERS                        = 4           .  IF SY-SUBRC <> 0.* MESSAGE ID SY-MSGID TYPE SY-MSGTY NUMBER SY-MSGNO*            WITH SY-MSGV1 SY-MSGV2 SY-MSGV3 SY-MSGV4.  ENDIF.


* here displaying data in second grid that is marc data


  CALL METHOD GRID1->SET_TABLE_FOR_FIRST_DISPLAY*  EXPORTING*     i_buffer_active               =*     i_bypassing_buffer            =*     i_consistency_check           =*   i_structure_name              = *     is_variant                    =*     i_save                        =*     i_default                     = 'X'*     is_layout                     =*     is_print                      =*     it_special_groups             =*     it_toolbar_excluding          =*     it_hyperlink                  =*     it_alv_graphics               =*     it_except_qinfo               =*     ir_salv_adapter               =     CHANGING       IT_OUTTAB                     = T_MARC       IT_FIELDCATALOG               = LT_FCAT1*     it_sort                       =*     it_filter                     =    EXCEPTIONS      INVALID_PARAMETER_COMBINATION = 1      PROGRAM_ERROR                 = 2      TOO_MANY_LINES                = 3      OTHERS                        = 4           .  IF SY-SUBRC <> 0.* MESSAGE ID SY-MSGID TYPE SY-MSGTY NUMBER SY-MSGNO*            WITH SY-MSGV1 SY-MSGV2 SY-MSGV3 SY-MSGV4.  ENDIF.

Page 38: SR_Containers in Object Oriented ABAP

  CALL SCREEN 3000.  " here calling the scree[n

*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**&      Form  BUILD_FCAT*&---------------------------------------------------------------------*



* here buliding field catalog lt_fact

********************************************************************************************************  LS_FCAT-COL_POS = 1.  LS_FCAT-ROW_POS = 1.  LS_FCAT-FIELDNAME = 'MATNR'.  LS_FCAT-TABNAME = 'T_MARA'.  LS_FCAT-REPTEXT = 'Material Number'.







* here buliding field catalog lt_fact1


Page 39: SR_Containers in Object Oriented ABAP





  LS_FCAT1-COL_POS = 3.  LS_FCAT1-ROW_POS = 1.  LS_FCAT1-FIELDNAME = 'LVORM'.  LS_FCAT1-TABNAME = 'T_MARC'.  LS_FCAT1-REPTEXT = 'Flag Material for Deletion at plant Level'.


ENDFORM.                    " Build fcat

Code for SE51:


Output :

Page 40: SR_Containers in Object Oriented ABAP

SAP Easy Splitter Container

The SAP Easy Splitter Container allows you to divide an area into two cells with a control in each. The

cells are separated by a moveable splitter bar. The class used for Custom Container is CL_GUI_EASY_SPLITTER_CONTAINER


The SAP Easy Splitter Container is a version of the SAP Splitter Container with a reduced set of features. Use the Easy Splitter Container when you want to display controls in a sector divided into two cells like TOP_LEFT, BOTTOM_RIGHT Containers. You can set the splitter bar between the two cells either horizontally or vertically.

You can only use the Easy Splitter Container within another container (parent), for example, a Custom Container or Docking Container.

Unlike Splitter container, you cant divide screens morethan 2 as shown in above example of Splitter container.

Page 41: SR_Containers in Object Oriented ABAP

You can nest Easy Splitter Containers to any depth.


The following procedure shows designing of Splitter container, it displays the list of Purchasing Document Header Details in one control and Item details in another control.

1. First you have create a program in SE38 and then create a screen in SE51 and place the custom container in it as shown below :

2. Provide name as’ CONTAINER’.

Page 42: SR_Containers in Object Oriented ABAP

3. Then perform the below steps for the Splitter Container.

Create the Custom Container Create the Easy Splitter Container

Page 43: SR_Containers in Object Oriented ABAP

Attach the 2 Containers to the Easy Splitter Create the 2 Containers with reference to CL_GUI_CONTAINERS Create 2 ALVs for the data Get the data from databas table for Purchasing Document Haeder and Item Details. Data displayed on to the grid.

