spring home 2016

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  • 8/18/2019 Spring Home 2016





     Cprhn 6:31

  • 8/18/2019 Spring Home 2016


    [prhb eo• Cprhn 4, oo v eetct es

    roper wcter bi s essebt c w eb try bi to restore or `c btc b c us ireebncwb. Ha wctered hbkorrektny, c ncwb kcb fe suskepthfne to c most oa profne`s,hbknudhbi hbsekt hbaestcthob, wecg roots cbd dhsecse.

    eb wcter bi c cwb, espek c y w eb te p̀erctures stcrt to socr b t e

    su` èr, t s ecsy to t b c cwb bee s ̀ ore wcter cb bee s t ur bi t osemours oa tme dcy wmeb tme sub hs ct hts `ost hbtebse. Mowever, tmose cre twoo``ob `hskobkepthobs cfout wcterhbi. Tme aonnowhbi cre c mcbdaun oa thps

    aor mo`eowbers wmo wcbt to menp tmehr ncwbs ebdure tme su``er mect cbdchbtchb tmehr nusm cppecn hbto tme acnn.

    cter w eb te`perctures cre ` .Hb tme su``erth`e, mu`cbs typhkcnny beed wcter wmeb te`perctures cre ctmehr `ost extre`e, fut tmct does bot `ecb ncwbs smound fe wctered wmebe`perctures socr. Ycter cttrckts tme sub, so wcterhbi wmeb te`perctures cre

    ct tmehr mottest, wmhkm hs typhkcnny croubd `hddcy cbd hbto ecrny c terboob, whnnnhgeny necd to frowb spots hbdhkcthve o c furbed ncwb. Tmct‘s fekcuse tme subwhnn fe drcwb to tme wcter, fecrhbi dowb ob tme ncwb cbd furbhbi tme ircss csc resunt. Ymeb su``er crrhves, c ncwb hs fest wctered wmeb te`perctures crect tmehr `ost `hnd. Tmct o teb trcbsnctes to ecrny `orbhbi or ecrny evebhbi. Cbcdded febe t o wcterhbi wmeb tè perctures cre ob tme `hnd shde hs nesswcter whnn fe nost to evcporcthob durhbi tmhs th`e, `ecbhbi you wob‘t fewcsthbi wcter.

    htucte sprhbgners to kobserve wcter.

    o`eowbers w o wob t e cb wcter bi t e r cwbs s ou `c e sure t e rsprhbgners cre pncked properny tmrouimout tmehr property. [htucte sprhbgners somey creb‘t wcterhbi drhvewcys, wcngwcys or pcthos. Cnn oa tme wcter smound fe

    iobi to t e ircss, espek c y w eb roui t restrkt obs cre b pcke cb t e


    `s .. so cbt to `

    e su  c`o o  b e t  

    e b

    o   r  rec i t e y trees.

    rc  w roe pr b ers

    b tso`eowbers w espek c y crie rees ob e r proper y s ou kobs ercb wcter bi t e ircss ebect suk trees to ebsure t ese crecs reke ve

    c equcte wcter.

    Necb ob ̀ unkm.Mo`eowbers tebd to ecr drouimt or c vcrhety o recsobs, bot tme necst owmhkm hs tmct drouimt kcb kcuse c ireeb ncwb to turb frowb, potebthcnnyc ekthbi property vcnue cbd roffhbi c ncbdskcpe o hts fecuty. Fut tmere crewcys to menp tme sohn retchb `ohsture wmeb te`perctures cre espekhcnny mot cbdry. @unkm croubd trees, ower feds, icrdebs cbd smrufs kcb menp mo`eowbers

    iet tme ̀ ost fcbi aor tmehr wcterhbi fukg. Tmct‘s fekcuse ̀ unkm retchbs`ohsture, eveb wmeb te`perctures cre espekhcnny mot. Tmhs menps oster strobierroot irowtm cbd mecntmher ncbdskcpes tmct cre ness suskepthfne to dhsecse cbd

    bsekt hbaestcthob.

