spring 2013 student performance analysis with instructional guidance

Spring 2013 Student Performance Analysis with Instructional Guidance Biology Standards of Learning Presentation may be paused and resumed using the arrow keys or the mouse.

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Spring 2013 Student Performance Analysis with Instructional Guidance. Biology Standards of Learning. Presentation may be paused and resumed using the arrow keys or the mouse. Investigation Practices and Skills. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Spring 2013 Student Performance Analysis with Instructional GuidanceBiologyStandards of Learning1Presentation may be paused and resumed using the arrow keys or the mouse.

In order to support instruction of students in the science Standards of Learning (SOL), this PowerPoint presentation has been developed to provide information about the content for which student performance was weak or inconsistent during the spring 2013 test administration. In collaboration with the Division of Student Assessment and School Improvement, the Division of Instruction has provided instructional information for teachers and school divisions for the content areas highlighted in this presentation. It is important to note that the SOL, examples, and instructional information highlighted in this presentation should not be the sole focus of instruction in the classroom, nor should these suggestions replace the data that teachers or school divisions have collected on student performance. Rather, this PowerPoint presentation contains information that supports the instruction of the Science Standards of Learning for which statewide student performance showed the need for improvement.

1BIO.1The student will demonstrate an understanding of scientific reasoning, logic, and the nature of science by planning and conducting investigations in whichobservations of living organisms are recorded in the lab and in the field;hypotheses are formulated based on direct observations and information from scientific literature;variables are defined and investigations are designed to test hypotheses;graphing and arithmetic calculations are used as tools in data analysis;conclusions are formed based on recorded quantitative and qualitative data;sources of error inherent in experimental design are identified and discussed;validity of data is determined;chemicals and equipment are used in a safe manner;

Students need more experience with basic and integrated investigative practices and skills, such as graphing and performing arithmetic calculations, using the context of biological concepts.

Investigation Practices and Skills


This screen shows the first standard highlighted, BIO.1 bullets d and h. Throughout this presentation, the areas in which overall student performance was weak or inconsistent will be highlighted in blue.

This standard states: The student will demonstrate an understanding of scientific reasoning, logic, and the nature of science by planning and conducting investigations in which, bullet d) graphing and arithmetic calculations are used as tools in data analysis; and bullet h) chemicals and equipment are used in a safe manner.

Scientific investigation assessment questions that required using discipline-specific content knowledge, in the context of the skill, showed lower performance. Students need more experience with basic and integrated investigative practices and skills, such as graphing and performing arithmetic calculations, using the context of biological concepts.


Time (months)Population (number of grasshoppers)11233641252063573883893510201112126Instructional Guidance BIO. 1d Investigation Practices and Skills: Use graphing and arithmeticcalculations in data analysisTime (months)Population (number of grasshoppers)Graph the information presented in the table.

3Students are expected to demonstrate an understanding of scientific reasoning, and logic by planning and conducting investigations. While participating in a range of scientific activities, students should engage in collecting, organizing, presenting, and analyzing both continuous and discontinuous data including skills they learned in earlier grades, such as correctly laying out a graph with labeled axes, appropriate scales, and a title. This example requires students to graph the data in the table.

A bar graph for this data is shown on the screen.

3Instructional Guidance BIO.1h Investigation Practices and Skills: Use chemicals and equipment in a safe manner Ask the student to describe the safe use of chemicals and equipment prior to the laboratory.

A lab activity requires students to insert potassium hydroxide (KOH) pellets into a narrow tube to absorb carbon dioxide (CO2). Pellets of KOH are very caustic and alkaline. How would you do this safely?Sample Answer: With goggles, lab apron, and latex gloves; use large tweezers to remove pellet from container of KOH provided by the teacher and place in a weight boat. Then use tweezers to insert pellets into the tube.

4Students need explicit instruction around the application of safety practices and rules when preparing and conducting investigations. Students may be given scenarios prior to a lab activity that assess their understanding of certain safety practices. Students should be given opportunities to describe safe practices as it relates to certain chemicals and their properties, as shown in this example.

A sample answer is shown on the screen.

4Instructional Guidance BIO.1h Investigation Practices and Skills: Use chemicals and equipment in a safe mannerWhat is the safest and most correct way to apply a cover slip to prepare a slide? What equipment would you need?

