spring 2011 classlist

Mannes College Extension Division ...open to all Expand your music horizons with classes in theory, ear training, score reading, analysis, composition, orchestration, music history, plus seminars about individual composers, epochs, and styles. Improve your skills through high-level private instruction and specialty classes in instrumental and vocal performance. Join a performance group such as the Extension Opera Workshop, the Mannes Community Orchestra, the Alaria Chamber Music Program, the Early Music Collegium, and other special interest ensembles. Finding a class that is right for you The Extension Division staff is happy to help you decide what best suits your needs. Directors of performance ensembles may wish to interview or audition you. Give us a call or email us. Call for opera audition information Call 212-580-0210 ext. 4802 Free placements are Jan 18 at 6pm in theory, ear training, dictation, piano no appointment necessary, but we start promptly at 6pm. Register Online www.mannes.edu/RegisterNow The Extension Division, as old as the Mannes College itself, has served the needs of a diverse adult student population. SPRING 2011 EXTENSIONDIVISION 150 West 85th Street, New York [email protected] 212-580-0210, ext. 4802

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The Spring 2011 semester runs from Jan 24 to May 13, 2011


Page 1: Spring 2011 Classlist

Mannes College Extension Division...open to all

Expand your music horizons with classes in theory, ear training, score reading, analysis, composition, orchestration, music history, plus seminars about individual composers, epochs, and styles.

Improve your skills through high-level private instruction and specialty classes in instrumental and vocal performance.

Join a performance group such as the Extension Opera Workshop, the Mannes Community Orchestra, the Alaria Chamber Music Program, the Early Music Collegium, and other special interest ensembles.

Finding a class that is right for you The Extension Division staff is happy to help you decide what best suits your needs. Directors of performance ensembles may wish to interview or audition you. Give us a call or email us.

Call for opera audition informationCall 212-580-0210 ext. 4802

Free placements are Jan 18 at 6pmin theory, ear training, dictation, pianono appointment necessary, but we start

promptly at 6pm.

Register Onlinewww.mannes.edu/RegisterNow

The Extension

Division, as old as

the Mannes

College itself, has

served the needs

of a diverse adult

student population.



G 2



150 West 85th Street, New [email protected], ext. 4802

Page 2: Spring 2011 Classlist

Spring 2011Placements Jan 18 at 6pmClasses begin Monday Jan 24Last day to drop a class Feb 4Classes and exams end May 13

HolidaysSpring break Feb 27 - Mar 6 (no classes or private lessons may be

held during this week)

PoliciesWithdrawals from class may be made only with the permission of

the director. Students are liable for academic requirements and tuition payments for classes in questions until an official withdrawal slip has been filed with the registrar and the bursar. Non-attendance and non-payment of tuition fees do not constitute a withdrawal.

All requests for withdrawal must be made only to the Extension Division office: an informal notification of intention to withdraw made to the classroom teacher does not constitute withdrawal. The last day for official withdrawal is listed above; there are no exceptions. For withdrawals made prior to the first day of the semester, full tuition will be refunded.

Unless otherwise indicated, classes run for one semester of 15 weeks. All classes are assigned a credit value. In general, classes meeting one hour per week carry one credit per semester and courses meeting two hours a week carry two credits per semester. Most courses are offered in the fall and spring semesters.

The college reserves the right to cancel any course because of insufficient enrollment. Under such circumstances, full refunds will be made to the student. In some instances, making alternate arrangements for other coursework may generate tuition adjustments.

search for Mannes College the New School for Music

University Refund Schedulestudents dismissed for disciplinary reasons are not entitled to refunds

When course is dropped % refunded

Before semester begins 100%

Through 1st week 90%

Through 2nd week 80%

Through 3rd week 70%

Fourth week and later no refund

Private InstructionThe Mannes Extension Division offers private instruction in

different instruments. Academic subjects such as history, theory, ear training, and dictation, are not offered for private study.








The Mannes Extension Division offers an alternative conservatory experience.Ask about our unique Diploma Program, offering maximum flexibility both in scheduling and in arranging the curriculum to mesh with your musical backgrounds, needs, level of ability, and outside professional activities. Financial aid, housing, and a student visa support are all available.

Page 3: Spring 2011 Classlist











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Page 5: Spring 2011 Classlist

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Page 6: Spring 2011 Classlist


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Page 7: Spring 2011 Classlist

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