    Iet to gbow your ncwb.evercn vcrhcfnes ko`fhbe to deter`hbe mow `ukm wcter c ncwb beeds.b erstcb bi t ese vcr c es e ps o`eowbers ub erstcb ow ̀ uk to

    wcter t e r owb cwbs. okc k `cte s c vcr c e to kobs er, cs s w et eror bot c ncwb wcs erthnhzed experts typhkcnny reko` èbd c ncwb fe erthnhzedsevercn th`es, feihbbhbi hb tme sprhbi cbd ebdhbi hb ktofer). ohn typecb ircss type c so e p to eter̀ be ow ̀ uk wcter c cwb bee s, cbo`eowbers wmo beed to deter`hbe tme type o sohn cbd ircss ob tmehr property

    kcb kobsunt c nokcn ncwb kcre kebter or ncbdskcphbi pro esshobcn. @etro Krecthve Kobbekthob



  • 8/18/2019 Spring Home 2016


    [prhbi Mo`etctesvhnne • @ooresvhnne prhn 4, •

  • 8/18/2019 Spring Home 2016


    [prhbi Mo`e• Cprhn 4, tctesvhnne • @ooresvhnne

    ;1 Nebohr Vmy e Fnv [E

    Mhkgory, BK =1:3=6=-;65-:839

    @obdcy - Tmur dcy   3 <   C@  - <   Z@Knosed Arhdcy

    3: : Krossrocds Drhve

    [tctesvhnne, BK9:4-864-8:34

    ob cy - Arh cy 3 <   C@ - <   Z@

    cturdcy fy cppohbt`ebt



    lust two oa tme recsobs mo`eowbersre cwb kcre ko`pcb es.

    Tme stowers cre fnoo`hbi, cbd tmeircss cs eiub to irow cbew,

    cghbi sprhbi c irect th`e aoro`eowbers to obke cic b turb t e r

    cttebt ob to cb skcp bi. ose w ocreb't nooghbi aorwcrd to dusthbi oaa

    e r cwb`owers cb ret rec bi

    e r str bi tr ``ers ̀ cy wcbt to reproaesshobcn ncbdskcpers to tebd toe r cwbs cb icr ebs.

    C rekebt lohbt study fy tme BcthobcnIcrdebhbi Cssokhcthob, VeshdebthcnNcwb cbd Ncbdskcpe [ervhkes cbdme Qcnue oa Ncbdskcphbi aoubdmct mo`eowbers spebd rouimny $45

    fhnnhob per yecr ob proaesshobcn ncwb

    cbd ncbdskcpe servhkes, cs becrny ;:perkebt oa cnn mousemonds ckross tmeUbhted [tctes use ct necst obe type oancwb or ncbdskcpe servhke. Tme rhshbiuse oa ncwb kcre servhkes hs hb hkcthvea mo`eowbers' cpprekhcthob oa tmeobvebhebke cbd krcats`cbsmhp

    proaesshobcn servhkes kcb provhde.Ymhne tme h`pckt proaesshobcnncbdskcpers kcb mcve ob c property's

    cestmethk cppecn hs kobshdercfne,mo`eowbers cnso febeffit aro` worghbiwhtm proaesshobcn ncbdskcpers hbvcrhous otmer wcys.

    `e scv bis< be o tme fhiiestfebeffits oa necvhbi ncwb kcre to tmepro esshobcns hs tme c`oubt o th`e htwhnn scve or tme cvercie mo`eowber.Ncwbs iebercnny beed to fe `owed

    bke per weeg durhbi tme sprhbi cbdsu``er secsobs cbd, depebdhbib tme shze oa tme property, tmct kcbcge cb mour or `ore. C tme th`e


    cb skcp bi e s cb e ie t eroperty, cb o`eowbers kcb expekto devote c shibhffikcbt kmubg oa tmehreegebds to kcrhbi aor tmehr ncwbs.cwb servhkes e`pnoy c aew worgersmo `cge acst worg oa tme lof, necvhbio`eowbers t `e to eb oy t e reegebds mowever tmey see ffit.

    Veduked rhsg or hblury

  • 8/18/2019 Spring Home 2016


    [prhbi Mo`e prhn 4, •




    r Cruiu c o \ ukk hbh, cw ey s vh es t e

    fest qucnhty senekthob cbd vcnue or Nokcnny irow 

    ietc es cb er s, y rh s cb ehr oo`s.

    Our seeds cbd pncbts cre kmoseb aro` me fest

    ch c e o icr ebhbi .

    B. @chb [treet

    @ooresvh e, BK

    9:4-11;-555;-A < - < : • [ct < - 4< : • [ < - <

    B O I @ O 

    Eko- rhebdny ncbdskcpes kcb protekt tmebvhrob`ebt cbd menp mo`eowbers scve ̀ obey.

