spring supplement february 2016

A community celebrang the love of Jesus Family News Spring Supplement February 2016 Please stay for refreshments that are served aſter both services Hearing loop and large print service books are available Welcome Love Life, Live Lent St Marys welcomes you to the season of Lent in 2016 with 9 ways for you to engage, both on a community and a personal level. More details are available inside this supplement or visit the display in the foyer.

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Monthly supplementary newsletter of forthcoming events for St Mary's Church in Camberley.


Page 1: Spring supplement february 2016

A community celebrating the love of Jesus

Family News Spring Supplement

February 2016

Please stay for refreshments that are served after both services

Hearing loop and large print service books are available


Love Life, Live Lent St Mary’s

welcomes you to the season of Lent in 2016

with 9 ways for you to engage,

both on a community and a personal level. More details are available inside this supplement

or visit the display in the


Page 2: Spring supplement february 2016

ASH WEDNESDAY 10th February 2016

Services and events taking place at St Mary’s Church Camberley

8.30 am Morning Prayer 9.30 am Quiet Day (part one: 9.30 to 11.00am) 11.00 am BCP Ash Wednesday Communion Service Coffee afterwards in the Church Lunch for those attending Quiet Day (please bring your own lunch, drinks provided) 12.45pm Quiet Day (part two: 12.45 to 2.30 pm)

Evening services not at St Mary’s

7.00pm Ash Wednesday Eucharist, Guildford Cathedral Preacher: Canon Andrew Bishop 7.30 pm Ash Wednesday Service, St. Peter's Church, Frimley

VISIT MY MOSQUE On Sunday 7th February 2016 the Islamic Centre in Camberley will be

joining with over 80 British mosques around the country to participate in

the second annual ‘Visit My Mosque’ Day. Mosques across the UK will be sharing tea and refreshments alongside an insight into the day-to-

day goings on of a busy Muslim centre of worship.

#VisitMyMosque Day aims to provide a platform for Muslims to reach out to fellow Britons and explain their faith and community beyond the hostile

headlines. M A Al Kharafi Islamic Centre

282 London Road Camberley GU15 3JP

Ash Wednesday Quiet Day ‘Simply Into

Lent’ There is still time to sign up for this time of reflection. The day

will be lead by Sue Appleford and Grace Bates, both members of St Mary’s and professed members of the Third Order of the Society of St Francis. Leaflets with more details about the day are availa-ble from the table at the back of church. It would be really helpful if you could sign up on the sheet on the table if you are planning

on coming to the day.

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LENT LUNCHES We invite you to join us on Wednesday 17th February and every Wednesday during Lent for ‘a simple lunch’ of soup, bread and fruit. In return we would ask that you make a donation to the Bishop of Guildford’s Lent Call 2016 ’Fruit That Will Last’. This is a chance for us to remind ourselves of how God has blessed us and in turn for us to help others. A very big thank you to Pat Colegate who has co-ordinated this series of lunches and to everyone who has offered to

serve us each week.

DAFFODIL SERVICE This is the new name for our annual Memorial Service, held each year on the Sunday closest to Valentine’s Day. It’s an opportunity for us to remember those members of our families and friends who have passed away. During the service the names of loved ones will be read out and we shall be lighting candles in their memory. Following the service Afternoon Tea will be served in the hall. If you know someone for whom this service would be of comfort please pick up an invitation for them from the back of church. Also at the back of church is a signup sheet if you are able to help on the day or are willing to bake a cake for the Afternoon Tea.


in Sainsbury’s stores with vouchers issued for every £10 spent. We are collecting for St Mary’s Nursery and if you have unwanted vouchers either place in the collecting box or pass to Kay in the office.

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Afternoon Tea Thursday 18th February 2016 at 2.15pm

Homemade cakes and tea, favourite hymns and a warm and friendly welcome. Come and join us for Songs of Praise.

No need to book! All Welcome

Calling all bakers!!! Do you enjoy baking cakes and if the answer is yes would you bake a large cake for our guests to enjoy with their Afternoon Tea? If you can help please sign up on the sheet at the back of church. Thank you.

HUNGRY Thursday 18th February 2016 at 7pm

Hungry for food? Hungry for God? Come along and share in a time of fellowship and a meal with the church family. Following the meal we hear from Chris Simons as she tells us more about how God has been at work in her life and particularly about her time as a missionary in South America.

Please sign up on the sheet at the back of church so that we know how many to cater for. You are welcome to come for a meal at 7pm or just to come along after the meal at 8.15pm to share in a time of worship and to hear Chris speak. On the Serving at St Mary’s board there is a rota covering the various jobs to help with setting up/clearing away/washing up/making

teas & coffees etc at Hungry. If you can help on the night we would be really grateful if you would sign up to cover one of the empty slots.

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GRAPEVINE A copy of the monthly Diocesan news bulletin is

available to view at the back of church.