Sample Answer: With goggles, lab apron, latex gloves, hold the slide cover by touching only the top and bottom; place a side of the cover on the slide and drop.

5Here is an example that requires students to describe safety procedures when applying a slip cover to a slide. A sample answer is provided on the screen.

5BIO.3The student will investigate and understand relationships between cell structure and function. Key concepts includeevidence supporting the cell theory;characteristics of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells; similarities between the activities of the organelles in a single cell and a whole organism; the cell membrane model; andthe impact of surface area to volume ratio on cell division, material transport, and other life processes.

Connect and Apply Concepts : Effect of surface area to volume ratioon life processes Students should be provided opportunities to investigate surface to volume ratio and the rate of movement of materials from the outside to the center of the cell.

The next standard highlighted is BIO.3, specifically bullet e, which reads: The student will investigate and understand relationships between cell structure and function, including the impact of surface area to volume ratio on cell division, material transport, and other life processes.

Students should be provided opportunities to investigate surface to volume ratio and the rate of movement of materials from the outside to the center of the cell.

Student performance data showed items that required the application of knowledge as an extension of a bigger idea, or connected to other concepts, had lower performance. Students should not only have a conceptual understanding, but also be able to apply the mathematical relationship between surface area and volume. Students would benefit from additional practice applying the ratio with mathematics problems that relate to life processes.

6Connect and Apply Concepts: Effect of surface area to volume ratioon life processes (BIO.3e)Tyler: Look at last sentence in the first paragraph. I am not sure where commas would go, or where to inflectmeaning, I am not sure whether change shape to increase surface area or reduce volume is one, or two things. See me if this does not make sense.

Answer: From left to right: 20 m model, 10 m model, 4 m model, and 2 m model.

7An example of surface area to volume, without implication as to its impact on cells and life processes, is shown here as a technology-enhanced item. As cells increase in size, surface area to volume ratios decrease, making cells less able to obtain nutrients or remove wastes. Cells divide to stay small or change shape to increase surface area or reduce volume. The answer to the question is shown on the screen.

Biology SOL tests may require students to apply the concept of surface area to volume ratio related to the cell and other life processes. Examples of cellular and life processes that are applications of this concept will be given on the following slide.


Microvilli of small intestine epitheliumincrease surface areaSquamus cells can flatten into a thin filmInstructional Guidance BIO.3eConnect and Apply Concepts: Effect of surface to volume ratio on life processesWriting prompt: Why is the Xenopus zygote so large? How does the subsequent rapid mitosis take place in such a small portion of the cell?Xenopus rapid mitosis


These examples show the effect of surface area to volume ratio on a cellular level. Cells have mechanisms to deal with the limits of surface to volume ratio. For example, Columnar epithelial cells have small folds called microvilli towards the interior of the gut. This increased surface area allows for greater absorption of material per centimeter of small intestine. Xenopus zygote demonstrates an interesting response to surface to volume ratio using specialized mitotic apparatus to perform rapid division in a large cell. The one cell Xenopus embryo is over 1 mm across, while cells within the embryo several hours later are closer to 50 microns. Mitotic spindles are shown in red and chromosomes in yellow. Squamus epithelia cells are very flattened and form thin layers thus reducing diffusion time.

Students should have the opportunity to observe, including conducting measurements and calculations, with a variety of cell sizes and shapes so they can develop a relationship between surface to volume ratios and their effects on living systems.

An open-ended question that will allow the teacher to assess the students understanding of these concepts is shown on the screen.

8BIO.5The student will investigate and understand common mechanisms of inheritance and protein synthesis. Key concepts includecell growth and division;gamete formation;cell specialization;prediction of inheritance of traits based on the Mendelian laws of heredity;historical development of the structural model of DNA;

Students need more practice understanding the scientists and technologies that enhanced our knowledge of DNA.

Connecting and Applying Concepts: Historical development of thestructural model of DNA

9The next standard highlighted is SOL BIO.5, in particular, bullet e, which reads: The student will investigate and understand common mechanisms of inheritance and protein synthesis. Key concepts include the historical development of the structural model of DNA.

The respect for historical contributions is a scientific disposition. It is important for students to have an understanding of the development of scientific process that led to the current scientific knowledge.