    Ymhne ht‘s posshfne to cnter ncbdskcpes durhbisu``er, ht‘s ecsher cbd ̀ ore kost-eaaekthve to pncbcmecd or eko- rhebdny ncbdskcpes.

    ncbbhbi cmecd kcb ebsure mo`eowbers tmct tmehrncwbs cbd icrdebs kobserve wcter tmrouimout

    tme sprhbi cbd su``er. ukm pncbbhbi kcb scvemo`eowbers sufstcbthcn c`oubts o `obey wmebsu``er te`perctures rhse cbd put c strchb obncwbs, pncbts cbd icrdebs tmct beed `ore wctertmcb usucn. Mo`eowbers wmo wcbt tmehr ncbdskcpesto tmrhve wmhne febe tthbi tme ebvhrob`ebt kcb tcgetme onnowhbi steps cs ncwb cbd icrdeb secsobcpprockmes.

    Vesecrkm bcthve pncbts. ct ve p cbts typ kc y

    requre kobs erc y ess wcter t cb exotk p cbts t ct o bot bcturc y irow b pcrt ku cr crecs. bcddhthob, tme U.[. Ebvhrob`ebtcn Zrotekthob Ciebkybotes t ct bct ve p cbts cve c cpte to okc so

    bs, `cghbi tme` ness nhgeny to beed aerthnhzere reshstcbt to pests cbd dhsecses tmcb bob-ncbts. Tmct reshstcbke scves mo`eowbershbi to use potebthcnny mcr`aun pesthkhdes.

     s`crt. Ymeb deshibhbi your ncbdskcpe

    roup p cbts ckkor bi to ow ̀ uk or owter t ey bee . s prevebts overwcter bict o bot bee `uk wcter, w k kcbpncbt cbd necd to ubbekesscry wcter

    b ebsures p cbts t ct o bee su stcbt co wcter mcve tmose beeds `et.

    er tme ene`ebts.  eb p cbt bi,mow `ukm bcturcn subnhimt eckm crec oa

    iets feaorecbt bi. cbts p cbteb crecs t ct cre

    espek c y expose to t esub `cy requ re extrc

    cterer bi, cs t e otu u uc er o evcporc e,eprhvhbi pncbts oa

    t e wcter t ey bee to

    t r ve. b c t ob to t esub, w b kcb vert

    cter `ecbt aor pncbtscb ircss, so p cbtcppropr cte y b crecst ct cre expose to subcb w b .

    or w t c

    pro esshobcn.

    Zro esshobcncb skcpers cbcb skcpe crk tekts

    kcb e bvc uc e

    resourkes aor mo`eowbers wmo wcbt tmehr properthesto fe cs eko-arhebdny cs posshfne. Tme deshre aoreko-arhebdny ncbdskcpes mcs rhseb hb rekebt yecrs,cbd ̀ cby proaesshobcn ncbdskcpers cbd crkmhtektscre c`hnhcr whtm vcrhous wcys to `cge ncwbs cbdicrdebs ̀ ore ebvhrob`ebtcnny arhebdny.

    Eko- rhebdny ncbdskcphbi hs c whse hbvest`ebt ormo`eowbers wmo wcbt to menp tme pncbet cbd scve`obey ct tme sc`e th`e. Zncbbhbi to `cge sukm cbhbvest`ebt hb cdvcbke oa sprhbi cbd su``er hs cirect wcy to produke c fecuth un cbd eko- rhebdnyncbdskcpe.

    - @etro Krecthve Kobbekthob

    tctesv e • ooresv e

    kobdhthocbd `orbcthve pro` mc


    cyout,tt e wccbts tcr` tmcste, c


    Kobsh kobshde

    tme ycrd


  • 8/18/2019 Spring Home 2016


    [prhbi Mo`e• Cprhn 4, tctesvhnne • @ooresvhnne



    @CTEVHCN[ &



    Top Nhbe SucNhTy produkTs • ko`peThThve prhkes

    BOY OZEB   aor [prhbi 6:31

    @oB. - AVh. 9

  • 8/18/2019 Spring Home 2016


    [prhbi Mo`etctesvhnne • @ooresvhnne prhn 4, •

  • 8/18/2019 Spring Home 2016


    [prhbi Mo`e• Cprhn 4, tctesvhnne • @ooresvhnne

    [u``er hs c secsob aor ncbdskcphbi, cbdmo`eowbers wmo nhve hb reihobs tmct ietespekhcnny mot hb tme su``erth`e o teb worrytmct tmehr ncwbs wob‘t `cge ht tmrouim tme doidcys o su``er nooghbi nusm. Fut ncwbs dob‘tmcve to sukku`f to tme shzznhbi su``er sub.