CAMBERLEY STREET ANGELS are recruiting more volunteers to help on Friday and Saturday nights. For more information or to request an application pack please contact Richard Salt on 0808 108 1128 or email him at [email protected] Closing date for applications is 4th March 2016. If you want to know a little more about what being a Street Angel is really like then please speak to St Mary’s own Street Angels Lesley Hall or David Reed.

CHURCH WALK—SATURDAY 27TH FEBRUARY 2016 Setting off at 10.15am

Park in car park at Wellington Statue, Claycart Road, Aldershot (OS Ref SU 853 511, Sat Nav GU11 1QA) at 10.00am for a 10.15am set off.

4.5 mile walk via the Aldershot Urban Extension. Woodland, by canal, and may be muddy after rain.

There will be the usual stop for bring your own refreshments. See poster in foyer for details about contacting those leading the walk.


Once again we shall be using the baptism pool in the 10.45am

service at St Mary’s on Palm Sunday, 20th March 2016.

If you haven’t yet been baptized, or if you would like to renew your

baptism vows which were made on your behalf when you were a

child , please speak to Andrew Knowles who would love to talk with

you about being baptized on the 20th.

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EVENT CANCELLED This event has been cancelled

but there will be another Women’s Day in London later this year, on Saturday 8th October. If you would like to join a group from St Mary’s or want to find out more please speak to Kathryn Knowles.

NEW WINE SUMMER CONFERENCE - Royal Bath Showground, Shepton Mallet There is still time to book your place to join with others from St Mary’s! Enjoy a week of inspirational teaching and listen to internationally renowned speakers, lively worship and an amazing selection of interesting seminar topics or just take time out and chill! Children and youth are well catered for with groups for all ages. Most of us will be camping in our own tents/caravans but Ian & Kay Rothwell have a spare tent so if you want to come but don’t have the gear we can help you! Cost for adults is £147 if booked before 29.2.16 rising to a maximum of £165 if payment made after 31.5.16. There are reduced rates for the children and youth depending on age. For more details on costs or to book please visit https://www.new-wine.org/events/national-gatherings-2016-week-1 We have a great time of fellowship as we camp together, eat together and enjoy getting to know each other a little better. If you want to know a bit more of what New Wine is like or what you can expect from the experience then please do have a chat with any of St Mary’s New Wine veterans!

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WOMENS’ WORLD DAY OF PRAYER 2016 ‘Receive Children, Receive Me’ Friday 4th March at 10.30am

High Cross Church, Camberley You are invited to High Cross Church for this ecumenical service, prepared by Christian women of Cuba. All are welcome - men, women and children! Please stay for refreshments after the service.

MOTHERING SUNDAY - 6TH MARCH 2016 9.00am Holy Communion Service in Church For those who prefer a more traditional service

10.45am Café Style Church in the Hall Bring your Mum to St Mary’s on Mothering Sunday

and enjoy the relaxed environment of Café Church in the hall. There will be something for all ages—lots of different activities for all. There will be fresh Danish pastries for you to enjoy along with tea/coffee. Everyone is welcome and it’s all absolutely FREE! Join us as we celebrate and give thanks for our Mums!

WELCOME TEA Sunday 13th March @ 4pm If you are new to St Mary’s we would love to invite

you to Afternoon Tea where you will have the

chance to meet with some of the staff and

leaders and learn more about St Mary’s Church

Family. Please speak to Andrew for more details.

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St Mary’s Church and Centre, Park Road, Camberley, GU15 2SR Charity no: 1127459

All services are in St Mary’s Church unless other venue specified. Sunday 20th March: Palm Sunday 9.00 am Holy Communion 10.45 am Holy Communion

Monday 21stMarch: 8.30 am Morning Prayer 8.00 pm Evening Prayer (led by a Life Group)

Tuesday 22nd March 8.30 am Morning Prayer 8.00 pm Evening Prayer (led by a Life Group)

Wednesday 23rd 8.30 am Morning Prayer 11.00 am Holy Communion followed by a Lent Lunch 8.00 pm Evening Prayer (led by a Life Group)

Thursday 24th March: Maundy Thursday 8.30 am Morning Prayer 11.00 am Diocesan Eucharist with the Blessing of Oils at Guildford Cathedral 7.00 pm Maundy Thursday Supper and retelling of the Last Supper (Please book with the office for catering purposes)

Friday 25th March: Good Friday 8.30 am Morning Prayer 10.00 am Good Friday Happening – All Age event 12.15 pm Walk of witness in Camberley 2.00 pm Hour by the Cross 8.00 pm Evening Prayer

Saturday 26th March: Easter Eve 8.30 am Morning Prayer 8.00 pm Evening Prayer (led by a Life Group)

Sunday 27th March: Easter Sunday 9.00 am Easter Holy Communion 10.45 am Easter Celebration with Holy Communion