Source Code:

Code for SE38:

*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**& Report  ZSR_EASY_SPLITTER_CONTAINER*&*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**&*&*&---------------------------------------------------------------------*



DATA : O_DISPLAY TYPE REF TO CL_SALV_DISPLAY_SETTINGS, "ALV Display Settings       SALV1 TYPE REF TO CL_SALV_TABLE,                     "ALV Table1       SALV2 TYPE REF TO CL_SALV_TABLE,                     "ALV Table2       T_EKKO TYPE TABLE OF EKKO,                           "Purchase Document Header table       T_EKPO TYPE TABLE OF EKPO.                           "Purchase Document Item table



*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**&      Module  STATUS_0100  OUTPUT*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**       text*----------------------------------------------------------------------*MODULE STATUS_0100 OUTPUT.

Page 44: SR_Containers in Object Oriented ABAP


* create a container for the splitter control  CREATE OBJECT CONTAINER    EXPORTING      CONTAINER_NAME = 'CONTAINER'.* create the splitter control  CREATE OBJECT SPLITTER    EXPORTING      PARENT      = CONTAINER      ORIENTATION = 1.


*******Creating new instance of ALV table for each grid and passing output data to it.......  TRY.      CALL METHOD CL_SALV_TABLE=>FACTORY        EXPORTING*      list_display   = IF_SALV_C_BOOL_SAP=>FALSE          R_CONTAINER    = CONTAINER_1*      container_name =        IMPORTING          R_SALV_TABLE   = SALV1        CHANGING          T_TABLE        = T_EKKO          .    CATCH CX_SALV_MSG .  ENDTRY.

  TRY.      CALL METHOD CL_SALV_TABLE=>FACTORY      EXPORTING*      list_display   = IF_SALV_C_BOOL_SAP=>FALSE        R_CONTAINER    = CONTAINER_2*      container_name =      IMPORTING        R_SALV_TABLE   = SALV2      CHANGING        T_TABLE        = T_EKPO        .


Page 45: SR_Containers in Object Oriented ABAP

  O_DISPLAY->SET_LIST_HEADER( 'Purchasing Doc Header Details' ).*********Setting Text for Item Details..  O_DISPLAY = SALV2->GET_DISPLAY_SETTINGS( ).  O_DISPLAY->SET_STRIPED_PATTERN( CL_SALV_DISPLAY_SETTINGS=>TRUE ).  O_DISPLAY->SET_LIST_HEADER( 'Purcahsing Doc Item Details' ).


ENDMODULE.                             " STATUS_0100  OUTPUT

*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**&      Module  EXIT  INPUT*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**       text*----------------------------------------------------------------------*MODULE EXIT INPUT.  CALL METHOD CONTAINER->FREE.  LEAVE PROGRAM.

ENDMODULE.                             " EXIT  INPUT*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**&      Module  USER_COMMAND_0100  INPUT*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**       text*----------------------------------------------------------------------*MODULE USER_COMMAND_0100 INPUT.




ENDMODULE.                 " USER_COMMAND_0100  INPUT

Code for SE51:


Output :

Page 46: SR_Containers in Object Oriented ABAP

Tree ControlThis control allows you to display tree structures on a screen. It has been developed by SAP, and while it fulfills the basic requirements of a tree control, it has not been adapted for individual applications.

There are three different versions of the SAP Tree.

Simple tree structure: A simple tree with a single text entry for each node. List structure: Each node may have more than one entry. The entries are displayed from left to

right. Column structure: Tree structure with freely-definable columns.


In this we are seeing displyaing through ALV output as Simple Tree.


Page 47: SR_Containers in Object Oriented ABAP

To display the ALV ouput as a Tree structure which shows list of Flight Details availble.

1. First design a screen with Custom Container in Screen Painter SE51.

2. Then provide name to Custom Container as ‘Tree1’.

Page 48: SR_Containers in Object Oriented ABAP

Source Code :

Source code for Se38:

Page 49: SR_Containers in Object Oriented ABAP

*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**& Report  ZSR_ALV_TREE*&*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**&*&*&---------------------------------------------------------------------*


* Demo program for ALV Tree.....