    tebth`es, tme rhimt wcterhbi strcteihes kcbmenp mo`eowbers burse tmehr ncwbs tmrouim tmemottest `obtms o tme yecr, ebsurhbi tme ncwbs`cge ht to cutu`b nooghbi cs ireeb cs tmey dhdfckg ct tme mehimt o sprhbi.

    ekobshder wmeb you‘re wcterhbi. o`esu` èrt `e, o`eowbers ̀ cy wcbt c i css

    o wcter ct mhim boob, wmeb tè percturesseè to e ct t e r ottest. ut you cb yourncwb cre dh erebt, so tme fest th è to scthcteyour t rst s bot bekesscr y t e est t `e towcter your ncwb. Ycterhbi hb tme `hddne otme dcy hs o teb hbe ekthve, cs wcter tebdsto evcporcte quhkgny hb tme c terboobs wmebte`perctures cre pec bi. i tt `e wcter bikcb kobtrhfute to tme irowtm o ubius, wmhkmkcb krecte cb ebthreny bew set o mecdckmes or

    o`eowbers. orb bi wcter bi sess obs tebto fe `ost e ekthve durhbi tme su``erth̀ e, cs

    te`perctures tebd to fe kooner hb tme `orbhbi,ecdhbi to ness evcporcthob. Ness evcporcthob`ecbs cnn tmct wcterhbi hsb‘t iohbi to wcste.

    Vekobshder your sprhbgner.  you kcb‘t

    c ord cb hb-iroubd hrrhicthob syste`, wmhkm`cby ncbdskcphbi pro esshobcns een hs tme `oste ekthve cbd e khebt wcy to wcter c ncwb,

    eb you e y w rey ob c spr b er to eepyour cwb oo bi us t roui t e su``er`obtms. Ymeb kmooshbi c sprhbgner, noog or obet ct s oots wcter out or zobtc y cs opposeto vert kc y. vert kc spr b er syste` s ̀ orevu berc e to wb cb evcporct ob t cb obe

    t ct s oots wcter out or zobtc y, so ̀ c e sureyour spr b er syste` s seb bi wcter bto yourcwb cb bot bto su` èr reezes.

    Cvohd overwcterhbi. ow `ukm wcter yourcwb beeds hb tme su``erth`e depebds ob cost oa acktors, hbknudhbi wmere you nhve cbdow oateb rchb acnns hb tmct reihob. Overwcterhbi

    kcb pro`ote tme irowtm oa aubius cbd cdversenycaaekt your ncwb‘s root syste`, ̀ cghbi ht

    haffikunt aor roots to irow deep. [pecg whtmc nokcn ncbdskcphbi proaesshobcn to deter`hbe

    ow oateb you smound wcter your ncwbckm weeg.

    trcteihkcnny poshthob your sprhbgners.eb k oos bi w ere to put owb your

    spr b ers, oo t e` up to your ose, turb t e`ob cb t eb wctk to see w ere t e wcter sio bi. recs t ct expose to sub cre ̀ ost bbeed o wcter, so `cge sure tme fung o yourwcter sb t io bi to s c e crecs ebect trees.b c t ob, c̀ e sure you creb t wcst bi wcterob shdewcngs, pcthos cbd drhvewcys. prhbgnerssmound fe poshthobed so bobe o tme wctertmey‘re smoothbi out hs ncbdhbi ob sur ckes tmct

    ob‘t beed wcter. Ht soubds sh`pne, fut too o tebo`eowbers rop t e r spr b ers owb, turbt e` ob cb t eb wc cwcy w t out wc t bito see w ere t e wcter s cb bi. ost obspr b ers or c ust spr b er ec s so c t ewcter s cb bi ob your cwb.

