sports&soc ses 13 euskadi

Traditional Sports in Euskadi Ses 13 Sports&Society Xavier Carmaniu Mainadé

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Traditional Sports in Euskadi

Ses 13

Sports&SocietyXavier Carmaniu Mainadé

Note the names“País vasco” / Basque Country: spanish name

for the Autonomous Comunity.Euskadi: name in basque.Euskal Herria: in basque language it means:

”land of basques”, includes Navarra territory and french Basque Country. Similar to Catalonia and Catalan Territories (Valencia,

Balearic Islands and French Catalonia.

Euskadi has 2.100.000 inhabitants.

Maps and flagIkurriña (basque flag)

Euskal HerriaEuskadi

Parts of Euskal Herria

Language in EuskadiEuskera or basque.Euskera doesn’t have as much importance as

catalan does in Catalonia.Euskera is a language without an specific

origin: it’s not romanic (no ties to latin as does catalán or spanish).

To understand Euskadi well you have to know basque culture (languae, music, literature, media…).

GovernmentThe name of President of Euskadi:

“lehendakari” (basque word).They have an autonomous state but different

from Catalonia (collect taxes and give a part to Spain. In Catalonia is the other way around: Spain gives a part to Catalonia).The basque tax collecting system is called

“economic agreement”.Before the growth of catalan separatism in the

recent years, Catalonia wanted the same tax system as Euskadi.

Principales ciudades

Vitoria (Gasteiz)

Bilbao (Bilbo)

San Sebastián (Donosti o Donostia)


The Guernica tree (an oak) a symbol of basque freedom (the place where politicians took oath).

1937 nazi aerial attack in Guernica(inspired Picasso painting).

Terrorism 1959 ETA was founded (Euskadi Ta

Askatasuna: ”Basque country and freedom").

Separatist basque terrorist group. Huge influence on spanish politics

until XXIst century. Terrorism: very complex and deep

issue in Euskadi. Terrorism divides people (pro-ETA and against ETA).

They have killed cops, military officers, bussinesmen, politicians.

Random bomb attacks (Barcelona “Hipercor Attack").

2011 ETA announce the end of terrorist actions.

Basque sports

SoccerAthletic Club de

BilbaoReal Sociedad

Club for only basque players

Club from San Sebastián

TRAINERASTrainera (traditional rowing):Typical boats of fishermen of Cantabric sea (the name of this part of Atlantic Ocean).

Now rowing competitions are celebrated (San Sebastián beach, for example).


Stone dragging competitions with oxen or groups of men. A very rural sport.


Aizkolari: basque name for the trunk cutters (in basque language: "person that works with an axe").

Competitions between aizkolaris: winner was the one who cut the trunk (or trunks) first.

ROCK LIFTINGHarri-jasotze (harri: rock, jaso: to lift).You have to lift rocks of different weights: 100, 112'5, 125 o 212,5 kgs (220, 248, 275, 467 pounds)

Record: Iñaki Perurena lifted a 100 kgs. rock 1000 times in 5 hours and 4 minutes.

BASQUE PELOTAIn euskera: pilota.Players: pelotaris.Name of the court: court wall (“frontón”).Also popular in America (USA and Latin America).Many different varieties:

Pelota mano. (ball with hand)Cesta-punta (o jai alai).Remonte.Share.Paleta goma, paleta argentina o pelota paleta.Paleta negra.Etc.

Jai Alai (cesta punta)

Above: paleta // Below: pelota mano