For this standard, students need more practice understanding the scientists and technologies that enhanced our knowledge of DNA.


Instructional Guidance BIO.5eConnect and Apply Concepts: Historical development of the structural model of DNA

Two researchers, Maurice Wilkins and Rosalind Franklin, used X-ray crystallography to make pictures of DNA such as the one shown above. This type of image helps show that DNA-

Rosalind Franklin and Maurice WilkinsSample Answer: This image helps show that DNA has a helical shape.10B-Form

As with all knowledge in biology and other fields of science, the structure of DNA was determined by collaboration of scientists over time. Oswald Avery found DNA to be the molecule of heredity, complementary base pairing was shown by Erwin Chargaff, and other structural information was provided from Maurice Wilkins and Rosalind Franklin. Through their combined work, DNA structure was determined.

This sample image shows an x-ray diffraction of a DNA molecule from Maurice Wilkins and Rosalind Franklin. This work was paramount in illuminating the double helix structure of DNA.

It could be beneficial to develop a thinking map to help students connect each scientists work to common mechanisms of inheritance and protein synthesis. It could also be helpful to provide students with experiences modeling the structure of a DNA molecule.

The example on the screen asks students to analyze an image to draw conclusions about the structure of DNA. A sample answer is provided.


Instructional Guidance BIO.5eConnect and Apply Concepts: Historical development of the structural model of DNA

How did scientists determine the shape of DNA from this image? Point to the structures in the image that provide evidence.

Rosalind Franklin and Maurice WilkinsSample Answer: The distinctive "X" in this X-ray photo is the telltale pattern of a helix. Because the X-ray pattern is so regular, the dimensions of the helix must also be consistent.

11B-FormHere is another example that asks students to analyze the image in order to provide evidence for the shape of DNA. A sample answer is shown on the screen. 11BIO.6The student will investigate and understand bases for modern classification systems. Key concepts includestructural similarities among organisms;fossil record interpretation;comparison of developmental stages in different organisms;

Connect and Apply Concepts: Comparison of Developmental Stages

Students should have experiences comparing structural characteristics of an extinct organism, as evidenced by its fossil record, with present, familiar organisms.

12The next standard highlighted is BIO.6, which focuses on the student investigating and understanding bases for modern classification systems. The key concept where students need additional practice is bullet c of this standard, the comparison of developmental stages of different organisms.

Students should have experiences comparing structural characteristics of an extinct organism, as evidenced by its fossil record, with present, familiar organisms.


Ascidians are sac-like marine organisms. Their larvae have well-developed brains and dorsal nerve cords. This suggests that ascidians should be classified with the-


Connect and Apply Concepts: Comparison of Developmental Stages (BIO.6c)

13This item requires students to think about the morphology of different organisms during development.

Microscopy can be used at many points during delivery of content specific material like SOL BIO.6c. Time spent during initial microscope training allows students to access this technology throughout the year, enriching the students experiences in an engaging and practical manner. In this example the student must classify an unfamiliar organism, observed during a developmental stage, using microscopy skills gained by comparing developmental stages in different organisms.

The answer is shown on the screen.


Instructional Guidance BIO.6cConnect and Apply Concepts: Comparison of Developmental StagesStudents should be asked to make inferences from their observations.

Sample Inference: Organisms with common ancestors have similar structures during development.


This is a common example used with students while making observations of organisms during their development. For example, the student must identify that various chordates share common structures during development. Students should be offered examples using other organisms as well.

A sample answer is shown on the screen.

14BIO.7The student will investigate and understand how populations change through time. Key concepts includeevidence found in fossil records;how genetic variation, reproductive strategies, and environmental pressures impact the survival of populations;how natural selection leads to adaptations;emergence of new species; andscientific evidence and explanations for biological evolution.Students need more practice analyzing how populations change through time by investigating evidence for biological evolution.

Aspects of evolution through time

15The next standard highlighted is BIO.7, in particular bullet e. This standard reads: The student will investigate and understand how populations change through time. Key concepts include scientific evidence and explanations for biological evolution.

For this standard, students may need more and different experiences analyzing how populations change through time by investigating evidence for biological evolution.15Aspects of evolution through time (BIO.7e)

Scientists hypothesize that oxygen began to accumulate in Earths atmosphere after the appearance of living things that photosynthesize.