    Geephbi c ncwb nusm cbd ireeb ct tme mehimt oasu``er requhres mo`eowbers to cdopt eaaekthvestrcteihes. [ukm c strcteihes kcb `cge tmehaaerebke fetweeb c nusm ncbdskcpe cbd obe

    t ct sukku` s to su``er ect.- @etro recthve obbekthob

    Zoorny pnckedsprhbgners tmctsmoot wcter outobto drhvewcys cbd otmersurackes tmct dobot beed wcterkcb rof c ncwboa wcter htdespercteny

    beeds wmebte`perctures knh`fhb tme su``erth`e.

    Ycterhbi thpsto produkemecntmy ncwbs

  • 8/18/2019 Spring Home 2016


    [prhbi Mo`etctesvhnne • @ooresvhnne prhn 4, •

    Cb cnnurhbi ncbdskcpe kcb ̀ cge cmo`e tmct `ukm `ore eb oycfne. @cbymo`eowbers devote kobshdercfne th`eto tmehr ncwbs cbd icrdebs, cbd tmctdevothob kcb pcy fotm hbstcbt cbdnobi-ter` dhvhdebds. C wenn-iroo`edcb skcpe kcb ̀ c e t ̀ ore eb oyc e

    to rencx hb tme ycrd, cbd sukm cproperty w e `ore cttrckt ve toprospekt ve uyers w eb o`eowberswcbt to se t e r o ès.

    ut eveb t e ̀ ost we - es ibecb skcpes so`et `es bee so`e

    recrrcbibi, cb t ose k cbies

    `cy bvo ve trcbsp cbt bi trees.Mo`eowbers `cy trcbspncbt trees orvcrhous recsobs. o`e mo`eowbers` i t e ̀ ov bi to c bew o`e cbwcbt to tcge c cvorhte tree cnobiwhtm tme`, wmhne so`e trees sh`pnyutirow tmehr exhsthbi spcke cbd beed

    to fe ̀ oved ensewmere ob tme property.Veicrdness o wmy trees beed to fetrcbsp cbte , o`eowbers kcb tc e

    severcn steps to ebsure tme prokessioes cs s`oot y cs poss e.

    Deter`hbe wmy tme tree

    bee s to e ̀ ove .[o`e trees tmct cre bot tmrhvhbi hbtmehr exhsthbi nokcthob `cy bot febeffitro` c trcbspncbt. Aor exc`pne, c tree

    whtm c pest hbaestcthob `himt beed to

    fe repncked rctmer tmcb trcbspncbted.Deter`hbhbi tme recsob femhbd ctrcbspncbt kcb scve you tme troufne

    trcbspncbthbi tmct wob‘t febe t

    ro` tme `ove. H c tree hs bot ietthbicdequcte subnhimt hb hts presebtnokcthob, tmeb trcbspncbthbi ht to cdh erebt nokcthob ob your propertywhtm `ore exposure to subnhimt `himtrehbvhiorcte tme tree. H sohn hs tmepro e ,̀ t cb trcbspcbt bi t e tree`himt prove hbe ekthve ubness youc so test t e so w ere you pcb to`ove t e tree cb c ust t so t e treecb t r ve.

    Zrube tme tree roots.by roots t ct exteb eyob t e

    tree c sor wcter cb butrebts, cb

    sukm roots beed to fe prubed feaoretrcbsp cbt bi c tree. cb skcp biproaesshobcns bote tmct root prubhbisth`unctes tme irowtm oa bew s`cnnroots becrer to t e trees trub , cbt ese bewer roots w e ui up w ebt e t `e ko`es to trcbsp cbt t e tree.

    oot prub bi ̀ ust e obe we bcdvcbke oa trcbspncbthbi tme tree.Aor exc`pne, ha you mope to trcbspncbt

    tme tree hb tme acnn, tmeb do your rootprubhbi hb tme sprhbi feaore bew fudscppecr ob tme tree. [pecg whtm yourcb skcper or c becr y icr eb kebterto eter` be t e est wcy to prubeyour trees roots.

    `e your trcbsp cbt korrekt y.Cvohd trcbspncbthbi trees wmeb

    te`perctures cre konder cbd tmeiroubd hs rozeb. Trcbspncbthbieaore or cater c tmcw cnnows tme

    trcbspncbted roots th`e to devenop. Hb

    cddhthob, trcbspncbthbi tme dcy c teryou mcve wctered tme sohn croubd tmetree redukes tme stress ob tme tree‘sroots, `cghbi ht ecsher to geep tme rootfcnn hbtckt.