DATA: GT_SFLIGHT      TYPE SFLIGHT OCCURS 0,   " Output-Table       GT_FIELDCATALOG TYPE LVC_T_FCAT,         " Field Catalog       GT_SORT         TYPE LVC_T_SORT,         " Sorting Table       OK_CODE         LIKE SY-UCOMM.           " OK-Code


*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**&      Form  BUILD_FIELDCATALOG*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**  This subroutine is used to build the field catalog for the ALV list*----------------------------------------------------------------------*FORM BUILD_FIELDCATALOG.* get fieldcatalog  CALL FUNCTION 'LVC_FIELDCATALOG_MERGE'    EXPORTING      I_STRUCTURE_NAME = 'SFLIGHT'    CHANGING      CT_FIELDCAT      = GT_FIELDCATALOG.


Page 50: SR_Containers in Object Oriented ABAP

ENDFORM.                               " BUILD_FIELDCATALOG*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**&      Form  BUILD_OUTTAB*&---------------------------------------------------------------------** Retrieving the data from the table and filling it in the output table* of the ALV list*----------------------------------------------------------------------*FORM BUILD_OUTTAB.


ENDFORM.                               " BUILD_OUTTAB

*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**&      Form  BUILD_SORT_TABLE*&---------------------------------------------------------------------** This subroutine is used to build the sort table or the sort criteria*----------------------------------------------------------------------*






ENDFORM.                               " BUILD_SORT_TABLE*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**&      Module  STATUS_0100  OUTPUT*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**       text*----------------------------------------------------------------------*MODULE STATUS_0100 OUTPUT.  SET PF-STATUS 'ZSTATUS'.  SET TITLEBAR 'TITLE'.

Page 51: SR_Containers in Object Oriented ABAP


ENDMODULE.                 " STATUS_0100  OUTPUT*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**&      Module  USER_COMMAND_0100  INPUT*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**       text*----------------------------------------------------------------------*MODULE USER_COMMAND_0100 INPUT.  OK_CODE = SY-UCOMM.  CASE OK_CODE.    WHEN 'EXIT' OR 'BACK' OR 'CANCEL'.      CALL METHOD TREE1->FREE.      LEAVE PROGRAM.      CLEAR OK_CODE.  ENDCASE.ENDMODULE.                 " USER_COMMAND_0100  INPUT

*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**&      Form  build_header*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**       build table for header*----------------------------------------------------------------------*FORM BUILD_COMMENT USING      PT_LIST_COMMENTARY TYPE SLIS_T_LISTHEADER      P_LOGO             TYPE SDYDO_VALUE.




ENDFORM.                    "build_comment

*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**&      Form  init_tree*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**  Building the ALV-Tree for the first time display*----------------------------------------------------------------------*

Page 52: SR_Containers in Object Oriented ABAP





  CREATE OBJECT L_CUSTOM_CONTAINER    EXPORTING      CONTAINER_NAME              = L_TREE_CONTAINER_NAME    EXCEPTIONS      CNTL_ERROR                  = 1      CNTL_SYSTEM_ERROR           = 2      CREATE_ERROR                = 3      LIFETIME_ERROR              = 4      LIFETIME_DYNPRO_DYNPRO_LINK = 5.

* create tree control  CREATE OBJECT TREE1    EXPORTING      I_PARENT                    = L_CUSTOM_CONTAINER     I_NODE_SELECTION_MODE       = CL_GUI_COLUMN_TREE=>NODE_SEL_MODE_MULTIPLE      I_ITEM_SELECTION            = 'X'      I_NO_HTML_HEADER            = ''      I_NO_TOOLBAR                = ''    EXCEPTIONS      CNTL_ERROR                  = 1      CNTL_SYSTEM_ERROR           = 2      CREATE_ERROR                = 3      LIFETIME_ERROR              = 4      ILLEGAL_NODE_SELECTION_MODE = 5      FAILED                      = 6      ILLEGAL_COLUMN_NAME         = 7.

* create info-table for html-header  DATA: LT_LIST_COMMENTARY TYPE SLIS_T_LISTHEADER,        L_LOGO             TYPE SDYDO_VALUE.  PERFORM BUILD_COMMENT USING                 LT_LIST_COMMENTARY                 L_LOGO.


Page 53: SR_Containers in Object Oriented ABAP



ENDFORM.                    " init_tree

Source code for Se51:



Initially its shows output as below, you can expand it.

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