Which element in Earths atmosphere is essential for human life and is extremely rare or nonexistent in the atmospheres of other planets in our solar system?

Carbon DioxideHydrogenNitrogenOxygen16

The student must relate atmospheric composition to the evolution of life forms. Students should conduct experiments or interact with simulations or models in which oxygen is produced by organisms. During the development of the experiment and through communication of their results, students have opportunities to utilize academic vocabulary and use reasoning and logic as they use evidence to support their claims. This practice helps develop critical thinking skills. The answer to this question is shown on the screen.

16BIO.8The student will investigate and understand dynamic equilibria within populations, communities, and ecosystems. Key concepts include interactions within and among populations including carrying capacities, limiting factors, and growth curves;

Students need more practice analyzing factors that affect populations, communities, and ecosystems.

Population dynamics

17The next standard highlighted is BIO.8a. This standard reads: The student will investigate and understand dynamic equilibria within populations, communities, and ecosystems. Key concepts include, bullet a, interactions within and among populations including carrying capacities, limiting factors, and growth curves.

Population growth curves exhibit many characteristics, such as initial growth stage, exponential growth, steady state, decline, and extinction. Limiting factors are the components of the environment that restrict the growth of populations. As any population of organisms grows, it is held in check by interactions among a variety of biotic and abiotic factors.

Students need more practice analyzing factors that affect populations, communities, and ecosystems. 17Population dynamics (BIO.8a)

Wild cats such as cheetahs, lions, and tigers experience decreased genetic diversity as their populations decline and become fragmented due to habitat destruction. Decreased genetic diversity leads to populations with-

disproportionate gender ratiosdecreased disease resistanceincreased immigration ratesincreased birthrates

18This slide highlights an example that requires students to analyze factors that affect populations. In this example, the population is potentially decreasing due to both habitat destruction and genetic bottlenecking. Students may also be asked to research or come up with examples where habitat destruction or genetic bottlenecking is occurring in ecosystems.

The answer to this example is shown on the screen.

18Population dynamics (BIO.8a)

If this population of deer had exhibited a higher degree of exponentialgrowth than the curve shown here, which of these would be mostlikely?

Plants for foraging would increaseThe deer would face a decreased chance of diseaseThe population would reach carrying capacity soonerPredators would decrease

In this example, the concept of carrying capacity is portrayed in a line graph. Teachers are encouraged to use models and simulations where possible as an instructional strategy. The answer to the example is shown on the screen.

19Population dynamics

A biology class studies the concept of carrying capacity. On a field trip, the students measure a pond and calculate the surface area to be 240 m2. Previous research shows that each frog in a pond requires about 2 m2 of space to survive. Approximately how many frogs can this pond support?

Draw a graph to show a prediction of what happens to the population over time as the number of frogs increase in the pond.

Answer: Approximately 120 frogsAnswer: The graph should show that the frog population increases until it stabilizes at carrying capacity.

20These examples highlight the expression of carrying capacity on the size and stability of a population in a particular environment. In the first example, students are asked to apply the notion of carrying capacity, calculating the quantity that a particular environment can hold. The second question asks students to model the population over time using a graph.

The answers to the two examples are shown on the screen.20Instructional Guidance BIO.8aPopulation dynamics

http://concord.org/stem-resources/african-lions-modeling-populations http://www.doe.virginia.gov/instruction/science/resources/sams/index.shtml

Students may need additional opportunities to analyze population data and make predictions or draw conclusions. The Virginia Science Activities, Models, and Simulations web page offers opportunities for students to interact with population models of different organisms. The first URL on the screen is the link to this page. The second link is specific for the activity African Lions: Modeling Populations. This activity allows students opportunities to analyze data and draw conclusions for predator/prey relationships and producer/consumer relationships. 21

Practice ItemsThis concludes the student performance information for the spring 2013 Biology SOL test.

Additionally, test preparation practice items for Biology can be found on the Virginia Department of Education Web site at:


22This concludes the student performance information for the spring 2013 Biology SOL test.

Additionally, test preparation practice items for Biology can be found on the Virginia Department of Education Web site at the URL shown on the screen.

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