    Zrotekt tme root fcnn.eb trcbsp cbt bi c tree, `c e sure

    tme root fcnn does bot dry out. Ha htoes, t e tree e y wob t t r ve b ts

    bew okct ob cb c your cr worwhnn mcve feeb aor bcuimt. Kover tmeroot c w t c p̀ ur cp or kcbvcsso ht kcb retchb `ore oa tme `ohsture htw bee to c cpt to ts bew okct ob.

    cbt t e tree soober rct er

    mcb ncter. e you kcb store ctrcbspncbted tree feaore you pncbt ht

    sew ere ob your property, stor biht aor c nobi perhod oa th`e hbkrecses

    t e k cbkes t ct t e trcbsp cbt we ubsukkessaun. Hdecnny, you wcbt top cbt t e tree b ts bew okct ob cssoob cs posshfne. Ha you `ust store ht,`cge sure you dob‘t suaaokcte tme rootc , cs roots ̀ ust e ept c`p or

    t ey w e cb potebt c y kost yout e tree.

    - @etro Krecthve Kobbekthob

    Hbvebtory hs now hb cnn prhkes rcbies

    Kcnn aor your Aree

    crget Cbcnyshs TodcyXou `cy fe pnecscbtny surprhsed oa 

    tme vcnue oa your mo`e hb tme bkrecshbi `crget

    3 c b treet, ox 3


    www.BcbkyMukgsVecnEstcte.ko`@ooresvhnne / Dcvhdsob

    ro er ec toro hne< 4. 99.4


     [outmerb Kmcr` [ecsobed 


     BcbkyNhttne Mukgs

    Mo è [ennhbi [ecsob

    H[ MEVE!


    TVEE[ BO [@CNN TC[G 

    Trcbspncbthbi c tree kcb cddcppec to c property cb e p

    rehbvhiorcte cb ubmecntmy tree.

  • 8/18/2019 Spring Home 2016


    [prhbi Mo`e• Cprhn 4, tctesvhnne • @ooresvhnne

    @chbtchbhbi c nusm ncwb hs c mecntmy cbdrewcrdhbi moffy tmct caaords mo`eowbers tospebd so`e th`e outdoors hb bcture. Ncwbebtmushcsts kcb ̀ cge tmehr moffy eveb mecntmher

    y cdopthbi severcn eko-arhebdny ncwb kcrestrcteihes tmct bot obny `cge aor c mecntmher ncwb,

    ut c mecntmher pncbet cs wenn.

    espobshfne ncbdskcphbi mcs irowb hbkrecshbinyopuncr hb rekebt yecrs, cs `ore cbd `oreo`eowbers cre cdopthbi eko-arhebdny ncwb kcrerckthkes hb tme sc`e wcy tmey mcve e`frcked

    ebvhrob`ebtcnny kobskhous femcvhors hb otmercrecs oa tmehr nhves. Tme aonnowhbi cre c mcbdaun oa

    cys ncwb kcre ebtmushcsts kcb hbkorporcte eko-rhebdny prckthkes hbto tmehr ncbdskcphbi routhbes.

    @chbtchb cb cpproprhcte ircss mehimt.eb te`perctures stcrt to pec b su``er,

    o`eowbers `cy fe te`pted to kut tmehr ircss csk ose cs poss e so t ey kcb re uke t e bu` ero c terboobs tmey spebd rhdhbi or pusmhbi c`ower b t e ot sub. ut kutt bi too ow ̀ c es

    tme ircss hbkrecshbiny suskepthfne to hb estcthobscb secse, cb suk pro e`s ̀ cy bee to ere`edhed whtm potebthcnny mcr` un pesthkhdes h bootmer cpprockm proves e ekthve. Eveb h ht `ecbscb extrc c terboob or two `owhbi ubder tme motsub, ̀ c btc b bi cb cppropr cte ircss e i t kcbecd to c mecntmher ncwb, cs nobier ircss socgsup `ore subnhimt, cnnowhbi ht to irow c deep rootsyste` tmct whnn menp c ncwb survhve drouimt cbdot er potebt c pro e`s.

    ut fckg ob mcr̀ un pesthkhdes.@cby mo`eowbers bow preaer to cvohd pesthkhdesct c kosts, ut so`et `es pest k es cre c cstresort wmeb ncwbs cre acnnhbi vhkth` to mcr`aunbsekts cb oricb s`s. o`eowbers w o wcbtto e`frcke `ore eko-arhebdny ncwb kcre prckthkeskcb kut fckg ob tmehr use oa pesthkhdes, ffirsttryhbi ̀ ore ebvhrob`ebtcnny arhebdny opthobs. Aor

    exc`pne, fhopesthkhdes cre ̀ cde aro` bcturcnnyokkurr bi ̀ cter c s, bk u bi cb `c s, p cbts,ckter c, cb kertc b ̀ berc s. kkor bi to t ebhted [tctes Ebvhrob`ebtcn Zrotekthob Ciebky,

    hopesthkhdes cre oateb hbmerebtny ness toxhktmcb ̀ ore kobvebthobcn pesthkhdes. Hb cddhthob,hopesthkhdes typhkcnny caaekt obny tme pest kcushbi

    tme profne`, wmerecs frocd spektru` pesthkhdes

    `cy caaekt surroubdhbi oricbhs`s, sukm cs fhrdscbd `c``cns, hb cddhthob to tme tcrieted pest.

    me EZC (www.epc.iov) cdvhses mo`eowbersophbi to use fhopesthkhdes ffirst necrb cfout

    `cbcihbi pests so tmey kcb eaaekthveny re`edyprofne`s ob tmehr properthes.

    Mcrvest rchbwcter. Ncwbs beed wcter,espekhcnny wmeb te`perctures rhse

    b t e su``er.Fut wcterhbi ncwbs kcb mcve cb cdverse eaaekt

    ob your ko``ub tys wcter supp y, rc b bi t ctsupp y cb urt bi t e kò `ubty b t e obirub. o`eowbers w o kcb crvest rc bwcter kcbrcstkc y re uke t e r `pckt ob t e r kò `ub ty

    wcter supp y, t ere y e p bi t e p cbet cb t e rko``ubhty, espekhcnny ha tmey reshde hb nokcnesw ere wcter resourkes cre trc t obc y skcrke.

    meb rchbwcter hs mcrvested, ht hs konnekted aro`owbspouts feaore ht wcsmes hbto becrfy sewciesyste`s. cby cwb cb icr eb retc ers serc bwcter crvest bi syste`s, w k o`eowberskcb bstc t e s̀e ves or pcy c cb skcp biproaesshobcn to hbstcnn aor tme`.

    cy ̀ u k owb croub trees, s ru scb stower e s.rees, smrufs cbd ower feds beed wcter,

    espekhcnny hb tme su``er wmeb rhshbite`perctures pose c tmrect to pncbts. Mo`eowberskcb kut fckg ob tme wcter tmey use to protekttmose pncbts fy ncyhbi oricbhk `unkm hb tmesprhbi. ricbhk ùnkm kobserves `ohsture hb sohn,pro`othbi strobier roots hb pncbts cbd menphbio`eowbers kut fckg ob tme c`oubt o wcterhbi

    tmey beed to `chbtchb c icrdeb tmct‘s fotmecntmy cbd pnecshbi to tme eye. ricbhk ùnkm,

    wmhkm `himt fe `cde o fcrg, hs cnso mecvy,`cghbi ht mcrd or uiny weeds tmct rof pncbts owcter to tmrhve.

     @etro Krecthve Kobbekthob

    C @OVE




  • 8/18/2019 Spring Home 2016


    [prhbi Mo`etctesvhnne • @ooresvhnne prhn 4, •

    e hbi VE QHNNE aor er 5 whtmro esshobc   hbstcnncthob ctc pr ketmctkcb‘t fe fect.

    Kcnn o [kmedune X r Cppohbt`ebt Todcy   9:4.988.8:;5   Mours< @ob-[ct 3:c`-5p`

    Exkepthobcnny acst servhke fckged f nhaeth`e wcrrcbty aro` fotm 

    cbd tme `cbuackturer Y   oaaer mhim qucnhty [ubT g  whbdow ffin`s.

    8 re ukt ob b cr`au y

    ncre re ukt ob•

    Ve uke cdhbi

    cves beriy•

    bkrecse ko`aort

    Nhaeth`e wcrrcbty•

    Hbkrecse scaety cb prhvcky

    Kusto` Dcve‘s Thbthbi   3:% oaa yourmo`e whbdow servhke

    @ebthob tmhs cd cbd rekehve

    b t e bot-so- stcbt pcst, o`e `prove`ebt

    pro ekts c ut kc`e to c c t, cs o`eowbers werewecry cfout hbvesthbi cby ̀ obey hbto ffixer-uppers.

    ut t e t es cve k cbie rc`ct kc y b rekebt`obt s, cb o`eowbers cre cic b rec y cbw bi to bvest i o crs bto o`e rebovct obs.

    Vebewed kobffidebke hb tme ekobo`y cbd cb upswhbib t e rec estcte ̀ cr et cve kobtr ute to t e

    re`odenhbi arebzy. Hb ecrny 6:34, tme Lohbt Kebter aorMoushbi [tcthsthks oa Mcrvcrd Ubhvershty aorekcsted

    becrny $35: fhnnhob hb `clor re`odenhbi spebdhbiver tme yecr. LKM[ schd cs mo`eowbers ichb `oreobffidebke hb tme moushbi `crget, tmey‘re `ore nhgeny

    to ub ertc e o è `provè ebts t ey wou cvecvo e b rekebt yecrs.

    e t e bu` ers o bot yet ̀ ctk pre-rekess obre`odenhbi spebdhbi, tme bu`fer oa kobstrukthobpro ekts cs stec y treb e upwcr . kkor bi totme Bcthobcn Cssokhcthob oa Mo`e Fuhnders, cs oa

    ove`fer 6:34, c irecter bu`fer oa re`odeners

    reporte i er usbess cktv ty t cb ur bi t eprev ous qucrter. e`o e bi speb bi cs eebircducnny knh`fhbi fckg up aro` tme cnn-th`e now htreckmed hb 6::8.

    s irowt b o`e rebovct obs cs e to ̀ orelofs aor kcrpebters, pnu`fers, pchbters, enektrhkhcbs,cb ot er kobstrukt ob wor ers. b cssck usettsc obe, c rekovery b overc kobstrukt ob è p oy èbtmcs ned to c ichb oa cfout 3=,::: lofs durhbi tme

    pcst aour yecrs.

    e o`e `prove`ebt esecrk bst tute expektscb cddhthobcn 5.= perkebt scnes irowtm hb mo`eh`prove`ebt spebdhbi hb 6:35. [tctes tmct smowedtme mhimest nevens oa mo`e h`prove`ebt spebdhbihb 6:34 cre nhgeny to kobthbue to mond tme top spotstmrouim 6:35, cbd tme Bcthobcn Cssokhcthob oa

    o`e u ers scys t ese crecs bk u e t e str kta Konu`fhc, Kobbekthkut, Bew Lersey, @cryncbd,

    cssckmusetts, cbd crecs oa soutmerb Kcnhaorbhc.

    `er kcbs cre bot t e ob y obes bkrecs bi t e ro è speb bi. kkor bi to reports re ecse yoberhs [onuthobs Korporcthob, Kcbcdc‘s ncriest

    re t cb e t kcr prokessor, purk cses ct o`eh`prove`ebt stores rose fy =.48 perkebt over tmesc è pero cst yecr, cb speb bi ob p u` bicb ect bi equ p`ebt cb e ektr kc kobtrcktorsnh`fed fy 5.34 perkebt cbd 5.:= perkebt,

    respekthveny. [pebdhbi pctterbs hbdhkcte tmct

    o`eowbers cre bvest bi b pro ekts cs we csseeghbi spekhcnhzed worg provhded fy proaesshobcnobtrcktors.

    ow hs c iood th`e aor tme recn estcte cbd mo`e`prove`ebt sektors, cs o`eowbers cve rebewetmehr aervor aor `cghbi mo`e rebovcthobs, fotm tohbkrecse ko`aort hb tmehr mo`es cbd `cge tmehrmo`es `ore fuyer-arhebdny.

    - @etro Krecthve Kobbekthob



    Kobsu`ers cre bo nobier neery cfout hbvesthbi `obey hb mo`e prolekts.

  • 8/18/2019 Spring Home 2016


    [prhbi Mo`e• Cprhn 4, tctesvhnne • @ooresvhnne

    Krecthve Kcrpets, NNK49 Dcvhe Cvebue, [tctesvhnne, BK 6 6



    Bow hs tme th`e to scve ob iorieous Gcrcstcb kcrpet. Every Zctterb. Every konor.